Unaware (2010) Poster

(I) (2010)

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Found footage never reaches it's potential
victoryismineblast27 January 2014
A couple decides to drive out the country to surprise visit the boyfriend's grandparents. He decides to bring his camcorder to film the trip. Once they get there they find that the grandparents are away for the weekend, but decide to spend their trip there anyways.

They get bored and the boyfriend decides to explore the barn, a place he has never been allowed to enter since childhood. Once inside they discover a secret, which other reviewers have revealed by I will not.

I enjoyed the first half hour of this as most found footage films of this type have some build-up and this one looked like it would be heading in an entertaining direction. However nothing much happens until the last 20 minutes or so and that is not very entertaining, and not as scary as the filmmakers intended it to be.

The leads were likable and their conversation flowed and did not seem forced. However their actions near the end didn't make very much sense. The end itself was very abrupt and did seem forced.

I have seen worse found footage movies, but this one could have done with more and better scares, and a more well developed ending.
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(I can't believe , That I was actually dying to see this movie, I am really mad at my self )
atinder26 March 2013
Another one of those found footage movies , I have been looking forward to this movie since the trailer came out.

The trailer seem great however this as got to be one the BIGGEST Disappointment's Ever! (I love most found footage movies.

This as got to be the most boring-est and dullest movie I have ever sat thought, there nothing really happens until hour into the movie.

Little things were like over in an flash and then panic and then it's calm down for again until last five minutes of the movie, where the movie start going and of course ends!

The scenes was okay but nothing great at all as there were no suspense in this movie at all, not sure what to thing of the Alien.

I felt I seen this done before and better in Alien Abduction: The McPherson Tape (Which was not great but still miles better then this movie)

And what hell was the point of that end of Credit scene, Blue sky!

The acting was wooden at times by lead Male, the Girl scream was good!

One of the worst and dullest of them Found footage movies (I have seen more then few)

3/10 Very, Very, VERY! Poor!
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Like looking at somebody's holiday photos
Leofwine_draca28 June 2016
UNAWARE is another found footage style movie with a sci-fi rather than horror angle. Another reviewer was right on the money when he said that ALIEN ABDUCTION: THE MCPHERSON TAPE which was ten times the film this is; not a perfect film by any means, but one which had plenty of incident and creepy stuff going on throughout to recommend it.

By comparison, UNAWARE is very dull and threadbare. At least half of the running time has nothing going on apart from the dull two protagonists wandering around and chatting. There's supposed to be mystery here, and a sense of pervading horror at something nasty in the garage, but it doesn't really work. It feels instead like the characters are just treading water and waiting for the good stuff, which never arrives anyway (the budget is so cheap that we just see a couple of things in the distance and that's it). Despite being beautifully shot - the camera-work is refreshingly non-shaky and the locations are great - the lack of incident and narrative makes this a very tedious watch.
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I was really looking forward to this
chamae0113 October 2013
I have been going through a "found footage" binge recently devouring everything in my way. I can look past all the petty issues people have with the genre. I've seen tons of movies with terrible reviews that I thought deserved 8 or 9 ratings. But this movie is one of the worst,and believe me I've seen some stinkers.

It is basically a really lame version of the "McPherson tapes" but lacking any of its charm. The characters are unlikable,and do unbelievable things(even by found footage standards).The basic formula for a good film with no budget is good character development , tension building,and strategically placed scares,this film does NOT deliver.
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Still waiting to be scared
andrewmcl83-170-7644162 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Ive been on a FF horror binge and I probably watched about 50 over the last 3 weeks. I can easily say this is in the bottom three or four.

I guess I'll start off with the acting, the girl was unbearable her voice was piercing and the guy was about as boring and monotone of an actor if you could possibly find. It seemed like it was their first run through the script and had just met each other in real life and we're on some kind of awkward first day even though he proposed to her in which there was almost no reaction whatsoever when she said yes. Why they felt the need to put that in a supposed horror movie about aliens I don't know?

