Thanatomorphose (2012) Poster

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There is a metaphor to this, maybe the rest of the reviewers ignored it
muxmer20 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Warning: Spoilers

The gore, the horror, the claustrophobic atmosphere, the slow tempo of the whole movie is not the problem. It is the solution. I watched it a few days ago, and I can't say I wasn't left without scars, or without scares. Both. The gory moments have done their work and the slowness has done its, too. I spent a few days thinking about how this could metaphorically mean anything, and just this morning, it hit me. This movie can be a metaphor for the whole human person, and what happens to it if it doesn't think of the consequences of its actions. Blindly following what comes from the outside (presented as the guys entering the apartment) just shows a person unwilling to change her/s fate. Not asking for help is another symptom of this behavior. Bruises, than the blindness, is just what happens to a person not fighting the world. Not taking notice of the black spot on the wall (possibly signifying the danger) leads to nothing but death. And taking all of those entering the apartment with you is the point. Inevitably ending in complete decay in the end.
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An audacious, flabbergasting and sickening film -not bad for a start!
t-rexx-568-19682527 April 2014
Many comments on this film out there have been derogative, blaming its slow tempo and overall lack of action. I guess these critics just missed the point entirely. Thanatomorphose is NOT a movie about zombies. Viewers should not expect to see Romero-style walking dead running, or shambling after their prey. The slow tempo is, IMO, completely intentional, in phase with the actual body decomposition process... Interestingly, the process starts concurrently with the discovery, by the female sculptor, or her sudden lack of interest in her art. Also, and that's the main flaw of the movie for me, the connexion between the decomposition process and the growing lust is obvious, but difficult to grasp for the viewer. I guess the whole movie is probably a metaphor for aging: the body corruption is inevitable, while both feeling of love and lust -which are recurrent in Thanatomorphose- might grow stronger in some cases. Beyond these comments, a warning to all would-be viewers: it's a tough one to watch. Put it this way: if you watch it with your friends next Friday, and none of them makes fun of you after it, then they are REAL friends...
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Nice make-up (shame about the story)
bowmanblue19 August 2014
The marketing would have you believe that 'Thanatomorphose' somehow resembled a David Cronenberg movie, based on how it's a 'horror' film about the human body (and the disgusting ways it can be mutilated). However, that is where the similarity ends. Cronenberg's films also had a story and engaging characters. This has neither.

The two main characters spend so much time wandering round their apartment naked, you may be forgiven for thinking they're nudists. In fact... it gets a bit annoying in the end as there's clearly no reason for it all the time (like cleaning the flat in the nude etc). The story is about a woman whose body starts to slowly decay. Here's where the good make-up comes in, as it is pretty disgusting (about the film's only plus point). You may feel some sympathy for her if she was a bit more sensible. I imagine that if such a horrifying affliction descended on any one of us, the first thing we'd do is seek medical attention. She doesn't. Even when a friend comes calling and sees she's clearly unwell, she refuses to go to the hospital with him. Therefore we start to lose sympathy for her plight if she's clearly that stupid. Her boyfriend is not so daft - merely horrible. He's violent and a user - hardly hero material.

If you're looking for various gross scenes, you'll find them here. However, if you want talking, decent characters and a story, move along...
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Just Plain Torture
billcr124 January 2014
There is no reason on earth to sit through this God awful movie. I somehow made it to the end, with deep regrets for wasting my valuable time. A woman living alone in an apartment, where the entire film takes place; I guess the director had a very small budget, has sex with a very nasty man who treats her badly. After he leaves, the woman's health problems begin. With no explanation, a fingernail falls out, she vomits repeatedly and clumps of hair come off of her scalp. Black and blue marks appear all over her body. Instead of visiting a hospital, our heroine just wanders from room to room while naked, and nothing to remedy the situation. Maggot crawl from open sores and blood oozes out, landing on the hard wood floors. A couple of male friends appear and try to help, but they do not succeed. The music is loud and intrusive, and the flashes in between look like Nine Inch Nails videos from The Downward Spiral. Buy that album, but avoid this garbage.
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Biggest load of crap I've ever watched!!
tron200530 November 2013
I simply cannot believe this movie rates a 5.6 when it honestly only deserves a rating of 0.6 Take it from me, this movie is absolute trash! No dialog! No plot! No Acting! Pretty much NO anything! 100 minutes of a woman basically running about naked in her home with her flesh rotting off her and making no attempt to visit a hospital. Are you kidding? Oh and she has a dropkick boyfriend that only comes over for sex and there's a few shots of his junk as well. The cameraman seems to take much pleasure in focusing in on filming these so called actors junk. I would have been better off spending the 100 minutes I did watching this in rearranging my sock drawer instead.
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Graphic! Nothing more.
Patient4449 February 2014
First, I saw "Contracted". Loved that one, was drawn into it little by little, wanting to see more, to see where it is heading and the destination left me speechless.

