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Excellent-If you don't like it, it probably hits too close to home.
VinceRocca26 September 2008
Excellent flick. I often felt that people were at fault for their own credit mess and to some extent, I still do.

This movie opened my eyes to how many of these credit giants prey on the uninformed and manage to make money through bankruptcies.

Someone charges $1000, makes a payment then goes delinquent. The late penalties cause that to become $3000, then after 180 days the bank writes that debt off and sells it at 50% to a debt collector for $1500. The bank still collects their principal, plus whatever payments the original person made, plus $500, plus takes a write off. It seems like a no brainer to hand money out like paper.

When a predator offers candy to a child, do we blame the child for taking the sweet bait? No, because the child didn't know better. So are these people at fault?
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When the American Dream turns into a nightmare
Buddy-518 August 2007
It's a well known fact that Americans are among the most consumer-oriented and debt-ridden people on the planet. It's perhaps less well known that banks and credit card companies actually make their largest profits by extending mass amounts of credit to the very people who can least afford to be in debt. By finally exposing this ironic truth to the light of day, the documentary "Maxed Out" aims to hold the powers-that-be accountable for their actions.

James D. Scurlock, the writer and director of the film, brings us one heartbreaking story after another about ordinary average citizens who have fallen victim to this consumer-credit nightmare. Some are struggling working-class folk who were scammed by debt-consolidation lenders into believing that they would be paying lower interest rates and payments on their loans, only to discover that their new rates and payments were, in reality, astronomically higher. Others are 18 year-old college students, who, it turns out, are prime targets for credit card companies who see these "bad risks" as gold stars in their corporate profit ledgers. Lending institutions also go after people who have previously filed for bankruptcy, knowing that such individuals are not only spending-prone by nature but legally unable to file for bankruptcy a second time. Scurlock also interviews debt-collectors who seem all but indifferent to the plight of those they are going after, as well as more humanistic economists who understand completely the depth of the problem.

Perhaps the most damning criticism is leveled at politicians like George W. Bush and the members of Congress who passed the ironically named Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005, making it much harder for the average American to escape his consumer debt burden and much easier for irresponsible creditors to hound their debtors sometimes literally to death, a point Scurlock brings home when he interviews people whose loved ones have committed suicide as a result of their financial and debt-related woes. Yet, ironically, the film also shows the flippant attitude government officials seem to adopt regarding the nation's own debt situation as trillions of dollars of red ink spill unimpeded across the nation's treasury.

In terms of style, "Maxed Out" lacks the pizazz and showmanship of a Michael Moore expose, but Scurlock's single-minded passion still shines through loud and clear. This is a fairly straightforward talking-heads documentary that cuts to the heart of the problem with compassion and precision. The director does provide some much needed levity, though, by showing us snippets of a very funny standup comedy routine on the subject by Louis C. K., as well as excerpts from a typically cheesy 1960 instructional short entitled "The Wise Use of Credit" (the DVD contains the full ten-minute version of the film in the "Extra Features" section).

"Maxed Out" is another in a long line of documentaries seemingly designed to make one feel insignificant and powerless in the face of hugely impersonal corporate forces. Yet, if knowledge itself is power, then movies like "Sicko," "Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room," "Maxed Out" etc. may, in their own small way, help lead to much-needed reform and change in the way the government and Big Business deal with the least of us in society. Let us hope that is the case.
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Scary yet great movie
Utoepeea15 June 2007
I think this movie was wonderful and shows not only as individuals are we not responsible with your credit (in some cases because were are unable to get the basics due to our salaries) but it shows how we as a society feed on the poor in a variety of ways. It shows how our materialism as gone out of control.. HOUSES WITH ELEVATORS? This need

to have "things" no matter what the cost is quite sad. I cried with the moms in the film talking about their kids, and what credit card debit as done to new college students.

It was scary and informative... Now excuse me while I go check my credit rating!
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Important topic, needs to put its data into perspective
Polaris_DiB22 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
If you breathe, you are probably aware of the concept of debt in this society. However, for some reason people aren't breathing too heavily about it, despite the fact that it's pretty much tottering on the brink of destruction. Maxed Out is a documentary out to show just how bad it is, from predatory lending habits of big companies to the issue of national debt (How big is the share each household would have to pay to pay off our national debt? $90K as of 2006).

