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Glamorous but depressing and old storyline !!!
manishupamman24 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is all about Kareena kapoor AKA Mahi's life .. Story is same as Dirty Picture but more boring!! Amazingly world's whole tragedy happens in Mahi's life. :P There are only some good points in the movie which are:- Superb acting by Kareena 10 on 10 You will feel the glamor of bollywood.. Good support by Arjun Rampal and Randeep Hudda... Despite above qualities there are many flaws in the movie like:- It is very depressing and sad. Story is nothing new.You can say this is glamorous version of Dirty pictures.. You can not feel reality anywhere unlike Madhur's other movies. Whole movie is predictable!!

To conclude Heroine is a average movie with old and depressing storyline..
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Let's hope Indian heroines are better than this
Peter_Young4 March 2021
Okay, this film is really bad. Madhur Bhandarkar turns out to be a one-trick pony as each one of his films suffers from extremely poor execution. Chandni Bar was quite good, Page 3 definitely less so, Fashion was really average, and Heroine goes a few more steps down as a highly unconvincing film, which is very formulaic, lacking in focus, and almost comic in how stereotypical it is. In many ways it's just a takeoff on Fashion, offering a simplistic story of a big star who makes her way in the big cruel world of fashion, or film. I'm gonna put aside the biased, superficial portrayal of the film industry, which could be forgivable if the execution was right. But no, the film is just really poor and often looks like an amateurish college skit - the dialogue is awful, the dubbing and delivery is very, very unrealistic, the sound is annoying, and the entire product is melodramatic and with zero emotional impact. At times it looks like a cheap soap opera. The same is true for Kareena Kapoor, the leading lady, who is really let down by the poor script. This is one of her worst roles in my opinion, and the writing doesn't even allow her to develop an iota of character. It's all about exteriors, she has to look right, she has to exude confidence, but true depth that could have been brought out by a better actress, is absent in this film. Heroine is a stereotypical formula film which does harm to the Hindi film industry both because how it portrays it and because how bad it is in and of itself.
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All are frauds here ! What about you Madhur ?
jmathur_swayamprabha23 September 2012
As the title indicates, this is the story of a Bollywood heroine (in fact a collection of some episodes from her life and career). People keep on coming in and going out of her life and she finally ends up running away from the arc-lights and the sounds like Light, Camera, Action, Cut etc., i.e., instead of being a crowd-puller, feels better being a part of the crowd. She is indecisive or confused as to what she actually wants from her life - a successful career or a love-filled life with the man of her choice. And as a Hindi maxim tells - Duvidha Mein Dono Gaye, Maaya Milee Na Raam (in the condition of being in a fix, the person may get neither God nor wealth), she finally gets none of them.

The way every coin has two sides, the same way every world or field has two altogether different sides – one bright one and one dark one. And the so-called realistic filmmaker – Madhur Bhandarkar has typed himself as a filmmaker concentrating on the dark side only of the field he is dealing with in his movie. The problem is that he always takes his audience for granted and wants it to believe whatever he shows as true.

Madhur Bhandarkar has not shown any strugglers or acting lessons or a sincerity towards the profession. Instead he has chosen to show only the successful heroes and heroines and their activities involving mud-slinging, leg-pulling, scores-settling and dirty politics. And just like Fashion, he has shown smoking, drinking, drug-consumption, unsocial behaviour in the parties and casual sex (both heterosexual and homosexual). Is this all the film industry contains ? Is this the only scenario of a heroine's life ? After spending more than a decade in the film industry, do Madhur Bhandarkar and Kareena Kapoor want to tell the world that this is what they experience in this line ? Madhur Bhandarkar has shown that hype is everything and bad publicity is also considered as commercially beneficial. Well, this applies to this over-hyped film itself.

In the beginning sequence of Subhash Ghai's Pardes (1997), Amrish Puri says to a Westerner, 'In your country, love means Len-Den, i.e., give and take whereas in India love means Dena Dena Dena, i.e., give give give. However Madhur Bhandarkar has shown that in this industry (which he himself is a part of), there is only give and take. Every talk, every gesture, every emotion, every relationship is artificial and motivated by self-interest. Well, he and Kareena Kapoor know better.

Chums and dress-designers hovering around heroines are shown as speaking and behaving quite theatrically. Every female smokes. Every heroine is addressed by the talking person as 'babes' or 'baby'. Partisan media persons believe in settling their scores with the stars. Awards are negotiated. Heroes' possessive wives decide the heroines of their movies. Heroes do editing themselves, cutting the roles of those who do not come to their terms. Heroines devote more time to backbiting (or bitching) their contemporaries. Well, at least this is one fact which is confirmed through Kareena Kapoor's own life because she used to do it with her rival heroines till a few years back. For the rest, I am not sure to be fully true. All the same, how can I challenge the perception of Madhur and Kareena of their own line of work ?

The hard-hitting dialogs serve Madhur's purpose best. In one dialog, the ruthless PRO (Divya Dutta) of the heroine says that in the film-line, if you utter a lie with confidence, people consider it as truth. And in another scene, one party-woman says to her talking companion that who is not a fraud in this film industry. Well Madhur, do you say the same about yourself too ? The movie leaves such an impression only.

Technically, the movie is good. Music is in line with the mood of the movie. Though engrossing, the movie appears to be too long and the director seems to have attempted to cover as many facets of the cine-world, as possible which has, after a point, made the movie as burdensome. It has got reduced to a collection of some good and some bad sentences instead of being developed into a well-written impressive article.

Performances are all good. Even those who have been forced by the director to go over the top, have not disappointed. Kareena Kapoor has taken her heart out to invest in this movie and this movie seems to be a take on the real life and career of this aging actress (completed 32 years). All others have done well. Special praise is deserved by Divya Dutta as the PRO and Helen as the heroine of the yesteryears. In addition to the entertainment value, it's the performances and the track of Helen which can be considered as the pluses of this movie. Madhur Bhandarkar's realism seems to be a different name for tried and tested entertainment only.

