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Someone Seems a Little too Big for her Britches
delraybeach-0998828 April 2022
I had to come online to see if anyone else was watching this show. It has all the elements of a good show. But Rachael Ray acts like a prima donna on this show. She is rude to both her husband and her general contractor belittling their ideas. I have renovated many homes and there are ways to say you don't agree without cutting off a man's testicles. I see everyone tip toeing around her like let's not upset Rachael. We have to get this done bc Rachael is coming. Just because you're rich doesn't mean you have to treat everyone like garbage. I find the whole thing off putting. Not to mention she looks very bloated and is always carrying around a glass of wine on camera. I enjoy a cocktail as much as the next person but it looks like someone has a little drinking problem. That's just my observation. Otherwise I enjoy watching them making over stables and a barn into a house in Tuscany.
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I had no idea how rude she is!
ColoradoGal20179 March 2023
What a disappointment to discover how rude and spoiled Rachael Ray is. She is hateful to her general contractor who works so hard to please her. If she likes something she never tells him, but if she doesn't like it she doesn't stop telling him. I don't know how he stays with her.

Oh, and who the heck needs a kitchen in their bedroom?!?

At one point Rachel says she wants screens in her windows. Her contractor shows us that there are screens in her windows. Is she happy? No. She complains that she had to pay for them. They want two separate bathrooms. That's fine, but when she gets them she's not happy. The woman is never happy. She looks tired in the two episodes I watched yet she's never physically working on the house herself. I don't understand the point of the show.
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Awful Toxic Energy
NicoleM111 March 2023
Every single time Rachel disagrees with a design decision she turns it into a personal attack and acts like her workers are stupid for even suggesting something they didn't read her mind to come up with. She is aggressively angry at everything the entire time. Just once I was hoping she would see something she didnt like and simply sat "no, actually I would prefer this". I hope she is paying Michael a ton of money because no one deserves this treatment, especially when he is so eager to make her happy. I loved her cooking shows but I am absolutely horrified by her personality now. I hope she gets therapy and treats people better.
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I don't envy the crew
gotaggida11 May 2022
It's interesting to see how the place is evolving, but she's a nightmare. The reaction about a bed being on the wrong wall of a guest room was over the top, even for her, and quite nasty. So move the bed and relax! Does she know how much these people are working to make her wine filled wishes come to fruition?

A snarky laugh after a nasty comment doesn't work.
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Put a boot in her mouth!
sunshinebas11 March 2023
I couldn't wait to watch, as I love Italy so much, and always fond of her ,thought I was fond of her, till I saw show . All I can say is ,she is a tyrant. Her poor contractor walking on ice ,he really gets anxious when she's coming there. I can see why, she's dreadful! Drinking her wine barking orders ,mad about him bringing furniture and decor to her warehouse,where she has things stored there she picked out for home .She was like get this out of here ,furniture he brought and thought she might like ,she just was livid he said she told me to store it here so many times !! She obviously doesn't remember what she says because she's not coherent from all the wine and is horrible to her staff .And how she is about her husband, her saying ,I don't want to see my husband shower "as if he's some disgusting swamp creature,"he needs separate shower from me where I can't see. She is not cute it's not funny ,it was just mean, and she has horrible taste.
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Rachel Ray gets drunk and yells at people to build her dream home.
cornellheather18 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was a big RR fan. Whoever greenlighted this show.. hates RR secretly. The way its pieced together she come across as a hot drunken loud mess. The scenes with the orange shirt on when "omg Rachel is coming!!" Are so bad. You can tell she flat out drunk. If I was Michael I would have quit. I truly believe RR worked very hard for her money and brand. She can spend it on whatever. But the editing on this show makes her look bad. If I was her PR team I would pack up my desk.

You can also tell they don't have enough footage for certain days with repeating clips and sounds. The day the water gets damaged and the grass is going to die.. like we get it. The 500000 interviews with Michael is like.. ok stop. Someone in the town probably broke your pipes cause you have trucks pouring through a small town and probably messing up their lives.

