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Interesting Italian Made 'Traditional Cowboy Movie'
Steve_Nyland17 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I think I sold this movie short the first couple of times through -- It is an odd mishmash to be sure, and may be the last of the Italian 'Cowboy Movies' made just before the Spaghetti Western chic had completely taken over. It is an Italian movie made by Italians with a few Gringos in the leads (Lee Van Cleef, Lionel Stander and Bud Spencer, who was a Brother, but never mind) just like a Spaghetti, yet is decidedly traditional in it's nature. If it wasn't for the comparatively excessive violence & lack of Native American characters, this could have been made with Randolph Scott and Robert Mitchum on the Universal backlots over a few weekends.

There was a period of time when Italy was making films that were an obvious attempt to compete with the "B-fare" Westerns coming out of the states, and BEYOND THE LAW sort of straddles the divide between that time of Italian made Cowboy Movies (SHOOTOUT AT RED SANDS, the overlooked FURY OF THE APACHES, GRAND CANYON MASSACRE and MINNESOTA CLAY) and when the Spaghetti mystique took over in the wake of successes like THE GOOD THE BAD AND THE UGLY, DEATH RIDES A HORSE, not to mention the SARTANA and DJANGO films -- All of which come from a different cultural sensibility that stressed style and delivery rather than trying to mimic John Ford. It was really with the walloping masterpiece of ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST that the Yanks were forced to sort of sit up & take notice of people like Sergio Leone, Ennio Moriconne, Antonio DeTeffe, Gianni Garko, Franco Nero, and Enzo G. Castellari. After about 1970 European made Westerns didn't concern themselves much with square dance scenes, romance/comedy subplots, and scenes where dozens of riders chase a stagecoach.

So BEYOND THE LAW is a sort of throw-back film to 1965 or so, with the great Lee Van Cleef excellently cast as a scruffy two bit chicken thief who turns lawman to help an utterly square, uncorruptable and interminably cheerful young mining executive just off the boat from Europe (Antonio Sabato, also very well chosen for his role) protect the payroll and silver from a mining community from ... himself. And his two crony con men (Stander and Spencer, both excellent), plus a pack of hyenas led by a caped madman (Spaghetti legend Gordon Mitchell) obsessed with stealing the loot that inconveniently turn up to give Van Cleef a chance to not only be selected as the community's new sheriff, but allow Van Cleef a chance to finally "find himself" in the role, even if he was first handed the star as part of a put-on in an elaborate swindle that just didn't work out the way it could have.

So BEYOND THE LAW is not just a Euro Western but a Caper Movie about a Heist, an Action/Adventure Buddy Film, with touches of Comedy/Romance as Van Cleef finds himself responding to the admiration of the local burlesque queen (gorgeous Graziella Granata, who even gets time to belt out a rowdy stage number), and a Fish Out of Water "dramedy" as Antonio Sabata goes from a cultured immigrant to a cold-blooded if unusually polite killer: It is his sheer, earnest cluelessness that finds itself eating away at Van Cleef's otherwise rotten heart, who goes from an unwashed dirtbag to the hero of the community in 90 minutes whether or not he wanted to -- Sabato simply charms him over and makes his character realize that destiny has oddly thrust itself upon him, and he takes up the mantle of lawman with a grim chagrin that is actually quite amusing and sort of gets you right there (thump) when all is said and done: Some law is better than no law, even if it comes from the strangest places.

Such is the lesson learned by Van Cleef, and it's interesting to view his character here as sort of a "prequel" to the jaded, disillusioned & cynical lawman/bringer of justice he would play in so many movies afterward, and a couple before even. This is no Douglas Mortimer, but a totally different person -- A fine testament to his qualities as an actor, which is something that most folks overlook in favor of a black clad "total badass" who is the best shot in the Carolinas or whatever. Fans of his work are hereby admonished to seek this movie out and give it three or four screenings if that's what it takes. Yeah it's trying to look and sound like Hollywood, not Cinematalia, but after ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST Italian Pasta directors stopped trying to prove they could do John Ford, and this film stands of a relic of when that was still an ongoing proposition.

