Revenge in the House of Usher (1983) Poster

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Boring, Lame and Messy
claudio_carvalho8 July 2014
Dr. Alan Harker (Robert Foster) receives an invitation and arrives at the house of his former professor at the Prague University, Roderic Usher (Howard Vernon), who lives with his housekeeper Helen (Lina Romay) in an old castle. Dr. Usher is insane, living with ghosts, and invites his former student Harker to proceed with his research. He tells to Harker that when his daughter Melissa (Françoise Blanchard) died many years ago, he had developed a means to reanimate her using the blood of prostitutes. Along many years, Dr. Usher and his assistant Morpho (Olivier Mathot) kidnapped and killed many young women to keep Melissa alive. But when Harker meets Dr. Seward (Daniel Villiers), who is the doctor of Dr. Usher, he explains that Dr. Usher is delusional. What is the truth about Dr. Usher and his secret?

"Revenge in the House of Usher" is a boring, lame and messy movie by Jess Franco based on the story of the Edgar Allan Poe. The plot is a senseless mess, the old castle is actually a preserved castle, there is no continuity in the edition in this forgettable film. My vote is three.

Title (Brazil): "A Queda da Casa de Usher" ("The Fall of the House of Usher")
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The Fall of the career of Jess Franco!
Coventry15 May 2005
Phew...I am a devoted fan of Jess Franco, but watching 3 incredibly awful movies of his in less than one week (this one, Oasis of the Zombies and The Castle of Fu Manchu) really isn't my admiration and respect for him doing much good! "Revenge in the House of Usher" is a very disappointing effort and it's a complete mystery to me what Franco intended to pull off by making it. Why filming another version of Edgar Allan Poe's classic tale when there are already other (and better) movies made revolving on the tale of the Ushers? Why did Franco feel it was necessary to link Poe's tale with his own 60's chiller "The Awful Dr. Orloff"? And, more importantly, why in God's name did I spent 10 Pounds buying this DVD?? This movie has nothing to do with Poe, it's unimaginably boring and it lacks every form of action or excitement. Howard Vernon (him again) stars as an insane "doctor" who keeps on trying to resurrect his late daughter with the blood of young girls. Living with him in the ramshackle castle are some insane employees and a couple of ghosts from the past. 'Revenge in the House of Usher' is horribly slow and it completely lacks all the elements that made Jess Franco (in)famous! Lina Romay stars in this film, yet she keeps her clothes on and the only bit of violence there was to see were actually flashbacks. I can imagine Franco is proud of his "Awful Dr. Orloff" but that doesn't give him the right to re-edit entire sequences of it in other movies! Like every other reviewer here already pointed out: stay far away from this movie!
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Bad, But Could Be a Lot Worse
gavin694226 February 2013
A traveler arrives at the Usher mansion to find that the sibling inhabitants are living under a mysterious family curse: The brother's senses have become painfully acute, while his sister has become nearly catatonic.

Why has this film been given the new name of "Zombie 5"? I mean, sure, it is a stretch to say it is based on Poe's "House of Usher", but it is an even bigger stretch to try to say this somehow fits in the Italian "Zombie" franchise... not even close.