All in all... I will finish to see the anniversary party episode. I hope she got some cash for letting them film her and her home. Hope she enjoys her home in Italy.
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pbmalcolmmalcolm5 July 2022
I'm NOT a fan so I didn't watch the series. I mean, who cares about your childhood dream? I DID, however, stop briefly when I was channel surfing before I knew it was a show about her. In just that short amount of time she had insulted everyone in the room with her condescending putdowns. Geez Mike, is there enough money in the world to put up with this witch? Guess I should also mention that I met the great RR several times years ago. She was just as rude and inconsiderate then as she is now....she just doesn't hide it as well as she used to. It's a mystery to me why more people don't see this. All you have to do is look at her public pics. She grimaces rather than smile, and she looks like she has smelled something bad. Pan up to the eyes, and they are as cold as a snake. I guess she could blame the alcohol. Goodness knows she's never without a drink in her hand.
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Terrible Behavior; Not Fun to Watch
ehwebnews24 January 2023
I have never before watched an RR show. I love design shows, especially those taking a very old space and making it wonderful. This show did not do that. It was all about RR...and the very worst of her. Hateful b!#($. So full of herself. I don't understand how she has ANY shows. I watched one episode and can't take any more, particularly because the show isn't about the design of a house, it's about a terrible person who is cruel to everyone who comes within three feet of her. There isn't enough money in the world that would make me want to work for her. Please someone, tell me how she has any TV shows? All I can hope is that she reads these reviews and takes something away from them that makes her realize she needs serious help. But first rehab.
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They build down!
vnzjbwy17 June 2022
We enjoy makeover shows and I loved the transformation of this property. The buildings are historical in the region not allowing additions up or out. Michael, Rachel's designer/therapist/sounding board, leads an excavation effort to make more space. Interesting watch!
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Oh my horrible
gabrielleeshaw18 May 2022
Watch Rachel ray get drunk and make a fool out of herself. I feel horrible for the people that work for her. Do not watch it honestly is a waste of time.
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Horrendous and cringeworthy
pollyhuff-117184 March 2023
I used to like the simple, humble RR of 20 years ago. She then became annoying. I stopped watching. Saw the dream home special on my discovery plus suggested to watch list, and gave it a try. Where to begin?

She has grown into a most rude, condescending, insufferable human being. How was this special ever passed through editing, let alone gotten her stamp of approval? The show is an absolute hot mess. Chaotic as is you are looking into an adhd information dump. Chaotic, repetitive scenes spliced together. Things are clearly out of chronological order. But that's not the worst of it. The worst of it is RR's attitude. She is not only obviously drunk, but I was embarrassed for her in the way she emasculated her husband on tv. She belittled and berated her design and work crew. She was an insufferable diva and obnoxious as he$&.

I don't understand how an editing team ever let this hit the airwaves, but worse than that, how did she?? The optics are horrendous. I am so glad that I don't like her products and I have not spent any money building her obnoxious empire. What a loss.
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rayvecc5 March 2024
I had high hopes when I started watching this show, since I lived in Tuscany once. It gave me nostalgia for that countryside. And I loved the idea.

But as other viewers noted, it quickly went downhill. Rachel seemed boorish, petty, demanding and arrogant, and worse, dismissive and disrespectful to all the people literally breaking their backs for her. Michael also became annoying-a sniveling drama queen-making me wonder why he would not grow a spine and tell her to stick it. He must be making a lot of money because no sane person would put up with her behavior.

Lastly, who converts a UNESCO heritage site in Tuscany into a whitewashed bourgeois villa you can find in Bel Air? Very disappointing! And I used to like her. Sad.
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Lifestyles of the Rich and Vapid
leftbanker-112 April 2022
Look at me, everyone. I'm rich. Want to see the house that I spent millions to Tuscany?

I really don't. She is annoying enough cooking food, so watching her flaunt the money she's made on an annoying show to launch another TV show is about the bottom rung of entertainment for me. No real insights about life in Italy, at least none that I saw. I gave it a chance just because it's in Italy. That wasn't enough, not nearly enough to get me through even one episode.

I think that it would be infinitely more interesting to watch people move to some small village in Europe and make by on what normal people earn in a year. Walk us through what life is like for the average person. Why do we worship the wealthy?
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What an awful human
katyv-1377814 March 2023
When I started this series, I thought oh lord I'm not gonna be able to put up with that bubbly, over the top personality. What I found instead was the complete opposite. The way RR treats her husband, designers and workers is terrible. She is an insufferable, hard to please, spoiled, angry woman. Watching her drunk, with wine in her hand, yelling and being condescending to all around her and constantly emasculating her husband was incredibly hard to watch. I couldn't make it through this series and won't watch anything else that she's in in the future. This show really showed you her true personality and it's nothing to continue to support.
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Wow.....LITERALLY done with her
kellydshannon12 March 2023
I wanted to see the outcome of the place, but she is an ogre and spoiled and mean to her hubby and others. When the designer said he enjoyed being around her, his face showed no joy. It cracked me up. 3rd episode, I am out. I will not watch her cooking show again either.

And she says literally so often it hurts my head.

I think the contractor is a super human with nerves of steel. I hope he made a fortune, but wonder how much it would take to make someone stay.

I have been a fan for many years. Or had been. I feel like I was duped by her super cute and bubbly facade. I mean, was she always like that, or was it came and booze that turned her?

I am 😞 sad.
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Horrible behavior by Rachael
fdvgzvfrk9 March 2023
Those guys are saints who work for her. Her behavior was horrible. I never liked her personality on her shows. I like her much less now. I would never be so rude to my employees.