Afterwards, hearing that it might have been copied from one called "Thanatomorphose", which, was supposed to be even better, I was as happy as a horror fan can be. So thank you people for getting my hopes high! I'll be forever grateful to you! NOT!

The movie is bad, it is just one bad movie. The plot as thin as it can get, the character depth is pretty much 0, dialogue missing, the actions, or lack of actions, amazing, overall, how can anyone say that this, is better than Contracted?!?

I am truly amazed! Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge horror fan, since ever, seen hundreds of them and always crave for more, but not this, not this at all. And to be put in the horror section? Really? Why? Cause of the graphic content? It's somewhere between gore and torture porn. Seriously!

Listen, and listen carefully: watch Contracted, chances are that you might really like that one, be pleasantly surprised and so on. This one right here, is slow, boring and heads to a direction with a wall at the end. Bad!
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Rotting misery.
HumanoidOfFlesh1 December 2014
Thanatomorphose in French means the visible signs of an organism's decomposition caused by death.The main character of Canadian art-house gore flick "Thanatomorphose" starts to literally decompose after having sex with her vulgar and abusive boyfriend.The film takes place in the claustrophobic apartment of a young woman in the vein of Roman Polanski's "Repulsion".There is plenty of graphic gore,bile and filth on display-especially in the second half of the movie.Adittedly the make-up and special effects are excellent and truly stomach-churning.Still there is almost no plot and there are some dull spots during the first half of "Thanatomorphose".The film can be seen as the metaphor of empty and useless existence of the main character,though.7 decomposing bodies out of 10.I am fairly sure that "Nekromantik","Aftermath" and "Guinea Pig V:Mermaid and the Manhole" were huge influence here.
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Excellent gore effects can only take you so far.
SpannersGerm66930 April 2014
Considering the level of quality from recent modern Canadian horror films, i came into Thanatomorphose with huge expectations. Unfortunately those expectations were never met.

The gore effects and atmosphere are filled with dread. This really does feel like a horror film and I actually thought the low budget the film had played to its advantage. Its the type of film that will not only test your stomach, but will make you feel like a shower afterwards. Its almost as though the filth that is depicted on screen is reaching through and soaking you, the viewer, in it.

The gore effects are surprisingly very good which will make gore hounds want to go and see it but, the problem is, is that its over one hundred minutes in length and because the story is non existent and you don't care about the plight the main character is in, it becomes a genuinely tedious experience.

Its definitely a case of a movie that should have been made into a short film.

Very disappointed, but doesn't come without positives. Unfortunately those positives don't outshine the many negatives.
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Most uncomfortable I've ever felt while watching a movie
mvinnaco29 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I loved Nekromantik, loved Der Todesking, and rolled my eyes at August Underground, but Thanatomorphose is hands down the most disgusting thing I have ever allowed to slither across my retina. It's full of flaws and I was about to turn it off after the first act, but then I started to "get" it and it's a pretty great underground effort.

Flaws first: script was God-awful. I would have liked this a lot more if it had either been in French or if I didn't understand English. Second, the acting was awful. Indie directors, if you're out there, listen to me: spend money on the actors. I'm telling you. You can fix anything in that frame except bad acting. God's honest truth. Also, I hated the score and the editing was weird in the first act. There were strange jumpy cuts through a lot of the scenes that didn't make any sense. Last, not all of the fantasy sequences really worked. Some of those could have been cut. I also would have cut the faux-artsy cinematography sequences as they serve no discernible purpose and it pulled me out of the moment.

