The Amazing Bulk (Video 2012) Poster

(2012 Video)

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If there was a word to sum up The Amazing Bulk, "amazing" would not be it
TheLittleSongbird8 February 2015
Even when taking into account that it's low-budget and taking it for what it is(which is not to take it seriously), that did not stop The Amazing Bulk from being an abomination and a truly embarrassing one at that, one where it is so amateurishly done that it would be impossible to get any novelty value.

The Amazing Bulk has to be down there with the cheapest-looking movies ever, with the (over)use of green screen looking so painfully fake. It's drably shot and looks like it was edited on a near-broken bacon-slicer(especially in the "running", in speech marks but I am not sure what it was, scenes), while the cartoony special effects look a minimum of 25 years out of date. The Monster not only looks terrible(an external review likened it to the "love child of Tor and Barney the Dinosaur" and that is a perfect summation) but is not threatening or entertaining in the slightest, it barely does anything even. The music is over-bearing and more often than not doesn't fit at all and often an excuse to show how many pre-existing tunes you can find in one movie, which are nearly all out-of-place.

It's an incredibly badly written movie too and that's being kind. The dialogue is so childish and awkward that it'd make the toes curl, if a student submitted this script as a writing assignment they would fail, and not narrowly, we're talking catastrophically. The story is stupid, unoriginal and dull and nothing else with a good number of random and irrelevant scenes, there is nothing thrilling, suspenseful or entertaining here(any fun anyone might get out of the movie would be unintentional). The stereotypical characters are obnoxious and one-note with very little personality injected in them. There is a distinct lack of effort and care in the direction and as for the awfulness of the acting, where to begin? It's almost non-existent, mannequins show more emotion and that is not a joke. With exception of the incongruously and annoyingly over-the-top General who belongs somewhere else altogether.

Overall, an abomination in every area with nothing even halfway decent about it. 0/10 Bethany Cox
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Unwatchable. Not Suitable For Bad Movie Night
blazewolf-5255517 March 2016
This movie is marketed as "The Room" of superhero movies. This is not even that. Some movies are good, some are bad, some are so bad they're good and then there are very special movies that are so bad, so god awful that that they are unwatchable. This movie belongs to that last category. The thing about movies that re so bad they're good is that some effort went into making them. This didn't have that. They bought graphics and used a green screen, and very poorly at that. The acting is terrible, the shots are all so awful, the CG, my god the CG was atrocious and...I really don't know what else to say. The final nail in the coffin is that when they realized how bad their movie was, they quoted an article calling it the room of of superhero movies (which I believe is giving it too much credit) and they market it that way, trying to make it sound ironic, like that this is worth picking up for bad movie night. If you ever see this movie on a store shelf and you need something for bad movie night, don't pick this one! For the love of God, pick something else! The makers of this movie do not deserve the money they make from this crap! FIND SOMETHING ELSE!
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I've never seen a movie where every aspect is wrong
ramoncarrasquel6 April 2016
The Amazing Bulk may be the worst movie ever made, even worse than Saving Christmas or Kod Adi K.O.Z, and here's why

Story: 1/10

the story doesn't make any sense, there are some many things that don't make sense, and there are many sub plots, that not only are bad, but don't connect with the plot at all.The dialogue in this is movie is terrible, the writer must have take a giant turd on the script to make it this bad,and the whole story is a rip-off of The Increidble Hulk

Acting: 1/10

the actors don't know what acting is, they make their performance so bad, that makes the acting of Troll 2 and The Room look good in comparison

Visual Effects: 1/10

MY GOD, the visual effects of this movie are AWFUL, not only is unbearable to watch, but all is filmed on green screen or in random websites that the director found, it wasn't better to film it in real life environments?, and also the characters models are terrible (like Bulk, a monkey, a dog, Robin Hood)

Characters: 1/10

I just going to resume with this, all the characters are one dimensional or annoying

Editing: 1/10

the editing of this horrible, the transition scenes are poorly made, the characters don't feel like there are in the backgrounds, the are scenes that doesn't make sense and don't have connection with the plot

Conclusion: The Amazing Bulk is maybe the worst movie of all time, everything about it is wrong the acting, writing, directing, editing, visual effects, characters. Don't watch this movie it will make your eyes bleed, and it's not of those movies that are so bad they're good

Overall: 1/10 a perfect example of how not make a movie
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Do not hurt your brain by watching this
bobbynitefall17 March 2016
That is, unless you have no brain to lose.

