IMDb Polls

Poll: New Shows We Can't Wait to Watch

We may have reached the traditional television season's halfway point, but lots of new series haven't premiered yet. Among these upcoming series debuts are a few destined to have a place on several "Best of 2014" lists at year's end. Others will become guilty pleasures, while some may go as quickly and quietly as they arrive.

The shows listed here fall into all of these categories, and while I can't guarantee all (or any) of them will earn huge ratings or critical acclaim, I am intrigued enough by what I've seen of them to put them on my Watchlist for at least a few episodes.

-- TV Editor Melanie McFarland

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Results of 9,341 votes:

  1. 1.

    Outlander (2014)

    Have we seen it?: A sizzle reel was recently shown to critics in Los Angeles. Why We're Excited: Based on one of the most successful genre-romance fiction franchises of the last twenty years, this adv…
  2. 2.

    Fargo (2014)

    Have we seen it?: Yes. Why We're Excited: One can be forgiven for wondering how, exactly, a series version of Fargo was going to work. But then, a person might recall that the joy of that movie wasn't…
  3. 3.

    Penny Dreadful (2014)

    Have we seen it?: A sizzle reel was recently shown to critics in Los Angeles. Why We're Excited: Series creator John Logan says he was fascinated by the idea of taking classic Universal horror monster…

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