American Guinea Pig: Bouquet of Guts and Gore (2014) Poster

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Meh. Don't listen to the paid reviews or those affiliated with the movies reviews
HamsterFist25 June 2015
Graphic? Sure, yep, it is. Not one for the family that is for sure, unless you want to freak your in laws out around Thanksgiving.

I give it a low score for the below average special effects, the disguising of the effects by it being shot in low quality (to give it the genuine feel I suppose, however in this day and age everyone has access to high quality recording, and it is actually a distraction, not to mention a cheap way to hide terrible effects.) and the ATROCIOUS acting.

Pro tip guys! I am not a medical professional, but I highly doubt any part of the human body with bones near by can be cut straight through like they are made of hot dogs. YouTube most likely has plenty of autopsy type videos, of which you should have watched first. This was like a kindergartners take on how easily a saw would cut through bones.
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Some Pretty Decent FX
TheCrazyCatGuy19 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Sure the movie is boring as p.i.s.s, and the dismemberment gets cookie-cutter over time (pun intended), but the movie had me watching the FX gore closely to see the goods. It reminded me of the good 'ole 80's, and when I assisted with two college horror films.

SPOILERS BELOW: This movie is essentially nothing more than an FX demo reel, and its not too bad. I was impressed with the body casts for the legs and arms, and I know it took some serious time to fill up the torso with guts just to yank them out. Making sure the skin peels worked HAD to have taken some time.

The FX cuts loose (pun intended) in a downhill manner when they start doing the sawing and chop-chop on one chick's face. The bad editing for the bad head disfigurement made me want to bang my head to keep from chuckling.

Is it shocking? Give me a break. Download some recent videos from the ISIS/ISIL loons if you want shocking. This is pure gore FX entertainment the family can enjoy, and while watching, you can let little Timmy or Clarice know that they're going to "give an arm and a leg" if needed to clean their room.
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Missing something Guinea Pig strived on.
alleywayhorror27 November 2021
Guinea Pig is one of my favorite underground horror franchises. So, naturally I was excited to watch Bouquet of Guts and Gore. And, I couldn't help but be disappointed. It offers not much more than shock value and gore

Guinea Pig: Flower of Flesh and Blood (the film out of the franchise this tries to recreate) had an artistic beauty to it thanks to horror manga legend Hideshi Hino. It showed the beauty of human life while also showing the horrors one is capable of. It's a gut wrenching, spine tingling, beautiful yet sickening art piece. This one, on the other hand, loses all of that artistic value. And boils it down to nothing more than mindless, over the top, unbelievable gore.

The "dialogue" of which there is not much of, is just characters shouting "out of tape!" and "oh yeah that's it" over and over. And even then the actors still manage to make it feel weird. Making it feel just cringeworthy and annoying.

This film is nothing more than a shock piece that, if you are in the mood for, can be good. But if you are expecting a good art piece à la Guinea Pig, you have been warned.
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Not Believable - Just Horrible
timothygartin18 November 2019
I don't believe that this movie is a strong legacy of the foreign Guinea Pig films. There isn't anything to this movie except killing two women slowly using poor practical effects. There is no characterization and I think the cinematography is poor.

We don't know anything about any of the characters. Its hard to watch the gore when there isn't a compelling story.
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Dumb Waste of Time
chrisgcomputers27 June 2015
Sure it's gory, but the special effects are really rather unrealistic and lack luster.

No story, no plot. What would this be.. a 10 page script?

This here people is called how to do a movie with the least amount of work possible.

If you want to see this crap there are ton's of real internet sites showing real people dying in worse ways.

This may of been "shocking" in the 80's... today it is just boring.

Do not waste your time or money with this junk.