This documentary is highly lauded and I've heard more than a handful of people call it one of the scariest horror movies they've seen... me, I didn't care for it much in terms of the art of documentary. Talking heads are hard to truly relate to, especially since you can see the same sort of faces talking about Civil War battlefields as you can the people in this film trying to intimate just how bad it's getting. This is an important topic and I wish the documentary had spent more time truly mapping out the issue from foundation to labyrinth. Instead, it mainly focused on providing quick examples of the several layers of the problem in an almost mish-mash form. I'd prefer a documentary that makes the issue much more clear.

It's an important message, I was just very disappointed in that it gave me few real information that I didn't already know, and except for the $90K fact above, fairly rarely put the numbers into true perspective. I would have preferred they made a harder point.

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Maxed Out - A film whose time has come
WebGuyTV29 June 2006
Maxed Out is an eye opening documentary that is long, long overdue. Over the last few decades the credit industry has only become bolder and more aggressive. Maxed Out begs the question: Have they gone too far? Seeing this movie will make you think twice about filling out another credit card application.

As one of the characters early on in the film, I was aware of a lot of the dirty tricks and tactics used by creditors, bill collectors, 'professional debt collectors' and the like. I truly thought I knew about the level of greed this film would expose in the credit industry. I was a debt collector for nearly a decade but left the industry because of the many 'slime balls' indigenous to the profession. It takes a certain kind of person to remain in this industry for the long haul.

What I did not know, was the depths at which some creditors would be willing to sink. Even I was appalled at the actions of some of the biggest names in the lending business, and I thought I had seen every dirty trick in the book. Without going into detail as to how Maxed Out reveals the atrocities committed by the credit industry as a whole, I can only say that you will likely leave the theater totally amazed yet possibly disgusted in the aftermath of Maxed Out's revelations. You'll likely be very surprised to see who has their hands deeply submerged in the proverbial cookie jar.

Although the inevitable comparisons between Maxed Out and Super Size Me will be drawn, one must realize that not everybody eats at McDonald's but everyone has debt. Even if it's just your share of the national debt. Everyone is affected by debt.

A lot has changed since my bankruptcy ten years ago. Thanks to a new change in the bankruptcy laws it's virtually impossible to obtain the level of bankruptcy protection today that I relied on in 1996. The public needs to know what's happening before these modern day loan sharks end up trying to take over the world and turning us all into eternal debt slaves. James Scurlock should be applauded for doing this film. This story would have been very easy 'not to do.'

The most unexpected thing about Maxed Out is its breathtaking resolution on the big screen. A lot of the footage shot for Maxed Out looks spectacular thanks to the genius of Jon Aaron Aaseng. It's almost inconceivable that a documentary about America's credit card debt can be this entertaining, this provocative and this easy to watch all at the same time. See it.
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More IMDbers should check this one out...
MrGKB13 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
...because a large percentage of them are likely the target demographic of this country's predatory financial system. Writer/producer/director James Scurlock surveys the state of our credit-driven consumer society with a sharp if somewhat prejudicial eye, and what he sees isn't pretty. Scurlock's main thesis has even gained power in light of the post-release financial snafus the country is dealing with now. The presentation isn't as clever as longtime classics like "The Atomic Cafe" or "Koyaanisqatsi," or even less political ones like "Crumb" or "Hoop Dreams," but it's still effective. If you've never been exposed to the information presented before, you'll never look at your credit cards (or the phony baloney so many issuers deluge you with) quite the same way again. And that'll be a good thing, Anthony, a very, very good thing.
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Film needs to be widely seen by young and the poor
kevlynnof19 August 2006
Extremely powerful message. Particularly the fact that credit card companies make most of their money from the people who really shouldn't have credit cards. The young and the poor who when they can't meet minimum repayments are socked with extra fees and penalty interest.

Should be shown in all high schools and colleges as a warning to the vulnerable. However given the power of the credit card company political lobby groups, this film will probably get minimal distribution and disappear.

