An Irish Exorcism (2013) Poster

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Another Excorcism Movie?
HorrorFanGuy29 May 2015
Just what the world needs. Another wobbly camera adventure, a mysterious house and one very distressed damsel. That was my first reaction when I heard the description however this flick came highly recommended so I pressed on with caution. I love when a movie surprises me and this one delivered. There are a lot of exorcism movies and the reason people keep makin em is simply because they are fascinating. The story here feels real and that in itself is pretty dam scary. The lead actors are very convincing which helps faten up the creepy factor. Ireland is the perfect location for this sort of religion born supernaturalness. I was engrossed in this movie until the end credits, when like all good Horrors it spat me back out to reality feeling bewildered and a little uncomfortable.... Job done! Fellow Horror Fans....Get Watching.
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Has some nice ideas, but ultimately unsatisfying
Armin_Nikkhah_Shirazi16 November 2023
AN IRISH EXORCISM is a found footage exorcism/demonic possession horror movie (a sub-sub-sub genre, apparently) which follows a two-member documentary team that attempts to film an exorcism on a possessed Irish girl attempted by two priests.

One of the strengths of this movie is that is clearly explains the background on exorcisms and some aspects of how they are actually carried out, something which other such movies generally leave out. The biggest strength is that this movie takes a real risk by leaving the actual exorcism largely to our imaginations, as the camera only shows after effects, and pulls it off, at least to some extent.

I believe that these types of movies, if they want to have a chance at being memorable, have to introduce a novel element which sets them apart from other movies in this triple sub genre. Unfortunately, providing a documentary approach to the background and preparation of an exorcism and then leaving it out of the movie was not enough.

The low budget is pretty obvious, but the story chugs along reasonably well, except for some irritating contrivances. For instance, more than once the camera is supposedly recording the participants in a clandestine way even though they would just need to look up to see it. Or, at one point the main priest takes on a former medical student in lieu of a practicing physician, something which practically screams "plot contrivance".

The most disappointing part is the ending, which caused what I would have considered up until then a very slightly above average found footage film to stumble. The ending is at least partially predictable, yet fails to tie things together, a deadly combination for a movie's satisfaction factor.

There are better found footage exorcism/demonic possession movies, such as THE LAST EXORCISM (2010), THE POSSESSION OF MICHAEL KING (2014) and THE DEVIL'S DOORWAY (2018), which is incidentally also set in Ireland.
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Trope filled exorcism film.
jmbovan-47-1601737 April 2020
This film leaves a pale after taste as it is ultimately less filling. Lorraine, a first year graduate student, is making a documentary film project regarding exorcisms in Ireland as there is little information to suggest whether exorcisms occur in this country. She employs a male friend, who due to failure to stay in medical school and has a stunted music career, is coerced gently to be her camera guy. Shockingly, he is a non-beliver. Next stop is interviews with good priest and bad priest. Now Lorraine becomes more driven with the exploration and exposure of demonic possession and exorcism. And she becomes cantankerous battling with the priests to have her place at the home of an adolescent who is suspected to be possessed. And now more attitude unfolds and cliches build. Lorraine seems to be unfazed by the prospect of the possession as filming is more important. But she makes trite choices seemingly to gather more information of the situation but also puts her alone in situations that frighten her. (A drawer moved.) Then it leads to inevitable confounding information and the abrupt ending that isn't completely clear, but suffices to "end" the film but not the story. Oh, did I mention it Is a found footage film? Yeah, perfect.
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What is the difference between an Irish exorcism and any other exorcism?
joeywilderjustiss3 April 2015
What is the difference between an Irish exorcism and any other exorcism? The Irish exorcism is completely frustrating! There is nothing brilliant about this piece of digital movie making. Whoever rated this movie above a 1 was possibly possessed of some evil entity. It was evil to portray this movie in the likeness of a competent coherent found footage piece. The only redemption for this film is the nagging college student who finally shut the up! Horrible premise! Horrible script! Horrible acting (if you want to classify this dribble as acting)! Despicable camera work! Audio - bad! Editing - beyond bad! There is nothing scary about this film except that someone, somewhere, and I am guessing here, wants an audience to take this "poppy-cock" seriously! Quit film school strictly for the sakes of any other human soul experiencing having to plow through a crappy compilation not worthy of even a Razzie Award! I wanted the devil to claw my eyes out! I would have sold my soul just to have been relinquished of my despair in renting this piece of aborted film "work!" Don't waste your time! Jesus save us all! Especially those who made this film...because one would have to have an evil spirit to think this was anything other than hatred for your fellow man! Serial killers are kinder than anyone who contributed to the production of this film!!! I'll even go back to church if this director and actors promise they will never make another film! I truly will!!
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Original Irish fright fest!
TheGoodDoctorGonzo29 May 2015
Oh no I thought....not another found footage film. 10 seconds in and I'm hooked.

Hollywood has tried on so many occasions to reboot horror classics, not always successfully. When big budget spectacle distracts from the actual story the realism can fade out.

This is certainly not the case in An Irish Exorcism. Fantastic performances from Irish actors in a well executed production. A seemingly ordinary documentary suddenly descends into a tense and disturbing nightmare for all involved.

A low budget production with no extravaganza of special effects still manages to thrill via some immersive camera work, clever editing and sounds that haunted me. This film is a dark occult journey, and will leave you exhausted at the end.