As for the movie itself you spend about 10 minutes driving in a car with them then you get to the ranch that they're going to and the Crickets are so damn loud in the background you might as well just hit mute because they're not saying anything important anyway. Then they take about 67 trips to this barn in the yard that the guy was never allowed in when he was a kid, finally they open one of these crates and there is like an alien head or something in there. Not scary at all. I don't know some time goes by and then the girl is holding the camera waiting for the guy to get back from the barn looking for his keys so they can leave and something goes creeping by about a tenth of a mile away and it looks like a man prancing in a Halloween costume, because you know, these aliens have traveled light years to get here but they have to prance around so you don't see them. Again not scary whatsoever. Mr. Monotone finally comes back to Mrs overweight Shrieker and they look to the left and there's an alien crouching down next to them, maybe the only slightly scary part in the movie but not unless you're under 10 years old. And all of a sudden there's a spaceship and the girl gets dragged away, spaceship leaves, guy tries to escape in another car but he can't because there's a club on the steering wheel he gets out of the car when he sees headlights and the MIB then take him away, the end. By the way 90% of what I wrote happens in the last 10 minutes of the movie. I fast-forwarded through at least a half hour of it. So if you want over an hour of driving in a car and looking at nothing but grass and then getting to a ranch and exploring some random house and watching some horrible proposal and then seeing the most on scary alien ever this movie is totally for you. I for one want my Sunday night back.
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burymeinblack613 July 2013
I was on board for a hot second with this one. I love alien movies and found footage genre type stuff. This, however was lacking in almost all areas that you would expect to find in something described as "is it real?" type genre film.

I find it mildly unbelievable that anyone could actually think that this movie was the real deal or any 'found footage' film for that matter. It's a movie. It's been produced and been shown in theaters, obviously it isn't going to be real. Anyways, what's more awful than that marketing idea was the atrocious acting. I kept waiting for it to get better and for something to actually happen but I couldn't even bring myself to believe in the story because they both were so bad. The woman playing 'Lisa' was probably the worst, however 'Joe or Joel', I could never really tell, was not anymore spectacular. Their chemistry was horrid, their motivation completely irrational and scripted beyond belief, and their reactions to each other and to the events were barely able to be taken seriously.

If you want something to preoccupy your time for a bit then you can watch this but honestly I wouldn't expect anything more than something your friends could put together with a less than stunning hand-held.
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bks-508-2904019 July 2016
I couldn't even get past 30 minutes of this film. The first ten minutes is nothing but footage of them in a car. He's mumbling so I turned up the telly, but then she was shrieking so I had to turn it back down. The next ten minutes are of them walking around the grounds, having a really boring conversation over dinner and him proposing in the most boring way. Then he decides to go poking around in the barn. Even this was boring. I gave up at this point and turned it off. I'm all for a slow burn, but only if something is grabbing my attention in the meantime. Chemistry, good acting, something. But no. There was nothing at all. I don't know what the world is coming to if this drivel won awards.
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How the needs of one hamster impeded the already tiny budget of this Cheapskates Productions turkey.
fedor823 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Ridiculously boring found-in-sewage flick that lets us know from the get-go that it's made by Cheapskate Productions, a very tiny film company made up of three unemployed hobos and a hamster. (The hamster isn't fed regularly due to "budgetary constrictions" so it's sent to the garden to find its own grub several times a week. The hamster hates his employer almost as much as I hate this movie.)

Here's the prologue: "Sources have confirmed that none of what you're about to see is computer generated." I'm not joking. That's what it says - while ominous ambient music doodles in the background.

In other words: "Our useless Cheapskate Productions HQ informs us that yes, indeed, nobody managed to scrape up enough cash to hire even a first-year IT C-student to cobble together some half-baked but (sort of) usable special-effects alien-UFO footage that would at least make this look like a proper Z-movie. We promise no entertainment either. We're cheap and we're losers."

I guess that's why when the protagonist sees "something" in the barn (before he opens it properly), he freaks out, while the viewer is left wondering "the hell did he just freak out for? there's nothing there". Ditto when his obese fiancée hysterically screams upon seeing the crappy little green guy for the first time: from that distance you literally couldn't tell if it was an alien, a kid or even her fiancé. Yet somehow she INSTANTLY knew it was an alien. Damn cheap, and damn stupid.