All of those notes are fairly normal sins for underground horror. If you have a background in that kind of filmmaking those problems might not bother you as much as they would someone who is used to Hollywood-slick style.

All that being said, I think it's a solid movie. I read it as a metaphor for drug addiction. I think a case could be made for it being a metaphor for depression also. The main character is literally self-destructing, but her friends seem unwilling to help or unsure how to help. The hospital comes up more than once, and it is obvious that she should go, but with a person who has an addiction (or depression if you read it like that) friends often don't know what to do or how to help. She tries fixing it herself. She self-medicates. She literally places bandages on huge open wounds. She calls for help, but then lashes out at the person who comes to help her. She is listless and bound by inertia, but bizarrely industrious when it comes to nursing her illness (addiction). She's taking pills and jabbing herself with a needle, so I'm leaning toward addiction reference over depression.

So, if you decide to see it watch it with that in mind. If you're not a fan of underground indie horror stay far away.
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praxis4424117 July 2015
I watched this movie a few months ago, when I was going through a phase of trying to find low-budget "gems", as there is plenty of unheralded talent out there. As stated in the plot summary, it is a movie about a woman who slowly rots away. That's it. There is no more to the premise. The audience is not informed as to why, there is no climax, and to conclusion. The movie throws out the fundamentals of story-telling, yet still seems to tell to tell a story. I suppose I could try to explain it as a phenomenological attempt at movie-making, but I think I would be deluding myself. there simply is no story. Low budget movies really have to have something special to make up for the lack of funds. in the absence of resources, you must have a great script, great acting, great cinematography, or a combination thereof.

Thanatomorphose has none of these. None.

I hate to be so harsh, as I am sure quite a few people made a great effort to produce this film. Sadly, their efforts were (IMO) misguided.
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All of you reviewers completely missed the metaphor.
keely-7740715 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
To begin, the gore was awesome and I loved the special effects. I also really liked the candid filming style, it made the movie feel a lot more up-close and intimate. As a gory body horror movie alone, it was gross and entertaining.

The surface content of this movie is almost purely the main protagonist's physical deterioration. However, while watching Thanatomorphose I couldn't help but notice the parallels between depression and Laura's rotting body. The movie starts out by picturing Laura's unhealthy and abusive sex life. She is treated extremely roughly, and is even shown being forced and coerced into sex. She also loses her job, which could be a major source of stress. It's really clear early on that Laura is not happy. She loses almost all interest in her sculpting, something she seemed to have been passionate about before. As her condition worsens, she hungers more and more for sex to make her feel better. She grows so sick that she refuses to leave the apartment, and barely even gets out of bed. When Laura finally picks up her art again, she is seen pouring her pain and literal pieces of herself into her sculpt, a way of self-expressing. The final piece that convinced me that thanatomorphose is about mental health was the fact that she never saw a doctor. Despite her critical state, she refused any kind of medical care. Sometimes people with mental illness tend to invalidate their problems and the severity of them, so they instead refuse medical help and instead try to patch themselves up all alone.

I relate to Laura, which is why her symptoms were so obvious to me. To me, thanatomorphose is a reminder to take care of yourself.
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Something different and unusual for sure
TdSmth519 July 2015
A couple has sex. As the guy is about to leave, he steps into a nail and bleeds all over the place. The girl takes care of the injury. She is an artists living in a small apartment working on something that looks like a head sculpture. She goes to bed. On the ceiling is some rot that looks like female private parts. She pleases herself and develops a rash on her inner thigh. She looses some of her hair. When she showers the next morning she has some hematomas. One of her finger nails comes off. That evening she hosts a party for her lame friends. One of the guys there has the hots for her. Her guy gets jealous and confronts her later and forces her to aggressive sex. Later at night she wakes up and vomits blood on him. He leaves and she stays alone for several days as her hematomas grow larger. She vomits more frequently. When the guy who is interested in her stops by to visit she's looking in serious bad shape. Nonetheless she's horny and performs a sex act on him and again ends up vomiting. The guy wants to take her to the hospital so she kills him.