And wow IMDb want's at least 10 lines for a review. There is not 10 lines of dialogue in this movie. Literally my review has more words than the entire film.
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Movie that should have never been made
iamsparticus1813 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
First off the script had to be one page, as follows...5 min. Abduction of 2 women, strip them naked and strap them to tables..55 min. Of torturing and dissecting them while they are alive, finally 5 min. Of main bad dude in a room reveal with child....REALLY?....poorly shot, badly edited, only thing missing is the money shots and this would be found on Porn Hub redeeming factors, no entertainment value, no story...just the objectification of women..made by a guy who made VHS piracy famous years want to protest something, this is it...this type of torture snuff film has no place in today's entertainment business.....the ruination of independent films are upon us...and this is the example.. Got a 1 because I couldn't give it -100
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Nothing here except gore effects, filmed on low quality cameras...
drazdik13 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
As has been stated in pretty much every review for this movie it is vile, disgusting, disturbing... I didn't even want to watch it actually, but I forced myself through it. Just so I could get it out of my queue. I have a huge backlog of horror movies that I want to watch and alphabetically this one was first... First of all there is no plot whatsoever in this movie. Thank god! I loathe to think that If they actually went through the trouble of giving the victims some personality where you might have felt sorry for them. As it was I don't even recall knowing their names until the very end.

Anyway since this movie is basically all about the special effects and I am really not an expert on them, I am just a viewer. I thought the limbs being sawed through on the first victim looked pretty good. I'm more of a tool guy so I believe the saws he used would not have sawed through bone very well. When he cut the eyeball I was totally sick to my stomach because eyeball gore always gets to me. Although I really don't think an eyeball would ooze a clear liquid. Also not that I would want the movie to be any worse, but I think the paralysis drug and LSD to make them total vegetables through the whole movie was kind of lame. It's basically an autopsy on a living person, but they might as well be dead... I don't know. If the girls got to scream, beg for their lives, or you know act a little bit this movie would have been infinitely more disturbing.

As for the second victim, I wasn't very impressed by her being skinned. I don't know for sure, but I would imagine skin doesn't just peel off like a banana peel. The second victim also just seemed very rushed to me... Not that I wanted this movie to be any longer...

One final observation... I was kind of amused at the one guy with the resistance mask constantly berating the bull headed masked guy. "Start on the left, always on the left." During the clothing removal. Then once the torture begins this was all tossed out of the window as he always seemed to begin on the right...

I would have given this movie 3 stars if a cop came in at the end and shot all three of these guys in the head and then proceeded to vomit in the corner after viewing the horrible scene. Nope this movie gives you one minute of a baby crying instead as if the movie really needed to be any more disturbing...
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An horror
LUIS3 December 2019
Unbearable. A hell. Impossible not to cover your face. And the author goes and dedicates it to his mother.
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The Spirit of the Guinea Pig Legacy Returns
Matthew-traugh12 August 2018
In 1985 a film was produced that depicted the graphic torture and murder of a young women by a group of men in a warehouse. Their intent? To study the human body's threshold for pain. Originally titled Unabridged Agony, but better known as The Devil's Experiment, this film was the first in a series of what would later become the most controversial films to come out of all of Japan; the Guinea Pig films.

It wasn't until the release of the series second film, Flower of Flesh and Blood, that these films started to gain notoriety. Directed by Hideshi Hino, Flower of Flesh and Blood begins with a message from the director detailing that his inspiration to make the film came from a genuine snuff film he received in the mail. Expressing that what we are about to see is a reimagining of the true horrors that he witnessed on screen. The film then proceeds into a world of debauchery as a man dressed as a samurai systematically begins to dismantle a drugged woman tied to a table, limb by limb. The film's depictions of graphic violence were so realistic that many thought the film to be real snuff. Probably most infamously, in 1991 actor Charlie Sheen watched a segment of the film, and convinced that what he just watched was the filming of an actual homicide, decided to contact the FBI. The Bureau implemented an investigation but dropped it after Hino was able to demonstrate that what was shown was all done through special effects.

