"Fear the Walking Dead" Six Hours (TV Episode 2021) Poster

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The sub is sinking
tristan_1917 October 2021
What a weird episode with unnecessary stories and situations... and a forced twist ? I didn't expect to be so disappointed. The cinematography and the music are good, but the storytelling lacks. It seems as if the showrunners kinda don't know how to navigate the ship or have a strong hold on what they are trying to accomplish. The results can only come as clumsy.
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Why Are We Here? Just To Suffer
funnybarbras17 October 2021
This episode is intolerable. Filled with the most inconsistent pacing, unnecessary situations, terrible and out of character character decisions as well as a twist That's there for the sake of HAVING twists! What a mess.

Hope Episode 3 is better.
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The biggest villain of this show: the writers
believeindakota17 October 2021
I cannot comprehend how nonsensical the writing has become, and this episode is a pure example of that.

From numerous coincidences that make us think "oh, is Texas really that big of our heroes manage to find random people everywhere they go?" to the sheer questioning: why the heck are they still in Texas? They're in a nuclear fallout and instead of trying to drive their way out of Texas they continue to drive around the state to numerous locations.

And then.. that ending, oh my - that ending is the most eyebrow raising ending I have ever seen. A twist for the sake of twists, a twist that makes absolutely no sense but I guess it's "shocking!"


Episode 1 was better.

Writers, put some effort into making things make sense. You're writing for AMC, not for the CW.
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I wish I could give it a negative score
keithhaugen17 November 2021
I just didn't care about the people or the circumstances in this episode. If I wanted to watch babysitting, there are much more entertaining shows to watch than this garbage episode.
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Action Does Not Equal Good Writing
zahramarias17 October 2021
The writers seem to think that having these crazy ideas like "A cult! Cowboy Wars! A nuclear apocalypse!" will make people love the show again but then they put half the effort to make each of their crazy ideas seem coherent and well written. Action isn't enough. These crazy ideas aren't enough. Most people actually miss the realism of this show. Bring back Dave Erickson.
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Help me, Morgan-Wan-Kenobi! I can't stop watching this terrible show!
annemdark17 October 2021
I was a massive fan of this show throughout its first 3 seasons. Loved the Mexico setting. Loved the characters and how damn morally grey & unique they were.

The nail in the coffin was Season 4 Episode 3. And then I should've stopped watching after that tragic midseason finale. But I didn't, in hopes of a return from the one we all love, so I kept watching. Even got through the slog of Season 4B & Season 5. Then was so excited when season 6 started out pretty great, but by Episode 7 the bad writing came back in and by In Dreams, the show went back to terrible.

This.. this is a new low. I cant even begin to fathom how terrible this is. From the boring filler to the bad dialogue To the coincidences... to that TWIST! So bad.

Help me, Morgan-Wan-Kenobi! Help me stop watching! Do something that's really bad to the point it makes me finally give up!
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Worst Episode EVER
HelloBlockbuster1 November 2021
I had to skip through the majority of this episode because the baby crying made me want to scream my head off; it was incessantly unending. I feel as though I was on an international flight with no exit, other than the little button on my remote.
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It's Sad to see what this show has become
matp-476008 November 2021
Season 6 was incredible and the best in the series. All of 6A start to finish was some of the best content to ever Come out of the entire Walking Dead franchise. It started to slide again in 6B but there was still some quality there (episodes 11, 13 and 14). I had my doubts about the whole Nuclear storyline with Teddy but I still kinda enjoyed the last two episodes of season 6.

This season the showrunners and writers have just dropped the ball so hard, and they've lost all the good potential and momentum they had in Season 6 by introducing the Post-Nuclear plot. The Logic and Realism has gone out the window this season. In reality we all know that all the characters would probably be dead by now in that environment yet they can pretty much decide to just take off their gas masks whenever they like, within only tens of miles of sites of radiation from nuclear Warheads. The inconsistencies with radiation and fallout are just too hard to ignore.

At this point the only reason to watch is for the few remaining characters that help the carry the whole walking dead franchise - Morgan, Strand, Alycia and Dwight (along with Negan Gabriel and Maggie from TWD). All of these actors are actually really talented and it's sad to see that their character and being realised to their full potential.
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Have these people escaped an asylum?
athirn20 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The world turned into hell, but these people always find time for hysterics and stupid hope for blind luck. What a childish ignorant idiot can behave like that? The accident with the car... Sorry, I can't swear in here. One idiot started to yell, that she doesn't want to listen to a song, and another idiot forgot about the road, like there couldn't be any obstacles. HELLOOOOOOO! DID ANYBODY HEAR ABOUT COMMON SENSE AND RESPONSIBILITY? YOU GOT A BABY IN THERE, DID YOU NOTICE!