Now, finding the RIGHT version of this film may take a couple tries: Brentwood Home Video and a couple others of those 'Bargain Bin Box Set' issuers of Public Domain Movie fare DVDs are circulating an almost colorless 85 minute version, which is too bad: Diamond Entertainment and some outfit known as "Quality Digital Productions" both have a digitally color-restored 105 minute version that, while fullframe & "squishy" in spots from the improperly lensed transfer, contains every last minute described for an English language presentation -- Almost twenty minutes longer, including the burlesque scene and a good old knock down drag out barroom brawl that has more in common with THE WAR WAGON than it does with THE FORGOTTEN PISTOLERO. But that's sort of the charm: Seeing all those guys scurrying around dressed in those silly outfits, trying to be Cowboys rather than just existing as the larger than life iconic figures we usually think of in reference to Spaghetti Westerns ... Thank God for Franco Nero, I guess.

*** out of ****
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Passable S.W. with peculiar role for Lee Van Cleef as sheriff of Silver City
ma-cortes20 November 2010
This especial Italian western blends violence, western action, plot twists, shoot'em up with high body-count , it is fast movement and that's why it results to be entertaining . This is the story of the ex-bandit who'd worn it -till he'd faced one gun too many...the young , novice engineer he had to teach to wear it- or watch to die and the young who lived only to wear one of his own ! .. and for some dollars a month -that's what they gave you for protecting people who ran like rabbits when the going got roguish ! ¨ . The picture deals with a beginner young engineer (Antonio Sabato , of course , father of known TV actor Antonio Sabato Jr.) who persuades veteran rogue (Lee Van Cleef) and his hoodlums (the veteran Lionel Stander) to help him to rid a little town of bandits who have robbed 12.000 dollars belonging to payroll of the miners . Then , the thief turns into sheriff of the little town called Silver City where is guarded the silver treasure from the mine and the baddies led by Burton (a particular performance by a Peplum-hero as Gordon Mitchell dressed in black with cloak and hat ) want to rob . Meanhile, the old gunslinger , nowadays an upright sheriff falls in love with a beautiful girl (Graziella Granata) . Outlaw Sheriff - Within the Law, Without the Law, Beyond the Law. A saddle tramp... a black hustler... and a preacher - all operating beyond the law .

It's an acceptable Spaghetti film with dazzling shootouts between the protagonists and the contenders . This meaty Western contains interesting plot , violence , crossfire and being quite entertaining , though drags, at times , in ups and downs . This average Western balances noisy action , suspense and drama with tragic final in which happens a sad , dramatic showdown . It's a classic recounting about teaching and learning between an unexperienced young finely played by Antonio Sabato who is in charge of a silver mine and a veteran roguish become marshal . Agreeable performance by Lee Van Cleef changing his usual characters , here as a honorable sheriff who defends the villagers and even confronts his friends at an amazing ending . Decent secondary cast formed by ordinary Spaghetti/Peplum players such as Carlo Gaddi, Romano Puppo, Herbert Fux, Enzo Fiermonte and including Bud Spencer in a serious role as a foreman . Enjoyable score by Riz Ortalani who composed lots of Spaghetti Western scores , it contains a sensitive musical leitmotif . There are many fine technicians and nice assistants as the cameraman Enzo Serafin who makes a nice photography with barren outdoors , dirty landscapes under a glimmer sun shot , of course , on location in Almeria , Spain , though is mostly filmed at Italy . However , being necessary a perfect remastering because of the original copy is washed-out . The motion picture was professionally directed by Giorgo Stegani , though with no originality . He's is an expert writer of Giallo and Western as ¨Blood of a silver dollar¨ and ¨ Beyond the law ¨ and occasionally Western director as ¨Gentleman killer¨and ¨Adios Gringo¨ . Rating : 5,5 , acceptable but mediocre Spaghetti that will appeal to Lee Van Cleef fans .
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Cleef's tramp with a heart
Bezenby12 June 2017
A different kind of Spag Western that tries to mix in a bit of light-hearted drama that draws the film out a lot longer than it should, but is ultimately saved by the charisma of the actors involved. Actually, it plays out more like one of those Western Westerns that are made in the West, with John Wayne in them!

