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Why does Pinhead look constipated on the DVD cover?
Smells_Like_Cheese19 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
To think now that there is 9 Hellraiser films is just incredible, but even sad to think how downhill it went with the series. For some odd reason, the Hellraiser series was never as popular as other horror franchises like Friday the 13th or Nightmare on Elm Street. Maybe because most of the sequels were direct to video, who knows? However, despite the downfall of the more recent sequels, we wanted more Pinhead. The later sequels took a different turn where the scripts were written and Pinhead was added in later sometimes not making it feel like a Hellraiser film at all. Then comes along Gary J. Tunnicliffe who has a vision of bringing Hellraiser back to the basics, open the box and Pinhead is coming to get you and make your life Hell. Not a bad idea, however excluding Clive Barker and Doug Bradley is where the film just went totally wrong. With a very lousy budget and short time to make the film, Hellraiser makes Ed Wood look like Steven Spielberg. After all, look at the cover of the DVD, it looks like Pinhead is constipated.

Best friends Steven and Nico travel to Mexico. They film themselves engaging in several days worth of drunken partying until one night they are attacked in their room by a man with pins driven into his skull. The boys disappear, and the Mexican authorities ultimately turn over their belongings to their parents, including a videotape made by Steven that apparently documents their final moments. A year later, Steven's parents Ross and Sarah, and sister, Emma gather for dinner with Nico's parents, Peter and Kate. Emma finds a gold and black puzzle box visible in the final moments of the video. Playing with it causes Steven to materialize out of thin air, covered in blood that does not appear to be his own. The families prepare to rush him to the hospital, only to discover that all of the vehicles have disappeared from the driveway. Attempting to dial 911, they discover that the land lines and cell phones are receiving interference and no outgoing calls can be made. Steven tells the families that he has escaped "The Cenobites," and what he and Nico went through.

The problems with the film are major: the actors are either too over the top or had too much botox as the under acting was out of control. I found it hilarious that Niko's mom is "so distraught" over Niko's disappearance that she clearly found the time to get a good plastic surgeon and looks like a super model when she's asked to come to the house to discuss her son's possible death. Why was the sister dressed so sexy too? Not to mention I think her role was just to sit and look pouty and sexy, pout, sex, pout, sex…nice stretch there. None of the characters were likable at all. Poor Pinhead, once upon a time one of the most feared villains of the horror genre. A man who took the ultimate pleasure in torturing others and making your life Hell now stands there making constipated looks with jacked up make up and a duck face while talking in a voice that sounds like he should be reading "A Tale of Two Cities" to me. His voice was so dull and lifeless, how could you ever take this guy seriously? From what I heard, Doug Bradley turned down the role as he would've been paid enough money to have a new fridge, well good to know what little dignity he had after the last few dumb sequels. But much kudos to Clive Barker, as he said "this is no child of mine" along with some words I wish I could say on IMDb but can't, but trust me it's good. The story wasn't that bad, it was the rushed pace and bad characters that really did this movie in. Please leave the Hellraiser series alone, let it rest in peace.

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This was it? Seriously?...
paul_haakonsen19 December 2011
Having grown up with horror movies and been exposed to the numerous big horror franchises, I am no stranger to the "Hellraiser" movies, and must admit that I have been watching them ever since the first one came out. However, I am sad to say that since the third movie or so, the franchise has been on a steady declining spiral, and the stories have progressively strayed from the original idea.

This ninth movie was a bit of a surprise to me, as I came upon it by sheer luck. I hadn't even heard about it, and honestly, I thought they had finally put the franchise to rest after a number of disappointing movies. But I was wrong.

So I sat down to watch this movie, and I must admit that I was appalled to see that Doug Bradley wasn't in the role as Pinhead. That was an insult to us fans of the movies (or fans of the first handful of proper "Hellraiser" movies, at least). But still, I gave it a go.

That being said, I have got to be blunt honest. Doug Bradley was (and always will be) Pinhead. Stephan Smith Collins is a really bad substitute. I am not saying that he is a bad actor, as I am not familiar with his work outside this one movie, but he didn't have that diabolic charm and wit that Bradley brought to the Pinhead character. Nor did he have that iconic voice that we all have come to love (or fear, whichever you prefer). So the Pinhead portrayed in "Hellraiser: Revelations" was a mere cheap imitation of the original Pinhead.

As for the story in "Hellraiser: Revelations", one thing only has to be said: "are you kidding?" The story in this ninth installment was a rude insult and a downright copy of the storyline from the first movie. Sure the setting was changed and small adjustments made, but the overall storyline and plot was the exact same thing. Which leads me to ponder on whether or not this movie was necessary? Wouldn't it had been better to just let the franchise lie dormant? Surely this wasn't the best they could come up with. And also, just why did Doug Bradley pass on this? Leaves you with something to think about, doesn't it? And leaves you with a somewhat vile aftertaste in your mouth.

"Hellraiser: Revelations" dragged on forever, just retelling the story that we were introduced to in the first "Hellraiser" movie, so it was basically just pointless repetition. A way to introduce the franchise to new viewers? I don't know, but for us who have followed the growth and decline of the franchise, it was a rude slap on the face.

The movie leaves little room for the characters to develop and grow, despite the actors/actresses doing their best with their given parts. You just never really buy into the characters, and they are lacking depth and credibility.

Having seen every single "Hellraiser" movie since the very first, this one is without a doubt the most boring, pointless and far-strayed from the original plot. It is worth a watch if you want to see it just to have watched all of the movies, but that is about it. There is nothing new here; everything is just a re-write of old material. It is like brewing coffee on an old and already used coffee filter. It was horrible.