The biggest thing that the movie subtly conveys is the dictum which I learnt quite late in my life – 'When you chase things, they run away'. When the 'heroine' in the movie chases love, love runs away from her and when she chases success in career, success runs away from her and all of her efforts prove to be counter-productive only in the end. Hence the great lesson rendered by default is never to run after anything. Let it go after a point.

Finally, I conclude my review with a dialog of the PRO to the heroine in a scene – 'Either you manipulate others to your benefit or get ready to be manipulated yourself'. Madhur Bhandarkar seems to have grasped the essence of this dialog and this time he has manipulated.
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The biggest disappointment of this year
rajandey22 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Heroine... the movie by Madhur Bhandarkar of so many good movies (the last one being Fashion). It has been in the news since the day they were hunting for their cast. The whole Aishwarya Rai Bachchan episode, Her opting out of the movie, the media hyping up the whole issue because of her pregnancy. Ironically, this movie shows exactly what kind of 'waves' need to be made in order for a movie to work. It makes me think whether all that buzz prior to shooting this movie was fabricated.

Any how, I was looking forward to this. As a regular cine-goer I refrained myself from watching the promos because I always want to be completely surprised by a movie I look forward to. When I was at the screening and the first half was about to end, I cursed myself for not looking at the promos, it was so hard to sit through it. I am a very patient person (especially when it comes to cinema, I am in the field myself). It felt like someone was torturing me, like I was captured in a cell, I wanted to leave because of the unbearable screenplay and Kareena Kapoor, who can act when given the right movie, but this... this NO... this was only Kareena Kapoor crying from start to end in a very not natural and annoying way.

The story - Absolutely sorry to say that there was nothing spectacular, special or new in this movie. It is Fashion, but only this time it is about the movie world. Very simple, a successful actress, blinded and stubborn natured goes through tough situations and screws up more and more in stead of progressing.

Characters - All the characters have been written so badly. I am going to start off with our 'Heroine'- Kareena Kapoor. A character can be very interesting if it is described as stubborn, hotheaded and impulsive. In this case it was definitely not interesting, it was annoying to look at such a character the whole 2,5 hrs. There is no progression in the character, she learns but doesn't use her experience in future problematic situations. The viewer may wonder, why am I watching this... oh well there might be a lesson to this at the end of the movie. Yes, there is, be sane when you get famous. I feel it all could have been told differently and that the character could have been written in such a way that makes us feel pity for Mahi Arora (Kareena).

Aryan Khanna (Arjun Rampal)- This character was written a little better and also cast well. Arjun Rampal suits the role of a very successful superstar, he plays the part with conviction and confidence. In his character there is progression, which is nice to see. He understands his mistakes and genuinely tries to change. This pleases the viewers.

Angad Paul (Randeep Hooda) - Angad was a fine character to get to know. He was someone who was trying to help Mahi but lost his patience because of her stupidity, Randeep did an excellent job and is surely making it to the list of top actors slowly.

The rest - What was the need for all the gay characters in the movie? Not every costume designer is homo-sexual, this is such a stereotype setting. All the celebrities in the movie portrayed to be bitchy, selfish and political in order to gain personal success. Really? What was the need, it is not exactly like that. Humility exists, also in the world of films.

Divya Dutta as Pallavi portrayed a stereo type media person who 'supposedly' knows how to get things done. Such an annoying character.

Shahana Goswami as Promita was awesome....until the lesbian part of the movie. Seriously what did it add to the story? Nothing it all. I face palmed during the scene Kareena and Shahana were feeling sexy for each other.

Ranveer Shorey as Tapanda was great, he portrayed the Bengali passionate filmmaker so well that I was looking forward to his scenes constantly, kudos! Sanjay Suri as Abbas Khas - He tried to portray SRK in my opinion, well no it did not work. Sanjay Suri knows how to ooze charm, where was it in this film? SRK has charm? DoP - some scenes were shot well, but overall I thought it was a mess the way some scenes were captured.

Music - Heroine could have used a chart buster, Halkat Jawani being the most hummed song from the album didn't really work for me in the movie. Poorly shot and disappointing choreography by Remo D'Souza.

Screenplay - was there one at all? On the whole, stay away from this movie, it is going to ruin 2.5 hrs of your life and you are going to regret it. The 3 stars I am giving are only for Randeep Hooda, Arjun Rampal and Ranveer Shorey. Madhur Bhandarkar has turned me into someone who will now not look forward to his films anymore. I am angry for the way he portrayed the film industry, it is not a shitty place! Disappointed :(
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User Reviews
puneetvermarocks21 September 2012
Madhur Bhandarkar who directed this movie must have lost his mind cause I can't find any reason why anyone can come with an idea of such a pathetic movie.....

2 and half hours of crying Kareena ..... on top of it the story was completely flawed.... twist after twist never lets the story to make any sense of some kind..........

Only positive thing that I can say is that if you can watch this movie and come out with your brain intact then you my friend can do anything in your life.

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"Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed"
mihir_bua24 September 2012
"Oh my god" That was my reaction when I came out of theater watching latest Madhur Bhandarkar film "Heroine". I kept wondering, "Is this the same director who has given movies like Satta, Chandani Bar, Page 3, Corporate and Fashion?". So at the outset let me say this, "Please don't watch this movie". And now the reasons.

Story: There is no story at all. The film is like a pendulum which swings from one direction to other, But at least pendulum helps to move the arms of watch. This story does not do any good to the movie. So I must say very badly written. And if the story itself is bad then it is just 2-3 hrs of cloths, foreign shoots and glamorous parties nothing else.