Lee Van Cleef is a stinking, thieving homeless bastard with a heart, drifting through America with his equally smelly but much more wonky eyed sidekicks Lionel Stander and the other guy. Between them, they steal a bunch of miner's wages from under the nose of Czech immigrant Antonio Sabato, which gets him into stick with the mine's owner, Bud Spencer without a beard!

Thing is, Lee's ended up striking up a huge Bromance with the naïve but resourceful Sabato and feels kind of guilty for robbing him, but not enough to try and rob him again. Somehow he ends up fending off some much more violent would be robbers, and ends up sheriff of the town (and mine) (!). This doesn't bode well with his mates, who are in two minds, and four different eye directions, about whether to steal all that lovely silver that's being dug out of the mine.

Throw in big-faced evil bad guy Gordon Mitchell (with sidekick Romano Puppo) who also want the silver and are willing to kill kids and women for it, and also throw in the romance with the girl who makes Van Cleef take a bath and put some decent clothes on. He's so scummy he doesn't know how to dunk a rich tea biscuit in some tea!

That's a lot of plot up there, and that doesn't leave time for gun fights and what not. There's a fairly big one at the end, but we're talking at the end of a nearly two hour long film. Luckily Van Cleef's conflicted personality carries the film whenever he's around, as he's torn between a life of being poor and free or being settled with a roof over his head. I guess the ending is kind of sad when I think about it.

Nice looking film too, I guess if you're looking for more character development this film might be for you. If you want endless shoot outs, you might want to try something else.
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Okay, but could have been better
Wizard-84 December 1999
The basic story was very interesting, and parts of it were well executed. Especially the GREAT ending, which gives Van Cleef a chance to do some excellent acting without having to say a word.

The problem with the movie is that (uncut) it's too long, and way too drawn out. It could have been edited down by twenty minutes or so. Also, the movie does not explore Van Cleef's character's transformation enough, with is a serious mistake.

The more you like spaghetti westerns, the more chance there is you'll like it. You also get to see Bud Spencer without his beard!
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Good spaghetti but nothing special
rmahaney419 January 2002
3 rogues steal a mining company's payroll from Antonio Sabato's Czechoslovakian mining engineer at the beginning of this rather routine Spaghetti Western. They then spar with the black-clad villain Burton. The story of the transformation of Lee Van Cleef's Cutlip from criminal to marshal is interesting and could have made a really good film, but it is poorly executed with unimaginative direction and music. However, a few of the scenes, particularly those with the hostages, are effective. If you like SW, then you will find something in this film to enjoy. I did. But if you do not, then avoid. I saw a rather poor quality pan and scan VHS. The film would really benefit from widescreen.

Lee Van Cleef's performance is good, but as usual with SW there are some priceless dubbed lines like, "I never saw nor heard so many b*****ds in all my life. All you men got families that came from all over the world, right? The kid just got here and gets and little bad luck and you treat him like a dog. Who the hell do you think you are? You act like you all got hit in the head with a horse!"

Top spaghetti western list

Average SWs

For completists only (bottom of the barrel)
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Entertaining if Flawed Spaghetti Western
bkrauser-81-31106410 January 2014
Contrary to popular belief, the American west wasn't some lawless prairie/desert where only the strong like John Wayne's Rooster Cogburn and Clint Eastwood's man with no name could survive. While the likes of Jesse James and Butch Cassidy made the headlines, the average day in the life of an American westerner was pretty dull. The majority of people who lived west of the Mississippi lived in urban areas, not out in the boonies. Gun violence was actually less common in the western territories than back east and the majority of those who went out west were first generation immigrants, not idealistic white folk provoked by called for manifest destiny. Beyond the Law (1967) is a movie that may not dispel the myths of the wild, wild west, but like many Spaghetti Westerns it does put a new spin on things.