People seem to hate this film, and I can see why. The effects are terrible: the poor use of a spotlight to simulate a hand-held light, the strange eyeball. One reviewer said they fell asleep twice in the first fifteen minutes. I did not find it nearly all that bad. Cheesy, sure, A bit weak on plot, certainly. But I have seen a lot worse than this, even from Jess Franco.
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Most user comments based on French edit (possible spoilers)
eccom200220 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Most of the user comments which I concur with are based on the French version produced by Eurocine. This is a Spanish film written, photographed and directed by Franco that was re-edited for its French and English versions by Eurocine which included adding the footage from THE AWFUL DR. ORLOFF as well as the whole subplot with Usher's daughter and Morpho in the contemporary part of the film (Vernon and protagonist Antonio Mayans never share the screen with the two French actors). The Spanish version features Vernon recollecting or imagining murdering a number of women. I don't understand Spanish and there are no subtitles on the version I saw but its an atmospheric mood piece that is far easier to watch than the French/English version (though even that version plays better on DVD in French with English subtitles). I'm rating it a 5 because I don't know how well it will hold up with an English translation but it looks better made and conceived than the Eurocine cut. Even though it was made in 1983 (well after the other Franco's death) around the same time as some of his explicit Golden Films productions, there is no nudity and little on screen bloodshed but it shows that Lina Romay can definitely act when clothed.
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One of Jess Franco's single most hideously tedious stinkers
Woodyanders3 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Jess Franco movies are a real iffy proposition. For every truly decent or good film you might stumble across, there are at least a dozen duds. This particular flick rates highly as an unmitigated stiff. Dr. Alan Harker (the insipid Antonio Mayans) visits his unhinged and reclusive former university professor Dr. Eric Usher (an embarrassingly hammy performance by a pasty-faced Howard Vernon) at Usher's remote crumbling castle. Usher tries to resurrect his comatose daughter Melissa (pretty Francoise Blauchard) by giving her the blood of lovely abducted young ladies. Of course, Usher sinks further into insanity as both his mind and castle continue to deteriorate. Franco completely fumbles the ball in every conceivable way: the lethargic pace crawls along at an excruciatingly sluggish clip, the script is drab, talky, and uneventful, Daniel White supplies a very annoying wonky droning score, the bland cinematography likewise fails to impress, Franco doesn't bring any style or energy to the drab proceedings, and, worst of all, there's absolutely zero graphic gore or gratuitous female nudity on hand to alleviate the severity of the stupefying boredom. A protracted flashback consisting of copious footage from Franco's earlier (and far better) "The Awful Dr. Orloff" doesn't help matters any. You know a Franco feature seriously smells when the ever-luscious Lina Romay pops up in a sizable supporting role, but never takes her clothes off. In fact, this drippy, static and inert lump of wasted celluloid is so incredibly atrocious that it's often a downright painful chore to sit through. The castle does inevitably fall apart at the bungled climax, but by then it's way too little much too late. A godawful lemon.
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This is not Franco's film
LiveFrogsUpMyArse14 July 2019
A lot of people are complaining about this film - but watch this short interview with Franco - about the movie he initially made and what the studio then did to it to turn it into the piece of crap everyone is complaining about. I'd love to get hold of the original film Franco made (Fall of the House of Usher) and compare it to the version that is commonly available.
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Incredibly awful.
HumanoidOfFlesh27 February 2005
When Dr.Alan Harker travels to the crumbling estate of his university mentor Dr.Usher,he finds the man plagued by a horrible paranoia-destroyed by his repeated attempts at awakening his comatose daughter.Haunted by ghosts of his dead family members,Dr.Usher is rushing toward madness,with only Harker left to save him.I can easily say that I'm a big fan of Jesus Franco,unfortunately "Revenge in the House of Usher" is breathtakingly awful.Those expecting gore and sex in a Eurohorror title(especially from Franco)will be sorely disappointed,because there is absolutely no nudity or blood in this one.The pacing is horribly slow and there are a lot of 'flashback' scenes taken from Franco's earlier horror classic "The Awful Dr.Orloff".Avoid this piece of stinking crap like the plague.
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Boredom in the House of Usher
The_Void30 December 2007
Jess Franco made a hell of a lot of movies in his career, and rather unsurprisingly that has lead to a lot of respect from the cult movie community, and it also means that he made a lot of bad films - and unfortunately, Revenge in the House of Usher is right down there with the likes of Succubus as one of his very worst efforts! Edgar Allen Poe's story was made into a brilliant film in 1960 by the great Roger Corman, but unfortunately Jess Franco wasn't able to do likewise - mainly because he hasn't based this on the Poe story at all, but rather the common idea that stemmed from the classic Eyes Without a Face, and which he made did himself some years earlier with The Awful Dr Orloff, that being basing the film on a doctor who is trying to help his daughter and sacrificing a lot of other people in the process. The main problem with this film, aside from the fact that it has nothing to do with the story that it's supposedly based on, is the fact that it's BORING. I seriously was completely numbed for most of this movie and it did often make me wonder quite how anyone involved could have thought it was a good idea. Franco regulars Howard Vernon and Lina Romay star but neither has a good day and not even the atmosphere is worth commenting on. Don't bother with this one!
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I concur
JHC322 February 2000
I understand that director Jesús Franco has a strong cult following and that when his name is attached to a film, it is something many people will pay attention to. Unfortunately, I did and I paid good money to rent this awful film. The problems with "Revenge in the House of Usher" are too numerous to mention, but I will provide a sampling.