The series further gained infamous reputation when the sixth film in the series, Devil Doctor Woman, was found in the videotape collection of child murder Tsutomu Miyazaki. This prompted a wide debate on graphic violence in film and its perceived association with real life implications of violence. In the end, six films came out of the Guinea Pig series before going out of production over such significant controversy. Even with the series death, the films had garnered a cult following, and the series was bootlegged and shared throughout the world within the underground horror collecting community.

In 2005 Stephan Biro had bought the rights to the Guinea Pig series and launched his distribution company, Unearthed Films, with the first official U.S. release of the series. This is where the American Guinea Pig series begins. It was now illegal to make any films with the Guinea Pig name in Japan, ultimately leaving the series dead in the water. That did not mean the series could not continue in the United States, and so in 2014 Biro wrote and directed the first film in what would become America's adaptation and homage of Japan's controversial legacy.

Bouquet of Guts and Gore is the first film to come out of the American Guinea Pig franchise, and it is the film that bridges the Japanese and American series together. Where Flower and Flesh and Blood presents itself as the reimagining of a snuff film that Hino received in the mail, Bouquet of Guts and Gore presents itself to be the very film that Hino watched. Except instead of it being a lone depraved mad man dismembering a woman on a table for his own enjoyment, it is an underground production company that produces snuff films for the black market; where we observe two women in similar circumstances, except their deaths are much more drawn out, much more mean spirited, and much more viscerally depicted.

For those seeking plot, character development, and story, this film is not for you. In its truest sense, this film is an exhibition of how much depraved realism can be created with practical effects on screen. It is a love letter to extreme cinema. It is a test of endurance and moral character. It is devoid of plot because plot is not why this film is watched. There is no important narrative arch because this film is simply intended to show life end. This film has taken the primary elements of extreme horror and stripped it down to its most basic components: graphically displayed violence and gore. This film is a gorehounds wet dream.

That does not mean this film does not come with its set of drawbacks. For one, the film's opening sequence in which our two female victims are captured is nonsensical and does not help develop a sense of realism. This film is shot in a found-footage fashion, which is necessary in providing the feeling that what we are watching is a genuine snuff film. But what the film opens with is our two female characters walking to their car in a suburban neighborhood, observed from the vowaristic perspective of their soon to be abductors filming them. Yet many of the shots chosen in this sequence would place the camera man directly infront, or in eyes view, of the two women. Secondly, how the women are abducted is silly. The women pile into an impressive muscle car with the windows already rolled down. As they sit and begin to start the car a hidden figure in the back seat is seen wearing a gas mask, and ignites a noxious gas. This gas is seen billowing out of the car windows past the two women, yet both of them collapse in their seats into unconsciousness. Our gas masked figure then takes the role in the driver's seat and then speeds away. The whole segment feels forced, as if the whole scene was wrote so that they could use the car the car in the film.

That said, once the scene is set and our victims are captured, the film dramatically improves from there. In fact, though I found the first few moments of the film to be counterproductive to its intended tone and theme, I am quickly able to dismiss it, understanding that this is Biro's first film, ever, and how quickly the film recovers once the action begins.

Regarding what follows, I have no interest in providing any spoilers. I will say however, that the film's practical effects are top notch. Marcus Koch is the special fx artist on this project, and he did a phenomenal job. The violence looks real, and the violence looks vicious. When compared to Flower of Flesh and Blood, which has dated quite a bit since its initial release, Bouquet pics up the pieces and presents something that looks very much like the real thing. For fans of the original Japanese films, the American Guinea Pig series starts off with a promising first feature film. Bouquet of Guts and Gore is a must watch for any fan or collector of extreme cinema. It is grueling, raw, and does not seem to know or care if it has crossed the line. The film ends with a sequence that will shock and disturb likely even the most seasoned of extreme cinophiles.
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Silly and way too long.
j_glentzes18 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't watched a single original guinea pig film. Reading the synopsis for these films was more than enough for me, due to them having no real story. I stumbled upon this and my curiosity got the best of me .

