They Call Me Trinity (1970) Poster

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Let Bud and Terence entertain you.
latsblaster19 June 2003
'Lo chiamavano Trinità' is one of the most charming and funny comedies ever made. The incredible duo Spencer/ Hill is fabulous. When you watch 'Lo chiamavano Trinità', it's like you get a good feeling all the time (you will get the same feeling if you watch the sequel). 'Lo chiamavano Trinità' is very unpretentious - and the simple jokes hits you all the time. It has also wonderful music (the sequel has even better music). Trinity is for me without doubt one of the most charismatic characters ever in filmhistory. I have to mention a quote:

Mescal: It's mierda! (When tasting the farmers soup)

Rating: 8 of 10.
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A true gem of western/comedy movie.
Rambimbo13 March 2000
I first saw this Trinity movie in the mid-seventies and laughed and snickered through it. Recently, I watched it again, and found that it held up well over the past decades, and recommend it highly. The humor in this movie is both subtle and broad. The lead actors, Terence Hill and Bud Spencer, slyly parody spaghetti western stereotypes without hamming it up. They do a masterful job at underplaying their characters' brotherly dislike of each other. There is plenty of broad humor too. Trinity is so scruffy and dirty that when he sits down to eat, puffs of dust fly up. The production values are generally pretty high; this doesn't look like a cheap movie. But the dubbing, as in any dubbed movie, is very obvious. Still, this is a highly enjoyable movie.
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"Welcome, brothers!"
bensonmum228 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I am by no means an expert on the 19 or so Terence Hill / Bud Spencer films. But of the handful I have been able to see, They Call Me Trinity just might be my favorite. I distinctly remember watching this movie over 30 years ago and thinking it was one of funniest, most enjoyable movies I had ever seen. Re-watching it last night, I realized that, although my opinion isn't quite as high as it once was, I still enjoyed They Call Me Trinity immensely. It's not perfect, but it sure it fun. Hill and Spencer play off each other as well as any of the better known Hollywood duos. They complement each other in both style and appearance. There are a few moments that had me laughing out loud. Their first meeting with the Mexican bandits while unintentionally disguised as Mormons is one of these moments. Hill also has some particularly funny scenes on his own. One that I remembered from my first viewing three decades ago was the scene where Hill eats the entire plate of beans. Good stuff! And who doesn't get a kick out of the dust-covered Hill being pulled along behind his horse. It's a classic image right up there with Django dragging the coffin through the mud. There's just something about both of these scenes that I find very funny.

But what I really enjoy the most is the way They Call Me Trinity makes fun of some of the better known Spaghetti Western clichés. There are several examples I could use, but I'll just cite one. In most Spaghetti Westerns, the main character is usually an expert shot. So expert, in fact, that they almost never miss. Look at Lee Van Cleef in Sabata or Clint Eastwood in The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly for example. Van Cleef's Sabata is able to his any target at any distance and Eastwood's Blondie has no problem hitting the rope about to hang Tuco. Trinity takes this already exaggerated ability to the absurd. As seen in the one of the bar fights, Trinity can hit targets behind his back - without looking. If you're a fan of these movies, you'll enjoy They Call Me Trinity's poke at Spaghetti Western conventions.
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the greatest comedy/western ever made!
kvblshemp5 April 2003
Action! Laughs! Beans! Filth! Flies! Sweat! B.O.!...It's all here in this terrific film about two half brothers (Hill and Spencer) who team up to save a helpless group of mormon farmers from marauding mexican banditos and a ruthless gang of ranchers. the entire cast is outstanding and never disappoints in keeping the viewers interested and entertained. the sound effects crew deserved an academy award, as one can practically feel the pain with every punch and slap! The climactic fight scene is the one which all fight scenes should be measured by (poor Mezcal!). It is absolutely hilarious! Tobias would be honored if you'd share their meager meal with them. Buy this title, "Trinity is still my name" and "My name is Nobody." All are classics for the archives.
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One of the few comedy westerns I like - - watch out for the lousy DVD
westerner3577 October 2004

I have to admit I'm not one for comedy westerns but this one was actually funny in parts. It's almost as funny as SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SHERIFF (1971) and I would almost consider it a welcome addition to my DVD collection were it not for the fact that the current Direct Source Media DVD weren't so awful.

Trinity (Terence Hill) a dirty, dusty drifter-turned bounty-hunter comes to town to pay a visit to his horse-thieving half-brother Bambino (Bud Spencer) who's pretending to be the real sheriff. Bambino's looking for the best way to rustle some of the Colonel's horses before he leaves and he's not interested in letting Trinity cut in. In the meantime, the Colonel (Farley Granger) is doing some plotting of his own, not only to get rid of Bambino but also to displace some Mormons who are settling on some land he wants for his own cattle.

