Accident (2017) Poster

(I) (2017)

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An unlikely teen-story
jaapeelman25 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Another movie wilt lots of loose ends and unlikely events. Two girlfriends plan to go to a festival with the bus but the blond one has arranged a ride with friends. And guess what happens: just after the bus has left she gets a message that the friends will not show up... Then the other girl gets almost run over by a young driver and his friend with a fast car but still they decide to take a ride with these two guys. They get an accident and get trapped in the car which is now upside down. The car is stolen, wired with a transmitter or something and loaded with cash underneath the seat. A hitman, who kills a policeman, shows up looking for the car and also a helicopter shows up from which the guys, who are outside the car, are being shot at with a machinegun. The black-haired girl can't feel her legs and crawls only in the car but once she is outside the car she can walk again and even is able to kill the hitman!! It is not explained or clear why the car is loaded with money, why it is being left for the weekend at the place where the guys work nor why the helicopter shows up and the shooter only tries to blow up the car (with the money). A unlikely and mere stupid movie which was a waste of my time. So my advise: stay away from this crap!
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Surprised I made it to the end!!!!!!!
wandernn1-81-68327423 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
+1 Star for the amazingly accurate depiction of what ALL women do in a gas station bathroom

-1 Star for the amazingly inaccurate depiction of how Police behave at Gas stations especially when answering a call

-1 Star for the CAR being a Euro setup with the steering wheel on the right side, and the setting being in the US there doesn't seem to be anyone saying anything about why the CAR is setup like this

+1 Star for the accident scene being sort of FUN!!

-1 Star For the Stealing of a sub - plot from Ferris Bueller's Day Off

-1 Star For Wow I've never seen people have so much trouble getting out of a car. It could be that it's just me though. I'm not super experienced in that area.

-1 Star for the attempted outrunning of a helicopter mounted 50CAL MG in the open ground... uh oh, we're almost at a turn off point here

Okay WOW... SPOILER ALERT! IM SURPRISED AS HELL I MADE IT TO THE END OF THIS ONE!!! IT WAS A CLOSE CALL!!!! But What a Pile of Refuse this move was. Please save yourself the trouble.
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No Teenageres were harmed in this movie
draftdubya6 April 2018
There were no teens in this movie. There are 25-36 year olds playing teens. They could have at least let them use their native accents
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worst movie ever
mrrob-243013 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Don't waste your time here. the story sounds promising but then all goes wrong... bad acting, bad writing, stupid dialogues... hell, I never screamed so much at my tv before because no character was doing something logical.

  • why not helping the girls out and then get out of this place? no instead again and again minutes of dialogue about why or why not

  • having a branch in the shoulder, losing blood, then suddenly all is ok, then blood pours again, then getting shot... but everything is fine... still can swim to get to the other girl... oops, suddenly dead

  • the worst thing was the out of nowhere tracheotomy

  • why did the other girl not use her feet to kick the broken window open, can't be that hard, instead sticking her head through it

  • why is there a killer comando after the car at all? would it not be more interesting trying to get that money instead of shooting people they don't know nothing about?
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This Film Is Beyond Bad
Saelenek12 February 2018
This is the epitome of trashy television. No plot, doesn't make sense. You hate the character development because the actors did a poor job. The script is unbelievable, I found myself laughing at times, the absurdity of what the characters actually say and do. I don't usually review movies, but this one was so bad, it compelled me to save somebody else's time from watching this. What an accident of a movie.
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Deserves one star
insightstar7 March 2019
One reason I liked this movie... because now I know I can release a film and it won't be the worst ever.
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mooreyr8 February 2018
I dont know what I hated more about this movie.. Bad acting, no story, Dumb Screenplay, idiotic dialogues, lazy direction and unrealistic scenario..
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Something was missing...
ejmc11127 January 2018
...Like a story, a plot, some character development, motives behind what was going on, a middle, and an end. What a piece of crap this was! By reading the box cover and reading this review, you know as much about it as I do... and I just watched it! That was the biggest ACCIDENT! ...watching it. I've had better times sitting in a car waiting for the police after a REAL accident than I did watching this garbage. Let's hear it for a director that can't tell a proper story. One star was as low as I could go!! So I rated it much higher than I would have otherwise. The best part was when the credits rolled... because it was over.
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Details Details
greiner-phil16 November 2018
Two minutes into the movie I knew I was in trouble, they are supposed to be in the U.S. (going to Lake Tahoe) and they used a right side drive vehicle (I imagine this was filmed in RSA)
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chadleynagel21 July 2018
Really not just saying this. This is the worst movie i've ever seen!
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My Big Toe could make a better movie.
joedonato23418 July 2020
My wife begged me to turn this off. I wouldn't. I left it on to the bitter end. We are headed for Divorce Court.
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Impressive direction
marcfesden27 January 2018
Accident is the kind of movie you have to watch with attention to see the details. The opening is a very cool uncut shot and I wish they explained how they did the one in the toilets. Sure they didn't have a big budget but it might be one of the best camera work I have seen in years. If you like David Fincher, you will love this one with long and complex shots. The story is okay and the tension is there. Cool suprises and a fun twist. Just give the guy a bigger budget or the reboot of Transformers ;)
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Its not as bad
tomsievins17 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen some terrible movies and i expected this to be one but it wasn't that terrible i kinda enjoyed watching it maybe the movies is too long but it does test alot like character stories and fire water and bad guys the ending was questioning because it just ended at a jumpscare and no parts 2 or anything.
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BlakeRsanchez8314 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Just finished watching this movie. This movie could've been a huge hit if they made it better. So many errors and so much whining. One woman couldn't feel her legs and yet you see her crawling. The other one has a broken leg but are able to swim and walk. A guy has wounded leg and a hole in his shoulder and yet he can fight the second guy has No injury Realistic nooo. Save your money and your time dont watch this
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bellomaama11 September 2018
Yes, the whole movie was a terrible mistake but can someone please help me understand; I thought I saw the girls getting hit by a car at the end
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Accidental joy ride
TheLittleSongbird10 June 2018
Despite not being completely sold on the premise, with it sounding somewhat idiotic and treading familiar ground too much, and seeing and getting tired of my fair share of bad films recently, watched 'Accident' anyway as someone who likes thriller a lot and with the cover looking intriguing.