The plot is as stupid as it is banal and dull. A young idiot couple decides to crash in on the farm property of the guy's grandparents, not knowing that they were out for the weekend. A phone call, perhaps? Evidently not. The guy keeps saying how close he is to his grandparents, yet he blatantly disregards his grandfather's order to stay away from "the barn" - which predictably turns out to harbour UFO-related thingumabobs. (Well, I'd figured it was either that or he was hiding serial-killer victims there. It's not like the horror genre offers much variety or possibilities. It's either little green men or killer peasants with green teeth.) He decides not to wait for his grandparents to come back, but actually breaks the locks like some deranged immature hooligan and starts snooping around the dull-looking barn, looking at a very boring piece of machinery - gadgets that don't even have the decency to make scary beeping sounds. (The beeping sounds were in the original budget, but were scrapped due to the company hamster getting a new wheel.) Watching these two inspect the barn is like watching that Cheapskate Productions hamster forage for food. They seem to be excited and scared, as if they're seeing the 17th Wonder of the World, but the viewer is yet again shaking his head in disbelief: "what the hell are they getting so excited about?!". It's as if the actors were given instructions to overact at every little situation as a substitute for actual events. Sort of the way Ed Wood plays dramatic music over a scene in which nothing exciting is happening. That lousy cheap-skate shtick didn't even work for 50s monster movies, let alone in the CGI age.

Just so you don't think his fiancée is simply a camera-operator, she gives us several scenes of her crappy-looking cheapo fake nails - which the director seems to have a fetish for. She looks like a rundown floozy, very plump, very mediocre-looking (being generous here) but I guess that's all they could afford. Though methinks with so many hot unemployed actresses out there, they could have easily hired a presentable actress. Or at least told her to grow her own damn nails and not wear that plastic trash that we the viewers have to look in close-up several times.

The next day they enter the barn again (trust me, every barn entry was a cinematic highlight in itself) and this time the guy breaks open a large box which - yikes - stores a green alien mask! Well, OK, it may have been an alien itself, but it sure looked like a cheesy one-dollar mask of the kind you probably get at any Area 51 tourist shop. The couple freak out big time (overacting, yet again, the basturds) and wonder what to do next. Do they take a CLOSER look at the mask/alien? Nope. They run to the house (where they feel safe for some strange reason, despite it being only a few meters away from the devilish barn), and make plans to call the FBI.

The FBI. You've heard of it, right? Apparently, the Plump One hasn't because she refers to it as "he". She probably thinks FBI stands for Franklin B. Iglesias or something. She thinks it's a guy in charge of all UFO-related calls (and that he does music on the side).

The FBI arrive, a few hours later as promised, and for a second there I thought it might really be Franklin B. Iglesias! Not so much the FBI as an overweight, underpaid hack actor with a stupid fake Texan accent. This "FBI agent" had come all the way to this remote farm, and yet he's too LAZY to make a few more steps and check out the mask/alien. He simply refuses to check it out! He accuses the couple of being drunk and what-not and simply won't go anywhere near the barn - out of principle, I guess. He's got his pride: doesn't want to get suckered into finding a damn green mask in a box. Or he's simply part of a VAST conspiracy, which unfolds(?) in the final scene when the male protagonist gets... killed? Arrested? Stunned? Who the hell knows. This is found-in-sewage nonsense; they never owe us any answers.

The couple is enraged at the fat lazy basturd so they decide to go back home. They're pretty much peeved and give us viewers the middle finger by trying to abandon the movie. (Or perhaps they were doing us a favour?) They try to start the car, but alas! The moron forgot the keys. They should have anyway known that horror-movie cars rarely start when you need them to escape from aliens or monsters or demons or omnipotent slashers. Guess where he left the keys? Why, in the barn of course!

And that's when the aliens suddenly start milling about like ants, walking around aimlessly and very stupidly, like the silly skinny hide-and-seek zombies they are. Why they didn't do this EARLIER is anyone's guess. (Did they grow so attached to the box they wouldn't leave it?) They look silly, they're filmed from a distance, so obviously the movie didn't need any frigging CGI, just as the director correctly pointed out at the outset.