This would be unfortunate as the message here is communicated in a clear and entertaining style.
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I owe I owe it's off to work I go
DJJOEINC30 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Maxed Out -Well made documentary about credit cards and credit card debt.Depressing and infuriating at the same time.I am 39 and have not had a credit card since I was 18(and that was for a clothing store).I am lucky-I have little in savings - but no credit debt- except my mortgage-which took me forever to get since I had no credit history.More luck than planning.This movie starts in Las Vegas and winds its way thur the US- we see widowers selling everything and anything to keep their family home- we see the indebted and poor getting solicited for more credit cards.This is not a fun movie nor is it a partisan movie- they managed to throw potshots at both the donkeys and the elephants.The madness will continue until someone finds a way to neuter the financial lobby.The DVD has several extras including a vintage short The Wise USe of Credit.On a weird and personal note- one of the reporters covering this story was my favorite college basketball player in 1982- Mike Hudson -he was also my coach in summer basketball camp- just so weird to look at the screen and recognize someone I had not see since 7th grade- and so glad to see him doing some good(at least that is how it looked in the movie.Worth a rental. B+
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Re: Scary
robertson_brandon21 March 2006
I saw this movie at the SXSW film festival and can't recommend it enough. It is AWESOME - right up there with a lot of the great documentaries that have come out the past few years. Basically it's about the predatory practices of the credit card companies, and how the government just seems to look the other way. Doesn't sound all that entertaining, right? I guarantee it will tick you off...and then make you a little nervous (see it and then tell me you won't think twice before applying for another credit card). Some of the things it covers are the ways that credit card companies have refined their practices to prey on college students (without jobs), the mentally disabled, people in bankruptcy, etc. and are never held accountable by the government for their actions (if fact, the CEO of a bank that was fined $400 million dollars for SHREDDING customers checks to charge false late fees was actually made a member of the current administration's cabinet). It also spotlights the fact that the largest campaign contributer in the 2004 election was the banking institution that coincidentally co-authored a bill that made it harder for middle-class Americans to file for bankruptcy. I hope this movie is put into wide release. I think it's something everybody in this country should see.
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A great movie reduced to sloppy editing
gzamikes2 June 2007
This is about how the government and credit card companies make it so easy for people to fall into credit card debt and never recover. The film attempts to show what's wrong with both of the aforementioned sections but it doesn't really succeed because it doesn't get a chance to finish explaining everything. It cuts back and forth with stories from people who are in over their heads. That's nice to hear but the film cuts from one scene to a third scene and then back to a second scene. As you can imagine, that gets very confusing and shows how more editing would have made this an extremely powerful movie. As the film stands, it's just above alright but at the same time it feels as if it could be remade and achieve a better result.
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Why So Many are in Debt
jkn9 April 2006
This documentary gives an excellent explanation as to why so many people are in debt. It starts out with us riding along with a real estate agent in Las Vegas. People are obsessed with material things, and we all want to have more than we have.

But what the film does is explain how the banks and financial institutions have preyed upon the masses, especially the lower income families and young people who don't have a good understanding of how to manage money.

You'll see how families have been ruined by credit card debt and how insidious this game has gotten. If anything, this movie will make you question why we don't teach every child in America how to manage their money before they graduate high school so that they don't get caught in the credit card trap.

I think this movie is a must see for everyone, so they can understand why 10 percent of our society holds 2/3 of all the wealth in America and why the rest of us in the 90 percent can't seem to get ahead!
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scottss251 June 2008
This movie was good in the sense that it covers the topic you think it is going to cover, and it does it pretty well. For anybody with any kind of debt, this movie just makes you feel stupid for having such debt. But you already knew that. You already knew you were an idiot for paying interest all your life.

I feel like an idiot. This movie is very effective in pouring salt in your wounds. It really doesn't make you feel better about yourself and your situation when you finish watching it.

If you have no debt and are everything Dave Ramsey wants you to be, you would probably watch this and be overwhelmingly glad that is not you. You'll be thankful you are financially responsible and you may not even realize how bad some people have dug themselves into debt. I talked to a very wealthy customer of mine a few weeks ago and he was talking about owning stock in Visa. He basically spoke lowly of anybody carrying a balance with Visa. Their loss was his opportunity to make money off the stock. I understand his sentiment, but I get the impression that he thinks that only the lowest of the low income earners carry such debt. He doesn't appear to realize that the middle class, upper middle class, and even people that earn high incomes are often debt carriers themselves. But he is out of touch. This movie should give him a better perspective on the debt problem with citizens of this country and just how bad it really is.

So if you are going to watch this and you have your share of debt, this is not a feel good movie. It is good covering the topic at hand but to a lot of us, this is a sore spot.

Debt carriers, it is sure to bring you down. Watch with caution.
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Narrow view of consumer debt
quxeot23 February 2008
This film is an interesting portrait into the business of lending. You see the many sides of it. You see the many tragic stories of people who spent themselves into insurmountable debt. You see the profitability of debt collection. You see the aggressive expansion of the credit market into areas where creditors wouldn't have pursued before, since they used to not be profitable, like college students, and people with generally low income.

