The Obsession (TV Movie 2006) Poster

(2006 TV Movie)

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Bad everything!
Lilian_Castell14 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Daphne Zuniga played the only character that made some sense! I did enjoy the lameness of it all but to be honest it could have been done better. The problem is the writing, there was no depth to the story. No connection with the audience and characters. There was no person I could relate to. In the end, I felt like I just watched a TV episode, not a film that was capable of making an impact. The acting was so so, it felt cold, distant and dull at times. I feel that the teenage victim (Erika)was not given a good role to play...her part was weak and she was unable to connect more than any other characters. This story had potential but it was ruined too soon. I give it a C-
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Below average Lifetime movie
KAnnD8630 July 2006
I've seen a lot of Lifetime movies in the past and have a pretty good idea of what's good and what's not. This one does not even live up to the most basic Lifetime movie, which is disappointing because the story could have been good.

Deborah Matthews is recently divorced mother of 16-year old daughter, Erika. Erika is an aspiring ballet dancer who is eligible to audition for a prestigious dance company and tries to spend every spare moment rehearsing for the big day. The ballet instructor, Mr. Kappas, leaves town without warning, forcing the dance school to hire Reed Halton. Of course, as in all Lifetime movies, he is not who he says he is, but before any of the other characters can figure it out, he's already insinuated himself into their lives.

I figured out every upcoming plot twist within 20 minutes of watching this movie. I was looking forward to it being a fan of Daphne Zuniga, but I was quickly bored with the story, with the acting, and with the direction of the film. We were subjected to dozens of slow montages of Erika dancing in various outfits in the ballet studio. I grew tired of the accompanying music very quickly. I won't pretend to know much about ballet, but I do know ballerinas are supposed to be graceful and light on their feet. In this film, Erika didn't appear to be the magnificent ballerina everyone around her said she was. The transitions from one step to another seemed clumsy and her entire routine seemed simplistic and unimpressive. I believe the filmmakers were trying to drive home that she's so beautiful a dancer, who wouldn't be mesmerized and become obsessed with her? They overdid it and failed.

Reed's character was not well-written. At first, he seems fairly normal and gets along with everybody well. Halfway through the movie he turns into a creep. His motives are weak and undeveloped. We're given one explanation about why he's so crazy, but it doesn't hold up well. There are many unrealistic things in this movie, like a website you can just click around and find someone's criminal record from another state. The way the cops act throughout the movie are very unrealistic as well.

Overall, this movie is just poorly executed. The subplots are predictable and the acting is sub-par. I can think of plenty of other Lifetime movies which are better than this one in every way. Avoid it if you can. 4/10
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oh my
mbg4115 July 2007
I usually like to leave positive comments but I just have to react to this horrible movie. Like everyone else said, the teenage victim is one of the worst actresses I have ever seen. She was especially bad in the beginning when she is yelling at her mother for getting a divorce. She showed no emotion whatsoever. In fact, she barely showed any emotion throughout the whole movie. She had nothing to offer in looks, either. Her dancing was barely any better. Daphne Zuniga, who is usually a decent actress, fails to rise above the pathetic storyline. Sebastian Spence is the only actor in the whole movie who is worth watching. His character is very interesting but how can he fall for an unattractive, untalented teenage girl?! The red haired lady who was doing the teaching was very unattractive and was such a weird actress, whoever she is. The ending is very predictable and the movie never goes anywhere.