One of the things "Hellraiser: Revelations" had working for it, was the effects. There weren't a lot of special effects, though whatever little they did use worked out well enough. Personally, I could have used a lot more of the traditional wicked torture and torment that is associated with the Cenobytes and the "Hellraiser" series.

I have seen "Hellraiser: Revelations" now, and I can honestly say, despite being a "Hellraiser" fan, that I will not be making a second return to this movie ever!
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Out of many bad sequels...the worst.
moustasch118 October 2011
None of the films have been as good as the first three in this series. This one is no different.

Most of the acting, especially by the lead antagonist, Nick Eversman, is terrible. The effects and gore are nothing more than copies of scenes from the other movies with nothing new added to make it any more interesting.

I love the original Pinhead character, played by Doug Bradley in all of the other films. Stephan Smith Collins who portrays Pinhead in this sequel tries to recreate him but manages doing a poor man's imitation, instead of bringing anything new to the screen.

To future writers of any more sequels: STOP! Either come up with a new lead so we don't miss Bradley's performance so much or reboot the series from the start and try to come up with something new. Maybe consult with Clive Barker to see where he would go with it. Or better yet, put together some real money and have him write it instead.
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Thank Goodness Doug Bradley bailed- this is a career-killing and possibly even a franchise-killing mess...
In 1987, Clive Barker unleashed the first film in the "Hellraiser" saga onto the masses, from his literary work "The Hellbound Heart." The first film was, and still is in many ways, an iconic, classic entry in the horror genre. The rest is history. At the time I am writing this review, the series has spanned nine films (with rumors of a TV-show possibly in the works), and countless spin-off media including a popular line of graphic novels and comics.

"Hellraiser" is a staple in horror, which is what makes this latest film so infuriating and heart-wrenching.

"Hellraiser: Revelations" is the latest in the series (beginning with the fifth film, all releases have skipped theaters and been plagued with lower budgets and even lower-grade actors and crews). Directed by Victor Garcia (from a script he also co-wrote), this mess of a film is DOA, with lame-brained acting, penny-pinching special effects, and a horrid plot that is essentially a lazy re-imagining of the original film. This is a slap-in-the-face to fans of the series, who have stuck by it even as the later sequels got worse and worse following the surprisingly strong second film. (Which is one of the rare horror sequels that had any thought to it, and is arguably almost as good as the original, despite obvious differences in tone and scope.) Beginning with the third film, the series took a nose-dive, although one or two entries, notably the fifth film, were watchable and enjoyable. This one, however, is the worst of the bunch.

Two spoiled young men, Nico and Steven, vanished sometime ago during a wretched trip to Mexico where they partook in prostitutes and copious partying. After murdering a prostitute, and after being given the mysterious puzzle box by a vagrant, Nico solved it, summoning "Pinhead" (played by a new actor... more on that later), whom dragged him to hell. Steven brings Nico back from hell via sacrifices, and later shows up to a house where he and Nico's family are having dinner.

At the house, Emma, Steven's sister, finds the box, and eventually the families begin to experiences strange and bizarre things over the film's anemic 75-minute running time, before a series of lame-brained twists that I won't spoil ends the film in an abrupt and very anti-climactic climax.

First the acting. I haven't really seen any of the actors in this film before (which I'm guessing is due to the almost non-existent budget preventing us from getting any name-actors), so I don't have anything to compare them to. But the acting was uniformly foul. All emotions by all parties seem forced, and our two leads (Jay Gillespie and Nick Eversman) are about as believable in their performances as a sheep wearing a dollar-store werewolf mask trying to blend into a pack of wolves. They simply cannot act.

Technically, the film is a mess. Garcia's shot-choices are bland, boring, and scream "inexperienced film-school student", and the lighting is atrocious. I was shocked to learn the cinematographer was David Armstrong, whom proved himself to be a capable DP on numerous other films, including six of the seven "Saw" films. Here, all of the lighting and shots seem hastily thrown together, and you could tell Mr. Armstrong didn't have enough time or motivation to work with. I study film and video production at college, and I've seen student-films shot on standard-def camcorders that look better than this from a technical standpoint.

The effects are also lousy. The cenobites looks soul-lessly designed, and their costumes looks like cheap rental-store robes. Pinhead's new design doesn't work and has too much shadow-work around his needles and creases/cuts, making him look a bit goofier than the eerie paper-white look of past films. Gore effects are phoned-in, with cheap, obvious prosthetics. The few CG-type effects are hilariously cheap looking. The set-design is bland and uninspired as well. Especially in the Hell scenes, which haven't been updated since the original film. Hell's still just a mass of swinging chains and pillars, which worked in the original film due to some excellent shots by Barker and the fact we hadn't seen anything like it before, but looks silly and cheap nowadays.

And onto the biggest complaint most people have... and a very justifiable complaint it is. Doug Bradley, whom portrayed Pinhead in all eight previous films skipped out on this one. He wasn't pleased by the script or the next-to-nothing paycheck, so he bailed. Our new Pinhead is portrayed by Stephen Smith Collins, with voice-over work by Fred Tatasciore. And good-lord, is the performance(s) bad!