What you don't see is why these previously risky and unprofitable sectors of the market have suddenly become profitable. You get the impression that suddenly these previously high risk areas have become profitable because the creditors have expanded into these markets and forced them to be profitable, with new strategies.

But this is naive. Profitability has dramatically increased and new markets have become open to creditors because interest rates have been steadily dropping, to now rock bottom lows. A central factor is debt is the interest rates, and its hard to really praise a movie about the debt industry that doesn't even mention changes in interest rates or how the interest rates are are tampered with by the Federal Reserve. Consumer lending is extremely profitable, as the movie says, but it hasn't always been so profitable, and if you fail to make an argument about what has been the important change, you're left with an incomplete and misguided movie. The assumption is that people have somehow become addicted to spending and that the credit card companies are exploiting this addiction. And yet for some mysterious reason used to not spend as much as they do now.

The reality is that the credit card companies previously didn't expand into these untapped markets precisely because they were way to risky and would result in more losses from credit that is never repaid than profits from late fees interest. But once the Federal Reserve drops the interest rates down to unprecedentedly low levels, the risk changes and even those people who may not be ultimately able to pay beck their debt, can become profitable. But God forbid anyone should want to blame the Federal Reserve and Alan Greenspan for all of the irresponsible spending.

You see, when you lower the interest rate it doesn't just effect spending but it also effects saving. Lower interest rates mean lower returns on savings accounts, as well as lower losses on debt. It becomes more desirable to spend what money you have now (why save money you're going to earn almost no interest on?), and then continuing spending what money you don't even have yet. It's always preferable to have things now than have things in the future. So if a store offers you a plan where you buy a TV interest free for six months, then you can just say, "So what if I have don't have the money now, I'll have it in six months. If I buy the TV now, then I can enjoy the benefits of having the new TV and put off the costs of paying for it. That's a double bonus." The conclusions of the movie seem to be that we need is to regulate the credit industry to help all of these people who can't take care of themselves. Maybe we'll install credit cards with some sort of child-proof lock, which will somehow becomes active when you're about to make an imprudent purchase. More likely, though they would just raise the minimum age for getting a credit or regulating the credit limits available to low income people, or something like that. Both ideas sound equally bad. A better idea might be to prevent the Federal Reserve from tampering with interest rates so that we don't continue to encourage an ultimately unsustainable spend-now-pay-later economy in the mistaken belief that somehow the economy is driven by consumer spending.

In short, this movie will show you a lot about the credit industry that you didn't know. If it serves any benefit, it will hopefully scare you out of spending yourself into insurmountable debt. Nonetheless, without any insight into what actually contributes to consumer debt (which includes economic factors, like interest rates) then the movie degrades into an anti-big-business polemic of misplaced blame.
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Maxed Out, how the hell?
EXodus25X28 July 2008
OK, I want to say how horrible it is that the two college kids from this film took their own lives and my heart goes out to their family. But honestly this film can be summed up by one word, choices, that is what all these people made, choices. They chose to get credit cards, they chose to use them, they chose to spend money they didn't have and I don't want to sound heartless but they chose to end it all. I'm sorry but when I have recently watched documentaries on Darfur, 9/11, the Iraq War and Catholic Priests abusing children it's hard for me to feel sorry for people with credit card dept of their own choosing. All those other documentaries focused on people who's situations were forced upon them by life circumstances, these people brought it all upon themselves. Then the film tries to make rich people out as the bad guys, to me rich people are in this case the smart people, they can actually afford the things they buy and they do live within their means. It's the middle class that always wants more and more stuff, which there are two things wrong with that, one they buy things they want and can't afford and in most cases don't need and won't really use. Two, they are not willing to earn the money it takes to buy those things before they buy them. People need to decide first what things are really important for them to have in their life and then decide how much money and what job they will need to be able to afford that life. Problem being, everyone would want to have everything but few are willing to work hard enough to afford that. My other question, when they are interviewing these people they live in houses filled with stuff, hello! Show me the person living in an empty apartment with the electricity turned off with a pillow and a blanket complaining about his dept then we might talk. So the bottom line as I see it is, the real problem is why do we all want so damn many things.
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Til Debt Due You Part
fwomp28 November 2008
I can think of no better day than today to review this excellent documentary. You see, today is the day after Thanksgiving 2008; what many call "Black Friday." It is the day many of us sink further into debt buying crap our friends and family probably don't need nor want. Couple that with a destabilizing economy and you've got serious issues to think about. The question we need to ask ourselves is "why?" Why do we feel the need to spend more than we make (or may ever make)? The tough answer is here in MAXED OUT, writer/director James D. Scurlock's first feature length documentary.

