I Am Autism (2009) Poster


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The worst thing I've ever seen
david-alkhed24 October 2020
I'm autistic and have struggled with it my entire life. But this commercial from Autism Speaks is a virtual hate crime against autistic people. It blames us for divorce and says we're worse than cancer and aids. I literally cannot put into words how much I hated this. It was as bad if not worse than I imagined. Alfonso Cuarón, shame on you!
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Sounds like they think we all deserve death.
Indurok8 September 2021
I have seen bad movies, bad video games, bad TV shows, some of the worst products of all time. But this takes the cake. It's not just bad, not even appalling. It's downright evil. Autism Speaks needs to be abolished.

We can't help being autistic, it's how our brains were programmed before we were born. Parents may struggle with it, but it's no walk in the park for us either. But we are still human beings that deserve the same ounce of respect as anyone else, except for the people who are a part of this organization. Like I said, they're evil.
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alicekamp3 May 2021
I've never been so immediately offended. I was just looking for Ironically bad movies and found this. I don't know how else to say it, this is a terrible ad and never should have been made.
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Fear-mongering at its worst
OphisPeristera10 December 2021
I'm thankful that everyone has decided to give this abomination 1 star. This will only lead to the spread of misinformation and fear of autism and will make autistic children feel like they are monsters.
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If I could leave a ZERO or negative integer I would!
keshiabug4 April 2022
The most awful ableism I have ever heard. I don't even want to watch my favorite HP movie anymore. Alfonso has had *13 YEARS to educate himself and do right by his hateful and down right dangerous short he made for Autism speaks. And autism speaks knows they're harmful, they want to be. Views of eradicating a whole group of people because adults can't fix their marriage or only want quiet obedient mini adults, should not be tolerated or blamed on children or autistic adults. This thinking has made so many autistic peoples lives harder with anxiety & stress about bothering others or being a burden, in fact most of us CARE about upsetting others and mostly want quiet and to be left alone. If a parent takes their autistic child to a loud church or bday party with no support tools (headphones, fidget, ect.) Then claims the child ruins everything cause they aren't quiet, that child NEEDS quiet, so the parents comfort comes first for same reason?? If a parent can pack food, toys, ipad, etc. But refuses headphones or sensory breaks the issue is not with the autistic person but the parent/family/friends that put them in that position and deny them help.
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@#%! Autism Speaks
treyjohnson_8427 May 2022
Where to begin. I've heard a lot about this video and felt the need to watch it. I had no idea what I was getting myself into, but I knew it was anything but fairy tales and rainbows. Within the first 10 seconds, I grew more hatred than I ever thought I could. When is this trash organization gonna realize that autism is not a disease and should not be cured? We autistics have struggles, but autism is not bad. Autistics can be and have been very successful. I'm sure Tim Burton, who is actually autistic, could've done much better. Remove your ableism and accept autistics for who they are. You should not have to fix/cure who they are.
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"Autism Speaks" Does NOT "speak" for us!
sabbalab22 October 2023
If you ever wondered what the issue with Autism Speaks is and why the autistic community doesn't like them, look no further! This ad represents every issue they've caused.

They spread misinformation like the plague. They act like Autism is this horrifying disease. They act like autistic people can't do anything by or for themselves. The way this ad treats autism like it's worse than cancer and hurts your family is just asinine!

Even their logo is misinformation. They claim that autistic people have a piece missing, which is just wrong.

I myself am Autistic. I found out a few years ago and finally got diagnosed last month. Let me explain what Autism really is.

It makes us not want to make eye contact and makes small talk difficult. OOOOOHHHH! SCARY!!!!

We can't tune out noises and get overwhelmed in noisy environments. HORRIFYING!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!

We have certain sensory issues and don't like the feeling of certain objects and fabrics. MY MARRIAGE!!!

We have difficulty reading people's faces and understanding something that they are hinting at, so we sometimes say or do the wrong thing! I THINK I'M DYING!!!

We get stuck on certain topics and focus on them to the point of hyperfixation. OH DEAR GOD, NO!!!!

Do you get it yet? It's not that scary. Sure, having autism comes with some issues here and there, especially for those who are non-verbal with high support needs. But not NEARLY to the horrifying extent that this ad and all of Autism Speaks makes it out to be.

Autism is NOT an illness! We are NOT broken. Just different.

Now, if you want people to come together to help families with autistic children with high support needs, we're all for it. But not like this! Not Autism speaks.

