"Game of Thrones" The Watchers on the Wall (TV Episode 2014) Poster

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yasir61927 July 2019
I couldn't watch this episode with countless thrilling and goosebumps. What a great action and incredible scenes.
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Great Battle
OmarHartwellWhite8 June 2014
The anticipation for this battle has been a long time coming, and it didn't let me down at all. Features a very intense battle , with amazing fight scenes. I enjoyed this personally more than any of the other battle scenes. A couple of great dialogue scenes as the calm before the storm, before the battle begins.

With how this show has been about not being shy about killing off anyone, it really makes it so intense in that you feel any and all the characters are really in danger. The battle lasts for the majority of the episode and doesn't slow up from the time it begins, until it ends.This episode has some of the most amazing visuals and sets so far on Game of thrones.

With all of the giants and creatures we have been teased with, you really get to see all of it this episode. It has a long continuous shot towards the end of the battle which was pretty awesome as well. The finale next Sunday should finish off, in my opinion, the best season yet.
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Long-awaited spectacle
Leofwine_draca5 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
THE WATCHERS ON THE WALL is another one of the famous "episode nines" of GAME OF THRONES, this time featuring a huge battle sequence from returning director Neil Marshall; a pity he didn't go on to direct more. This one features the long-awaited Wildling attack on Castle Black, and it's as good as you'd expect it to be, once you get over some mildly embarrassing extraneous sentimental stuff with Sam and Gilly. The last half an hour knuckles down to a breakneck, non-stop battle filled with all manner of gory incident and brutal deaths, with numerous long-running characters being bumped off and Kit Harington excelling in the action stakes. That 360 degree tracking shot is astounding and one of the best shots in the entire run of the series.
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For me, the best episode of GoT.
gabriel_deniro20 June 2016
I've even seen episodes like Rains of Castamere, Hardhome and Battle of the Bastards. Although for me, they are very close to be the best, I am just want to be honest with myself. This episode ain't even one of the top episodes but this gave me one of the breathtaking moments I'd experienced. It keeps you on edge of your seat. I even clapped on some moments on this episode and also after it ended.

It shows the best battles and the outstanding direction by Neil Marshall. This episode is very underrated for me. But all of us have different taste and opinions so we and the best thing to do is enjoy this very amazing show.
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The choreography in this episode was pretty damn good.
punch8725 October 2019
As the most expensive episode of the series, the Battle at Castle Black felt like an equivalent of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Battle of Helm's Deep.
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My favorite episode
ketekete25 May 2019
After the very bad last 2 seasons I began to appreciate the first 6 seasons and especially this episode wow I think I lost count for the amount of times that I watched this episode I loved every second of it
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Four Seasons' worth of build-up pays off...and there's only more to come
tzblueice279 June 2014
I'm pretty sure that the story on The Wall is not one of the big favorites for most fans of the show. And it makes sense. There really hasn't been anything that truly stands out story-wise in terms of The Wall. Jon Snow has always been a well-liked character, but widely considered a boring one. It also didn't help that this episode immediately followed the epic end to the last episode, and I'm sure all fans are dying to find out what happens to Tyrion, so being forced to wait a week longer than they had hoped does not help. And that's part of why I was so excited for this one. I feel like this is a turning point in the storyline for Jon and The Night's Watch. From here on things are only going to get more interesting from here.

The episode itself completely surpassed my expectations. Like the amazing Blackwater episode, this was another episode that revolved simply around a battle, The Battle of Castle Black. And boy was it a doozy. My heart was pumping fast from start to finish, which is definitely a sign of amazing television. Also, not only were there big action moments, but also amazing character moments for the likes Jon and Sam, and even some of the less important characters throughout like Pyp and Grenn. I also loved (and was sad) at the way Jon and Ygritte's reunion was done, and Ser Alliser proving that while he may be a dick, he's a good leader, unlike that cowardly Janos Slynt.

