One Way Out (Video 2002) Poster

(2002 Video)

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For maximum enjoyment, turn off brain before viewing
=G=14 July 2002
Flawed on all levels, "One Way Out" plays out with the look and feel of a low budget t.v. drama. Belushi is at the center as a homicide detective with gambling debts who finds himself on the wrong end of a murder investigation. With pervasive mediocrity, the tortuous plot is the only reason to spend time with this flick and it is so full of plot holes as to require a sort of viewer numbness to be all it can be which little more than is a nice little time waster. For couch potatoes only. C-
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Suspense, twists and tension in this exciting thriller
ma-cortes28 December 2007
Homicide Detective Harry Woltz(James Belushi)is a tough cop with dubious morality and has some gambling debts to the wrong people, the mobsters Russell brothers. They suggest Harry train unhappy husband John Farrow(Jason Bateman) how to kill his spouse without leaving clues and get away with it. As an added incentive, they threaten Harry's partner, the cop Gwen(Angela Featherstone) who is put on the issue. But the subsequent assassination investigation encounters evidence pointing Harry's way.

This is a noir crime-drama with suspense, thriller, shootouts, unexpected twists and some moment entertaining. It's a modest film with middling budget and has its good moments here and there. The film is well set in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Agreeable and enjoyable casting, specially formed by trio protagonist: Belushi, Bateman and Featherstone. Excellent James Belushi as corrupt policeman,his career achieved success with ¨Blues brothers, K9,Salvador,Principal¨ however today is failed, playing TV sitcoms as ' According to Jim' and he's usual voice for cartoon movies. Justine Bateman is fine as greedy hubby, Bateman is habitual television actor such as 'Arrested development'and his greatest hit was 'Teen wolf too'. The motion picture is professionally directed by Allan A. Goldstein. He's an usual television movies director: ¨Snake king, Loss of faith,Crossbow¨and occasionally cinema director ¨2001: A space travesty,Dorian, When justice fail¨and director for revenger as Charles Bronson: Death Wish IV, Brian Genesse and Brian Bosworth vehicles. Rating : Average but entertaining.
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Like so many other crime mysteries
view_and_review16 April 2006
"One Way Out" failed to separate itself from the crowd. There was nothing particularly brilliant or unique about this film. If it weren't for the names Belushi and Bateman I think this film would have zero credibility. There was a murder, the story went as it should, there was a twist, then there was justice. The acting wasn't much to rave about nor was the story itself. The movie kind of lulled along as you waited to see where the writer would try to show why his film made it to screen. There was never any intense drama, no strong relationships, and no believability. Every character seemed empty, and without any action or good dialogue, the movie just sputtered along until it ended. Because I didn't turn the movie off before it ended I didn't grade it a 4 or less.
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An OK variant on the bad cop morality play
bernie minim3 August 2002
Ever since "Thief" Jim Belushi has been one of those names that draw me past the mediocre reviews to give the movie a chance. Here, Jim plays a morally bankrupt police Inspector who is forced to participate in planning a murder. Things go awry, and eventually he is pulled into the investigation. A couple of coincidences add to the plot complications, and events unravel from there. Except for the opening scene (I mean, how often does this ever happen, except all the time in the movies) this is a reasonable, unpretentious movie, not really a whodunnit in the classic sense, but develops such elements later on. The acting is pro forma, but not bad; the cliches are no worse than normal, and the ending was, to me at least, predictable without being telegraphed. For a low budget, filmed in Canada (Montreal) movie, it was OK. 7 of 10 for meeting expectations, 4 of 10 for general quality.
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mveach200121 July 2014
I watched parts and the ending. Glad I didn't watch anymore cause it would've been a total waste of time. I feel dumber from just the parts I did watch. If you want a good laugh just fast forward to the final scene and get a small bag of popcorn. It's like a lot of movie endings but just shot in the worst way possible. And once thankfully the movie is over your left wondering what the hell just happened. Did that really just happen. Let me go kill myself. Anyway Jason Bateman also doesn't fit in this movie at all. And him being a bad guy just doesn't fit. Are there any good guys in this film? It just seems like everyone is backstabbing each other. I don't understand what the one way out is all about either. Seems like there's a way out of the movie theater or the stop button on your DVD player. Don't waste your time. Please I'm warning you. Stay away from this film and watch the blues brothers.
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Hard-Boiled Belushi In This Great Noir Style Thriller
lukem-5276011 March 2022
James Belushi is an actor i grew up watching like many other's & had loads of his films on video that i just loved such as Red Heat, K-9 & K-911 that I watched constantly. But Belushi also made a load of Awesome B-movie type flicks that i discovered when i found Jim Belushi had his own section at this awkward vhs shop called Enterprise Video & i discovered many Belushi gems like Royce, Traces of Red, Separate Lives, Mr. Destiny, The Principal & Retroactive. Also i had Gang Related on video. I also found some gems at Blockbuster video that i rented excitedly such as Angel's Dance & One Way Out. James Belushi is an actor that can do both silly & hilarious comedy & intense serious drama & be both a fun likeable Cop (Red Heat, K-9, K-911) or a dark villain type (Retroactive, Gang Related) Jim is a damn good actor. My all-time favorite Belushi films will always be Red Heat, K-9 & it's underrated sequel K-911 but I've always checked out his films & love many & one of his best is ONE WAY OUT. Gotta say that Jim is excellent at playing Cops, good or bad.