I think many of us know the answer but simply refuse to acknowledge it: we want to keep up with the Jones'. They have a new car, we need a new car. They have a new washer/dryer, we need a new one. It is a cycle being perpetuated by the credit industry and we, the consumers, have been drawn to it like moths to a flamethrower.

Maxed Out gives us insights that should make one angry and fearful. Predatory lenders like MBNA, Capitol One, and other credit card companies target those that are least likely to be able to afford credit. Why? Because these are the people who max out their cards then pay the minimum monthly amounts until ...either bankrupt or death do them part. It's a marriage made in Hell and it continues to this day. College students who enter a new campus are likely to find tables set up near their dorms offering sign ups for new credit cards. Why? Again, because they can't afford it (sadly these are the people who end up in the worst situations, often dangling from their necks in dorm room closets).

Add to this fact that we are now in the worst financial/debt crisis in U.S. history (end of 2008) and is there any wonder why? George Bush and his buddies at MBNA passed a new law that puts tighter restrictions on filing for bankruptcy, making those who really need assistance the least likely to get it (but it's okay to spend 700 billion taxpayer dollars to bail out banks that caused this debacle). Heinous. And do the credit card companies have to answer to anyone? Morally or ethically? Not that I've seen.

This is a documentary well worth your while. And at a quick 89 minutes, it won't eat up a lot of your precious time those credit card bills will.
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Propaganda, however...
PrimeCipher15 June 2008
This movie is certainly propaganda, however it contains important thought-provoking information and therefore I recommend it. If you have a mind of your own and are capable of differentiating truth from partial truth from fiction you should watch this movie. The message you take from it may not be what the producers wanted but that's OK. We can use them as they're attempting (quite successfully from the looks of these comments) to use us. If anything good comes out of this movie it will be a close look at debt on every level - from individual to global - and if only a few people research and understand the most basic principles of economics as a result, well then the world is a better place.
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Corrupt Politicians and Campaign Contributors Rely on Our Lack of Full Understanding.
jzappa21 October 2010
Watched the news recently? Did you find out more about Tiger Woods' extramarital affairs and the concern about Obama's religion than about genuine subjects that concern you as an American, as a citizen of the planet, as a human being? Authentic journalism has just about vanished from TV in the past decade. Humorists Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert more frequently carry out the task of speaking truth to power and holding leaders responsible than any supposed journalist currently. Accountability and outrage at power and status quo are still appearing on film: in theaters, from time to time, but more often direct-to-DVD sold mostly to, well, the outraged, the informed, those who want to stay informed.

Writer-director James Scurlock, himself a financial adviser, records and recounts vicious procedures in the credit industry. He uses interviews with creditors, debtors, academics and everyday Americans who've been victimized by the process. His wants to increase recognition and knowledge of how credit and lending issues are shaping society. His key assertions are that banks and other creditors calculatingly target people more liable to have trouble paying and that the creditors profit from links to government, the debt collection industry, and from lawmaker lack of concern.

This film released a few years ago now, when evidently low-interest government-subsidized mortgages were replaced by companies like Citifinancial with loans many people couldn't afford. The "ethics czar" Bush appointed to "clean up" corporate America was a director of Providian, which had not long before defrauded its customers of roughly $400 million. The corrupt politicians and campaign contributors rely on the lack of full understanding of people, like me, when it comes to finances and business terminology. But you can be rusty or inexperienced in those matters and still fully understand how they've raped us for at least thirty years.

Scurlock's answer to all the optimistic economic news the mainstream media inundated us with at the time of its release---stock market and corporate earnings are booming!---and looking where we are now, is a gloomy rendering of loan scams that misinform even intelligent, well-informed people and a credit card industry calculated, with government support, to run counter to everyday consumers. Within ten years, over ten million declared bankruptcy. In 2004, thirty states sued the banks for predatory and unfair practices. The Bush administration's top regulator rushed to whose defense? The banks'.