First off, except for the name of Howard Vernon's character, this film has nothing, and I mean nothing, to do with the works of Edgar Allan Poe.

Second, this is a slow-moving and intensely dull film, one which literally put me to sleep. I had to turn the film off and finish it several hours later. Sound familiar?

Third, the acting is atrocious. Perhaps this has something to do with the pathetic screenplay. I don't know nor do I care.

Fourth, a long, black and white portion in the middle of the film is taken directly from an earlier Franco film, also featuring Howard Vernon. I believe that it is from the original Dr. Orloff film, but I cannot confirm this since I have not yet viewed any of Franco's work that pre-dates 1970. This black and white section is provided as kind of a flashback from the point of view of Dr. Usher. Whatever.

Save your money and especially, save your precious time. Avoid this like you would the ebola virus. The only way I was able to finish the darn thing was so that I could write this review and warn users of the IMDb database.
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The Fall of the House of Orloff.
BA_Harrison28 March 2021
Returning to the gothic horror genre that helped launch his horror career, Jess Franco's Revenge in the House of Usher stars Howard Vernon as Dr. Usher, who drains the blood from prostitutes in an attempt to revive his seriously ill daughter Melissa.

It was only yesterday that I described Alan Birkinshaw's The House of Usher (1989) as probably the worst film ever to be inspired by Edgar Allen Poe's novel The Fall of the House of Usher. Having just finished watching Jess Franco's Revenge in the House of Usher, I take it all back - this is the worst.

That said, other than the title, and the surname of Howard Vernon's character, Revenge in the House of Usher has little to nothing to do with Poe's tale: it's more like a continuation of Franco's Dr. Orloff series, complete with disfigured assistant Morpho, and flashbacks to the far superior The Awful Dr. Orloff (1962), which also starred Vernon.

