Occupied (2011) Poster


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CarlosIdelone2 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I found this film very disturbing. It deals with a very serious subject, mental illness, in a very insensitive and bizarre way. It portrays, a beautiful child left alone in an isolated environment to cope with someone (a young adult) with a serious mental illness. The child is very afraid and uncomprehending, as to what is going on with her surrogate caregiver, the only person, on whom she can depend. This terrible situation is portrayed very realistically, but to what end ? We are treated to an account of two people suffering. Why? This seems like a student film born of a small kernel of an idea, which stays undeveloped, goes nowhere and gives no insights. I found it difficult to watch a child suffering without any greater significance or compassion being attached to her pain.
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Well it wasn't the worst
myotheremail-4323418 October 2015
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The movie was pretty uneventful up until the end really, but besides the whole reasoning behind Sarah's decision in the end and what happened to her, the only other thing i'm sort of stumped on is whether or not ghosts/spirits have some sort of role to play in the movie. I mean it's obvious at least that this Phil guy is dead, but in the credits scenes where all the security camera footage being re-winded, I couldn't help but notice that in one of the scenes, the younger of the two girls (I already forgot her name sorry) was reading through Sarahs journal, which we saw in the sort-of beginning. What we didn't see then and can only see in the rewinding of the scene, is the rocking chair violently rocking by itself (somehow the girl didn't notice) but as I also recall the carpenter that we heard mention in the beginning made a rocking chair for the girls father. I'm still trying to make some sort of connection between all of this but there is only so much to work with in this movie. I can tell though, sadly, why I got this movie and 14 others for a couple bucks in the 15 Big Box of Horror Movies collection.
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Possibly the worst movie ever
tcomerford-4410722 May 2023
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Just like the movie, I don't even know where to start. Literally nothing happens for the first forty minutes and then anything that happens after that (not a lot btw) makes any sense. Two characters in the entire movie, three if you count the two minute appearance of a next door neighbour. I will not comment on the kids performance because, well she's a kid. The performance of the main protagonist, a seemingly deranged young lady was the most unconvincing I have seen in years. To be fair to her, there was literally no plot. No background to her insanity, no context whatsoever to the entire movie, a few absolutely useless titbits like a mysterious locked office, a strange demonic notebook, security cameras everywhere but none of them where ever explained or in anyway relevant. Absolute garbage from start to finish. I would give one star but that's just mean.
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Bad enough that I am writing my first review..
scottdunnett16 March 2014
Wow! 90 minutes of nothing happening. Nothing at all. A girl goes to a secluded cabin to babysit her younger cousin. The babysitter begins to have symptoms resembling mild PMS mixed with emotions of having lost a lover. Seriously, that is it. There is more dramatic events happening in my household on a daily basis.

I love bad movies. Flix from Brain Damage, The Asylum, and Troma are some of my favorites. This movie, however, has NO entertainment value whatsoever! None!

I am a horror movie collector with around 4,000 titles in my collection. Not sure if this flick was made with the intention to be horror or not, but it is definitely the worst stinker in my collection. I could not believe when that credits started to roll and nothing had ever happened in the previous 80 minutes, except for the two girls watching a movie, and a neighbor dropping by to invite them over to eat some salmon.

I never thought that I would be one of the "losers" who write a review on IMDb for the sole purpose of bashing a movie, but here I am. Without a doubt, the worst movie I have ever seen! Until now, whenever I would think of the worst movie ever, a movie called "Zombiegore" ( www.imdb.com/title/tt0436985/ ) would come to mind. I thought it was the least entertaining film that would ever be made, but I am now heading to Zombiegore's IMDb page to rate it 10 stars, because it is light-years better than this piece of garbage.

