Vipers (TV Movie 2008) Poster

(2008 TV Movie)

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And in the End, Everybody that Has not Died Is Happy
claudio_carvalho15 February 2014
There is a break in the Universal BioTech laboratory and vipers escape. The CEO Burton (Corbin Bernsen) seeks out Dr. Vera Collins (Jessica Steen), who is researching the healing of breast cancer using the vipers' venom, and tells that the secret facility was researching enhanced vipers to produce more venom.

Meanwhile in the peaceful island Eden Cove, in the Pacific Northwest, the vipers attack the residents. The newcomer doctor Cal Taylor (Jonathan Scarfe), who has come from the army, leads a small group of survivors to attract the vipers and save the locals from complete destruction and they discover an evil plan of Burton and his chief of security John Staffen (Michael Kopsa).

"Vipers" is a silly B-movie with a terrible conclusion. After the death of most of the residents, Nicky is happy in love with Cal and the annoying Maggie, who has just lost her parents, is smiling with Dr. Silverton. This is enough to qualify this movie as stupid and ridiculous. My vote is three.

Title (Brazil): "O Ataque das Víboras" ("The Vipers Attack")
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A New Low For SyFy
gavin69423 March 2013
A set of vipers has been taken by the scientists, and they have mutated them to make a cure for cancer... then their experiment goes awry, and all these vipers escape into the woods, and they are not only biting people, they are actually killing people, in a little town.

I had low expectations because of Tara Reid, but frankly she was no worse than anyone else in the movie and may actually have even been good by comparison. I hate to almost say a good word about Reid, but there it is, the closest I may ever come.

The problem with this film is easy to point out: the special effects. Snakes that take over an island and eat people (apparently including their clothes, bones and tents)? Sounds pretty good, like a classic 1950s sci-fi movie. Well, not this time. The snakes look so poor, they just ruin every scene they are in (which is most of the movie). SyFy has made a lot of poor special effects decisions, but this may be their worst.
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More Sci-Fi Channel 'Creature Feature' crap.
poolandrews9 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Vipers starts at a remote secret Universl Bio Tech research laboratory where they have genetically altered a bunch of Horned Vipers to make them produce they're venom quicker since it's a vital component in the companies newly developed miracle cure for breast cancer. Unfortunately as a side-effect the Vipers have become more aggressive & vicious, during a failed attempt to steal the Vipers the tank housing them is broken & they escape. Cut to the small coastal island community of Eden Cove where Kal Taylor (Jonathan Scarfe) is considering whether to take over the current but about to retire doctor's practice when a sudden spate of snake bites occur. Kal & a nice looking blonde bird named Nicky Swift (Tara Reid) soon discover that the escaped Vipers are responsible & no-one in Eden Cove is safe...

This American Canadian co-production was directed by Bill Corcoran & is yet another awful Sci-Fi Channel made-for-telly 'Creature Feature' that is probably even worse than this sub-genre usually offers up. The script reads like a list of 'Creature Feature' clichés & is strictly by the number, there's the evil company or scientist or whatever, there's the genetic experiments on some sort of animal that mutates it to either a huge size or makes it more dangerous in some way than normal, there's the good looking teen cast, there's the has-been actor for 'name' value, there's the isolated community cut-off from the rest of the world, there's the impending threat they find themselves under, there's the typical 'lets barricade ourselves in here' sequences & of course there has to be some sort of military or private security force intervention. It's all here in Vipers but it's much, much worse than usual. I recently saw Ice Spiders (2007) & that's ten times better than Vipers, this has no pace, no excitement, rubbishy character's who have boring clichéd sub-plots (rebellious teenage daughter who doesn't like her parents, good looking new doc & good looking bird annoy each other at first but eventually fall in love in a seen it all before romantic sub-plot, the local Sheriff is a hero, etc.) & scenes which make very little sense. Where do the seemingly infinite number of Vipers come from in such a short space of time? Only four or five originally escaped the laboratory. How does a snake slither up a vertical windscreen? How is a bridge seemingly clear at first but then two seconds later there's a Viper there? Where was it hiding exactly? Where did that Viper in that guy's office at the end come from? Why are all the character's so stupid & make idiotic decisions? Total crap from start to finish & one of the very worst 'Creature Features' out there which is saying something.