Lee Van Cleef stars as Billy Joe Cudlip, a craven thief who steals the payroll of a mining community from a naïve Czechoslovakian payroll clerk named Ben (Antonio Sabato). He is of course helped by his gang of thieves and conmen, Preacher (Lionel Stander), who dresses like his name to get rubes to trust him and James (Bud Spencer) a black man with a friendly face. Things go according to plan until Billy befriends Ben and is shoved into helping the locals recover the money. Preacher and James see this as an opportunity to steal more loot but things get further complicated when a rival gang of thieves led by Burton (Gordon Mitchell) comes into town.

Now Beyond the Law is far from a perfect movie. The acting ranges of the supporting characters range from okay to terrible and the cinematography is simplistic. Directed by Italian director Giorgio Stegani, Beyond the Law or The Good Die First brings to mind less severe Spaghetti Westerns. Rather than go the path of A Fistful of Dollars (1964), Stegani and his international crew made a movie closer to My Name is Nobody (1973) and My Name is Trinity (1970). It has the tendency to be funny and even unintentionally goofy at some points with Lee Van Cleef showing he can make the best out of a paycheck that bills him with non-English speakers.

If you're a western buff who's easy to please then Beyond the Law may be a perfect little surprise for you. It's a movie that is comfortable in its own banality. The story itself is strong, partially written by prolific Italians writers Mino Roli and Fernando Di Leo and the feel of the film is small but unique. The film was made only a year after Van Cleef's appearance in The Good the Bad and the Ugly (1966) and helped make Bud Spencer a star in his own right. It should at the very least be considered a decent B-movie.

If you're interested, try finding the 105 minute version through Diamond Entertainment and look to avoid imitators with bad digital transfers. There is a colorless butchered version that you can likely find at a bargain bin somewhere and there's a decent letterbox version you can find online. Go check it out before the ghost of Red Ryder comes back to re-mystify the west.
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Lee Van Cleef,Lionel Stander,Antonio Sabato,BUd Spencer,Gordon Mitchell.
disdressed1214 March 2009
this spaghetti western is not too bad.i though the story was interesting,and there are some good performances.Lee Van Cleef is the main star,and is quite good here.but he is overshadowed by a few others.Antonio Sabato(father of pseudo-actor Atonio Sabato Jr.)for one puts in a terrific performance,as does Lionel Stander(80'S TV show Hart to Hart.i also liked Bud Spencer(who acted in numerous spaghetti Westerns)though i wish his role had been bigger.but the real standout,in my mind,is Gordon Mitchell,for his "ice water in his veins' portrayal of Burton.the big negative for me though is the length of the film.i feel it is at least 30 minutes too long,and it moves fairly slow at times.but the performances overcome that weakness.for me,Beyond The Law (1968)is a 6/10
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Beyond the Law
BandSAboutMovies13 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Billy Joe Cudlip (Lee Van Cleef) is not a good man. But he's conflicted. Sure, he's just robbed a stagecoach of $12,000, but he feels like he owes something to the man his crimes have hurt the most, a Czech immigrant named Ben Novack (Antonio Sabàto) who was supposed to deliver that money to hard working miners.

When another gang attacks the next shipment of money - led by Gordon Mitchell - and the sherrif is killed, things change for Cudlip. He's offered the job of lawman, which his partners Preacher (an astounding Lionel Stander, trapped in Europe thanks to the blacklist) and freed slave Al (Al Hoosman, an amateur heavyweight boxer who fought in World War II and then settled in Germany, where he became an actor in thirty films) think will be quite helpful when it comes to taking all the town's silver.

Except that the gangs that come to town are way worse people than Cudlip. He now feels compelled to protect the men, women and children of Silvertown, which goes against everything he believes in. Sooner or later, he's going to have to choose between Ben and the town or Preacher and Al.