I'm only giving this movie three stars for Sebastian Spence of "First Wave" fame. Let's see more of him!
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Overall disappointing!
ari7318 July 2006
To be brutally honest, this movie was extremely hard to sit through because the acting was just completely horrible. Elise Gatien, who played Erika Matthews (the teenage girl who was being stalked by her ballet teacher), was one of the characters that I kept asking myself, "How ON EARTH did she get this role?!?" I apologize for sounding so harsh but w/ all due respect, she can't act nor can she dance. As a big movie fan (be it TV or the silver screen), I have high expectations from Hollywood & most of the time, if I'm disappointed w/ a movie, it's usually because of the storyline & not because of the acting. So not the case w/ this movie. Of course, you can't blame everything on the actors because directors are just as responsible & the directing in this movie was very poor. I mean how many times do you need to see Erika's audition performance? This part of the movie was over kill for me & it didn't help that she wasn't a great ballet dancer to begin w/. Overall, a disappointing Lifetime movie!
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Thumbs WAY down!
bullet81621 July 2006
First of all, I would like to start off with the positive, which sadly for me is only one thing, & that is Sebastian Spence is a really handsome actor. Sorry people, I tried to dig deep to come up with more positive things to say but this is all I could find. For Daphne Zuniga, she's a good actress. I've seen her other work; however, this movie was such a waste of her talent.

In a nutshell, "The Obsession" had potential. Unfortunately, it was never reached because of the really bad acting & bad directing. I cringed most of the time during the movie because of this. I was embarrassed for the entire cast. I wanted to grow with the characters & lose myself in the storyline but sadly it never happened. The chemistry in the cast was non-existent & most of the characters just weren't believable or organic, especially the girl who played Erika Matthews. She needs way more experience in her career before taking on ANY kind of movie. She has a very long way to go, which leaves me wondering like one other reviewer as in WHY she was casted in this role. And her dancing! Oh my gosh, her ballet performance totally killed me & seeing her routine once was TOO MUCH for me to stomach. Why did they have to show her routine over & over & over...??? Ugh!

Unfortunlatey everyone, I give "The Obsession" a big time THUMBS DOWN...WAY DOWN!
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Bad dancing does not a good thriller make
Sjhm5 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
There are so many faults with the execution of this film it is difficult to know where to begin. A shame, because the plot actually could have had promise.

Firstly, when you cast a film which is based around a ballet theme, please find someone to cast who has a sense of rhythm and some grace. Other people here have commented that the young actress is too heavy. It is not her build, it is her complete lack of dance talent and musicality. The routine was poor, and very disjointed, and would not have won her a place at any ballet school or in any company.

The mother seems incredibly obtuse. She divorces her husband on the flimsiest of excuses. She listens to her friend, and lets a guy into her life about whom she knows exactly nothing, even his arrival at her daughter's dance school is suspicious.

The stalker is strange from the beginning. He just appears and is instantly hired when the ballet teacher inexplicably resigns (after 15 years) by letter without so much as a personal appearance? Clumsy plot device. Highly unlikely that a popular teacher would act entirely out of character like that, and the fact that no one is even vaguely suspicious about this, and the stalker's miraculous appearance to fill the position.

Overall, the acting is very poor. The actions and reactions of people to events unfolding are ridiculous. Even the detective leaving his post to go off chasing around over the dance teacher's missing cane is unlikely.

A shame, because this could have been so much better.
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Typical Lifetime Movie
lucyn8917 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I hate to leave negative comments. However, this has got to be one of the worst movies I've ever seen. It has an okay plot but the events and order of everything just messed everything up. The actors could have been better. Way better. It seemed like they read the scripts maybe once before they started filming. A lot of parts of the movie were very unrealistic. I don't know whose fault it is--the actors' or the director's. If you are completely bored out of your mind and have absolutely nothing else to do, then watch it and imagine the scenes happening the way you want them to. That'll make it worth your time. Sort of. This is such a typical Lifetime movie: overly dramatic, seemingly inexperienced actors, unrealistic, and a perfect ending. I was going to give it a 1/10 but I don't want to be so harsh.
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dukeboyss15 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
OK it may seem obvious but i would have thought that when the central character to a story is a budding ballerina (good enough to audition for a prestigious company) then it would seem a foregone conclusion that the actress picked for the part should be able to dance!!!!! i'm sorry and i don't mean to be unkind but the young lady in question simply is at times excruciating to watch and unfortunately for the viewer you are subjected to her dance routine over and over and over again.....and equally unfortunately she never gets it right.