While watching Vipers I just couldn't get excited or motivated, I mean once the survivors have barricaded themselves in that house they should have been safe. What is a snake going to do? It has no arms or legs, it's not big or heavy & surely all they needed to do was find a car, get in, lock the doors & drive to the boat? It's not exactly difficult, is it? Like a lot of these Sci-Fi Channel 'Creature Features' the makers have gone for CGI computer effects rather than on-set puppet work & the CGI is uniformly terrible. The Vipers all move in 's' shapes & it's so basic & poor looking it's hard to take them seriously. They also make some very funny noises like screams, growls & roars! Note to filmmakers, snakes hiss not roar! The version I saw was on telly (I'd have been even more annoyed if I had spent money on this rubbish) & I think it might have been an edited version since there's no gore whatsoever & some of the attack scenes are very badly edited seemingly with huge chunks missing. I believe the DVD version is longer & contains the missing blood & gore.

The IMDb says Vipers had a $9,000,000 which sounds ridiculous to me, there's no way this rubbish cost nine big ones, no way. Surely if Vipers had cost that much the CGI effects wouldn't be so awful? Shot in Vancouver in Canada. Tara Reid looks nice enough I suppose but isn't the best actress ever & it comes to something when I have to say she puts in the best performance of the entire cast. The only other notable actor in this is Corben Bernsen as the money hungry bad guy.

Vipers is a terrible film from start to finish, the CGI effects are awful, the story is predictable & clichéd & it feels like any other low budget Sci-Fi Channel 'Creature Feature' only worse. Not recommended.
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Campy and cheesy, but surprisingly watchable...
paul_haakonsen4 May 2019
Right, well with a movie named "Vipers", you know exactly what you are getting yourself into. And whether or not having Tara Reid on the cast list is a positive or negative thing, well that is a thing that is up to individual determination.

I decided to watch "Vipers" because I like creature features and also because it is part of the "Maneater" movie series. However, I can't claim to have much of an interest in the acting ability of Tara Reid, for better or worse.

I must admit that "Vipers" actually was a fairly adequate movie taking into consideration that there are so many, many other movies with snake themes that are far more horrible and less entertaining than the 2008 "Vipers" turned out to be.

Sure, this movie was campy and cheesy, but that is part of the genre and also a part of what makes the movie enjoyable and fun to watch.

Now, the movie has Tara Reid on the cast list, and that might be some aversion to some viewers, but it should be said that she actually fared quite well in "Vipers", taking into consideration the concept of the movie and the limitations of the script and storyline from writer Brian Katkin and director Bill Corcoran.

The special effects in the movie were for the most part actually quite good, and the snakes - again for the most part - looked realistic enough and passed as being believable. However, the fact that the snakes could growl and scream was just hilarious and it made the movie all the more cheesy and laughable.

All in all, "Vipers" delivers what you would expect from it, but actually managed to stay afloat and not become as horrible as many other snake movies did. Was it a masterpiece? Hardly so. Nor is it the type of movie that you will watch more than once.
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Awful ...terrible
efman110 July 2008
Where does one start? Crappy effects...brutal acting.... plot obvious from the 5th minute. Stereotype characters.

Tara Reid. How low will you go? She wore a heavy vest through most of the movie which, I'm sure, was to hide her awful boob job.

Poor Don S. Davis. One of his last films. Maybe the shame of the release was too much for him.

Was there a script? A director? It looked like everyone was given an outline and told to improvise.

OK. I take it back. This is so bad , it's funny.

