Anneliese: The Exorcist Tapes (Video 2011) Poster

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Anneliese The Exorcist Tapes: Exploitative
Platypuschow20 February 2019
The Exorcist Tapes is the third movie in the very loose Paranormal Entity/Investigations franchise and is made by infamous production company The Asylum (Who I'm sure I don't need to introduce).

It tells the true story of Anneliese Michel and the case of her supposed exorcism and the two warring factions who tried to decide her fate. The doctors who wanted her to go to a hospital and seek medical treatment and the parents/priests who deemed her possessed and demanded she be subject to an exorcism.

The movie plays out as if it's real footage of the event which I find a tad exploitative and in bad taste considering the true story, what happened and the fate that Anneliese was finally dealt.

In true Paranormal Entity and Asylum tradition the movie looks ugly, has no budget behind it, has a mediocre cast and people behind the camera who must have just graduated amateur film school.

If you want to know the story of Ms.Michel then google it, maybe watch the documentary but leave this nonsense in the cold where it belongs.

The Good:


The Bad:

Rather bad taste pretending it's real footage based on what actually happened

Everything is just so poor
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I laughed a lot although that wasn't the intention of the makers
trashgang28 July 2012
I never came across a DVD called Anneliese: The Exorcist Tapes. But I do came across Paranormal Entity 3. And let that be the same flick. Pure commercially chosen that title but be advised. It had nothing to do with paranormal entities. It is in fact a pure possession flick. It was based on the story of Anneliese Michel.

Anneliese Michel (21 September 1952 – 1 July 1976) was a German Catholic woman who was said to be possessed by demons and subsequently underwent an exorcism. The case has been labelled as a misidentification of mental illness, negligence, abuse, and religious hysteria. When she was sixteen, she suffered a severe convulsion and was diagnosed as having epilepsy. Soon, she began hallucinating while praying. In 1973, she suffered from depression and began to hear voices telling her that she was "damned" and would "rot in hell". On 1 July 1976, Anneliese died in her sleep. The autopsy report stated the cause of death as malnutrition and dehydration from almost a year of semi-starvation while the rites of exorcism were performed. She weighed 68 pounds (30.91 kilograms). Three motion pictures, The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005), Requiem (2006), and the Asylum film Anneliese: The Exorcist Tapes, are loosely based on Michel's story.

Horror buffs will have noticed one word, The Asylum. Again, Asylum films tried to pick in on the success of a blockbuster. sadly they failed. The flick has nothing to offer. The first second I laughed out loud already by seeing a so-called German. What a cliché that was. Not only that, they tried to let English actors to speak English with a German accent. It sounded like inspector Clouseau...Further we have a lot of priests just talking and stating in front of the camera about Anneliese. Anneliese herself didn't look possessed. She looked like a girl waking up with her eye make-up still on. Nobody really was convincing. What was interesting was the use of real audio footage of Anneliese but sadly they edited it 3 times into the flick.

A very annoying turkey, maybe if you watch it p*ssed and proud you do will have a laugh. The only thing that it had in common with the paranormal entity franchise was the nudity (boobs) in it. And they do distract you from the story. Maybe her juggs were possessed?

Gore 0/5 Nudity 0,5/5 Effects 0/5 Story 1/5 Comedy 2/5
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not the worse but still really bad and funny at times
atinder16 March 2014
Paranormal Entity 3: The Exorcist Tapes AKA Anneliese: The Exorcist Tapes

Well in the UK Paranormal Entity as four movies in this series, they all stand alone movies, in series, all have different names in US.

I enjoyed Paranormal Entity I thought was very decent movie, then the second at the times was called Paranormal Entity 2 aka Gacy House (2010), Which I thought it was very boring and did not like it at all.

This movie dose not take long to get going at all, strange things start to happen as first few scenes of the movie, they okay but nothing we not seen before and done a lot better.

Another thing never really moved the story forward, they just stayed on the same level for all of the movie.

It kept me watching me the whole movie, I wasn't bored and even with some of the bad acting and some really bad script.

The movie wasn't actually scary or even creepy and I find most parts very funny and I laughed so many time, my brother asked me what comedy are you watching lol

3 out of 10
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Yet another awful Asylum "mockbuster"
Shattered_Wake5 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The Asylum. Just saying the words is enough to send chills up the spine & bile up the esophagus. For years, the so-called filmmakers at this trash factory have been doing little more than churning out some of the worst movies in anyone's memories. From their so-bad- they're-completely awful SyFy originals like 'Mega Piranha vs. Who Gives a Damn' to their appalling 'mockbusters' like 'Transmorphers,' The Asylum has been able to set a new bar for just how low one can go in the film industry. And, yet, no matter how deep they dig into the septic systems of their imaginations, somehow these scam artists manage to just keep on going. This time, their target is the exorcist subgenre, especially the recent success 'The Last Exorcism.'