maybe i am being simplistic but i would have thought that any dance school in the country could have provided a superior leading lady...ah ha i hear you say...but we need an actress...well the worse news is that this young lady not only cant dance but cant act either...our other main players...her mum and her obsessed dance instructor look part embarrassed and part asleep as they walk through their roles.

sorry to be so negative but i really cant condone this TV film....if however you want a movie to cringe to then feel free to tune in
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graynoela24 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
At the beginning of the movie i was like oh i already know what this is about thanks to the info button on the remote. First flaw the acting is horrible..okay I'm no expert but really the teenage daughter doesn't show any expressions, her boy friend-what the heck.and the cops aren't real cops...and a website where you can do quick free background checks come on getreal..that was one of the worst dancing I've ever seen i took ballet for seven years every time she landed on the floor you could hear a thump..not graceful and why did they keep showing it over this is not The Black Swan. half the movie goes by and you already know whats going to happen,really bad even for lifetime. it has plot potential..but the actors and director ruined it..basically what I'm trying to say is this movie was a fail
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Very Weak....Seemed almost forced acting!
ENIGMA0518 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie could have been so much stronger. The actors do OK but still not convincing. What bothered me for starters is that we only realize the full obsession of the teacher within the last hour of the movie. What was the first hour for? It's as if things were built up to such great heights and yet once it was obvious what was happening, the whole movie went downhill really fast. The girl who played Erika was barely acting and it didn't seem convincing at all because to me it seemed like she was just reciting her lines and than reacting as an after thought. I have done acting in my life and I know good acting when I see it and this wasn't the case in this movie. The actor who played Reed Halton though apparently has a lot of experience in the business seemed to force out every emotion his character had. It was very unnatural and unbelievable. The fact that a 30 something man would fall for a barely legal teenager is creepy all in itself but it has to be brought across in a way that would freak out the audience and make us shudder rather than go....."um what is he doing? That looks fake".

The actors were poorly fitted into their roles and the whole charade could have been one of the most interesting and educating viewing experiences on Lifetime. But it was rather lackluster and just too weak. I would only recommend this movie to people so that they can understand the message of the theme but as for enjoyable or even believable; this movie is not. I'm not one for mean comments but I calls 'em as I sees 'em and I'm being honest. This movie gets a 2/10 from me.
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Daleylife18 July 2006
This film had promise with its story. I sadly have to agree with the other comments. The result of the film was terrible. The main reason being the acting of the actress who played Erika. She forced every line and was very poor. I too was wondering why she got the role.The other problem would have to be the MANY montages we have of Erika dancing. Half the film is Reed thinking of her dance and it gets boring (Although, a creep like Reed may ALWAYS think of the obsession.)The positive thing would be the actress who played the mother as well as the actor who played Reed were good. But overall, the films two problems out shined the positive.
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worst actress ever! Warning: Spoilers
I actually liked the plot of the story, the plot I give it an 8 but the acting! OHHH my!!! The young girl who play Erica Matthews needs serious acting class. In every scene she has the same little smile, when her mom was telling her about the divorce she was like "when were you planning on telling me?" and her face was like she was going to start smiling. Then when Reed came into her dressing room, the shrug and gasp she gave was like she was looking at a prompt that said "gasp". If they would have chosen another girl to play the part I think the movie would have been better.She should have tried to get in characher, I mean your teacher killed your old instucture to be with you and on top of that he is obsessed, stalker, that has been watching you for more than a year, what feelings should have you had? I mean if it was mean I would have probably been freeked out knowing that a guy was folowing me. Also what was up with her dance routine? I kept creenching every time she started dancing and I'm not even a dancer.
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Needs improvement
WishfulDreamer27 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The first time I watched this film, I was so excited to see it, hoping it would live up to its seemingly amazing plot.I just watched it again last night. I have to say, Elise Gatien really needs work in her acting. There are some points where she does a good job, like in the fortune cookie scene and when she's visiting Jesse in the hospital after he gets stabbed, but some parts, particularly the end when Reed comes for the climax, she was not impressive and her lines did 16-year-olds like myself no justice.(The script did kind of make teenagers seem very pushy/irritable)However, I found her dancing very impeccable and that is when her acting shone. You could see her emotion in her dancing- too bad it wasn't really in her acting. This was,however, her first film, so maybe over time she will improve since she's just starting off. Daphne Zuniga needed a bit of help at some points, but was mostly alright. Sebastian Spence portrayed the undaunted and obsessed Reed very well. Some scenes were very well done: in particular when he watched Erica dance and remembers his late wife. Spence was amazing. The movie did drag at points, and the conversations Zuniga has with her friend about men is really boring and makes women look pretty silly and frivolous. I also predicted basically everything that occurred, including how Reed used photo shop to make it looks like Zuniga's husband was cheating on her, etc. The main problem with the film was not Gatien, but the plot. For an obsessive stalker, Reed's character was not spanned out good enough. The ending could have been much more suspenseful and when Jesse got knifed it looked really silly, not even scary. There needed to be more suspense and connection between the stalker and his prey. For the acting that was done well, the music, and the dancing I give this movie a 6. Some people are giving it one star, but I did not find this film worthless, nor a waste of time. It had its positive aspects. If you like this kind of storyline, I recommend it as long as you can overlook predictability and a bit of poor acting.
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A Thanksgiving Turkey
Sonofamoviegeek13 November 2008
I saw this about two years later for Canadian Thanksgiving, probably because our 'W' television network needed to serve up a turkey. Those who saw it when it was released got it right. This is borderline awful. The evidence is that the production company hasn't done a movie since putting out this turkey.