Personally, I think that things are only going to get even more exciting for the storyline here at The Wall. The ending definitely left more to be seen for this storyline to come next episode, and book readers know that something's coming next episode that will completely change the current way things are in the Night's Watch. Overall, an amazing and action- packed episode at The Wall that I also think has served as set up for even more awesome things to come for this storyline. Also, this episode living up to the expectations of being the BIG Penultimate episode of the season (Season 1: Ned's beheading, Season 2: Blackwater, Season 3: Red Wedding) proves once again why Game of Thrones is simply the best show on TV right now.
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Beats Battle of Black Water
MrSelfPaid10 June 2014
Epic... simply epic.After watching this episode I had to express myself somehow and writing a review no matter how brief is the best way to do it. This episode is simply astonishing in the way the fight scenes are filmed. At times it's like third dimensional and you feel part of the carnage displayed on screen. The scale at which the episode is filmed is of epic proportions; Peter Jackson would have been proud. There are some flaws but those flaws cant be avoided when filming fight scenes involving many men. It is really a character driven episode because somehow you get the feeling that you wont be seeing some of these characters alive again. All in all a great episode and I place in the top three of my favorite game of thrones episodes.
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Now that's a battle!
sirajq9 June 2014
Over the past 3 seasons, the 9th episode of Game Of thrones has always delivered something tantalizing. Something grueling or heartbreaking or down-right epic. And 'The Watchers on the Wall', the 9th episode of Season 4 most certainly kept this tradition going, with an incredible episode.

From the start, the unshakable sense of dread makes you nervy, i mean really. This battle has been building up since the first season. And boy, it delivered. It was a mighty spectacle to behold. The action sequences were some of the best this show has ever had. The epic nature of this episode is unrelenting. It was at times powerful and heartbreaking at the same time. It really did deliver. Neil Marshall, who also made season 2's battle of Black-water showed us that he is the go to man for large scale chaos.

To put it simply, Season 4 of Game of Thrones has easily been the best season. And it's because of episodes like this. Transcending the boundaries of television to bring us quality like this. It is truly Unforgettable.
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The Battle for Castle Black
Tweekums22 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Throughout this season there has been talk of what will happen when Mance Rayder's force of one hundred thousand Wildlings attack the hundred members of the Night's Watch at Castle Black; now it is time to find out. As the episode opens the group of Wildlings south of the wall are talking about the battle to come and Ygritte insists that she will be the one to kill Jon Snow… and will kill anybody else who tries to kill him first. At the wall Gilly arrives from Mole's Town and is let in by Sam who takes her to a secure room when the attack begins. Once the battle has started Giants sitting astride mammoths attack the gate while other Wildlings stat to scale the wall. Ygritte and her smaller group quickly scale the castle's southern wall and a battle rages within the courtyard. If the Night's Watch are to survive the must defeat this group and ensure that the gate that shuts out the northern forces remains closed.

From the first season the ninth episode has been something special and this season is no exception; like the second season all the action takes place in one location; Castle Black and the area around it. The early pre-battle scenes set things up nicely and once the battle starts it is non-stop action. The action is exciting and varied; the giants on mammoths look real, there are numerous volleys of flaming arrows, exploding barrels of burning oil and thrilling scenes of close quarters combat fought with a variety of weapons. The cast did a fine job; Kit Harington was great as his character, Jon Snow, took command of the forces on top of the wall. John Bradley impressed as Sam; his character has clearly developed from the first time we saw him and it was believable to see him fighting bravely. I was saddened when Ygritte died although it was fairly inevitable and she did get a good final scene. The secondary characters impressed too; they weren't a gung-ho bunch; even the bravest were apprehensive and many of the most nervous performed when called upon… but not all. Overall this was a really exciting episode that lived up to the 'Episode Nine' reputation.
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more intense than blackwater
darthsitkur11 June 2014
this is the best episode in the entire series, the battle of castle black was REALLY badass, it was brutal, insane, gory, and adrenaline fueled, and it's the most action filled scene in the series and one of the most exciting battle scenes I've ever watched, it's just 30 minutes of pure carnage and it filled up the whole episode after the preporation for it. season 4 has been the most badass season of the whole show, it's just been total insanity and all out chaos lol, I'm definitely gonna buy season 4 when it comes to DVD, I was on the edge of my seat and inhaling and exhaling in excitement the whole time lol, I give the watchers on the wall an 11 out of 10.

here's my favorite episodes in order

1. the watchers on the wall 2. the rains of castamere 3. blackwater
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Bone numbingly satisfying
bella_smiley289 June 2014
With the jaw dropping events of last week, it was hard to visualize another installment so impactful, as to stand up with the series much revered ninth episodes. But my word, does the Watchers on the Wall, the battle from two fronts deliver!