Jesus Christ, who writes this garbage?
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Sad but good episode.
jt-nutt18 October 2021
Grace and Morgan learning about being parents with a constantly crying baby. Feel bad for them as they try to find food. Grace really losing it was hard to watch seemed amazingly real to it. I didn't get her freaking out about the song but she had gone off the deep end. Was a tough but well executed episode. Feel like it's setting up for something else. You could the feel the impending doom, hopelessness, and frustration. The sets and cinematography this season have been unreal. You feel like your in the post nuclear still zombie apocalypse.
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Dull and ridiculous
ethanjjacobs18 October 2021
Awful episode. A baby crying every 30 seconds, ridiculous new characters, and then a lot of just grace being annoying.

A few decent scenes but overall is just a dull filler episode.

The only thing that was actually interesting was the last scene, which was wierd but I'm excited to see the outcome of.

One of the worst episodes fear has had 3.0/10.
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Grace isn't my favorite, but I loved this episode
zoeotaku20 October 2021
I think the people who gave this a bad rating heard a baby crying and saw a character they think is annoying and automatically hated it. I don't even like Grace either, but I personally really enjoyed this one. I loved that we got to see how Grace dealt with her severe postpartum depression, even though it was frustrating to watch at times. Of course a woman who lost her baby is going to have a negative attitude and be depressed. I hate that some people who reviewed this episode don't see it like that and instead just view Grace as an annoying character and Mo as an annoying crying baby.

This made me like Grace a lot more and appreciate what she has gone through. But hey, maybe it's just because I'm someone who wants to be a mother some day. It's possible that people who have no interest in being a parent just can't understand that aspect of it and thus see this episode as an annoying woman and stupid crying baby. Which is understandable I guess lmao, but I enjoyed it.
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ZegMaarJus8 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This Episode begins with Morgan, he tries to help baby Morgan. Grace and Morgan try to escape from the radioactive area. Fred and Bea threatened to ubducted Mo. Infected walkers are nearby. Morgan helps Bea. Grace killed Fred, because he wanted to kill Mo. Morgan left Bea behind. Morgan is sorry because Mo was nearly killed by Fred. Howard talks with Morgan and Grace. Mo crawls for the first time. Solid Episode of Fear the Walking Dead Season 7, this was not so good. I will give this Episode a 6 as rating. I hope for better Episodes this Season! Morgan his role is awesome and always will be. But where is everybody from last Season?
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Frustrating, annoying filler
david_royz18 October 2021
I watch TV for entertainment. Instead we get 40 mins of screaming baby Mo, annoying Grace and .... Morgan.

Please can we have some Althea or Alicia or John Dory Sr or June. Or someone interesting!!
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Thank goodness my child is grown!
herohire-0493120 October 2021
I have grandchildren now. This episode reminded me what it's like to have a cranky baby. I like kids. You can keep the babies and teens (most adults too).
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S7.E2 - Crying Baby and Annoying Grace [7.5/10]
panagiotis199311 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
(S7. E2) My Reaction / Review for Fear The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 2 ''Six Hours'': Episode 1 was mediocre and I gave it a rating of 6.5/10. Let's see if this one is better or worse. Another episode with that annoying yellow filter, I hate it. Poor Grace is losing it. Damn this baby just wont stop crying. So Morgan and Grace want to find a place with no radiation? Good luck with that. Grace is such a drama queen, I hope she will die this season and soon. The people Morgan and Grace met are absolutely insane. Morgan and Grace went back to the submarine? What about their plan to go somewhere safe from the nuclear fallout? Overall a good episode but not great. My rating is 7.5/10.
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This atmospheric, apocalyptic aesthetic isn't enough to rescue a rather convoluted episode that's rife with contrived perils
fernandoschiavi29 April 2024
Morgan, Grace and baby Mo have been living in the USS Pennsylvania since the nuclear blast, but are running low on supplies while Grace remains depressed and distant from Mo. With no other choice, Morgan convinces Grace to join him in a modified car to look for supplies, though they only have a six-hour window in which they can be safe. While passing through a town, Morgan and Grace hit a roadblock and encounter two terminally ill survivors, Fred and Bea, while a herd and a mysterious third survivor attacks. Morgan deals with the herd and drives the man away, but Grace is forced to kill Fred when he tries to smother Mo; the incident causes Grace to finally bond with Mo.