I already mentioned the new makeup for the character's head didn't work as well as in previous films. But I could forgive that if the performances for the role were good. They aren't. First of all, Collins, who does the on-screen acting just doesn't look the part. He looks more like a light-weight professional wrestler with his head-shape. And his body language doesn't have any of the poetry or art of Bradley. He performs the role as though he had no rehearsals or prep-time, and is timidly being told what to do by the director off-screen. He seems in over his head. And Tatasciore's voice-over work is laughable. Gone is the booming voice of past films, which was dripping with darkness and emotion. Now, Pinhead sounds kinda like Don LaFontaine (the man known for providing voice-over work as the narrator of just about every movie trailer before his untimely death) trying to whisper with a bad Eurpoeon accent while suffering a sore-throat. It's just... awful.

This film is undoubtedly a career-killer for most involved, and it may just kill the franchise. It's beyond awful, and I give it a 1 out of 10, not just for being a bad film, but for being a tarnish on the classic original's legacy. Avoid this, I saw it for free on Netflix, and I still feel like the studio owes me a refund!
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Prequel to the next suck
tsmundahl8 November 2011
This was terrible. I just spoke to Doug Bradley when he was at Crypticon who had been offered the script. He said it was the worst piece of crap that he'd ever read. So he passed.

His exact words were that when he had spoken to Weinstein Entertainment about it and how terrible it was. They said "We don't give a crap at how terrible this movie will be. We need one more in the can to secure the franchise for the reboot".

Needless to say, because if his ridicule of the whole idea, the reboot of Hellraiser was not offered to Doug Bradley, which is too bad.

It is also rumored that it will be PG13. This movie will fail even worse that this one did.

FYI, straight from Doug's mouth, Clive Barker is NOT in support of this remake anymore. This franchise is officially dead now.

Thumbs down.
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complete waste of time and an embarrassment to the hellraiser series
Ocrisia27 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I'm only giving this movie a 1 because you can't give it a zero. This is the worst sequel to a horror movie I've ever seen, and I have watched a LOT of garbage horror. I actually just read another review on this movie, and it reminded me how badly I was disappointed by it so I came on here, hoping that other people won't waste their time, and also hoping if no one actually goes out to rent this than the idiots who produced will regret their decision to make it. They were apparently going to lose their rights to the movie so they threw together a piece of crap with $300,000 and in 11 days. The acting is horrible-they took the blood going into the floor from the first movie and used that to make it kind of resemble a hellraiser movie, but it happens in some room where the main character is screwing a hooker and can hear the dead guy in the floor in his head saying "kill her, kill her." he does, with the puzzlebox (why the puzzlebox? i don't get it) then when the dead guy rises (from under the mattress, i guess they saved some $ on special effects that way) he narrates what's happening "the blood is bringing me back! bring more!" the characters narrate what's happening around them almost the entire movies. and when one of the men's faces gets cut off, his friend brings him inside and asks for towels. for his missing face. Oh, and the guy playing pinhead is no Doug Bradley. he does a terrible job. maybe it's not his fault, but if the guy who played pinhead in EVERY movie, even the direct to video silly ones, won't act in this one, that should tell you something. worst movie ever. no plot, just a bunch of talking and some face blood. don't waste your time.
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This Pain Is Legendary even in Hell
PinWeill3 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is worse than. HELLWORLD. PINHEAD IS LAUGHABLE Female Chatter is a disgrace. If you are a Hellraiser fan i suggest you watch it because it makes absolutely no sense. If you escape the box why would you want to go back? Why does he think they will make a deal with him? Nothing makes any sense in this even the ending. I would watch Hellworld 24/7 before i ever think about watching this thing again. BTW Hellworld use to be the worst one of the series until this one came out. Pinhead ha ha dude i'd fart on you if i ever saw you. Pinhead looks like hes taking a dump while talking. WHY is he so FAT?????????? Why do all the cenobites Look so young? why Pinhead constructing a cenobites thats the engineers job. Why did the dad kill that one kid when they said they were going to torture him forever????? Why did pinhead take the wife?? The husband cheated on her so he really doesn't care... The one person he did care about he doesn't take even thou she really wants to stay. MAN nothing in the movie is goo. I've seen youtube videos that were better.Why didn't you just use one of their scripts? We deserve answers i own all the movies and nothing was ever as bad as this.
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Pure Horror to watch...in a bad way
demetrius113 November 2011
The worst movie in the hellraser franchise without question. I thought some of the previous movie attempts were quite bad, but this one gets the prize! The basic plot is not the worst ever filmed, but there is nothing original, and simply walks in the path of the hellraser "mythology" without adding anything new. The acting is average, sometimes bad, and the direction simply gets the job done.

The reason that this movie is worst than the rest, is the fact that Doug Bradley refused the part of Pinhead, so it went to someone it shouldn't have. Stephan Smith Collins, the new Pinhead, is simply terrible for this part. It is not only the fact that the tone of his voice is NOT Pinhead "material", but his facial structure does not sit well with the make up, and the result is a fat looking Pinhead. I suppose they eat quite well in Hell these days, so he gained a few pounds (lol).

I have to mention that they did fine work in the make up department. However, make up alone is not enough to support an entire movie. It is a surprise that this movie event went out on DVD the way it is. It is a waste of time to watch in my opinion. I suggest that any Hellraser fans still out there, read the new comic book by Clive Barker from now on, instead of watching these terrible movies...
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dave-m-sewell21 November 2011
This was the worst film in the series by far. I understand it was rushed out but the script seems to have been written by a 10 year old.

The characters were cardboard cut-outs. Actually I think I would have had more of an emotional connection to cardboard than the cast.

The storyline and I use the term in the loosest possible sense was so jumbled it was nigh on impossible to keep track of what was happening and when it was happening.

