"Supernatural" Don't Call Me Shurley (TV Episode 2016) Poster

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Long awaited episode.
anibuz6 May 2016
Ever since it was quite obvious that Chuck was god back in the day, this topic has been untouched. I think it's great it's finally been addressed.

I can only feel sorry for the people (some here on IMDb) who mixes their own religion with a TV Show. I think it was an insanely good episode with a very well written Chuck/God. I have been waiting for this story line for several years now, so thank you.

On my point above it's funny how the same religious people can tolerate gods sister in Amara, but not god himself being portrayed. I guess the writers are aware it's a difficult subject a fraction of their viewer base, but leaving it untold would an even bigger question mark for some of the devoted Supernatural watcher. Kudos.
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One of the Best Eps of the Best Show
jopousa845 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers Ahead -------

Amazing. After 11 seasons, this episode was Amazing, probably one of the best of the series.

This Season, so far, has been incredible, with all the main-plot episodes being really good; especially after Lucifer's return; with 2 amazing mid season episodes, the great episode that ocurrs in the 2nd WW and the 18th episode (wich had an amazing suspense).

Also in this season we had some pretty good standalone episodes, like 'Baby' (also one of the best episode in the series), the episode with the imaginary friends it's also really good and clever. The episodes with the return of Bobby and Sheriff Mills are also pretty good, and the episode of the Werewolves also it's pretty intelligent.

I think it was obvious Chuck is God. After the end of season 5... then when in the show they said that 'there can be only 1 prophet' and Kevin was the prophet.... and also when we see Chuck in the 200th episode.

The dialogues are probably the best in all the series, with all the philosophical discussion about God and Humanity being really great.

Metatron performance was probably the best of the episode, great acting, great lines, great arguments.

And the end, with God playing guitar... was just perfect. Can't wait to see what's next....

PS. Great references to old episodes, laughing about 'Bugs' and 'Revolution'. PS 2. Kurt Cobain was right, God is gay
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Goosebumps!!! Although room for improvement.
adityabalodi-adu4 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Return of Chuck. As GOD! We finally got to see God. Although I think His entry could have been better, more mystery to it than just Him telling Metatron. They should have shown more to the character of God and more reasons why God doesn't want to save earth. When the light shines in that locket, that was really awesome. What was more awesome was Chuck standing in front so Sam and Dean and the locket shining. That scene gave me goosebumps. I really wanted them to reveal the character of God through a little more mystery but this episode was just awesome.I'll be waiting desperately for the next episode to see what will they do now. Will God defeat darkness on his own? or will He appoint it to Sam and Dean to take another test?
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It's been a long time since Supernatural managed to impress me this much.
chuckytrance5 May 2016
It's going to be a very difficult time writing this review without any spoilers, but this is an episode that ultimately every viewer deserves to experience.

Don't get me wrong, there's some slight room for improvement, but there's a key quality about this episode that makes this episode a UNIQUE experience in the supernatural universe. I think the writers and creative directors are beginning to understand what kept us as viewers around for so long and why exactly viewer ship began to drop off during seasons 6-9.

It's quick and easy to assume that as fans we appreciate the flashy lights and disco balls rather than the substance undergoing beneath it. I mean the cool dramatic soundtrack, shiny Impala dolly shots, blood splatters, stabbings, one-liners, new biblical monsters, sappy bro to bro crybaby arguments, etc. are all cool, but that's not what makes Supernatural, Supernatural. Also, respectfully, that's not why most of us tuned into this show in the first place.

The reason why I'm basing my argument around these facts is because in this episode, whoever led the major creative direction, understood this concept. This episode wasn't filled with heart-pounding action, grindy orchestral music, visual effects out the wazoo, biblical dialogue, the latest and coolest new monster, or whatever filler-type materialistic substance that normally the supernatural team likes to regurgitate when their ideas are running dry.

No no no, THIS episode my friends, based its entirety on honesty, heart, and above all, respect. When watching this episode, you could really feel that Rhobbie Thompson (the writer), Robert Singer (director), and the other respected team-members, editors, etc stopped treating this show like a money-spewing soap opera and more of an actual TV show. This goes for the actors as well. Our characters, our universe, our beloved storyline deserves to be treated with respect. And that is what they did.

Let's start with Rob Benedict (the actor who plays Chuck). There's not much I can say without spoiling the entirety of the episode but ignoring his contribution to this episode would be an absolute betrayal. Because his performance was outstanding, in the acting work and in the singing world (lol right?). He provided a subtle and somber climax in the end that you cannot miss as a supernatural fan. And his new character was believable suited him like a glove. I respect the show for attacking their new character without glitter and glamor and more with a simple yet honest personality.

Curtiss Armstrong, who plays metatron, gave a memorable return as well, especially when his character was written with so much humanity in this episode. One of the most hated characters in the show proves his respectability and that comes from respect for your characters. His change in positivity proves that there is still room for character development and it's good to see that our creators recognize that.

