Maximum Ride (2016) Poster

(I) (2016)

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If Only It Had The Budget It Deserved
Harun_Karali30 August 2016
As one of the many people who have read the books, I was looking forward to this. I could hardly believe it when I heard that they were making one of my favorite books into a movie, suffice to say I don't read a lot. So when I finished watching I found myself baffled. Not because of the terrible VFX. But because of the production value, it astonishes me, How Hollywood can justify giving hundreds of millions to a remake that nobody wants but when a novel like Maximum Ride is made, the studios are reluctant to back it up so the author has to pitch in? In what world does this make sense? If you are unfamiliar with the story, it's about six kids who have two percent bird DNA and are kept in a prison called School. They brake out and try to survive on there own. If you like the idea as I did, read the books, they are well worth your time, I wish the same could be said for the movie. The only redeeming quality of the movie was Max, She looks the part and if she had actual screenwriters she might have sounded the part as well. I never thought I would ask for a remake for a movie, But this really deserves it and who knows? Maybe it will happen one day.
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viligeidiot30 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Well, I haven't read the books as many who have posted in the 'talk about' section have so I have no way to compare it to it's source material BUT I can qualitatively say that whoever wrote the screenplay and created this movie is woefully inept as this is only HALF a movie! Entire chunks of backstory, characterization, motive, explanation and much, MUCH more are inexplicably missing from this project. How anyone could see this without reading the books (like me) and walk away without saying WTF?!? would be a minor miracle.

To sum up, some 'experimented' upon kids who can fly (never explained how) get busted out of the facility they're kept in and relocated to the middle of nowhere where their liberator disappears (also never explained) and left to fend for themselves. Seeing as they're kids, with no money or resources, how in god's name they feed , clothe and generally provide for themselves is never addressed. (WTF???) Besides flying, some of them also have abilities like ESP and adult tech skills, SOMEHOW... once again, never explained nor even fully actualized... just, THERE, like when movie 'hackers' clack away at a keyboard and all of a sudden crack the FBI database or whatever.

Issues like this are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg of totally unexplainable and inexplicable bullshit that is rampant through the movie. I've heard of turning your brain off to enjoy a film but you'd have to be baseline retarded for this. (really no offence to mentally challenged, they have a leg up on this garbage).

Don't bother unless you're a glutton to see a favourite book of yours butchered.... also, on a side note that I found insanely laughable.... the 'flying' sequences were some of the worst I've seen since 'Flash Gordon: Saviour of the Universe' back in the late 70's... seriously... maybe even worse! I've seen higher quality visual effects from my 12 year old niece! Whoever did the SFX, you're never working in the industry again I'm afraid, unless the whole point of this thing was to launder money.

The acting wasn't horrible... that's about the only good thing I have to offer. Beware of this tripe.
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Apparently based on a book...
sfinancing23 March 2017
...which I never read.

On its own merits- okay acting from a young cast(a few of which are mildly familiar). Tired plot. Poor CGI. Weak script. Not especially suspenseful. No sense of humor about itself.

Feels like a failed pilot that they released on video to try to recoup some costs.