The fights, the stunts and the gunplay Trinity and Bambino play on the Colonel's men is hilarious. I like it when Bambino uses the bottom of his fist to hit the bad guy's on the top of the head. And the ending fist fight scene at the Mormon's camp cracks me up. No wonder this film made Hill and Spencer popular in Europe.

Like I said, the DVD is a travesty with a transfer that's watchable but looks like it was lifted from a VHS source. The print itself the transfer was taken from is pretty grainy with bad splices and an audible hum in the soundtrack. It deserves a failing grade.

The TRINITY series needs the Anchor Bay DVD treatment, really bad. Since these Euro westerns were so popular, I'm surprised they haven't secured the rights to it yet.

7 out of 10

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They Call Him 'Stinkweed'
zardoz-1311 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Terence Hill had been acting in movies for almost twenty years before he took the lead in "Unholy Four" director Enzo Barboni's "They Call Me Trinity" (1971) with his favorite co-star Bud Spencer. Initially, Hill made his cinematic debut in 1951 as a child actor in director Dino Risi's "Vacation with a Gangster" under his real name Mario Girotti. Later, Girotti would appear in co-directors Gillo Pontecorvo & Maleno Malenotti's "The Wild Blue Road" (1957), and director Luchino Visconti's "The Leopard" (1963). When Franco Nero became popular, Nero's popularity was so vast that he couldn't appear in every Italian film so the Roman film industry found suitable substitutes, among them Maurizio Merli and Terence Hill. Hill starred in several Spaghetti westerns, including a Nero-esquire oater, director Ferdinando Baldi's brilliant "Viva Django!" (1968) as well as in the Giuseppe Colizzi incomparable trilogy, "God Forgives, But I Don't" (1967), "Ace High" (1968), and "Boot Hill" (1969), where he met Bud Spencer.

Although it did not qualify as the first Spaghetti western parody, "They Call Me Trinity" cemented Hill's claim to fame, and he became famous in his own right. Italian film comics Franco Franchi and Ciccio Ingrassia had starred in the parody picture "Two R-R-Ringos from Texas" as early as 1967. Meantime, this landmark, low-brow western slapstick shoot'em up roughly imitates the same trail as George Stevens' "Shane" with Alan Ladd and John Sturges' "The Magnificent Seven." Not only did "They Call Me Trinity" turn Terence Hill into an international box office superstar, but also Bud Spencer and he wound up co-starring in 18 films. They met on Colizzi's "God Forgives, But I Don't" when Hill replaced actor Pietro Martellanza after the latter broke his leg and found himself acting with Spencer. Ironically, cinematographer-turned-director Enzo Barboni is reported to have persuaded Sergio Leone to watch "Yojimbo" because it would make a great western. Barboni lensed his share of Spaghetti westerns, including "The 5-Man Army," "The Hellbenders," "A Long Ride from Hell," and "Viva Django!"

Although it is not the first Spaghetti spoof, "They Call Me Trinity" ranks as one of the top five Italian western comedies, bracketed by its side-splitting sequel "Trinity Is Still My Name" and director Tonino Valerii's "My Name Is Nobody." Unfortunately, Barboni never delivered a third "Trinity," but he did make an inferior spin-off western "Trinity & Bambino: The Legend Lives On." Incidentally, do not be fooled into believing that director Mario Camus' "Trinity Sees Red" is a "Trinity" sequel because it is not. Furthermore, Terence Hill does not play Trinity. Presumably, the distributors were banking on Hill's identity as Trinity to see the film. Terence Hill displayed a knack of comedy so that he could move from a dramatic role to a comedic one. Trinity's first appearance makes it clear he is not a hero in the western tradition of John Wayne riding tall in the saddle. Instead, Trinity sprawls out comfortably on a travois, dragged by his faithful horse that attracts his attention when have reach a stopping point like the Chaparral Stage Coach Station.

Covered from head to toe in dust, Trinity (Terence Hill) fetches his horse some hay and enters the station. The owner gives him a plate of beans. Two bounty hunters with a Mexican in their custody watch in fascination as Trinity polishes off his beans. As he leaves, Trinity takes the poor Mexican with him to the surprise of the bounty hunters. As he strolls out the door with his back to the bounty hunters, they try to bushwhack him. Trinity casually plugs both of them without a backward glance. He just keeps on traipsing along with the little Hispanic to his horse. This scene depicts Trinity's incredible marksmanship. Later, we discover that he can slap a man faster than the other man can draw his own six-gun. The long funny scene when Trinity appropriates the huge pan of beans and wolfs them down with a slab of bread is an amusing gastronomic gag. Thereafter, eating beans became a trademark for both Trinity and Hill. Altogether, Hill is just plain, downright affable as the protagonist who you cannot help but like because he radiates some much charisma.