In a genre made up of loners who disappear after they get their bloody revenge or save a town, this is a rare Italian western with a hero who finds that he belongs. As the film closes, with his star cast aside, Ben stops him and says, You are not alone, Cud. You have us - you always did. You are our friend. And our sheriff."

Director Giorgio Stegani only made nine movies, but he wrote one that made a major impact: Cannibal Holocaust.

This is also worth watching just to see Bud Spencer without his beard.
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Enjoyable spaghetti
JohnSeal3 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
No one seems to have reviewed Wild East's DVD of Beyond the Law (which also includes Lee Van Cleef's The Grand Duel) so I guess I'd better take up the challenge. Unlike all previous American video releases, Wild East's disc is correctly letterboxed and includes some scenes previously only available on European prints, which immediately renders all the bootlegs and pan and scan sell-throughs redundant. The film itself is a modest affair involving Van Cleef, Lionel Stander, Bud Spencer, and the still active Herbert Fux in a caper to abscond with a silver shipment. Though the film was rather blandly shot by cinematographer Enzo Serafin--whether intentionally or otherwise, it's drenched in browns and yellows, lending it a rather dusty appearance--the proceedings are immensely improved by Riz Ortolani's majestic score. Though Beyond the Law is overlong and drags at times, a spectacular finale involving caped villain Gordon Mitchell enlivens the third act and will leave spaghetti fans satisfied.
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Saved by subtle comedy and constant action.
mark.waltz9 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Not really a conosieur of the spaghetti western to compare this to the more classic ones, I found that by watching this on its own merits, I easily enjoyed it. This certainly isn't anything new in the western genre in general but several individual moments stuck out to me to provide an interesting perspective of the director's vision. It's right after the Civil War and a stagecoach filled with people is aghast when a black man is picked up. European Antonio Sabato inquires about the whole point of the civil war, his liberal attitude giving others on the stage an eye roll.

Later on, Sabato becomes part of a plot to steal a fortune in silver, joining Lee Van Cleef who has covered up his bandit past in order to become sheriff in Silvertown and commit one last heist. Lionel Stander is also involved, as is Al Hoosman, the black man ridiculed on the stage but turning out to be his partner. Graziella Granata provides a love interest for Sabato but thankfully doesn't distract from the main plot. A bouncy music score adds to the pacing, and aided by the memorable characters ends up being better than I expected.
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one of the worst Italian westerns
spetersen-79-96204431 August 2011
Not really a "spaghetti' western, though filmed in Italy. No one wears a duster, and it's not really very violent till near the end. The movie has a weird "European" feel to it, as if the makers had no idea what the Wild West was really like. The "villagers" of Silvertown have an Old World style festival, for instance, everyone polkaing and playing happy music that would have been perfect for Oktoberfest.

Other errors are rife. One of the heroes claims to come from "Czechoslovakia"!? (A nation that didn't exist at the time - anyone who came from the area would have said they were from Bohemia, Moravia, or Austria-Hungary). Bullets are stopped by thin wooden slats. Pistols outshoot rifles. Guns can't hit a man less than 30 yards away because he's "too high up". A guy is hit by a bullet wound right in the middle of his left chest, and the wound is declared to be "not serious". A saloon singer sings, and behaves, like a European cabaret star. A western stable names a horse Taras Bulba. It's unintentionally hilarious.

Sadly when the movie tries to be funny, it catastrophically fails. The "humorous" bible-quoting crook has a long unfunny scene with a group of kids that makes no sense at all in my dubbed version. Maybe it was funnier in Italian.

There are also errors of plot. Lee Van Cleef is first seen on horseback. But a major theme for the next 45 minutes of the movie is how he needs to get himself a horse. There is a big scene where Van Cleef defends the dubious virtue of a dance hall girl, but then he never picks up on a potential romance with her. She just gets discarded along with other plot points.

