Dragon Against Vampire (1985) Poster

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Inane, deeply confusing martial arts horror action from Godfrey Ho
Leofwine_draca10 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
DRAGON AGAINST VAMPIRE is a typically inane martial arts/horror combo from Godfrey Ho, here writing under the pseudonym Benny Ho. The director is credited as one Lionel Leung, who only has this single credit to his name, which sounds suspiciously like another Ho pseudonym. Nothing would surprise me at this point. The film is yet another South Korean/Hong Kong co-production that may be the result of two films stitched together, as it's completely nonsensical.

The story begins with three grave robbers larking about in a cemetery and getting spooked by lively corpses. One of them, a fat guy, finds a cute dog and eats it in a distasteful scene. Eventually they meet a martial arts master who looks a bit like Yuen Biao if you squint a lot, and they also encounter a vampire which is sadly Westernised rather than the hopping variety that I personally love seeing in Chinese cinema. What follows is a jumble of scenes that seem to be randomly thrown together. There are cheesy effects, a lot of night time stuff, bad humour, and a little action, mainly at the climax. It's very, very bad, and thoroughly confusing.
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Earnest value struggles against staggering weaknesses
I_Ailurophile6 April 2023
Just because Hong Kong schlock maestro Godfrey Ho is involved with a film doesn't preclude the possibility of enjoying it, but it's safe to say one has a fair idea of what to expect. Even if we give allowances for changes that might have been made in dubbing or re-editing for international markets, it becomes clear in watching 'Dragon against vampire,' very quickly, that this isn't one of the more upstanding titles he had a hand in. In every regard the writing is decidedly weak, crafting a rather flimsy vehicle for the gags and action, and the direction and editing come off as loose, scattered, and almost haphazard. These aspects are all no more than baseline perfunctory - so I suppose it's a good thing that the dire deficiencies kind of add to the charm of such a low-budget, low-grade feature.

Chopped up as it is, Ho nonetheless whipped up a solid, enjoyable story. Would that his scene writing or dialogue were as consistent or robust, or every notion herein, let alone filmmaker Lionel Leung's realization, or the hands of editor Wing-Chan Leung that shaped the whole. Basic connective threads between narrative elements are stunningly thin. There's earnest value in this, but it's almost as though all who had the most oversight in its creation were actively trying to convince us otherwise. Storytelling is troubled not just by the fundamental orchestration and arrangement of scenes, but also by a sense of comedy that mostly just relies on abject silliness over any real wit or intelligence. Entertainment thus flows as much from bewildered disbelief as from sincere engagement as every idea the movie has to communicate is approached very meagerly, and we as viewers are made to labor to extract any amusement. This is especially true since the martial arts action that one anticipates isn't as prominent here as one would hope, and generally limited to a select handful of moments.

I quite like Stephen Tsang's original music, somewhat discordant and off-kilter, though the sound design is imbalanced to the point that themes and music cues are grating on the ears. I admire the production design, costume design, effects, and other contributions from crew behind the scenes. Under the totality of circumstances it feels very difficult to meaningfully assess the acting, but the cast at least does their part. For what it's worth, those stunts and action scenes are splendidly coordinated, and look pretty swell. Very honestly, I did have a good time watching 'Dragon against vampire,' and I think it builds more strength as the length advances; there's a notable difference between the approximate first and second halves. Would that the same level of care and skill that this possesses at its best had been applied more evenly across the entirety of these ninety minutes; even within the last fraction of the runtime new plot points are introduced that are downright flummoxing.

When all is said and done I think this is worth watching in some measure, but given its significant faults it's something to sit with on a lazy, quiet night, and far from essential. For that matter, there are definitely many other Hong Kong action flicks that one should make a higher priority. Provided you can abide its deep imperfections there are surely worse ways to spend one's time than with 'Dragon against vampire.' I just wish the production had been pursued more mindfully in the first place, because a little bit more fastidious craftsmanship would have gone a long way.
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No Thrills, No Spills, No Memory Of What I've Just Watched. 1-2-Miss.
P3n-E-W1s324 September 2022
Greetings And Salutations, and welcome to my review of Dragon Against Vampire; here's the breakdown of my ratings:

Story: 0.50 Direction: 0.75 Pace: 0.50 Acting: 1.00 Enjoyment: 0.50

TOTAL: 3.25 out of 10.00.