I would also like to add my voice to those who saw Elise Gatien as miscast as an aspiring ballerina. I'm not an aficionado of classical ballet by any means but Elise Gatien doesn't have the body of a ballet dancer. She's far too busty and heavy - look at her fanny for example.

The other thing is that the cops in this town must be the dumbest on earth, staking out one home but not another. Aren't there more than two cops to do all the police work? If it shows up again on your cable late at night, give it a pass.
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Thumbs down due to the dance sequences!
kcchief_5815 May 2014
I truly love Daphne Zuniga but this movie was AWFUL due to the dancing. I'm sad to see her attached to such a terrible movie! I don't understand why with all of the amazing professional dancers out there, they would cast someone with no obvious dance training. It was really painful to watch! I wonder how an actor would feel if a dancer with NO ACTING ABILITY was cast in a regular acting role?? As the mother of a prima ballerina I love and look forward to dance movies but this was such an injustice to the art form! I'm not trying to knock anyone's acting ability (though it was suspect as well) but my true complaint is that I just don't understand what the casting director was thinking!!!!
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The Obsession Review
MissAuburn23 February 2014
I did not like this movie! The lead actress the young girl was very poor and I felt if she had been stronger the movie could have been better. The lead actor and the girl's mother were great. Overall,this movie is a 5 out of 10 because of the acting. The storyline is perfect in a way to keep you watching but if the acting is poor there's nothing you can do. Come on, Lifetime. I've seen other obsession movies that have been way better. The ballet dancing was OK it doesn't bother me because I don't know much about it anyway. There was another movie where they had the father get close to the mother to get to the daughter and the acting was great. I don't know how she got the role and it's very odd how this young girl can't see this guy has a crush on her. Am i the only one? Weak!
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If THE RED SHOES is the best ballet movie ever made, this...
FranciaD20 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
has got to be the worst. Seriously, I don't think I've ever seen a ballet movie that was this bad. I felt dirty watching it.

The acting was terrible, but the whole thing could have been saved slightly if the young girl's dancing were good. Instead, it was mediocre at best. She had no strengths. Her arms were terrible. She was not quick, strong or musical.

