IMDb Polls

Poll: Face-Off: "Big Five" Oscars Quadruple Nominees

Only one person, Warren Beatty has "officially" secured a rare Oscars "Big Five" quadruple by securing four out of a possible four "Big Five" acting, writing, directing and producing nominations for the same film. Amazingly, he repeated the feat just three years later. Prior to 1950, only one other person, Orson Welles "unofficially" secured the same quad, but at that time Best Picture nominees were in the production company's name and not in the name of the credited producers.

Which same person Oscar nominated actor-writer-director-producer has the best same film total package in combined results for character portrayal, script writing, direction and the overall movie?

Discuss the topic here.

Results of 205 votes:

  1. 1.

    Orson Welles in Citizen Kane (1941)

    Orson Welles's Citizen Kane * predates producers being "officially" named in Best Picture nominations
  2. 2.

    Warren Beatty in Reds (1981)

    Warren Beatty's Reds
  3. 3.

    Warren Beatty in Heaven Can Wait (1978)

    Warren Beatty's Heaven Can Wait

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