Go snakes GO!!!!
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peaches_89-116 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
That was quite easily the worst movie I have ever seen. You can forgive poor visuals but not the story line, facts and acting. It is one of those films that those involved must question why they made the film in the 1st place. This film could only have passed as respectable if a small town made the film to promote itself. Its unfortunate someone like Don Davis (may he rest in peace) put his name to the film. Its a train wreck that probably has to be seen to be believed. Snakes that could chew human flesh, hunt in packs, eat all the fish in the water and leave almost no human remains is bordering on ridiculous. At some stages they flew at their victims and attacked necks like they were a predator. The scenes where they attract the snakes with flame throwers in the middle of the night so the dozens of survivors could run to the boat sums up the film. Forget the snakes inability to stay warm enough and active enough at night, not to mention the snakes just happen to ignore the vibrations in the ground made by all those running people. It makes "Snakes on a plane" look decent and "Anaconda" look like like a multiple award winner and thats not easy to do. Save your money and if you have to spend it, give it to a good charity.
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I Want Those Two Hours Of My Life Back!
kiawa7721 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I was utterly shocked about how bad this movie was. The all-around stupidity of it is just flooring. The first hour is basically a soap opera with some absolutely unrealistic death-by-snake scenes injected into the various subplots of who is sleeping with whom and who is mourning whom, blah blah blah. The deaths are totally unbelievable because the snakes jump, fly, scream, and devour human bodies in mere minutes. Granted, they are genetically engineered, but COME ON! Combine that with a mindless script, terrible acting, and bloopers such as no snakes on a bridge followed by dozens of snakes on the bridge a few seconds later... and you've got yourself one heck of a loser flick. Another shining example of the human ingenuity here is when the survivors are all holed up in the "hotel" (which looks more like a restaurant), and they've had quite a bit of time to fortify their location. However, everyone overlooked the gap between the floor and the bottom of the door, through which several bad CGI snakes strike before someone gets the bright idea of plugging it up. Brilliant.

I must admit to chuckling at the howling death screams of the snakes. That fact, however, does not in any way restore this film to a rating higher than 1. And poor Don S. Davis... why? Why? Why would you be part of this rubbish??? I guess I'm just tired of these motherf------ snakes in this motherf------ film! ;)
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jboothmillard1 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
From the short description I read it sounded like some Anaconda rip-off made for TV, it turned out, that is exactly what is was, just with more snakes. Basically a large amount of vipers have been taken by scientists to be experimented on to find a breakthrough, it all goes wrong when some criminals unintentionally break the glass and the snakes escape. At a big meeting, Burton (The Dentist's Corbin Bernsen), who is in charge of the research, explains that these vipers have been genetically enhanced in order to create a cure for breast cancer. Now slithering their way to a near isolated lake town, the residents, including Nicky Swift (American Pie's Tara Reid) who works at the hotel, are unaware of the danger. One or two people fall victim to the terror these venomous mutated creatures bring, but the townspeople are still not sure what is going on, only that some people have snake bites that need antidote injected. Soon enough everyone is on the run from the vipers, trapping themselves in the hotel, and trying to get help or escape the danger. Burton does find out about the snakes escaping from the medical research facility, and he does get in touch with one of the people caught in the chaos, but he dismisses the problem for the benefit of the research. In the end the vipers are all blown up with a combination of light and gas in the hotel, and Burton gets what coming to him too when the meeting people overhear his earlier conversation. Also starring Jonathan Scarfe as Cal Taylor, Genevieve Buechner as Maggie Martin, Stephen E. Miller as Hank Brownie, Jessica Steen as Dr. Collins, Don S. Davis as Dr. Silverton, Mark Humphrey as Sheriff Hendricks, Aaron Pearl as Jack Martin and Claire Rankin as Ellie Martin. It is shame that Reid, one of the fittest of the girls in the great teen sex comedy has gone so downhill, she is rather dull, and Bernsen doesn't do much either, all the other cast members are silly and predictable too. The blood amount is fair, but the special effects involved for making the snakes look deadly and terrifying is just terrible, it isn't scary, it feels like something made for TV, and it is just an overly boring and awful horror thriller. Poor!
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Laughably bad script and ridiculous premise - horrible FX
johnbthomasiii8028 December 2022
The acting isn't terrible given this ridiculous script. I don't know how you mutate a venomous snakes venom but apparently I'm doing so five snakes miraculously turn into hundreds of fully grown vipers. And apparently these snakes eat people in bites like a canine or lion or bear.