In the next scene, Trinity rides into town where his half-brother Bambino (Bud Spencer) is masquerading as the town sheriff. Bambino is known as 'the left hand of the devil' and he guns down three tough-talking gunslingers when they challenge his authority. As it turns out, Bambino escaped from prison, shot a man following him, learned the wounded man was a sheriff and then took his job. Bambino is waiting for his fellow horse rustling thieves, Weasel (Ezio Marano of "Beast with a Gun") and Timmy (Luciano Rossi of "Deaf Smith & Johnny Ears") to arrive so they can head for California. Major Harriman (a mustached Farley Granger of "The Man Called Noon" doing faux Southern accent) is trying to run a community of Mormons out of a scenic valley where he would rather see his horses grazing. "Either you leave this valley, old man, or I'll bury you in it," Harriman assures Brother Tobias (Dan Sturkie of "Man of the East"), the leader of the Mormons. Eventually, Harriman teams up with an evil Mexican bandit, Mezcal (Remo Capitani of "The Grand Duel"), and his army of horse thieves. Of course, Trinity and Bambino thwart the Major and the Mexicans and save the Mormons from sure suicide.

The slapping scene in the saloon between Trinity and the Major's hired gunmen is hilarious. Bambino and Trinity get along for the most part, but Bambino has little respect for his half-brother's apparent lack of ambition. Nevertheless, the comedy emerges from their clash of personalities. "They Call Me Trinity" relies on broad humor, some shooting, and a lot of fist-fighting, but this western is neither violent nor bloody. The opening theme song provides a thumbnail sketch of Trinity and it hearkens back to similar theme songs in American westerns made in the 1950s.
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First great success of the famous starring couple , Trinity and Bambino
ma-cortes25 July 2005
The movie concerns Trinity (Terence Hill or Mario Girotti) , a roguish and sympathetic gunman with fast weapon who works as a bounty hunter . His brother Bambino (Bud Spencer) is a sheriff in a village but also an undercover thief who attempts to execute a heist . They'll face off a rich owner (Farley Granger) and some Mexican marauders who try to evict a group of Mormons . They help the pacific homesteaders and the confrontation will be inevitable but is developed by means of successive fights without blood , neither gore , nor cruel murders .

This entertaining picture packs comedy , action , shootouts and lots of brawls and fights . The violence isn't crude but light and predominates the comedy and parody . The storyline is embarrassing and ridiculous but has its agreeable moments here and there . It's a spaghetti western with comedy and develops the usual issues : invincible antiheroes , spectacular showdown , amusing taking on but united to slapstick and simple humor . It's an entertaining Italian western with adequate runtime where there is irony , tongue-in-cheek , shootouts , numerous struggles and is quite funny and amusing .

Though this was their first really big hit movie, the film was actually the fifth picture that Terence Hill and Bud Spencer had both worked on and the fourth which they both had starring roles. The nickname that Trinity was called because he was such a fast quick-draw with his gun was "The Right Hand of the Devil" , the nickname that Bambino was called was "The Left Hand of the Devil¨ . Terence Hill is a good guy , hilarious and likable ; Bud Spencer is a rough , two-fisted , bouncing , grumpy man but with good heart , their characters are partially similar to Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy . The film is a spoof of famous films such as ¨The magnificent seven¨ and ¨Blazed saddles¨ but covered with spaghetti . The picture obtained a sequel with the same protagonists and director , ¨Trinity is still my name¨ , which also achieved much success and many years later a third part , ¨Troublemakers¨ , directed by Terence Hill . Besides , originated a series of awful imitations and copies . Rating : nice and bemusing .
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"He's The Talk Of The West, Always Cool, He's The Best!"
ShadeGrenade12 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
By 1970, the spaghetti western genre was looking tired, until Enzo Barboni made this amiable romp. Terence Hill plays the 'Trinity' of the title, a blue-eyed gunslinger so laid back as to make 'The Man With No Name' look like The Milky Bar Kid. Teaming up with his brother 'Bambino', a bearded giant of a man portrayed by Bud Spencer, they come to the aid of a Mormon community under threat from a greedy landowner played by Farley Granger.

