All Things Fall Apart (2011) Poster

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I Wasn't Really Sure...
rlsims8215 June 2013
Initially, after watching this movie I wasn't sure what I thought. However, after thinking about it for a while (and forcing myself to get past that ridiculous looking Bob Marley wig 50 cent wore for the first chuck of the film...yikes!) I decided I didn't hate it. Mostly, I like the humbling of the main character, the lessons he learned about himself, and the family ties were a little heartwarming. I also appreciate how he committed to the role. I give him a B+ for effort! He's come a long way (remember Get Rich or Die Trying'?). But it was too long, and as soon as I thought we were in the home stretch, it kept going and took MORE sad turns. I started to feel duped and like I had not signed up for this kind of melodrama! Certainly not the worst thing I've seen on BET though. Not bad 50!
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I admire his commitment to the film
kato67-119 September 2011
"Just finished watching "Things fall apart "starring 50 cent,and some other great stars like Lynn Whitfield, and others, it was an interesting movie , and he did a great job , but i have to say , he still got ways to go the movie was 3-outa 5 for me ,considering all the senior stars , and Lynn Whitfield - did her thing... but some reason emotional- i just couldn't get into it , and it lacked depth, and compassion, however the movie is going to be a great DVD , and looking forward to more projects from him-fifty cent a.k.a Curtis James Jackson III, i also admired his commitment to the film,with the weight loss and more, I am sure in the future , there will be more to come
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Into place
kosmasp11 August 2013
Mario van Peebles has done some really good movies. As an actor and as a director. This has some really fine and good ingredients in it. Even Ray Liotta in a supporting role. But it does fall into the pitfalls of clichés. Which is a shame, because Curtis Jackson (aka 50 Cent) does actually come off better than some might think (not talking about his fans obviously).

While Curtis did gain/lose weight for the role (his dedication shouldn't be taken lightly) and he does a nice job acting in this movie, this isn't sufficient to elevate the movie to something it might or could have been. The story is not unfamiliar and the players are following the rules. And while it is predictable, the end has a nice touch to it. Though you wouldn't want to know what is happening moments after the ending ...
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Realistic Review
bobmichigan117 September 2011
Gosh I really dislike it when people who work on the movie go into the discussion board and review there movie like its an Oscar winner. K lets get to the review!

I will put this in a category of an alright LIFETIME movie. The acting was mediocre by 50 cent, but everyone else did a fine job. One thing I really dislike in movies is the directors inability to be realistic. You could tell that this was filmed in a practice facility because the field was about 60 yards long and the sideline players were actually on the field during the play, because there was no room on the sidelines. Hint Director go ahead and pay a Junior College to use there field and throw some extras in there for crowd. Stop being so cheap!!! I am sure 50 cent could of rounded up a few dollars for that.

The drama in the movie was OK but again LIFETIME style. Overall on a 5 scale its about a 2. The subject of cancer was not really sad at all in this. They want you to feel pity for a snobby football player that has everything, including other peoples girls like his brothers girl. This showed why star football players should actually study in school, because if you are hit with a career ending injury or cancer you might end up at Dads fix it up shop turning a wrench.
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Did they all forget that he had CANCER!!!
corypullen28 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
After watching this movie i don't even know what to say. I read the plot for the movie and thought it wad going to be a decent movie with a really good storyline. Boy was i wrong. About 30 minutes into the movie Deon Barnes (50 Cent) finds out that he has a tumor about a centimeter away from his heart. Up to this point he is supposedly the best player in college and is a front runner for the Heisman Trophy and projected to go within the top 10 in the NFL draft.

After hearing the news of his disease the movie seems to be going in a good direction plot wise. That will soon change though. At first everyone is very hopeful and optimistic for his future with football and his potential NFL career. Everyone is by his side and are doing all they can in order to help him make a full speedy recovery. However, about 10 minutes in after you find out about his cancer the characters drastically change their views on him and his situation.

All of a sudden his family and loved ones start turning his cancer into a huge burden for themselves. They all originally feel they can just ride his back and his success in the NFL in order to change their own lives around, which Deon was more than happy to help do without a second question. Suddenly they find out that he can never play another down in football ever again and his career is over, which is where everyone makes him seem like the bad guy. They start complaining about how he's the reason why his family fell apart and the reason why his mother is miserable and had to get a second job, as if he had a choice in the matter of him suddenly getting cancer.