Screenplay: I am no expert but I can definitely tell the difference between good and bad. And it was bad.

Music: At one point I actually closed my ears. I found it too loud. It has just added to the sorrows of film.

Cast: One of the main reasons behind successful Madhur Bhandarkar films is the cast. And not just the central characters but the ensemble of characters gave the required impact to all of his previous films. This is not the case with Heroine. Apart from Kareena, Divya Dutta, Randeep Hooda and Ranveer Shauri no one leaves any impression. Kareena has done a "great job" in her portrayal of impulsive, moody yet emotional Mahi Arora who passes through turmoils of personal and professional hurdles. But how? By drinking, shrieking, smoking and crying in entire film nothing else. Additionally the character itself is so confused that at one point you wonder "Is there no such thing as self respect or learning from one's mistakes? I mean how can someone be so naive?". Somehow one cannot imagine Arjun Rampal and Sanjay Suri as Superstars. Arjun Rampal, in particular, has same expression in entire film. Helenji does reasonably good job apart from 1-2 pronunciations like "Heroin" for "Heroine" (which I might have heard incorrectly as I was half asleep). Ranveer Shauri dazzles and makes his presence felt (probably best portrayal in the movie).

To summarize, A Classic Example of "All Hype No Substance". Don't waste your money for this terrible experience, except if you want to sleep in AC for 2.5 hrs.
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Works only because of Kareena Kapoor!
jahangirhussain7421 September 2012
Heroine offers nothing new. It' just a collaboration of Madhur Bhandarkar's earlier works, Chandni Bar, Page 3 and Fashion. But what catches your eyes is the presentation of the film and a really good performance from the lead actor, Kareena Kapoor. Bebo gives her best shot as Mahi Arora and is utterly convincing as a manic depressive heroine who is on a downward spiral. The scenes involving her as smoking, drinking and popping anti-depressant pills leave you breathless. It's safe to say that Bebo has given a role of a lifetime in Heroine. Otherwise, Bhandarkar paves the same nails as he did in Fashion with Heroine. He throws in a lot of clichés and caricaturish characters in Heroine too. These clichés are so long-drawn and get too tiring at some point. The movie drags in the second half just like Fashion and the impact of a hard-hitting cinema is largely missing at that point. Salim- Sulaiman did a great job of composing some heart-touching music like 'Saiyaan' along with a raunchy number 'Halkat Jawani' in which Bebo oozes with sexiness.

Watch Heroine only for Bebo! You won't be disappointed at least with her performance. I give it 3/10.
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Madhur remix
silvan-desouza1 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Madhur Bandarkar started his career with a flop masala film Trishakti(1999) but he took Bollywood by surprise when he made realistic films like Chandni Bar(2001), Satta(2003), Page 3(2005). Corporate(2006) and Traffic Signal(2007) too were good films. Fashion(2008) won him accolades for his tremendous depiction of fashion world though it had it's stereotypes, clichés.etc then he made Jail(2009) which didn't win him much response and then he changed lanes and made crap film Dil To Bachcha Hai Ji.Not to forget the commercial fiasco Aan Men At work(2004). Heroine seems like another Madhur film just like Fashion, Page 3. Though it does show the true story of Bollywood yet it hardly seems novel. The director tries to cram in many aspects like bipolar disorder, broken relationships.etc and also Helen's character does have pathos. In fact the film isn't bad but it isn't anything out of the ordinary too. The film follows the same style of Madhur films where carricatures, stereotypes exist. There are several great scenes, the film starts with a jolt and it slowly gets you involved, but the film seems like one tedious exercise towards the end. While the first half does involve you, despite the predictability, the second half becomes a melodrama and slow paced especially towards the end.

Direction by Madhur Bandarkar is good but he needs to change his style,he is getting repetitive and please he needs to stop showing gays in every film. Here there is also a lesbian angle thrown in Music is good with Halkat Jawani being the crowd puller, while Saiyaan and "Khwahishein" are good tracks

