Night Explorers: The Asylum (2023) Poster

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Uninspired and Predictable
NocturnalMammal14 February 2024
Upon reading and considering the review by andrew9180, I must admit I may have been overly critical of this one, so I updated my rating and review accordingly.

The story is desperately unoriginal and tedious, the performances are dreadful, the characters are obnoxious, the dialogue feels unnatural and awkward, and the ending is predictable as hell.

The movie lacks suspense and fails to offer anything new. Overall, with its overused plot, terrible acting, obnoxious characters, lack of suspense, predictable ending, awkward dialogues, and poor directing, This is a prime example of a failed production.
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Zero Thrills
arfdawg-123 February 2024
This movie stinks to high heaven. First of all, the acting is non-existent. These so called "actors" are amateurs at best and if they got paid to be in this movie, the producers were nuts.

Very early on some overweight guy in a bad beard tickles a girl in a blue pajama set. She laughs maniacally. Only one problem: he doesnt even touch her!

And that's the kind of movie this is. HORRIBLE.

The story line is absurdly unoriginal. It's been done a million times before and better.

The directing is poor. Clearly the director is yet another amateur with a hand held camera.

Frankly I was bored out of my mind.
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Familiar Concept that Switches In the Best Way
Reviews_of_the_Dead11 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a movie that I got the chance to see thanks to Kim from Dominion3 who sent me a screener. Looking at the title, I had an idea that this would be like a ghost hunter type horror film. That is the case, but this does something a bit different that I appreciate as well. I did come in blind though, just knowing that this was a 2023 film and in the genre. I've also now given it a second viewing to see how I sat with knowing how things play out.

Synopsis: when a group of urban explorers get the chance of a lifetime to explore one of the world's most haunted asylums, they meet something truly evil that will not let them leave and will push them to the edge of sanity.

Now we start this by seeing an earlier video from one of the groups that we are following. I thought this was an interesting way to start since it is being edited. Ozi (Craig Edwards) is the guy doing the work. He is seeing Nova (Hannah Al Rashid), who he also lives with. They make up the team along with Jimboy (Charlie Rich), Danny (Dave Dyer) and Rory (Neal Ward). Ozi is given an offer by another team to explore Pelosi Asylum. It is set to be demolished so they are going in together. These two shows can combine to do the last exploration.

This other group is made up of Emma (Algina Lipskis), Claire (April Luong) and Gabe (Monte Solomons). Together, they meet at Ozi and Nova's to party the night before. The next day they make the journey to the asylum. It is there they set up their gear and plan. They're going to split up to cover more ground and see if they can catch anything on recordings. They get more than they bargained for as it becomes a fight for survival to escape this place before it is too late.

That is where I'm going to leave my recap and introduction to the characters. Where I want to start is that I give credit to this movie giving you one thing before getting into what sets this apart. I love that it lured me in with this ghost hunter show. We learn that they have success. They are faking things and Jimboy wants to get away from that. Ozi doesn't want the show to die so he knows that to make it entertaining, things must happen. Jimboy understands and they're not too far apart. He thinks that it comes down to the places they're investigating. He also believes that they've recorded real, unexplained things.

Then to shift a bit, I like that they combine with another group to take advantage of checking out this asylum. There's another reason for the type of film this becomes as well to increase our numbers. I won't pull a punch here and say it is for body count. It made me think of something like Grave Encounters or its sequel. I was wondering as we entered the asylum if this was going to be a knock off that one. What I will say is that it isn't. I'm not going to spoil what type of film we get here.

I'll do a brief spoiler section at the end so I'm going to shift to the acting. I thought that Edwards, Al Rashid and Rich are good characters from our main group. They are distinct and interesting. Lipskis, Ward, Dyer, Luong and Solomons are also good as the rest of that group. I'll also commend Shezai Fejzo, Ausman Khan, Harrison Whitlock and John Quinton. How they're done up makes it hard to differentiate outside of Whitlock. His character name made sense though to set him apart. Even though I can't tell the rest of the group from each other, they work for what is needed here in ramping up the horror.

That will then lead me to filmmaking. I thought this was well-made. I like the different technology used to pick up supernatural things. I'm not sure that I believe they work in the real world but that is something else entirely. I just need to for the movie. I do believe there is one thing that everyone there acknowledges isn't picking up what they're selling. I appreciate the peek behind the curtain. The cinematography was good to incorporate found footage elements. The effects we get here look practical and I'm glad there. They go brutal, which I also appreciate. Other than that, the soundtrack and design fit what was needed. I like the walkie-talkies not working which adds tension due to the thickness of the walls. Could be something else interfering as well.

In conclusion, this movie subverted my expectations in a good way. I thought we were getting something that we had seen before with these ghost hunting shows and then it takes a turn. The acting was good. There are characters who are there for body count, but I don't have an issue there. This is a well-made movie. The strongest part being the effects and how brutal it went. What I did have an issue with is that this is from the United Kingdom so the accents and slang terms were hard to follow. Not enough to ruin this by any stretch. The true subgenre is one that I'm not always the biggest fan, but what we get with it worked for me. I've seen similar things done, just not necessarily with this specific set up. I would recommend giving this one a view for sure.