Watching further and furtherer into the movie just made me more angry and upset about the characters themselves and the ensuing plot lines to come. Deon Barnes is now being punished for the next two hours because he was hit with the hardest news anyone would have to deal with, having a terminal disease. His family comes to the conclusion that he has basically thrown his life away, they don't want to help him at all with everything he's going through and worst of all no one is sympathizing with the main fact that HE HAS CANCER!

The movie soon takes a weird social, racial and economic turn within the storyline and it takes away from the fact of why he's in the situation he's in, in the first place. The basic theme I get from the movie is to show to young athletes that although they may have a promising athletic career ahead of them, they do not know exactly what will happen in the future so they should not forget to actually prepare for a time when a great athletic career may not be an option. I totally understand and agree with that lesson, however if you want to get that across to an audience do not give the main character and focus point cancer. Something that they cannot control and was not their fault in the first place. It seems like half way through the movie everyone just forgets that he has a terminal disease in cancer. They never address his sickness after about 15 minutes of finding out about it and everyone makes it seem like he personally threw his whole life away.

In the end i feel they could have gotten their point across with him suffering a career ending back or neck injury, something that would really only effect his football career. That would have forced him to face a true working man's life. For some reason it suddenly becomes his fault he got cancer out of nowhere and everyone seems to feel he is now a charity case because of it. Not to mention that he never asked for help from anyone while he was still in the top of his football career. He was going to help everyone he loved financially and give them a better life, and they took advantage of that. Once they realized that dream was out the window they resented him.

In conclusion, this movie had the potential to be a really great and heart filled, emotional plot, but they focused on the wrong things and took away from the main focal point, Deon had cancer. He was struck with a total life changing piece of news and everyone somehow made it about themselves instead of caring for their loved one and helping him in his time of need. They basically turn to him and say he threw his life away because he had to go and get cancer. I do not recommend this movie for the basic reason that not only does Deon Barnes' life fall apart, but the entire plot and storyline fall apart as well.
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Flawed but Noble
CJXzoic197011 October 2011
I'm generally pretty hard on rappers turned actors because for one, they are placed in movies because of their notoriety and star power; i.e. they can sell a movie. BUT do they bring any artistic value as a true thespian? Most cases no. Curtis '50 Cent' Jackson is in this odd area of filmdom right now - he's obviously is interested in the craft, writing and producing features - putting his 50 cents in, this movie 'Things Fall Apart' was actually based off of a friend he knew. Kudos to bringing a heartfelt and meaningful story to the screen. Jackson was so committed he lost weight and abused his body to look like an actual cancer patient! Have to give him kudos for that also! Well done! BUT - did he bring it like a well trained actor could have done in the same role? UM... no, sorry. Jackson would have been more interesting playing the brother Sean, then the main character Deon who goes through this horrific life change. Jackson doesn't look that old, but really, a young 20 something football star? NOT - he looked cheesy, grinning constantly with those fake dreads and being a jerk with women, even stealing his brothers love interest. Didn't make you feel sorry for him when he ended up with cancer.