If films like Blair Witch and the Omen appeal to you give this little gem a try. You wont be disappointed.
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An Irish Waste of Time
dcarsonhagy18 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Oh dear--another bad "exorcism" movie. Caught this one on On- Demand. I was not paying attention or I would have never bothered. This is yet ANOTHER "found footage" POS that bores you to death to start with and has you rolling with laughter at the end. Scares? Puh-leeze. If you thought this was scary, you probably also thought "Paranormal Activity" was a fright-fest.

A blow-by-blow snooze-fest which has a whole lot of talking and very little action. Even the "priests" in this movie didn't want to be on camera and can you blame them?

There is no question as to where this movie is going, what's going to happen before it gets there, and how it will end. I'm not going to bother you with details, but let me say this. There will only be ONE exorcism movie, and that's the original "Exorcist." You have to do more to scare me than have a girl shuffle around a floor with her hair covering her face (probably a good move on her part), have someone fake-growl, and the "crew" running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Good grief; I've been more scared at a local "haunted house."

Not rated, not worth wasting your time, and not recommended.
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Old Fashioned Scary Ghost Story
info-830-95202529 October 2013
I saw an Irish Exorcism at this year's New Mexico Fright Fest. I wasn't expecting anything very special. However, the resulting movie was a great surprise.

The movie is presented as a documentary film made by an Anthropology student investigating exorcism. Although a 'found footage' movie, the movie feels more like a thriller, it's mood is very claustrophobic and the acting is all round good, however some actors are outstanding particularly the female lead Aislinn Ní Uallacháin, but Brian Fortune and Paddy C. Courtney also put in great performances.

The mood of the film is underpinned by the Irish countryside who is almost a character itself in the movie.

The story is very believable and suggests that the research is good. The writing is smart, engaging and knows it's onions. The viewer is treated to a movie that understands genre and understands economic use of story telling. It could be argued that Catholics make the best horror movies.

There are frights but there is also a good intelligent story, this is more The Exorcist than The Heretic. Check this film out, it's cool
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Today was a good day
nogodnomasters11 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The film makers let us know there has never been a film about Exorcism in Ireland, so they felt compelled to make one...not that there was any demand for bad found footage tapes of Irish exorcisms. Of course nothing says Irish like making your possessed person look like Sadako.

Lorraine (Aislinn Ní Uallacháin) let's us know she is doing this as a post graduate project for an unnamed University. Aislinn Ní Uallacháin looks very good and polished narrating on camera, however her screams and whines that come later are simply annoying as was the jerk cam. Indeed, the camera work was bad for a project and at one time we get to watch the inside of the car door and air vent. Perhaps this was homage to Exorcist 2 and the air demon Pazuzu, whose name begins with the same letter as "Poppy." Skipping the first 30 minutes would be time well saved. The characters themselves were never really developed as we only see them in short camera segments. What I did find interesting were the facts involving increased requests and performances of exorcisms. It is on the Internet so it must be true. Bonjour.

Now growing up I did see one exorcism performed in a Charlotte NC church. It seems a young girl got "caught" and claimed she was possessed by a demon. It was exorcised in about 10 minutes or so and she got her virginity and good name back. It really didn't fool anyone except for my friend Doc, who eventually married her...and divorced a year later. Not too much of a shocker there.

On top being a bad film, there is no swearing, sex, or nudity...just a PLOT SPOILER...another daddy issue. Jeez.
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Great movie. Frightening!!
MissJedahdyah16 August 2022
Very good movie. Realistic and excellent acting by all of the actors. Good storytelling and topic. Definitely a scary movie. A few jump scares add to the suspence. A favorite of my lineup of movies.
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Not a bad Exorcism Movie
setmyheartablaze30 December 2015
So I went into watching this like most of the cheesy horror movies, thinking it wouldn't be very entertaining. I was pleasantly surprised with this one. The lead actress did very well for an unknown, she was very convincing. The story itself wasn't all that original, however the documentary style of filming made it very believable and definitely gave it that creep factor. It's similar to the style of Blair Witch, in that the film didn't need a ton of special effects. It used the environment very well to solidify the creepiness. I will however say that I wasn't a a huge fan of the ending necessarily, a little anti-climactic for my taste, but overall a very good film.
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Avoid this movie!
redban026 February 2022
I love found footage horror movies, so I was 100% willing to give this movie a chance. Unfortunately, I gave up a few minutes after the one-hour mark (with 20 minutes left). The movie just had too much talking and talking and talking and talking. The number of horror / scary scenes were quite limited. I don't know why they didn't focus more on the possessed girl.

Don't watch this movie guys.
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Irish Surprise
miltonmogarty29 May 2015
I watched this movie the other day and in an age where films are being remade and regurgitated it was good to see someone throwing a new angle on the exorcist genre. I liked this movie. It kept me watching and thinking from start to end as to how it would unfold in the end.I'm not a film critic and would find it very difficult to see the cracks in how it was made/shot/written etc. , obviously though on a budget but this gives it an extra edge more than anything else.It's really worth a watch if you get the chance.I'm not being a biased Irishman on that.The acting especially from Paddy Courtney is very good.The whole concept was well thought out.I'd like to think in future more people in the higher end of Hollywood would use more imagination like what I saw here.
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