There is not one single person from this "film" that should ever work in films again.

Take a bunch of stock footage and animation that couldn't have been made after 1999 and try to build a movie around it using "actors" who are really glorified baristas of waiters and should never be called actors.

The best actor in the film in the bulk and he's laughably badly done.

Everything is done in front of a green screen with tiny sound, badly filmed and badly acted. The director kept blaming a micro-budget but you can find so much better stuff on your average youtube channel.

Speaking of Youtube, check out this review of the "movie". It will give you an even better idea how bad this stinker is.
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My Brain Hurts! But At Least I Got A Good Laugh Out of It.

As easily the most rip off film ever made. "The Amazing Bulk" is an essential in how not to make a film. With horrible visuals, bad acting, and garbage screenplay: this is a film that should avoided, but like a so bad it's good movie, it's worth at least one watch.

The Story & Characters:

Centering around a scientist who gets turned into a purple monster. This film has some of the worst writing of any film, and most nonsensical plot.

From a villain that makes no sense. And had basically no relavence. He could be taken out the movie, and it wouldn't change that much. To backwards motivations of every character. The film has no understanding of how to write a screenplay.

And when the film tries to be funny, the jokes are just confusing. Like when the villain is messing with some sattelites. It appears that the sattelites are trying to mimic sex. But the joke isn't funny and makes no sense. It's only when it's unintentionally funny, that the film gets a laugh.

The Visuals:

Bad CGI, horrible practical effects, and an over use of bad green screen. Now, many might see me as a hypocrite, claiming this, as I have stated that I like the Star Wars Prequels. And those films notorious for the use of special effects. Well, those films had effects that were very revolutionary for the time. I mean, ILM (the company George Lucas had), had to invent some of the technology themselves. And people loved them back when it came out. But this has no excuse.

First off, even though it was made in 2012, they're somehow than films that came out more than 10 years earlier. And the budget was very low, so the use green screen was a bad choice. It makes every frame look like an episode of "Blue's Clues". And it's embarrassing that thought it looked good. But kind of hilarious.


This film is terrible. A great example of a bad movie. A movie that gives me a headache when I think about it. But makes me busy out laughing when I watch. This movie sucks, but I love it.
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Work of art
willdidonna17 July 2018
Bad but in a funny way, kinda like the room. In all seriousness this movie is so awful it is actually somewhat enjoyable to laugh at.
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More like "The Atrocious Bulk"
kaiserh-6140220 March 2016
This has got to be the most awful movies I've ever had the misfortune to watch, most of the scenes are absolutely atrocious as they were bought online, the ending made absolutely no sense and almost made me die with laughter, the scene where "The Amazing Bulk" dies was nonsensical, the only good thing about this movie, is when it ended as my eyes were burning from this absolute garbage and by the end of this I ended this suffering by completely eradicating its existence. I would NEVER recommend this movie to anyone, if you see this at a shop, tell them to destroy the garbage because if they watch this useless time wasting crap called a "movie", they'll cringe to death.
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This isn't a movie.
Java_Joe20 December 2017
This shows up on a lot of worst movies lists and I can see why but don't kid yourself, this isn't a movie. This is a cry for attention.

The creator wants people to believe that this is a spoof. He wants us to believe that he did this on purpose. The fact is he probably went out of his way to make a "movie" but he just failed to put in any effort. The story itself is pretty much a retelling of The Incredible Hulk. You have a scientist who creates a formula that adds muscle. He injects himself and in times of great stress turns into a purple abomination they dub The Amazing Bulk. He has a girlfriend. He wants to marry her but her military man father doesn't like him. As I said, it's just the Hulk.