As far as comparing it to Lolita. Lolita was a masterpiece of wit and subtlety compared to this.

After the first scene with the young girl/lead, I wondered who she was related to that she landed this part. Producer's daughter?
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Where to begin...
born2dance1723 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I sat down and watched this movie without very high hopes, it is a Lifetime movie after all, and I was still disappointed. This had to be one of the most boring, lazy, lackluster movies I've ever seen. The writing and direction was horrible and the acting was sub-par.

The plot in a nutshell is a ripoff of Lolita where instead of focusing on the man who is obsessed they decide to focus on his obsession's mother...for some reason. I didn't really understand why they decided to do that other then they needed a woman character for their female audience to connect with. But Daphne Zuniga plays a recent divorcée and single mother of a teenage ballerina. The girl gets a new, handsome ballet instructor and soon the two are knocking boots. Slowly he reveals he's not all that he seems.

The plot of this movie was stupid since it made the #1 movie mistake of trying to keep the fact he was crazy and obsessed with her daughter a secret when the commercials and title gave it away. Also it had major plot holes like why did he get obsessed with this girl? Why bother getting close to her mother when he spent hours alone with her in the ballet studio? What was his back story? The movie was dull all in all since it took about 3/4 of the movie for anything really interesting to happen and when it did it was very rushed and forced with one of the quickest, blink-and-you-miss-it endings I've ever seen. It also had one of the stupidest plot twists I've seen in a movie in a long time (anyone whose seen it knows what I mean). The first hour of this movie meanders along with lame scenes, fights between the mom and daughter over unimportant matters and montage after montage of the daughter dancing her ballet routine. If Lifetime replays this I highly recommend changing the channel.
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One star too many
caa82130 December 2006
What is the deal with Canadian actors/actresses and Lifetime movies? Is there a university there which presents a major in "Theater, specifically directed towards 'Lifetime' movies?" Or does our government have some sort of deal with " Lifetime" to employ a majority of Canadian actors to move some of our dollars into Canada?

I realize a lot of talent has come to this country from Canada, but given Canada's population versus ours, it seems, based upon any sort of statistical probability, we ought to encounter about 4 or 5% as many Canadian thespians as one sees on "Lifetime."

I've no objection, one way or the other, but noted that three of the top-listed in this film {daughter (and purported dancer), teacher, and young boyfriend, Jesse}. And this movie, characters and performances, were so awful, it was more interesting contemplating this than watching it.

This young woman - only perhaps - has sufficient talent to be in a high school production, and most schools of any size would have someone more talented than she. The actor portraying the fixated teacher is probably talented, but that was hard to detect here.

Every character was insipid - and I, for one, could not have cared an iota less about the mother/her divorce/her job, the talentless daughter, or the teacher/where he came from/what he thought -- or anything about any of them.

The writers, director and producer ought to be prosecuted for fraud, for impersonating persons in the entertainment field.
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ACTING!?... what a joke.
slipperybill16 January 2007
I sat through half of this movie and could'nt believe what I was seeing, was this movie really being displayed? My wife, who is a movie "nut", only watched 10 minutes of it and chided me for wasting good viewing time as I preceded to watch. I was hoping that it would liven up, instead it DRAGGED on.

The acting was, to say the least, deplorable, however the director must have been happy with it as it must have attained the standards which he thought were acceptable.

The audition scene not only showed the lack of acting skill but it also underlined the fact that the actress could'nt even dance.

I'll make sure any future movies directed by this guy will be given a miss.......Stan Read.
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terrible dancing
evilmickeynelmo13 July 2007
I started watching this movie and i had to turn it off. I'm a dancer and the second i saw her routine it made me sick they should at least get a actress who can dance to play a ballerina.Her dancing was insulting couldn't believe that the directors didn't realize that her toes weren't pointed or that her extensions were horrible.the worst part is that the actress was suppose to be a prima ballerina and it just wasn't even's especially ba d if a girl who want to dance watches it n thinks that that is what it would look like. And to add on to it the actors couldn't act it was like watching a bad school play i couldn't believe that they would even have it on TV or that anyone would ever watch it.
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SusanSp27 August 2006
This movie needs to serve crackers for as cheesy as it is! The entire plot is predictable and b-o-r-i-n-g.