In regards to Bush's failure to be a trustworthy, honorable, even respectable leader, the information never ceases. For his second term, his top campaign contributor was the country's second-largest credit card issuer. Within a few months, Bush endorsed a bill making it much harder for middle-class Americans to get a second chance when paying off their debts. Guess who wrote the bill? His top campaign contributor. That year, more of us went bankrupt than those of us who graduated college.

But Maxed Out isn't just another railing against Bush. It dates back for all necessary context. It summarily chronicles that Reagan used billions from Social Security to pay interest on the national debt. Then Bush 41 took even more billions from the Social Security trust fund and replaced it with IOU's. Then the government ran out of money anyhow and shut down, so Clinton used billions from pensions and Social Security to prevent defaulting on interest. Fast-forward to the middle of George W. Bush's 8-year reign, when the government ran out again, and Bush raised the debt limit by $800 billion. Within a year, the federal government had spent every cent of the Social Security "trust fund," just to cover smaller expenses.

I often gripe about people who fume about Obama's protracted handling of the 2008 economic downturn after they supported Bush's spending of $10 billion a month on average for his now famously dishonest and wasteful war, but here I learn his administration actually spent more on interest than on homeland security, education and healthcare all put together. In a time when the government's actually trying to monitor corporate power, the majority wants to restore all corporate power. Never mind that they're unequivocally the ones who drove us into depression. Or that one of the fastest-growing industries on Wall Street is buying debt. They've successfully consumerized us to the point where we feel we just have to blow our wads on luxury we know we can't afford. We keep pathologically trusting the wrong people because they know what words make us feel self-satisfied. When Bush talked about issuing a "fiscal straitjacket," he made it sound like it was a way of restricting Congress from reckless spending. But really---big shock---it was a handy excuse to remove government programs that didn't profit higher-ranking taxpayers and corporations.

There's a case to be made that films like this preach to the converted, but no one finds fault that tax-exempt mega-churches preach to the converted, and these kinds of films are at least making steps to satisfy an informative role the corporate media snubs. Besides, there were certain fine points stated directly in this film that I didn't know, that maybe I should've. For instance, I didn't know that the number-one qualification required to work at a bank is selling experience. If these films are "biased" toward a liberal or progressive stance, they still cannot expect to offset the virtually inescapable right-slanted corporate monotony. The trouble's this: When there were just three channels and Murrow discredited a Senator's hate campaign, everyone knew about it. When you have to be alerted to independently produced DVDs giving you another side of the story so as to realize that there's another side to the story, you wonder what the drawbacks are of mass media targeting subgroups for their specific interests. People only really want to pay attention to the media paying attention to them, and agree with the worldview they're too complacent to think too hard about. I'm waiting for Maxed Out 2: The Obama Years.
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Interesting but is it true?
imdb-196622 January 2008
I enjoyed watching this film and it really highlighted to me a pretty fundamental problem - that many of us don't know how to use debt instruments such as credit cards properly and we can get badly badly into trouble.

What I have some serious doubts about, however, are what seem like some serious factual inaccuracies. The movie reports that MBNA had to pay $400 million because they shredded customer's payment checks in order to drum up revenue in fraudulent late payment charges. But I can find no mention of this in the news. It tries to make a tie into the Bush regime, stating that MBNA is his top campaign contributor. When I looked at Bush's contributors, MBNA was the fifth highest.

Is the movie using factual inaccuracies to create Michael Moore like scare tactics, which seriously harm the integrity of the message? I'm all for edcuating the public and making us aware of issues like this, but let's do it without lying our faces off.
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An excellent and thought provoking film about the rising problem of debt in America
heypach16 March 2006
This film is excellent! I believe everyone must see it! The way it was cut/edited and the brilliance of the way it was shot is amazing and phenomenal! The filmmakers really knew what they were doing in filming this movie and getting behind such a fantastic idea! It is a must see for anyone in America, it can help you better understand our nations rising debt, and It is impossible after seeing this film to not think about the way you spend your money and play your bills. I say thank you James Scurlock, John Aaron Aaeseng, and Alexis Spraic for making this film! I give it a big Woot Woot! Thank you again for making such a thought provoking and amazing film... It has changed my life and I'm sure the lives of many. Wonderful job! and Amazing work of art!
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A film about getting to owe the people stealing from you
siderite23 June 2007
The movie is not a great movie. The editing and style are clicheatic for this type of films, the innuendos are trying to be funny, but get out more like bursts of frustration. But the message is sound, the frustration valid and the movie is a must see film for Americans and for all those people that have a country that goes the same way.