Amongst actors One expects after Tabu, Raveena, Bipasha, Konkona that Kareena too will outshine her previous work. She gets a meaty part and does carry it off superbly, she is perfect in her role only fault is director resorts too much on melodrama and even the script curtails her performance. Arjun Rampal is good in his role though his sudden change of character towards the end seems hard to digest Randeep Hooda yet again proves his mettle, in a small role he does a superb job especially in his breakdown. The film has a vast array of characters in small roles, and many guest appearances. Sanjay Suri seen after a long time does a competent job, Helen after a long time again does a superb job, Rakesh Bapat gets hardly anything to do, Shahana Goswani is superb while Ranveer Shorey is brilliant as the Bengali director, Shilpi Sharma, Mughda Ghodse, Lillete Dubey all fit in well. Govind Namdeo is superb, Pallavy Sharda(Gayatri) is okay, rest are okay
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If you want to sleep, sleep at home.. Don't go theater to watch Heroine
rjrenju22 September 2012
I watched Heroine in cinema hall today and I was looking into my watch more than looking into the screen because I desperately wanted the movie to come to an end. This is one of the biggest disappointment of the year after such a hype for this movie. There was no story at all and I was confused what was going on in the movie. There was nothing in it and Kareena was crying all from starting to end. Arjun Rampal was not at all matching to kareena and Randeep Hooda was totally wasted in this movie. The director plotted many emotional scenes in the movie which according to him was supposed to make the audience also emotional, but I was more emotional of wasting my money and time for this movie. My rating is 1/10.
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Heroine – Are Critics Mad?
shafiq-siddiqui8115 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
P.S. Let me clarify a few things first! I am not a Kareena Kapoor's (aka Bay Bow's) fan or even an admirer of her Zero Image! i.e. "Size Zero Figure". The last movie of hers which I liked was "Mujhe Kuch Kehna Hai". After hearing it from different friends and colleagues and reading from some of my gurus and friends from "Blogging fraternity" I was convinced that apart from Kareena Karoor, there is nothing much in the movie to watch! And this might be the reason why I planned to watch it, to see how good has she evolved as an actress and has she really stopped her "hamming style" and "oh so sexy pouting looks". Anyways, I was surprised! Not by the movie but by the people whom I used to consider sensible and critically sound when it comes to movie making and Hindi Cinema. This is amongst the very well made movie of the current times. I agree to the fact that the movie has nothing much to offer subject wise or story wise but when it comes to direction, dialogues and acting. It is really an impressive attempt by Madhur Bhandarkar, who does not need any introduction. There is not much to tell about the story of the movie. It's simple yet predictable. People initially also related "Heroine" with Angelina Jolie starrer "GIA – 1998" but that's not the reality at all. Let me quickly get back to the reason why I am attempting to write this "kind of review" for "Heroine". First – To all those people, critics and cine-goers, who think that this movie has nothing but Kareena Kapoor, please get yourself seriously treated. There is a huge list of amazing performers who stole the show and performed astoundingly. Arjun Rampal is a volcano of talent if utilized properly. Right from the days of "Moksh" he has the ability to perform complicated roles. And this time he is over the top, his outburst after the party where Kareena insults his wife is natural. The other scene stealer is Randeep Hoda. This guy is a surprise factory – watch him interacting with Kareena in the party where he makes the move and then watch him breaking up with Kareena. Spell bounded. Sanjay Suri is always adequate with his eyes and expressions when it comes to any role! The guy must be offered more roles! He will surprise you in post interval with his tone, looks and authoritative style. The best part of the film is when Kareena goes to Ranbir Shorey. That scene is amazingly shot. Ranbir Shorey as "Tappan Da" is flawless. He comfortably reminds of those self made Bengali directors who ruled the Hindi cinema back in late 70's and early 80's, crisp, blunt and appreciative. Shahana Goswami is great in small but strong appearance. The aftermath of her and Kareena's encounter is amazingly shot and acted! Divya Dutta is getting type-actress! But here she performs really well. Govind Namdev as "Rashid Bhai" doesn't have much dialogues but you can feel his presence with his expressions. Helen's scenes will show simplicity and experience of a veteran. The other scene which is the highlight of the movie is when Shahana takes Kareena to a brothel with her. The communication which takes place there simply tell the real world of those "red light" alleys. Smartly penned Last but not the least Kareena has really performed well. She looked psycho, hot, manipulating, simple and broke. After all, whole film rested upon her shoulders so she had to perform apart from flashing her skin, which she did quite well. Niranjan's dialogues are clap worthy. Screenplay is strong. In a way Heroine is a combination of different scripts of Madhur Bhandarkar's earlier releases like Chandni Bar, Page Three and Fashion. But all in all a nice entertaining fare!
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Disappoints all the way to the end
sujath28074 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I admired Madhur Bhandarkar's work in Fashion, that movie had the flair right from the beginning till the end. Everything was just right on place, with high hopes and confidence that i will witness something fashion like cinema i bought the ticket for Heroine ! ! 15 minutes into the movie i felt cheated.

The beginning of the movie itself was confusing, i am sure Madhur wanted to try something new this time. Rather than repeating his same old formula of showing his character's life right from the beginning. When you are telling a story there has to be a beginning and there has to be an End, and what an end it was. He just rushed through the ending, in fact he just rushed through the entire movie. He kept his mandatory elements in the movie ... Smoking , Booze , Gays , Lesbians , Bisexuals and this time "Spoiler Alert" even cursing (which did not help the movie in any way).

I was unable to understand what madhur tried to portray in this movie ? that Movie stars are desperate and can go to any level for fame ? or they are way too emotional and lonely among thousands of people ? or they are horny all the time ? Sad thing is , he showed all the actors in the movie who played "Actors" just the same. Does that mean that there are no inspiring actors in this movie Industry ?? Like Amir Khan , Salman Khan .. The whole kareena kapoor's character was confusing in the movie. I understood Priyanka chopra's character in fashion but i was unable to relate with Kareena's character as to what is that she is. I only felt sad for kareena as to why she did this movie ? I went to this movie hoping i will be witnessing kareena playing a legendary actress role just a modernistic version. All hopes shattered, film had no strength, a very UN catchy music, and the Hoard of his usual caste. The 2 stars for the movie goes to ' Ranveer Shorey ' for his spot on screen presence. Apart from that movie is a mess.

I never crib this so much after a movie but, next time i will do my research and buy a movie ticket.
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Ignore the rating, it's really not that bad
evakirigo28 October 2017
I have absolutely no context for this movie and it's actors and sure it's not the most original plot but I found myself intrigued enough by the seedy side of fame to watch it to the end. I would actually recommend it for a slow night.

Honestly, the main reason I'm giving it an 8 is to counter the absurdly low ratings. At the very least it deserves a 7.
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Worth a watch!
nisakki930 September 2012
Heroine... Another hard-hitting film by Madhur Bhandarkar.

Kareena Kapoor looks gorgeous and has done a marvelous job, she's the best choice for the role, it's her best till date as an actress. She shows the dark side of Mahi Arora in the film very well.

Arjun Rampal, Randeep Hooda, Ranvir Shorey and Divya Dutta are first rate.

Shahana Goswami, Helen, Mugda Godse, Sanjay Suri and Lillete Dubey have perfectly played their roles.

The direction is good but there's nothing in the movie that we've not seen before in Madhur Bhandarkar movies.

The first 15 minutes of the film are slow. The second half of the movie is much better than first half.

