A Young Man with High Potential (2018) Poster

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Slick but Shallow
silvio-mitsubishi14 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A well-made and glossy chiller, the film has no feeling of being anchored in reality. A talented and attractive woman comes into the orbit of a talented but isolated young man. He has a distorted view of women's sexual availability, gleaned from internet experiences, and someone dies as a result.

The settings and photography are cold. There is a human emptiness that is of the moment but unfulfilling. I am not asking for every story to be a parable or a morality tale, but neither do I believe the world is made up of purely of those who kill and those who lie for them.

I do not understand Amanda Plummer's role. Was she a friend of a friend, shoehorned in to appeal to distributors? What investigation did she do? What happened before Piet met Klara? Did she have no friends to notice what she was doing? What of the professor who introduced them? Klara appears to have written much of their project; no traces? What of the parcels? Piet made few attempts to avoid touching the packing tape or printer labels. Why would an isolated individual like Piet have a sociable friend like Alex?

Klara' family must have suspected foul play (dead people do not dismember themselves), so why choose an investigator with no evident skills? The illegal migrant would become known to authorities whatever she said; why implicate herself as accessory to murder?

Overall the film feels like a half-thought out idea for a plot rather than a choate work. A few ideas are tossed in to cover discrepancies ("I have some money from a company I sold last year"), but there is no sense of who the characters are when they are off-screen, no reference points to explain their motives. A sushi delivery in the middle of the night is a bizarre red herring, while there is no explanation for why Piet would own enough cardboard boxes and packing tape to dispose of the body, or why he would have a parcel trolley sitting around.

If the intention was to make me feel uneasy it succeeded, but so would a Miss World pageant or the dissection of a small mammal. I expect more from a film than an unexplained and inexplicable evening in the company of a loner.
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A surprisingly good independent film. The lead role has high potential.
tkaine39 June 2019
"A Young Man With High Potential" (7)🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠 I truly only watched this film because it had no reviews on IMDb and with hundreds of movies at my disposal to choose from I hate to waste time so a competent review to me is priceless. Right away this film gets the ball rolling within the first 5 minutes the pace doesn't drag and every scene is relevant to the story. A small cast you can count on one hand but the acting is quite good, especially from the lead role who was superb. The whole film is basically shot in a modern one bedroom apartment but they have enough scenes outside and other places to keep you from getting claustrophobic. The videography was clean and the angles were refreshing the camera never seemed to be out of place and it really told the story from the best perspective. You may be reminded a bit of other films that are based along the same premise but this flick really stands out by creating a character that's complex while simultaneously being relatable or familiar of someone just like him filled with anger and empathy. A very good film from start to finish the ending was on point and really stuck the landing. I definitely recommend this film it may just surprise you.
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Kept my attention throughout. Great indie.
Jester22229 June 2019
Really enjoyed this indie film. Great script, very good cast. (The lead actress is so beautiful I fell in love)

Flows at a good pace and interesting story. Recommend.
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How to review this strange affair?
omendata18 June 2019
I find this quite a difficult film to review as it is well produced and well acted but just leaves me cold. Yes I understand it is a study on how a sexual situation can spiral out of control and the title is a reference to what most lawyers would say in court when a rape case is presented as has been the situation recently in America with the preppy college attacks but the overtly gory and perverse nature of the film does not really make this a good film for me just more of the usual torture porn and degradation of women which is all too prevalent these days!

It also I illustrates the way a lot of young men are retreating into their homes in front of a computer and living a virtual sex lifestyle; so yes it does have a few things to say but I cannot in all honesty give it much above a 3/10 as it left me cold and was quite uncomfortable to watch at many points but I guess the intelligentsia will say this is a good thing and why the movie is so good. Not me, I do not buy into all style over content descriptions that this movie has garnered.

If you want to be thoroughly depressed and disgusted then yes by all means watch this film but do not expect to come out with any good feelings. In this day and age it is already depressing enough, I want to come out of the cinema with hope for the future and elevated at having watched something either entertaining, profound or interesting and this is really none of those!
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good indie film that didn't really have slow parts
natcalgary28 August 2019
Pt me interested the whole time and the main characters transition throughout was chilling and very real.