Hill and Spencer make a great double act. The film manages to be hilarious without being crude or offensive. Highlights include Trinity shooting a man dead without once turning round, some improvised surgery to remove a bullet ( using whisky as anaesthetic ) and, of course, the climax in which the normally passive Mormons engage in battle with the Major's men. Great music here! Unsurprisingly, the film broke box office records in Italy and led to a sequel 'Trinity Is Still My Name' which, alas, wasn't nearly as good.
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Mark-37127 February 2000
Trinity (Terence Hill) is a drifter, and has nothing better to do than roam around the country, sleeping on his cot attached to the saddle of his horse. He somehow drifts into a town, where his brother, Bambino,(Bud Spencer) is the Sheriff. Bambino hates his brother,because all Trinity does is cause trouble.Bambino tries everything to make him leave town. Trinity finds out that his brother isn't the real sherrif. Bambino shot the real sherrif in the leg and stole his badge and left him for dead. So Trinity has a great idea! BLACKMAIL! Bambino doesn't object, because there is a gangster in town called " The Major", who wants to kill some mormon settlers, who are living in a valley he wants for himself. He needs Trinity's help to stop the Major from killing the mormons, and steal all the Majors' Stallions!

This movie is an EXCELLENT comedy! It shouldn't be rated as a western. It is a "B" movie straight from Italy but I think its great! Everyone likes the scenes where Bambino hits people on the top of thier heads and knocks them out! Thats very origanal!

The sequel to this movie is almost as good as the origanal! It's called "Trinity is Still my Name", but the best movie with both Terence Hill and Bud Spencer is "Watch Out were Mad!".(A modern-day comedy) Check them out on

They call me Trinity gets a 7/10
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One of my all-time favorites!
sperman696 September 2001
I LOVE this movie! Probably the most epic with Bud & Terence. Super-funny spaghetti western. All the typical elements of their films are present: lots of bar fights, people flying everywhere, the usual, wonderful cheap jokes... legendary the final mega-fight between the mormons and the bad guys! A Must-see for every age! :D
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Tonight Menu: Spaghetti Western with Beans. They call me, Trinity was kinda good. Not the best. Not the worst.
ironhorse_iv8 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
While, there has been spaghetti westerns films in which both Italian movie stars, Mario Girotti AKA Terence Hill and Carlo Pedersoli AKA Bud Spencer started in, together before 1970's 'They Call Me, Trinity'; like 1967's 'God Forgives, I Don't', 1968's 'Ace High' and 1969's 'Boot Hill'. It was here in this film that really establish and introduce the comedy team of Hill & Spencer as mainstream comedy duo that would continue on, for years. The movie was written and directed by Enzo Barboni under the name, E.B. Clucher & it tells the story of drifter, turned bounty-hunter, Trinity (Terence Hill), coming to a town, where his horse-thieving half-brother Bambino (Bud Spencer) is pretending to be a real sheriff in order, to go against a local Major, Harriman (Farley Granger), who is trying to get rid of the Mormon settlers, in an attempt for land control. Without spoiling the movie, too much, I have to say, the quick on his feet, Hill and the powerhouse, Spencer really work well as a team, here, as the eponymous Trinity and juggernaut, older brother, Bambino despite not looking anything near like brothers. The story was a lot of fun with all the twist and turns in Trinity's character development. The man toward the end, is clearly, not the same laid-back guy from the beginning of the film as he grows more caring for the people, he swore to protected, even if most of it, was cause by the charms of polygamy. Despite, Trinity changed as a person, the main story is still pretty plain and standard. After all, this isn't the first western film that had defenseless people who are threatened to be driven of their land by a ruthless cattle owner. While, the enemies is kinda forgettable in this film. At least, some of the supporting villains, are somewhat memorable like Mezcal (Remo Capitani), the Mexican theft. One thing, I didn't get with the film is, is where the settling and timeframe for the film, were at. After all, it's pretty jarring to see Mexicans interact with Mormon settlers, in what I supposed, is the Utah Territory. I can somewhat see it, if the movie was placed, somewhere between 1830 to 1850, when the State of Deseret or the Mormon Corridor was somewhat of an idea and California & Nevada was in Mexico's control; however, it doesn't match up, well with the technology and clothing feature in this film. I know that, a bit of a stretch of nitpicking, but it was indeed a bit puzzling for me, to see then-Mormon be, unwilling to fight, when the majority of their early history is spent fighting with U.S Government during the Utah War of 1857. While, yes, there wasn't any actual battles. However, these men & women, weren't pushed overs. There were some casualties, mostly in non-Mormon civilians, like the Mountain Meadows massacre. Anyways, the origins and genesis of the Trinity movies are just as bit obscure. When, you hear, the word, 'trinity', you first think of 3. However, this movie only has two protagonists, then the three as it was originally attended. Somewhere, during early rewrites, somebody must had proposed to bring down the number from three to two, because it wasn't working. In my belief, I always thought that Steffen Zacharias as Jonathan was supposed to be, given a bigger role, than Bambino's servlet, but his scenes were really cut down. Another belief is that Brother Tobias (Dan Sturkie) is the third guy, because, how all three of them, called themselves, brothers. Then, there is the fact, that Trinity also related to the Bible as the Father (God), the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit—as "one God in three Divine Persons". While, the movie does have hidden religionist overtones, it's not too preachy or in your face to notice. In the end, director Enzo Barboni has always sustained that the film's two main characters reflected the two typical men obsessions, food and sex. They're supposed to represent the lazy, unreliable, unwashed, somewhat crooked heroic humors of American Western. It's no wonder, why these movie has been known as fagioli (beans) westerns. It's all, about being somewhat gross and having a good laugh. It seems from the director that he had been soliciting producers with a script for a comedy western for years, as he wasn't very fond of the brutality of shoot-outs, that the Italian western had brought into the genre. Looking for over-the-top yet, cock-eyed logic fist-fights action-packed approached, he somewhat save the Spaghetti Westerns genre with this film. Those fights are among the most elaborated ever filmed, and were the result of the years of experience of the Italian stuntmen with barroom brawls in more serious spaghetti westerns. Virtually every stuntman available was present in the movie. It was a mostly fun watch. However, while, this movie does have some funny moments; some of the humor was somewhat dated, even when this film came out. It could had been a little funnier at parts. In my opinion, the sequel, 1971 'Trinity Is Still My Name' was a lot better. Another problem with the film is the differences in various versions. Since the movie was once in the public domain, at least until 1996; many video releases were of a poor quality, often grainy, and missing key scenes like how Bambino became the sheriff or the Major going to Mexico. So watch out for that. Overall: While, this movie created a subgenre of its own, spawning an entire army of sequels, spin-offs, imitations, and others. Then, there is also the fact that other films published under the Trinity brand, not truly canon. The rest are earlier, more serious and grim films also starring Hill and Spencer but in different roles like 1969's 'Boot Hill'. So watch out for that. In the end, 'They Call Me Trinity' is a must watch for any Spaghetti Western fan. A true gem.
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A timeless cinematographic masterpiece for all western lovers
paulofromportugal4 June 2015
This is a cinematographic masterpiece for all western lovers.