This film is aimless, overly talky, horribly acted, nonsensical, and completely and utterly boring, making it one of the most intolerable of all of Franco's work. And that's saying something. I defy anyone to adequately explain the relevance of the women singing 'Ring Around the Rosie' and 'Three Blind Mice', and who the hell is Adrien?
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The original Spanish version is a brilliant, expressionistic mood piece
matheusmarchetti6 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
"Revenge in the House of Usher" is said to be one of Jess Franco's worst film. However, this happens to be one of my favorite works of the celebrated director (well, depending on the cut, that is), and while it will not appeal to everyone, fans of European haunted house films like "Lisa and the Devil" and Franco's own "A Virgin Among the Living Dead" will find plenty to enjoy here. Incidentally, one of the reasons why people hate it so much (or so I think), also plagued the other two films, as the most common version is in fact a butchered recut. Originally released in Spain as "El Hundimiento de la Casa Usher", the film flopped and only resurfaced when Eurocine got it's hands on it, removing some of the original's most startling sequences and substituting them with an new subplot to cash in on the success of Franco's "Dr. Orloff" films, and even adding scenes from "The Awful Dr. Orloff" poorly edited into the mix as flashbacks. To it's credit, this new cut actually does a good job with the new footage, as they are quite atmospheric and interesting, and one can see they actually made an effort for it to look like it belongs to the same film but get tend dull and repetitive after a while. Now, back to "El Hundimiento...", Franco doesn't go for a straight adaptation of the story even though it does have a similar premise and climax. It's faithfulness lies at recreating the themes and mood of Poe's work, taking elements from more than one of his stories ("Ligeia" in particular is referenced throughout) to create something more unique. For my money, this film – along with Jean Epstein's superb 1928 take on the same story – is the one that actually comes closest to achieve that decadent atmosphere of morbid romance. The Spanish deserts may not be one's ideal location for the house, but here it actually works a lot, and remains close to Poe's description of it although in a rather unconventional matter. The never-ending daylight, a Franco trademark, is used to great effect too, creating a suffocating, feverish atmosphere throughout (also giving the idea that Usher's delusions may have something to do with that oppressive sun). The castle itself is absolutely stunning and is beautifully photographed. The use of shadows and natural light during the interior sequences is excellent, proving once again that Franco always has a great eye for shooting on locations. There are plenty of gorgeous, darkly Gothic compositions throughout, with the architecture always playing an important part. One of the most compelling aspects of this production is that Franco is aiming for a kind of 20's/30's Gothic . Compared to genre works of the same kind made during that period, it may feel helplessly outdated, but that's part of the charm. Unlike what some have grown to expect from him, there is no on screen sex and nudity, with most of the "dirty" stuff implied, which I personally feel is a wise move and works in a Val Lewton kind of way. Everything from the script and particularly Daniel White's non-stop melodramatic score just screams old-school, expressionistic horror. Although these scenes were added in under producer's insistence, some of the film's most interesting additions is that Usher may or may not be be a vampire serial killer. It isn't clear whether these killings actually took place, but they are truly powerful moments. The build-up for the first death scene is particularly incredible, with great use of expressionistic lighting, and the conversation between prey and attacker. The most downright disturbing murder is that of a little girl. The scene itself is already creepy with it's open suggestion of pedophilia, but having him actually kill her and feast on her blood on screen makes it quite difficult to watch. Howard Vernon's totally demented performance also helps in making this bit particularly convincing, as he really does seem to enjoy doing it. Speaking of Vernon, I must say this is his most impressive performance under Franco's direction. He is mostly lonely, introspective and melancholy, occasionally turning (sometimes in the same scene) gleefully over-the-top and hysterical; and also quite monstrous and downright scary. Although Mayans is sadly unimpressive and dull as the narrator/protagonist Harker; Lina Romay more than makes up for it as the servant Helen. Despite the absence of her usual masturbatory fits, Romay's acting is actually one of her all time best, serving as a kind of dead ringer for Helena Boham Carter in Tim Burton's "Sweeney Todd". In fact, I find her even more sexy with her clothes on, playfully seducing on the members of the household and oozing a sleazy, "femme-fatale" like charm. She also delivers some of the best lines, as well as the film's few moments of dark humor. Although I can't find her name in the credits list, the actress who plays the ghostly Edmunda deserves special mention as well. From her frightening introduction in a "Kill Baby Kill" inspired scene, she has a strong, ethereal quality on her. As for flaws, the film moves at a very slow pace (it worked for me, but I can definitely see why some can call it boring), and with a rather stiff protagonist. Also, this is a very low budget production, and it shows. The climax in particular suffers from the poor production values, with a very unconvincing "fall". The scene is made up basically from shaky camera angles and falling furniture. Still, this happens right after one of the film's most memorable sequence: Usher's encounter with his victims' vengeful ghosts, which may just be the most powerful moment in the film, akin to the powerful, haunting finale of "A Virgin Among the Living Dead". As a whole, "House of Usher" may not convince Franco bashers of the man's talents, but for more seasoned fans of the director and low-budget Eurohorror in general it is essential viewing.
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You could sit through worse
mido50525 September 2005
Let's look at two movies, both of which have as their subject matter a man haunted by images of his dead wife. Both films are photographed by their directors, and both star highly respected character actors. The first film is a remake of classic, and the second incorporates lengthy scenes from a classic. The first film cost around $47,000,000; the second, around $1.98. The first film is Steven Soderbergh's remake of Solaris; the second is Jess Franco's Revenge in the House of Usher. Guess which one is better?

Revenge in the House of Usher is director Franco's apology for, and commentary upon, his first breakthrough hit, the groundbreaking and highly influential The Awful Dr. Orloff. In that film Orloff was a Sadean Superman, perverse and transgressive, taking horrific delight in his bloodthirsty usurpation of traditional values. Here, transmogrified into Dr. Usher, he is reduced to a blithering and doddering old man, tormented by the images of the women that he has sacrificed to his appalling morality. Franco has often been accused of sharing Orloff's extreme misogyny, but anyone familiar with his work will know that Franco was alway's on the women's side. Franco makes clear that Orloff/Usher's 'project', his desire to resurrect his disfigured daughter, Melissa, is only a pretext, a trigger, a spur, to his grotesquely Sadean 'transvaluation of all values'. Appropriately, Melissa becomes just another anonymous tortured body; when revived by the blood of Orloff/Usher's victims, Melissa can only writhe in excruciating pain before lapsing back into blissful unconsciousness. Clearly, the tormenting spectre of Orloff/Usher's wife, whether real or merely Orloff/Usher's per fervid imagining, reproaching her husband for his dreadful treatment of women, is Franco's judgment upon the character that put him on the cinematic map.