Jared and Jensen gave it their all like always, so kudos to them for being passionate about their characters for so long.

This episode was not complicated, it wasn't an episode with a fancy new monster (like the stupid chitter creature), or Amara calling upon biblical powers to showcase new material, it was literally just two brothers caught in a dangerous situation, helping people, and the arch of a new character. When dialogue was present, especially between Chuck and Metatron, no soundtrack was present either. Emotion came from the actors themselves rather than whatever tonal sounds their composer throws out mid-scene.This, again, shows honesty. It didn't take long for them to show how much Sam and dean mean to each other, as one of their lives become compromised the other reacts. That's it, the simplicity shows respect, and that our characters are not material but displays of emotion. The climax at the end was SO subtle yet SO powerful. And it was accompanied with one of the most peaceful songs I've ever heard. Hopefully you know what I'm getting at with that point.

This episode and "Baby" are by far the show's most impressive episodes. And neither episode was really full with a ton of comical material (Baby was a friggin filler episode!). Both are written by Robbie Thompson, I don't think that's a coincidence.

Long review, sorry (I'm not really sorry).

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Unbelievable Episode!
Here I was, getting ho-hummed by the previous episodes of one of my favorite shows. Then came "Don't Call Me Shurly". I was....words can't describe...amazed!!!! (for the lack of a better one) The writers have outdone themselves on this one. Questions were answered, or were beginning to be answered that I have thought of not only through the show, but by myself through the years. Well, in a way only Supernatural can answer them. If this keeps up, I will have to buy this and any future episode that deals with this theme.

This is THE BEST episode I have seen yet! I have favorite episodes and entire seasons, but this one is truly awesome! I am looking forward to watching every week more than I ever have. Good work writers, staff and actors!!!!!! A MUST SEE. I am going to watch it again, and possible a few more times. That's how good it is!
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An excellent episode.
ChrisaRafa7 May 2016
This episode was EXCELLENT.

We've waited 6 years to know the truth. And man, this is what most of us hoped and wanted.

For all the haters out there:

You CANNOT judge what happened based on your religion. God is beyond religions and fundamentalism. God created us in his own image so as Joan Osborne said: What if God was one of us?

This show showed us an alternative outlook of God and I personally LOVED it.

Kudos to the creators. The show is in its 11th season and still giving us GREAT stories and episodes.
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well clearly you either loved or hated this one
omorg-pub6 May 2016
no spoilers here...

just when i thought they were never going to pull this card out of the supernatural deck... NO YOU DINT GUYS! yes you did! i loved it. fearless.

not the tightest episode by far in terms of storytelling, but a very enjoyable turn/reveal in terms of the overall story arc. and i'm still diggin' metatron very much.

i've felt they were stalling out on the amara storyline and think this episode hearkens a needed plot re-energization and hopefully they will punch it into higher gear the rest of the season.
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Pitch perfect!
RizRax715 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS - obviously...

Having waited what feels like forever watching engaging but frustrating non story arc episodes, the writers finally get into the final run of storytelling to wrap up season 11. And how!

As the closing credits rolled my first words were a bottom lip quivering 'wow'. Followed immediately by 'are they going to get in trouble for this?'

Chuck Shurley IS God!

Having avoided the actual deity himself since season 4 it was a huge and brave step to take, although fandom had suspected Chuck was in fact the big G since his disappearance at the end of season 5. This had been unofficially eluded to by Kripke and Rob Benedict on numerous occasions over the years but it felt good to have the question answered so unequivocally.

Chuck and Metatron gripped us tight and raised us from Perdition in this episode with glorious dialogue that felt natural and heartfelt - especially Metatron who's character has been so vicious and unrelenting in earlier seasons. Yet here we have him championing humanity and asking God to come back from his apathetic hideout and re join the party against his destructive sister who is hell bent on smudging out our very existence.

Sam and Dean are busy meanwhile doing what they do best - nearly dying and desperately trying to save the world. The writers cleverly threaded their perilous task into the episode without detracting from the main focus and with the genius use of the Amulet - I KNEW Sam would have picked it out of the bin! - concludes with them coming face to face with the realization that God has re entered the building and is not, in fact, on any flat bread but is standing right in front of them having resurrected the town.

After 11 seasons this is the show that keeps on giving and this was one of the best episodes yet. And that is saying something after the likes of Baby.
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This just blows my mind the best one
narixel8 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I never had so many goosebumps even at the goosebumps movie. this episode deserves a solid 10 the best from the best TV show ever created. A masterpiece that gives you everything you ever wanted. It keeps your attention on the whole episode it cant get better than this. But you never sure with supernatural. The episode got me so hooked up I cant wait for the next one. Supernatural its just the best. And Chuck is a pretty good choose for the role of the big G. My favorite TV show turns out to he the best. They really nailed it here it was a close to perfection episode. And I don't think you can get any closer than that. It keeps you so hooked up for the next episode. THere's no room for critics here only appraisals.
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This episode was awesome and I don't feel my beliefs offended...
saeed_imeny10 May 2016
First of all, I'm a Muslim, a real believer, I read and think and discuss and debate a lot, I have been since I was a child and all I believe has come with wide open eyes, quite perfect sense and sensible reasons. That's why I wasn't offended.