Van Cleef is fun to watch as always. The other actors are varying degrees of suckitude, and the movie, in general, makes little sense. There are a couple of reasonably good scenes, which I guess is reason enough to watch this if you got it in a pack of 20 Westerns, which I did. But it sure as heck isn't worth looking up on its own, unless you are writing a book on Lee Van Cleef or something.
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Classic fun Western
Luke00184 July 2016
I'm a huge Lee Van Cleef fan and he is awesome as always in this one. This film has a decent story line which is very easy to follow (unlike plenty of other Westerns). There's a few good plot twists along the way and also has a little comedy in some parts, which I found myself chuckling at so hats off the people who made this film. It doesn't have the real seriousness that the Man With No Name trilogy and many other Westerns have, but some times you just want to watch a Western that's a little bit more laid back. A real fun watch with plenty of action and I found the ending to be really nice. The copy I watched didn't have the greatest picture quality but the film is old now so I can deal with that. I'd be interested in trying to find a better copy some where to give this another watch and enjoy even more.
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This movie was allright!
Mark-37115 October 1999
This movie was ok.....i thought it would be good since lee van cleef was in it and so was lionel stander......mainly i bought it because Bud Spencer was in it......i thought he was a main character but he was only in the movie for about 10 minutes.....the story wasn't was about a guy who came from europe to the states to deliver money to some miners but its stolen....he has to get it back and he asks lee van cleef for help...but lee was the person who robbed him! i would give this movie a 5/10
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tassilovp10 February 2004
This is a somewhat curious movie, an odd mixture between Italo western, comedy and drama (even melodrama at times!).

The main problem is that it isn't quite sure about what it is supposed to be on the whole. The shooting and fighting scences are pretty trashy. Lee van Cleef and Lionel Stander save some of the scenes although it becomes obvious that van Cleef is the wrong chap for the role of Cudlip: He's too talkative and witty in a conventional way. In the end he's torn apart between his new duty as a sheriff and his former life as a thief. You cannot even remotely compare his role to that of Sentenza or Col. Mortimer in the Dollar-trilogy.

When nothing better is on, you can probably watch this movie and get a little bit of entertainment out of it. Also see whether you can reckognize Bud Spencer. He's playing a quite untypical role which does not involve his fists.
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"Beyond the Law"
Uriah4320 October 2012
"Beyond the Law" (as it is also known as) is a poorly made Spaghetti Western starring Antonio Sabato who portrays an immigrant from Europe named "Ben Novack" who has journeyed out west to lend his knowledge to a silver mining company. Lee Van Cleef plays a thief named "Billy Joe Cudlip" who, along with his partners, "Preacher" (Lionel Stander) and "Al" (Al Hoosman), conspire to rob the payroll from the stagecoach and the silver from the mine. Bud Spencer (who later gained fame in the "Trinity" movies) plays the mine owner named "James Cooper". Additionally, bandits led by "Burton" (Gordon Mitchell) come along and rob, kill and create chaos in general. Anyway, having given the basic details of the plot I would just like to say that this is one of the worst westerns I have ever seen. The acting (for the most part) was abysmal, the script was weak, the character interactions were disjointed and the scenes had no rhythm or flow. Now, it could very well be that one reason for the incoherence between scenes was due to extreme editing after the film was shot. But even so, this was a dreadful movie completely lacking direction and expertise. For example, in one scene the townsmen have set up an ambush for the bandits. Yet the ambush is conceived so sloppily that they leave a hill open with plenty of cover and concealment for the bandits to take up a defensive position and return fire. If that wasn't bad enough, both sides prefer using pistols at long range rather than rifles. Even more incredible is the astounding accuracy all the main characters seem to have shooting these pistols at moving targets who are running and scampering all over the place. It defies common sense. Anyhow, in spite of the major flaws in this film there were a couple of elements which were slightly positive. I thought Lee Van Cleef and Bud Spencer gave decent performances in their respective roles. Likewise, Graziella Granata ("Sally Davis") was very good-looking. But other than that I see nothing worthwhile in this film.
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The ending gave this movie a thumbs down for me
jordondave-280854 May 2023
(1968) Beyond The Law/ Al di là della legge DUBBED SPAGHETTI WESTERN