What you'll see in this movie is that it's very shoddily done. Everything is shot in front of a green screen. And I mean everything. This is because the director just got whatever royalty free CGI images and animations and used them in his movie then built the story around them. This is why we see a green troll walking through a cave. This is why we see a leprechaun. This is why there's a castle. And this is why we have a creature called The Amazing Bulk.

Images and animations are used and reused throughout the movie. For example the evil scientist heads down to his lab and there, in the corner, is a CGI monkey playing with a toy rocket. There's no reason for it to be there. There's no explanation why it's there. It's just there because the director got it and decided to use it. The entire movie is made up of things like this. And of course people shifting their weight from one side to the other in front of a green screen to make it seem like they're walking. That happens a lot.

All in all this really has no reason to exist. It's not funny in a so bad it's good kind of way. It's not enjoyably bad. It's just bad. Give this one a pass.
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Worst movie ever made
ultramcgm13 March 2016
This has to be the worst movie ever made in the history of anything ever. It must have been made on Microsoft paint. EVERYTHING is in green screen. They couldn't find a single place to make this. It was recorded using an IPhone 4. The quality and everything about this movie is beyond my belief. I don't see how anyone could watch a single second of this. The acting isn't even good enough for a 10 subscriber YouTube video! The person who thought this was even slightly acceptable was out of their mind, and that's not even the worst part. The CGI of this "Amazing Bulk" is ridiculous. Look at the trailer. It's terrible. Never going to watch such a "thing" again. I would rate this 0/10 if I could
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I hate dust!
cadenator-832532 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Well 'aint Barney the purple dinosaur! Would you like something, big??? Yes! Would you like something, hmm, hard??? Yes, Yes!
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Critics are ignorant commies
RainbowSixCeej20 September 2018
Great movie. I liked it because it was very dramatic and the set pieces were good.
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Thoroughly enjoyable
frenchie-mac31 August 2020
Two of my friends and I watched this, we consider ourselves veterans of watching painfully bad films, but this brought it to another level. From the science lab scenes to the monstrosity that is the 'chase scene', we couldn't stop watching. Highly recommended for people that have absolutely zero taste in film.
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This movie is amazing at how bad, it is! It's semi-watchable.
ironhorse_iv13 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is funny, at first, but by the end, it's clearly wore-out its welcome. It's not even that funny for 'it's so bad, it's good'. To the best of my knowledge, the people that made this film are known; cheapskates. They're most famous for making knock-off comic book mockbusters movies like 2008's Metal Man & 2009's The Black Knight – Returns; ripping off both 2008's Iron Man & Dark Knight. Both director Lewis Schoenbrun, and producer David Sterling, could really care less, if their movie sucks, as long as they make money off of it, piggy-backing on the publicity of the major film. Yes, it's a shameless con to get audience to watch their films. While, I don't agree, with their tactics, I have to say, it's somewhat works. After all, it got me, curious enough, to check out, how bad, their movies are. After viewing this, I have to say this movie has to be one of their worst looking films, ever. Even the Incredible Hulk character from the comic books thinks it need to be crushed. The movie was made to capitalize on the semi-hit film of 2008's Incredible Hulk, and cheaply made for a 2010 release. The producers didn't find, anybody willing to put it on DVD until mid: 2012. Once again, it was trying to exploit the popularity of the Hulk, when the first Avengers movie came out, also came out that same year. I don't know, who says this movie was release in 2013, because it's clearly not. Having previously produced two other superhero mockbusters, this movie is harmlessly bad, catering a lower budget of your typical Asylum mockbuster. The whole of the movie was filmed in front of a static green screen as if they were trying to go all comic book feel like 2006's 300/2005's Sin City with a computer background, but I think, otherwise. I think they just didn't feel like paying for film locations. Anyways, this meant, when actors had to act, they had to do it in one spot, so that the green screen can work. The attempts to merge it with live action fail embarrassingly. This made walking or running look really awkward. I guess, the computer company only made a few backgrounds that the film makers could use, and so a lot of those locations tend to repeat multiple times. The ones that wasn't made by a computer company, were clearly noticeable. They were NASA stock footage or home video footage of some type of state fair. Then, there are the drawings background that look like a preschooler made it with Microsoft Paint. It's missing a lot of detail. The green screen effects themselves looks dated, as if they were using a 1990s computer graphics model. This meant a lot of cartoonish 3D clip art like animation. Things in the background, looks out of place, in the wrong size, or just there for some oddly done reason. There are just way too many ridiculous objects and animals that get screen time because the CG models were pre-existing. They don't care, if the CG models doesn't makes any sense with what's going on, the screen. The movie has also, so really gimmicky with its transience editing from one shot to the other. It looks weird for the camera is zoom in, or zoom out of objects. Another thing is the monster, Bulk. He looks like a badly made computer animation, California Raisin Michael Chicklas that got beaten by an ugly stick. The CGI Bulk moves in the most non-threaten way, as it's skipping, or speed walking. In close shots, they couldn't use the CGI bulk, so they use a toy prop hand painted purple as a stand-in for him. In other shots, the movie clumsily paint the actor's back purple to make it look like, the Bulk was attacking. Wow- they don't even look the same. The human characters are just as bad with their over the top hammy, or underwhelming delivery. I can't understand, how dumb the one-liners and dialogue is. The movie tries to do some humor, but most of the jokes are misses than hits. The sex jokes are just painful to listen to. The movie pacing drags for moments, throughout the film, just to make sure, the audience gets the joke. The movie is way too long for the simple plot. The movie tells the story of Henry 'Hank' Howard (Jordan Lawson) an ambitious but frustrated young scientist, trying to develop a super human serum designed to improve muscle mass and prolong life expectancy. His boss and father in law, the evil General Darwin (Terence Lording), will not allow Hank to marry his daughter, Hannah (Shevaun Kastl), until the experiment is a success. Against Darwin's wishes, Hank attempts to propose to Hannah, but his life is shattered by a criminal, Dr. Werner von Kantlove (Randal Malone) who just blew up, most of the world, and now plans to blow the moon, due to feeling dejected. Feeling like he has to do something, Hank injects himself with the experimental serum and is transformed into the Bulk. Now it's a quest to stop, Kantlove and save the world, before it's too late. Without spoiling the movie's twist ending. I just have to say, the movie's last action chase scene is the one that broke me. I had to turn it off. It was clear, that film was made to be deliberately appalling with a semi-dull and unoriginal story. Overall: This movie has some entertaining value due to how surreal, the visuals are and it's use of classical music. Other than that, it's a piece of crap.
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worldsworstwryter31 March 2022
I'm pretty certain that this was made as a joke.