Free on Netflix and still not worth the money.
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No just no
hbgigglegirl7230 August 2016
This was the first book series that I read so as you can guess I am really attached to the characters and the plot. When there was first news about a movie being made I was really excited because this was the type of action filled book that deserved a really good (emphasis on really good) film made for it. When that fell through I was pretty upset. But not as upset when I saw the trailer for this. I had been wanting a movie or some sort of live action adaption for a while, but this was just a joke. It was low budget, didn't follow the story line and the casting was all wrong. Nothing against the actors, they did a good job with what they were given, but the only two that looked like their characters were Gazzy and Angel. Nudge was too old, Iggy was too fit and attractive, Fang isn't blonde and does not have short hair, and Max is not a white girl with platinum blonde hair. For a fan who has waited years for a film to be made, this is just such a disappointment. Terrible sequels that no one has asked for have been made with million dollar budgets, but this story, that is loved by millions, doesn't even get a film that has enough money to give them wings that don't look like something made in the 1980's. Again nothing against the actors. They all did a nice job, but the whole film itself isn't Maximum Ride. It just isn't. I'm disappointed.
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This film is bad
Is-Hibernating17 July 2017
This film took me on a Maximum Ride of poor acting, writing and directing. Between the strange theme of sleeveless teenagers who have no explicit reason for acting the way they do and the unnatural and discomforting dialog between every single character, not only does this film steer extraordinarily far from the original content but as a standalone piece is an utter joke. I found myself laughing at how terrible every scene was and at the ridiculous way that the film progressed. In summary, I'd say this film is a great comedy.
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Just NO!!
rachie_gilbert977 October 2016
I loved the book series so when I found out there was going to be a film I couldn't wait. Them I watched the film and felt as though someone had just thrown the book on the floor and jumped on it before brutally bashing it with a sledgehammer. In the book the main six characters had a great chemistry that was just non-existent in the film, they didn't even say Fang's name. Not once!!! How are people who haven't read the books supposed to know!!!! Also Max is one of the most Bad-A$$ in YA literature. In the film the characters lacked everything that made her Max, like the witty remarks that she is so well know for. Also the effects were terrible it would have looked better if they didn't even bother to put them in and just had the characters run around with cardboard wings taped to their backs. A book this great should be given a film that reflects it.
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Maximum Ride is about a group of half human half bird test children who escape from the laboratory that they are held in with the help of a scientist.
watkinsgabryelle18 October 2016
The movie had very poor effects and the dialog was terrible. Many things were repeated with a few words switched around and the actors sounded very forced. But, that's not even the worst of it. The movie followed the book very poorly and the plot was not explicit. If I had not read the book prior to watching the film, I would have been completely lost. The plot moved too quickly and gave no details to what was happening. I had very high expectations set for this film because of the book. The book is an amazing action packed adventure with a great story that would make a perfect science fiction/action film. But that didn't happen. There were not nearly enough action scenes compared to the book, and the ones that were present were very, well, bad. The CGI was awful and the dramatic slow motion, cringe-worthy. I was disappointed and appalled, to say the least. The movie was made as if it was thrown together without any thought. One of my favorite aspects from the books, and what I was hoping to get a lot of in the film, was the character development. Max and her five "siblings" are very unique with different personality traits who battle many personal problems throughout the story. They all develop beautifully as characters, learning about themselves and their abilities, but sadly that was not present in the movie. The characters did not seem to learn anything important about sticking together, which was one of the biggest themes of the book. I will admit that the makers and the cast of this movie were not famous and may not have been experienced enough to make a hit film. The director was not someone that I recognized. Maybe Maximum Ride was a low budget film and they didn't have a lot to work with. There's a number of thing that could have been happening behind the scenes that may have caused this movie to be below what I had hoped for. The actors weren't even that bad. The portrayed their characters the way I would have seen them, but the lines and dialog that was fed to them was repetitive and somewhat cheesy. It was probably difficult to work with. Again, the idea for this movie was in the right place, and maybe if they would have had a bigger budget and put more thought into the script, this could have been a blockbuster film. I would have loved to see one of my favorite books become an astounding movie adaptation. But, sadly, we'll have to make do with what it is, and what it is is a poorly made movie, and frankly a waste of anyone's time, that doesn't even come close to the literature that it was based off of.
