Devil in the Flesh (Video 1998) Poster

(1998 Video)

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Routine story, but entertaining nonetheless
Tito-820 June 1999
Okay, so the plot was fairly standard, but this film still worked for me, thanks in large part to Rose McGowan. She did a terrific job in this movie, and actually, she practically carries this film single-handedly. To be fair, scenes with the detectives and her grandmother were among the best in the movie, but make no mistake about it, this is Rose's film. This film is also filled with lots of silly humor, but unlike most thrillers, the jokes actually work in this movie. You have to give the filmmakers some credit too, because they took a tired story, and they kept the predictable storyline, and yet, they made a good movie.
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See "The Crush" instead
slayrrr66617 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Compare this to 'The Crush,' and you'll see why that film blows this piece of trash out of the clichéd water from which it was spawned.


A young woman, Debbie Strand, (Rose McGowan) survives a fire that kills her entire family. Emotionally disturbed, her Child Care Worker Anna Nakashi, (Julia Nickson) decides to send McGowan to her religious grandmother, Fiona, (Peg Shirley) and her annoying dog. Stripped of the individuality normal teenager girls have nowadays by being forced to wear her mothers clothes from the fifties and sixties, Debbie starts to go insane. At school, she meets a popular teacher, Peter Rinaldi, (Alex McArthur). Smitten, she signs up for his Creative Writing class and immediately buts heads with Meegan Wright, (Krissy Carlson) a popular student who is also smitten with Rinaldi. She finds acceptance with a loner, Marilyn, (Sherrie Rose). Meanwhile, two detectives, Dect. Rosales, (Phil Morris) and Det Archer, (Robert Silver) are close to cracking the case that might prove that Strand murdered her family, but no one will cooperate. Discovering that Rinaldi has a girlfriend, Janie Magray, (J.C. Brandy), McGowan schemes to get rid of her permanently and anyone else who comes in the way of her crush.

The Good News: Overall, I'm surprised that the actors did a reasonable job with their parts. McGowan, McArthur and Shirley all give at least decent performances, especially Shirley who comes across as an extreme religious fanatic who believes in saving McGowan's soul. The two police detectives are all right, and a giving a humorous and logical character trait in that they pop quiz each other with the names of various mental diseases and how to spell it during several scenes. The gore is low and is tolerable, that which is shown, and only comes in the last half hour, making the first hour seem cruelly long and almost to the point where you want to turn it. Thankfully, director Cohen realized this as well and gave two sex scenes and McGowan walking around looking like a real high school girl today with low-cut halter-tops and other revealing clothes.

The Bad News: The first hour of this movie is almost unwatchable from boredom, if you take out the two sex scenes. Low rate murders, no gore, and mindless reinforcing of character quirks drag this film out. That said, the film is almost a carbon copy of 'The Crush,' and even still, the parts that was changed to make this 'original' weren't original. Carlson comes across as a brain dead California blonde. The other Rose, Sherrie, is a quiet outsider who makes the ultimate sacrifice so McGowan can have her man, never impressed me. Neither one could act, or were too integral to the story. My biggest complaint is that McGowan NEVER APPEARED NAKED IN THE MOVIE, despite at least two obvious scenes when she should have. (Changing her top in front of Bittle and when she takes a shower in McArthur's house) Both scenes were prime targets for McGowan to show her assets, yet they never capitalized. It surely would've made the film much more interesting. Is it just me, or should Rinaldi have been played by a more attractive man? I'm not saying I'm gay, but McArthur doesn't seem like he would be the type teenage girls pine for. It seems his personality traits given to him made him more attractive, but no one ever mentions that his personality was why they were after him.

The Final Verdict: If you strip away the knowledge this is made as an earlier and much better movie, 'Devil in the Flesh' is tolerable, if only for the fact that McGowan gives a sexy performance and you can chuckle at Shirley for the way she torments McGowan with dress and chores.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Nudity, Graphic Language, two sex scenes, and a rape scene.
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Revenge sweet revenge! Hell have no fury like a woman's scorn.
Brian-27230 September 2000
Rose McGowan plays an abused teen who murders her mother and father in an arson fire, then she's sent off to live with her bickering grandmother which only worsens her. Finally McGowan develops a poisonous disposition by knocking off her grandmother and anyone else who gets in the way of her crush on her writing instructor (Alex McArthur). I was glad the directors made this film with a message that abused children are scorned the rest of their life and therefore the pattern showed how the attitude of revenge is taken out on everyone in society. And Rose McGowan was she stunning or what! She was just the right actress for this role her beauty, always did provide an evil eye also. Hey just think any female must be a little crazy to be called Mrs. Manson. Devil in the Flesh is a great film for all of you late night TV watchers to view highly recommended.
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It's very simple ...
jtamburi27 November 2002
... if you are a fan of Rose McGowan, then you have to see this movie. If you think you may be a fan of Rose McGowan, then you have to see this movie. If you abhor Rose McGowan (as unbelievable as that sounds to me), then skip this movie!

