Assassinaut (2019) Poster


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A shoestring budget does NOT forgive bad storytelling.
S_Soma31 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
ASSASSINAUT: a really bad movie with occasional flashes of quality that stick out as incongruous anomalies. Even its name, "ASSASSINAUT", is terrible.

No, I'm NOT a movie snob who only gives positive reviews to big-budget blockbuster sci-fi epics. I, too, have an emotional soft spot for shoestring puttin'-on-a-show-in-the-barn loving-hands-at-home movies. I can stomach a lot of poor special-effects and stilted acting and pretty much all of the other warts and zits that go along with amateur moviemaking out of empathy and affection for those who make movies for the love of the art.

But having to make your movie from a position of budgetary poverty DOESN'T forgive bad storytelling. If you're writing an opera than truly the story is allowed to be garbage because it's only there to be a place to drape all the shrieking. Outside of that peculiar storytelling exception, the story is everything. In ASSASSINAUT, it's painfully evident that the director, who was also the writer, so doubly unforgivable, viewed the story as an onerous obligation to be quickly dispensed with on his way to the funner stuff of making the movie. And that, my friends, is a Bozo No No.

You'll notice my review doesn't even include a brief synopsis of the story. This is because I can't be sure I actually understood it. And I KNOW for a bald fact that many of the professional reviewers didn't either because, in reading most of the professional reviews listed on IMDb for ASSASSINAUT, the plot synopses given by many of the professional reviewers don't align. For example, in one review the state of the earth in the movie is post-apocalyptic and in another there was just an atomic bomb dropped on a particular city. This type of confusion occurs in several places. In other words, ASSASSINAUT shows clear signs of some incoherency. Would-be reviewers are coming away with different ideas of the plot line because they're having to fill in the story gaps in their own heads.

And here's a few more examples:

For some reason, the President has her own space station in orbit around a distant planet (perhaps as some publicity element promoting interplanetary colonization... or something...). The 4 main children characters arrive at the space station, along with a couple of other people, by means of an apparently instantaneous teleportation device. Unfortunately, one of the other people that teleport into the space station for the planned presidential photo op turns out to be a terrorist that shoots the President and in return he then gets pretty thoroughly shot up himself. Unfortunately, the terrorist also has a bomb strapped to himself displaying a countdown timer which clearly indicates almost exactly 1/4 of an hour remaining before the bomb is set to go off. Everybody, including the President herself, bugs out of the space station in escape pods. We see some remaining security guy settle in for a last cigarette as he waits for the bomb to destroy the station which will also kill him in the process. And then we watch a nice space explosion.

None of which makes any sense at all. Why did everybody leave in escape pods and just abandoned the valuable space station to its fate, never mind blowing up the location of the teleportation device back home? Virtually ANY other solution would've been better. You could pop the bomber out an airlock where the pressurized escaping air would shove him miles away in the 15 minutes before the bomb goes off. Or how about stick the bomber in one of the escape pods to blow up someplace else? Or if you really WANT to blow up the space station, everybody could just teleport out and leave the bomber behind. And so on.

In other words, we have an entire space station full of people unanimously making the worst possible decision in order to facilitate getting everybody down on the planet. Basically, plot progress by virtue of universal character idiocy.

Here's another one. Once everybody is down on the planet, the characters start looking for some indigenous food to eat. They even have a little electronic whatsit that you can point at a piece of candidate food and it will actually tell you whether or not it's safe to eat. The arguable heroin of the movie, Sarah, finds a piece of what looks to be fruit which the electronic gadget proclaims as being edible. So she takes a bite. And immediately passes out and has a hallucination. What? What was the point in having this electronic gadget to tell you that something was safe to eat if it was just going to tell you to eat stuff that wasn't actually safe? What kind of idiotic writing is that?

And here's one more. The movie ends with our heroin, Sarah, just walking off into the sunset. On an alien planet. The end. Where is she gonna go? If you're going to have your heroin walk off into the sunset at the end of the picture, it has to mean SOMETHING. Where she's going to go and what she's going to do and how she's going to do it all need to at least be implied. At the end, we have no reason to believe that Sarah is going to live beyond the next 10 minutes. People have been dropping like flies through the entire picture and we have no reason to believe that that trajectory isn't going to continue with Sarah. The writer may as well have ended the movie with "and Sarah woke up and it was all a dream".

Amongst the few positives: the heroin, Sarah, is actually not a bad actress. If she had anything to work with in terms of a script she could probably have done something pretty good with it. Also, while the practical special-effects were eye-bleeding, the CG effects were pretty much as good as you find anywhere. In fact, they were good enough that it was a little jarring juxtaposed against the rest of the low quality workmanship.