Coupled with a weak script and okay acting, this film could have done way better with this important subject. My man Melvin Van Peebles is one of my favorite directors, so I was expecting a little more flair with this, but he kept it straight forward and pretty safe. And what is it with modern films to rush through them so fast? Is it budget constraints? There was many flaws in the production and on set, with Jackson's obvious wealth from his investments he could have dropped some more 50's on this. I would have appreciated more build up, more concentration on the emotions that people go through with this horrific disease and subsequent fall out from grace. The silent confusion as he tried to find his place was done well, until he opened his mouth! Lynn Whitfield did her thing well, was one of the standouts as Deon's distraught and confused mother. Cedric Sanders who played his brother Sean did a decent job, but I would have appreciated more background with them as brothers. Sean has a chip on his shoulder and obviously is not in tune with Deon's flamboyant football lifestyle, but besides the failed football game in the beginning, it was hard to figure out why exactly he was so uptight. Deon actually would look out for him more then not. It was a guessing game which emotion he was feeling towards big brother. If Deon had stole his love interest earlier on, that would have made more sense. As said, I appreciate this attempt at mello-drama but overall it's a disappointment. The oddball ending and Chariots of Fire leap for victory death dance didn't add any grace, just led to more confusion. As Jackson continues his quest in mainly sub-par wanna be gangsta flicks, I sincerely hope he hires a GOOD acting coach and spends some time away from films for a minute, getting his craft on. Get your chops on in community theater or something. Maybe he can rise like fellow rappers Mos Def or Will Smith and be an actual actor to contend with. For now, mediocre is his motto.
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lowpost7929 February 2012
Good storyline but horrible acting by 50 cent. I nearly turned it off a number of times but figured I'd give it the benefit of the doubt and watch it the whole way through. Now I wish I would have turned it off and could get my $1.27 back from Redbox they stole from me for putting out such a pathetic excuse for a movie. This is undeniably one of the worst movies I have ever had the misfortune of watching in my entire life. This is even bad for sports movies. And they're usually real bad. Hopefully there is enough people close to 50 cent that will be honest with him let him know to please stop acting. I would strongly suggest that 50 cent stick to being a musician, or whatever it is he calls it. He is most assuredly NOT an actor.
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Things do fall apart
mystic_lover5529 September 2011
The story line for this movie was excellent. The setting was believable enough to carry as a college background. I enjoyed 50 cent's portrayal of a young man dealing with life's struggles and unexpected bumps in the road. This movie brought tears to my heart. I appreciate 50 and the cast of this movie for putting together such a thoughtful message. (When life gives you lemons....). Even though there are moments where the acting was strained, I still take the movie as a whole and consider it to be great. I enjoyed the fact that it is basically a G rated type movie. I would allow my children to watch it and I would refer it just as much as some other inspirational movies. Thanks for keeping it clean.
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karaboutin896 September 2014
I love family friendly films. In fact I look so hard for good films. Clean films. I'm pretty disappointed with some of the sexual content and dialogue in the beginning of the film. No nudity or explicit scenes but the focus was very strongly put on the physical attributes of suggestively clothed females. Very disrespectful dialogue about women and towards women. This influences people to look at women disrespectfully. A party scene with suggestive dancing... camera focuses often on tightly or scantily clad younger women who are being referred to as b¥tch€s to f****. Scene moves to implied sex. Again dialogue among young men speaking in an explicit and exploiting way about women. Etc, etc. Disappointed this really takes away from the supposed "character and value" this movie is supposed to have. Other than that FINALLY after unnecessary and drawn out scenes with this sexual suggestive content the real story started to unfold.
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A surprisingly good football movie written by and starring 50 Cent. Very much worth watching. I liked it. I say B+
cosmo_tiger28 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
"It's just a challenge, just another challenge that's all" Deon (50 cent) is a college football superstar. He is set to win the Heisman Trophy, play in the national championship football game and be one of the top picks in the NFL draft. Weeks before his big game he is rushed to the doctors and is diagnosed with a tumor. His days of football are over, and he is left to try and start a new life. Going in I was very worried...a movie written by and starring 50 cent...oh we go. I was very very surprised at how good it was. I'm not saying this can compete with "Remember The Titans" or "Express", but I really enjoyed this movie. I have never been impressed by 50 Cent's acting, but he was actually really good in this. I may have been distracted by the physical change that he went through. Going from a ripped football player to a 160 pound cancer patient is actually pretty impressive and for someone to go to that length for a movie shows how important this was to him. Overall, a surprisingly good sports movie with a surprising performance by Curtis Jackson. I give it a B+.
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Not worth the time
loeyharnisch20 September 2017
This is a such a stupid movie - another football hero story. Long boring conversations, no emotions or too many in the wrong situation, poor acting and a copycat plot (reminds me of Blindside). I don't think I would let my kids watch this one, too strained and confusing. The plot seemed to be about cancer, but turns into a silly family story. It is just not a good movie. Not worth the time or money.
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Very surprising but good movie.
eezyone5 December 2011
I must say I was pleasantly surprised by this movie. I thought 50 Cent did an outstanding acting job. I initially thought his acting role was typical for what you would expect from a musical artist turned actor but by the end of the movie I was completely sold on 50 Cent the actor. His commitment was obvious as the dramatic weight loss he went through showed his seriousness and commitment to the acting craft. I honestly didn't believe he could pull this acting career off but after seeing this flick I have no doubt he can be as successful in acting as he decides he want to be. Once again outstanding acting job by 50 Cents and the rest of the crew. Would definitely watch a 50 Cent movie in the future. Highly recommended.
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Unsuspectingly Good
anitalansing-40-58191526 April 2021
When I saw both Curtis Jackson (50 Cents) and Ray Liotta together in the line up, I said Oh, this is going to be a pretty exciting gangster movie". Boy was I wrong! This was a sweet, touching and inspiring movie that offers hope and reminds people not to give up. Even though things got worse towards the end, who knows? Maybe things did turn around. The acting was quite decent and the storyline was close to being realistic, almost. Glad that I viewed this movie.
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Rather cliché
blumdeluxe23 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
"All things fall apart" tells the story of a college football star, who is diagnosed with cancer, putting his life, career and the well-being of his whole family at a risk.