Can you guess what happens next? Sure you can. There's an abduction: the Plump One is flown into Gamma Delta Epsilon Galaxy, located in the B-Movie Nebula, next to planet Zong. "Why don't you take the moron as well?" I could almost hear the audience (all 5 of you) shout as they saw her get kidnapped by the boring-looking aliens in their stupid never-shown space-ship that somehow materializes out of nowhere. They could have abducted a real cow, one that gives milk - a useful cow unlike this one. Would have been a better idea, but the aliens must have been enamored by those disgusting fake nails or something. Or there was no space in the ship for two humans? I figure if it's big enough for a woman that big, surely it can fit in a lot more people. Or the opposite logic: she took up all the space.

A little later the guy stumbles upon the FBI - two guys with sunglasses (in the middle of the night, obviously fans of Men in Black) who clearly didn't come to help but to do what they do best: kill American civilians for no reason. (The left-wing version of what the CIA, FBI and the police are for.)

So let me get this straight: the aliens had been sitting in that barn for over 50 years, unable to take off just because they were locked up in a barn? In a frigging box, like a set of old books? They couldn't figure out a way out!

If you still decide to watch this dross (by downloading it illegally, obviously, because if I find out you actually paid for this drivel in any way shape or form I will personally hunt you down), you can skip the first 25 minutes or so because literally nothing happens there. Unless the notion of two idiot actors doing meaningless non-plot-related improv somehow tickles your interest.
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a waste of time except the last 20 minutes SPOILERS
skyblazeeterno19 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I was attracted to this film as it seemed to have garnered s handful of awards and was hoping this was some undiscovered gem of a horror film it ain't The found footage sub-genre can produce some good films The Collinswood Story being a memorable one and the VHS anthology films but sadly this offers nothing really new sometimes found footage can offer good or inspired shot compositions - in this we have views of a house and a barn....zzzz the acting was clunky at best ...the female lead was annoying - the male lead had a certain charm though the plot was standard fare but became absurd once they discover whats in the barn - the fact that they discover it there is the most absurd thing now for the most important part....the scares and atmosphere....apart from the end 10 minutes or so, it was lacking save your time and give this film a miss as there are far better found footage films out there
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HOW did this film win ANY awards!?!
jenstruk13 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I am thoroughly amazed that this film boast several awards! The fact that it is an award winning Indy film, and its interesting description made me an eager viewer...but I am now sorry I wasted 5 bucks through On Demand and my time on a Sunday afternoon....I barely made it through the first 25 minutes before I was on the fence about turning it off....the female actress is, in a word: AWFUL. Her annoying forced laughs, sighs and tee hees for the benefit of the camera became just excruciating to listen to...it was painfully obvious that they were trying really hard to "act" like a couple in love, but when there's no chemistry, there's no magic for the screen. It is simply NOT believable. To make this film work, you need that....you need the audience to invest in the characters, to care about them, to BELIEVE they are REAL.PEOPLE. Especially with found footage genre, these are supposed to be real film footage clips...and people in real life do not act that way with each other...whoever cast her was an idiot because it blew the film. She isn't a very pretty girl either, so the shots of her porky legs and feet while she sighs and babbles to herself about how excited she is looking at her ring made it even more difficult to watch. Good looks draw people in but its the chemistry on screen, that believability factor, that keeps them riveted. This girl has neither and that becomes annoying and boring to watch. That's a waste of my time and money. The male actor wasn't much better....but he was better than her and with the right female lead he might have been better than he was...I had to fast forward through him eating an apple, for me, that was the scariest scene in the movie...just disgusting. I will say she gives a good scream and the more action that went on towards the end, the better they were because they had something to work with in the scenes besides just themselves. When it was just the 2 of them improv-ing their relationship (which could have been cute, funny, sweet and magical, I mean he proposed!) But it was the most unromantic, boring proposal ever! Because they were NOT believable as a couple. The reason The Blair Witch Project was so successful was in great part due to the fantastic job the actors did...they had real chemistry with each other, they were real friends...the audience came to care about them as people because they were very real with each other and not at all "acting" for the camera. This film needed that, too many viewers will be lost before any action even takes place because the director failed to realize the importance of chemistry even in the most simple and monotonous of daily human interactions. What a shame!
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UNAWARE – Found Footage With A Payoff!
willyadkins11 April 2013
I was first introduced to this amazing found footage film "UNAWARE" when submitted to the 2011 Indie Horror Film Festival where if won Best Feature & Best Special Effects. When I first started screening the film I was a bit skeptical of the quality, but it is indeed a found footage film so I gave it some time. The first 30 minutes had me convinced it wouldn't amount to much, but then the creepy clues of something so much bigger started to appear. These quick peeks and clues certainly captured my interest and built much suspense along with the couple in the film. I don't want to spoil it, but the pay off is great! In this film you get compassion, you get anger, you get suspense, you get shock, you get scare and you get satisfied!