Revenge in the House of Usher has taken a lot of abuse on this site, rather unfairly, in my opinion. Image Entertainment's DVD restores Franco's impressive, if somewhat erratic, visual style; and Howard Vernon, as Usher/Orloff, and Linay Romay, as his housekeeper, give excellent, committed performances. Yes, the film is slow, poverty stricken, and lacking in nudity and gore, but it is about something rather important, if only you, the viewer, will pay attention. There is a sensibility at work here, allied with considerable technical skill, that insists on persevering beyond all financial and other material limitations. It's a hell of a lot better than watching Ocean's 12 again.
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All over the place
BandSAboutMovies7 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So let's try and make sense of this: There are three versions of this movie, all with completely different plots.

Version 1: Usher (Howard Vernon) is a killer facing mortality while dealing with the torment of the ghosts of his victim. This original version, The Hundimiento de la Casa Usher (The Fall of the House of Usher) was only shown once at the 1983 Imagfic - Festival Internacional de Madrid de Cine Imaginario y de Ciencia-ficción. The audience laughed and booed the film from start to finish, which led to the movie never being distributed and making some of the footage lost forever.

Version 2: Usher (still Howard Vernon) is a vampire who needs human blood to stay alive. This version has three new scenes with Vernon murdering three victims, a new plot and a new title, Los Crímenes de Usher (The Crimes of Usher), and a very limited release two years after it was made.

Version 3: Usher (yet again, Howard Vernon) is a mad scientist who kidnaps village girls and uses their blood to keep his daughter Melissa (Françoise Blanchard, Nero and Poppea - An Orgy of Power, Caligula and Messalina, The Living Dead Girl) alive, meaning that he's Dr. Orloff. In fact, Franco even used fifteen minutes of black and white footage of The Awful Dr. Orlof.

Then, Brazilian independent filmmaker Felipe M. Guerra (Deodato Holocaust, FantastiCozzi) made a fan cut that reassembled as much of the lost version 1 as possible, editing in versions 2 and 3 and keeping any repetitive footage out of the movie. Shown at Fantaspoa - International Fantastic Film Festival of Porto Alegre (Brazil) in 2016, it caused guest Antonio Mayans to say that it was the first time that he had seen the movie that Franco had intended and that the dignity had been restored to his work.

As for the House of Usher in the film, it's the Castle of Santa Catalina, where Die Another Day was shot. However, what Franco has captured, through his three cuts - well, nearly four - is the story of Dr. Alan Harker (Mayans) who goes to see his former professor Dr. Eric Usher (Vernon), who may be hundreds of years old and given to hallucinations.

The doctor's assistant Morpho is Olivier Matho in the new footage. He also directed scenes for the French version. Of course, the housekeeper is Lina Romay. It makes about as much sense as a Frankenstein Poe story as told over multiple decades by Jess Franco is going to get.
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Orloff Recycled...
azathothpwiggins26 October 2021
Director Jess Franco's REVENGE OF THE HOUSE OF USHER has little to do with the original Poe story. It's about the insane Dr. Eric Usher (Franco regular Howard Vernon) and his diabolical experiments.

When the visiting Alan Harker (Antonio Mayans) uncovers Usher's activities, involving female test subjects locked in his dungeon, Usher goes into an extremely lengthy explanation.

Said explanation includes 20+ minutes of "flashback" footage from an unrelated movie (Franco's THE AWFUL DR. ORLOF)! The rest of this film appears to be whatever happened to arise in the Director's mind at the time.

Sitting through this, like having your face stuffed into the world's biggest armpit, is pure misery...
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Can a movie really be this bad?
ivanm-514 December 2004
When I first tried to watch this film I fell asleep THREE times inside the first 15 minutes! Now this was late at night so I tried again during daylight and, with the aid of a large bag of chewy caramels, managed to make my way to the end. At that point I wondered just how much of a masochist I am.

Apart from the sections "borrowed" from an earlier film by the same director(which was enjoyable in a camp so-bad-it's-good kind of way)there is absolutely nothing of any entertainment value here. Bad is too good a word to use to describe it.

If anyone wants to run a course on how not to make a movie I would recommend this as the main text. Otherwise avoid like the plague!
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A hack job...
macabro35725 May 2003
Starring the usual Franco stalwart Howard Vernon (in terrible white pancake makeup), this one is awful, simply awful. The dubbing, the acting, the prosthetics, the makeup, everything....