Taking place all at Castle Black, the episode allows it self to build up so much tension and suspense that I may have forgotten to breathe. Boasting one of the series most, and arguably best battle sequences to date, director Neil Marshall delivers perfectly the four year build up, surpassing his efforts in season 2's Blackwater.

The battle is central to the episode, but also delivers on character interactions and reinvests your interest in the happenings at the Wall. The best part of this episode however is following Jon, Sam, Ygritte, Tormund, Styr, Gilly, Ser Alliser Thorne and all the others as they fight for different things around them and within themselves. It nice to focus on the Men of the Nights Watch, and really makes you feel that all the backstabbing and games at the capitol,are. well. games.

Everyone has been telling us that winter is coming for so long I almost stopped believing them, but The Watchers on the Wall reminded me once again that Game of Thrones always delivers, always surprises, and ALWAYS satisfies. One of the best 10/10
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Night Watch & Wildlings Battle
Rainey-Dawn17 September 2018
Season 4, episode 9. This entire episode is basically the Wildlings and The Night's Watch preparing for battle then battling each other. For me, the weakest of all the episodes so far - but a decent watch.

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Worst GoT episode
sl-lakhani110 June 2014
This has to be worst Game of Thrones episode in my opinion.

Those long fight sequences got boring after a while and the blather didn't help either. Whatever was shown in this episode for about an hour could have been easily shown in maximum 15 minutes.

The ninth episodes of last three seasons were brilliant. This one is absolutely horrible. Don't expect too much or maybe anything. You will be extremely disappointed.

I don't know what is up with the high rating for this episode and all those positive reviews, honestly i can't find a single positive thing to say about this episode.
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One of the Best Episodes in the Entire Series
TheMelancholySpirit13 December 2019
Oh man, this one is certainly out of this world. The cinematography and choreography are on their own level, man. They're breathtaking, seriously jaw dropping. There are so many highlights regarding this episode, from its emotion to the battle scenes to its ending to the action-violence mayhem, some great dialogue, visuals, writing/plot, structure, and great directing, it makes for a strong and promising episode. Some scenes are particularly sad and heartfelt and captures its dramatic and melancholic essence so well. The battle between the Men of the Night's Watch and the Wildlings is utterly superb, seriously its own level of awesome. If you thought Blackwater was great, which it is, then this is just as good if not better. Acting is solid and there are some great scenes with chemistry between Sam and Jon, Jon and Ygritte, etc. Ollie has to ruin everything the idiot. This might be my joint favourite episode of the season and it's in my top ten Game of Thrones episodes. Ever. Jon Snow truly shines and stands out as the best in this one, heroic and strong. Up until this episode alone, this is a top five in the series. You gotta see it, even just for the last 20-25 minutes alone because it's bewildering entertainment. Truly epic.
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The Night Watchers versus The Wildings
TheLittleSongbird8 February 2018
Came to 'Game of Thrones' fairly late in the game and due to being so busy the binge-watching was gradual. Have found myself truly loving the show, very quickly becoming one of my favourites. It totally lives up to the hype and not only does it do the brilliant source material justice (a rarity in television) it is on its own merits one of the finest, most addictive and consistently compelling shows in recent years and quality-wise it puts a lot of films in recent years to shame.

"The Watchers on the Wall" may not be the most emotionally-charged, with previous episodes with being a little more emotionally investable, episode of a consistently great to brilliant Season 4 (yes, even "Oathkeeper" which is not liked by some book fans) or of the penultimate-episode-of-the-season episodes. It is though the season's most thrilling, if not as epic as "Blackwater" from Season 2.

Basically, "The Watchers on the Wall" depicts the battle of the Night Watchers and the Wildings. It is a truly thrilling one, full of rousing heroism, intensity and some heart-break, 'The Lord of the Rings' comparisons have been thrown around and one can see why. It was the most expensive 'Game of Thrones' episode up to this point, and that is obvious in an episode that looks expensive and has more of a cinematic look than a good deal of films with a bigger budget.

In terms of individual scenes, the major scene between Jon Snow and Ygritte which was heart-breaking. The very end makes one eager for the next episode.

All the performances are great, but Kit Harrington, Rose Leslie and John Bradley are especially note-worthy in the major roles most focused on.

