June (2015) Poster

(I) (2015)

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It's not bad but it's not good either.
iam_theeridan26 April 2018
June isn't terrible, but it's also not anything special. Decent acting, overused plot, and subpar effects. A lot of what happens in the movie doesn't even seem relavent to the main story. It's all just glossed over, and never really goes in depth about anything which leads up to the climax being pretty anticlimactic and rushed. It makes for decent background noise at the very least.
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"Firestarter" mixed with "Carrie" and a bit of "The Exorcist". The result is this not so original movie.
peterp-450-2987166 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Stop it, Aery. Why are you doing this? You are a vessel. Before people, before machines, there is only us."

Mix the ingredients from several successful films and you get as end result something like "June". It's not terribly bad, but it isn't very original and exciting either. Even the biggest coward can effortlessly watch this film with all the lights off. "June" is the least creepy horror I've ever seen. Do you remember Drew Barrymore as Charlie in "Firestarter", the sweet girl who could cause a fire just by thinking of it? Or Carrie in the eponymous film who sow the seeds of death and destruction when she was p*ssed off? June (Kennedy Brice) has similar, telekinetic powers when she gets angry. Or is there a demonic force at work making her as possessed as Regan in "The Exorcist"? Eventually, it all has to do with a primal force called "Aer", which took possession of June during an occult rite. A rite that wasn't finalized perfectly. During that ceremony June was taken away by one of the participants at the last minute.

Lets start with the positive remarks. Although it clearly is a low-budget film, there are still some successful fragments. First there's the changing appearance of June. In particular her eyes. Not that it's innovative, but it reinforced her demonic character. As well as the limited number of scenes where we can witness June's strength. Like for example at the barbecue. But above all, I had great admiration for the young actress Brice. There wasn't much dialogue for her. Probably because of her rather timid and introverted personality. But in general she looked really natural as a young, fragile girl who has to deal with her inner demon. An everyday struggle, attempting to maintain control.

What remains is simply doom and gloom. The shown ritual at the beginning looks really kitschy and when the cult members call upon Aer to take possession of June and this power descends, it just looks as if the wisps of smoke are pasted on the image. Terrible special effects in other words. And there were a few situations that really annoyed me. Firstly, apparently the conditions to be suitable as adoptive family, are abominably bad when you look at the first family. An asocial family with a fat guy resembling Onslow (from Keeping Up Appearances) and a cigarette smoking bimbo who probably works as a prostitute. Compared to them, Lily Anderson (Victoria Pratt) and Dave Anderson (Casper van Dien) are outright saints who radiate comprehensive affection. They're impatient to take on the task of caring father and mother. Perhaps a little overdone because already the first night they start asking June the pertinent question whether or not she wants to call Lily her "Mommy". With disappointed looks as a result of course. This was totally implausible and totally stupid.

But especially the storyline is a huge disappointment. Nothing spectacular happens so to speak. The end of the film is so trivial, I can't even remember what it was anyway (perhaps I fell asleep). So if you never saw "Carrie", "Firestarter", "The Exorcist" or any other film whatsoever with a possessed, demonic character who has control over psychic powers, then you should definitely give this one a chance.

More reviews here : http://bit.ly/1KIdQMT
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Tame but watchable
Stevieboy66613 October 2017
Tale about a young orphaned girl and her demonic alter ego Aer, as she is moved from trailer trash foster home to nice but childless couple. Naturally there is an evil plan at work. This movie is pretty well acted and filmed, is easily watchable but as a horror film it is very tame. I picked it up from Poundland so can't grumble, though I'll be passing my copy on.
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Not Even Remotely Science Fiction
in198425 November 2015
2.9 of 10. Whoever at IMDb is responsible for classifying this as science fiction should be fired and permanently banned from the site. This is little more than the typical satanic cult, possessed child horror film, neither of which are scary and have not been remotely scary or horror-like for decades. Just variations on the same stupid crap so that it's not even original.