I'll rate it 6/10, it could have been better but it's sure shot worth a watch!!
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Deeply flawed, dark, depressive film
anagpal22 September 2012
"What a stupid movie", my wife exploded, as we left the theatre, "in the first half, we were at least watching her dresses, her jewellery, her looks. Second half didn't even have that", she fumed.

Allow me to elaborate further. This is one bad-ass, regressive, depressive, narcissistic, over- indulgent, formulaic and overall, pathetic film. There are at least three occasions when you feel its ended, your spirits soar, only to have them cruelly dashed as it finds another useless story thread to explore. You feel absolutely nothing for any character, least of all the central character, who is shown to be rude, ill-mannered, insecure, manipulative, vacillating constantly between career and love, needy, dependent, unprofessional and about emotionally as stable as a suicide bomber at a security checkpost.

Am not quite sure what the film was about. Kareena, obviously, plays the title role, constantly seeks what she doesn't have and disregards what she does. Her central motive or motives remain unknown through the film as she runs through commercial films, edgier topics and off- beat films as part of her career. She runs through different men, Arjun Rampal and Randeep Hooda, being the primary. She changes staff and endorsement deals with rapid regularity. Her known temperamentalness obviously causes producers and even her heroes to shy away from her. Her end-goal, right till the end, remains as mysterious as her rise to stardom.

If we are supposed to feel sad at all this, any sympathy for her, then the loud music, constant shrieking, rivers of tears and some extremely hammy acting by some of the character actors (especially the gay designer, journalist) help nip that in the bud admirably.

Normally, the central character performance is what usually redeems such a film, but despite being a huge fan of Kareena's acting abilities and looks, she is saddled with such a hopeless, flawed character that nothing can be salvaged from it. The only saving grace, if at all, is her constantly careening cleavage, which provided a few moments of solace.

There are so many beautiful things in the industry to explore. I've known artistes to work amazing hours, to be ready on time for shots, work round the clock on triple shifts, to be patient, firm, never lose their cool. Like Kareena in real life, they explore different roles, experiment with different looks. But unfortunately, in the eyes of the writer-director, this wouldn't have made an interesting enough film and so he gives us a caricature of a human being instead, who is deeply troubled psychologically and inflicts mental agony upon the hapless audience as well. More at apurvbollywood.blogspot.com
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Kareena's own story - Not worth watching
mitrta24 September 2012
The film is a depiction of Kareena's own struggle to sustain her presence in Bollywood. After an interesting start, the film loses its grip and compels the user to find logic in the script. The second half is worse than the worst half where the logic and appeal seems to lose viewer-ship. Post interval era is a big drag while the viewers get more eager to reach to the end.

Overall, the film is flawed. It has virtually no sensible logic and the plot is very weak. The film does have its good moments, but those are highly succeeded by the negative factors of the film. Apart from good costumes and the ooziness displayed by Kareena and her counter-part(s), the film fails in every aspect.
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Take A Pillow And A Blanket With You.Believe Me,You Won't Find A Better Environment To Sleep.
me_theuninvited23 September 2012
So that's why i have left Bollywood movies.The more you anticipate for them,the more they disappoint you.The latest experience was Kareena Kapoor's much-hyped "HEROINE".Oh God,i don't know where to start.The extended scenes or the dialogues that felt like they won't end ! I don't know why those movies,which looks so promising in the trailer,turn out to be so irritating.I won't spoil this movie for you. But remember there is nothing left in Bollywood now.All my hopes are now on Preity Zinta's Ishkq In Paris.Yes i have been a fan of her since childhood.And she chooses scripts very wisely ! The Trailer looked quite interesting.Anyway please if you haven't watched the movie yet.Then don't.It's seriously awful and makes you remember those 2000's bollywood movies.A sheer waste of time.
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Disappointing Portrayal of our beloved Film Industry
manasi-mani24 September 2012
So much for all the hype and anticipation surrounding "heroine". The movie is basically a collection of some of the most discussed and hyped "kisse" from our bollywood. in Bhandarkar's pitch to combine all these incidents (which supposedly aim to shock the audience, however fail miserably!), he has completely lost the plot. There is no specific story line which is the biggest drawback.

Some of the incidents, like the one about mahi tries adopting a kid, just feels absolutely disconnected from the movie, it actually made me think wat a waste of such a good actress.

Also the film lacks any major/good actors, actors like sanjay suri, mugdha godse and some other newbies just aren't convincing and fail to make any impact. I longed for some good actors to match up with the amazing kareena but disappointment again.

Randeep Hooda plays his part perfectly however he doesn't have a very important role in the movie. Arjun Rampal! I don't know why does he still get movies, he seems expressionless as usual.

Kareena is great as always with her perfect portrayal of a beautiful, insecure, short tempered actress. But there is an awful lot of crying to her share and after a point it loses its impact. the item song is a treat to the eye, the number is catchy too.

All in all the movie doesn't do justice to the amazing acting prowess of kareena and pathetically fails to unfold any story behind stardom. Watch if you are a kareena fan or if you have a free ticket! anyways, we would see it on the TV soon ;)
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Chrysanthepop31 December 2012
Other than the (fake) 'fact' that 'everyone in Bollywood is evil and self-centred' (according to the director), I didn't get what point Bhandarkar was trying to make. While his previous films like 'Corporate', 'Fashion', 'Page 3' etc also present a heavily biased view, the stories had more structure (as flawed as most of them might have been). However, 'Heroine' is one huge mess. Think of it as a disastrous fusion of his aforementioned films with Bollywood as the backdrop. Poorly written caricatures, lacking in focus, the film doesn't seem to be able to make up its mind.