This movie would have been better had they not tried to amp up the situation by turning to the ridiculous. The Pacific Northwest is not known to be a haven for snakes since it is quite cold there.

Finally, the budget on SFX was abysmally wasted. The digital snakes sometimes move like a snake would but more often than not the snakes are just too damned fast and (especially ridiculous) move in a linear manner like a child's toy being pulled on a string. Oh yes, did you know that dying snakes cry out like an injured dog? Neither did I.

There are points where you can see how it might have been better, but more often than not it's just laughably bad.
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AndyVanScoyoc9 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The actors that can act (Don S. Davis, for example) we're good and believable.

The actors that couldn't...Oh. My.

Acting isn't easy, it's really not, but some people just can't do it and should maybe do theatre instead.

Script writing, on the other've got to know when you're writing something stupid.

Watching this film...I guess that there was no one to edit as, this movie is stupid from beginning to end.

I almost turned it off until I saw Aaron Pearl was in it, then I watched just to see him.

I've been a fan of his for a while.

When he died, whatever curiosity I had for how the film would end, died with him.

I should have turned it off then, but morbid curiosity is a failing of mine.

So, my suffering is your gain.

I reiterate. Don't. Drink lye or something instead. It'll be less painful.
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Great B-Movie
Oddark12315 March 2009
This was my sixth title I have viewed from the Maneater series. I wasn't expecting much at all except a way to waste a Sunday morning. However I was shocked. I was expecting them to use National Geographic footage of vipers lunging at people, but instead found a cool movie that I really enjoyed.

Now some people just can't appreciate b-movies simply because they seem to actually care for the mainstream stuff and don't even want to give such stuff as Vipers a chance. If you want something award worthy your in the wrong place.

However this is a fun little movie, I was into the characters and I'll say it's the best title I've seen from the Maneater series overall.
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Amazingly dumb... but still manages some slithery fun
player_pawn28 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
What should one expect from the Maneater Series' latest "nature gone amok" feature, Vipers? Other than a bunch of flesh-eating snakes, not very much... but that's okay, because this flick certainly isn't trying to deliver anything but over-the-top serpentine carnage.

Corben Bernsen and his cronies at Universal BioTech are attempting to cure breast cancer with genetically-altered Horned Vipers (which, as we all know by now, makes perfect sense) when a batch of them escape and head over to the picturesque Oregon island village of Eden Cove. Things get ugly... and reeeally fast, but thanks to the dashing new doctor in town (Jonathan Scarfe), a cute-as-a-button botanist (Tara Reid), and the scientist responsible for the snakes' aggressive tendencies (Jessica Steen), these citizens might just have a chance at survival.

If one is willing to throw logic out the window almost immediately, Vipers is actually fairly fun little romp. Sure, the snakes howl like dying vampires when they're killed and there appears to be only one person in the entire town of Eden Cove under the age of 20, but it's relatively easy to overlook these simple misgivings. Even the fact that the vipers actually EAT their victims ends up becoming hilariously entertaining, effectively transforming them from typical snakes to slithering piranhas.

Keeping its forked tongue firmly in-cheek during one of Vipers' first scenes, a newlywed African American couple go to make love in their lakeside tent, only to be attacked by the titular critters. Of course, their racial identity calls for them to be the first to go, and the script (attributed to Scarecrow Gone Wild's Brian Katkin) allows them to note that it's "gonna be hard to go back to da city" - since it's painfully obvious that no minorities whatsoever live in Eden Cove.