You see, it's all about Rose McGowan. Devil in the Flesh is a one woman show, and that woman does a remarkable job!

This is not a light-hearted fluff comedy. It is surprisingly dark. Many have compared this movie to "The Crush", starring Alicia Silverstone, and for good reason: both movies portray a young under-age girl pursuing an older guy. But there are a few big differences:

1) The point of view is switched. Varying the point of view can make a big difference in the emotional bent of the story, and who we sympathize with. In "The Crush", the point of view was of Cary Elwes' character (who I might add, gave a disappointingly wimpy performance after seeing him in Princess Bride, but I digress). In this movie, the point of view is that of Rose McGowan, and what a great choice!!! By doing this, we get to sympathize with her, love her, and hate her, all at the same time. We really care what happens to her, and what she does to other people.

2) This movie is a lot darker. Without giving anything away, suffice it to say, Rose really kicks butt in this movie. There is no shortage of bodies. One death in particular, which I won't reveal, had me in anticipation and cheering when it finally happened.

3) If you really look at the two films, "Flesh" is the more plausible of the two, if you care about such things. Alicia's character in The Crush was a psychopathic killer who liked to seduce and play with her victims before dispatching them. McGowan's character is the victim of a chain of physically abusive parents (her mother and her grandmother), who seeks an older man that she can love, and will stop at nothing to get what she wants. Yeah, she's evil also, but don't let that bother you.

Because of these points, Devil in the Flesh, should be compared to movies like "Freeway", starring a young Reese Witherspoon. Any fan of this movie will absolutely love Freeway (which frankly is a much better movie despite McGowan's amazing performance).

Don't get me wrong: Devil in the Flesh is not a great movie. It's barely a good movie. But McGowan's presence is enough to transcend all that - she's so cool. That's reason enough to watch!
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Where the Wild Rose Grows
Coventry13 November 2010
Ever since the phenomenally weird "The Doom Generation" I've had a wicked crush on Rose McGowan. Her natural bad-girl charisma and sexily shaped chin make her one of the most enticing actresses of her generation. Her starring in "Dearly Devoted" was therefore the sole reason I had for checking out the film, as you can already derive from the DVD-cover that it's a standard, by-the-numbers and rehashed nineties thriller. With its main theme of "dangerously seductive teenage femme fatale", "Dearly Devoted" is similar to "Poison Ivy" (starring Drew Barrymore) and "Wild Things" (starring Denise Richards) and almost identical to "The Crush" (starring Alicia Silverstone). Following the suspicious death of Debbie Strand's mother and her lover in a fire, the seemingly confused teenage girl is put under the custody of her strictly Catholic grandmother. At her new school, Debbie doesn't make a whole lot of friends, but she does fall in love with the hunky literature teacher Peter Rinaldi. It quickly becomes obvious that Debbie isn't your average high school girl, but an obsessive and deranged psychopath who kills in order to get what she wants. "Dearly Devoted" is identical to "The Crush" because the male protagonists go through exactly the same hell. They attempt to befriend their jailbait admirers and narrowly resist all the sexual allusions, but when they actually physically reject them down, both their private as professional lives turn into a living nightmare. "Dearly Devoted" is predictable and not at all suspenseful, but at least it's never boring and the female eye-candy compensates for the unoriginality. The twist-in-the-end is not exactly groundbreaking, neither, but at least it managed to trick me for a minute or so. Rose McGowan was 25 years old for this role in which she depicts an underage schoolgirl, but that's alright, because she looks terrific in all those skimpy outfits. Apparently there's also a sequel, but it doesn't star Rose.
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Not only bad, but boring
Aussiesmurf10 October 2002
Extremely standard story (high school girl has un-reciprocated crush on teacher, turns psycho, ruins his life) and average acting and scripting do not a quality movie make.

The only point of interest in these stories is whether or not the teacher actually sleeps with the student prior to the 'psycho' phase of the movie. Here he does not, so his 'flaw' is limited to a couple of leering glances.