The basic FX and filming manages to make the stereotypical eyes going black/red seem realistic enough. Part of the story involving the orphaned child having difficulty finding stable adopted parents and family is interesting and keeps it from being completely valueless, but there's no science or extrapolated future going on here other than the cult planning for the end-times and the child being the demon possessed bringer of them telling she/it doesn't like what will happen.

The film doesn't do much other than maybe provide scares and drama for very, very simple minds and serve to setup a sequel/series, which hopefully never happens.
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Didn't work.
Patient44429 November 2015
Is it just me or lately horror movies have been focused on these subjects alone: zombies, possession, found footage.

You wait and wait, you want to see something a tad bit decent, that would do it, but no, the exact same movie you've seen 10 times in the last 5 years makes yet another appearance under a different name. And it is really starting to bug me!

Now about the movie per say: the acting is OK, the actors are good, the plot is quite used and the execution is poor. The effects are usually bad, the horror scenes were simply copied from other productions and the ending is what you would expect it to be. From head to tale, this one is a pass. Nothing new here, nothing good either.

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You Wouldn't Like Her When She's Angry
shawnblackman22 October 2016
No time like October to watch June. This film starts with a sacrifice taking place in the woods at night. Things get fouled up and the baby gets saved from death but only after getting hit by beams of light from the sky. The baby was June who is around ten now and circling around the foster scene. She is a very different child which makes her a target of ridicule and when she gets angry instead of turning green she has scanner type powers where she causes bad things to happen. She can even stop rain. The crux of the story is that she needs to complete the ritual they started all those years ago.

This wasn't too bad but you don't really care for any of the characters. Some of the things she can do is pretty cool. Mediocre at best but there are a thousand others worse.
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Nothing worthy !
hbusafwan29 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This awful combination of unknown doctrine, silence and goofs which were gathered in 84 minutes worth nothing at all.

Firstly, The religious part was fogy, unclear and just black. This "Harm" soul suppose to destroy the world! while it doesn't kill anybody even those who were close to her. and did nothing except to broke some dishes and drops some rain. I think, The characters which should represents the world were few! only fife or six! and the places were not better, Not more than 4 or 5 places!

It is obvious that The time was not divided in a smooth way since the film summarized in the first and last 15 minutes. and lastly, The goofs are unforgeable (see the goofs part).

Simply I don't recommend it.
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I originally scored it 6, but recently returned to it, and I'm now concerned I'd had a stroke or something
thecla55521 January 2021
Don't upset June. Really? I've seen more consequences to being asked to wear a mask in a supermarket. The acting is mainly good, so that's why it has any stars. I suppose it gets better towards the end...but I didn't get that far the second time, I think I fell asleep...or maybe had another stroke.
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Not bad, but could have been better.
emberstonepierce25 October 2015
To be fair, I've seen a lot worse films. This is a supernatural thriller which takes its influences from films such as 'Carrie', 'Bless the Child' and 'The Omen' so don't expect to see much originality. The acting's not bad but the script leaves a lot to be desired - I guess you can only work with what you're given. The narrative is rather simple and brings nothing new to the genre, however the cinematography is superb and a joy to watch. It's entertaining enough as movies go, but I can't help feeling that it could have been so much better. You're never going to make a film as beloved as the classics (The Omen, Rosemary's Baby etc) but with a more interesting plot, that stands up on its own, things could have been greatly improved.
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Watch May instead.
BA_Harrison19 July 2019
Host to a demonic entity called Aer, June (Kennedy Brice) is a pre-teen Carrie/female Damien who unleashes her telekinetic powers whenever she gets angry. After being fostered by an abusive white trash family on a trailer park, June is eventually adopted by married childless couple Dave and Lily Anderson (Casper Van Dien and Victoria Pratt), but June's 'invisible friend' Aer prevents her from leading a normal family life, much to the dismay of her new parents.