"One of the best found footage films to ever cross my desk" ~ Willy Adkins / Breaking Fate Entertainment
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ET Meets Lucy and Desi
mroberts465 January 2021
The most annoying couple in Found Footage history combined with a truly imbecilic plot make this a challenge to sit through....

The barn obsessed 'hero' is such a Putz, you wonder why anyone would want to spend more than 10 minutes in his company (even the 'alien' seems annoyed)

'Unaware" does occasionally have some riveting dialogue:

Joe: I'm going back to the barn

Lisa: no...come back to bed, babe
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An insult to the found footage genre!!! 'Unaware' is completely Unreal! (2 PART REVIEW)
s_m_murray6 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
**spoiler alert**

There are already reviews that walk you through the story-line so I will save you from reading another iteration of it. Essentially I will focus on why this movie is so brutally and obviously fake and a complete insult to the found footage genre.

However before I slice this apart I will say that the movie producers and director did a tremendous job of hyping this and creating a thick layer of internet rumor buzz including lacing the communication lines with rumors of the actors being unknown and still missing and the Governments involvement in this cover-up. Well played marketing lead-up however there are so many things that become obvious and predictable once you see this movie that this marketing hype, like me, may completely offend you.

I will start by saying that when they make movies like this where they want you to believe something that is not real, they will start with many 'setups' strategically placed to convince you. Secondly because they are so focused on convincing you that they miss really key little details to hold the story together to keep you believing.

So I will create my list for you focusing on the 'setups' and 'details' in no particular order so that you can make your own deduction:

1) Setup - on the way to their grandfathers, the pass and pay particular attention to a military base - makes us believe there is military involvement of some kind

2) Setup - male actor shares his distant relationship with grandfather and the secret nature of his service - makes us believe there are secrets ahead

3) Setup - big chained fence with intercom at a country home - makes us believe something big might be behind it (female actor also builds this for us in a badly acted way)

4) Detail - although the big chain fence is locked the male actor still remembers the code - makes us believe a grandfather that is hiding something would not change the code (sure).

5) Setup - grandfather and grandmother not home - surprise, surprise (of course they're not home) - makes us believe they will be alone

6) Detail - poor acting by female actor to get mad at male actor about not calling ahead - not believable at all as she lets him off the hook way too easily.

7) Detail - male actor knows where he hides the key to the house - which is in the middle of the back yard near a true in no specific spot (hmmmm, must have been right there in the grass where it is obvious and easy to be mowed over...makes sense!)

8) Setup - male actor shows female actor around showing the 69 Cutlass - ah, because this will be used later so you have to know about it now.

9) Setup - male actor talks about his grandfather never letting him go near or see inside of the barn - so we are made to believe that a kid as curious as this guy has never, ever seen inside this barn...nice setup to ask "Oh, please tell us what's inside".

10) Detail/Setup - absolutely no chemistry between these 2 and his big surprise is he is taking her to his grandparents' house (with his grandfather who doesn't like him) to arrive unannounced only to propose to his girlfriend...how romantic! (Brutal detail and setup!)

11) Detail - they apparently make food and she arrives back with a movie, he pours wine and they proceed to eat what appears to be snacks for their romantic post proposal dinner. Of course all he can do after proposing is think about going to the barn...as anyone would do after proposing of course. Again poor detail and setup.

12) Setup - male actor goes to barn to hear a strange noise inside only to get scared and run back to the house - making us believe something ominous is inside...oh...ah. Of course if you were really that freaked out I guess like all of us we would stay put on the property and think more about it vs getting the hell out of there!!!

13) Setup - tries to tell girlfriend but she is too engulfed in her movie - making us believe it is now his big secret.

14) Setup/Detail - talks to the camera...which by the way...they are documenting their weekend way too closely as this camera is going absolutely everywhere with them....people don't even us a GoPro this way! Additionally he mentions earlier that he will leave the place exactly how he found it yet he is smoking in the house in their bed....how courteous of him; I am sure his military, raged grandfather Roy will be fine with this!