Basic story: a bunch of people make credits they can't afford and lose everything except the obligation to always pay back on their debts. Well, they're stupid, right? Maxed Out details the line between stupid customers and smart and sneaky credit card companies, banks, politicians payed from the banks profits.

In Maxed Out you are told about things like credit cards being marketed especially to people with a high risk of not paying back on time or at all, like college kids; banks making money more from late payment taxes than from the interest; bills that are being promoted with by politicians backed by powerful financial lobbies.

Bottom line: not much of a cinematic experience and a sloppy manipulation business as well, but an important message that must not be ignored: the bigger they are, the more likely it is they will take advantage of you and that there is nothing you can do about it.
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Particularly disturbing when viewed so many years after the financial meltdown of the late aughts.
bandw22 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This examines the credit card industry as of 2006. It is interesting to note that almost all the negative user reviews of this movie were written before the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers on September 15, 2008. That event put a cap on the topics discussed in this movie and ushered in the worst recession since the great depression. Also of interest is to note that almost all reviews of this movie dated after September, 2008 are positive.

With hindsight it is hard to see how anyone who watched this movie in 2006 could ultimately have been surprised by the financial collapse of the late aughts of the 21st century. Credit was readily available and in fact almost forced on people, particularly the least informed. It was good to see Elizabeth Warren making her case against the predatory lenders even in 2006. Turns out that she was a canary in a coal mine, or maybe better, a river guide who see rapids ahead and is afraid that they cannot be avoided. When Warren presented evidence to the banks that they could avoid half of their defaults by employing more stringent requirements the response from one of the major banks was to point out to her that it was from those people that the banks made most of their money, exacting higher and higher interest rates approaching 40%. The wealth gap was a concern at the time, and that has gotten progressively worse in the intervening years. The banks that were deemed to be too big to fail in 2008 have only gotten bigger. The credit card rating agencies come under fire, stating that nearly 50% of credit scores have errors that result in denial of credit that would otherwise be granted.

Granted that the presentation dwells on the destructive quality of debt, citing suicides, busted marriages, anxiety and depression. Credit card dept is seen to be equivalent to drug addiction, once you start down that slippery slope the only way out may be death. Sprinkled among the scenes are takes from a sappy 1960 short "The Wise Use of Credit." This entire short is available on the DVD extras and contains some useful information if you can get beyond the dated presentation. There are several useful extras on the DVD discussing credit reports, bankruptcy, and personal responsibility.

From the perspective of almost a decade after the credit bubble burst and having witnessed the effects that are still being felt, seeing this movie makes one sad that it could not have had more of an impact--it has gotten a paltry 2000 votes on IMDb.
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Bank Robbers
LeonLouisRicci6 November 2012
Are these big banks practicing legalized robbery and behaving no less than drug cartels? Absolutely. There used to be quite a stigma attached to loan sharks for charging high interest rates, like 25% and up. Now that is standard operating procedure.

A simple solution would be to cancel a credit card once ONE payment is not made, and reactivate it as soon as said payment was received. Are you kidding? That would eliminate the never ending string of late fees and other charges that turn a ten dollar debt into a one hundred dollar debt in one magnetic swipe.

So these traps are set and the prey falls, sometimes through their own ignorance and weakened human condition and sometimes through their own greed and willing ambivalence to responsibility. Whatever the reason there has to be some controls to keep the lenders from perpetuating their evil deeds. Admittedly the victims, like us all, do have a dark side. But that rarely effects the whole of society because they simply don't have that much influence. The individual is small and therefore, can fail.

This is a documentary that states the obvious and wrings the emotions with an ease of filling out a form. In that it is visceral and effective. But it lacks the in depth discussions and penetrating light on the darkness of the destructive forces that are all powerful and present in our everyday lives. Mainly, the Government and Big Corporations. It does touch on these but only in a fleeting glimpse that needs a microscope and not a casual glance.

The personal tragedies are presented with enough screen time to involve the viewer, but the elephant in the room is reduced to a minuscule moment of "we apologize for not having the time to put questions to you (the banks)" says a congressional chairman and that lack of oversight is over and we move on to the suicides of the three victims of tragic embarrassment and self loathing. If the emphasis was indeed more on the causes and less on the cases, this could have been a candidate for a Pulitzer.
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BrentCarleton29 June 2007
At one point, this film uses old footage from a 50's documentary on credit in which the narrator lists "character" as an essential characteristic for the responsible credit holder.