With 'Anneliese: The Exorcist Tapes,' director Jude Gerard Prest (which is more likely than not a pseudonym since no one would want to put their real name to a film like this) and his team of misfits flat out lie, telling the world (well, the small damned percentage of the world that is unfortunate to witness this disaster) that what this film is actually real. Yeah, real garbage. From almost the first frame, 'Anneliese' tries to be simply a compilation of what made other exorcist movies work, but they just assemble their own moronic versions of those elements. Even the opening cloned, almost completely, a scene from William Friedkin's 'The Exorcist.' I suppose the writers thought this could pass because of their claim that the 'Anneliese' videos inspired Friedkin's movie. . . even though 'The Exorcist' was inspired by the book by William Peter Blatty. . . which was inspired by an entirely different exorcism of a boy. 'The Exorcism of Emily Rose' is the film that was actually based (however loosely) on the events of the Anneliese Michel incident.

Friedkin's groundbreaking horror masterpiecce isn't the only film "borrowed from" for this production. We also revisit some exciting (eh. . .) scenes from 'The Last Exorcism,' 'Paranormal Activity' (which was already mockbusted by The Asylum with 'Paranormal Entity'), and a few others. Strangely enough, the film even stretches to copy itself by randomly flashing back to its own scenes only moments after those scenes happen, almost as if the crew was so proud of their work that they just had show it twice. . . but, that can't be true, so they were probably bloating the film to hit a reasonable runtime since they didn't have the brains to actually flesh out a full script.

Visually, the film is just a mess. To bring realism (maybe?) to the otherwise ridiculous creation, three different cameras are used throughout. . . or just the same camera with three different filters: black & white, sepia, & super 8 grainy. Add this to the eye-raping cinematography and 'Anneliese' is about as enjoyable to look at Alex DeLarge's forced theatre trip in 'A Clockwork Orange.' Luckily, most viewers will probably spend more time watching the clock waiting for the movie to end thanks to the excruciatingly grueling pace of the writer's amateurish script, which was probably the only thing worse about this movie than the directing, editing, and cinematography.

Final Verdict: 1/10.

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TheLittleSongbird10 September 2012
What an awful movie. While it is not completely irredeemable, Nicki Muller tries her best and is decent, on every other level it doesn't work at all. It looks very cheap visually, with very substandard at best effects, annoying camera work, clumsily incorporated footage(which is what a vast majority of the movie felt like, and a colour scheme in the lighting that makes the movie feel drab and atmosphere-less. The characters are stock, you learn nothing about them and you don't care at all for them as a result, while the writing is embarrassingly trite and you have to look very closely to notice if there is a story at all, there probably was one but was so thin and dull that it is not worth your time. The acting apart from Muller, who deserved so much better, is next to non-existent. On the whole, I shudder even thinking of the badness of Anneliese: The Exorcist Tapes. Perhaps not among The Asylum's worst like Alien Origin, Titanic II, 2010: Moby Dick, Transmorphers and AVH: Alien Hunter, but down there as one of their numerous awful movies. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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very disappointed..
lustrum00057 March 2012
I simply could not get into this movie.. it was horrible.

The topic of the movie seamed very promising but that's where the excitement ends with this title. Dull acting, one dimensional characters, boring scenes, and recycled material from other movies make this film one of the worse possession / exorcism films that I have ever seen.

Trying to get through the first half of this movie is a painful process I would not like to repeat/. I did not even have the curiosity to fast forward the movie to find out how it ended.

Reading other people's reviews here, make me realize I am not the only one that feels the same way. I also find interesting other people struggled to get to the half way mark of this movie.

I think the makers of the movie had a good idea but it was delivered poorly..
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nogodnomasters7 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Imagine if the film "The Exorcist" had been made in Germany with a hand held camera, an old vibrating bed, and a boat load of quarters. That is pretty much what you got. Anneliese (Nikki Muller) spends most of the film in bed speaking in Satanic German and having the expected minor telekinetic powers as special effects may allow. These scenes are filled in with boring interviews telling about the oddity of this case.

Some of the film is in black and white and at other times varying degrees of color.