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Absolutely horrific
jordanmiller-081531 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie, though originally an amazing novel, was horrific. The graphics of the flying, fighting and wings made me want to scream, as well as some key details that were missed. First of all, NONE of the flock has all that much muscle, they are very thin and tall, though Iggy and Fang were muscular and almost shorter than Max. Fang's name was never mentioned at all during the movie (so I'm sure people are like, what is his name???), and he also was blonde(?). Like, what? Fang is supposed to be this tall, dark aura of sarcasm and quietness, which was definitely not portrayed AT ALL with the actor (not to mention, again, HE WAS BLONDE). Iggy is supposed to be the tallest of the flock, and yet he seemed shorter than Max(?) and also seemed very not blind. He also is supposed to be the only way that the flock really eats, since Max sucks at cooking and despite being blind, Iggy is a superb chef (which was never mentioned at all). Oh, and to add to my annoyance of the movie's portrayal of Iggy, he was dark haired, kinda sarcastic at some points and his relationship with Gazzy was not even close to how it is in the books. Now onto my main gal, Maximum Ride. Her sassy yet caring self was mean and rough, which was clearly seen in some of the first scenes of the movie. It seemed as if the flock was forced together and had no real bond except at the end of the movie (WHICH IRKED ME TO NO END). She was also very...not mixed race??? Her hair is supposed to be died blonde when they're all in the city, and end up getting makeovers, but very dark brown before. OOOH, and her wings (well, all of their wings in general). Do people have no sense of measurement? It clearly stated that their wings were very much larger than their bodies but yet at some point, seemed to be half their body length? Like...what? Now onto the younger of the flock. Gazzy was never seen showing his skill of voice imitation and no one ever saw how close he was with Iggy or his sister (in fact, they seemed like they were annoyed with each other?). Nudge is not a bratty little rulebreaker, but is very talkative and loving. She also never was yelled at by Max, who is pretty chill for the most part. And Angel. Her only lines were at the end of the movie, but yet, we never heard her? Also, where was the special bond that is between Max and her? Right, it was never shown. All in all, this movie was a bust, and it really pained me to watch one of my favorite books become such a terrible film. I really hope they remake it soon into something much much better.
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If you like the book, Don't watch this movie.
aviangirl29 July 2017
Not much to say about this awful movie. When I was in middle school my friends and I read the books together. If you love the books as much as we do, don't watch this movie. The dialogue is terrible, the actors look like they have sticks up their asses, it has awful graphics, its not true to the book, need I go on? The actors chosen for Iggy and Fang were truly dreadful, one reason being they didn't even match the description of their novel counterparts, not to mention the acting. If I could give a 0, I would.
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canabergstresser2 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I honestly have no words. Like obviously it's so bad that I created an account to write how bad it was. First of all, Jenna Marbles had to produce it so of course it was going to be terrible quality. Second of all, I barely got through 10 minutes of it before having to turn it off. It is nothing like the book, and god forbid the same cast and crew try to do any of the other books. I have read the Maximum Ride series since I was in middle school and now, being in college I was beyond excited to see how the movie turned out. The cast was honestly not that bad, the acting was terrible. They messed up Iggy and Fang's characters, and Max's character was way too emotional and clingy. Nudge was too prissy, and Angel was made out to seem like she was mental. Somebody please redo this, this is a sad sorry excuse for a film and I honestly feel disrespected that they would ruin such a fantastic book series.
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Not bad, considering the budget. The actors were perfect for their roles.
MacCampbell16 January 2017
As I watched this I found myself comparing it to the Twilight saga. Given that it was made for maybe 10% of Twilight's budget it was actually pretty good. I certainly found it more exciting than Twilight, though the books they were each made from were comparable. Both stories featured a fairly conventional, clichéd story line, though I'd give the edge to Max Ride for originality. Imagine what could have been done with Twilight's budget and resources. As it is, Maximum Ride has the feel of a made-for-TV video, produced and filmed in too much of a low- budget rush to give the talented young cast a chance to do much with their characters or to provide effective SFX.