Kareena Kapoor in the title role hardly impresses at all. It doesn't help that the character is halfbaked and one-dimensional. Perhaps Bhandarkar was aware of Kapoor's limitations and had the voice-over of a pointless reporter character (one of the most annoying features of 'Heroine') dictate how the viewer is supposed to feel. Talk about spoonfeeding. Even fine actors like Divya Dutta and Lilette Dubey aren't given much scope (mostly due to horrendous writing). The only acting that stands out is that of Shahana Goswami. Her track would have been a nice addition if it weren't for the pointless lesbian fling conclusion. Exactly what was Bhandarkar trying to say here? Apart from Goswami, Govind Namdeo is likable too.

The songs are just as dreadful. The execution is mediocre. Sound design is awful. The sex scenes are laughably bad. Were Bhandarkar and Kapoor shooting themselves up with heroin to make 'Heroine'?
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Sublime Kareena in a Sub Standard Heroine
hsm231022 September 2012
I hate to measure movies in terms of halves or segments because a segment or a half cannot change the overall quality of a movie, but Heroine is a movie about extremes and Bhandarkar has probably made the mistake of living it too literally. There are particular segments of the movie which are smooth, real, boast of A-grade acting from the supporting actors, have dialogues worthy of being in a feature film, non-stereotypical but unfortunately these segments put together do not even form 33% of the movie. The remaining (majority) of the movie clearly reflects that Bhandarkar is in an eternal hangover mode as a result of his earlier works. Not to forget that the effect is amplified by fake acting by proved bad actors, unreal sets, unnecessary scenes which devalue the movie rather than doing any good to it.

One can only muster courage to go through the remaining parts of the movie, thanks to a performance by Kareena that comes only once in an actor's career. The biggest reason why the portrayal of an emotionally vulnerable and confused actor would have been a huge challenge for her is because she seems as someone who is completely opposite to that description in real life. The manner in which she has managed to express the insecurities and complexities of the character, there is no doubt that she has come out with flying colors. And that makes her the biggest winner in a movie which lost the race in the buildup itself. In fact, if you follow her eyes, expressions and antics throughout the movie rather than paying attention to the dialogues you will be able to empathize with the story of 'Heroine' and have a far superior experience. Others who deserve the credit of making the good segments of the movie exciting as well as entertaining are the actors like Ranvir Shorey, Divya Dutt and Shahana Goswami who have time and again proved their mettle as high caliber character actors.

There are certain scenes in the movie which make you wonder why couldn't Bhandarkar keep up the same tempo and finesse throughout the movie. Two such scenes have Helen in them who is playing a yesteryear superstar, explaining Kareena how the film industry has changed over years in one and affecting Kareena in a more spiritual manner in the other one. Thankfully, technically the movie did not have any major deficiencies and the best song of the movie is there as a background score to one of the better scenes. The bottom line is that this is a movie which unsuccessfully tries to break out of the zone of average and at the same time cannot be ignored because of a powerful performance which can blow you away.

For other filmy experiences visit www.imnotafilmcritic.blogspot.com
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A Nutshell Review: Heroine
DICK STEEL22 September 2012
Kareena Kapoor has always been involved in the largest blockbusters in Bollywood, and starring with the 3 Khans in films like 3 Idiots with Aamir, RA.One with Shah Rukh, and Bodyguard with Salman has made her one of the few who have collaborated with all of them in their respective hit films (OK, so RA.One kinda disappointed). Heroines have never had it easy in Bollywood when compared to the heroes, and Kareena is currently at the top of her game, but can she, like Vidya Balan, and Priyanka Chopra, marquee her own movie? The answer is probably yes, but if the self referential Heroine is anything like the title goes, she's going to need a better story and tighter script in order to make an impact.

The first look at the trailer and various promotional clips may have one thinking this is somewhat like Chopra's Fashion, also written and directed by Madhur Bhandarkar, in terms of charting the come and go, ups and downs, and longevity of the career of a fickle, fame driven industry, replacing the world of fashion with that of the movies, and also taken a leaf out of Balan's The Dirty Picture in centering the story around an actress who is willing to risk all for a shot at fame, and sustaining her position at the top of the cut throat food chain of an industry, but Bhandarkar's film now could have benefited from attempting to craft a more psychologically complex film, or taken a deeper, more provocative look at the industry itself. It missed on a lot of marks set, and the film huffed and puffed throughout before finally collapsing on its own weight near the finishing line.

It's not that Kareena Kapoor didn't try to save the film. Her star power is going to be the box office draw here, and she did her best for a role that had her dig deep into emotions, especially plenty of negative ones as her character of Mahi, an actress on the cusp of decline, gets embroiled pretty much on her lack of solid relationships with the opposite sex, her insecurities both personal and professional, and her conduct with the various spectrum of her industry, from peers, to rivals, and the handling of the media. Not a chance goes by where Mahi passes on being catty to those she dislikes, and in the ways of the world, what you do unto others, others will do unto you. Kapoor showcases her acting chops and while convincing, she's clearly let down by the plot of the movie.

Beginning quite inexplicably with Mahi being thrown out of a car, then barging into a police station wanting to lodge a report, it goes into flashback mode to chart how we got to this stage, showing the world Mahi inhibits, with the glitz, and the glamour, and the movie premieres and after parties where stars will cajole with directors and producers to chart their next project. Transitions seemed to be in a hurry, and scenes were haphazardly strung together, probably in eagerness to show how confused, and broken the state of mind and emotion is for Mahi in the fame game, despite showing nonchalance to the competition from amongst peers.

Heroine also got bogged down by the none too perfect relationships, making Bollywood seem like a cesspool for broken relationships, infidelity and adultery, where actors prey on actresses in their hotel rooms and trailers, and sports personalities become adamant in wanting an equally famous actor/actress hang by their arms. Its look into the behind the scenes in the industry just scratched the superficial surface of casting for a film, where a string of hits will continue to bring on big budgeted projects and plenty of money spinning endorsements, while duds, or not being in the limelight for whatever reasons good or bad, will slowly see one's career starting to fade. These again are something known through the grapevine, and need not be repeated ad nausem in the film just to chalk up screen time.