Visually, "The Watchers on the Wall" looks amazing, as one would expect for 'Game of Thrones'. The scenery is throughout spectacular, the sets are hugely atmospheric and beautiful on the eyes with a real meticulous eye for detail and the costumes suit the characters to a tee. The make-up is beautifully done. The visual effects are some of the best of any television programme and are not overused or abused, the scale, the detail and how they actually have character and soul are better than those in a lot of the big-budget blockbusters. As well the cinematography and editing, which are cinematic quality as well.

One cannot talk about "The Watchers on the Wall" without mentioning the thematically, orchestrally and atmospherically multi-layered music scoring and the unforgettable main theme. Again, worthy of a high-budget fantasy/action/drama film.

It is hard not to be bowled over by the quality of the writing, outstanding isn't a strong enough adjective to describe how good the writing is once again. It always has a natural flow, is layered and thought-provoking and demonstrates a wide range of emotions such as suspenseful tension, poignant pathos and witty humour. The story is paced beautifully, structured with such nuance and attention to coherence, a high emotional level and is done with intelligence, passion and sensitivity.

Concluding, wonderful episode. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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Quite Simply the Best Episode of 2014
megaranks108 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This was an episode that had so many things going against it before it even began. One of my friends who had also read the books had said, "This will be like the battle of blackwater except with a less exciting story line behind it." Now in truth, this episode will probably wind up with only a 9.4 rating due to the fact that most fans will not call the night watch story line there favorite story line (something I can agree with, other than this episode, kings landing has been way more entertaining). With that said, my review below focuses SOLELY on the episode. I might not be a huge fan of the night watch plot line, but if this was the first episode of Game of Thrones that I have ever scene, I would be calling the night watch the greatest plot device in TV history.

I am in awe at how perfectly executed this episode was produced. I went into this episode with huge expectations, blackwater expectations, not just were they met, they were exceeded more than I could ever imagine. We start off with twenty minutes of beautiful preparation. Jon and Sam have a great conversation about "the cave," while Ygritte comes to odds with her own men. Sam and Aemon have what may be the best conversation of the entire series and Gilly makes her way to Castle Black. Then it happened, twenty five straight minutes of non stop action. Non stop sword fights and arrow fights and just awe. I have to make some pro/con comparisons to blackwater. The only thing this episode did no have that blackwater had was the big explosion. HOWEVER, these reasons are why this episode beats blackwater. First, we had true sword fights. I mean all out, multi minute long sword fights. Not just that, we knew the characters that were fighting. Thorne vs Tormund was more climatic than the mountain and the viper. Then the one subtle meaning that I am going to say right now that will make everyone reading this go, "I did not realize that." Revenge. The kid who shot the arrow through Ygritte's heart, was a mirror image of what Ygritte did to his father in breaker of chains. Everyone will say, "Ygritte being killed by a kid, didn't see that coming," but in truth, she killed his father the same way he killed her. Graphically the episode was really good. Lighting may have been off at certain points, but it truly showed what it was like from the watcher's point of view. The action in this episode was non stop, pure adrenaline, and just perfect. There were no pauses. I loved the Cersei/Sansa diolague in blackwater, thought it was spotless, but I can honestly say that the twenty five minuets of non stop sword fights, arrow battles, and explosions just blew me away. with no doubt this was the most exciting TV episode that I have ever scene.

Next week: Tyrion faces his destiny, Jamie makes his destiny, Bran's plot finally goes somewhere, and the war between the night's watch and the wildling's conclude. I pray that the episode is as good as this, but I don't know.

Hand's down the best episode of Game of Thrones, best episode of 2014, and I can honestly say that after 39 years, this is the best television episode that HBO has ever produced.
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The Watchers on the Wall, S4 EP9 review
mohammedadallawati2 November 2022
Soundtrack : (9.8/10) Dialogue : (9.8/10) Story : (9.7/10) Cinematography : (9.8/10) Character development : (9.6/10) Conflict : (9.8/10) Excitement : (10/10) Reasonableness : (9.8/10) Overall : (9.8/10)

Pros :
  • full time A-tier action.

  • the large scale of the location evolves the excitement and the cinematography helps the audience to get into the action going on with an immersive experience.

  • some great duels between characters which increases the tension in the audience as they begin to get afraid for their favorite characters to get killed.