It is a stylish, cool, fresh, funny and intelligent Spaghetti Western.

Where to start? The first couple of minutes of the movie, are very much a typical Italian entrance!

The cool laid back entrance, a sleepy Trinity is being dragged in a travois by his horse, with Alessandro Alessandroni whistling the incredibly catchy "Trinity titoli" score, clearly tells you are in for a "tour de force" of a movie! Terence Hill portraits Trinity, an insolent drifter, that wants to constantly be near is brother Bambino, portrayed by Bud Spencer, "a common horse thief and not a very good one either", according to Trinity, which due to previous events is the new sheriff of a calm town... until the arrival of Trinity that is! As Bambino explains "One shop destroyed. Three heads split like overripe melons. One man wounded and one castrated. All in two hours."

The Love/Hate relationship between the brothers, clearly outlined by Trinity being the right hand of the devil and Bambino the left hand of the devil, their mother that is a whore but not an old one (!), the Mexican prisoner that killed a "Gringo" (with a very little knife!) just because "he wanted to make love to his wife" , the Mormons, Mezcall's gang, the Mormon sisters, the beans (which weren't that good anyway!), the Major and that Colt .45,

The special effects are minimal, a honourable mention for the fast- forward pistol drawing technique used by Trinity :). The sequel has a even funnier moment, where Trinity slaps an opponent.

I rated it 10/10 because I grew up with Italian westerns and this one used to be one of my favourites, it brings me back so many memories!!

The most interesting thing is that, although it was released in the late 60's it has maintained it's freshness. The score, the fights, the gun-fights, the dialogue, everything. A timeless masterpiece, that has stood the test of time, something that many US westerns from the same time struggle to do.

The comedy is spot one and the lip sync is almost perfect, but this only adds to the charm of this masterpiece.

Have I mentioned the famous "Trinity Titoli" song? That has to be one of the most fantastic scores in cinema, hands down!!!