One can only imagine that the film's creator is lampooning this idea as old fashioned, since nowhere in this production is there a hint that personal irresponsibility has played a role in the downfall of all the "victims" depicted herein.

Not that the predatory lending the film details hasn't transformed the financial landscape of middle class America in the last 40 years--it certainly has--to its immense detriment. And the sham piety of credit card company reps testifying before Congress is more than a little sickening.

Certainly one can shake one's head at the misfortune associated with college student's being given credit, for which they are neither psychologically nor fiscally prepared.

But what are we to make of a middle aged woman, living in a large exurban subdivision home, who elected to pay her mortgage payments with credit upon the death of her husband? Nowhere is the question posed, (nor evidently entertained at the time) as to whether it was time to downsize into a domicile consonant with her income. Maybe she had ample reasons for doing what she did, fully justifiable reasons, but these we never learn...

This genuinely heart rending example, and a tragedy involving another woman--this time, a suicide resulting from a gambling addiction, inevitably recall the "character" issues raised in this movie's spoofy use of the old 50's film clip.

Then there's the lady professor from Harvard who assures us throughout that the country has been forced to embrace credit card debt in order to survive--prices being what they are today. (This attestation coming moments after witnessing the construction of a Las Vegas home with two (count em) washing machines and dryers is vaguely disconcerting.) Not that inflation is the only culprit. Oh no, for this we need to wait for the closing reels, in order to view the villain, (or villains) behind the curtain.

And then, of course, we find out who the real crooks are, (besides the credit card companies). You guessed it! President Bush, (both of them), and the late President Ronald Reagan. And Michael Moore isn't even listed in the credits ! (Predictably, "Katrina" is also shoehorned into the narrative for good measure.) One wonders why the film's blame doesn't extend to LBJ since Bank AmericaCard was introduced during his Administration.

If we are honest, we can certainly emphasize and recognize our collective weaknesses and tendencies to greed in each and all of the people the film depicts. And no small number of us probably shake our heads and say, "There but for the grace of God go I." But spending money you don't possess still has moral connotations--and unfortunately for this movie's audience, personal ethics have no place in the propagandistic world of commercialized victim hood.

In any case, the book is much better than the movie.
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Still Poignant and Touches a Nerve!
Sylviastel13 March 2011
The credit card companies have been maxing out people for decades. In this documentary, it looks at it's predatory lending policies especially towards college students on campus. The credit cards were always meant as a safety net or if you didn't have money. Some people used their credit cards as life support in emergency situations. Our financial situation in this country has further deteriorated since this documentary. You don't have to watch Michael Moore's film to see the situation's effect. Armed bank robbers are less deadly than the bank robbers in suits and ties who walk in on Wall Street. They may not have guns but they have the access and ability to destroy our economic situation far more than armed bank robbers like Bonnie and Clyde etc. Bank robberies don't happen like that anymore. It's done on the internet or in the policy meetings. The people you meet in this documentary are real and authentic. Debt has driven people to commit suicide because of the harassing phone calls and letters threatening to take away. That's the bottom dollar. Are the creditors far more interested in driving people to commit suicide or lose their sanity than get the money? It's a shame that it's going on and that people will be in debt until their dead. It's a perverted kind of freedom to be in debt like having a noose around your neck and the debt gets bigger than smaller with rising interest rates, penalties, and no breaks. Whatever happened to compassion and mercy in this society?
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Why the American Dream is dead
lastliberal25 May 2008
You cannot pick up the paper these days without seeing another story of how the middle class is disappearing. Soon, we will fit in two categories - "rich" and "barely making it." One of the big problems has been the ease with with credit is given and the hole people fall into when they take advantage of easy credit.

This film shows that the credit companies actually want those who are just getting by to use their cards because they make a killing on late fees and higher interest. They don't want to prevent bankruptcies, because they can get you hooked again as soon as you file. The predatory practices of the mortgage lenders is also displayed.

What was not a surprise was the revelation that a member of the current administration was an executive in a credit card company that was fined huge amounts for stealing from customers, and the fact that the largest campaign contributor in the 2004 election was the banking institution that coincidentally co-authored a bill that made it harder for middle-class Americans to file for bankruptcy.

If you use credit, and we all do, then you really need to see this.
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