IMDb Polls

Poll: Alliterative Celebrities A - Z

If you were asked to name a celebrity whose first and last name begin with the same letter, which name of those on the list would come to your mind first.

Note: You're not voting for your favourite person here but for the most familiar name!

Feel free to mention any names that are not on the list (there is only one for each letter of the alphabet included) in the thread on the discussion board

Make Your Choice

  1. Vote!

    Amy Adams

  2. Vote!

    Brigitte Bardot

  3. Vote!

    Charles Chaplin

  4. Vote!

    Doris Day

  5. Vote!

    Emilio Estevez

  6. Vote!

    Federico Fellini

  7. Vote!

    Ginnifer Goodwin

  8. Vote!

    Hugh Hefner

  9. Vote!

    Igor Ivanov

  10. Vote!

    Jim Jarmusch

  11. Vote!

    Kim Kardashian

  12. Vote!

    Lindsay Lohan

  13. Vote!

    Marilyn Monroe

  14. Vote!

    Nick Nolte

  15. Vote!

    Ozzy Osbourne

  16. Vote!

    Paula Patton

  17. Vote!

    Quint Quiner

  18. Vote!

    Robert Redford

  19. Vote!

    Steven Spielberg

  20. Vote!

    Shilpa Shetty Kundra

    (Included in the name of cultural diversity - there are a few languages that have a separate letter for the 'sh' sound)
  21. Vote!

    Tina Turner

  22. Vote!

    Umit Ulgen

  23. Vote!

    Vince Vaughn

  24. Vote!

    William Wyler

  25. Vote!

    Yvette Yates Redick

  26. Vote!

    Xing Xu

  27. Vote!

    Ziyi Zhang

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