So this film is four guys dismembering two girls while filming a snuff film. Now where to begin ? The film is shot on bad quality vhs cameras to give the illusion of a snuff film except it shows the people actually filming this snuff film so the illusion is lost immediately. The acting is terrible, porn quality, as you would expect . The jokes are unfunny. The girls are being injected with lsd so they don't react at all and all you are left with is 90 minutes of some guys exercising in special , gore effects. Having the victims not reacting takes any shock element away from the film but considering the level of "acting" we could expect from these girls maybe that's a blessing. The film is also too long, at least the Japanese films knew how to keep things short , this drags on for what seems like an eternity.

Oh and there's a "shocking" ending with a cute baby crying and a kid, obviously having the time of his life being in a movie and all, that we are supposed to be repulsed with because these buffoons are supposed to slaughter them for their next , more extreme , snuff film. Seriously guys , the Italians did it much better in the late seventies/early eighties. You had a guy eating his intestines in anthropophagus, necrophilia and gore in beyond the darkness, a girl puking her insides in city of the living dead and so on and so on. Of course these films had a disturbing story too while this 90 minutes "film" will test your patience. For curious people that can stomach gore effects and have a lot of time in their hands only.
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Remember Charlie: It's only a movie …only a movie …only a movie.
BA_Harrison26 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
In 1991, actor Charlie Sheen contacted the FBI after watching Japanese gore-fest Guinea Pig: Flower of Flesh and Blood (1985), convinced that what he had seen was a genuine snuff movie; the bureau's investigation was eventually dropped after the makers of the film demonstrated that the on-screen dismemberment of a woman that had so shocked Sheen was nothing more than a impressive display of special effects.

American Guinea Pig: Bouquet of Guts and Gore sees Stephen Biro of Unearthed Films teaming up with make-up expert Marcus Koch to go one better than the infamous Japanese splatter classic by depicting an even more disturbing display of human butchery—the systematic physical destruction of not one, but two women by a gang of sadistic film-makers, who record every last nauseating detail on film and VHS tape.

Bouquet of Guts and Gore starts with the abduction of the unfortunate females by a gas-mask wearing weirdo hiding on the back seat of their car. The action then cuts to a makeshift studio where the women—now strapped to operating tables—are revived, injected with a neuromuscular blocking agent and given a dose of LSD, after which their outer garments are removed. Twenty two minutes into the film and the gory stuff finally begins, Koch and his special effects team pulling out all the stops to make the on-screen torture and butchery as convincing as possible.

The first victim (the one on the left… always start on the left!) has her hand removed, followed by a foot and then the leg at the knee. The second leg proves to be more of a challenge, the bone requiring some serious effort. An arm comes off next. The head provides some particularly revolting moments, with a spot of Un Chien Andalou-style eyeball trauma and the administration of an extreme 'Chelsea Smile' using a saw. The torturer then disembowels his victim, bleeds her out by removing the tourniquets from her stumps, and then cuts out her heart.

The second girl has the skin stripped from both arms, the flesh peeled off her legs, and her chest opened up. A lump hammer is used to smash in her teeth and a cigarette is stubbed out in her eye, the guy pushing his thumb deep into the socket for good measure. The woman's rib-cage is then snipped away with bolt-cutters to reveal her heart still beating (how these women remain alive during such trauma is one of my minor bugbears—but more of that in a mo). The finishing move this time is a frenzied slashing of the neck with a sharp knife (followed by a little chainsaw action).

As extreme horror movies go, this is definitely amongst the most gruelling I've seen, Marcus Koch's stomach churning effects ensuring a satisfyingly gruesome time for anyone brave enough to watch. Stephen Biro's direction is in keeping with the original Guinea Pig movie, capturing the horror in a suitably matter-of-fact, in-your-face manner. If I can find any faults with the film, it's that the action becomes a little repetitive at times (amputate the left leg, amputate the right leg, skin the left arm, skin the right arm etc.), some of the performances are a little ropey (there's a touch too much dialogue for my liking), and, as I've already mentioned, it's hard to believe that the women would stay alive for as long as they do under the circumstances (pseudo-snuff needs to be believable to be truly effective).