15) Setup/Detail – he convinces his girlfriend to back to the barn and gets a crowbar to open the lock - makes us believe she is involved in the mystery to build suspense. Detail missed is he twists the crowbar a few times to open the lock, only to claim fixing it later (even though he is afraid of his grandfather)...really???

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paranormal activity meets the mcpherson tapes
dutchchocolatecake7 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I am normally an open minded fan of fan footage movies. I typically give generous 10 star reviews of indie movies that make up for low budget with competent acting and original story lines.

Unfortunately, this movie was neither original nor well executed. It was boring and predictable. I about puked in the middle thanks to the shaky camera lens and loud background noises. I didn't expect much from the acting but the characters were so poorly written that it good acting might not have made a difference anyway. The special effects were okay for the most part, except for the alien which looked like a guy wearing a lizard suit.

This is where I'm going to spoil the movie for you so you don't have to watch it. Here is the plot in a nutshell:

1. Couple goes to surprise visit Dude's family, which are conveniently not home. They decide to find a way into the house and stay anyway.

2. Dude and Dudette do cutesy couple stuff before Dude realizes he wants to snoop in his grandfather's barn which has been labeled off limits since his childhood.

3. Dude and Dudette spend gobs of time searching through predictable clues about aliens like top secret letters and outdated military electronics. They walk back and forth between the barn and the house like ten times because they need the Internet and can't put two and two together by themselves.

4. Dude and Dudette try to call the FBI and report the alien. Hilarious scene where the alien shows up in the window. Oooh. Ahh. Yikes! How scary! (not)

5. The ending is so Blair Witch - lots of screams and shadows. Person in the lizard suit runs toward the camera all menacingly and apparently drags Dudette off caveman style before being beamed back onto the mothership. The ending scene is ridiculously vague and implies that Dude is either murdered or kidnapped by Men in Black who are there to cover the whole thing up.

As you can see, you are not missing much if you skip this movie. The funny thing was, when I first heard about this movie I really wanted to watch it. I thought it was going to be a close encounters kind of movie, which it's not. In any case, don't waste eighty minutes of your life unless you want to get sick.
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a suck-void of your time
davey-7039217 July 2015
Truly one of the worst films I've seen in my life . Zero plot, zero thrill. Guy proposes to a girl, yet the night of their engagement, he wants to go investigate an old barn rather than be intimate and possibly have the best of his life. Add to that, the cheesiest effects and worst directing I've ever seen. The story made no sense , yet every step of the way we're supposed to believe this nonsense. But allegedly, the US government keeps alien corpses in retirees barns. And top-secret government documents in filing cabinets in said barn. Plus the lead character isn't ignoramus, and treats his girl terribly. He is a giant manchild invading the privacy of his grandfather. I wish I could get the hour and 20 minutes back of my life that this film took. Fortunately I watched it for free on Netflix otherwise I'd be very ticked off. STOOPID MOVIE, I REPEAT, STUPIDMOVIE
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i am so upset with pressing play on this one
carolbeal201327 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
i am not going to waste your time with a long drawn out review it was boring meaningless and awful don't waste your time '''next''it caught my attention in the beginning then it went down hill from there and as far as the alien well i have seen better in predator vs alien's and whats up with the whining screaming girlfriend,from the point of him opening up the crate in the shed and seeing the alien to the fake FBI agent to the fake abduction and UFO this is one of them films i can forget i ever watched and i don't feel upset i watched it i wasted an hr of my life i can never get back anyways i am moving on good luck selling this one
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Pure Rubbish
AristidetheFrank11 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This movie features two lily-livered cowards as its main protagonists. They share no on screen chemistry, and the actors struggle to deliver wooden, staid dialogue. Joe, our male protagonist, is notable for wearing the same sweaty shirt long after he has the opportunity to change and towards the end of the film insists upon going shirtless (sadly) as a way to affirm his control of the situation. Lisa has fat ankles and reacts in terror to such things as locked gates, barns and the use of spare keys.

For most of the film, nothing happens, so we get to enjoy spending quality time with these two annoying people who are of no interest whatsoever. In one such scene, the character of Joe watches his fiancé play with a hula hoop outside and reacting as if she's trying to do some kind of skateboard stunt, all with the, "Oh my god!"s and the "Are you serious?!"s.