All moviemaking failures can be forgiven except lazy, sloppy, insane and ridiculous "storytelling". Making a crap story into a movie is a low rent crime against humanity.
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real disappointing movie
rafacho-504802 August 2019
I will be short: Bad movie, bad actors, bad script, boring and silly. Sorry if hurt feelings, my thoughts of it. Do not waist your time.
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What was that ! ! !
mick1203593 August 2019
This has got to go down as one of the worst films that I have ever seen. I can only assume that the reviewer that gave this film a 9/10 has some sort of connection with the film makers, there is no way that it should get that sort of score for any part of it. The story line itself is so full of holes, with some of it going totally unexplained, the acting was bad, the special effects were bad and the whole concept was bad. To me it was more like someone had found a script for a kids space adventure film and decided to try and pep it up a bit to make it more of an adult film. IT DIDNT WORK. avoid this film at all costs, unless you have got 90 mins to spare and you need to destroy a few brain cells.
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This is not really a movie as much as an amateur project. The sets, the acting, the terrible DSLR look, everything looks like an amateur production done with pocket money. The script is awful, the characters as cliché as they get... There is zero reasons to watch this.
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Once again Bad movie
ferdmalenfant1 August 2019
Another low budget crappy movie ! Don't bother, I did it for you.
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created an account just to leave a review
jorgetcalle5 August 2019
This was just horrible. almost had a good concept but just couldnt cut it. i cant stand watching a movie. where a character runs out of smokes. it started to drive me crazy and want to smoke. acting was pretty bad on pretty much every character except for the main actress. storyline was all over the place and left alot out. and that ending is what caused this rant
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sylvie-555078 August 2019
What a load of absolute codswallop. There are many moments in this movie where the actors just stare at one another. WHY?.
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t-christilaw9 August 2019
This movie was expected. I don't know how anyone can watch the trailer for this and expect anything else. This is one of those movies that you keep in the box just in case you want a good laugh at a movie that is trying to take itself seriously as a film but is ridiculous due to just how bad it is. The cast should have gotten together and assassinauted the makers and destroyed all copies once they saw the screening and realized how horrific this movie actually is. I'm personally embarrassed for them.
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iannikkibanks22 August 2019
Having just seen the Dust movie Prospect another low budget movie with excellent dialog I was disappointed in this movie on every level. Acting. Plot. Dialog were all poor
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Low-budget sci-fi indie
kannibalcorpsegrinder30 July 2019
Several years after aliens arrived on Earth, a group of kids selected to lead a mission to a space station near to a potential new planet to live on are soon stranded on the planet and must try to utilize their skills in order to survive and accomplish their mission.

There wasn't a whole lot to this one. One of the film's bright spots is the absolutely stellar and impressive special effects work that goes into the numerous conflicts and encounters with the aliens. From the opening autopsy where they remove the creature from inside the one individual to the girls' dream sequence, it becomes obvious that the special effects here are going to be old-school based and stay really fun. The design for the aliens, with their oval-shaped bodies, large eyes in the middle of the shape and tentacles flipping around has a great look that's created through practical means which is really appreciated. With the fantastic gore also showing up through practical means later on in the various attacks on the kids throughout the planet with their chases keeping this one moving along often enough to make for a fun time, it's special effects are perfectly in tune with the low-budget here with the vast woodlands in the forest looking rather enjoyable. These here are the film's positive points. This one has a few issues with it. The main factor to be had with this one is the absolutely banal and slow-paced tempo that plays out in the first half here which is rather disappointing. Taking way too long to get the kids' purpose for traveling to the stars as we get too much about their home-life and the pre-launch prep about the choice of letting kids on a suicide mission in the first place. Despite trying to accurately bring up a valid point which is brought up numerous times in their meeting which causes that factor to get brought up as well, this one just takes forever to get going with the main sequence taking place so late in the film's short running time that it's a slough to get to the good scenes. The sentimentality expressed here, with the kids trying to connect and trust each other in this instance but clearly not able to do so based on their backgrounds, is cliched and feels forced, causing this to drag out even more. On top of that, the film's other big problem is the aforementioned lack of comprehension in the storyline featured here. The idea of sending these kids, completely unqualified and utterly unprepared for what they're about to accomplish as the idea of the visit being a publicity stunt just makes no sense. There are so many great points about why the children are being prepared to go along on the journey that is brought up by the few proponents of the idea that it just stands out as being too logical as for why the plan to go forward takes place. Likewise, the idea of the supposed bodyguard they run into is the main threat they have to battle against is quite underwhelming, feeling as if it's coming completely out of nowhere with very little build-up or point like there's some extra point needed for them to do while on the planet as if the survival on a rugged planet aspect couldn't be accomplished. These here are what really hold this one back.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence and Language.
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A personal favorite of mine
catfluf14 April 2021
I can't really explain why, but this movie is a favorite of mine. It has a plot hole the size of something big, and it's kind of sluggish in pace. However, it leaves unanswered questions, and I really like how the teenagers act and speak like teenagers instead of adults. It has some nice effects and the lead girl really owns the movie. It's more than the sum of it's parts to me :)
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Garbage waste of time.
jackthewookie26 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
***spoiler alert***

The entire movie could/should have been avoided. Suicide bomber targets the presidential space station. Instead of ejecting the bomb in an escape pod they decide to all die with the bomb on board and send 4 kids to the surface of an alien planet to "rescue" the injured president. Atrocious writing but the dialogue and filmography aren't nearly as bad.