Twilight's budget would have been better spent on Patterson's Max Ride series. (This film covers the first book of a trilogy plus a sequel.) Given that Twilight cast a couple of shambling corpses as the leads, Maximum Ride, for all its lacks, had in its impressive cast the potential to at least reach for X-men level movie making. I certainly hope to see more of them, especially Allie Marie Evans, in the future.
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Thumbs up from a longtime fan
reemalshareef31 August 2016
I have waited for a VERY long time for this to become a film, and I can't say I'm entirely disappointed. See, the series's plot was more or less messy, but the characters were stellar. They were invaluable and became a part of my heart, and to be honest with you, still very much are. That's why I liked this movie. They did a good job with the characters. They look mostly accurate, but, most importantly, they act accurately as well. Seeing Iggy on screen is something my middle school self would've sold her soul to see.

This film followed the book so closely that it actually gave me flashbacks to the book. I haven't read it in years, so when several things happened I'd actually gasp and say, "I remember this!" And a lot of times it was close to how I have imagined it initially as well. They did a good job in terms of that. However, yes, I was disappointed in the fact that it only covered the first half of the book, and the less action packed half, too. Max Ride was famous for its heart-racing fight scenes, and there just wasn't any of that here.

I've heard some complaints about the CGI, and I think that was my biggest issue with the film as well. The wings looked a little too surreal, sleek and texture-less. Also, flying straight up isn't something birds can do.

I liked the idea of the wings hidden as they were. I always struggled to imagine that with the books.

Overall, this film was NOT AWFUL. Actually, I think it was pretty good. Kudos to the actors. They did wonderfully. I hope we get more films, and perhaps a bigger budget next time. More action, and more inclusion of the other characters. A big mistake Patterson made was disregarding Nudge, Iggy, and the Gasman. Don't make that mistake. Thank you for bringing some old friends to life.
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Heart Broken
tannaieh8 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sitting in my living room browsing through Netflix when I stumble across - wha'dya know? MAXIMUM RIDE! Yay!

"Wait a second," I thought. There's no way this could be the James Patterson series I've loved since I was a child. Those novels are sooooo ground-breakingly amazing that a film adaptation would have to be top quality, right? And the press and marketing of this remarkable movie would have to be out of this world, right?

What. The. Hell.

My heart's been broken. My mind's been screwed. Who did this, and what is your freaking problem?

There are so many things wrong with Maximum Ride in just the first five minutes. Watching the entire thing on Netflix felt like drowning for an eternity. In one big huff I'll try to get past the quality of the film's terrible CGI, lousy scenes, cheap production, and shitty acting to talk about a few of the book-to-film mistakes. Here goes nothing.

Max is about as intimidating as her doppelganger Kendall Jenner. A muscle tee and gloves does not make her a bad ass.

Fang - oh, dear Fang - is BLONDE, and very much the opposite of his dark, and mysteriously bruiting, book persona.

The muscles on Fangs supposed-to-be younger brother Iggy make no sense. "Tall and slim." The first Maximum ride literally describes practically all of the characters BUT ESPECIALLY Iggy as TALL AND SLIM. Was he really even blind?

Nudge who can be interpreted as talkative with a hint of attitude in the novel spent most of the movie being disciplined over wanting to be normal. Her book characters internal struggle was her desire for belonging. Nudge wanted to know where she came from, NOT whether she can go shopping at the mall like other girls.

There isn't much to say about Angel. Seeing as the first novel is really devoted to rescuing the sweet, and innocent Angel from The School, I expected her portrayal to be warm and cute in order to make a connection with the audience. She was actually kind of creepy, and if you asked me should have been left at the school.

I almost forgot Gasman. What can I say? Really, what can I say? He was there.

I am beyond disappointed. I'm hurt. Finding and reading this book series was one of the most important markers in my life. This movie - this "thing" has taken away the novels magic.