It's supposedly a parody, but I don't think the director actually knows what a parody is. Hot Fuzz, or Airplane are parodies of genres. This is not that. This is a joke, and not a good one.

If it was made with a hint of genuine intent then I would've enjoyed it. But personally, sincerity is my favourite thing about movies. My top 4 favourite films of all time have that in common. The Room is known as one of the worst films ever, but Tommy Wiseau tried his absolute best to make the movie he wanted, he had passion and sincerity which makes the movie incredibly endearing to me.

The Amazing Bulk is basically the opposite of that. Nobody put a modicum of effort into this and you can tell. It's a passionless joke and I'll always hate it for that.
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Worst Film Of All Time.
Wade_C11 April 2020
Screw Cats, Screw The Fanatic, Screw Battlefield: Earth, Screw Catwoman, Screw literally every mockbuster, This film takes the cake for worst film of all time. I cannot even explain it either. Watch it, Just watch it, It is free on youtube, so if you want to understand my rating/review, You'll just have to watch the movie, but I'll try to explain it. Worst Special Effects, Worst Editing, Worst Sound Mixing, Worst Soundtrack, Worst Ending, Worst Villain(s), just worst everything.
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James_Tiberius_Kirk13 November 2017
I love bad movies, movies that are so bad they make you laugh. Movies that tried but failed – where the actors are bad, but there is a will to try, the wish to make something. This has nothing of that, this is just plain miserable and headache-inducing. If you ever wondered what a movie needs to do to stop being called movie, that's it. I would not recommend this, even for so-bad-they're-good movies aficionados.
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Burn it.
browningwar6 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Look, I know that a lot of parody movies are intended to be bad, but this is no exception. While there are creators who make their movie intentionally bad (but on a certain degree to where it's actually enjoyable), they also put in effort to make it good. Then there are those creators who intentionally make it bad and get extremely lazy and sloppy with their "work", Lewis Schoenbrun (the director of The Amazing Bulk) definitely falls into the last one. It's like he made the movie effortlessly bad, adding all of the atrocious CGI animations and unnecessary backdrops for no rhyme or reason at all.