The direction by Bill Corcoran (who is currently helming the Sci-Fi Original, Rise of the Gargoyle) is across the board, with several of Vipers' action sequences staged very well – albeit a tad dark – and most of its dialogue barely sufferable. When little Maggie's parents are presumably killed, she sobs to Reid's Nicky about what it's like to lose someone important. Watching Ms. Reid then almost instantly break down as she describes losing her fiancé to war is amusingly groan-inducing, especially in the midst of an all-out shrieking snake attack.

Thankfully, the practical gore effects are quite good, with literal geysers of the red stuff spraying out of anyone foolish enough to get within striking distance of the vipers. Unfortunately, the snakes themselves are comprised entirely of the lowest of low-rent CG effects. Whether they're squirming unbelievably down a gravel road or flailing almost vertically while chowing down on someone, they never once, over the course of the entire film, give the impression that they're actually "there".

Early on, a gun-toting dude is asked if it's hunting season. His response? "Almost." (cue ominous music) Reid later howls, "Homeland Security?! This isn't terrorism, these are snakes!!!" and, near the film's finale, our stunning doctor arms himself with a flamethrower that he names "the mongoose" (get it?!). If ever there was a hungry screaming snakes movie starring Tara Reid that you should not take seriously, this is most certainly the one… and Vipers makes no pretenses at being anything but what it is.

At its core, Vipers is basically a Sci-Fi Channel Movie-of-the-Week with higher production values and similarly shoddy computer-generated beasties. It's got some tasty gore, just enough sex to keep the hard-pressed titillated, and some beautiful locations. Sure, it's far from theatrical-caliber film-making, but if you're looking for 90 minutes of dumb, slithering fun, this disc might just shock your skin off.
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The usual below-par effort from the Sci-Fi Channel
Leofwine_draca27 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
VIPERS is just another in a recent wave of schlocky monster movies that appear to have been made for the Sci-Fi Channel in the USA. Like all TV movies, with invariably low budgets and a lack of taste, VIPERS does nothing to buck the trend and in the end is nothing more than a mundane outing for horror fans. Once again, the monster of the day is your humble snake, almost exclusively brought to the screen via some quite horrible CGI effects which are never able to turn a cartoon menace into a remotely plausible threat. Snakes have been a perennial favourite for decades now in horror flicks but their presence here is perfunctory at beast.

Once again a disparate group of survivors find themselves holed up against the threat, hiding in a burger wagon amongst other places! Liberal gallons of blood are splashed about during the messy death sequences but poor editing robs them of any gore-for-gore's-sake joy. One thing VIPERS has going for it is the pacing: unlike many such movies, following their strict template of first half set-up, second half action, this one kicks in with plenty of stuff right away and never lets up until the end. Okay, so what happens on screen is pretty unbelievable and/or boring, but at least it happens quickly.

The cast could be worse, too. Headlining this effort is Tara Reid, once-famous for her role in the American PIE movies. Sadly, not even ten years later, her looks have faded as has her star, and her poor acting helps to sink the movie. The rest of the cast are a typical bunch of TV actor types, with a few veterans like the excellent Don S. Davis popping up to mix things up. Corbin Bernsen is top-billed but has little more than an extended cameo as the head bad guy. He goes get to take part in the funny, out-of-left-field twist ending, though, which makes no sense whatsoever.

Fans looking for snake action will be disappointed. The big action climax, complete with flamethrowers and plenty of drama, takes place in near pitch darkness and the snakes are barely scene. I did enjoy the viciousness with which the film-makers took most of the extraneous cast to pieces but such moments are countered by pure silliness. The snakes, for instance, always scream when they're getting killed; how or why I don't know, but I guess it has to do with their genetic modification. No matter. VIPERS is one for genre fans only, and even they'll be hard pressed to extract enjoyment from this below par effort.
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First Comes The Slither, Then Comes The Yawner
ichocolat11 January 2010
The tagline says 'First Comes The Slither, Then Comes The Slaughter', but it could easily be changed to 'Then Comes The Yawner. Because that is what this film exactly did. It bore me to death.