My Rating: 7.5 out of 10


The first thing here is that this is an exploitation film, where I guess it would fall into hixploitation or tramploitation. What I mean by this latter one is that we have homeless people living in this asylum. I'd say that this is becomes a slasher film as well. This would be in the vein of something like Tooth and Nail. I love that it lures us in with ghost hunting stuff. Like I said, it felt like Grave Encounters where they would lock themselves in and then the supernatural things trap them. Instead, they are locked inside with murderous tramps. I also got vibes of something like Wrong Turn 4: Bloody Beginnings. We have the same premise, minus that one being a franchise prequel to explain the start of the family. This works better in the framework for me.
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A really solid effort
mommylady24 February 2024
I'm honestly impressed, another review on this movie made it sound like it was going to be an absolute disaster and I just cannot agree whatsoever with that sentiment. This movie is pretty solidly done. The acting is decent, maybe a couple people weren't quite as good as others but they are by no means bad any of them. The score is good, it does a good job of keeping the tension and matching the scenes. The lighting is good, the special effects are pretty good, the story is just as good as many movies of this genre. It kept me interested to the end, I was connected to some of the characters and was concerned for them. I would watch a movie made by the same studio and I'd look out for some of these actors in the future. I really enjoyed this movie overall and recommend at least giving it a try.
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Unexpected Twists and Turns
Anne197419 February 2024
My boyfriend thought we should watch this film on date night, and I really enjoyed it. It kicks off with the crew exploring a haunted mansion in a found footage kind of way but it switches to "Normal film" in quite a clever way. Honestly it reminded me of older horror films.

The film is about two groups of youtubers who visit an asylum that is about to be knocked down, I know, right! No spoilers but its not what you think. Although the characters were a bit thin I did feel sorry for Danny! The twist and the action in the final part of the film blew me away, it was non stop and kept me wondering what was going to happen.
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Giving Credit Where It's Due to a Low-Budget Flick
andrew918019 February 2024
I was just going leave a rating on this film and not a comment but as there are only three comments on here and the one from Nocturnal Mammal was just downright nasty and must be reviewing the wrong film. I thought "Why not?" This is not a found footage film as is asserted over and over by Nocturnal. It's not the best film I've seen by far but for a low budget effort, it's not bad, so I judge it on that. The cinematography is good overall, the acting is more than passable. The score could have been more coherent, it's not bad but each scene feels like it is scored separately or stock music was used, with no overarching theme (I work in sound mixing). The film starts slow but we are rewarded with a full on blood and guts ending that does not seem to let up. There seems to be practical effects used here and they are pretty good. I work in the industry and know how hard it is to complete a feature film and I think my maternal instincts came out when I read the one-star review and felt sorry for the filmmakers, as this seems to be a small independent movie with not a lot of support. I think we should encourage filmmakers and if you have genuine gripe, give examples of where they went wrong rather than just stating "abysmal acting, unlikable characters" and such. I am sure the filmmakers will appreciate it.
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Adrenochrome Asylum
Alphadogathome28 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I knew nothing about this film going into it. The title wasn't that great and poster was bland so I wasn't expecting much. Plus, I have seen this premise over and over, hunted Asylum, kids with cameras, YAWN. Maybe a good film to fall asleep to I thought. The first half of the film is pretty standard ghost hunting stuff, with good cinemaphotography and different levels of acting from the cast but overall not bad. I was starting to think this was another damp squib then blam! A spike trap slams into one of the characters killing him and I think huh? Then the camera shoots all around the asylum showing the location of the now split up teams and their current predicaments. What's going on? It's seems to be demented ex-patients of the Asylum, now on some satanic trip killing anyone that enters their home. I gave this movie a six, it's probably more a five, because my personal theory is that the ex-patients are putting the characters through torture and hell to rise the adrenochrome levels in their blood before they drink it. That's why they cut off the face first and then drink the blood. Make the girl run through the razors and then drink her blood. Adrenochrome is a drug that it made in the blood when someone goes through high levels of fear. Apparently, the rich elites drink it to get high and stay young. But that's just my theory, a film theory.
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Decent indie horror
raspberryblueberry6 March 2024
A decent indie horror with a familiar yet intriguing premise as YouTubers venture into an abandoned asylum, blending elements of horror and mystery. Whether you hate influencers and want to watch them run around and scream in fear or just love a horror I suggest you check it out. The film offers a mixed bag of thrills and suspense, with some effectively creepy moments interspersed with predictable scares. The cinematography captures the eerie atmosphere of the asylum, sort of reminded me of the found footage genre. While the scares may not rely on big-budget effects, they're crafted with ingenuity, adding an authentic charm to the experience. Overall Night Explorers manages to deliver an entertaining experience, offering enough suspense and intrigue to keep audiences engaged until the end.
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