While her body continues to waste away, she has nightmares, but just accepts her condition. Her ear comes off, her finger breaks off, her entire body is becoming necrotic. Her joints start separating, but she just stores the body parts in jars or glues them back. Later she uses duct tape to tape herself together. At this point maggots are coming out of her body. Her guy shows up but she kills him instead. Her decline continues.

That's all there is to Thanatomorphose--a woman's body completely degrading. There's very little dialogue and if there is any it's completely insignificant. We never find out what's causing her condition. The rot on the ceiling may be of significance. It too expands as her condition worsens Her nightmares were filmed in some awful 80s visual effect. What bothered me the most though was how dark this movie was filmed. In horror movies no on ever bothers to turn the lights on. These people are perfectly happy to spend their lives in darkness. Here, the girl even covers up the windows so during the few scenes filmed during the day we don't get to see much either.

On the good side though, this movie does get to you, after all, you're watching an hour and a half of decomposition. And this isn't something you're going to see in any other movie. So the director deserves some kudos for going through with the idea. It even makes you think about death a little. The effects are pretty good. Occasionally she looks burned rather than necrotic, but the final scene is excellent and reminded me of the the goriest movie ever Bone Sickness. For a lower budget extreme horror movie, Thanatomophose works.
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An insult to everyone
max_normandin28 July 2014
If this director NEVER makes another film in his life, we will ALL be blessed.

Thsi movie was lame excuse to show feces, vomit, blood and urine on screen. Pure and simple.

There is zero plot, zero character development, zero story. Absolutely zero story! And don't give me that s*** about the entire thing being a metaphor. Please...don't...

The first 30 minutes of the film are the most boring you will EVER witness in the history of the cinema.

The whole ordeal is UNBEREABLE.

This movie is so bad it is VULGAR and an insult to anyone who is unfortunate enough to see it.

It made me and my girlfriend feel violated.
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this made my mind decompose.
cameronwilliscroft13 February 2014
This was literally the worst movie I have ever seen and I can't believe I was stupid enough to sit and watch it. I made a better short film for my Grade 9 class there is no way this should have even been funded it is so terrible I really wished I had checked the reviews for it before watching. 0 out of 10, worst movie made in the last 10 years. There was absolutely no acting talent, excessive use of swear words, stupid lulls of the main character falling asleep, her general disregard for herself, her nymphomaniac boyfriend, his utter stupidity, no plot line, no meaningful dialogue. The only reason you should watch this movie is if you lose a bet. even then that would be a terrible punishment. I wouldn't make George Zimmerman watch this.
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Worst of the worst
LisaFogle1 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I left this steaming pile of crap movie a 1 simply because there's nothing worse to rate it. If you enjoy watching average at best looking people running around naked, watching people perform the most mundane tasks imaginable such as shaving armpits and frying bacon then you're in luck. If I could get past the whole no dialog and lack luster effort put into this movie what I can't get past is the endless amount of every single bodily fluid, yes EVERY body fluid. Well there'd still be nothing to watch. I've never watched a movie where I almost vomited. Yes, no lie. I still feel like I might hurl. Epileptics might want to skip this too because there's a ton of stupid camera stuff he does that makes your eyes hurt. All in all I told my husband great job! You outdid yourself picking the worst movie I have seen in my 52 years of life. I actually couldn't wait for her to die so it would be over.
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As Bad As A Movie Could Possibly Be
johnmanfredi5 October 2016
I have seen some really bad movies in my life but I would have to say this movie was easily one of the top ten WORSE movies I have ever watched.I unfortunately watched it in it's entirety in the hope that it would get better,but no such luck.I can't believe someone actually took a camera and made this piece of garbage.If you took a mentally retarded student in an Intro to Film 101 class and asked him to make a film,there's a strong chance it would be better than this.It was one of the most (in no particular order and,by no means a complete list of adjectives) DUMB, STUPID, IDIOTIC, BORING, AWFUL, MEANINGLESS, POINTLESS, UNREALISTIC, GROSS and DISGUSTING films I have ever had the misfortune to view.Come on John,tell us how you REALLY feel about this movie.I kept hoping the necrosis would put a rapid end to the woman but no such luck.It took it's sweet time.Do not watch this movie unless you are extremely masochistic.If you choose not to heed my advice and decide to watch this movie,please comment and let us know how you feel about it.I would be curious to see other people's reactions to it.
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The slow movie that lead to great ending
atinder6 November 2013
Thanatomorphose (2012)

This movie is very slow, it's build tension for about hour, if we have two main cast, who walk around naked most of time in the movie, A lot of nudity in this movie.