Yeah, people could argue that B-movies aren't suppose to stimulate you, and the only reason directors direct these kind of films is to kill your time on a Sunday morning is just wrong. I mean, there are other B-films that is as good as the mainstream films, except that these films are produced on a smaller budget and not as widely promoted.

But I digress.

I spent an hour or so watching this film, hoping that it will get better. Sadly, it did not. I was disappointed at the plot dynamics (or the lack of it), the annoying snakes, and the unreal storyline.

I am hoping that others will watch other films instead, or if you have watch the other films, maybe cleaning your backyard and/or planting new trees on your garden is not such a bad idea.
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Look Out for Vipers!
thepitts-127 February 2014
Look out for the vipers! They are coming and they are going to bite your face right off of your body and then eat it and they you will be totes dead!

Tara Reid might be able to save us from the vipers I sure hope so otherwise they will bite right through our chests and we will be so completely dead.

I am scared of snakes and the scariest snakes of all are these vipers with their super strength and genius level intelligence. They are hunting us and will kill us all! They will come for us in our sleep and eat our heads off!

Save us Tera Reid!
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So ridiculously awful
TheLittleSongbird11 June 2012
Vipers was yet another movie that I watched with little else to do, and while I wasn't expecting much other than a cheesy but entertaining movie I wasn't anticipating it to be this bad. The sheer awfulness and artificiality of the special effects were in all honesty scarier than the snakes, who were the anti-thesis of menacing and poorly utilised, and the entire movie even. The editing is choppy at best and the lighting gives the film an overly-drab look. The actors I have seen before, and they are mostly acceptable to good, but here they don't have much to work with(a couple especially even disappear without a trace) and their acting suffers consequently, coming across as bland. Thw script, story and the characters were the biggest let-downs. The script is terrible, very cheesy, stilted and aimless, and the story complete with a lack of suspense, clichéd sub-plots, predictable death scenes and dull pacing left me completely disengaged. Overall, ridiculously awful. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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Usual Tara Reid rubbish
Sergiodave18 June 2022
If you can get past the ludicrous plot, a script written by a 10 year old and acting that would embarrass a high school production, there aren't too many things wrong with this movie!
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Not my poison
marydm-4347018 December 2021
Ridiculous movie with great actors wasting their time. Just why do people do this? The vipers are puny for genetically enhanced creatures and the special effects are laughable. It packs no horror punch at all. Irrelevant plotlines with adults acting they get eaten by the snakes? Dull as the last sermon on a Sunday afternoon.

Thank God for the glorious Tara Reid whose very presence makes it worth suffering through this. All three stars are for her.
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Good for a few laughs
lurch-1729 August 2022
Another terrible Canadian formula "movie" filmed in Canada but set in the USA. They are so easy to spot - Simple silly plot, low budget, one has-been American actor (Corbin Bernsen) and otherwise unknown white actors that all look alike and always the one token black.

They must make money on these stinkers, amazon runs many of them for free. Whatever happened to Christopher Plummer and Atom Egoyan?

One goof is calling the US navy corpsman a "medic". The US Marine corps does not have "medics", they use US Navy corpsmen specially trained to serve with the Marines and the Marines call them "Corpsmen", not "medics". An American writer/director would hav known that.

Watch it twenty minutes for a few good laughs. It's so bad you won't even have snake nightmares.
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The 3MPH 'car chase' sums up this movie well.
XpocalypseSurvival15 March 2021
Pretty sure this movie had the slowest car chase in the history of movies. Most of the movie consisted of a few seconds of people talking followed by a few seconds of slithering snakes. Just over and over. It was insipid.

It didn't start out bad: Had a decent set-up, there were some good actors in it, and the location could have been fantastic, but was completely under-utilized. Overall, not a good effort and forgettable.