Extremely derivative (June is bullied and even has her first period in front of her classmates, just like Carrie), and completely devoid of scares, this weak supernatural chiller also suffers from unnecessarily pretentious artsy direction and lapses in logic. The pre-credits scene, in which cultists offer up the infant June to the malevolent spirit Aer, is clumsy and confusing; the idea that uncaring trailer park trash would ever be allowed to foster children is ludicrous; and the revelation that certain adults aren't quite who they seem is predictable.

Youngster Brice isn't at all bad as the titular character, but the film itself is completely forgettable. Let's hope that the sequel/series that the ending is clearly setting itself up for never happens.
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Amazing For What It Is
brian-226624 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
No spoilers here...the film speaks for itself.

This film had little budget...total indie job. You have to give credit where it's due. Excellent script, hell of a story. The premise of the story is enough to make the hardest horror-fan cringe. Evil kids...ever since The Omen, they are a popular part of the horror genre. The kid in this is a great little actor, and I think she portrayed the "infiltrated" child quite well.

Yeah, the acting could use some work, and the cinematography, but for what they had to work with, I give it thumbs way up. If you like indie-horror, watch this one.
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A girl Becomes vessel to a demonic spirit named AER
sayanbasu290719926 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
JUNE...THe film starts of well depicting a cult ritual going terribly bad laying the way for a nice decent movie..Now firstly the role of june has been brilliantly acted by kennedy brice with nice performances from the supporting actors.What doesn't works with the decent visual effects and some really interesting scenes is a muddled up screenplay which is really confusing.Nothing really makes sense,who or what their purposes are?.It gets really boring after a point and fails to bring your interest back.Even the climax is a terrible failure.It still is far better shot(the cinematography is brilliant ),With a fantastic background score and a top notch performance from its leads,Than several other films of this Genre.Definitely worth a watch but just once.....
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Very slow Very boring
balochistan17 April 2022
A total pile of junk. Why even bother making this film. Waste of time. A tyipcal not scary film at all. The stroy is everywhere but yet there is no clues on what this film is about!
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nogodnomasters12 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The film opens with the cult sacrifice of a baby that isn't sacrificed. We then jump to 9 years later when our infant is now a moody kid with a demon friend in foster care. Eventually she (Kennedy Brice) comes under the care of Lily (Victoria Pratt) and her husband Dave (Casper Van Dien). Dave has trouble adjusting to things breaking around him.

To quote a Christian Slater film (Way of the Wicked) it was "some kind of omen kid." This one wasn't any better or worse than the lot of also ran films out there. A decent rental and a film you will soon forget. Casper Van Dien doesn't save the world in this one.

Guide: F-bomb. No sex or nudity.
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Watchable Horror Film
Pairic9 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
June: A Devil Child or The Devil in female form, or just possessed of Psychic Powers? A mother and father, members of a Satanist Cult, hand over their baby daughter June to the Cult for a Summoning, In the midst of the Ritual the mother slits the throat of the Satanist Priestess, but it seems to be too late.

Sent from one foster home to another, June reacts badly to maltreatment. Elictriciry cuts off, wild winds come from nowhere, Poltergeist style activity ensues , A social worker seems to understand June's predicament and places her with a better family. But he seems to report to a mysterious supervisor, always over the phone.

June blames an invisible friend/spirit called Aer for the strange occurrences..

Shades of Carrie and The Omen, Polteregeist but a watchable Horror Film in its own right. 6/10.
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Dual Booted Aer and June
soggydeadgirl13 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I like June, the movie, the character is a bit on the taciturn side. However, June is dual booted with Aer, a goddess that seems to see humanity as a virus that needs to be eradicated ("Fire will illuminate the sky and the ashes of man will rain down.") When they try for the sacrifice, Aer kills everyone with the exception of the teenage Lily who carries June away.

So the movie opens with a couple (are they a couple?) dressing a baby and taking her to some gathering in the woods. It appears, although it is never stated, that this is where Aer possesses June. Yet, later in the movie we hear Aer tell June, "You are my vessel. Before people, before machines, there was only us." suggesting that the connection between Aer and June is much older than we want to think.