I have a lot sex but story is actually good, basically this girl he having as much sex as she can because she is rotting to death.

After the very slow start of the movie, later part of the movie, were thing get very odd and weird .

As girl is actually really rotting away and we see maggots feeding on her on rotting body while she is still alive.

The last scene of the movie was really good, outstanding effects, I love when movies do these effect, there work really well.

Really good movie 7 out of 10
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marmar-6978028 November 2020
Thanatomorphose was a very sick film to some people but to me it wasnt effective in that way and honestly i found its entire premise to be very boring and just plain mess.When you are watching this kind of films whos duty is just to gross out people then you must be prepared for it and i was but i just coudnt invest myself with our characters and story.This film will be a good watch only if you are huge fan of this kind of films and since im not i woudnt recommend this film to a normal people but weirdos may have a good time with it
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Gross and engrossing
palmerjosh748 June 2016
I just finished watching this movie and was entertain from beginning to end. The whole process of human decomposition and what brings a person to allow it to happen rather than seek help always catches my attention. Well, not all movies. Some movies are not able to make a film like this interesting or engaging while not telling or explaining much. For a low budget film, the cinematography was fine. The acting is decent and the story line crystal clear without much need for dialogue. The makeup artist did a great realistic human decomposition process on the actor. He/she must have seen it happen on a real cadaver. I can testify on that because i dealt with a few of them in my line of work. I say give it a chance. I think you will enjoy it. Just make sure you are not eating while watching it.
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Not Plausible.
timmcgahren19 February 2014
This movie was another waste of time, and I see the horror aficionados are here trying to make a silk purse out of a sh*t shingle. Circle the wagons boys! Horror is being threatened by reasonable reviews.

Really, have you ever in your entire life met any girl who knew how to dress herself properly and brush her teeth not go to a damn doctor the second some tiny little thing was wrong with her? Ever? What BS.

Plot; stupid girl does non-plausible stuff (like rotting and not doing anything about it). Whole story made me want to knock some sense into her. The only realistic thing is how all the guys she sleeps with are all total a**holes, just like the ladies do in real life.

Totally stupid film, but here is how it should have been written; woman begins to rot to death. No one knows what to do, we see the interactions between her and her friends, and family. She is blamed for her own problem, people desert her for various reasons, causing her to die inside as well. We are surrounded by feelings of helplessness of the greatest doctors in the world, specifically one we get to know. We see the horror from her side of her impending death and from others for for the helpless victim, and the feelings of futility and lack of ability to stop the process from the attending doctor's side. Slow burn. The final image is the doctor leaving the rotting body of the dead young woman, and he looks into the mirror only to see the process beginning on himself.

There I just wrote a more engaging movie in 2 minutes than this waste of time. Horror 'writers', try actually doing more than a drawn out gimmick, and write. A better horror film is Pieces of Talent.
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MAJOR Spoilers - Excellent piece of underground horror
horizon200830 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Look no further at this end of 2013 and into 2014 for great horror.

Act One: Despair.

Kicking off with a couple having sex, Thanatomorphose deals with a female who's body starts to fall apart. There is little dialogue, but the effectiveness of the claustrophobic shots are excellent with everyday scenes of life taking on a new twist. This is director Éric Falardeaus first movie so if there's more of this to come, count me in.

The bodily breakdown begins with a bruise and two fingernails falling out, with the use of nudity in the movie adding interesting reality to the proceedings. What looks like, a damp patch growing on the bedroom ceiling echoes the slowly decaying state of the girls body.

After a house party things start to progress, the girl wakes up being sick on her partner in the night. Her body now covered in bruises, he leaves her alone. Later a friend appears offering to take her to the hospital but she makes an advance resulting in her giving him oral sex. She's seen spitting out the semen, and as she stands up her excrement runs down her leg, obviously losing control of her bowels. She crawls to her bed where a dream scene commences with her seeing her partner cut pieces from her flesh and throw it to both males in her life who fight over it in a cage.