I am so glad Doug Bradley refused to appear in the film as he would have shone so brightly among the others the screen would have just been a white light.

So Revelations. Well if the word is translated as Apocalypse I think I was a valid title.

Don't bother to see this film unless you enjoy staring at wet paint.
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Apple pie without apples is a fail apple pie
papat71320 January 2013
I gritted my teeth and gave it a chance, but in the end there is no escaping it. No Doug Bradley, no Pinhead. No Pinhead, no Hellraiser. It's not worth talking through the awful script, the mediocre effects or the below par acting, others have covered those in existing reviews. My only comment would be that the actors on screen know they are making a fail movie and it shows on screen. And when the fake Pinhead arrives on screen, it's game over. After watching this, I looked up the interviews with Doug Bradley to find out why he didn't get onboard with the project, after all, he's been involved with every Hellraiser film so far. I would recommend watching the interviews BEFORE the film, it might save you 90 minutes of your life that you won't get back.
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black_sun00117 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This had so much potential. A decent plot, great make up and special effects, and a solid twist ending were all tossed aside with how terrible the acting was.

It was very reminiscent of the first Hellraiser, even going as far as quoting it several times and reenacting several scenes. My biggest concern was Doug Bradley not playing Pinhead; however, Stephan Smith Collins was overall bearable even if he was just mimicking Doug Bradley's performance.

Despite all the potential, not a single actor/actress from the main cast gave a solid, consistent performance.
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Despite Bradley's Absence, "Revelations" a Revelation
BartlebyScrivner23 October 2011
It's not often I feel compelled to write IMDb reviews. Many times I've wanted to hop onto the site after having seen a movie to share my likes or dislikes about it, but for the most part this desire quickly fades and instead I just end up writing about a select few movies: Those for which I felt an extreme passion or extreme hatred. Usually the latter; in the case of Hellraiser: Revelations, the former.

Without saying too much on the plot-- the word count won't permit me-- this is the first Hellraiser since the fourth to be intended as a Hellraiser film (and not a hasty rewrite of an unrelated horror script) and the first since "Hellbound" to treat the Cenobites and their backstory the way Barker wrote them. Gone are the global-domination seeking, demonic Hellspawn that made a twisted mockery of the series; back are the sexually amorphous, amoral hedonists that made the characters interesting and frightening to begin with. Make no mistake-- the Pinhead here is a far inferior version of the previous entries', and Doug Bradley's presence is sorely missed; he brought a certain charisma to the character this is difficult to articulate, let alone replicate, and his absence from the movie is in fact its most glaring flaw. The return to true "Hellraiser" form, though, should please fans of Barker's originals: The characters who fall into the path of the box are not intrepid reporters but shallow, narcissistic perverts. Missing from many of the sequels was the idea that the box-- and by extension, the Cenobites-- sought prey for a reason, and that the fates that befell them were simply amplifications of what would have become of them in everyday life.

This all said, the movie is not completely devoid of flaws beyond Bradley's absence. The production had a notoriously short shooting schedule, and it shows in the super abbreviated running-time and its resultant pacing. The further the movie goes on, the more rapid and sloppy the pacing becomes, to the point that the climax of the movie rapidly falls apart, as characters start displaying traits that were only hinted at before and which needed more development for their actions to be taken seriously. It's a disappointment that such a strong feature fell apart so quickly, and in so glaring a way. Yet even this butchered pacing isn't the movie's biggest flaw.

Normally I shy away from addressing other reviews; however, because of the direct-to-video nature of most of the Hellraiser franchise, and the close-knit community created as a result, it's difficult to separate a review of one of the entries in the franchise from the fan reaction. In this case, the absence of Doug Bradley and his relative silence on the script, coupled with Clive Barker's vehement distancing of himself from the project, has led to near universal disdain for the film. Note that I haven't included anything about the movie itself; and here is where the biggest flaw of "Revelations" lies. Before the DVDs were even pressed, "Revelations" was doomed not because of its inherent value but because fans had decided already that this was going to be the worst Hellraiser ever (a difficult undertaking, considering that the last four entries were unrelated horror stories hastily doctored to include Pinhead, and three of which-- Hellseeker, Deader, and Hellworld-- were abysmal). And thus the prophecy was fulfilled; I've yet to read a review of the film that takes it seriously as anything other than a Hellraiser movie without Doug Bradley. The acting is criticized, when it was on par with the amateur theater quality of the previous entries; the cinematography is called "cheap" though it's the first entry since "Bloodline" that doesn't look like a made-for-TV movie; and... well, that's about all I've seen anyone have to say about this, so far, beyond "Where's Doug Bradley?" That's the biggest reason I came here to write this review. An honest attempt at a decent Hellraiser deserves an honest, decent review, and hopefully that's what I've done here. So if you're just looking for a Barker-approved entry featuring Doug Bradley, yes, this will disappoint you. If you're willing to look past that and return to the world of "The Hellbound Heart," this very well may become one of your favorite Hellraisers.
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Another sequel to abuse fans
TdSmth512 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Two kids decide to leave their life of luxury behind and take a trip to Tijuana. One of them films everything with a camera. They pick up a girl at a bar, but the alpha guy steals her from his friend and has sex with her in the bathroom. The other guy walks in on them. Next morning they wake up in the bathroom (?) not remembering much but find the girl in a stall with her head smashed in. After some drama they go to another bar where some bum appears and offers them all sorts of experiences--he hands alpha guy the lament configuration box.