Subplots were also hap-hazardly added into the film, making it more bewildering, and sprawling a lot more than necessary. An art-house film, and its eccentric director and acting muse, almost threatened to run away with the film from the mid point, providing what would make up to be the better bits in the movie because it was getting tiring witnessing Mahi perpetually drunk, or high, or just plain down, most of which were self inflicted. The self- destruct button was clearly set by Mahi in her burning of bridges and destruction of any semblance of friendship and relationships formed, and the story was stuck in this rut of self- torture, before trying its very best to turn things around in what could have been a wake up call to the transience of life, haphazardly assembled for the last few scenes as Mahi sold her soul for one more hurrah.

In what would be reel life imitating real life, there's an unfortunate tragedy in the production of the film that would likely bring the curious to watch Heroine, just like how a scandal boosted Mahi's hopes of a comeback. Heroine could have been a fascinating look at the industry, and a great showcase for Kareena Kapoor, which unfortunately didn't turn out to be as well as expected, and kind of a disappointment.
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Doesn't live up to high expectations but still a good watch
AishFan29 September 2012
An ardent Bhandarkar fan, I had extremely high expectations from this. This film is the weakest of the talented director's lot, but I still was not disappointed. He extracted a great performance from Kareena. Comparisons with his earlier Fashion and Page 3 (and Vidya Balan's Dirrty Picture) are inevitable, and all three of these films have done a much more impressive job of exposing the backstabbing nature of the film industry and had better performances and songs, too. Two tracks in this film were good, while the rest were mediocre.

The first half of the film (the flashback) seemed sub-par, especially given Bhandarkar's track record. However, the movie picks up and how in the second half! As always, thorough research has been done for the film, and if you pay close attention, you might figure out the stars upon whom each incident is based upon. The climax is by far the best scene in the movie and does a great job of summing up the theme.
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Q:How to lose hard built reputation in under 30 minutes?
marvalyz23 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Ans: Be Madhur Bhandarkar and show people your Heroine! I went in with GREAT expectations. Frankly, I was prepared for both Masala and sleaze which justifies itself in the context and boy was I in for a MAJOR disappointment.

I am a big fan of the emotions which are so freely expressed in Bollywood movies but more than anything Im vowed by actors who encompass poise and calm even when they are super charged and hyper. Perfect example Sridevi in Chaalbaaz.Sadly though,poise and grace were the last thoughts on the mind of our leading lady in Heroine, who looked desperate to fulfill herself with Mahi Arora rather than the other way around. It was plain pathetic. 10 minutes in the movie and I was impatient, restless, and ready to jump out.Only the money spent on VIP tickets kept me seated! Overall the movie was a huge let down since Ms.Kapoor couldn't portray what was required. Now please, crying is not acting.Chain smoking is NOT acting. Doing Halkat Jawani is not acting.And going all "natural" without any make-up on is definitely not acting. Rather it is called "lowering the bar to suit your skills which couldn't be lifted in about 12 years of working as a sleaze bomb very effectively". Heroine was a crime! for Madhur Bhandarkar resume and definitely ripped other very capable actors of any true chance to show their genuine skills. Ranvir Shorey was outstanding, the real treat in the movie. I thought he was my reward for buying the tickets , but his role was mercilessly cut short. Helen was the grace and poise Madhur and Kareena could learn from! Randeep Hooda has a very strong presence on screen and he doesn't falter.Again we were deprived of any entertainment he promised to bring. As for Arjun Rampal , he is one of the finest actors today. That poise , grace and devilish good looks combined with smooth emotional ranges that he can portray were wasted as he like all of us in theater, had to cope with the shrieks from Ms.Kapoor. Her presence in the movie ensured other far, far superior actors were misused throughout the movie.

So what was lost in those ear-piercing shrieks? Let me try and explain from the perspective of a viewer looking for pure entertainment WITH intelligence (believe me I don't take easy if a movie makes fun of IQ and reasoning powers of it's viewers and Heroine manages to do both INTENTIONALLY). First, who were the characters and just who was Mahi Arora? How did she reach such heights of popularity being an outsider in the industry (which is what we are told through a brief voice over at the beginning). Second, our protagonist tapes her intimate moments to bring the extra kinky out right and this is the same woman who refuses to sleep with the producer of her movie during the most desperate of times and hence deals final blows to her declining career ONLY to leak sex tapes later to boost publicity of a much smaller film.But the sex tapes have no sex in them or did I miss out the best part of our Heroine's acting skills?. Third, she cannot portray a prostitute in a Bangali film, but wait isn't she a Superstar or are we being told that Bollywood actresses can become Superstars without being able to act? Didn't that hurt Kareena? Fourth, she is Bipolar and this is where Kareena has convinced and deceived people, she gets away with the shallowest of performances and gathers praises as well BECAUSE she is bipolar and this is a state of mind she has portrayed in ALL her movies so far save for Refugee and Jab we met. Fifth, why couldn't the movie focus on some other characters AT ALL? or are we being told that success mantra is different in movie business and that A-List stars (which we are told our Protagonist is) don't have any emotional support systems like people who support their professional lives? The whole idea contradicts itself. In fact by taking focus away from ALL characters and meekly putting it on the protagonist , the director takes a leap of faith and commits artistic suicide! Only the B-grade industry wannabes resort to tactics that our director shows a superstar applying to her life and career. Sixth, when the water goes way above her wise head, Mahi decides to run to Europe and live an anonymous life. So how does she ditch her bipolar self? or was she using it to shriek good senses out of her man? what again? Sorry.Seventh, Okay she is a headstrong and stupid person (which is finally something believable) headstrong okay but none of the real-life leading ladies are stupid. Kareena herself has tactically topped all rankings with very flat acting skills or did everyone forget that the movie was supposed to be about a washed out One-hit-wonder? Eighth and I'll end with this, Kareena reportedly would get a cut from movie profits. Now did she influence the production to show-case herself ONLY because let's face it movie business is way too suave, mature and professional (or how can you explain the multimillion dollar worth of business it garners every year?) than what this movie tells us and Mr.Bhandarkar is a smart man (with however many clichés , his previous movies have still been way better!). He wouldn't kill his film by giving Kareena 2.4 out of 2.5 hours of screen time now or would he?