Despite these issues, I have no qualms about rating this sick little splatter flick 8 out of 10 for being so amazingly bloody and ballsy, and wonder whether the makers dare go where they threaten with the final scene. Only a sequel will tell.
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Great Effects, Marginal Film, INSANE Ending
afoteyannum20 November 2015
There are reviews here that go into detail about the plot, what little of it there is. I won't go into that here.

The effects are actually quite good! The total destruction of these victims is precisely what the doctor ordered for gore hounds. These dudes do some really messed up things to their victims. Like, REALLY messed up.

Honestly, the only reason to watch this is for the gore, and by all accounts this film DEFINITELY delivers. A CLEAR example of why practical effects will ALWAYS be better than CGI.

Forget about an actual plot though. It's paper thin. It's made of aerogel or something. LOL

The ending was INSANELY disturbing as I think about what it hints @. It honestly bothered me. A lot.

Which I guess was the point.

Considering everything that happened in the film beforehand, the ending is EXTREMELY disturbing. Probably the most disturbing part of the whole film.

Recommended for die-hard gore hounds ONLY.
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A Trash Film Directed By A Trash Person
DontLookBehindYou26 May 2020
The title of this review says it all. Never in my life have I ever dealt with a person quite as unbearable as Stephen Biro and his less than poor quality film is a clear and direct reflection of that. Literally unwatchable.
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I had a feeling...
unclet-3016928 May 2020
I sort of knew what I was about to watch going into this because I've seen the other movies in this AGP series, but for me this goes too far. Disgusting, vile schlock gore for gore's sake, just absolutely a film made to gross you out, and I've seen every disgusting perverse horror ever made from Cannibal Holocaust to S&Man to Incest Death Squad. This doesn't scare, it grosses. Watch something like The Poughkeepsie Tapes instead.
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A horrifying horror film
joiletsona10 March 2019
Errr yeah not much to say really, it's what it says on the tin. Terrible lame acting rescued by good effects and a long sense of dread and despair. I felt sick at times and didn't sit comfortably through the entire thing. If a horror film is meant to horrify then this ticks those boxes, but that's kinda all it does. And you get the feeling that's purely what the makers wanted.
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It's ok
thepearlpoint3 June 2021
Doesn't hold a candle to the original guinea pig series. A lot of the dialogue about "i'm out of film! Out of roll! Cut!" was kinda cringy. And a lot of the gore was over the top.

The scene that truly got me was the jaw scene. I don't know if it was the quality since they used the VHS camera or what but it got to me. I will be haunted by that.

Speaking of, the 70s roll camera doesn't really help. I see what they were going for, that kinda august underground or last house on dead end street feel but it just made me go "what's happening??"

It's an ok love letter to the original and I hope to see more honestly.
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Fun gore but terrible acting & felt restrained
Jester2229 August 2020
I can see what they were trying to do. It has some ok gore effects in places but some do look cheap and take you right out of the vibe.....also the guy with long hair is the worst actor I've suffered in a long time, terrible dialogue....which was totally unnecessary. He ruins most of the scenes with his pathetic pointless lines.

The opening scene was beyond amateurishly filmed, the girls can't even act 'walking'. I 5hought it was a joke at first....then the part in the car!? Hilariously bad and again ruins the atmosphere they were desperately trying to create.

It's not a patch on the original for style and the most disappointing part is that even with all the nastiness it still felt as if it was holding back, it could have been far dark kn feel and nastier. Then they totally pussy out right at the end when they bring out the baby and young boy....which turns out to be nothing.......what a let down. Now that would have been something to see. But chickens out.