I was somewhat involved with the movie for for the most part until the ending which really sucked. Lee Van Cleef as Billy Joe Cudlip he is one of a trio of thieving bandits who succeeded into stealing a small bag of money from a locked stagecoach compartment. The group also includes a pretentious preacher (George Sanders) and an African man (Al Hoosmann). Unsatisfied, the trio want to score a much bigger jackpot except that Billy is starting to build a rapport with a European dude named Ben who's general responsibility was to make sure money would be traveled safely to it's rightful owners. And things really become complicated as soon as Billy accepts a role as deputy of the small town with the only obstacle are another outlaw bandit named Burton (Gordon Mitchell) commanding a gang of outlaws who're also basically seeking for the same thing as the thieving trio which is undeserving amounts of riches. After seeing many Spaghetti westerns, there seems to be a trend where the general story lines demands spontaneous 'unpredictability' even if it doesn't make any lick of sense, and this is another example of another one of those movies where it doesn't feel the need to make any sense when it ends badly.
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A great cast and interesting plot in this spaghetti western
Leofwine_draca24 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Here's an example of the spaghetti western genre at its finest, with a complex and twisting plot, multiple characters, good action, and some of the finest actors that the genre has to offer. The combined result makes for watchable and entertaining viewing with a movie that always has something interesting going on. Things start off predictably enough as we are introduced to the eminently likable Lee Van Cleef, as a cheeky thief who steals the payroll belonging to a mining corporation which is brought to town by a very young-looking Antonio Sabato. Van Cleef finds himself on the right side of the law for a change as he befriends Sabato and helps fight off a gang of ruthless bandits who are also after the money. He even finds himself made the town sheriff. However, when the bandits turn up, led by the ruthless Gordon Mitchell, and kidnap the town's womanfolk, Van Cleef finds himself leading a full-scale battle against the enemy.

The biggest fault is probably with director Giorgio Stegani, who is at the opposite end of the talent spectrum from master director Sergio Leone. His film totally lacks style or charm so it lies on the actors to make things entertaining. Thankfully, Fernando Di Leo's script is fairly complex with some degree of characterisation and there are lots of interesting people in the tale who interact with each other in different ways. The plot is fast-paced and while there are no really impressive or memorable shoot-outs or gun-downs, a wealth of action-orientated scenes keep things moving and the full-scale battle at the film's close is both well-shot and exciting.

The cast is what makes this film really good. First of all we have genre icon Lee Van Cleef in the likable leading part of a character who begins the film as a ruthless bad guy and undergoes a complete transformation into becoming a good-natured heroic sheriff! Van Cleef is excellent in the part and really sympathetic, especially in his doomed relationship with the exceptionally pretty Graziella Granata. Secondly we have Antonio Sabato as the fresh-faced European stranger who comes to take care of the town's mining operation; you can't help but like his character and he does well with what is a rather underwritten and one-dimensional part. There's solid comic support from Lionel Stander and Herbert Fux as a pair of greedy robbers who figure in the film's surprise twist ending and the aforementioned Graziella Granata is fine as the female romantic interest. However, stealing the show is one Gordon Mitchell who has a really impressive and sinister entrance as the scary chief villain, Burton. It's surprising how much he resembles Peter Cushing in TWINS OF EVIL in his part and he relishes the opportunity to kill innocent folk and snarl orders at his men - a really nasty role. The casting and the story combine to make this a must-see for spagwest fans.
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Average Spaghetti Western
thebushwacker25 December 2021
"Beyond the Law" 1968 PG 1h 30m Original title: Al di là della legge.

It's a typical spaghetti western; filmed in Italy; in Italian; and now has English dubbing.

It has decent action, with a cookie cutter plot.

Lee Van Cleef stars as Billy Joe Cudlip, criminal turned sheriff! Van Cleef is awesome, as always.