Trust me you need to watch this movie, it will make you feel younger and energised. I swear on Trinity's mother "May she become an honest woman, if I'm tellin' a lie."
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How the West was fun
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews17 November 2009
I have watched the direct sequel, Trinity is Still My Name, but none of the others. With that said, I can't draw many comparisons, because I honestly don't remember much of it. I suppose I do see the appeal, however, Spaghetti(or regular) Westerns just aren't my genre. Therefore, I haven't seen a lot with Spencer or Hill, either. The former gets to do his schtick of brawling against a ton of non-speaking extras, and the latter engages in some of that as well, and uses his charm. I believe that anyone into them and/or this kind of movie would enjoy this immensely. The fights are big, with marvelous stunt-work and a great balance between being realistic and exaggerated. Acting and dubbing are well-done, and this has your usual batch of nasty-looking types that you expect from this. Editing is good. The plot is interesting enough, and this has that flavor of the environment that films like this ought to. Sound is fitting(as is the way for these, hitting someone makes a loud noise), and the music is nice. There is not a lot of offensive material in this, and people of most ages should be fine. I recommend this to any fan of those who made it. 7/10
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Inexplicably popular Western is fairly dull throughout.
gridoon9 November 2003
This movie is overrated, to say the least. It's not good as a comedy, and it's not good as a "serious" film either. The pacing is far too plodding for the former, and there is too much lame slapstick for the latter. The only laughs come from some of Bud Spencer's reaction shots when he becomes exasperated by his brother's behavior. The dubbing is excellent but the full-screen framing is appalling. (*1/2)
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Highly Entertaining Spaghetti Western
bart-11716 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
(one *slight* spoiler in the last line)

What a great movie, one of the best spag westerns I've seen so far. I didn't find this movie to be as funny as I thought it was going to be based on the other reviews I've read, but I did find it to be a thoroughly entertaining gem with a slightly twisted world-view.

For me the strong appeal of this film was a result of the many strong characters and just as importantly, a tight, well written script which gets more and more compelling with each passing scene. By the time the film reached its conclusion I was totally drawn in.

I'm not surprised that there were so many sequels to this ... at the end, when Trinity and Bambino (Terrence Hill and Bud Spencer) inevitably ride off into the sunset their characters are so interesting you really want to follow them and find out what's going to happen to them next. Not to mention the other characters like the Major and the drunk Mexican (I heard this was really Sonny Bono in one of his early roles? Just kidding.)

I liked the ending of this film. Although there's never any doubt that Trinity and Bambino will prevail, the way they win the day was unexpected, and, in keeping with the traditional western archetype, the violent men who win with their fists and revolvers suddenly find themselves out of place in the stable society they help to build.

I would not say this is the greatest western of all of all time, but definitely an entertaining way to spend a Saturday afternoon and the type of characters and plot I wish we would see more of from today's filmmakers.

Plus ... how often do you get to see a bunch of Mormons kicking holy ass?

Bart Blackstone * Film Club Hollywood CA
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What a Spaghetti Western should be
knsevy16 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers

The infamous Trinity: 'Right Hand of the Devil' by name, but known better as 'The Laziest Gun in the West'. If the opening sequence of our 'hero' being dragged slowly across the desert on a litter doesn't give it away, his non-reaction to being dragged through a river will.

This movie set the running gags for all those to follow: the dirt, the lackadaisical attitude, the interplay between Trinity and Bambino, and the grotesque eating scenes. These movies do seem to put comedy before the western aspects; dirt aside, they're not really gritty. This is not 'Lonesome Dove', by a long shot.

Terence Hill and Bud Spencer made a slew of movies together, not all of them westerns, and not all of them watchable (see any of their cop movies for evidence), but they did have great chemistry. Hill always played an impish but earnest thorn in Spencer's side, and Bud Spencer essayed his roles as a malevolent Oliver Hardy type. All he really lacked was Hardy's trademark exasperated look into the camera.

If I could ask for one improvement, it would be better choreography in the many fight scenes, but you can't expect a whole lot from Spaghetti Westerns on this score, anyway.
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story shines through ever deteriorating sound and picture
flow_smelly5 May 2002
just bought this and the sequel on dvd. every time i see a new american market copy of this movie the picture and sound just get worse. that no one has given this film the treatment it deserves... original sound/language, subtitle options, dubbed version option, letterboxing, restored print and sound, etc... makes a thoughtful person wonder.

my sometimes too protective mother let me watch this movie as a kid and watching it now i wonder why. i think she was a sucker for sexy leads. it embodies everything that is/was deemed tasteless by those who would know and really don't. it's the long gone pre pc violence of bugs bunny cartoons, three stooges dysfunction with a twist of simpsons atheism. it begs no qualitative analyses of point or moral only craft. and craftwise it's glorious. cheap, direct, clever and simple. somehow it all adds up to something more than meaningless debate on harmful vs. harmless, not to mention it's hella funny.