This just goes to show you what a schlock director Jess Franco had become. A third year film student could do better than this.

It doesn't even hold a candle of Roger Corman's HOUSE OF USHER (1960). Nowhere close...

Other than having a couple of cute Spanish chicks, this waste of celluloid that has nothing going for it.

1 out of 10 for being such a silver nitrate waste
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Worst movie i have ever seen!
andy-3742 August 1999
Please Anyone who would even have the slightest idea of renting this horrible movie i beg you for 3 reasons not to buy this 1. It has no plot or good story line at all 2. The acting is among the worst i have ever seen 3. It is very boring and i almost fell asleep during it( It was so boring i had to stop the movie in the middle and watch it later) So please think twice before you rent this movie
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phibes01200019 January 2011
I really have to give up on Jess Franco movies. This film was a total ripoff for anybody expecting a gory version of a Poe adaption. It had very little to do with Poe's famous story and much to do with Franco's previous Dr. Orloff film. A good chunk of this mess is scenes from Orloff and looks like what it is: padding. The box art for the version I saw has a woman being menaced with a power drill: no such scene exists in this movie. What does remain of Poe is a badly done retread of earlier efforts concerning the fall of the house of Usher: all done better by the 1960 film by Roger Corman. Nothing to recommend. I have heard there is a Spanish version that is completely different and much better but at this point who cares?! Avoid!
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Usher Lunacy. Poe It Ain't: Poo It Is. 1-2-Miss
P3n-E-W1s316 May 2022
Greetings And Salutations, and welcome to my review of Revenge In The House Of Usher; here's the breakdown of my ratings:

Story: 1.00 Direction: 0.75 Pace: 0.25 Acting: 0.75 Enjoyment: 0.75

TOTAL: 3.50 out of 10

Oh dear, what happened to Jesus Franco? After watching his version of Dracula, which I didn't mind, I thought I'd keep an eye on this director. However, had I viewed any of his subsequent films first, I would never have watched Dracula. It would appear Franco plummeted after old fang face. Though Revenge shows a glimmer of hope in its direction, the story is atrocious.

However, its awfulness isn't too surprising. Not when you consider the three rewrites it required to get international distribution. Three revisions and three movies. Why not forget the project after being laughed at and booed out of the festival and revisit it later? I don't mind the premise for the final story. The trouble is that Franco tries to cobble it together with the original tale, making it problematic. It would have been better to start afresh with a new script. He then shoots the new scenes and patches them into the previous work to create a new monster. Yep. Franco is Frankenstein, but his creation isn't as entertaining as Victor's.

That said, I did see a glimmer of hope in Franco's filming. Some segments are pretty decent. He utilises shadows and light to create an uneasy atmosphere. There are some diverse camera angles to add interest to the scenes. Sadly though, he doesn't get the best from his cast. And they often let him down, as does the flow of the picture. It's okay for a set to be lit and filmed perfectly, but if the sequence drags on too long or the performers don't bring their characters to life, the segment starts to fail. And there are too many of these in Revenge. One of the worst and best things with Revenge is Dr Orloff. Franco takes a large portion of the black and white Dr Orloff flick to use as a backstory to his character of Eric Usher. The good thing is that both films' lead character is portrayed by Howard Vernon. The terrible thing is also Howerd Vernon playing both characters. In the old B&W clips, Vernon is a much stronger actor. He comes across with panache and flair. In Revenge, it's a different story. He looks bored and comes across as tired, for the most part. The lack of umph is a hindrance to the film. It adds to the picture's lacklustre feel and dullness. It's a shame as he appeared to be a talented actor.

In fact, a few of the cast members suffer from the same malediction. The worst is the second lead, Antonio Mayans, as Alan Harker. Franco could have saved money by substituting Mayans for a cardboard cut-out - It would have possessed the same emotional range.

Revenge in the right hands and with the right performers could have been good. Sadly, the hands belonged to Jesus Franco and his regular cast of actors and actresses. Therefore, unless you're a die-hard Franco fan, I suggest you beat a clear path away from this House Of Usher.

Please feel free to visit my Killer Thriller Chillers and Absolute Horror lists to see where I ranked Revenge In The House Of Usher.