You should really try to track a copy of this flick down, because watching it suddenly makes every crappy movie that you have ever seen seem like an awesome cinematic accomplishment! I just finished watching this movie about 20 minutes ago, and I honestly feel like I could watch anything from the bottom of the barrel of my collection, and it would seem awesome.
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Am I The Only One That Got It?
DontLookBehindYou4 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I don't think this movie was that terrible. In fact, I find it an interesting character study. People who suffer psychotic breaks due to the loss of a loved one are an interesting bunch and I feel like, topically, this one hit the nail right on the head. It is true that there are long periods of down time, but I felt like it was appropriate to capitalize on the lapses of time that our lead lost when suffering her episodes. Most of the questions I saw posted are answered in the film if you just pay attention and the ones that aren't, aren't for a reason. There is no force on Earth that can let us into the head of someone dealing with these issues and I feel like the script handled it better than any other I've seen. In total, there's a cast of about five and the majority of the film just deals with the main two in a single setting. The acting/interaction starts a little stilted but gets progressively better as things start to unravel. It gets claustrophobic at times and the ending is absolutely chilling. I think if you're expecting a horror film you'll be very disappointed, but if you're looking for something different and dramatic (and have the attention span to commit to it) there are worse ways to spend 88 Minutes of your time.
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Worst movie in all of movie history
roseliya12 June 2015
This is one of those movies where you wish you had read the reviews first, then you would know: DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE! It is a complete waste of time, you have just thrown away 90 minutes of your life, and you will never get them back. You also wont have learned anything, there is no story, no plot, no nothing to this movie. Nothing happens, we never find out why any characters think or behave the way they do. There is no ending that tells you anything or reveals anything, or explains anything. There are only two key characters, and frankly watching movies about sailors lost & drifting at sea for 37 days is more interesting than this movie. How on earth can anyone put money into making such garbage I don't know. It's not even scary, just a lot of blurred camera work, and we are supposed to think that something is happening? Bizarre.
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some idiot goes to an idiot cabin with her idiot cousin and nothing happens
yayscienceyay28 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
this was the worst movie i've ever seen. i'd rather watch birdemic on repeat for 9 days straight while eating the steak tar-tar she made in the movie. i wasted an hour and a half on this darn stupid movie. it was so bad i couldn't even laugh. i was hoping the neighbor would show up at the end with his salmon and slap someone with it and set his hair on fire or ANYTHING just at LEAST that would be mildly interesting. there was no climax, rising action, resolution, the entire movie was "i'm crazy, can't cook, and there's a 12 year old with a bra made of rice paper on". if you decide to watch this after reading my review or any of the reviews for that matter, WELL I GOT NEWS FOR YOU COMRADE- YOU'RE GONNA WASTE YOUR LIFE. a piece of gum in my pocket is more terrifying than this movie.
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Sarah whom is 20, not 21.. comes to watch her cousin. She is a nutcase, the end.
minsepp9 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This was the stupidest movie i have EVER seen. It is exactly like the other post explains. NOTHING happened. I only signed up for IMDb, to write about how DUMB this movie is! I really was looking forward to the ending, figuring out why Sarah was acting like she had some mental issue.... and then it ended, credits start rolling?? Nothing was explained. Garbage.. i love me a good B movie, but this literally has no point.. it could of been a good movie, if it explained anything, and didn't just end.

Did she kill the girl? Who was the guy in her visions? Whats with the flashes of water? Why did she tell the dad the girl was at a friends? What happened??

The acting wasn't all that bad, the little girl is actually kinda good.. she actually acts just like a typical 12 year old. Thats all i have good to say. Too bad.. it had potential. If they remade it, with an actual ending, id watch it.
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horrible movie
steelersf28 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
So this movie is about some chick who goes crazy after killing her boyfriend or dad in a car wreak.then she slow starts to loose her mind from hear that dead guys voice.at the end she kills herself. This completely suck 90mins of nothing happening.this movie better if that guy was haunting her or the maggots jump out of the sink and ate her face off.even the salmon guy busting through the door and stabbing her with a frozen salmon would have been a better ending.why didn't the 12yr email her dad bout the babysitter weird behavior? maybe run to salmon guy house and have him call her dad?why she always filming the same damn trees? Who was the woman voice Sarah kept hearing?why was she seeing maggots? What does that wave of water mean?
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Failure! Zero Entertainment value. Thank god for the fast forward button. Just don't waste your time.
Bababooe28 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I got this movie in a 10 movies for $5 from amazon, "Pretty Dead" set. The first movie I watched was Pretty Dead, and it was ok, at least some decent ideas and I did not have to use the fast forward button. Playing the guitar also distracted me from falling asleep in the slow and boring sections.

Now this movie, Occupied. This is below the barrel garbage. Better to just take a nap, read a book, watch some stupid cartoons, and if you need a horror show watch the daily news. Occupied is an amateur, not nothing film. It should not have been made. After the first 20 minutes of suffering boredom I had a brilliant idea, why not use the battery power on my remote and try the fast forward button. It worked. I made it to the end of the film without missing anything, I'm sure.

Do not watch this movie.

Rating F, 1 star for effort, for some of the background music was semi interesting.
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nogodnomasters25 May 2019
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Sarah (Liza Binkley) babysits for her cousin (Lucy Bock) and goes crazy as she hears voices in her head from her past. Or does she? What was with the rocking chair moving by itself and the locked door/ cameras? I felt like there was something else going on that I missed that would have made this sinker a work of genius.

F-bomb. No sex or nudity.
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Not a horror movie; Not a psychological thriller
breadmanpaul-889-62249615 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It's a movie about a young adult who has a psychotic break, which is portrayed rather realistically. Unfortunately, the movie presents itself as if it were a horror movie. A viewer could easily get the impression that something supernatural (rather than mental illness) is supposed to be the cause behind the distressing behavior. Both of the main actors play their parts well and the viewer gets an accurate depiction of what it's like to have a psychotic break and what it's like to be with someone who has a psychotic break. There isn't any point to be made about either character's pain, distress, or confusion. It is what it is.

Another movie that does a particularly good job of portraying a psychotic break and what it's like for the other family members is Canvas http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0780492/ Canvas goes beyond Occupied and provides some resolution and recovery. Occupied leaves the viewer hanging without any closure, resolution, or recovery.

If you're expecting a horror movie, you're going to be disappointed.
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