Act Two: Another

Next day she wakes up and goes to the bathroom to get herself ready for work. For a second I found this scene kinda moving, how she looks a mess, but still tries to continue being herself. It's obvious that something is physically wrong with her, but psychologically she's struggling with where her life is going too. She goes back to the bedroom, crying, and realizing she can't fix her face today sits on her bed, where we see her insert a finger into a hole in the back of her head.

The patch on the ceiling now is a big black, mildewed mass, and as she lies on the bed and scratches her vagina, we see blood run through the bedsheets. After another short sleep, and sunlight coming into the room, we're shown the temperature in her flat is over 30C (which in many ways confirms the nakedness). She then gets some ice cubes and throws them into a cold bath and climbs in to cool down (maggots seen crawling all over her body).

Afterwards, she brings out a sculpture she's been trying to finish, and as she presses into the clay one of her fingers breaks off and she tries to stick it back on again. She eventually puts the finger in a jar with some alcohol, taking a Polaroid picture and writing down the date of the dodgy digits demise. She then tries to superglue her fingernails back on and puts some stitches into her remaining fingers to make them last longer. It's a cut then to what happened to her boyfriend.

She's seen on the bed masturbating and flashbacks show her remembering how her boyfriend had come back to the house. He lets himself in, and finds her in the shower where, through the shower curtain, she asks him to touch her (trying to hide her condition) but he calls her a whore so she comes out and smashes him on the head, over and over, killing him. We then see that he's been lying in the kitchen for a while already, rotten, and covered in maggots too. During this process her arm breaks off so she has to stick it back on with duct tape, and a loose ear gets put in one of the alcohol jars. Shes then seen trying to remove her infestation of bodily maggots with a pair of tweezers. Flies buzz incessantly now in the background. At the end of this second act we get to see in shocking fashion her eyes are now milky cataracts as she stares creepily at the camera. This is a pretty effective shot.

Act Three: Oneself.

After a phonecall to the guy she gave oral sex to, he arrives at the flat to the stench all around him. He finds her black, and oozing on the bed where she asks him to have sex again "what, you don't find me attractive anymore?" (she asks shuffling to the door). He refuses saying she needs to go to the hospital, so she lunges at him stabbing him repeatedly, killing him. From here she goes back to her sculpture which falls to the floor breaking apart, her lungs wheeze as she screams in anger while a glass jar falls from the shelf, with one of her ears falling out, she reaches up in despair and jabs her thumbnails into her eyesockets puncturing both her eyeballs while dropping to the floor.

Her hair has now completely gone and she crawls along the floor, blind, squishy, squilchy, as those fly sounds get louder, louder, and LOUDER. She can crawl no further, stopping, her flesh drips and drops to the floor like strawberry jam. Her rib cage becomes exposed as her body tries to rise a final time, an ear piercing scream coming from her mouth as her lower jaw breaks off and falls to the ground. The camera pulls back as we see her final resting place in the bloodied hallway of her home now. The fly noise lowers to a hush...


For a first directorial feature Thanatomorphose is extremely memorable and an awesome horror work. The vocal parts (of which there aren't many) could be a little tighter, but it pleases me no end that there are folks out there who aren't aiming for bums on seats in the brainwashed houses of multiplexes. Just as the music charts say nothing about good music, the cinema says nothing about good movies. Listen up!
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Understated, grotesque body horror
I_Ailurophile17 October 2021
The movie immediately and perhaps purposefully comes across as a very indie, very low-budget affair. The camerawork and production values are plain, unfiltered, and all but rudimentary. Music is relatively sparing, to taste, and inserted somewhat indelicately; the pacing is distinctly lackadaisical and uncaring. I think the editing and use of lighting is quite good, but also seemingly executed and employed with a conscious inelegance. Dialogue, scene writing, secondary characters - all simply suitable, and all pointing to the same bare-bones construction of the feature. But, to be fair, none of these things constitute what's really important to 'Thanatomorphose' - they serve their purpose, allowing the movie to focus concretely on the chilling crux as it slowly, organically develops.

