IMDb Polls

Poll: Scorsese is Broadway Bound!

Scorsese is Broadway Bound! Okay, maybe not. That's a little white lie. But this hypothetical concept is a huge bit of wishful thinking inspired by Yrnej. Which of these potential adapted from a signature Scorsese film to the live theater has the best chance of snagging a Tony Award for Sir Martin Scorsese!

Sing out your answer here:

Results of 2,150 votes:

  1. 1.

    The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)

    The Wolf of Wall Street: The Opera, (Featuring music and lyrics by Marilyn Manson and set design by Damien Hirst).
  2. 2.

    Goodfellas (1990)

    Goodfellas: The Musical, (Featuring music and lyrics by Mel Brooks).
  3. 3.

    The Departed (2006)

    The Departed: The Musical, (Featuring music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim).

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