If you're a fan, don't watch it. Save yourself the heartache.
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Substandard fantasy film
jackmeat4 September 2016
My quick rating - 4,4/10. Pretty bland story that really never got going. Six children genetically cross-bred with avian DNA, complete with wings, take flight around the country to discover their origins. The plot line sums it up. Problem with this movie is some subpar FX, the lack of depth (flashbacks via MTV style don't cut it) and lack of any reason to care what happens to the kids. The action, so to speak, is pointless and they don't even try to find their origins, they more or less allude to it. Visually, the sweeping camera work looks very nice over the landscapes as they fly (don't focus on them, the vfx are horrid as I said) but that cannot save a lackluster effort such as this. I read that this is a series of books that supposedly are pretty good so I assume a sequel is on the way. I won't be bothering with it if they do. Aside from the main character, Max, the bit players are just there. The kid who blows stuff up at least ended the movie with a funny line. Not really a spoiler nor does it make it worth it to watch just for that. If you know the books, you will be disappointed, and if you don't know them, you most likely still will be. I know I was.
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B-movie. maybe worse
flowirin31 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
From the start, the pacing was off. There was evidently meant to be some kind of tension, but the director failed to set it up, perhaps he was relying on prior knowledge? I've not read the books, so had no idea what was going on.

And then it was bored teenagers in a house, pretending to argue with each other. Well, play acting. quite terribly. I'd have preferred a voice over exposition to that stilted and awkward introduction to the superpowers. The lead actress almost pulled off angry and dominant, but she doesn't have the experience, so the almost was a failure.

Cue a random abduction, presumably to increase the tension, but given we have no investment in any of the characters, all it did was add a note of "who is that b- grade dude with the teeth?". It didn't get explained in the first half of the movie, which is all I managed to sit through. The fight sequences were shoddy. Mr b-grade with the teeth at one point visibly preparing for the impact he knew was coming from behind him. No sense of immediacy.

I think the director confused pauses and slow shots with tension, and expected us to fill in all the details. All it managed for me was to let my attention wander.

I'd avoid it unless you are a real fan, or perhaps even then, given most people have wonderful imaginations, and it would be a shame to have them replaced with dross.

Did i mention the fx? Best not to really. Manga style graphics might have worked better.
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Such a disappointment. Bad acting, bad special effects, bad directing.
momimykids1217 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The Maximum Ride movie was such a disappointment. God awful actor choice in both appearance AND behavior/personality. Embarrassing special effects, i mean seriously. Zero depth of characters. The story line didn't quite fit, and they only told like half of the book, up to the point where the escape the school, didn't have anything from their time in New York. I WAITED SEVEN YEARS FOR THAT?!?! UGH!

I mean the biggest character flaws were with the TWO MAIN CHARACTERS!?! You don't see the close family relationship between the flock or even Max and Fang. You don't get the sense that they are EVERYTHING to each other even BEFORE romance was added to the picture. For those of you who have read the Maximum Ride series you know that,

Max is all wrong. She isn't the strong willed person who commands the room the moment she walks in like in the book. The movie's Max doesn't have that gusto, that rage i guess, that is key to Max's character. We don't see the raw emotion we need to understand what Angel meant to her. Angel was her BABY. The innocent little girl who Max cared for. And when she discovered Jeb had been evil the entire time, we didn't see the pure heart sinking betrayal that Max felt. The actor did a poor job at showing the strength and depth of her relationships, as well as the strength of her character.

The actor cast as Fang made a lot of the same mistakes. Fang is meant to be quiet, deep in thought. He is able to disappear easily, his demeanor more dark and brooding without compromising his humor or relationships. In the movie he has short hair, rather talkative with Max and his feelings towards her are not well hidden. When she got shot, he kept saying "i almost lost you!" and they nearly kissed on multiple occasions. In the movie, you know how he feels by what he says, not what he does. It is just NOT how Fang is, especially in the first book. If they wanted the audience to know how he felt towards Max, they should have done it by the way he looks at her when shes not looking, or the way he smiles when she laughs. That is more true to the character.