After Morgan puts down her reanimated daughter Emma, Bea chooses to stay behind and die with her family, though she tells them about PADRE and where she thinks it might be. Morgan and Grace return to the sub where they encounter Howard and Strand's Rangers who are raiding it for supplies. Grace refuses an offer from Howard to join the Tower. Morgan and Grace find enough powdered milk to last them for months hidden in the sub's floor. Meanwhile, the mysterious attacker is revealed to be Josiah LaRoux, the twin brother of Emile LaRoux, the bounty hunter Morgan had killed months before. In possession of his brother's reanimated head, Josiah promises that he will exact vengeance upon Morgan for Emile's death.

After six seasons, our heroes had become quite proficient zombie killers, robbing the undead of their bite, if you will. By layering in the more immediate (and invisible) threat of radiation poisoning, suddenly just venturing outside requires a whole other level of preparation and fortitude. Plus the muted, mustardy palette calls to mind the blighted future of Denis Villeneuve's Blade Runner 2049. (Interestingly enough, Lennie James has a small role in that movie.)

Still, this atmospheric, apocalyptic aesthetic isn't enough to rescue a rather convoluted episode that's rife with contrived perils. It's no surprise that their car would break down, pitting Morgan's ability to find a replacement part against that relentless six-hour countdown.

One saving grace of "Six Hours" is that we learn a little bit about Padre. We may not know exactly what it is, but we now know where it is - just southeast of Victoria, Texas. But rather than head toward the unknown, Morgan and Grace opt to return to the familiar confines of the submarine.

Is it worth mentioning that Grace is able to let Athena go and finally embrace Mo as her own? Maybe. But this, too, feels a bit contrived - and very rushed - especially when you consider Grace was ready to pack it all in mere hours before. Would she experience a change of heart so quickly if the narrative didn't require it of her in a moment of extreme duress?

Is it also worth noting that the trio is only saved by little Mo herself, whose newfound ability to crawl reveals the treasure hidden beneath their feet? To me, this is just one more narrative contrivance that doesn't do the episode any favors.

As for that big reveal at the end - that Ginny's bounty hunter Emile had a twin brother? That twist fell flat for me, especially since Demetrius Grosse's name appeared in the opening credits. Grosse's Emile wasn't around last season to make enough of an impression. (Seriously, his dog Rufus got more screen time than he did.)
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Most annoying episode yet
dillymac2526 October 2021
This episode was the most annoying pos yet... What's with the baby constantly crying and absolutely no point for this episode at all... my brain hurts from wasting my time watching it!!! Shut that baby up!!!
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love ftwd, but not after this episode
gabs444-879-84639318 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I now have no idea what is going on, because i had to skip most of this episode, and what i did watch mainly had the sound down. Why? Because listening to a small child screaming its head off is not entertainment to me, and that from what can tell seemed to be the background noise for most of the episode, so i either skipped it or had sound off!

I can only assume it was to show the determination to save a child, or to show the strain they went thru to save and look after it, but whatever the reason, i could not sit thru it, and why producers thought anyone would want to tolerate that annoying sound thru a whole episode beggers belief...(i put yes for spoilers just in case someone thinks a screaming child is a spoiler-know it spoilt whole damn episode for me anyway...)
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Just horrible
ejarvis-6575728 October 2021
Seriously HORRIBLE. How much longer do we have to tolerate Morgan and this lazy script episode after episode. Madison had better come back at some point this season. It's on its last legs. If it gets a season 8 it absolutely needs needs the original show runners.
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Great, except for Grace and the Baby
revieweranarchy7518 October 2021
I loved the episode for everything except that damn baby that wouldn't stop crying and grace who apparently has no purpose, she's just filler material.
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Watch with no sound and subtitles
antsmiff18 October 2021
The episode features a distressed baby crying for half of it and it becomes to much. I turned the sound off and out the subtitles on. The episode itself felt like a filler and lacked depth or direction.
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Ugh. FWD has really backed it's self
ddio-2609225 October 2021
In a corner. Nuclear. Looks good. Interesting sets. But man it's so nonsensical. And then add a crying baby most of the episode, not fun TV. And fanatical sets just don't make up for the nonsense writing.
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Most annoying episode of tv EVER!
jheskin-240-403037 January 2022
This is the most annoying episode of any television show EVER! Literally there is a baby crying the entire episode. Then add in a screeching whining Grace and a simpy Morgan. Then a completely nonsensical and confusing ending. Do yourself a favor and fast forward through most of the episode, stopping only if you see a new face; just so you can catch the few pertinent words they utter. Worst direction ever! They've gone back to episodes like in the first season where the only joy in watching is rooting for every main character to be killed off.
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zenrgreen25 October 2021
This episode can pretty much be chalked up to Grace being a pain in Morgan's ass, as well as their baby screaming for 50 minutes. An all-round waste of time with no character or story progression whatsoever.
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