The animations are either there for shiz and giggles, or are completely out of place and have absolutely nothing to do with the movie. Like the monkey playing with the rocket at the villain's (yes, there's a villain) lair, the random kids at a playground, and last but certainly not least, a dog in a cave with a goblin. These animations make no sense, it's as if they're just there because the editors didn't want to waste all of the other CGI animations they've bought. Not to mention the extremely weird and "so not obvious" sexual innuendos placed in there, like the spacecrafts and the villain's "jokes".

The acting.. The God forsaken acting.. Please, do not put these actors in anymore movies if you actually value the quality in it. Other than that, be my guest.

TL;DR: Do not buy this movie. Do not watch it. Do not even look at it. If you're planning on buying this for laughs, don't bother, you won't get any.

Adiós! - Jade
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One of the biggest travesties in cinematic history.
jadonmartinez2 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Watching this "movie" was genuinely one of the worst experiences of my life. Every transition, every edit hurt to watch, everything in the 76 minutes of viewing felt agonizing and torturous.

The film roughly following the plot of any Hulk story, with the exception of everything being terrible. Every scene of this film is shot on a green screen, which has worked in films like Sin City, but this film pulls it off about as well as Attack of the Clones. Well, almost.

The ending is one of the most ridiculous and insane thing I've ever seen in my life. There was no reason for anything that occurred during the ending. Zeus, soccer kids, flying dogs, I spent the last 10 minutes of the screening with a shocked look on my face according to my friend who watched it with me.

Overall, I would not recommend this movie for anyone except die-hard Red Letter Media fans or people who are into masochism as this film is worse than water boarding.
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An insult to the viewer and bad cinema
Flunky3k24 December 2018
Many of us enjoy a genuine effort to make a movie that results in a hot mess. Part of the sadistic joy is recognizing many diligent months if not years were poured into the work, only to fall gloriously short.

This movie flips the story. Luring you into the promise of a genuine Z movie, but instead is an extraordinarily lazy, pathetic, painful effort to pump out something straight to ignominious glory. This is not Birdemic. This is not the Miami Connection. It's just crap for crap's sake. Not worthy of dishonorable mention. Just indifference.
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bmorgan-8669921 June 2017
This film is just LAZY. The film maker(if you can even call him that) just wanted to make a quick buck, and so decided to put no effort into the movie and just hire an artist to make a Hulk-ripoff cover. This movie took precious time from my life that could have been productive and wasted on lazy slop. My only complement is that it's not After Last Season. Avoid this drivel at all costs.
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Everything you could ever want from a movie
bryanpatrickrue18 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Plot - 10/10, I have never seen such a profound plot in my life. Never before has there been a story more true to life than an obese German mad scientist firing a Saturn V rocket to destroy the moon.

Acting/Writing/Characters - 10/10, These actors must have studied their characters for years to get all of the nuances into their performances. "I hate dust." God, the dialogue is so great!

Special Effects - 11/10, EAT YOUR HEART OUT, INFINITY WAR!!! This is one of the most gorgeous pieces of film ever released to the general public. Every single piece of CGI is completely photo-realistic and suspension of disbelief isn't even needed at all!

God, this film is absolutely perfect in every way, shape, and form!

In all seriousness though, this movie is awful as hell and can only be enjoyed if you throw every single expectation you could possibly have for film out the window. If you go in with that mindset, or if you're drunk/high/dying slowly from disease, you will have a blast. If you have any expectations AT ALL, you will be disappointed beyond belief.
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Has its flaws, but has a quirky art style, is reasonably well-paced, and well-acted by the lead.
willman8529 January 2019
I actually like the art style of this flick. It's very cute, quirky, and has a fantastical graphic-novel-esque quality.