Lionel Stander as Preacher, stands out (pun intended) and provides great comic relief. Bud Spencer is noticable as the money grubbing owner of the silver mine. And, Ann Smyrner is cute and bouncey, and provides the T&A.

Romano Puppo plays Burton, the leader of the bandits, and he is awesome. He wears this black, flat brimmed hat and a long, black, silk cape and he looks like Bela Lugosi playing Zorro. It's makes me think, A. That this is really good, but weird, costuming for 1968, and, B. He really really looks creepy. I can just imagine that in a theater, when Puppo finally gets winged, and falls to his death, the whole audience cheers! The director does a shot from above, showing Puppo lying face down in the dirt, with his cape artistically spread out. Great scene.

Overall, the picture and the sound are pretty bad. Partly because they waited too long to transfer this one from the old film. Still, it's a romp.

And guess what? Noflicks does not carry this one. LOL The Bushwacker 12/24/2021.
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Silver linings hard to find in uneven spaghetti western
Chase_Witherspoon7 January 2024
Ostensibly harmless thieves Van Cleef and his partners in crime (ex-boxer Hoosman and veteran supporting actor Stander) find themselves unwitting protagonists in the plight of a mining town when no-nonsense bandit Mitchell (in Zorro-esque garb) takes the town's women and children hostage in exchange for the town's rich silver deposits.

Essentially a lighthearted buddy-picture until the darker turn emerges late in the story when Mitchell's thugs emerge as the real villains, and conscience gets the better of Van Cleef's character.

In addition to the aforementioned trio, Sicilian heart-throb Sabato plays a young mining official trying to convince Van Cleef of his innate goodness, the attractive Granata is the town's most-eligible bachelorette and prospective future wife to Van Cleef if he can stay clean, and a bare-faced Bud Spencer also appears as the mining boss, momentarily unrecgonisable sans his trademark beard.

Aside from the sometimes melodramatic pace, I personally wasn't a fan of the rather gloomy conclusion which seemed a mean-spirited way to resolve matters when a more sympathetic ending beckoned. But it wasn't meant to be, and consequently this uneven spaghetti western is hard to like in spite of its initially good intentions.
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The sound of the wind on the landscape is in equal measure to the winds of the human soul!
k_grall15 September 2019
Lee van Cleef. Sorry, even in this unremarkable role here, this actor pulls off a mildly compelling role.

What I loved in this movie was the craft in innovation, of the camera angle and shots taken, repeatedly. And the innovation in these regards was in tune in portraying the innovative ways van Cleef and his three other men gun-fought, or were in wagon chases. This, with the music, is if credit to this probably less -remarkable spaghetti-western. It does it for me, and speaks to the human soul. Directly.
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scare a silver man
lee_eisenberg11 February 2022
As with most of the spaghetti westerns, you can't take Giorgio Stegani's "Al di là della legge" (called "Beyond the Law" in English) as anything highbrow. It's all about the camerawork and ambiance. Lee Van Cleef - a few years out from his role in "For a Few Dollars More" - plays a thief-turned-sheriff who has to stop a set of goons from stealing some silver from an Old West town. But things aren't as easy as they look.

The main thing about the European westerns is that they were a break from the John Wayne mold. Far from the wholesome, idealized image of the Old West in the average movie starring Roy Rogers or Gene Autry, these movies depicted the Old West as a gritty, even dismal setting. Although if you ask me, the movie that did an especially good job focusing on the Old West was Robert Altman's "McCabe and Mrs. Miller". In the meantime, you'll probably enjoy this one.

I see that one of the filming locations was Almería, Spain. That was also the filming location of the tank chase in "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade".

PS: Antonio Sabàto died of COVID last year. I understand that his son is a TV star, but I'm not familiar with him.
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You are never too old for this -- even if the evil ones in it are.
johnlmodra8 February 2021
What a fresh and funny crime drama made most enjoyable by the 3 amigos and the real tensions played out in the key characters. This story is such an antidote to the boring; predictable dramas on now Its both serious and funny by not being boringly politically correct about real human tensions . a great night night out in the war zone .
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