Some of this is told backwards and in pieces. The two rich 1%er families of these kids have a fancy dinner. Also there, the sister of beta guy who was alpha's girlfriend. They have the bag of beta guy and in there is the camera and the mother watches and re-watches what happens to them after they open the puzzle box.

What happened was that Pinhead of course shows up, chains alpha, there's another Pinhead-in-the-making and some other cenobites. All this is explained later when surprisingly the beta kid arrives at home much to the delight of the family. He's in shock and announces that they are coming. When he wakes up, he's actually not quite himself and eventually flips out. The bum also appears similarly announcing bad news for all. Eventually all hell breaks loose and we find out exactly what happened in Mexico.

If you read in the trivia section how this movie came about, how production was rushed and took only a few weeks; how it was written by a guy who does make-up, and directed by someone with little experience, the surprise is that Hellraiser: Revelations isn't even worse. The score on IMDb is a bit unfair to the resulting product. Revelations isn't any worse than the awful 4 movies that preceded it. How can the terrible Inferno have double the score of Revelations? But it is fair score as a punishment to those behind this cynical and moronic project, the sole goal of which was to allow Dimension to keep profiting from the first movie. The unwillingness to hire Doug Bradley to play Pinhead is the catastrophic flaw of this movie. Because his replacement is a disaster. And the guy they hired to do his voice is even worse. And without a strong Pinhead you can't have a strong Hellraiser.

The script in general isn't too bad. It has some good ideas...and some bad ones. Especially bad is the idea to have another little Pinhead. But worse is that the script doesn't have are any good lines for Pinhead. None.

The movie features some POV camera work, not a whole lot. It does actually a good job of integrating POV with third person. The cast does a solid job I must say, even though I'm not crazy about the casting of the two kids. The lovely Tracey Fairaway is a revelation as well as the attractive first Mexican girl (Adel Marie Ruiz?). There isn't a whole lot of gore or horror as the movie is more interested in family drama.

I'm giving the movie itself a 6. As a Hellraiser movie without Doug Bradley though, a 3 is indeed appropriate. Perhaps one day someone will pick up this franchise who will finally give Hellraiser fans something to be excited about. Instead of struggling to remake the first one, Hollywood should just give us a decent sequel. It shouldn't be that hard even for lalaland geniuses.
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Terrible Fate of the Classic Clive Baker's Horror Story
claudio_carvalho17 January 2014
The best friends Steven Craven (Nick Eversman) and Nico Bradley (Jay Gillespie) travel to Mexico to have fun. They meet a vagrant (Daniel Buran) in a bar that gives a puzzle box to Nico. When he opens the device, he finds that it is a key to hell. Nico brings Pinhead (Stephan Smith Collins) that inflicts pain to him and Steven and the youngsters vanish.

Later, in Los Angeles, Dr. Ross Craven (Steven Brand), his wife Sarah (Devon Sorvari) and their daughter Emma (Tracey Fairaway) receive Peter (Sebastien Roberts) and Kate Bradley(Sanny Van Heteren) to have dinner. Both families miss Steven and Nico and they hired a private detective to seek them out, but he only finds Nico's backpack. When Emma snoops around the backpack, she finds the puzzle box and out of the blue, Steven returns covered of blood. But soon they discover that it is not Steven's soul that is inside his body.

"Hellraiser: Revelations" is a very bad sequel, actually the ninth movie of this franchise. It shows the terrible fate of the classic Clive Baker's horror story "Hellraiser" (1987) and its great sequel "Hellbound: Hellraiser II" (1988).

"Hellraiser: Revelations" has a messy screenplay that does not show anything new. Indeed, Doug Bradley has probably given up of performing Pinhead and Stephan Smith Collins is very weak in this role. The worst thing is that the conclusion gives the sensation that the author intends to make another sequel that should be released straight to garbage instead of to video. My vote is three.

Title (Brazil): "Hellraiser: Revelações" ("Hellraiser: Revelations")
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One of the Worst Films I Have Had the Misfortune of Seeing
gavin694228 October 2012
In this ninth installment of the Hellraiser franchise, two friends discover a puzzle box in Mexico, which opens a gateway to Hell.

I hardly even want to write a review about this crock of rubbish, because others already have and have done a better job.

Dread Central wrote, "Not only does this entry make all the other sequels seem great in comparison, you could easily confuse this for some Hellraiser mockbuster from the folks at The Asylum." This is spot-on, as they have stolen everything good from the first two films -- Pinhead, the mattress rebirth, the homeless man -- and made them into pale comparisons.

No one has been harsher than Scott Weinberg, who called the film a "contractually-mandated piece of intentional garbage that exists for no other reason than pure, simple greed... This is amateur hour stuff all the way, and it'd be almost endearingly, stupidly enjoyable if this witless cinematic refuse wasn't dancing on the grave of a true classic of the genre." Ouch!

But seriously, what is with the chubby Pinhead who has somehow lost his British accent? The only way this even makes sense is by assuming it just happens to be another demon that imitates the look.
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You're Better Served Driving Nails Into Your Head
rocky_lifter6917 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
As a fan of the Hellraiser franchise, I refuse to accept this as a part of the series. As bad as the last few installments were, none sunk this far below the bottom of the barrel. Instead of actually reviewing this terrible piece of crap, here are some random thoughts and musings that crossed my mind while watching it: *It is quite odd how many white people populate these Mexican bars.

*Pinhead now lives inside the walls of this family's house?

*Despite her brother and boyfriend disappearing, the girl is extremely disturbed that her obvious d-bag boyfriend was banging a whore while in Mexico.