  • the night scale of the battle gives the audience a fully unadulterated experience full of anxiety and tension and when the sun comes out as the battle ends it engulfes the audience with sense of relief at last .

  • the ending of the battle was perfect as it plays as an emotional scene as the camera zooms out for the audience to see the battle goes on.

  • some shots were perfect as the camera turns around to showcase the large scale of the battle as well as several action scenes going on at the same time.

  • Even the dialogue before the battle were mesmerizing as we see each character getting with the fact that they might die during the fight .

  • the soundtracks were engulfed with excitement that gives the audience the felling that it's their war as well.

  • higher budget lead to more cinematic engaging scenes.

Cons :
  • NONE.
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ntnkapoor14 February 2021
This show is must watch show . Gods the writing is so strong each episode is build up and adrenaline flows like river . You will feel show can't get any better but you might be wrong season 6 way better .this show even tops the Breaking bad .
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One of the best Battle episodes
ats12230 April 2019
This show has distinct battle and action heavy episodes each season and this is one of the shows most stylish and finest. Excellent one take kinda look to the battle - and terrific pulsing pounding score to keep the heart pounding. I later found out who the director was (if you haven't seen The Descent yet then you really should) and it totally makes sense why the tension is cranked so high in this episode. Great stuff and after seeing the "Long Night" in the last season - this is certainly a much superior battle.
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No words to describe..
aniket-com10 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Probably the best of the season. What a battle sequence with wilding's. perfect action, perfect background score, perfect dialogs.. everything is just 10 on 10.

15 minutes after watching it and i am seating and still breathing heavily for what i witnessed.

For all season, they said, wilding's will come, and finally here they are.. don't miss this episode.. must must watch.

Probably the first episode completely dedicated to only one character and it was worth it. I completely forgot about what is happening with Khalesi, Grejoy, lanisters. It was only Jon Snow and the wall...
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My favourite episode of GoT
MattPutnam82 June 2021
Jon Snow became my favourite character in this episode. He had so many cool shots and moments and the action was just unreal! It was shot in a way where you could take in the scope of the battle and really feel the weight of everything. Maybe this isn't the most shocking episode but it was the coolest and my personal favourite. This is the best episode in imo not only the best season of GoT but one of the best seasons of television period.
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abdiluqman-4759325 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Oh my ,i have always loved jon snows storyline,the nights watch,the wildlings and the mysteries up north.This was a great way to bring it together.This is when we truly learn about the nights watch values and their oaths and its meaning.A great ending to an amzing love story,ygritte.....
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YFI channel flick
bobbybits9 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
First 15 minutes were of incoherent blather. How to abandon vowels, reading books on Aemon, because of ginger minge, whaa no babies allowed, being infantile defeats foes.

Then the Big Fight. DUN DUN in constant repetition throughout. Some stupid speech follow by something stupider. Running up and down the tower in circles, a little bit of splatter bursting a blood bag. DUN DUN then another arrow hits. I thought I saw a Wildling wearing glasses in their first battle cry. The fat man grappling the gate was like watching Santa getting stuck in chimney, it should have been sent to you've been framed. The melee with commanders, face palm. A giant anchor cutting through an ice wall works just like a french horn DUN DUN, shattering. Exploding barrels blew up the people chucking them, but what about those dropped exploding only as splinters. Does a troll live under the bridge? Run away, 100k men have packed up for the night lads. We won.

Not only did they butchered this entire sequence outside of source content. What was created? What was I watching here? I couldn't honestly tell you.
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My Favorite Game of Thrones Episode
thedoctor20527 March 2019
Unfortunately sandwiched between two of the most highly praised episodes of the series, Watchers on the Wall is my favorite of the whole series. It's action packed and it's visually extraordinary, but what I love most about it is the acting and the great payoff that's been set up for the past couple of seasons. Each big death is pretty heartbreaking, no matter how important each character is. My least favorite part about the whole thing is Sam's subplot but even that is pretty great. It does a lot to evolve his character and it's good to see him get a break.

I'm not like most of these people who drop 10 stars on every episode because I just don't think Game of Thrones is perfect. I love the hell out of it and it is one of my favorite shows but there's always something in an episode I don't really like (usually a Daenerys storyline), but all of the Jon/Nights Watch episodes are always great and this episode is a golden part of the series. What it does for the characters and overall storyline is done near perfectly and it's highly commendable from me.
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