Survival Lesson: Do not fill up radio space with inane banter, especially during an active operation.
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Snakes Ahoy!
zardoz-137 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
"Vipers" qualifies as a genuinely exciting horror chiller that will make your skill crawl about genetically enhanced snakes that invade an isolated vacation resort island in the Pacific Northwest and turn half of the residents into luncheon meat. Tara Reid of "American Pie" stars as a savvy blond horticulturist who grows pot when she is not selling bonsai trees to tourists and Jonathan Scarfe plays the new guy on the island who has come to take over for the old doctor who plans to retire. Happily, this Sci-Fi Channel creature feature from producers Robert Halmi Jr., and Robert Halmi Sr., surpasses their other schlocky made-for-cable outings like "Grizzly Rage." Although the computer-generated-imagery of hundreds of snakes run amok has elicited jeers galore, the serpents do not look that cheesy. Of course, you can tell from the start that the snakes are fake, but you have to approach this epic some suspension of disbelief if you want to enjoy it, and "Vipers" is entertaining.

Director Bill Corcoran, who has done a little bit of everything in terms of television shows, knows enough to never let the momentum flag in the preposterous Brian Katkin plot. Elements of Katkin's screenplay movie recall "Deep Blue Sea," where experiments were conducted on genetically enhanced sharks to yield a cure Alzheimer's disease and "Jurassic Park" where replicated dinosaurs broke out of an island research facility and swarmed into California to raise havoc. Corbin Bernsen has a minor but important role as a villain bereft of a conscience who is prepared to sacrifice lives so that his company can reap millions for their stockholders.

Universal Bio Tech Industries has achieved astonishing results in the containment of breast cancer by using the venom from horned vipers. Indeed, idealistic Dr. Collins (Jessica Steen of "Armageddon") is gratified that she helped save one 28-year old woman from the ravages of the disease. Her celebratory attitude dries up when she learns from amoral company CEO, Burton (Corbin Bernsen of "Major League"), that a disaster has occurred at a remote island research laboratory that may endanger their successes. It seems that the horned vipers, which were supposed to be destroyed, have gotten off the island. These genetically enhanced reptiles are stealthy, extremely lethal, and agile. In the opening scene, a crook security chief tries to steal the snakes but he is thwarted. A shoot-out ensues and the glass container that houses these evil snakes shatters when bullets strike it. The nasty snakes slither out and start biting scientists. Immediately, we know that these hideous snakes represent a terrific challenge that our heroes are going to have to use their "MacGyver" like ingenuity to overcome. These evil things not only bite but they also dine on the flesh of their victims. Somehow, these snakes escape to Eden Cove and all Hell and hysteria breaks loose. Burton dispatches Dr. Collins to Eden Cover to assess the situation. Little does she know that Burton only wants his men to retrieve a snake and then have the island destroyed using Homeland Security to eradicate a possible plague.

The cast is first-rate and you feel sympathetic toward them. For a change these victims show some sense. They figure out a way to distract the scores of snakes surrounding them to go elsewhere while one group rushes to a boat and flees the island to stop Homeland Security from obliterating Eden Cover at sunrise on the following day. The camaraderie that develops between the contentious factions in this group so that they band together to help each other makes this an above-average horror movie. Romance blossoms between the new guy doctor and Tara Reid because he was with her boyfriend in the Gulf War when the unfortunate fellow died. He tells her at one point that her boyfriend and he used to quote Pink Floyd lyrics to keep from going insane and the night that he died they were doing this when their Humvee struck an improvised explosive device. When the group that plans to distract the snakes so the other group can make it to the boat sets off on their mission, the two shared Pink Floyd lyrics. You can see that "Vipers" amounts to more than a schlocky science fiction saga. People who abhor snakes should avoid this shiver-inducing saga.
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Passable killer animal horror opus
Woodyanders19 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The residents in the tiny remote community of Eden Island find themselves in great jeopardy after a bunch of lethal scientifically enhanced snakes escape from a nearby lab research facility. Director Bill Corcoran, working from a rather trite script by Brian Katkin, relates the familiar and predictable, yet still enjoyable story at a snappy enough pace, draws the main characters with real depth, and delivers plenty of pretty graphic (albeit fairly tacky) gore, but alas fails to generate much in the way of initial suspense and gets bogged down a bit too much in tiresome small town melodrama. Worse yet, the cruddy and unconvincing CGI snakes prove to be utterly laughable instead of scary and threatening. Fortunately, this movie improves as it goes along, with an especially tense and exciting last third complete with some rousing and well staged set pieces. Moreover, the competent acting by the capable cast keeps this picture on track: Tara Reid as the feisty Nicky Swift, Jonathan Scarfe as likable and resourceful ex-Marine Cal Taylor, Stephen E. Miller as the amiable Hank Brownie, Corbin Bernsen as nefarious and duplicitous corporate bigwig Burton, Don S. Davis as the genial Dr. Silverton, and Mark Humphrey as the no-nonsense Sheriff Hendricks. However, Genevieve Buechner seriously grates on the nerves as whiny teenage brat Maggie and Mercedes McNab is wasted in a nothing minor role. Both Thomas Burstyn's crisp cinematography and Lawrence Shragge's lively rattling score are up to par. An acceptable time-waster.
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Better than it should be
Arriving to be the town's new doctor in the Pacific Northwest, a local finds the townspeople suddenly bombarded by a series of attacks by a special breed of genetically-engineered vipers that are used in the making of a miracle cancer drug, and soon helps them get away from the deadly creatures.