An ok effort and fun watch only for a couple of nice gore effects but far from as great as the filmmakers seem to think it is in the low budget amateurish interview included as an extra...... self congratulatory back slapping nonsense.
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Feature length vivisections that display creativity in alternative, very nasty ways...
S_Craig_Zahler17 October 2015
Deliberately paced vivisections are the meat of this nearly plot less gore exploration, which in quite a few ways tops the original Japanese Guinea Pig series whence it sprung. Although many will complain of the lack of dramatic content, this movie is a hideous spectacle that displays creativity in ways other than developing an interesting "plot" or "characters"...and these ways are for the most part exceedingly nasty. Some angles and films stocks and effects look more realistic than others, but most of the rough stuff plays pretty well or very well. It is no small achievement that after nearly an hour of carnage, Biro, Koch, Bebber, and company manage plumb the most disturbing depths in the final gore sequences and epilogue.

Included are some quite memorable usages of needles, a crucifix, and branch clippers...
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Extremely enjoyable gore, made for gore-hounds
ethanmitchell-763135 September 2018
Let me start by saying I love gore, I love extreme, and I love disturbing movies. From August Underground to A Serbian Film I have been around the block when it comes to this genre of film. Without a doubt I felt that this movie lived up to all of them, and stands tall with any extreme horror movie in existence. I true love letter to the original Guinea Pig Series, AGP: Bouquet of Guts and Gore is stomach turning and incredibly enjoyable.

I'll start by telling you everything I liked. The special effects here are nothing short of amazing. They are not always realistic, but they are always fun, and once the gore starts it doesn't stop until the end of the movie. Each effect is more extreme than the last and there are some really creative sequences throughout.

I like that the story here is pretty much non-existent. All you need to know is two girls are kidnapped, tied to a table, and ripped apart piece by piece. If that's not extreme than I don't know what is! While watching the film you know this isn't the killers first go around at something like this, and you know they will be doing it again, but the ending of this movie really hits you hard, and it doesn't take gore or vicious effects, all it takes is knowing what happens next, which you do because the entire movie just showed you what happens if you find yourself strapped to the killers table. When you watch the movie you will know what I mean.

I really enjoyed the score, it gave me a uneasy ominous feeling. The snuff film approach is well done and helps sell the effects. All around this movie did most of the little things right, which really makes a difference in the long run.

My only real gripes is the acting is subpar but that has to be expected with a DIY movie like this. Also I felt the beginning sequence that shows the girls being kidnapped was unnecessary and poorly executed. I think it would have been better if that was completely cut out and the film opened with them strapped to the table.

All and all this is a movie made for gore-hounds, I found it extremely enjoyable although not entirely re-watchable, but with that being said most horror movies that set out to be disturbing don't have a lot of replay value this day in age. If you haven't seen this movie and you love gore its a must watch. Or if you want to make your soft friends throw up put it on and let them watch.

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Extreme Horror gets one of the most severe notches in its lengthy belt.
travislove15 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Since the making of American Guinea Pig: Bouquet of Guts and Gore was announced there has been a frenzy of people clamoring to see this film, and after watching it for the first time is it warranted? Emphatically so. This film isn't just cinematic viewing, it's an exercise in personal thresholds of how much the viewer can actually stomach and still continue watching. The feel of this being grainy and gritty blurs the lines of believability causing you to question, "It's just a movie, this isn't real." but no matter how much you assure yourself, it has an uncanny ability to allow that little shred of doubt to seep in.

The torture is cathartic, unbridled and animalistic, at no time do you feel what you're watching is anything other than an obligation to take a life deemed worthy of this "attention". Orders are barked from masked men filming, shouting orders like a circus trainer would an animal that without direction would lash out uncontrollably. The imagery you're privy to is nothing short of grotesque and demented, and the FX are so life like that you easily become sucked into the atrocities that unfold.