I did have a good laugh about 6-7 minutes from the end.
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Don't waste your time with this....
sanesurfer2 November 2011
Complete rubbish, more acting than real events, one for the rubbish bin I think. Why film studios persist in spewing out these lame movies is beyond me, but they do have an audience, but if your tricked into thinking this is for real, then look away, it's nothing more than a poorly constructed fiasco. The last few years have seen an influx of rubbish like this, telling the viewer that what you are about to see is real........surely movie-goers are not so easily lead these days ? Well maybe they are, because this is available on a shop shelf near you, but do yourself a favour and keep walking, if you don't you will wish you had !!!
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What the HELL?!!
suitcasecheryl25 May 2019
I loved the Exorcism of Emily Rose movie so this was a huge disappointment! Not gonna say anymore than that. Although I did wonder, why weren't the real recordings that were played tell us what she was saying?! Just that one thing would have improved the movie substantially! I've heard those tapes before on Utube, and other media, so I thought that this time we'd actually know WHAT she was saying! I just don't get why they wouldn't and/or haven't done that yet?? If anyone knows of any recordings that reveal what she says, please let me know. Such a crappy movie:((
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Scary for one aspect only!
RatedVforVinny18 December 2019
Labelled a 'Mockbuster' cashing in on a more successful film project. i only watched this, because it tells the true story of the (horrific) possession of Analise and plays tapes of the actual demonic voice. i made a mistake of watching this at night and had such a terrible dream. Certainly worth watching, watching for this reason only but then again you can here the same recordings on Youtube.
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Not a documentary.
lmessmj20 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It should not be described as a documentary when it is clearly a fictional version of a true event. Documentaries don't have actors.
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So, so bad
CrazyCatLady300023 September 2021
What happens when someone hears the audio recordings of the attempted exorcism of Anneliese Michel for the first time? They create this nerve-grinding, teeth-clenching, completely pathetic attempt at yet another "found footage" or "documentary"...something. It's barely qualified to be called a film.

It's painfully obvious that no one involved knew anything about compressing time through editing. And I'm guessing it never occurred to someone who worked on this to even try to translate what was said on the tapes - which were played for way too long. But they did find an old film projector sound for the intro to the tapes. And it was used...and used...and used...and used some more.

I've always thought the story of Anneliese Michel was a very sad story of fear, faith, desperation and misinformation. This waste of celluloid has a lot of gall to try and act like they're telling her story. Pure crap.
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Really Bad "Found Footage"
Michael_Elliott18 June 2012
Anneliese: The Exorcist Tapes (2011)

1/2 (out of 4)

The Asylum's attempt to cash in on countless "exorcism" films including THE LAST EXORCISM, which this is a mockbuster of. Not only that but the studio tries to claim that the true case of Anneliese Michel, a German girl who was believed to have been possessed by the devil, is featured in this "found footage" horror movie. In the film we see Anneliese (Nikki Muller) as she goes through various physical and psychological situations and the locals priests feels she's possessed while the doctors from the hospital thinks she's just mentally troubled. The footage will let the truth be known. ANNELIESE: THE EXORCIST TAPES is an extremely bad movie that lacks any real imagination and in the end its 90-minutes just go by so slowly that you'll wish you were the one possessed by the devil. I think a lot of the blame has to go towards the actual story, which simply gives us nothing new or interesting. We never really get to know any of the characters. We never care about any of the characters and there's not a single second where any of them don't come off more annoying than anything else. It also doesn't help that the director filmed everything so bland that there's just never anything that pulls you into the film. The lack of any real suspense or drama is just the death nail. Even worse is that there's not a single frame where you feel as if you're watching some sort of found footage as it's clear what we're seeing isn't real for one but it's clearly also not shot in 1976, which is the date it takes place. There are two things that kept me from giving this a BOMB rating and one is the performance as Muller. I thought she actually did a pretty good job in the part but it's just a shame her talents were in such a worthless movie. The second thing that "worked" is that the film thankfully got so bad to where I got a couple big laughs. One came from the horrendous German accents and the other came from a scene where the possessed girl tries to sexually assault one of the priests.
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Absolutely ridiculous...Go and watch the documentary of Anneliese
nhadjivass5 January 2021
I've watched this just a few moments ago and I don't believe how people are trying to copy/paste the real life's of people like Anneliese's real story. If you want to know the real life and what really happened to her go and watch the documentary, or read it on Google.
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Absolutely terrible
schultze-3248021 October 2021
Incredibly boring. I genuinely thought the movie was repeating at one point. If you're trying to intimidate a neighbor into moving, play this loudly up against the wall. That's the only use I can think of for this absolute waste of time.
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Not so good...
chasingfate2429 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Anneliese: The Exorcist Tapes is another one of these claim to be true footage accounts of the now famous Anneliese Michel exorcism that was also portrayed in The Exorcism of Emily Rose. The movies shows this from three points of view. A black and white security cam, a regular cam that was standard color and finally a crappy camera with a sepia colored tone that they used the majority of the movie, which annoyed the hell out of me. they have shots where they took the real audio from the actual Annaliese and play the audio tapes with just a static background. The opening scene where Anneliese pisses on the floor and licks it up was pretty shocking and probably the highlight of the movie.
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Why do they bother?
byroti1 November 2011
Another bad choice by me! I chose this one from the video store and hoped to see a good "exorcism" movie.

The blurb said it has real footage and that it wasn't doctored. Well within 3 milliseconds anyone could tell this was scripted and acted. And badly! I turned this off after 20 minutes and I so very rarely do that. Enough said.

Seems that after all of the recent exorcism movies that someone thought it'd be a good idea to put out another. They were wrong.

So, anyone who is thinking of hiring this stinker I can save them the time and let them know ....don't!
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