The music is terrible. It sounds cheap. Too much use of stock music. It gets grating! However, the dialogue is recorded and delivered clearly (to be fair, on occasion it is inconsistent with room echo, but it's mostly done pretty well on the whole).

The acting does the job and in particular the lead is well-acted.

Overall the pacing is great. The story may be very derivative, but nonetheless it is neither boring, tedious nor badly told. And not only is the storytelling dramatic, but so is Jordan Lawson's performance as Henry "Hank" Howard (the eponymous Bulk).

For me, it was a reasonably entertaining feature-length. Obviously the production values are low, but it was never a trudging grind to get through - which is the main thing, isn't it?
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So Abysmal, but a heck of a ride
cesar_augusto27 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers do I start? No, seriously, somebody give me a hand, I think I lost several braincells watching this flick.

So....first of all, you gotta admire the seriousness they wanted to put while set against some of the most ATROCIOUS green screen effects I've ever seen in my life! The 3D modeling was just horrendous, to the point where this whole movie, I was laughing histericaly at every single suck-ish detail. And speaking of 3D, the monster, the "Bulk" if you must, if you have ever watched Attack on Titan, you might know how the said titans can often run in some of the most hilarious ways possibles, like spasming chicken that grew arms and have no idea what to do with it. But while that make those guys creepy, in this movie, it just made it funnier. The plot itself was kinda...meh. The characters weren't that specially weird, except for the villain. That guy...deserves an Oscar, seriously. He made villains from power rangers seen serious! He makes Jim Carrey as Count Olaf seen SUBTLE!

Most of the tracking shots were Painfully slow, and I mean, using the whole soundtrack, made me want o pull that card from Monty Python and say "GET ON WITH IT!"

The only long scene where you actually want to enjoy, is the chase scene....OH MY GOD, where do I start again? the stock footages...the characters, the was INSANE! I think the only way to sum up this scene, or rather, this whole movie, is with three letters I know everyone knows the meaning: WTF?

That aside, if you want a mockbuster that will make you laugh out of control, this movie is a must-see.
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The WORST movie ever made.
Achoo4226 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched The Room. I've watched both Birdemics. I've watched Laserblast, Oogieloves and the Big Balloon Adventure, Cool Cat Saves the Kids, Plan 9 from Outer Space, Trolls 2, and a whole other load of unimaginable crap.

I've even watched Ratatoing, The Little Panda Fighter, and the Fred movies. Yes. I've watched the Fred movies.

And this shines above the rest. "Shines" is kind of an ironic word, because this movie in no way shines.

Highs: None. This is a "so bad it's bad" movie, not a "so bad it's good" movie.

Lows: Everything. The very first scenes were already incoherent. The entire movie was incoherent. The CGI was unbelievably poor. Even worse than Birdemic, pretty much because it's LAZY. Only 6 of the CGI scenes were made for the actual movie. Everything else was taken off random websites. If you watch the movie, there will be random confusing sh!t because the director was too lazy to hire an animator. The Amazing Bulk is supposed to be a spoof, or 'mockbuster' of the Incredible Hulk. It has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the Incredible Hulk, other than the fact that Hulk rhymes with Bulk. You thought the CGI Hulk was bad? Well, the Bulk is worse. A thousand times worse. It's a naked purple piece of jell-o. In fact, if they animated jell-o, it'd look better. There are no real scenes in this movie. Everything is behind a greenscreen.The acting is abysmal. There are zero redeeming qualities behind this movie. Even Trolls 2 had unintentional hilarity. The worst thing about this movie is that the director KNOWS it's terrible and tries to make a joke out of it. Basically, he's going like "Yeah, the movie is bad. But it's intentionally bad so it's god. Our budget was low anyways". No. A bad movie is good when it's ironically funny. This was not. It's so bad, and the director is SO desperate, that they advertise it as "The Room of Superhero Movies". That is a complete act of desperation that just kills any enjoyability this movie had.

Verdict: Again, the worst movie ever made. Ever. Give this movie a wide, wide, berth.
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