One Way Out is a Noir style Cop Thriller that came out during the early 2000's (2002) when these types of Direct-to-video B-movies covered the shelves at Blockbuster & One Way Out is damn good one. Belushi plays an excellent & real tough Detective named Harry Woltz (a superb hard Belushi performance) who is a great Detective but has gambling problems in his private life & he ends up owing alot of money that he doesn't have. Harry is blackmailed & pushed into setting up a murder for a wimpy husband (played expertly by Jason Bateman) who wants his cheating wife killed & he has to get away with it. Harry sets it all up because he has no choice but everything spirals out of control when Harry is assigned to investigate the case & he becomes a suspect. Superb little cast of actors, we also have another great performance by Angela Featherstone (Family of Cops) as Harry's love interest, fellow Detective & motivations for being involved in the murder because she was threatened by the local gangsters that Harry owes money to. For a cheap little B-movie this is a damn entertaining & twisty Thriller with an excellent dark & intense performance from Jim Belushi.

There's a bleak winter setting that makes all the indoor settings feel cosy & this neat little noir thriller was Directed by Allan A. Goldstein who Directed the underrated Death Wish 5: Face of Death with Charles Bronson, i loved that movie & it showed Goldstein was good at the dramatic serious action stuff done on a tiny budget. The blues style score is great here & compliments the old noir atmosphere that flows through One Way Out. Belushi was always great at playing cops & when i think of him, i think of him as a cop in the great action cop thriller genre.

James Belushi is a damn good actor & this is one of his best & most underrated B-movie Gems.
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The best-laid plans of mice...
Bernie44449 January 2024
If you do not recognize any of the buildings in this picture, it is because it was filmed in Montréal, Québec, Canada.

Harry Woltz (James Belushi) is on top of his form. He is an undercover police officer and had a big bust with the help of his assistant Gwen Buckley (Angela Featherstone). He is sweet to her, and all is right. Or it would be if it were not for his gambling habit.

It is time to pay up and he must perform a simple but distasteful act and all will be square. Did I say simply slowly the plot unravels and he finds it not so simple: it gets more complex with twists and turns. He finds that there is only "One Way Out?"
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Watchable but predictable
dhank1971-98-93471728 June 2014
I have to admit i am a fan of James Belushi in his Comedic film roles, but he does a decent job in this thriller as top homicide detective Harry Woltz.

Due to spiraling gambling debts he is forced into training a husband(Jason Bateman) who is treated badly by his rich wife, on how to commit the perfect murder without leaving any clues behind.

Their are a good few plot twists to keep you interested to the end of the movie, but most are predictable to us as we have seen them in many other similar movies.