This movie could have been AMAZING but instead it was HORRENDOUS and wasn't worth the hour i spent watching.
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Well, I give it an A for effort
subxerogravity2 October 2016
I don't really want to trash this movie. When I saw the synopsis, I thought this was right up my alley: a sci-fi fantasy superhero action adventure with lots of girl power. It was a ride that I wanted to go on.

Now I'm on the ride, and it is giving me everything that the synopsis said it would give me, but it's not grabbing me like I would hope it would.

Another young adult book being adapted like Hunger games of Maze Runner, the movie is a about a group of kids that have been genetically altered with a series of test and now they have retractable wings (They barely used in the film). They escaped from their lab and now are in hiding, until one of them was found and kidnapped and now the rest have to save this child from the captives.

The movie does suffer from not having the same budget as the Divergent series, to name one, although I can't knock what they did with what they had. Not the most impressive production design, but it was effective.

I just felt that it did not gel or flow naturally at all. Maximum Ride force feeds the viewers a great story that's filled with cheesy dialog and corny acting. It was to the point that I almost felt I was watching a parody of a young adult book adaption, when I know that was not the intent of the production.

I don't want to be harsh on such a cool concept that was pretty well made from what looks like a shoe string budget in comparison, to others in its genre, but a lot of times it made me feel like I was trying my best to get through the book and finish, when sometime into it I became disinterested in doing so
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Wow....what a bad movie
cokethesoda4 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I watched only 20 minutes of this abomination to the series before just quitting it.

First off, the casting. Whoever plays Max doesn't look like how she should look; nor do the actors for Iggy (chubby, Iggy is supposed to be tall! and slender!), Angel (I don't know she kind of looks mean too), and Fang (who doesn't even have black hair, seriously?).

Then you have the opening scene in the movie. WHY IS MAX'S SHIRT SHOWING HER BELLY?! Then you barely see a hint of the Erasers - we only see flashlights - and then the scene cuts off before Max even starts flying.

Next, Max wakes up. OK, I don't know why the Flock hasn't already ditched I-don't-care, screw you, over-controlling, and just outright bitchy Max. Angel fumes in her chair for no reason and then goes out for NO reason at all! Like, there's a reason for things. Oh, and they don't notice Angel's fun trip outside because they are all busy counseling each other after Max Yells at Nudge For Being a Human and Treats Her Like S***.

Then we see "Erazers" (actual subtitle mistake) who look like normal people. Suddenly, the whole Flock get Angel's telepathic powers and run after her. Angel is being carried by some normal looking men with a tiny kick or two. And then Max "flies".

OK, before this we see big painful slits in their backs and no folded wings...Like, they have wings all the time, movie, not just when they feel like it. Then Max's wings appear through her clothes and she is somehow propelled 30 feet into the air from one halfhearted flap. Then the effects were just so nauseating I stopped watching.

This movie would make for a great reaction video.
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Doesn't do the books any justice
lifewithalex-676355 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
As a big fan of the books and have read them over and over since middle school I can honestly this was nowhere close to the books. Its like they didn't even read the books. Don't even get me started on Jenna Marbles as one of the executive producers. She's a great YouTuber don't get me wrong but she has no place being the producer of a movie unless she's funding it. The casting was so bad. Max has dark drown hair, like her mother. She's mixed race not a girl who's as white as they get with blonde hair. Fang has dark drown/ black hair not dirty blond hair plus he talks way to much. Iggy is tall and lanky with strawberry blond hair. Nudge looks way to old and is to stuck up, Gazzy was okay but Angel didn't talk enough. Where was the bond between all of them? It made it seem like they hate each other. They tried to cram what, the first 3-4 books into an hour long 'movie'? My boyfriend was right, it was disappointing.
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Horrible ruination of a great book series. *May contain spoiler*
scorpio21au16 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, being an avid reader of James Patterson's Alex Cross series and his more touching novels, Sam's Letters to Jennifer and Suzanne's Diary to Nicholas, I started reading his series about "bird kids." I was hooked and have read all of the books. So, imagine my surprise when, today, I was at Redbox and saw "Maximum Ride" the movie. Ecstatic! Excited! Tickled Pink! How could I have not known about this movie? Well, 10 minutes into this crap they call Maximum Ride do I know why. Disappointed, disgusted, and just down right ticked that they ruined this wonderfully, unique series. The actors are nobodies, the script writing is terrible, their wings are horrendous! What happened to the wings on X-Men?!! Those were realistic and believable. One of the things I always found interesting in the books is how they managed to disguise the fact that they have wings with a 10ft span hidden under their clothes, but this crap fest has them disappearing into the skin on their backs, which is just retarded. The books talked at length about how glorious their wings were and how they laid against their backs.