'Accident' is sadly however yet another film seen recently, hence some reiteration because the exact same strengths and flaws those films are present here, that to me was incredibly disappointing considering its potential which it doesn't do anywhere near enough with. As a film it's terrible, with a plethora of problems (huge ones too) and doesn't do enough with its potential, which was hardly small. There is next to nothing to recommend.

Lets start with the sole positive. The scenery is atmospheric.

Unfortunately, it is not done justice by the rather direct to video schlocky way it's shot and edited, it was very clear that the film was made in a rush with no care or enthusiasm.

Going on further to the negatives, the story does feel paper thin, disjointed and over-stretched and some of it feels vague, under-explained in the last third where the film especially became duller, more predictable, more senseless and less suspenseful. Too many characters are too sketchy and with nowhere near enough to make one want to endear to them. Their annoying and illogical decision making and behaviours frustrates.

Making the film feel bland and forgettable with not enough heart put into it. The effects are ropy at best, the sound quality is obvious and utilised cheaply (being too loud in the build ups and people's reactions) and it's best not mentioning the uniformly lumbering and histrionic acting with no sense of genuine terror or care showing on anybody's faces or in their body language, it was all so what.

Dialogue can be stilted and rambling, with lots of clichés and no depth whatsoever, while the pace goes to a standstill very quickly and drags on forever with very little going on worth caring about, never recovering. Found too many the supposedly shocking moments not surprising or frightening and it was also rather dreary, due to the excessive obviousness, a lot of dumb and vague moments and explanations and the complete lack of tension and suspense.

Would not have minded the lack of originality (the film is extremely derivative and in a dumbed and watered down way) if the story and atmosphere were at least alright in execution, in reality they were both dreadfully done. Everything is silly, acted and written as if such a dangerous situation in reality had nothing at stake and it was too clear how it was going to end.

There are often nonsensical and confusing character motivations, while too many of the things to make you shocked are far from creative or thrilling. The ending can be seen from miles away and impossible to take seriously, no matter how hard one tries.

'Accident' is completely unimaginative, very repetitive and more ridiculous than it is tense, completely failing to show any sense of horror and resorting to cheap typical genre tropes with nothing new. Some badly sagging momentum too. The direction is leaden, inexperience seems to be all over the film, and the music doesn't really fit.

Concluding, irredeemably awful. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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A real masterpiss off
beelzebub198021 February 2018
If someone need something to get pissed off. If someone suffers from masochism. It should be recommended.
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When you have to ask...
McArthur128 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
You know its bad when, you find yourself asking questions like, if the crooks can send a helicopter, armed with a 50mm machine gun, to kill the occupants of the car, then why did they not just use the same helicopter to transport the cash in the first place. no need for transponders, no need for hitmen. no need to risk having the car stolen by idiotic horny guys, who don't know the meaning of the word No. I gave this movie 4 stars, it is more like a 3 or a 3.5
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Total nonsense!
brionesb24 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
From beginning to end, this movie was complete & utter garbage. The story overall is like the rest of those others that feature friends going on a trip and then having everything unravel... The difference here is that it all unfolds in the most ridiculously implausible ways that you wonder what the writer/director of this movie was thinking!