*Did Pinhead become a car thief since his last movie?

*I love how the wife was momentarily shocked at the prospect of there being a gun in the house.

*Did the film makers believe two lame Pinhead imitators would distract from how bad this movie is?

*Is it impossible for modern horror movies to have any remotely likable characters? I would cheer the Cenobites, if they weren't pale shadows of the original characters.

*Pinhead didn't kill the wimpy boy down in Mexico because…?

*Just out of curiosity, how common are Asian hookers in Mexico?

*That red headed kid is so brutally not intimidating, even with a shotgun in his hand.

*This movie can somehow warp time and space, as its 75 minute run time feels like two long hours. (Written at the 45 minute mark).

*Oh, a subplot about cheating amongst the parents. That's exactly what I thought the other Hellraiser movies were lacking.

*Considering the roots of this franchise and how grisly it could be, this one is easily outdone by any of the Saw movies.

*Uh, is that supposed to be a cliffhanger ending?

Why this "film" ever saw the light of day is a mystery. I understand it was only made to retain the franchise rights but that doesn't mean it needed to be released to the general public. I give this "movie" 1 star, simply because it makes me appreciate the original even more than I already did.
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Why not?
Lamented_Sorrow_131323 October 2011
Every review of this movie has ripped it to shreds. Some reviews were fair, however. I'm one of these people who looks deeper into what he sees before him rather than the surface. While it is true that this film is by no means a masterpiece, it certainly isn't the biggest cinematic monstrosity of all time ("Children of the Living Dead" owns that title).

First off: Doug Bradley's absence. I'm a huge Doug Bradley/Pinhead fan, and there will never be anyone to play Pinhead better, but you have to look at what the new guy was up against. Very short shooting schedule and immediate fan ridicule pretty much doomed this poor guy. Overall, I felt he did a decent job with what he was given.

Second: special effects. Come on people, it's a direct-to-DVD movie. Are we looking for 'Star Wars' visuals here? Honestly, I felt the effects here were a bit better than they should have been.

Seriously, if you're a fan of this series, leave high expectations at the door and just give it an honest chance. You never know, you might end up liking it.
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All You Need To Know About Hellraiser Revelations!!
xecutionrecords27 October 2011
Having Watched this on the bounce after 'Howling reborn' this movie seemed much better than it actually was. Having re-watched it after exorcising the Quite nauseating howling turkey, it now occurs to me that this film is about as enjoyable as drinking your own urine whilst being buggered by a fat sweaty homeless man who hasn't showered his whole life. There is absolutely no point in discussing the plot as it's quite obvious that the scriptwriter has done a william burroughs cut up technique with the first 3 movies and re-hashed the same lines in different order. The casting exec has chosen a lead actor that has a distinct inability to read a line without looking like he's standing on the stage like a six year old at a nativity play. The rest of the cast do lots of head scratching and quite literally look like they don't know what the hell kind of movie they have signed up for. Pinhead looks like a constipated Grandad who is trying so hard at sounding like Doug Bradley that the concentration is making his pins fall out. It's like a group of 15 year old fanboys have got together and thought if you repeat the words 'Flesh', 'Pain', 'Pleasure' over and over again, you've got yourself a hellraiser film. Are their any redeeming qualities? Actually their isn't. And if your one of these people who reads all the reviews and thinks 'i'd like to make up my own mind', this is one of those times you should listen to your conscience, No good will come of it, the world will be a better place for you not watching it, trust me, please!
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So unspeakably bad that even Doug Bradley turned it down
tomgillespie200212 April 2017
There was once, way back, a little horror movie called Hellraiser. From the mind of English writer Clive Barker, the movie took place within a dark world in which the Lament Configuration existed: a puzzle-box fascinating to anyone with an affection for mind games, and irresistible to those looking to push the boundaries of earthly pleasures. It also opened a gateway to Hell, in which a gang of sadistic demons named the Cenobites roamed in search of thrill- seeking fools to prey upon. It is now an established horror classic, and naturally spawned sequels, each declining in quality as the movies were farted out by a Dimension Films keen to keep hold of the rights to a franchise they could someday reboot. A matter of weeks before the rights expired, Dimension, now owned by the Weinstein Company, rushed production on the ninth entry in the series. The result, dubbed Revelations, was such cinematic cancer that Barker took to Twitter page to distance himself from the tripe.

Steven (Nick Eversman) and Nico (Jay Gillespie) are two young horndogs who escape their middle-class family for the seediness of Mexico, where they hope to guzzle tequila, f**k prostitutes, and generally act like annoying a**eholes. A year later, the boys haven't been heard from, and their two families gather for dinner and drinks. Steven's mother Sarah (Devon Sorvari), via a private detective, has obtained her son's video camera, which shows Nico opening the Lament Configuration and being approached by Pinhead (Stephan Smith Collins) and his cronies. We flash back and forth in time between Steven being forced to lure victims for his friend in order to regenerate his body and skin, and the family's utter shock at Steven's sudden re-appearance and increasingly bizarre behaviour.