The home and grounds are beautiful. I am not a fan of her decorating style but thats a matter of personal choice. I would have made the basement into a wine cellar.

I think it was very nice of her to give her garden to the community. The production of the show was done well. I am sure it was a challenge converting these buildings into a useable home and guest facility. I wish her well and hope she enjoys it, but will never be a fan.
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Horror show! I was shocked.
billokexxoo11 September 2022
I thought I was tuning in to a renovation show about Rachels home in Italy. I didn't realize it was a castration of her husband John and every worker involved in the construction of her home.

I have never witnessed such rude, condescending, belittling by another human being to family (husband) and or workers. How is she still married? Is John that desperate for her money to endure her inexcusable behavior? What about her construction workers? I don't care how much money you have, no man or woman is better and anyone else.

I am shocked Rachel allowed this to air, but on the other hand this is obviously the real Rachel and she sees nothing wrong is airing this show.
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If she likes it, she'll ignore it. If she doesn't like it, you'll never hear the end of it.
julienegron-178767 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Responding to @delraybeach-09988,

I completely agree with everything you said in your review. She's so off-putting that I can't enjoy the show. Her designer, Michael Murray, is a saint. I'd love to see him on his own show, truthfully.

Rachael makes nasty faces to the camera while she's belittling him, she insults his ideas and acts like his opinion doesn't matter, and her husband stands right next to her elbow, waiting for the right moment to calm her down, pet her, and stroke her ego.

I never liked her cooking show but I couldn't put my finger on it. She talked over everyone all the time but now I know it was her overall attitude that completely turned me off.

I recommend the designer, the location, and that's it. If you watch it, know this going in: Michael Murray told us ON CAMERA the following - "If she likes it, she'll ignore it. If she doesn't like it, you'll never hear the end of it."
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Sad to learn...
momssk19 November 2023
I was sad to learn that the happy girl next door image I had of Rachel Ray was so not true. One could hope it was "made for TV" but she acts like an entitled rude human. It does not make one want to buy or view anything RR. The show could have been so uplifting and fun. More focus on how the artisans worked. She treats people with distain. Some of the "problems" seem unnecessary. Is this just reality TV. Hoping that some of the rude scenes were scripted. And why is she carrying a wine glass everywhere. On the positive side, the decor is lovely and ideas are great. I would love to be able to mix patterns so successfully.
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Beautiful transformation but shame on you Rachel Ray!
plnelson-4440810 August 2022
I loved watching the creativity and genius that both Michael and RA put into the structure of this home. However, it was negated by the attitude and rudeness Rachel displayed to everyone at one point or another in the transformation process. People over possessions, always! Shame on you Rachel Ray.
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Horrible to watch
vampyressa20 August 2022
The way Rachael treats his designer is just horrible to watch. I thought I was going to enjoy a relaxing show in beautiful Italy but this show gives me anxiety thinking what's going to be the next time she yells and mistreat her house designer. They could have just showed the renovation without her.
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WOW, used to love Her
mrsgs-7281819 September 2022
I was appalled at Rachel's behavior. She was drinking in every shot which wouldn't of bothered me if she had been kind. She treated her crew like garbage. Her behavior was rude, obnoxious and spoiled. I've watched all her shows since the beginning, bought her products and really enjoyed it all. I cried when she lost her dog and then her home. I now will not watch or support her anymore. Her success is due to her loyal fans and followers. We've seen a lot of charitable things done by Rachel. I think this is why this bothered me sooo much. Hopefully Rachel will actually hear what folks are saying and apologize to those that she was so rude to that work for her.
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Italy is interesting but...
hartoonianl1 May 2022
The idea of renovation in Italy was interesting.

However I did find Rachael Ray to be demanding. Ultimately that reuined it for me, not fun to watch ranting. The design was nice however. Would have liked to see more about the area and the history of the place.
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Rudest person on TV!
laurameers-807953 March 2023
I agree with ALL the other reviews that Rachael has officially ruined her reputation on TV. I can't believe how horrible she is to her team. I thought she was cool, but I won't watch another episode (only made it through 2 episodes).

She should do herself a favor and get this pulled off TV before it does more damage to her career. Her team on her cooking show must hate her too.

The house and property are a World Heritage Site so I'm sure her contractor was doing everything correctly, but once she stormed onto the scene, I lost interest. They should have just had the main guy doing the show, it would have been great.
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dumai20 September 2022
I was interested to see the transformation of a Tuscan Stable into an elegant home; but the journey to the finished product was shocking. RR was a total witch; she ran around with glass of wine in her hand at all times, and she was horrible to all.

She would berate Michael her contractor, or any poor soul who happlessy got in her way (usually because they couldn't see her "Vision") and then turn to the camera with a ridiculously enormous drunken laugh as if she was sooo funny and cute.... And to top things off she buys an enormous grand piano that's too big for the Space. I don't know why everyone just didn't run away including her husbamd.
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