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First review oh my
Headturner13 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Ok. Well. I don't really now what to say about this. I fast forwarded thru some extremely gruesome parts( not because of) but because the main protagonist is so excruciating to watch and during these scenes even more . Oh and I don't recommend to any rape survivors. I feel this movie was trying to be all artsy with substance but was neither just full of it's self. why not make the characters act with a bit more emotion. Well thinking most did except the main. The script was awful. The ending was even more ridiculous and wasn't even an ending. I'd say skip this.
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Independent film was good enough
ks-6050016 June 2019
Neglect what the storyline and viewing the production of the movie is quite good. Try not to view it as a big production but view from a angle of dark side of a teenage. It's quite horror indeed.
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Incel wet dream
BlueLightAlarm30 March 2021
This is a very low budget, almost amateur film that in all honesty flows like an incel wet dream. Very hard to watch and quite poorly written. Felt like an opportunity to subjugate females by a man who was so unsexual that it was the only way he was going to ever lose his virginity. Not sure this film should be allowed as it may give other incel boys ideas...
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A strange thing
brunovanael21 November 2020
A very disturbing story. I saw this on horrify, but wouldn't really list it as horror though a part of the film is very gore like. Very well acted and directed. Certainly worth a view.
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Uncredited remake
Leofwine_draca3 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Watching the German film A YOUNG MAN WITH HIGH POTENTIAL, I can't help but be reminded of the 1982 film TRANCE, aka DER FAN. This film is essentially a gender-swap version of that, albeit made without all of the substance and style that made the 1980s version so morbidly engrossing (and rewatchable). What we're left with here is random explicit and unwanted sexuality, a repulsive lead character, low budget, low-fi filmmaking, and a generally depressing air. I'm really not sure why anybody would want to sit through a film like this, because it has nothing to recommend it above pure sadism and cod psychology.
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Brace yourself.
GiraffeDoor20 January 2020
This is a special movie. It comes from a particular place in the human psyche. A dark place; a fragile place.

It's hard to quite know how to make sense of this movie when you're finished with it. It's not dense or moralistic, even if there is a little bit of moral philosophy in its dialogue. It's neither pretentious nor essay fodder.

It's a strange, quiet nightmare that is physically formidable but also touches, on an abstract level, things we don't want to think about. Watching this, one desperately wants to say "No, that could never be me. I'm not like that, I'm not like him, I just wouldn't do that". And maybe you're right, but you still watch, desperate to see the outcome and at the same time, dreading it.

The first act builds with an eerie feather touch, just developing its characters and its set up so you feel like you could be either of them. Then a few simple but unfortunate twists of fate create an experience that no one is ready for emotionally.

It is not easy to watch. We get a lot of macabre movies out there. As much as I like horror done well I'm not sure I'd call this a horror movie. This is something both better and worse than a horror movie in the familiar sense. On a physical and psychological level, this confronts us with raw reality in a way that's often hard to be grateful for.

It has a sense of humor when it needs it. It lets you feel pathos and terror. I was in suspense until the end credits. Every note in this movie is perfectly judged. They even do the begin-at-the-end-thing in a way that give you credit as a viewer. No "three months earlier" nonsense.

A movie that couldn't be more mature in every sense of the term but it never speaks down to its audience. It seeks to stimulate emotions more than the intellect but is still very clever.

It will take away a piece of innocence you didn't know you still had.
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A movie with high potential
rawbots3 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The movie was well done from certain aspects, mainly the acting. It fell apart in my opinion at the end. This is a guy with meticulous code and workmanship and how he goes about things at the end, just makes it really not very believable. He should have gotten arrested.
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Piet-ers out
frukuk10 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Despite some good performances -- and a particularly good performance from Adam Ild Rohweder as Piet Carnell -- this is just too slight a confection and lacking in any real originality. An interesting start, then a lot of "housework" and an uninspiring conclusion.