Rose McGowan does look pretty good in her halter top / shorts combo, but not enough to justify this movie.

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Weak effort
Maciste_Brother2 December 2003
DEVIL IN THE FLESH is a pretty weak FATAL ATTRACTION copy. It's very predictable and the film lacks ooomph to give this kind of story the energy it needs to become successful. Rose McGowan is hot and she's really the only reason to watch this. She plays her role in a campy way, which some might find stupid or annoying but looking at the quality of the movie, I think she did it the right way. This movie is pretty much cheese. Her best acting scene is when she confronts her grandmother with the old woman's cane. Movie suddenly became alive during that scene. Alex McArthur was also pretty good in his role. He's a very expressive actor. But aside from those two actors, and some sex scenes, there's really nothing to recommend about DEVIL IN THE FLESH.
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Derivative, but not a complete dead loss
The_Void2 July 2008
If you've seen more than a handful of thrillers, you will almost certainly have seen this plot line before; it's just the basic stalker theme only set in a school. This idea has been used in many movies previously, and was also the main theme in the excellent 'Wild Things' that was also released in 1998. Devil in the Flesh is a very low key film and actually feels like a TV movie at times; yet despite this, it does at least manage to stay entertaining enough for it's ninety minute duration, which is quite an achievement when you consider how unoriginal it is. The plot focuses on a young girl named Debbie Strand. After her parent's house burns down in mysterious circumstances, she is sent to live in a different town with her religious grandmother. She also has to start a new school and gets that same locker every new girl in American school gets (the sticky one that needs a man to come over and punch it). Anyway, it's not long before she starts to develop a crush on hunky English teacher Mr Rinaldi, and she'll stop at nothing to get what she wants.

I have to admit that I have a track record of enjoying low key thrillers like this one, and for what it's worth; Devil in the Flesh is not too bad. It does suffer from a poor script that fails to flesh out it's central characters properly and doesn't contribute a logical narrative, so at times the film just seems to jump from one thing to next without a lot of cohesion. There's also a fair few clichés on display too, which is somewhat annoying and tiresome. On the plus side, the acting is rather good. Rose McGowan was one of my main reason for tuning in and she does the bitchy weird chick thing very well. Starring opposite is Alex McArthur as her crush who also performs well in his role as well as well as Peg Shirley as the overbearing grandmother. The plot moves along at a steady pace for the first half and gets going properly in the second, albeit a bit too fast at times. There's a twist towards the end which is both highly predictable and very unbelievable. Overall, this is a long way from brilliant; but it has a few good elements and there's worse films of this ilk out there.
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A Woman Who Doesn't Like Competition
Uriah4316 July 2015
"Debbie Strand" (Rose McGowan) is a mentally disturbed high school student who has just mysteriously lost her mother in a house fire and has to now live with her grandmother. When she gets there she immediately finds out that her grandmother is extremely domineering and wants to control her life to the utmost degree. Meanwhile, at her new high school she falls in love with one of her teachers named "Peter Rinaldi" (Alex McArther). Unfortunately for her, Peter has a girlfriend by the name of "Marilyn" (Sherrie Rose) and really has no interest in Debbie other than academically. To compound the situation another student by the name of "Meegan Wright" (Krissy Carlson) also has a crush on Peter and Debbie doesn't like the competition. So, faced with difficulties both at home and at school Debbie decides to take matters into her own hands and those who get in her way are in extreme danger. Now rather than reveal any more of this movie and risk spoiling it for those who haven't seen it I will just say that this type of film has been done before and in some cases in a better manner. However, it still managed to keep my interest for the most part and it does have some good performances by both Rose McGowan and Alex McArther. Additionally, Sherrie Rose and Julia Nickson (as "Anna Nakashi") certainly didn't hurt the scenery in any way either. In any case, despite the fact that it followed a standard format and it's certainly nothing special I suppose it deserves a rating of about average-but no more than that.
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Fun but unsatisfying end
howie736 January 2005
I really liked this as a piece of late night trashy noir cable junk because it pushed the extremes of bad taste. I saw it late at night and was impressed with the sharp dialog and witty put-downs uttered by its femme fatale protagonist, Debbie Strand (in a wonderfully vampy and campy performance from Rose McGowan). Yes, the set-up is contrived and the outcome is cheesy but along the way I was impressed with the audacity of the film's comic-book nastiness and the sheer determination of the protagonist to get what she wanted. However, what's most disappointing is the end, which merely opens the way for another film, without truly exploring why Debbie Strand did what she did. Another annoying trait in these films is to resolve issues in an unambiguous manner, usually absolving the complicity of the lead male. A simple-minded, formulaic tale saved by Rose McGowan and some witty one-liners. As for the rest, cable fodder.
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Really horrible psycho drama rubbish.
poolandrews27 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Devil in the Flesh is set in Los Angeles & starts as a fire destroys teenager Debbie Strand's (Rose McGowan) house, to make matters worse her mother was inside at the time & she was killed. Social services places Debbie with her strict & religious Grandmother Fiona (Peg Shirley), Debbie is sent to a new school too where she meets hunky creative writing teacher Peter Rinaldi (Alex McArthur) & falls in love with him although Rinaldi does not have the same feelings for Debbie. Being a bit of a psycho Debbie decides to get rid of her mean old Gran & uses her body to try to seduce Rinaldi but when that doesn't work Debbie has to use more devious & ever more sinister methods to get her man...