This is, of course, a touching story. A bit too touching maybe, because it sometimes feels more like a bunch of stereotypes glued together than an actual believable lifeline. While the overall acting is good, some of the elements are super weird (like the whole both brothers love the same girl and never settle it thing). There's also the character development, that somehow is predictable, yet seems to have some blackouts when the guy on the good path gets unfaithful and bullies his brother. Nonetheless, most of the time the film feels better than my rating. Unfortunatelly there were some issues with politically very incorrect statements, that kind of ruined it for me.

All in all this is a film you can watch and will probably feel entertained by. It is, however, a film that doesn't really tell anything new and doesn't present the old elements better than the originals, thus not really being necessary. A question of personal taste, I guess.
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nogodnomasters10 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
50 Cent plays Deon, a college football star running back headed for the NFL and life on Easy Street. He has everything, fame, parties, girls etc. His kid brother, Sean rejects 50 cents lifestyle. He is the more studious type I gathered from the stereotypical glasses that he wears. Mom is Deon's main cheerleader, and dad, who has been there, wants Deon to be a more aggressive ball hog and less of a team player in order to attract the pro scouts. Even at home, Sean (Cedric Sanders) plays second fiddle to the football star. Deon can have any girl he wants, including the girl dating his brother.

However...Thing Fall Apart. Deon has the big "C" growing in his chest. Ray Liotta plays the doctor. While the family is in a waiting room, Ray comes in with an x-ray and shows the family the giant tumor in Deon's chest. Radiation and chemo. Dad, concerned about Deon's draft pick, wants to keep a lid on this in order to deceive the NFL. Mom is not crazy about the idea.

As Deon's life whittles away, he finds doors that were once opened to him have closed and life without being a football star is hard. Curtis' acting ability has improved since the last time I saw him, although it still leaves much to be desired. Strong performances by the supporting cast (not Ray Liotta of course.) There were some minor plot issues. Cedric Sanders made the movie more than 50 Cent.

F-bomb, sex, sex talk, no nudity
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Worth watching!
katglover228 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I thought the movie was very inspirational. Some of the acting was not great and at times the movie was slow. The story line was what I liked and his transformation from a muscular football player to a cancer ridden frail weak person was amazing. It was so true to life of how cancer changes a person and their life in such a short period of time. It brought tears to my eyes. It reminds everyone about what is really most important in life and how you should spend your time.I think this shows some real promise to what 50 cents can do and that he deserves more credit for his work in this movie. I think with some help from people who have succeeded in the movies he could do even better.
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Great Movie!
bjspook91327 January 2012
This movie should have been given more credit. I enjoyed it, this goes to show you can't always listen to what people say. Watch it and rate it for yourself! Awesome job and the cast was perfect. This should have went to theaters, I know they would have made more money. I hope 50 cent comes out with more movies, I sure will support him! They fact that this man lost so much weight just for a role, shows his dedication and passion to break into the acting role. For anyone that has followed his career knows that this is a BIG difference to the type of roles he is used to playing. I'm excited to see what else 50 cent has planned for 2012! Let's GOO!!!
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A Very Surprising - Heartwarming Drama
abukasanders14 August 2012
The Movie Is An Amazing Watch!

The feelings that you get from the plot & then the crisis really gave the movie a sad but inspiring feel. Very impressed by Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson's writing of this movie. In a scale to 10 - about an 7.8 - 8. Him really playing the role and losing the weight and muscle was a real sight to see. With the better to average acting displayed it didn't draw anything back from the overall plot. Over exaggerated football tackles and a very weird football training facility also consists. All while having enough drama to set a real heartwarming mood.