TL:DR go watch infomercials, you'll enjoy it more.
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I logged in just to say that this movie is absolute was.te of time
allsubtutions25 September 2019
The storyline was all over the place and in bad way, no explanation of alien race no precap. Critics reviewed this movie as if they are parents of children who acted in this movie.Complete & utter waste of time.
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Time waster
info-241-30942816 August 2019
Not only the low budget is a problem. As a scifi fan I watched way better movies with lower cost, but the story begins with many logic mistakes. How can somebody said OK & waste money for this movie after this scenario?
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Another worst movie of the year! Bored to freaking death! Avoid at all cost!
kwenchow8 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This film start with a man kill a president and a bunch of surgeon remove the so called "time pod" inside his body scene! As turnout, this film is about four teenage astronauts(Sarah, Charlie, Tom and Brooke) saving a female president! Entire film full of boring and annoying conversation! All the killing scene also not intense and freaking bored! First killing scene! The Captain kill by the female president guard after he fail to kill the female president with a implanted bomb! This scene a bit bloody but not satisfy at all! Second killing scene, Brooke try to kill the man possess by alien with a gun but she kill himself by the explosion of her gun! Super ridiculous! This scene can saw the female hand on the ground but still not satisfy at all! We don't actually saw the female explode! Third killing scene, Tom throw by the alien to the waterfall and die! This scene also very bored, just saw the blood in the water! Fourth killing scene, Charlie stab by the alien and die! This scene still not good at all! At the end, Sarah shot the alien on the head and escape from the alien nest! She eventually found the female president and cut out the time pod from her body to bring back to earth! That's it! Completely wasting time to watch! Disappointed!
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Worst pile of crud I ever skipped to the end of
heyjblowme7 February 2020
Yep. Stuck with it for a while just for laughs, but it didn't even cut it as a comedy.
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Don't waste your life watching this
peterstafford-374834 March 2023
As bad movies go, this takes some beating. I was determined to get to the end of this movie, but it took me 4 days. After 30 minutes, I had to stop for the day. I won't describe the plot too much since it doesn't really have one that makes sense. The movie is full of badly acting pretentious kids who are attempting to save humanity (I think) - It reminded me of Scooby-Do. Special effects are lacking, camera work is poor, acting is awful, non-stop spooky music throughout the movie gets on your nerves, there is lots of blood which looks like tomato ketchup. The best part of the movie was when the end credits started to roll.
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Cliched from start to finish with overacted caricatures
lambtonwyrm25 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This felt very much like someone had made a list of all the sci fi cliches and made them into a script. ?The person taken over by an alien. The President being an alien. Trapped inside a giant alien. Blow up the space station.

Talking of that the assassin is shot and is found to have a bomb strapped to him. What do you do? Blow him out the air lock into space? No. You evacuate the president and then the captain sits next to the assassin as he blows up, destroying space station.

Cliched from start to finish with overacted caricatures.
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Should be zero stars
SoylentNoMore10 August 2020
Hello. Let me start by saying that anyone who rated this higher than one star is being too nice. I actually saw one person give it 9/10 stars so I'm assuming that they are either a member of the cast/crew or this is the first movie they've ever seen.

I've watched a lot of awful movies but this one is so terrible that it's not worth talking about. Just forget it exists and move on to literally any other movie.

The writer/director of this makes Ed Wood look like Francis Ford Coppola.
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Low budget movie
choocyya10 August 2020
The sound track and the colours are good and nothing else. Start is interesting but in the middle plot didnt matches. Lots of random things happening for a no reason. The idea is good but bad acting and bad direct make this boring.
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isbaron7 May 2019
This film had so many surprising moments. I was intrigued by the storyline of children going off into space. The acting of the children and adults was very spot on. The sets looked amazing for the budget. Yes, it can get gory but it was well done. Director , Producers, cast and crew did an amazing job.
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When Virginians Make A Movie
gab-6759928 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
We all suffer! I have seen some train wrecks before but this one takes the cake. Not sure why now a days you have to guess whether an actress is straight or not. This movie was confusing because the chemistry between the two lead actresses was SO confusing! One second they look like they are about to kiss and the next they are giving each other odd looks and walking away. Then there was a whole scene of two young girls just horse playing, SO STUPID! I feel very sorry for anyone who actually paid money to see this. Even a $1 to see this movie would be such a WASTE! No good plot, horrible story, confusing acting. I love a good Sci-Fi, but this one didn't make sense and even the far fetched movie Black Easter made sense to me! If this is what we have to look forward to in the future we are in trouble! I also loved how the girl was crawling in the cave one min and some how ended up inside of the female anatomy the next. Laughable moments, this was more of a movie to watch and make fun of then to actually watch.
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oh well.
laylabessentk6 August 2022
Id rather watch peppa pig tbh. More entertaining, better characters and better script. What a waste of time.

Such bad editing, unwatchable acting, script is absolutely hopeless. Also why do they all stare so much??? Awkward mate. Overall huge disappointment.
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