Now for the characters. Their ages are all wrong, physical characteristics are wrong, Max is wrong on so many levels. She is what makes this series, and they left out all of what makes her Max. The person they cast for her is a joke. These kids are genetically enhanced mutants with super strength and other powers; yet, they just seem weak and uninspired.

This movie could have been epic! To say I am annoyed to no end is an understatement. Makes me want to go read the books again to get this garbage out of my head and enjoy how Patterson intended them to be.
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This should be a TV series
sampsell-9573515 February 2017
This movie should be a TV series. Plus i didn't like the ending it was open and i would love to know when the next one or more are coming because it was so good and you should keep the same actors and actresses. oh you should make a surprise twist with Ari switch side and help Max, Fang, Angel, Gazzy, Iggy, and Nuge.
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Maximum Ride is a ride indeed
nikimcdarment5 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Overall, I found this movie to be very good. Being a fan of the book since I was eleven, I was excited to finally see something made out of the beloved series. Maximum Ride was what got me into reading, so I had some pretty high expectations. For such a low budget, this movie wasn't half bad. Most of the plot changes made sense, and the character's looks and personalities were as closely stuck to as possible. The wings and flight takeoffs looked a bit fake but were, in my opinion, very good for what money the crew was given. Despite what other fans might say, I liked seeing the wings and am very glad we got anything made from the series.

With that, I absolutely LOVED the cinematography and the music and felt the vibe given from it fit the scenes. Some of the sound effects were kind of odd and took me out of the experience for a moment, but I feel it can be improved in future films. Certain scenes from the book weren't represented, but like I said, the changes made absolute sense to fit into an hour and a half film. Only the first half of the book was included, but it really is a long book and I am almost certain that if another movie is made it will include what happens in the second half of the story. It's hard to truly adapt a series to film, but being such a fan of the series, I enjoyed the movie, and it's definitely one of the better book adaptations. The series itself is a bit messy with the plot, and this movie cleans it up in a manner that makes the film run smoothly and immerses one in the experience that is Maximum Ride. SPOILERS AHEAD

Now, as with any film, not everything is entirely perfect. I enjoyed it a lot, but I feel this movie could've done with fewer flashbacks and more scenes with Angel. I think she had maybe what... 8 lines? I liked the subtle romance between Fang and Max and enjoyed their banter, however, I would like to see a much snarkier Max and broodier Fang. Fang seemed to have more control over Max which doesn't quite happen in the books as Max is very stubborn and leaderish and always takes charge. With that being said, I really liked these new versions and was quite immersed in the film. The actors themselves are very good. As are Nudge's and Iggy's actors. I like this new Iggy but Nudge's character could deal with a lot less... Meanness? I don't know. I felt like they should've focused more on the motormouth side of her and not so much the "me me me" side.

Angel and Gazzy were Spot. On. As was Jeb, who I liked a bit more than book Jeb. All three characters could've done with a bit more screen time, and Angel definitely a few more lines.