In another scene, we get to watch the two characters eat snacks. In another, they discuss how abnormal it is for people over the age of fifty to enjoy pizza and cookies (????).

Unlike other found footage films like Blair Witch Project or Paranormal Activity, or even Grave Encounters, there's no sense of mounting dread or heightened stakes. All the viewer receives is torturous footage of two people running around a farm. These characters have milk for blood, I swear. They react to the most innocuous of phenomena like Scooby and Shaggy.

The conditions keeping them present in the situation which is apparently so terrifying for them (not so much for us) are contrived and plain idiotic. During the last five minutes, the director blows all of his budget at once and it heads towards the mindless, mind-numbing and derivative ending for found-footage films which has become an unfortunate staple of the genre.

I would advise anyone not to watch this dreck unless you require a sleeping aid and pills are no longer effective.
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A movie about talking about barns. This is very serious.
krismerrett13 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Slowest start and a weak attempt at building anticipation. Talking for long long LONG scenes about the barn being off limits, for example. We got its importance the first time. And building it up and having them go in and just. talk. more. when they do finally get into the barn is not the way to capture an audience's attention.

This movie seemed ad libbed in many of the scenes, and unfortunately, the actors just didn't have the skills to pull it off. It didn't help that they were given "Female Character" and "Male Character" as personalities, either.The first twenty minutes actually felt like watching a home video of a slightly boring couple. They talk about Roy and the barn a lot, but it is repetitive and annoying, rather than working us towards any kind of interest or dread.

It also fell into the biggest trap of found footage movies. I'm sure it must be really hard to shoot a movie that looks professional while also appearing to be shot by amateurs. It must be hard, since so few movies can do it well (The Borderlands was good at this, as was the otherwise horrifying Skinwalkers Ranch). The shaky camera, losing focus, the weird tracking thing that I didn't think happened on digital cameras, setting the camera down at uncomfortable angles, the static, having half the movie shot in the dark are all unnecessary and detract from the movie. A few of these things could bring us into the premise of the movie. Having all of them makes the movie impossible to watch. It is worse than having it shot in a traditional way.

(At 35 minutes, I have written this review up to this point, and nothing has happened in this movie. This review is now the only thing keeping me sane.) There are three or four conversations at this point that they've had multiple times. That is absolutely unnecessary, and I don't understand how anyone watched this edit and thought, yes, this is great, we should release this.

They shouldn't have released it.


Is this a primary school play. Could you beat us over the head with this plot any harder. I may not understand what's happening yet. 45 minutes of barn talk hasn't been enough to give me a back-story to this inane plot. Please. Explain more. Hopefully for the rest of the hour twenty.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves"

No. At 45 minutes, you are absolutely behind yourselves. You are licking your own butts. NOTHING HAS OCCURRED.


He's gone into a barn. Three times. His grandfather's barn. His grandfather's papers. Wow, son. Calm down before you hurt yourself. That is a wild life you're leading. Watching TV and sleeping and looking in a barn.

This movie only makes sense if they are aliens.

ooo I hope they are aliens.

They see a dead thing in an old box and proceed to freak out. As if maybe that will convince me that this movie is worth watching. Maybe if the actors pretend this is a big deal, the audience will be convinced that something is actually happening! I, however, am not that easily fooled. I know there's nothing happening because I have spent the last 58 minutes watch nothing happen.

I don't think they're aliens.

He goes on about his grandfather being his only family, but doesn't wait four hours for him to get home to explain the barn before calling the FBI. "This is a very. serious. situation." No, its not. You found some old stuff in a barn.

This is how they try to build anticipation. Now, we have to go and look in the barn before the cops get here! We don't want to get my grandfather in trouble! Who knows what else is in there! If you didn't want to implicate your grandfather, you could have, oh, not called the FBI?

They have been arguing for the past ten minutes about going to the barn. She, the nagging wife before they even get married. He, to stalwart man trying to defend his grandfather from the FBI he called on him.

I'm hoping this movie is a joke, because otherwise people watched this and thought it was good. and that. That is so sad.

They've spent more of this movie talking about going to the barn than being in it, which is frankly ridiculous as they've gone into it five times. FIVE TIMES.