Overall definitely a movie worth watching.
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Geeky Randy's summary
Geeky Randy21 November 2014
2011 drama about promising football running back 50 Cent and his unexpected fight with a deadly disease that plagues his senior year in college and chances at the NFL. The film opens with very poor acting—child-actors are always a longshot, and Lynn Whitfield's attempt at an overly proud mother just feels overdone compared to the realistic subtle emotions of Sanders, Heggins and even rapper 50 Cent in the lead role, who lost around 54 pounds for the part. And yes, while this movie has its flaws, and while one might assume this would've been a more successful film with a more commercial cast, there are some incredibly commendable creative choices in this very depressing story. What makes it so compelling are the characters' motivations, which are very different from the Hollywood cookie-cutter melodrama, but are just as interesting—a lot of the film's characters seem far more three-dimensional than what we're used to seeing nowadays. Very much a story about how the loved ones of an ill person can also suffer emotionally and financially. Director Van Peebles is great in the supporting role of the stepfather, who is loving but tries to live his dreams through his sick stepson.

*** (out of four)
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Good movie
jojosimien145 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This was a pretty good movie. The story is pretty cliché, but it is still a good movie. The story was well written, but 50 cent's acting brought down the others at some points. Also, those dreads they had 50 cent wear were pretty funny I was sad to see them go. If you like movies about sports and family then give this movie a try. This being one of 50 cents few acting roles I give him a 3/5, but a more experienced actor should have been cast in the lead role. I'm sure that was a choice to try and bring in viewers, but it was a good story without it. I don't want you to think that I do not like 50 cent or that his acting was horrible, because that is not true. 50 put on a good performance and with the weight he lost for this role you know he was dedicated. Anyone on the fence should watch it I don't see why it has received such low marks.
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I really liked it!!!
hotchicadrea2 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I've been wanting to see this for a while and finally did last night. I love 50 Cent as an artist and person and thought his acting was just fine. I think all dramatic movies have their slightly "cheesy" parts but his emotions were deff believable. I didn't even notice any of the goofs mentioned above. 50 Cent's character was much more sincere and respectful than most young men would have been in his position (handsome star athlete). Even though he slept around and got with a girl his brother liked I didn't view him as jerk just a young man living life which made it even sadder to see his hard work and promising future torn apart. I found it touching and inspirational! The only downside was a vague ending...

and I love him with dreads :)
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This was a really great movie
user-604-4216414 May 2012
This was fantastic! Great acting, great story. Emotionally moving. You can drop the "50 Cent" Mr. Jackson - Great writing, great acting! I can't believe this has been rated so low by others, did they actually watch the whole thing? I almost didn't watch this movie because of the rating but I'm sure glad that I did. I think this movie deserves 6.5 overall rating so I'm giving it a 10 to bring it up to par. Curtis Jackson has come a long way in his acting ability and should be rewarded for it along with his writing skills. I was never a big fan of his music (I'm just an old white boy :)), but the acting is very real and believable. I hope to see more movies like this from him.

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The good movie,things fall apart
victoriaellie2623 December 2011
This is a very good movie.Although this movie is very very sad it's good.A young man who has a great future ahead of him treats girls wrong and his brother.He was close to being a professional football player than suddenly gets rushed to the hospital containing cancer.A good man with a nice body and handsome,thats 20,ends up skinning bones,aged and now looks 46.He finds out the people who loved him for him and for his future money.Now getting news that he will die in a few months.This movie was very hard to make considering he weighed 160 lb,then making himself look real for the role lost so much weight,making him look like someone with cancer.So for all you people saying this movie was a "piece of cake" most of you weigh like 200 and know that you wouldn't lose it if it was for your own good.This movie was great and I'm actually quite picky about the movies I like. :)
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Excellent Movie
locotronmix29 December 2012
I finished watching the movie All Things Fall Apart and i found it really good. I think i you want to get some inspirations about family love you should see the movie. FOr a mother or a family member you should be able to do anything to help them. Love the movie because Curtis Jackson (50 Cent) is a person that really inspires me because what he did and the ways he has sufered to make true his dream, i think that a person that really wants to become a professional rapper should do what he did of course do not sell drugs but if things doesn't work the first time try and work hard and practice more the next times. Things that you really want to make happen do not come too easy you have to work really hard and never quit.
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Loved it!
tahirah-andrews5 December 2012
Let me just start by saying.... I love 50cent. I think this was a great movie, I couldn't take me eyes off it. Makes people think about their life n how they treat people. Excellent way to show people that regardless of what u have, u should always treat people the way u want to be treated. Because anything can happen in your life n change everything. I wanted to see more, it had me wondering what happened next, so I made my own ending at the end of the movie. It was very emotional n I was tearing up as if its was really happening to him. Even though its emotional happening to anyone he made u believe that this was happening to him.....great movie n great job 50, u played that role. Lost weight n gained it back, not an easy task.I must watch again n again :0)
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