Series regular and all-round horror icon Doug Bradley turned the movie down. Despite having to straight-face his way through Rick Bota's torturous sequels - which were already taking enough of a dump on Barker's mythology - he took one look at the script and walked away. Newcomer Collins already faced an impossible task of filling such iconic shoes, but with little to do other than rattle a few chains and donning some terrible make-up, he comes across like a chubby kid in cosplay making his own movie at home. The acting is unspeakably bad, with Eversman in particular failing to convince as an actual human person. Director Victor Garcia doesn't seem interested in even half-a****g a set-piece, with the majority of time spent with Steven's cardboard parents fretting over their blood-spattered emo child. There was only one thing in mind when this celluloid sneeze was bungled together: money. A vision that was once so fresh and shocking now represents a studio at its greedy worst, disrespecting the artist who created it all and the fans who love him for it.
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Nowhere As Bad As Is Being Made Out - Apart From The Acting
Theo Robertson6 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Two teenagers Steven Craven and Nico Bradley take a trip to Mexico for a hedonistic holiday where they disappear . A year later the families of the two boys gather at home of Nico's parents where they look through the boys belongings including video-cam that shows the mysterious and shocking last moments of the boys lives . An even bigger shock happens when Nico staggers in to his parents home

I've just found out a new phrase " ashcan copy " which relates to something produced for legal purposes . Apparently The Weinstein Company were going to lose the copyright on the original HELLRAISER so produced REVELATIONS for the sole motive that they'd keep the rights for the remake . I'm not sure what is worse: the fact that someone feels the need to remake the original Clive Barker film , one of the most hauntingly beautiful and intelligent horror movies of the 1980s or the fact we're getting yet another sequel which will have nothing in common with the original . The truth is REVELATIONS despite being a heavily flawed film at least does manage to mirror the original source and from a narrative point of view is certainly one of the better sequels of the franchise

The fundamental problem of the HELLRAISER series is that all the productions have struggled to have anything in common with the original . At least HELLBOUND had the same look and feel of the first film even though it was an incoherent mess that gave the impression it was written as it went along but after that no one seemed to be trying and two of the sequels had the exact same plot of the protagonist experiencing a death dream before being dragged to Hell . At least with REVELATIONS we get plot turns and concepts that feel they belong in the Barker universe with serial killing , stolen skins , sexual deviancy and a derelict stalking the characters . In fact REVELATIONS feels like it's a direct reworking of the Barker original even down to the dialogue which is not something you can say about most of the sequels and if you saw the screenplay before you saw the film you'd be very puzzle-boxed why everyone seems to hate REVELATIONS with a passion

One major problem is that Doug Bradley is replaced as Pinhead and unlike the Doctor in DOCTOR WHO and James Bond Pinhead is Bradley and Bradley is Pinhead . Stephan Smith Collins has a good try in the role but even if you've only got vague memories of the other films you're aware the actor has been recast and is doomed for that very reason . That said Collins is by no means the worst actor in the cast because that belongs to Jay Gillespie as Nico who when he has to turn mean and nasty has the audience laughing out loud while feeling sympathy that someone with such little talent has been given such a pivotal role in a film . Honestly I doubt if I've seen such a worse actor bring down a film and watching REVELATIONS you're reminded how good Andrew Robinson and Sean Chapman were playing the villains in the original

HELLRAISER REVELATIONS is far from being the worst of the HELLRAISER sequels and surpasses most of them by having the same sleazy themes of the 1987 film that set it apart from the other films of the 1980s . The problem lies that the recasting of Pinhead has alienated the fans of the series and if Bradley had been cast the same people would be falling over themselves to praise this movie . On a story level it does feel like a HELLRAISER continuation but is let down by some dreadful acting
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My TV wanted to power itself off
blackpoint23 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This movie lacks so many things that it would be easier to write what it does not, but than this review would probably be an empty page.

When the first opening of the cube happens, it should show the actual opening, the walls should tremble and crack, but all this is greatly missed through the whole movie. No effects at all, except a bit of blue light on the cube and at the end a small effect on the cube that should be already shown at the beginning.

Only horror in all this is the acting. Devon Sorvari that plays one of the moms is the worst. No mom would ever act like she does when her son returns. Most of the time she just stands by with her hands crossed, she shows more care for the other mom than her own son that just escaped cenobites. So unconvincing that it insults viewers and Tracey Fairaway that plays daughter-sister is no exception.

One of many things that i noticed right at the beginning is "sonsodyne" white teeth on the cenobites, would it be so hard to cover those polished teeth a bit. A demon-monster from hell that got its teeth bleached. But than again, why worry about white teeth on cenobites when they appear for like 90 seconds altogether.

I get that its low budget movie, but still.. some effects could be added when cube opens, this is computer age after all. And i'm sure that decent actors could be hired. Perhaps it˙s all directors fault, maybe he was not able to pull out the best in actors, i don't know. Bottom line is, no effects, movie is bad, acting in it is bad. Think its not to harsh saying, its trash altogether.

Only thing that convinced me to watch it to the end, was a nice plot when it showed Steven is actually Nico. There was one additional minute that i enjoyed and was interesting, that was at the end it self. I don't get it why scenes like last minute of the movie were not included before. I rate this move absolute 1/10, no matter of the end and the Steven-Nico plot.
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Entertaining for a Hellraiser-fan
Djaevulens1 August 2012
As a VERY big fan of the Hellraiser series I had very small hopes for this movie as I learned that Doug Bradley had nothing to do with this film.

Anyhow. I already prepared myself for a bad film before I saw Hellraiser: Revelations so I rounded up a few beers in front of me watching it and I gotta say.. it really wasn't that bad! It may have been the beers that made me look beyond the bad acting, the bad script, the bad effects and all the way too obviously fake crying and e.t.c.. But hey, Take a look at the budget they had! Its a pretty good piece of work for $300,000!

I found this film to be good entertainment even though it didn't have all the features you would wish for.

