IMDb Polls

Poll: Biggest Surprise of the 2015 Oscars Nominations?

Which do you think was the biggest surprise of the 2015 Oscar nominations?

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Poll by Pencho15

Results of 4,465 votes:

  1. 1.

    Morgan Freeman, Will Ferrell, Will Arnett, Elizabeth Banks, Charlie Day, Nick Offerman, Chris Pratt, and Alison Brie in The Lego Movie (2014)

    The LEGO Movie missing a nomination for Best Animated Film.
  2. 2.

    Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, and Wes Bentley in Interstellar (2014)

    Interstellar missing nominations for both Best Picture and Best Screenplay.
  3. 3.

    Jake Gyllenhaal in Nightcrawler (2014)

    Nightcrawler getting a single nod for Original Screenplay, while missing nominations for Picture, Actor and Supporting Actress.

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