"What is that? What the f* is that?"

I have no idea, since you are shooting it in the dark with a blurry camera at 200 yards. However, having since seen it closer in the next ten minutes of the movie, I'm pretty sure its a guy in a rubber suit.

I'm glad you both went missing. I only wish it had happened 120 minutes ago.

TL;DR There is slow build and then there is this plodding excuse for a movie. Terrible cinematography, writing, pacing and acting just add to mind-numbing redundancy of this 120 minutes. Avoid.
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Almost funny
Dave_douell16 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was so bad it was almost funny. One question, after striking out with the FBI why didn't they call a news station. Why didn't they just say there were dead bodies in the barn? For some reason this movie was totally watchable, especially if you are out of unseen movies. I'm still glad I didn't pay to see it!
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A very good horror movie
kurt782516 August 2022
This was a very good horror movie. It had a good set up and the last ten minutes or so was very frightening.

This is the type of found footage movie I like

Prepare to be scared.
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Never quite achieves its ambitions
Sankari_Suomi10 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The found footage genre has been flogged to death so often, we're now left with little more than dust and fossils, but in 2010 Sean Bardin, Scott Shrosbee, and Robert Cooley decided to give it the old college try. This movie is the fruit of their labours, and won awards for Best Feature & Best Special Effect at the 2011 Indie Horror Film Festival.

With a controversial cast of just four people, and a running time of 81 minutes, Unaware pushes the boundaries of artistic expression in ways previously considered too radical for western film making.

The two main characters enjoy good chemistry, and their dialogue and behaviour is refreshingly natural. Production values are typical for a low budget indie movie of this genre, but performances from the lead actors are robust and consistent.

Alas, the thin plot (some dude takes girlfriend to his uncle's ranch, where creepy alien-related shenanigans occur) is poorly developed, and never reaches its full potential. Several scenes are incomprehensibly dark, which frustrates the viewer and minimises the visual impact.

I rate Unaware at 16.65 on the Haglee Scale, which works out as a disappointing 5/10 on IMDb.
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This really smelled up the room
jcslawyer28 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I thought I watched this years ago, seeing I originally rated it a 6. So I decided to watch again. Boy, was I ever wrong. I must've confused this with another similar (but significantly better) found footage movie around the same time. I really hated this...a lot. I was bored out of my mind and couldn't wait for it to be over.

First, I hate that there are reviewers who are knocking the female lead's looks, ankles, etc. She may not have been a great actress, but she's a person who can read reviews - and I think picking on her looks is a little shallow and juvenile; and it does nothing to actually evaluate her acting...which, by the way, stunk. She really was a bit grating. The male lead, whose name I didn't even care to learn, really made me wanna sleep for a couple of nights. So monotone and dull.

The setup takes what feels like a year. I was shocked how long we sat with them in the car on the way to "Grandpa Roy's" (who, by the way, sounds like a total butt). The dialogue in that never-ending car ride was pointless, dull, and uninteresting. He said they were about 15 minutes away, but it felt like the time that elapsed while actually watching it was an hour. When they finally reach Roy's palace, it only gets more boring... I'm bored writing this review.

House chatter, including proposal, boring...what was the dinner he had prepared? Peanuts? There was nothing cooking since he was considering hiding the camera in the oven (huh?). Then, there was nothing on the plates...ever. I felt bad for her actually. That's her future.

Barn snooping, boring...how many times did he need to go back?

Alien in box was hilarious. I've seen better costumes at Spirit. Was it just chilling there for years? What was containing it?

Didn't feel their dread at all... When she sees something off in the distance, it's not remotely convincing as anything other than a dude in a pair of khakis and a really terrible alien mask. The way it was moving made me laugh out loud.

The quick flashlight scene showing the alien hiding gave me a tiny startle...but when the alien comes to grab her, I had to laugh at it really seemed like a bad high school film squad movie. Then his blood looked like pasta sauce. The two Men in Black were ridiculous that I was waiting for one of them to break character and laugh...or someone to say "psych!" Nope, he gets knocked down and a pair of bad shoes breaks the camera...but for some reason felt it needed to be poorly locked up such that it was shown to the public. Why?

Just stay away. This gives FF a bad name.
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