Take Care & Stay Well.
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Lame by Franco's standards
Stevieboy6669 August 2018
Picked this up, being a Jess Franco fan, but was somewhat surprised by the BBFC 12 rating. Surely not?? A Franco horror film without lashings of gore and nudity?? Well yes, actually. So straightaway it's very tame by his usual standard. The film is also slow, dull and looks badly acted, though that could be down to the atrocious dubbing on the English language version. On the plus side it is pretty creepy, filmed in an old castle in the mountains and does have his wife Lina Romay in it, though amazingly she is fully clothed throughout. Worth ticking off for Francophiles, otherwise avoid like the plague!
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Ho Hum.....
james1-494-82685711 September 2019
I am one of the biggest Jesse Franco fans around so if I think the movie is boring it has to be boring. There's just not anything really happening here it's revolving similar scenes with just nothingness.......the only thing saving it if you wanna call it save is the weird characters in the movie other than that it's pitching a small to medium sized goose egg...................... as they say in philosophy books the movie has taken a holiday...........
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Franco's original vision is by far the best.
parry_na28 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Just to make sure we all know where we are, this reviews focusses on what I believe is the original version of the film.

When this Jess Franco directed film was first released, the producers at Elite Films felt it needed spicing up somewhat and, entirely against Franco's wishes, elected to insert scenes from an earlier film to pad out the running time and offer some variety to the somewhat minimalist visuals originally on-screen. Although Elite's idea to use inserts of a younger Vernon from 'The Awful Doctor Orloff' from 20 years earlier seemed too intriguing to resist, there's no doubt that this original, unmolested version of the story, is a more intense and haunting study of the insanity of the titular character, and a more undiluted showcase of what is one of Vernon's most triumphant performances. As Usher, he snarls and spits out his lines, heavy with the malice of the incurably disturbed, only to soften his approach alarmingly when his faculties momentarily return to him.

This is a more condensed version of the story Franco wished to tell. In it, Lina Romay is Maria, a questionably faithful retainer, who looks lovely throughout. Interesting then, that very same year, with what appeared to be a minimum amount of make-up, she looked bloated and ravaged as the dying Hermine in 'Diamonds of Kilimanjaro'. Poor Mathias the butler (Jean Tolzac), gets a rough trot at the hands of his master.

The string-led musical score by Pablo Villa, otherwise known as Franco and regular collaborator Daniel White (who also appears briefly as Dr Seward), is unrelenting. It accompanies everything and occasionally becomes overpowering, adding immensely to the persuasive nightmarish quality to it all. It's a tale of delirium, of madness, of betrayal and of paranoia. This is pain-stakingly reconstructed; I would love there to be a cleaned-up DVD/Blu-Ray version of this film because, as with the release of 'The Sadist of Notre Dame' (another film released as Franco ultimately wanted it to be), this new version has elevated the project into my list of Franco favourites.
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Has potential, but ultimately failed
slayrrr66623 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
"Revenge in the House of Usher" is a highly disappointing effort.


Receiving word that his ex-professor and mentor needs to see him, Dr. Alan Harker, (Antonio Mayans) is mysteriously summoned to the castle of Dr. Eric Usher, (Howard Vernon) and find he has gone completely mad. Upon his arrival, the old man confesses his years of misdeeds, admitting to kidnapping young women with the hope of curing his daughter Melissa, (Francoise Blanchard) of her catatonic condition by giving her their blood. His blind assistant Morpho, (Oliver Mato) aids in his twisted quest, involving embryonic stem cells in his techniques. He begins to suffer a series of strange delusions of sorts, including several of the women he has seduced and killed. Convinced that his comatose daughter has been targeted by the apparitions, he hurriedly rushes to get them under control with all the help he can get before they stop him and take over the family.

The Good News: This isn't all that terrible. The most striking fact is this looks incredible, with the access to a real castle being a major plus, and full use is made of it, shooting numerous scenes up on the battlements for no good reason other than they look good. Much of the film's photography is quite attractive, giving it a wonderful look that evokes a great Gothic vibe and atmosphere. At times, it does seem to belong to some other movie. There are times that it is a throwback to the expressionist style, and it almost works on that level. The dense hues, such as the blinding yellows, deep reds and disturbing oranges, seem to be what the most interesting feature of the film. This has a pretty decent pace to it, with lots of creepy visions of the hallucinations troubling the man. They're quite creepy and actually have a nice quality to them. It's hard not to say them without spoiling how great they were, so they can't be revealed but each one was quite impressive to see transpired. Other than that, there wasn't much else in it.