i like it all from the burt bacarachish neil diamondish theme song to the dubious decision to dub. (and by the way this film is very well dubbed. if you don't feel so i'm guessing you haven't watched many asian films.)

clucher's film is not just a great western it's a great movie period. like it's protagonist it's carefree, dirty (really dirty), and decent. if i was unbiased i'd give this movie a 7.5 or 8 out of 10. but this movie sits close to my heart. especially when enduring the endless flow of garbage at todays cineplexes. 10 out of 10.

some favorite funny lines

"our weapons are faith and love." brother tobias

"only love shall combat evil..." sarah and judith

"god is with us" brother tobias

thanks mom
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My fave movie!
Mark-3714 October 1999
This movie is very will always be one of my faves....especially the fight in the bar where some guys calls bambino's mom a whore. Its too bad that Terence Hill and Bud Spencer never mad it big in canada and usa.
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Is that what they say?!
stevefuller-9746813 January 2019
This movie and its sequel bring together two of the best underrated comedy duos of its time. I have great memories of watching this movie with my uncle and father. For its time the writing and directing is impeccable. The comedic timing is off the chart. As you can see I am and have always been a huge fan. I have watched many Bud Spencer and Terence Hill movies since but the rest have fell short of the magic they mad playing Trinity and Bambino in both movies. Please, if you have never watched these films take the time to do so. Remember as your watching that ther are over 40 years old and take them for what they are. Fun fun fun!

Thanks for taking time to read.
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An Amusing Spaghetti-Western
Uriah4329 October 2014
"Trinity" (Terence Hill) and "Bambino" (Bud Spencer) are brothers who just happen to meet each other in a town out in the middle of nowhere. Bambino is a crook who is posing as a new sheriff and has his eyes set upon stealing some horses which belong to a dishonest rancher by the name of "Major Harriman" (Farley Granger). However, the sudden appearance of his brother upsets him because wherever Trinity is trouble soon follows. To make matters even more complicated a group of Mormons have set up camp on prime grazing land which Major Harriman wants at all costs and the presence of the new sheriff and his brother have suddenly become an obstacle to his plans. At any rate, rather than reveal any more of this movie and risk spoiling it for those who haven't seen it I will just say that this is an amusing Spaghetti-Western comedy made even better by the performances of Terence Hill and Bud Spencer. Very amusing indeed. In short, I recommend this movie to anybody who might enjoy a film of this type.
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The best Spaghetti-Western ever
salk10 November 2004
I am Italian and I have seen many spaghetti-western productions in my life. This movie is by far the best ever produced. The sequel is comparatively poor and not recommended. The two main characters work astoundingly well together and play at their fullest potential. A special mention to the "Mayor", for once a very likable "bad guy", and its irony. The movie is much stronger in the first half when it builds up tension and expectations. The first few minutes when Trinità is eating beans are simply legendary. The ending is. on the opposite of all other movies made by the couple, not really "happy" and I did like it. This movie mixes many ingredients together and the result is a wonderful and tasty juice. Recommended! 9/10
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Right Devil's hand and Left Devil's hand together!!
elo-equipamentos13 December 2018
Was in 1976 the very first time l'd watched this movie on TV, Since then Hill & Spencer hooked me forever, the picture as wersten is a crap, but the chemistry over the duo main characters are unbeatable, the main reason to explain such success should be that in every movies, they don't are friends properly, quite often argue each other and Spencer in always a bad temper guy, who refuses their brotherhood, a particular sub plot was when trinity realise that could marry with both mormon's beautiful girls because they acepting polygamy in their religion, but epic final when the brother Tobias was making a speech about cutting tree until be exhausted,and seeding the ground work overload, he turns your face to your distant brother trying making a right choice and suddenly disappeared, a funny scene fatefully never unsurpassed, sadly this picture in Brazil is only available in bad picture and no dubbed classic version!!!


First watch: 1976 / How many: 3 / Source: TV-DVD / Rating: 7.5
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Very Funny
liodavix15 February 2019
Mythic film that started the golden stage of spaghetti-Westerns, as well as the legendary duo Spencer-Hill.

Directed precisely by one of the pioneers of this genre, Enzo Barboni, here under his pseudonym, EBClutcher, as was usual at that time, like Carlo Pedersoli (Bud Spencer) and Mario Girotti (Terence Hill), this was a strategy that was used so that these films, in principle made to amuse the European public with its peculiar style of adapted western and in a certain way, parodied, also reach the Anglo-Saxon public, and disguise a little the Italian flavor of these productions.