You as a Hellraiser fan might like it too if you can look beyond all the cheesiness. A good advice is to drink some beer, it really makes you more open-minded watching this.
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madpredator21 January 2018
This movie is not THAT BAD! Attention: 2.8 is NOT FAIR score!

I agree, it might not be the best movie I have ever seen, but it is not the worst one either! Don't look the IMDB score, give it a try!

1) Yes, it has new Pinhead, but Mr. Collins did a great job. And yes, we all have Doug Bradley's face in our heads, but don't hate the change!

2) It has all the core and violence needed. Cutting faces, stretching skin, raping, killing, torturing in all imaginary ways and much more!

3) Special effects are good enough! If I think about the budget (around $350k), I actually loved the effects. There are many movies with cheap special effects and unrealistic CGI and they look much worse! This one actually stays quite realistic.

4) It has twists, mixed with scenes from the past and the present and it is rather hard to guess, what comes next. Love the way how the storyline was built up!

5) It's psychological! Fucked up minds taking over. It builds up characters, good is not always good, or if it was good, it might not stay that way!

6) It's not typical Hollywood! That's my favorite part actually.

Hellraiser is not dead!

Story: 6 Presentation: 6 Special effects: 6

But because it has Pinhead, I give it 8
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This beats "Hellworld" by miles!
MrBigDub26 October 2011
This is my first review so please bear with me. I am a recent fan of the Hellraiser series and Hellraiser 3: Hell on Earth is my personal favorite.

I purchased this movie, Hellraiser: Revelations, yesterday and I got to say; I'm not certain why everybody is bashing this one. This is NOT the worst Hellraiser sequel ("Hellworld" still retains that title). Victor Garcia has booted Rick Bota out of the director's chair and gave us a flick that, fortunately, is much closer to the first two movies (and probably with less than half the money) than "Hellworld".

The number one criticism seems to be Doug Bradley's absence. I do agree on this point. Mr. Bradley turned down this role because he knew he couldn't keep up with the two-week schedule. It's true, his presence would have improved the film immensely. Stephan Smith Collins and Fred Tatasciore do a decent job but, there is no substitute for Bradley. I find it interesting though, that they had to dub in another voice for Pinhead. Does Stephan Collins' voice really sound that bad?

Never the less, "Revelations" is a great sequel is it's own right. I like this one a lot more than the previous sequel. Clive Barker has distanced himself from this one despite the fact it's "Hellworld" not "Revelations" he should be concerned about. If you are watching the series in order; after "Deader" you might want to skip "Hellworld" and go straight to "Revelations". This is a much better movie. Doug Bradley may be sorely missed but, Rick Bota certainly isn't. I give this review 7 out of 10. One negative star for Doug Bradley's absence and two negative stars for Collins and Tatasciore giving us a not-as-effective Pinhead.
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I can't say this is a "good" film, but I feel the need to defend it.
sNate876 August 2019
I am writing this as I have binge watched the entire Hellraiser franchise front to back. This film being the only one I had never seen before. Having only heard terrible things, I prepared myself for the worst. Honestly... while I can't say I truly liked it, it was definitely my favorite since Inferno. The big complaint seems to be "no Doug Bradley", but who cares? Did anyone of you even watch Hellworld?!

To backtrack a little, Inferno, Hellseeker, Deader and Hellworld, were all non-Pinhead related scripts originally. You can absolutely notice this when you watch them. I am a fan of Inferno, I think it was cleverly re-written to feature the Cenobites, but you can definitely tell it was something else before that.

Hellseeker and Deader, seem to suffer from the leads constantly waking up from nothing but "bad dreams" (*cue stinger sound*!). It gets rather repetitive and annoying. These two also suffer from some glaringly bad CGI, something the earlier films shied away from.

Now Hellworld... Where do I begin on Hellworld? This was some awful post-2000 slasher script that was rewritten into a Hellraiser movie. The Cenobites are treated as jokes and nothing but an online game (like a bad mixture of New Nightmare and Halloween Resurrection almost). The dialogue is some of the most frustrating stuff I've ever had to sit through. They even pull out the cliché, "this is like something out of a bad horror movie". The characters suck, the acting sucks, the story sucks, the writing sucks, the pop-rock soundtrack sucks. It is a painful experience. I can't believe Doug Bradley agreed to this garbage, yet turned down Revelations.

Now finally, Revelations. I prepared myself for the worst. I will say that the guy playing Pinhead is nowhere near as good, but oh well. I'd rather rate based on content of the film.

A script written actually intended to be a Hellraiser film? Yes, finally! And it shows! This is honestly much more closer in nature to the first two Hellraiser films than any other in the series (with maybe the exception of the newest Judgment).

CGI? Practically none! All the delightful blood and gore (and chains) are back to being practical. Thank you!

There were honestly a couple scenes that made me slightly uncomfortable and shocked me a tiny bit. Something that hadn't happened in this franchise for a very long time. I basically rolled my eyes through the last three before this.

The downside is you can definitely tell this production is rushed, and the acting isn't all that great. But you know what? They tried. It's dark, the subject matter is disturbing, and the Cenobites act as close as they did to their source material since Hellbound.

I rated this film a 4/10, though I feel it will rise upon a future rewatch.

Just because Doug Bradley isn't in this movie doesn't mean it's total garbage. If you truly think that way, I urge you to rewatch this and Hellworld back to back. If that doesn't change your mind, I don't know what else to say. Maybe you just enjoy CGI gore and Pinhead being reduced to a slasher who spouts one-liners. But I sure don't.
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