NEVER Autism Speaks!
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This is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen.
al3xisdumb9 March 2023
As a person who's struggled and still struggling with autism my whole life, seeing this made me so disgusted. The way autism speaks made this in a point of view of autism is fine but the way they described it was not. If they said something nicer like for an example, "I'm autism, I make people have a hard time socializing with others, please be patient with them." (that's just an example, not all autistics go through the same thing, that's why it's a spectrum since everyone is different)

Autism is NOT harmful. It doesn't harm marriages and it doesn't harm other people. It's a disorder that people struggle with all across the world. Autism is NOT a joke, it needs to be taken seriously and this is a basic example of ableism. Please don't support autism speaks, they're horrible and super harmful to the autism community. Again, autism speaks has never been supportive to ppl with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)

I hope no one takes my review on this commercial a bad way.
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A complete distortion of reality that paints autism as a disease
Rodrigo_Amaro24 February 2023
A weird PSA on autism directed by Oscar winning director Alfonso Cuarón. That's the idea and mostly because the man's name was attached to it so I decided to give it a shot. As I was watching this it felt really awkward both its repetitive content and its ultimate wronged message (or at least the description made by what autism is). After some consideration and also reading other reviewers here I got to the ultimate conclusion and analysis that this short is a mess, totally out of line, erratic, and for those in the autism spectrum is a very offensive ad, not for what it has to show but ultimately for what it has to say.

A voice-over narrates an inner thought from austim (yes, it's a character) who claims itself as a disease with countless problems on the way. You read that right: the ad says austim is a disease. Just by hearing that, anyone with a thoughtful mindset will reject such notion in a heartbeat. The voice-over is using something similar to what alcoholic/narcotics programs use with the "disease letter" where the disease talks to the reader about its ways and damages all through someone's life. A very important device to use when it comes to addicts but to people and children who deal with autism that kind of similar message where its even said autism spread faster than cancer and AIDS isn't helpful nor trustworthy at all. It's a complete misjudgement of those people, and never takes into account how autistics are very functionable in the world of arts, sports, science, music, or any form of labor force despite their difficulties. It never talks about how creative and unique they are in their faculties, it just treats the problems and awkwardness as something to be corrected, treated, prevented and if possible that a cure should be found.

Advocacy group Autism Speaks is behind this weird-looking ad and they're also the backers of "Music", a movie about autism released some years that received a towering backlash from viewers with its depiction of autism. I've never heard of the movie until recently when someone made mention of it and how poorly received it was at the time, and even today it's considered a disaster on the issue. As for the group, it's very clear they get the attention they need from concerned parents who little about autism and the critical remarks from people who know better and treat the issue in a serious manner rather than claiming it's a disease.

By the standards given by an award winning director with an impecable resume, one must wonder if this was in fact made by the director "Children of Men" or the 3rd "Harry Potter" movie (aka the best in the whole franchise). Something tells me a person with same name was behind this wreck. I'm not telling you to watch the PSA but if you take a look on poorly conceived it was and beyond the ideas spread through the narration, I'm talking about the images shot, repeated over and over showing autistic children and some parents. The exact same frame appears time and again in a loop that sometimes changes to a new image but then again it returns. The video format was terrible and ugly-looking.

Very cheap, indeed, so there is no way a master in his craft and aware of the many cinema technologies available could have directed this strange piece. Avoid it at all costs.

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Can I Rate This a Zero?
cherry_mania2 June 2024
Look. I may or may not have autism. I do share some traits, but I'm not sure if I have autism. But I am planning to get diagnosed.

This entire documentary is fear-mongering. The entire thing is about "Autism is a disease that ruins anything and everything out of family, friends, and everyone in between." And that is harmful. I get that some autistic people need more help than others, and some on the severe spectrum might drain money a bit, but saying that there is no happiness and no hope for somebody with autism and their loved ones is EVIL. That is what this entire documentary is. EVIL. I hope you're happy with yourself, Autism Speaks. You don't speak for autism, you speak for fear-mongering and treating them like a disease that must be eradicated immediately. They are human too. Some of them might need more help than others. Some of them might not need that much help and are even considered gifted. But all of them are human and should be treated with kindness. They don't need to be treated like some sort of disease. It's such a shame that I'm a singular person that may or may not have autism, speaking for autism better than AUTISM SPEAKS! This is by far the worst documentary I have ever watched.
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