Overall i would give the movie 6/10
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hard-boiled Jim
SnoopyStyle3 March 2020
To pay off a gambling debt, police detective Harry Woltz (Jim Belushi) is forced to teach John Farrow (Jason Bateman) in murdering his wife. The case falls to his ex-partner Gwen Buckley (Angela Featherstone) and he starts feeling the heat.

The originating incident is convoluted. It would be so much simpler if Harry is forced to kill the wife himself. The rest is a lot of twisting and bending to get to the same place. I guess he's less emotionally guilty if he didn't intend to pull the trigger himself but that's a distinction without a difference. He's on the hook for murder either way. As for Jim himself, it always struck me as silly for him to play a hard-boiled detective. This one is a little better since he's corrupt. He's good at sleazy. He's either that or be completely silly. I can't take him as the heroic type. This would work better if he is internally corrupt rather than being a good man who did one corrupt thing.
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mediocre but enjoyable thriller
anitamich24 June 2006
Convoluted thriller with comedy star and beautiful female police officer reminiscent of another female who I can't remember her name is not up for any academy awards. Despite the lack of reviews found anywhere, I found it to be an entertaining and intriguing film showing the trouble a human weakness can get you into. I've never seen a film where the protagonist is being taken down and yet not guilty due to self defense. You don't know all this til the end when you finally come to realize the truth of the killing. For me, I was surprised on how it all ended and enjoyed the journey to finding it out. The ending was disappointing as usually the main character lives to tell the tale, and goes on with his life. After all this is a movie, and happy endings are still in vogue.
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Pretty great for a late-night cabler!
vhsiv3 January 2005
First things first - let's lay out the dirty linen: I avoided this thing during normal waking hours, given the 'noir' log-line and the Jim Belushi principal. But between 3 and 5 am, this film was pure gold. Sometimes things just work out that way, especially if you miss the first 10-20 minutes, as I did; years of insomniac viewing have taught me that some beginnings are better missed than seen.

Such was my approach to 'One Way Out' - and it paid off.

How could I have expected Jim Belushi to pull off a Michael Chiklis-like transformation and play a corrupt cop, caught between a rock and a hard place? In fact, the performance is so compelling that it threw me off of the main arc of the plot: While the story may be a bit formulaic, Belushi's performance is a wonderful distraction - I didn't even see the denouement coming, until I was watching it on screen.

In my opinion, this was a far, far better film than the Paltrow/Douglas/Mortenson vehicle of 'A Perfect Murder', as the actors here play against type, and triumph over the material.

Highly recommended! Furthermore, Angela Featherstone, Jason Bateman and Guylaine St. Onge provide excellent support. Not a dull moment.

While I'm not sure that I could recommend this film for viewing during the light of day, I *highly* recommend this movie for it's late night/early morning consumption. A qualified 8/10.
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Mediocre in many ways but the plot had potential
bob the moo28 January 2004
Harry Woltz is a homicide cop with a gambling problem; a problem that leaves him owing a great deal of money to the Russell brothers. To clear the debt they ask him to train John Farrow to murder his wife, Evans, without leaving the usual clues or making the usual mistakes. However when Harry's ex-partner is put on the case, she begins to get closer than Harry had thought before the case takes some unexpected twists.

Despite the fact that it never saw the inside of a cinema in the US never mind here, I still gave this film a go. The plot is pretty weak but is noir-ish and could have worked better and been darker than it was. Sadly it is quite obvious and so full of holes that you could put your head through to see what was on the other side! This isn't helped by the fact that the film tries to create a dark, noir mood by having a rubbish harmonica soundtrack all the way through - supposedly played by Harry. In the end it all comes down to just where you expect it to and, while the ending would have worked well in a better film, it has no emotion here.