However, it is precisely that parody, carefree and also comical tone that encumbro to this genre, and in particular, to this film.

Here the protagonists are not straight and honorable agents of the law who punish the thugs and bandits, but they themselves are those bandits, two brothers to be exact, one the youngest, is called Trinidad, attractive, scoundrel, sympathetic, rogue , flirt, vague and anti-hygienic, but fearsome and deadly with the revolver, they nickname him the right hand of the devil.

And on the other hand is his brother, ¨the boy¨, of great stature, grumpy, gluttonous, disheveled and with strong differences with his brother, with whom he nevertheless shares the same unrivaled skill as a gunman ¨ the left hand of the devil¨.

The destinies of both will cross without that they look for it, in a remote town where the boy of falsely makes happen like the sheriff, with the only intention to wait for two comrades with those who to sack the bank of the town, but the arrival of his brother Trinidad, and his particular gift of getting into trouble will completely disrupt the plans of both.

What we have then, is an atypical western so far, where protas are far from being heroes, if not rather two nice scoundrels who will be carried away by events, which usually resolve shots, or hammer, Yes, always with a sense of humor and a kindness, because both brothers are really good-natured, only tanned in the harsh world of the wild West replete with gunmen, thieves, exploiters and all kinds of "actor".

Very well set, of course, in Spain, specifically in Almeria, in the desert of Tabernas, where almost all the films of the genre were filmed, Barboni shows us a Far West quite realistic and approximate to how it should have been in reality, arid , dry, miserable towns exploited by greedy magnates and their thugs, fugitives, bandits, prostitutes, drunkards, people of dubious morality, disheveled. dirty, with beards and dusty hair, the purpose was to break with the classic image of the old films of John Ford or Raoul Walsh, for a type of western as I said before, more casual, more comical.

The chemistry between Spencer and Hill works like a charm and is what sustains a script sometimes hilarious and witty, but it is the connection between these two that makes the film, with a wonderful soundtrack, the initial theme is already a classic, used even by Quentin Tarantino in his tribute, which is what it is, to the genre, Django unchained.

If something could be attributed to this film, it is perhaps a too long duration for what actually has to be counted, which makes in some sections a little cloying, cut ten or fifteen minutes would have benefited enough.

In conclusion, great and hilarious film to which the years have not sat badly but quite the opposite, it looks with total sympathy and nostalgia.

Thank you.
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It's okay but I think they mixed up Mormons with Quakers.
planktonrules19 November 2013
Terrence Hill (actually, his real name is Mario Girotti) plays Trinity--the world's laziest cowboy hero. He used the least amount of energy possible when he fights--yet like any Italian western hero, he's practically unstoppable.

One day Trinity wanders into a town and finds that his brother, Bambino (Bud Spencer--whose real name is Carlo Pedersoli) is the sheriff. This is odd, since his brother is a crook. Well, it turns out that is shot the guy coming to town to become sheriff and decided to pose as the sheriff. However, he's actually now doing a pretty good job as sheriff--mostly because he hates the big boss-man, the Major (Farley Granger). In fact, both he and Trinity gang up on the Major because the Major is trying to force the Mormons off their own land--and that just isn't nice.

Now this brings us to a bit of a problem with the script. The Mormons are portrayed almost exactly like Quakers and they talk about how their beliefs preclude them from violence. However, that is NOT a Mormon belief and there were lots of times the sect resorted to violence--often to protect themselves but occasionally to commit a massacre. So, if you understand about the history of the religion, the major underpinning of this plot really doesn't make any sense. Regardless, the film is reasonably enjoyable and harmless fun--though the big fight sequence near the end was overlong. Not great by any stretch but enjoyable.
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A lot better if you're 10
john in missouri11 June 2007
Very interesting to find another reviewer who had the exact same reaction to this movie as I did: It was a heck of a lot better when I was 10 or 11 years old.

Seeing it more than 30 years later, it's still okay, but it only mildly held my interest. What seemed hugely funny back then was only mildly amusing.

Also, things that were astonishing to me as a 10-year-old came across as just silly. For example, in one scene Trinity is walking along and fires his revolver behind him and kills two men without even looking. In fact, he doesn't even bother to look and see if they're dead, because he knows he hit the mark. Um, yeah, right.

In addition, a lot of the dialogue sounds quite wooden. Sorry, but 35 years later, it hasn't really aged that well.

Although it's been a long time since I've seen that one as well, probably a better Terrence Hill film than this one would be My Name Is Nobody.
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