The movie starts out with 2 young girls being dropped off at a bus station that are on their way to a music festival. We shortly find out that one of the girls lied to the mother that dropped them off & that they never had any tickets for the bus ride to the festival they were going to. The plan was to actually hitch a ride with a few other friends who are going to the same festival, but of course this doesn't go as planned as the 2 girls are now stranded with no bus ticket or a way to get to their destination. In fact, the bus that was there when they arrived just left.

So now the plan turns into hitching ANY ride to their destination and of course the 2 girls wind up jumping into a BMW with a driver that nearly ran them over... Supposedly the BMW belongs to the parents of the driver & one of the guys steps out to apologize and make up for almost running the girls down by offering them a ride.

From here the story quickly goes downhill, with the girls eventually finding out that the car is actually stolen and they wind up in a horrible accident which flips the car over. Now the 4 of them must come together to find safety and escape from the shadowy owners of the car who are now looking for it.

Ok, so that didn't sound all that bad right? Unfortunately as great as it all sounds on paper, the execution is horrendous. The 2 girls which are supposed to the protagonists are portrayed as very vapid & immature. The 2 guys that picked them up in the car are basically portrayed as douchebags. The scene featuring the actual car crash that really sets the story in motion is the most horrendous & unnecessary and overly drawn out CGI sequence which just makes things drag on THAT much longer. Even the subplot about all the little events that lead up to this moment are facepalmingly bad!

The worst thing that the writer/director did with this movie is draw out every little detail & added to much melodrama to every little thing that happens. For a good portion of the movie, we are forced to hear the characters unnecessarily whine & drone on about whose fault it is that they are in this terrible situation that you just want them all to die since they are so insufferable!

Avoid this movie at all costs! It's a total waste of time and trust me when I say you will regret being subjected to everything that happens.
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Wasting my time
varantaz31 May 2018
I hate that when I watch something and feel like there are two hours of my life I will never get back. How is it 4 stupid people get to get together and can't use their brains as one person's. They couldn't leave the car but she was able to kill the trained agent..
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Dumb and dumber with guns
bashum-6573326 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
You need to know before watching this movie: anybody here act as a normal person. Between the badest killer ever, two brainless hot chicks, two teenagers of 25 years, two psychotic blind helicopter drivers and a lot of useless flashbacks, the only think you will want to happen is the end of the movie
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waste of oxygen
lalagozar11 August 2018
I came across this on the tellie this evening and thought I'd give it a try....

Do not waste your life on this film. Go get a haircut or grab a coffee with an insignificant person in your life....but do yourself a favour and do not watch this film (for many reasons)!
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A great movie with a lot of cool camera solutions
stargatelost28 January 2018
This is a great movie. I have to say first, that I am not some paid rewiver, or friend of the filmmakers. Watch this movie, it'll worth it. You can tell by the first few minutes, that this movie was cared for, that the makers were passionate about it. They tried different ways to make it even more interesting, and enjoyable. I'll make a list:

1. Long scenes, without cutting. I am always amazed by this technique, and this requires more work, than cutting scenes together. The first scene of the movie is already made this way, so when I saw this, I knew right away, that this would be special. 2. The title. Not much, right? In most films, they just put the names on the screen in white, and then write out the title. In the 'Accident' they made this cool too. Okay, not Deadpool cool, but the effort shows. 3. Camera movement. Pair it with the long scenes, this is an awsome combo. It moves (flows) up, down, slow motion, inside the car, through the glass etc. There is one scene, where the accident happens, and the driver hits the breaks, and it is so cool, when the camera goes inside the car, and shows, how the break hits the tires. 4. Production design: I don't know the budget of this movie, I am guessing not much, but it rarely shows. It looks well made, great, sharp picture quality, nothing sticks out, you can see clearly everything. And I say again, it is well made. 5. Action: bunch of people stuck in an upside down car. What action? I'll tell you, there will be some suprises, a lot of action movie would be envy of the Accident.

Of course, it is not a perfect movie, you can say bad things about the acting, or why the characters are stupid, or why the script goes that, or this way... But this Dan Tondowski's first movie, and as a first movie, it is frickin' well made.
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nikitamcdermid19 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The absolute worst movie I've ever seen. There's no point to it. The amount of stupidity in it is insane. Like seriously, who tries to break a window by pulling it towards themselves with their hands instead of kicking it out...! And it just dragged on forever, it actually got annoying ... The actors weren't that bad, considering they were just playing their scripted roles, but this was just a bad movie, for them and the viewer.
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Only one good thing
denegrikat14 February 2018
The only good thing about this movie is the fact that the shots were actually pretty nice. Now, the COLORS, that's another story. In the very beginning there were scenes where the color was very odd and way too bright blue for it, even if it was sunny out. It get better throughout the movie. The acting was TERRIBLE and the plot was okay. The girls are not on their right minds - who the hell gets in a car with a guy who says "get in the car" and she goes "what?" "Well you need a ride don't you?" Uh no thank you. The dialogue needed major work.
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