Daphne needs some serious acting lessons - does she play the same character in everything she does? Always a surprised victim, duh! Actually ALL of the performers need to learn to act. I think the local elementary school would have done a more convincing job!

The dancing is good, but it can't save this made for TV movie.

Save yourself the time and trouble, sit down and watch the dust settle on the mantle for more entertainment! Because this will bore you to death! Y U C K!
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Riveting Tale With an Amazing Cast
ruthaw_197423 September 2014
It has only been a few brief months since I discovered the wonder that is Sebastian Spence, and I have been on a quest to find and watch as many of his movies as possible. He is more known for roles in which he plays the "good guy," and this movie is a departure from that. However, it is that which makes me so drawn to this movie--his versatility. Now don't get me wrong. The other actors are fantastic in their own right, but for me, It is Spence's performance that makes this movie so phenomenal. I found myself so drawn into the story, but I was pleasantly surprised that this movie did not have the pitfalls that I sometimes see in other Lifetime films. There was no real profanity, no overly graphic violence, and only a very brief "bedroom" scene. I found myself sucked into the world of the psychotic stalker, and I never turned away in disgust. At this point, this is my favorite Sebastian Spence film, but that may change as I discover more gems from his vault of films. If you could only watch one of his films, and you don't mind a bit of creepiness, watch this. If you prefer him in romantic roles, watch "Cedar Cove," "Daniel's Daughter," or "My Mother's Future Husband."
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Not bad, but not amazing.
caityschagen19 August 2010
When I started to watch this movie, I thought it was clearly a low budget film. The acting wasn't great, the girl who played Erica wasn't amazing, as well as the woman who played Deborah. However, I was extremely convinced by the actor who played Mr.Halton. I thought he did a very good job in such an odd role. It was obvious that there were no extreme special effects, however, I thought it was a nice movie to watch by yourself to give yourself a little thrill. It was an interesting plot, but I personally think that they showed the same routine over and over, and the same song was playing constantly, so it got a little frustrating. But overall, I really enjoyed the movie. It would not be a movie that I would per say watch continuously, but it was enjoyable for a mid afternoon flick, if you don't get angered by poor acting skills.
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Dancing in the Dark
wes-connors23 September 2015
After finding a condom wrapper in her car, attractive architecture designer Daphne Zuniga (as Deborah) suspects her husband is unfaithful. Newly divorced, Ms. Zuniga finds herself attracted to handsome young ballet instructor Sebastian Spence (as Reed Halton). He takes over as dance teacher for Zuniga's sweet 16-year-old daughter Elise Gatien (as Erika Matthews), after her regular teacher resigns abruptly. At first, Zuniga worries that dating her daughter's teacher may be unprofessional, but she needs to be "happy again." Maybe they should have included a scene with her checking out any condom wrappers around her own bed, or her daughter's...

"The Obsession" features central characters that are simply not convincing. We're told a mother loves her husband, yet there are no scenes questioning the condom wrapper and romantic video clip. Writer Christopher Morro and director David Winkler should have given us more reasons to understand Zuniga's conclusion (a previous affair, perhaps). Later, a quick slip into the sheets, with your daughter's doorway open, doesn't make sense. And, she could have been a little concerned and sneaky about her own activity. Also, nobody advises Ms. Gatien's character about other career options. She's a fine dancer, but seems quite unlike a professional ballerina.

*** The Obsession (2006-07-17) David Winkler ~ Daphne Zuniga, Sebastian Spence, Elise Gatien, William MacDonald
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