It takes a fair while of uneventful exposition before the first instance of the promised body horror manifests. It takes longer still for that central element to take prominence. Yet as it does, in at first even just the smallest of ways, it's readily jarring and cringe-worthy. Helmed by David Scherer, the work of the makeup department to mark protagonist Laura's gruesome, rapidly deteriorating condition is outstanding, and horrific. Moreover, while the spotlight is on Laura's body as a whole (emphasized with substantial, pervasive nudity for almost the entirety of the runtime), we also see the decline extended to and demonstrated in her weakening bodily constitution and loss of control over basic functions. Kudos as well to those responsible for overseeing sound in the film, as every little noise (mostly squishes and cracks) further indicating the rot is highlighted in the mix to my great delight.

Most of the cast has little time on screen, and 'Thanatomorphose' provides star Kayden Rose alone with wide license to inhabit her role with all her skill. Rose portrays Laura with believable, shifting physicality, but also poise, range, and nuance. I'm not saying it's the most marvelous performance in the world, but especially considering the very low-key, restrained tone of the film, and the very independent nature of the movie, I think Rose turns in a display that is duly captivating, and that very capably realizes a woman experiencing such extreme, macabre degeneration.

Whatever one may think of the plainspoken, unembellished approach to storytelling and film-making on hand, the utmost spotlight on the body horror in the picture is its great strength. Of course this means that, conversely, its chief weakness is excess that in any way pulls us away from Laura's inexorable decay. There are occasional rapid-fire sequences of imagery that is perhaps related, to one extent or another, to the narrative, but not meaningfully relevant. So it is too for infrequent use of whole-screen visual effects, again removed from the narrative. The long walk of exposition is similarly a bit regrettable. And the ending - the last 2-3 minutes, however well executed - is most definitely over the top, maybe doing the most to dampen one's enthusiasm for what we've watched owing to the radical change in the film's tenor.

Still - though very rough around the edges, and broadly imperfect, the art direction and production design is phenomenal. The makeup, effects, and otherwise work and resources devoted to actualizing the protagonist's worsening condition are exquisite. This movie is not without its flaws, but its core is solid, and definitely meets its goal and keeps its promise. If not the most completely engaging example of body horror, it would seem to me that this kind of represents the style broken down to its most fundamental parts, and it's very well made. The tack it takes may be too muted for some genre enthusiasts, but all the same - flaws and all, I think 'Thanatomorphose' is a fantastic, engrossing, and very gross horror flick that's well worth checking out if you're a fan of the type of story it personifies.
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robynheavner9 May 2019
This movie is not for the squeamish! Be warned! I'm not wasting my time going into plot details! A living girl starts decomposing for no reason! With magnification of gore! I'll put this way, then, decomposing trash is what this movie is!
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Stevieboy6663 December 2023
Years ago a former friend of mine recommended this French Canadian body horror movie so I bought a copy on DVD, put it in my film cupboard and forgot about it. I finally watched it last night but sadly it was not worth the wait. The DVD synopsis describes it as "Cronenbergian" but let's get one thing straight, David Cronenberg made classic horror films, this offering is at the opposite end of the spectrum. The low budget is obvious, that in itself is not a problem but the grubby picture quality, which now and then annoyingly goes out of focus, the bad acting and muffled sound are issues. There is a great deal of full frontal nudity but the main character Laura is in my eyes a bit of a plain Jane and her boyfriend keeps swinging his private parts around. The film may have worked OK as a short but at 96 minutes (DVD) it feels really stretched, and is quite frankly boring. The whole film takes place in Laura's apartment and the plot could be written on a postage stamp. The gory special effects are pretty decent but I will be getting rid of my DVD, there is no way that I will waste another 96 minutes of my life re-watching it. If you want to see a gruesome sex/gore movie than seek out the Nekromantik films instead.
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Experimental horror movie not for the squirmish
nihili027 March 2019
A young woman, living an oppressed life, starts rotting alive in her appartment. The effects are really gory and the psychological/alegorical aspect of the movie is interesting.

There are parts that feel like a video clip of industrial bands that put me off, but, overall, really loved this one
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