June is a bit taciturn, keeps to herself, so naturally kids have to pick on her. This really doesn't work out too well for them because when Aer has decided June has taken enough she ends it. The scene at the trailer park where Aer lays all flat, in the trailer Aer's power scorched the trailer park and burned all of June's tormentors (I wish they would have left the scene with the fire as it fits the things Aer says.)

There is a CPS worker that wants to sacrifice June to whatever. He removes June form the trailer park foster home to a new home with affluent parents, Dave and Lily Anderson. Unbeknownst to Lily, at first, this is a reunion. At this house Aer gets annoyed with Dave, '...and you, Dave, will be the first to die." Lily keeps wanting to meet Aer, but Aer is present and speaking every now and again, so Lily has spoken to her.

CPS dude kidnaps Aer to take her back to the place of sacrifice in the woods, same place as nine years earlier. They get the same results as nine years past, only Lily and June walk away.

"You all came from the goddess to her you shall return. Like drops of rain falling into the ocean bodies will fall, and, Dave, you shall be first to die."

I like this movie. Kennedy Brice is a good actress. I do feel things were left out. There are issues with consistency, that are minor. I like the dual booted, June/Aery character. I wish they were developed more. But I've seen it the way it is 40-50 times and will see it another 40-50 times over the years.
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"She's a very special girl."
parry_na10 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Crucial, with a film concerning a deeply troubled child, is the casting of the titular character. It is with relief to note that 9 year-old June is played by Kennedy Brice with all the awkwardness and sense of isolation required of an 'outsider', but she never slides into petulance or brattishness. After a difficult early life on a trailer park, she is adopted by Dave Anderson (mightily-jawed 'Starship Troopers' and 'Sleepy Hollow' actor Casper Van Dien) and his wife Lily (Victoria Pratt). The way their wholesome veneer of eager goodwill slowly becomes fragmented by June's strange behaviour is well played.

And yet June is as much the victim of her 'possession' as anyone. Rather like early onset Alzheimer's disease, her moments of clarity are very appealing and heart-breaking, merged as they are by the bewilderment she feels as to her condition: she shares her body with an ancient supernatural being, of course. "She's a very special girl," we are told.

Rather like a pre-teen 'Carrie (1976)', this tells the tale of one person's frightening possession very well, but where it doesn't deliver is ramping up the actual scares. The usually effective blackening-of-eyes effect used to signify inner darkness is creepy enough, but around the midway mark, it becomes apparent that this is as frightening as things are going to get.

Ultimately, 'June' starts with a lot of promise, but finds itself constricted by its approach to the story of demonic possession and goes more than a bit 'sci-fi' towards the end. This nullifies any ability to scare and loses the connection with the audience in its carefully built-up first half. It is well done, but emerges somewhat tamer than I would have liked.
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Just kind of there in the middle. Not hateable not terribly memorable.
GiraffeDoor4 November 2019
More a dark supernatural thriller than a horror, this is not an annoying movie when so many real horrors are.

It is somewhat forgettable though, enlivened by what is actually a very poignant and charming depiction of a child without a place to call home.

Fairly effective as propaganda for making the adoption process much easier.
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Interesting version of Carrie
robertemerald25 March 2019
This is enjoyable horror. It's very well acted, the script is good and the plot plausible for modern horror. It's true there are no real surprises once the piece is up and running, but it has good similarities to Carrie (relationship development with parents and others), and a couple of points that work better, such as the cuteness and extra youth of June and her peers, and the less over-the-top special effects, which are good. That the budget went for good special effects at perhaps the expense of a larger cast was an intelligent stroke, and I'm almost inclined to give this an 8. There is a a welcome spread here of tension leading to moments of horror frenzy, and enough clever mystery to keep one interested. I'd not be surprised if future opinion will regard this sincerely professional production as one that should have enjoyed more credibility and ratings than current.
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I liked the movie, BUT...
iamturk499 September 2018
I enjoyed the movie, however, was the budget for this movie low, That they couldn't have a wardrobe change... The little girl was in the same outfit every single day. That kind of bothered me, if they cared so much for that little girl, by her address.
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