There's only one thing in Dragon Against Vampire that the movie gets right. The Vampire. However, this isn't your regular blood-sucker, being more of a sanguinarian warlock than a Count Dracula. And that notion leads to some darker veins of blood drinking.

Godfrey Ho, who scripted this Asian horror, needed to take the imagination that created the Vampire and utilise it in his other characters. Because it's here, the tale starts to falter. Even though the Vampire is a fresh take on the mythos, the blood-sucker's persona is weak, which is the case for everyone in the story. He should be a strong character, somebody to be feared. And though we hear the scared villages talking about the monster attacking the women. If they saw him, they wouldn't be afraid anymore. He doesn't possess the "Don't Mess With Me" air that's evident in most Vamps. He's powerful and unstoppable and should exude that confidence to make a good bad guy. And then you have inconsistencies in the narrative. The three principal individuals of the tale are grave robbers looking for quick wealth in the golden teeth of the dead. But when they come across a coffin lying in a hut in the forest, they're scared to open it. When the leader of the thieves finally lifts the lid, he shuts his eyes tight and pretends to look. This action is contrary to what we witnessed fifteen minutes previous as they open a coffin, unwrap the deceased, pry his jaws open to hunt for gold teeth, and pat down the rest of the corpse for jewellery. These lapses in continuity and lack of attention to detail hinder the story.

Additional to the weak storyline and uninteresting characters is the below-average cinematography of director Lionel Leung. The whole project has an amateur feel to it. The lighting is poor, especially in low-light scenes. His composition of shots is slightly off and a tad skewiff, which are exampled best in the fight and blood-drinking scenes. You can tell he's trying to shoot the segment engagingly and excitingly. Sadly they fall flat. But worst of all, for me, is the camera shakes. I loathe the style because it allows for poor skills to be permitted. Dragon Against Vampire came out years before the horrid Blair Witch Project, so the shakey style wasn't conventional and was considered unskilled. One or two segments are permittable because crap happens, but in Dragon, it's pretty constant.

The cast is the best thing about the whole picture - after the refreshened Vampire. The performers aren't brilliant, but they do the best with what they have, and you can't fault them for that. Regrettably, none shine through or are memorable, which should've been the case for the actors portraying, The Vampire, The Shaolin Master, and Tony, the hero.

I would love to see this story revamped for the modern day and incorporate more robust, credible, and relatable characters. The bare bones of a great story and entertaining movie are here. They just weren't maximised for their best effect and potential. Because of that, I can't recommend anybody to watch this film. It's too dull and uninteresting to warrant wasting an hour and a half of your precious time.

Miss? If you could please bring your knees together, you're letting a draft in, and there are no vampires in this joint. While you wait for a blood gulper to arrive, feel free to peruse my IMDb list - Absolute Horror to see where I rated Dragon Against Vampire.

Take Care & Stay Well.
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Live-action cartoon-fu!
zwolf5 April 2000
Three goofy, unsuccessful thieves wander around robbing graves, eating dogs, getting attacked by hands that burst from the ground, and acting unconscionably stupid. They come to an old inn and find out that a vampire has been preying on virginal young girls in the area. Two of the thieves and the innkeeper are killed, so the remaining thief tries to protect the innkeeper's beautiful daughter and avenge his friends. The vampire can control the daughter's mind, and he makes her drink chicken blood. The thief goes to an old hermit who teaches him Shaolin sorcery and gives him an amulet that looks like a backwards swastika but works like a crucifix. Not much fighting, but plenty of comedy, and a little mild gore. Enjoyable enough Chinese kung fu/comedy/horror, but seeing the name "Elton Chong" in the credits is always a sign that this isn't going to be the best kung fu movie you've ever seen...
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A disservice to dragons and vampires everywhere
fishermensmell16 August 2021
An utterly confusing and inept blend of martial arts, horror and comedy that fails on all fronts, yet still manages to entertain (mostly through bizarre dialogue and crap effects). Sadly, a few wacky moments can't elevate this this anything more than barely-watchable.