This one wasn't bad at all, and actually had some good parts to it. One of the best parts is that the film really gets a lot of good stuff from the snakes in here, starting with the fact that real snakes are used for the majority of the scenes here, as this a big step up from the usual Sci-Fi Channel scenes where the obviously fake creatures are shown, and showing the real snakes being in the action makes them work nicely. The fact the snakes are shown with a love to swarm victims and attack in high numbers is another big positive, which makes them really dangerous and allows for some pretty good scenes. There's a lot of fun to get from that behavior with plenty of biting all over the body, a savage-looking feasting sequence and rather good stalking scenes in here making for a series of pretty tense showings. The last plus is that there's a lot of action present in the film, as the snakes here are loose really early, tending to a lot of big scenes here. The initial attack on the town is pretty well-done including where they're forced to take cover despite not knowing what's going on that includes several really good sequences, from the attack at the police station to the cover in the van and finally the big part, where they find themselves forced out of the van and across the ground to shelter nearby with the snakes nipping and leading at everything that moves. There's also plenty of fun to be had from the opening in the lab when they get loose and the big attack at the bridge, while the ending attacks are the most fun. There's several fun swarming scenes on the escaping townspeople, a couple of inventive scenes that show them all battling back at the snakes, and all of the fun of the confrontation in the greenhouse is superb. From the stalking of the victims through the walkways through to the way the snakes are always present and manage to present great obstacles for them, and along with the fun kills present in the scene, and film overall, make for some fun times. While these are what make it really fun and enjoyable, there wasn't much else wrong with this one. The biggest issue here is the usual flaw regarding Sci-Fi Channel films about the utterly atrocious special effects for the snakes is still in effect for this one. The snakes in here, despite looking much better than usual, is still plagued by the fact that most of the time they still look patently fake when the snakes are active and moving about, which is where the fake-ness of them comes about most clearly. They don't look too bad when they're merely staying still, but moving around is not when they look good at all. The other flaw to this one is the fact that there's way too much family drama going on at the beginning of the film. These are in no way interesting or exciting, and all they do is make the film a pain at the beginning, not something that starts off the film on a good note. These here are the film's problems.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and Nudity.
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Why people?!
roadwaycircus2 September 2009
Why do people hate this movie? It not that bad. The acting is pretty decent. True, the snakes look like crap. I agree 100% with you on that guys.

Tara Reid was hard to decide. In the beginning of the movie she does do a bit of bitching.

I love the scene where she slaps her mother (i think) in the face. lol! Story is nice. It a pretty nice little snake flick. Watch it with an open mind!

I Liked it

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Love it!
astarrydream6 September 2018
One of my favorite snake movies with great actors. One can call it stupid or corny but I love it!
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