It is not just plot that the film shows it's low values. The direction is workmanlike, the sets are average, the shots let the boom come into view far too often and so on and so forth. The whole thing feels like a TVM at best and I can see why it never reached the cinema! The cast follow this trend with a series of performances that at best are average. Belushi would like to think he can play a dark cop in a noir but he can't - he is miscast and struggles. He is the reason the ending lacks punch and he also takes away from the noir effect of the film. Bateman is OK in support despite not looking as good as he projects with all that stubble. The rest of the support cast are just wallpaper whether in big roles or small.

Overall this film is not awful, it is just poor and uninteresting. The plot and the delivery suggest it wanted to be some sort of noir but it is faking it and doesn't convince. The mood is plastered on in a fake and unimpressive manner, the plot is full of holes and the actors are only average, with a big piece of miscasting and bad acting when it comes to the lead role of Harry.
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Almost as good as A Perfect Murder
stefan89910 September 2002
After viewing this I was really surprised how much I enjoyed it. If you loved A Perfect Murder you will love this. It was just full of suspense and intrigue, although a little predictible at the end. James Belushi played his role well as the corrupt cop and Jason Bateman also gives a good performance. I just loved the way they set out to kill the wife and how it all panned out in the end.
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No Way Out? One Way Out? Title Rip-Off?
MovieAddict201627 January 2004
Clumsily-plotted thriller that has framed innocent James Belushi stumbling along trying to piece together the clues that prove he is not linked with the murder of a woman. Tired script relies on cliches and Belushi--a talented comedian and just plain funny guy--is way out of his league as a serious guy who has to show real emotions. I like Belushi--I don't like this movie.

Mediocre to an extreme.

2/5 stars.

  • John Ulmer
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Great Thriller, but unfortunately like everything in life, too good to be true!
thejman101 December 2002
Well, this is indeed as good as perfect murder, but this one is a little different; this has a purpose - the hero must be the man that does his job and protecting his fellow colleague, whom he likes very much. As much as he liked her, he would hate to see her die out of the wrong reasons... so, despite his will to participate in the cruel role set up just for him, he does it and almost gets away with it, but in the end... well the end is not so surprising, but is still good. A very romantic notion, but I'm afraid it's too much for a real life... Truly worths a watch and the pleasure is maximized by the DVD version. The DVD gets more into effect detail that is necessary to get you in the mood!
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Medium TV entertainment for a modest product
salciuco@inwind.it20 September 2003
One Way Out, the new James Belushi movie is a direct to the video flick and it's developed and conceive such as common product nothing to more. The story of the Detective Harry Woltz and his double life between murders and night club can be much more interesting and good writer, with more intelligence, threatening expression and human evil. Also the leading role is too low and normally good for be believable and fascinating. The movie starting low with stereotyped characters, then grow up with more suspense, good facts and tension till to the end when all the good thinks fall in a sugary and foolish love story. James Belushi is good but too old for this charming and fine role, much better when he do the sympathy scoundrel as in `Made Men' or the totally obscure police man of `Gang Related'. Nothing to very bad, the movie leave it till to end, but good only for the video or TV movie. My rate is 5.
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Good plot, bad choice of main character
wickedwes7 November 2003
This movie was a good movie to rent, but Jim Belushi was the wrong choice for this film cause he is type cast as a funny man. Jason Bateman played an excellent part. He should get better roles and should be doing bigger movie projects.
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Jim Belushi in a Ray Liotta like character
searchanddestroy-12 August 2023
After GANG RELATED made several years earlier, where he was a rogue cop, Jim Belushi plays a borderline cop again, in a role that would have been perfect for Ray Liotta, and many others I guess. The directing is lousy, in the nineties mode for this 2002 movie destined to video and DVD. And precisely because for this reason, the topic saves us some good surprises. The lead character is far from being a good hero whose acts are foreseeable one million miles ahead. I love this kind of roles, in the line of Fred McMurray in PUSHOVER or Edmond O'Brien in SHIELD FOR MUDER. Sometimes in such lousy straight to DVD stuff, you may find such little gems but, again, no matter the directing skills. Forget that and focus on the plot and especially ending. A good tribute to the forties decade film noirs such as DOUBLE INDEMNITY.
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