I watched this with friends and we had a laugh at some scenes and also in trying to piece together our various interpretations of the plot, aided somewhat by the DVD blurb. Essentially, three roguish vagabonds/grave-robbers tumble into the midst of a situation involving a sorcerer who is killing off local virgins. In a fairly stock character arc, one man (Tony) goes from goofy fool to shaolin hero who must defeat the villain. A vampire also turns up to confuse matters.

My favourite moment was when a clearly taxidermied owl on a string was yanked off a branch to simulate flight. That's how bad and hokey this is.

Avoid. There are far better "bad" movies out there.
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Is it a DaDA masterpiece?
meryles11 December 2002
Okay, first of all, this movie confused me so utterly the first ten times i saw it that i had to just keep watching it until it made sense. I wondered (and still do) if the people who dubbed it for release in the US even owned a translation, or if they just made all the dialogue up on the fly. But honestly, DRAGON AGAINST VAMPIRE has EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!! It has a magic kung fu master who scampers around on his hands because he never leaves full lotus position. When we first meet him, he seems to be living underground. There are random flashbacks that are difficult to distinguish from dream sequences or all the other random parts of the movie. There is a fat man who pounds his belly a lot and cooks and eats a dog. Suddenly the waitress' pants fall down. And then they are haunted. Random bad things happen. There are bells and strings on the ground. What's going on? Why are their faces on the billboard? Why is that man trying to beat them up on the side of the road? Good god, is he escaping on top of a giant tortoise or is it a motor-propelled log? What is going on?????????

Anyway, Do you get my drift here? Eventually i understood what it all meant and how it fit together (as you will too, with time and patience), but if you put your intellectual sensibilities aside for just a little while, this is one of the greatest, most nonsensical pieces of cheap cinema ever available for $3.99 at your local five-and-dime (i bought mine at Woolworth's before they went out of business and have never regretted it for a moment!!!!). I strongly recommend this movie to everyone with a good sense of humor, a loose grip on reality, and an alcoholic beverage (or else a peculiar friend who never stops laughing and can speak in funny voices).
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What's going on in this movie??
Jjjkurosu9 September 2004
Almost nothing is more hokey and dumb than this, but don't feel discouraged about seeing it, cause it's funnier than any comedy you'll ever find. It's just that bad. It begins with three idiots that slightly resemble the three stooges, but they are also grave robbers, and they're being chased by this evil vampire guy because one of them stole a golden swastika from some coffin( whose coffin this is, we never find out). From then on, you'll find every cliché in the book, with mind-controlling vampires, a possession scene thats totally ripped off of the Exorcist, and a crapload of dream sequences that seem to pop up over and over again, making you wonder if anything thats really happening in the movie is actually really happening, or is just another ridiculous dream. But don't forget what I said before. This movie is FUNNY! Go ahead and watch it.
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A crude knockoff
clovis-515 May 2000
The video box cover presents this flick as a hybrid of the martial arts and horror genres. Upon renting it, I figured that if it did not succeed as a horror flick (which was not likely anyway), that it would at least have some good martial arts sequences -- or vice versa. Well, it fails on all counts.

Basically a series of lame, crude comedy sketches. Bad dubbing. A ripoff.
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One of the best/worst movies i have ever seen.
Ivarikov31 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
It took me a while to grasp this movie. There is a plot, more or less, but there are so many random things that... well... Who is the guy in the coffin? or the other coffin? He isn't the vampire, because he comes from a door. Why are they on the run? Why does the swastika fend of the undead? I honestly cannot fathom why there is a turtle and a log in the river to save Tony. This film must have lost a few scenes in the editing room, because it doesn't make sense Spoiler: Somewhere in the movie, we are introduced to another vampire. Well, Surprise! that vampire is the other vampire wearing a mask. But you can clearly see that the other vampire is a real person, and has silly putty on his nose. Also, the characters find a severed head. Upon first glimpse, A friend and I thought the corpse had been thrown through a mattress, but no, it is supposed to be a severed head. Don't blame us, you can see the poor b******d's body. See this movie. I bought it for a dollar, and it was the best dollar I have ever spent. You will laugh, you will cry, because this movie sucks a-hole and is my god, at the same time.
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