The Bad News: This is a sadly disappointing film for several reasons. The fact that most of the plot is so familiar is because the film owes much more to the Orloff verse than to Poe. The ill daughter Melissa, as well as the blind assistant Morpho and the use of inserts are fixtures that hark back to the earlier films. The inserts themselves are the biggest problem, since it pads out the running time with obviously inserted footage just so that the film time could be padded out. It's a series of weird inclusions that don't go well. Yet there are inclusions here that don't quite fit well either, such as the introduction of characters from the Dracula story, including Harker and Dr. Seward. The result is rather on the incoherent side, lacking in logic or driving story, and successfully evoking a disturbing fever dream. Those expecting gore and sex in a Franco title will be sorely disappointed, as the usual inserts of blood and breasts are absent here. With only one moment of anything more than implied blood, and with that being cut back to a mere shot of a bloody knife, is almost unbelievable and really hurts this film. It's almost a shame to say that the film needed to be sleazier. There are a number of scenes here that look quite terrible and not at all good, most notable in the climactic fall, which is accomplishes by jiggling the camera, throwing a handful of dust, and using a squishing sound. The scene is less than successful. This ultimately is a disappointing film.

The Final Verdict: This was a strangely disappointing Franco entry that just seems so rushed and haphazardly put together that it robs it of most of the virtues going for it. It's mostly interesting as a Franco exercise, but most of those interested will be put off by what's wrong, so only the most loyal, apologetic Franco fans should get this.

Rated R: Violence and some Language
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SPOILERS follow ...
parry_na30 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Apparently there are several versions of this Jess Franco directed project. This appears to be the French version, dubbed into English, and featuring 'The Living Dead Girl' herself, Françoise Blanchard (as Melissa). Amidst the candle-lit wailings, darkened, crumbling passages and overwhelming architecture are Franco veterans Lina Romay (the housekeeper, Maria) and Howard Vernon (Eric Vladimir Usher).

Whilst clearly out of the hands of Franco, it has to be noted the dubbing for this is pretty appalling. Whether the voice artists are actors at all, is debatable – the exception is Usher's voice-over, which sounds like an impression of James Mason.

The story, twisting and meandering and far too thin, involves Doctor Alan Harker (echoes of Dracula? There is also a Doctor Seward, who has in times gone by – played by a different actor – featured with Dracula, Frankenstein's Monster and fleetingly, a werewolf under Franco's direction) who visits the house/castle of his former Professor Usher. Usher is clearly insane and looked after by his housekeeper. His daughter (Blanchard) died years before, but can apparently be reanimated by the blood of prostitutes, who are kept imprisoned within the castle.

Despite the effective (and beautifully shot) locale, this is clearly one of the less budgeted Franco productions. Whether an artistic decision or a financial one, there is a lot of stock-footage from the earlier, far more acclaimed 'The Awful Doctor Orloff (1962)'. There is far too much of this, although these flashbacks are far superior to the film they are supporting. Although it features a younger Vernon as Orloff/Usher, the actress playing Melissa is noticeably different. The story of Orloff has been changed to fit the narrative of 'Revenge in the House of Usher.' When this was released, audiences weren't as privy to recordings of earlier films as we are these days, so the use of such footage is possibly justified. Seen now though, it seems like a way of backing up a weak story and padding out the running time. As a result, this is a patchwork affair. It isn't, as has been suggested, Franco's worst production – the locations alone are incredibly atmospheric and really promotes Usher's magnificent isolation, as does the minimalist soundtrack. And yet whilst saturating the viewer in its macabre mood-scapes, it remains an often ponderous exercise, with Franco's two trademarks – sex and gore – almost entirely absent.
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Don't bother..
MHannah16 January 2001
I couldn't agree more. Unfortunately I BOUGHT it (cheaply) and you've done better than me because I've attempted to watch it twice with no luck. Where does the aka Zombie bit in the title come from? The reason I bought it was one of the cast from Blairwitch Project said in an interview that a House of Usher film was their favorite horror. On checking after my mistake, it was a different House of Usher film!
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