Also quite commonly known under the alternate title Dearly Devoted this Fatal Attraction (1987) style wannabe was directed by Steve Cohen & in my humble opinion is absolutely terrible under any name, to say I really hated Devil in the Flesh is an understatement. The basic plot about a teenage whacked out stalker chick having a crush on a much older guy was already done in the Alicia Silverstone flick The Crush (1993) & Poison Ivy (1992) & all the main clichés are recycled to little effect here. There's the dressing in as little clothing as possible, breaking into his house, trying to break the guy & his girlfriend up & various other schemes which turn increasingly violent. The scripting is a mess, various subplots are started but never really come to fruition like the basketball game Rinaldi & a slack student play, the two cops investigating the fire just end up disappearing, a child abuse angle goes nowhere as well as the rivalry between Debbie & blonde bimbo Meegan. I also hated the character of Debbie who just felt unlikable as she kills a dog for no reason & comes across as a selfish uncaring bitch with no redeeming features. Nothing that is set-up in Devil in the Flesh ever pays off & a really weak climax where basically nothing happens doesn't help either, at over 90 minutes it more than outstays it's welcome & I can honestly say I was bored out of my skull by it & was considering playing some Tetris on my mobile phone but I decided to endure it to the end so never let it be said I never gave it a chance.

Apparently Devil in the Flesh premiered on an obscure cable telly channel & that's about it was good for to be honest, there's no excitement or violence or much in the way of tension. Also I actually felt a little uncomfortable watching this at times since it's stated several times that Debbie is a minor yet she hardly wears any clothes, I guess the paedophiles out there might enjoy the really boring sequences of Debbie walking down the street flicking her hair or trying to look sexy while dressed in next to nothing while some terrible music plays on the soundtrack but I didn't.

This looks like the drab made for telly flick that it is with a soft natural yet boring look about it. The acting isn't up to much here, even though she was playing a minor here Rose McGowan was actually twenty five when she filmed this. The rest of the cast features no-one of any note as far as I am aware.

Devil in the Flesh is a film which I hated, I really did & it was just about everything about it. I will be generous & give it two stars out of ten because some of the girls are pretty hot but otherwise this is a stinker of the highest order as far as I am concerned. Followed by a sequel called Teacher's Pet (2000).
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Sexy, Wicked And Fun
Darkest_Rose12 December 2002
Devil in the flesh is a story about your usual obsessed with teacher school girl movie. I've seen this story lots of times but this one is my favorite. Rose Mcgowan is so sexy and wicked that you can't take your eyes off of her. She plays Debbie Strand, a girl with a cruel past. Her house has been burned down with her mother and her lover inside. The lover just happened to be a teacher and Debbie's crush. The story is fairly predictable but it's a lot of fun. Debbie moves in with her morbid grandmother that treats her very badly but of course the grandmother gets it in the end. Debbie falls immediately in love with her creative writing teacher and tries every way to get him and no one better get in her way, or else! If you want a wicked fun time, definately see this movie! I would give Devil In The Flesh 9/10
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What a GREAT movie!
Juniore19 January 2000
I love this movie. Back in 98 I was up late watching t.v. and noticed that a movie called DEVIL IN THE FLESH was on. I turned to it and was hooked in an instant. I started watching it because Rose Mcgowan was in it, but it turned out to be great. It was mature, exciting, and funny. I give it a 10/10.
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They didn't make 'em like that when I was in school.
lastliberal31 July 2007
Debbie: Spare the rod, spoil the child - is that the idea? Is this how you raised my mother? No wonder she was such a f*cking bitch! Debbie(hitting her grandmother with a cane): Oh, I'm sorry, grandmother. Did I hurt you? Let me make it better! Fiona: Please, have mercy... Debbie: F*ck mercy! You don't have any mercy. My mother never had it, my father didn't have it, and I don't have it. It's a family thing!