Fang. Ugh, I absolutely ADORED Fang in this film. But I don't think they mentioned his name at all lol and while I do miss the emo brooding Fang we all love, I accept that they went with this more modern version to appeal to more viewers. The scene where he was cleaning Max's shoulder and yelling at her for being stupid. ASDGDHDKKIIIK. Ah! It was SO Fang and Max. Speaking of Max, it would've been nice if they called her Maximum Ride at some point. Maybe during the scenes with Ella and Dr. Martinez, who, also, could've gotten more screen time. Dr. Martinez was probably my only character problem as she didn't feel quite as motherly as in the books, which is a big deal, but I'm sure they'll work on it.

While it wasn't exactly like the book, I think the movie stuck very closely and gave it a much more mature and sci-fi feel. It may have not been Maximum Ride entirely but it was VERY GOOD. Overall I liked it, and can't wait to see more films from Studio71 and the actors themselves. Hopefully, enough fans of the books will like it too so that we can get more movies. What a fun film to experience. Maximum Ride is definitely quite the ride indeed. Excited to see more!
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If there are sequels, You better make them better
fashion-190031 January 2017
I have read all of the Maximum Ride books from 6th grade on and they are my favorite book series, when I saw casting online for this movie, I wanted to sign up so that I could finally be in something I really enjoyed. When I saw this teasers, I was so happy and I was so excited to see this. This movie is not worth it, As a die hard fan, I have seen YouTube videos for the trailer that were better than the actual movie, the wings looked like they were added in by using Paint and I was so disappointed. The Max was a pussy and didn't do anything like the bada** Max that we read about in the book. Fang had long hair in the books. I was so disappointed.... Please make this better....
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Interesting right up to the end... then not
Snootz1 September 2016
The sole redeeming aspect of this film is the main actress, Allie Marie Evans. Beyond that this is very much a "pilot hoping to become a TV series" type movie with an inconclusive, boring ending. I won't say any more in order to avoid spoilers... but don't expect any kind of plot resolution or purpose to this flick other than "entertainment for kids".

Even Allie's presence and acting (which is limited by plot to pretty much a perpetual scowl) can't save this "yet another buncha teens with powers" flick. The plot's been done before (often), by better movies. Persecuted lab-raised teens vs the bad guy here. Do expect a lot of unanswered questions and plot holes (not the least of which is how their powers function). You likely won't really care about having those questions answered because... it doesn't really matter. Nothing more to see here.

It's worth watching on a rainy day with popcorn. It's not quite SyFy channel bad. It's just primarily Saturday Morning kids fare in movie form. There are far worse flicks, and far better. It's worth watching just for Allie's terrific eyes. Beyond that, kids might like it. But without a follow-up it's pointless-- and it's doubtful a follow-up would be followed.
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Generally bad in all aspects
moorek1 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Overall this film has nothing much to offer.

Plot. Simple. Escape. Recapture. Escape. There is limited content here. What details there might have been in the novel are gone.

Characters. Poorly developed in all cases. There is almost no chemistry among the actors. You don't care if any of them are killed off and they don't really seem concerned about the others. The only person I actually liked was the Vet.

Acting. It is just bad. I can't think of anyone in the movie who I would say was even a decent actor. The Vet and her daughter were better actors than the main characters. The young smart kid was cute and if this was a cute kid movie then he'd fit in. Not here.

Effects. Very poor. Typical C grade movie where flying and explosions are superimposed, poorly, over backgrounds.

Settings. Exteriors are either CGI or dull. Interior dull. There are scenes where they are running through the secret labs and corridors are just 2x4 with plastic hung over it. The kind of thing you do when you are filming your home movie in your parents basement and want to hide the washer - dryer.

I thought this was a made-for-TV movie as the pilot for a TV show. I was surprised to find it is the first, and hopefully last, instalment of a tween series supposedly written by James Patterson.

It's on Netflik so there is no cost but watch this only if you've watched almost every other movie already.

The only thing I think it has going for it are the unanswered questions and unresolved ending. Since I have no plans to read the book or watch any sequels then this is not a plus for me.
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