The Turkey Caper (TV Movie 1985) Poster

(1985 TV Movie)

Barbara Goodson: Buttons


  • Buttons : Aren't you guys flying south for the winter?

    Priscilla : Turkeys don't fly south for the winter.

  • Buttons : Don't worry Mom and Pop, they're our friends.

    Abner : Friends? Those wild turkeys? Those crazy birds all but attacked me!

    Marty : Well you frightened us!

    Buttons : You see, Pop, there are some men out in the forest who tried to capture Marty and Priscilla.

    Rusty : Only we set them free.

    Buttons : And now we have to make sure the men don't find them again!

    Abner : Oh! So that's why they were hiding in the food bin.

    Rosie : But Buttons dear, how can we possibly look after all these turkeys? They'll eat us out of house and home in one day.

    Buttons : Oh but it won't be for that long!

    Rusty : Ranger Jones is gonna fix everything, he'll take care...

    [a truck pulls up outside] 

    Buttons : They found us! Hurry! We have to hide the turkeys!

    Rosie : They're right dear, we HAVE to.

    [everybody scrambles to put the turkeys in the food bins] 

  • Rusty : Look at this! Now, that's what I call a funny hat.

    Buttons : And look! People with feathers.

    Marty : And fur.

  • Buttons : What was that?

    Rusty : I don't know, but it gave a funny feeling in the pit of my tummy. Come on, Buttons, let's cut across before that thing comes back.

  • Buttons : Boy, did I dream all that?

  • Ranger Jones : Why don't you folks come over to my place tomorrow and celebrate?

    Buttons : Can we?

    Bridgette : I don't know why not.

See also

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