Typical story of a girl from a dysfunctional family. Rose McGowan(Debbie) is place with her grandmother after her mother and a teacher, who was involved with mother, mysteriously die in a fire.

Grandmother (Peg Shirley) and Debbie don't mesh well as she is a hyper-Christian. Soon bodies start piling up as Debbie has her eyes on another teacher.

Sherrie Rose plays the teachers girlfriend and provides some breast baring blazing-hot love scenes.

For Rose McGowan fans only.
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Over-the-top and predictable slasher fare.
jester-301 June 2003
My buddy Oscar has been on my butt for months to get me to watch this film... and I protested saying it looked stupid. Well, I finally saw it. It wasn't that bad, but it was stupid. I'd give it one star. Rose McGowan (Jawbreaker, Phantoms, Scream) plays a psycho-teen who is basically a poorly written Norman Bates. It's basically a bad POISON IVY rip-off, without the nudity and sex to keep it halfway interesting ;) The violence is far more graphic, too, making this one a candidate for the "slasher film" genre. It's predictable throughout. I'd love to say that McGowan does well in the role, but at times she appears over-the-top and hammy, so I can't even give her credit for great acting. I've seen countless B-movies which were far better and had better actors. This one looks like a bad attempt to cash in on McGowen's somewhat celebrity -- or her connection to Marilyn Mansun. Stupid.

It's too bad, too. Actor Alex McCarthur (Kiss the Girls, Conspiracy, Ladykiller) has been in a long list of B-films, and does great. He was good in this one, too... but he couldn't save it.
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you're right...
MissMoonlight9 August 2006
" I was glad the directors made this film with a message that abused children are scorned the rest of their life and therefore the pattern showed how the attitude of revenge is taken out on everyone in society. " You're right. It just shows that it's OK to kill people. Just kidding.

The movie is pure predictable cheese, though. I only watched it because i'm a charmed fan, and rose McGowan was in charmed.

I can't believe this movie was actually two hours. It was so predictable, I was able to tell when she was getting ready to kill someone.

This is a good movie if you like those 'femme fatale' movies in which everyone dies. But if you're looking for a 5-star movie, this isn't it.
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Weak and entirely predictable psycho thriller
Leofwine_draca10 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
A depressingly average variation on the FATAL ATTRACTION theme, this weak thriller never rises above the television origins. Every conceivable plot twist is unoriginal and boring, and the film never breaks from the typical mould of today's mindless rip-offs. Rose McGowan (SCREAM) herself is not too bad as the obsessed student, but the rest of the cast are an unmemorable bunch, especially the bland actor playing the teacher who is the root of McGowan's infatuations.

After going through the expected motions, all this film has to offer us is a few inventive scenes amongst the rest of the trash. One involves McGowan gassing a dog to death, another impaling a would-be rapist on a skewer. There is some fun to be had from the banter between two detectives investigating the case as one spells out long words to the other, but this quickly becomes tiring.

All we are left with is a boring, showy climax where McGowan doesn't even bite it, instead she is driven away in a police car after a staged fight scene where the outcome is incredibly obvious from the start (come on, as if the teacher's wife's life was really in danger...). DEARLY DEVOTED is yet another example of the unoriginality of today's film producers, who are unwilling to take risks and so simply churn out the same diluted rubbish film after film.
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nogodnomasters19 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Debbie (Rose McGowen) is distraught over the death of her mother and school teacher who died in a house fire. She is forced to live with her overly Christian grandmother (Peg Shirley) somewhere near Hollywood. At school Debbie develops a very quick and unhealthy Lolita crush on Peter (Alex McArthur) her teacher. It isn't hard to figure out Debbie is a very bad girl and psychotic individual who will stop at nothing to get what she wants.

As a 1998 film, it had that "been there, done that" feel to it. It really doesn't offer anything new or odd. No telekinetic powers, no twist, no supernatural or cute aliens. The film is a drama thriller and lacks what it takes to be a horror film. Dialogue and acting fairly decent, it is just that I have seen this film done a dozen different ways before. This is just a good generic version.