This film firmly places it's foot down defiantly, it's claim is simple; "You will watch everything we have to show you, if you feel sickened, then you receive no sympathies. You have only yourself to blame.". Bouquet of Guts and Gore unapologetically captures your attention and holds it prisoner the entire duration of the film, and I for one can only show my gratitude to Stephen Biro and everyone involved for doing so.
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Can't wait for the next!
brenforan6 August 2015
What an amazing movie! Sure theirs no story or any of the characters fighting back, but who says movies NEED those? This was amazing, especially for the special effects. One could think this is real.

Since I've seen the Guinea Pig Series, I was happy to see a remake of it, and I was still impressed after watching it! It keeps the cringing, the gore, but there are some changes, as there more people recording and doing the job. But that really doesn't matter.

Fake snuff films I have seen, and I do enjoy them because it just comes to show to realistic we can make movies look. A good example to use is August Underground and this film of course.

For those who liked Guinea Pig, but think this is going to ruin it, trust me, the movie is worth it. As said before, it still holds everything the original had. The only thing that was the most sickening was the ending, in my opinion.

When I saw there's going to be more movies of American Guinea Pig, my mind ran wild wondering what might be next.

Could it be another remake from another Guinea Pig film, or will it be something completely different? We'll just have to wait.....
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A new level of FX!
abbycatt25 December 2014
I was lucky enough to get a sneak peek of this film at a festival back in October. I have seen the Japanese Guinea Pig films, so I knew what to expect. This is a film about absolute destruction of the human body. It's one for people who are into hardcore gore only. The film was shot on super 8, so it has a real gritty feel from start to finish. The premise is horrible - 2 woman are abducted, strapped down, and given liquid LSD while men wearing masks dismember them slowly, filming the entire gruesome process. I couldn't help but think about what it would be like to have a head full of acid while being slowly hacked apart. The special effects are INSANE!!! I've honestly never seen anything so horrifically real in a horror film before. The pace is slow and unrelenting. And at the end, when you think that the horror is over.....nope. The ending pushes things over a line that is too horrific for many to even consider. Well done to everyone involved in the making of this film!!! The standard for gore and practical effects has been reset!
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The best and brutalist of it's kind!!!
zombiemuerte22 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
.those who dont see the story ina saw this:v film, are the type of idiot's who need everything spelled out and handed to them. Also this is an homage to the original Guinea Pigs first film called A Flower of flesh and blood. Another gore-geous bloodsoaked romp from japan. Do yourself a favor and wiki the history of the original Guinea pigs then dive into the American films. The fx are top notch for a low budget film. The degraded look of the film is also supposed to be such to give it the feel that you've just stumbled onto something you shouldn't have..
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psychopaths should watch something like this instead of killing people
Warning: Spoilers
I am a horror movie fan. Even knowing these are just special effects it was very uncomfortable to watch. The plot was... uh, there was no plot, just a torture, i was watching it with my hands over my head, waving them and making weird faces all the time and i got a restless leg syndrome. Lol, well i wanted to see something terrible, this was really terrible, i got what i deserved i guess xDDD it was intense and psychotic. Psychopaths should watch something like this instead of killing people :) btw when i saw something under the victim's bed i was like wtf are you kidding me! I wanted to turn it off, jeez this movie is sick!
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Sustained Human Butchery
gp73950511 November 2014
From the very start of this film you are lead by hand and soul/spirit through the slow and morbid crawl of every cut, hack, tear, and gouge of the human destruction on display... the cameras never cut away... yes, the 73 minutes is principally flesh, blood, bone, and the madmen tearing it to pieces... It is an unrelenting celebration of OTT gore/violence intended for those desiring wall to wall hellish blood lusting mayhem...and the incredible rendering of the visuals viewed through ACTUAL Super 8 film are incomparable, as well as the hyper definition of VHS... all F/X work done by this team will set new standards for what Hard gore in films need to rise to... and the sustained hopeless atmosphere and grim minimalist score contribute greatly to the sense of total inescapable darkness...
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