I was reminded a little of American Psycho, not because there is any real gore here, but because the anti-hero (Piet) gets away with his crime and apparently isn't psychologically undermined by not being brought to account.
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zack_gideon10 May 2021
Wanna be intellectual Crap. The movie is an utter gross our joke. Just stick with 80s horror movies. This is a pile of garbage.
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Dark Horror Thriller
Pairic30 May 2020
A Young Man With High Potential: A dark thriller which segues into horror as a comedy of errors overwhelms a computer geek. Piet (Adam Ild Rohweder) is a nerdish computer science student, reclusive, fears even the slightest social interaction, depending on webcam girl Kylie for stimulation. So he flees when another student, Klara (Paulina Galazka), suggests they become partners on an informatics project but she perseveres They actually get on well but he mistakes friendliness for attraction Rebuffed he is devastated and makes dark plans. But when Klara calls to his apartment happenstance progresses his plans. Disaster strikes for Klara though. We then descend into bloody horror and one blunder after another. Literally the darkest of comedies. We know from the beginning of the film that all is not well as Piet is confronted by a private investigator Ketura (Amanda Plummer) hired by Klara's family. Elements of Mr Robot merge with slasher tropes as writer Anna de Paoli and director Linus de Paoli give us a lean (89 minutes duration) mean feature which will have you pondering upon what you've watched long after the final credits roll. 8/10.
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What a revolting little gem.
ntj-film6 February 2021
Wow, where did this little nasty come from?

Sometimes it truly pays off cruising the web for little seen/alternative titles and this beauty came through in spades. Mashing genre trops such as horror, drama, thriller and tar-black comedy to near perfection, this impressive feature manages to be a stand out as both sad, horrifying and moving with utmost competance. I simply can't recommend this indie enough (if you have the stomach for it, that is)

Hope you enjoy it.
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crime and punishment for 21 century
Amr_Saleh1 August 2019
If you read crime and punishment just before watching this movie as i did you may notice the similarity between both of them ,, in Dostoevsky great novel raskolonokof was also a student facing problems with dealing with the world around him and both characters did there crime under the pressure and burden from the out side world both of them were idealists ,, i felt empathy for both of them but it's crime and as pitt said in the movie the wrong still wrong however we said about it ,, really very good movie worth to watch ,,
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My Review Of "A Man With High Potential"
ASouthernHorrorFan11 October 2019
The story is a slow burn, straight forward psychological drama that, much like the title character, spirals into darkness and horror. The thriller elements are subtle at first and the build up never really climaxes beyond the initial pace. But you know something bad is going to happen, you feel it in the small, nuanced mannerisms of Rowheder's character. There is a foreboding atmosphere that lingers through nearly every scene.

The casting choices here are brilliant choices. Especially Adam Ild Rohweder as Piet. He seems a little too comfortable and at ease in this character. A chilling, somewhat antisocial, seemingly harmless guy with a dark shadow nesting in his mind. It is a great performance. The rest of the acting feels just as natural. These are developed personas that breathe organically.

The horror comes. It takes a moment to manifest, but it hits hard. It isn't sensationalized, or glorified violence. There is no real embrace of exploitation. Everything is done carefully and almost authentically. More to the point of showing a bit more realism. That said, you can almost sense that this guy could have gone completely torture porn in his deprevity had it not been for the internal conflict taking place.

Overall "A Young Man With High Potential" is a wonderfully done, chilling psychological drama. The horror only exists pleonastically so don't think this is exploitation cinema. It is more reserved than one expects, but it is still a fully conceptualized downward spiral into a horrific event. The film is shot nicely and the practical effects and dark atmosphere, combined with a strong, timeless story make this movie worth watching.
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Slow burner that keeps your attention
mbprocter1 April 2021
One of the best films I've seen for a while. I wouldn't say it's horror. It's a dip into the mind of someone who loses self-control. Well worth a watch.
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