Parental Guide: F-bomb, sex, nudity (Sherrie Rose)
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the sporting life
shankar14 July 1999
Hey, that wasn't so bad. It wasn't so good either, but it kept me watching to the end. (Don't mistake that for meaning I found it suspenseful in any way.) I kept hoping Ms. McGowan would get naked. I wasn't terribly impressed with her performance (like the other commenters), but I like her. All my feelings towards this movie are of the "this aspect sucked, but I liked this part". Flip-flop, flip-flop. I also kept thinking it would turn into a "Devils Own" type thing and she would actually be the devil, but that disappointingly didn't occur.
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Not so Good
artpf14 November 2013
When Debbie Strand is sent to live with her elderly grandmother it is the easiest thing she could have done until things go terribly bad.

Her grandmother is too controlling for Debbie and will not let her have a life.

Debbie had enough and beats her to death with her cane. Now her eyes are set on her new teacher, Mr. Rinaldi.

She finds out that his girlfriend is out of town and erases all her messages on his answering machine.

She will stop at nothing to get him even if it means murder.

Now the easiest thing for her to do is to kill for what she wants.

Rose McGowan didn't go thru the bad plastic surgery when she made this movie, so she's still hot.

The film isn't.
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High quality, yet kinda trashy
Quinoa198410 September 2000
This film has some good bitch acting (by Rose McGowan who is relatively sexy) for a TV movie, but that might be it. The film has a plot, but for HBO, this even goes a little far. Entertaining, besides the flaws. Co-written by Kelly Carlin-McCall (daughter of legend George Carlin). B+
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5 out of 10 is about right!
mm-3911 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Devil in the Flesh well, 5 out of 10 is about right! Formulated, made for a female audience movie. Much look those old A B C movies of the week. The forbidden love angle/plot device has the protagonist in a pickle with a deranged antagonist. The genre usually has tittles like Forbidden fruit, Crimes of passion etc! There is always an unbalance female who is either a student, co worker, ex etc. Sometime an ex husband for a change. Crux of the story is a love triangle with the antagonist in a jealous uncontrollable rage. The antagonist either has a diabolical plan or just flips out! There is the after math he or she gets away or the scared victims. Sometime a bit of both for the ending. Devil in the Flesh is well acted, and directed movie! Regrettably Devil in the Flesh is about as formulated as professional wrestling. I wondered why there is no more Saturday morning wrestling, and I just figured out why! Good the first time, but slowly becomes the same old same old. 5 stars.
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Camp at best with the lovely Rose McGowan playing a teenage murderess/vixen.
BlueFormicaHalo18 September 1999
In no way is Rose McGowan a fantastic "actress," and I'm sure she doesn't claim to be. Rose is, perfectly, a camp goddess. She raises movies like "Lewis and Clark and George", "Phantoms", and "Jawbreaker" to more than they should be. "Devil in the Flesh", a made-for-cable thriller which I caught one sleepless night on TV, is Rose's movie. She plays a real bitch who gets a huge crush on her young male teacher (Alex McArthur). Here what ensues is a more campy, more violent "Poison Ivy" clone, that actually isn't bad at all. Now, many of my friends found it hard to believe that I, a teenage Atom Egoyan freak and Ang Lee-wannabe (although, no, I am not Oriental), could like such a movie. Well, sometimes, people like me need to have fun with a movie. "The Sweet Hereafter" and "The Ice Storm" were hardly fun movies, even though I adore them. But, thank you whoever for making "Devil in the Flesh", a riotous, terrific camp joy.

Three stars out of four.
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90s Straight To Video Cheese.
flowerstardust19792 November 2022
I remember thinking this was quite good when it was released on VHS. But watching again in 2022 and it's pretty terrible. But I have a fondness for it. This would be a 3 star if it were released in 2022.

Despite the 1998 release year I'm pretty certain this was filmed before then and before Scream 1996. It possibly got shelved until after Scream was released when Rose McGowan was now known. Possibly filmed late 1996.

The storyline is typical 90s bunny boiler thriller but it's the cheesy dialogue and fighting scenes that make this awkward to watch. Some of it's really bad. The only good thing about this movie is Rose McGowan and Alex Mcarthur and the really did their best with the material they were given to work with.

As I say it really doesn't stand up well in 2022 but I still kind of enjoyed watching it again but at the same time had full on cringe moments.
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