I also noticed some bizarre behaviors while Heroine was being heavily promoted on all TV Channels which definitely made me watch the movie, case of sheer irony or Madhur Bhandarkar tried to pull a smart one on us?

*bad-taste-in-mouth-when-I-think-of-it kind of awful. I do swear that I'd stick to my earlier vows and would never ever watch a Kareena starrer again*
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Not a disappointment
kpanesar-493392 August 2020
Just finished watching this film, I don't agree with the rest of the reviews on here, I thought this was a good film, and bought to light the pressures that Bollywood or Hollywood actors have in life to maintain their star status. I found this film very moving, as I remember some of the legends of Bollywood actors like Parveen Babe who died alone, and Zenat Aman, who was beaten and abused at the hands of men. It's very hard to find good roles and maintain youthful looks in the Industry that is predominately run by men, especially men who take Advantage of a lead actress for their own evil uses This story looks at the leading lady who struggles with the harsh reality of keeping up her fame in the film industry, the harsh truths of the jealousy and back stabbing, the struggle of mental health ,drinks,drugs, to ease the pain. Broken relationships, and loneliness. kareena Kapoor acting was really good, I thought she did a good job, believable acting, I felt so sorry for her character, she only has two people who really care for her, her mum and her manager, but even they can't talk her into seeking help, very sad in parts, and she protrays them well. I enjoyed this film, ignore the other crappy reviews, watch it and see for yourselves. A very good insight into the film world of BOLLYWOOD, And the back stage drama and realism that goes into being an actor. I enjoyed it.
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page3 for high soc, fashion 4 ad media , 4 film heroine..expected...
dr-h-g-j200622 September 2012
Yes if you are aware of gossips of Bollywood u find a excerpts of last 10 yrs history of those pages summarized. Why critics miss the woman hood shown nicely in film .. is overlooked ? What Kareena has portrayed is in totality HEROINE.

Beauty is tender , susceptible , vulnerable , feeling in secured ,goes for fast make-ups and breakups does all but still keeps the charm alive... is definitely jealous as many times denied her entry to top as an good actress by filmy sabotaging edits and propaganda promo dominated by the heavy weights....learns via DivyaDatta's role.. how to play cards at proper time goes out for cricketer to win headlines and make in roads in current hit filmdom-of ABBAS . passes the usual, 'lets have a drink' offer of Abbas with gimmick denial , works harder tries same gender sex!!, visits brothels , as homework... ,accepts crazy director who is not bowing to commercial demands , hated stepfathers political keep Bombay clean,national level award offer !!, mothers opting a politicians shelter for late life typical good looking woman's stand is never accepted by even modern era children... agony is shown..so many untold stories rightly cut to avoid over burden... the reason for her febrile nature is shown.... even if mother chooses right person... Helen's Fonda is well exploited... all struggle is for the position no 1 or top some where... competition & success the later is not fully dependent on talents alone... She does everything to achieve.. actors charges heavily to be present in social functions... even charges her father !! and is shown to play leg pulling techniques... Her pale press conference is not up to her level and displeasure shown is very classic... and takes on the scapegoat journalist female by hard hand.. but in process ditched again !!! due to commercialization all other factors in cinema for success... comes to know about not making her ex pal's Jodi come back movie ... is in jeopardy... frustrated totally... has left only one funny idea to remain top on gossip market... by leaking that family love making clips to press and getting "talk of town.". of an bread butter movie... that was given a booster by this to sum up gives strategic presence at Helen's role death... scene... and really breaks down internally...for marketing movie to stoop so low was not her agenda... at all... she just wanted ,,, craved for a simple success... .. losing her self-esteem and honest standing by office friends... In past we do know after some sluggish start some kind of booster keeping revives the film re run very successfully...' earlier She goes for adoption ... technically to earn sympathy from crowds audiences .... but is denied her motherhood by law that is frustrating... as she is shown very lovable and matching with pal's son ..The film also covers ... how the awards are fixed... and bargained by the top competitors performances...on stage.. denying spoiling or doing it fine ..as per the award.. .. just blackmailing .. So filmy success is not just talents joined cooperatives but Mafia gang on trail.. also .dr h g joshi drHfan.
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Kareena shines in a movie which doesn't even Take Off - Boring
darshu79022 September 2012
One of the boring movies from Madhur Bhandarkar. Throughout the film kareena weeps, weeps and WEEPS. The director himself is confused while he portraits Mahi Arora (Kareena) as confused. Its again a mixture of Fashion, Page 3, Dirty Picture which results in a new movie, Heroine. Its glamorous, rich in fashion statement, thanks to cinematographers and Manish Malhotra for designs. Big problem in Heroine is that... that wow moment which usually happens in Madhur's films, doesn't happen at all. There is nothing to cherish when you come out of the theater (Except Kareena's performance) Trust me, after not being a Kareena fan, She is at her phenomenal best in this. She looks gorgeous even when she cries out loud. Sarcastic, attitude, jealous, happy, distort, devastation, frustration and all other emotions showcased perfectly by Bebo (Kareena). She is the star of the movie. While movie itself is sulky, sloppy, boring and bad in all parts. Watch it for Bebo if you are a die hard fan of her. 3 out of 10 for Heroine. 1 for movie and 2 for BEBO
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