This episode was so great. To me, the greatest of the show. I was so waiting for their god to show up.

I usually don't write reviews but I read some Muslim's review and he was upset and it made me write this.

Dude, this is just a show! Nothing in this show is real. None of the creatures, demons, angels - the real not fictional ones - are the way they are in the real world. Angels are not like this oppressed-by- god restless animals lurking around with no specific purpose the way they show them, demons are not this stupid, even Lucifer is not like this! So why bother?

We worship the real god. His existence, his brilliance, isn't up to how many men believe in him or how many deny him. He's just there and he's more almighty than all the words written about him, no matter what we think about him.

He's greater than a show can belittle him! For god's sake, we're talking about a show in which two humans defeat all the great powers in the universe lol. Let's not take it serious and enjoy a not-real-but-amazingly-fantasy show!
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Awesome episode!
gabel-161247 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Excellent episode! It couldn't turn better. Now that you showed us that Chuck was God all this time, it's amazing. He was that kind of funny fool back in last seasons, but it all makes sense now. That's why he could write all those books. I can't believe everyone was so blind by now.

As someone who watched every single episode of this show, I hope you keep the good work on! I've seen people here with "beliefs" and stuff. Guys, have your own beliefs, no one told you this show is based on real facts. You don't have to see your God in the God of Supernatural. Even the real God, if there is any, would find this funny. You are taking this religious thing too seriously.

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Mind blown! No spoilers of course.
bepponen6 May 2016
Finally we get to meet the one we all been waiting for so long, GOD. And he is pretty much as i am sure most of us want him to be, totally awesome.

Everyone that does not rate this episode 9 or up is surely Christian of some kind, don't listen to them :) For an average fan of Supernatural this sh*t will completely blow your mind. Otherwise you surely should not even be watching this stuff.

It is at its best if you have been watching all the episodes that come before it of course. And if you're a fan of this series you Will love this episode. Just do it, right away!!
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blackmagpie-623681 June 2018
If you can get through the needy, petty and trivial monologue of Chuck, the tedious and drawn out dialogue between Chuck and Metatron, the flaws like Metatron needing special glasses to see God, the fact that they made the mistake of making Chuck into God and so on and so forth then you might actually enjoy the last few seconds or possibly not. This was an episode I found difficult to like. It is bad enough that the darkness is not actually turning out to be a real evil and bad force but to make God so small was extremely disappointing.....the best thing on this episode next to Sam and Dean is the dog...
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Neither drive nor Intelligence
karl-itschguel19 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
God is portrayed as whining little wimp. He's somewhat powerful, but it's extremely one-dimensional power. He seems to be able to make be whatever he wants to be, but has neither intelligence nor knowledge to warrant him being taken seriously in any way. It now appears to be the job of the remaining cast to think for god and get him to use that power for something meaningful. Yes, if god was both powerful and intelligent the main characters wouldn't even be players any more. But is this really supposed to be the way to go? Even some of the lower roman gods are more impressive than that. God is human in all the worst ways. That guy is the beginning? He has thought up the rules that govern the universe? Don't make me laugh. The way he is portrayed he doesn't have the wits to win at checkers.

Amara is not much better, gassing some small towns and villages? Pretty much all dictators, terrorists or even drug lords think bigger than that, even without the power that Amara and god are (supposed to?) wield. And the objective of those lowly humans is to rule, cause fear or subdue, all requiring people to be left to be dominated. Amara supposedly embodies darkness destruction and chaos? She is neither convincing as a universal force nor as an intelligent being. It makes her gods equal in a way though...
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Special shout out
aussiehall-9584826 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Special shout out goes to Curtis Armstrong who absolutely brings out a ferocious performance as everyone's love-to-hate scribe of god Metatron. Mr Armstrong's acting when up against Rob Benedict's Chuck/God was award worthy in my opinion
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People got offended!!??
Tabbush11 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Ok let start with saying that I'm a muslim, and it's known that we are the most sensitive people there are when it comes to religion or God subjects.

After I declared that I'm not offended at all with this episode on the contrary I loved it, people it's a TV show relax and expand your minds a little and enjoy the entertainment. Why should it offend me if someone portrays God differently than me ??!! I'm actually intrigued and I would like to have an interesting discussion with whoever have different beliefs than me.

Ok about the episode I actually in a rewatch marathon right now and I have to say I'm loving this season all over again, we all knew deep down that chuck was God when he vanished after Sam and Adam were locked in the cage.

Metatron gave the best performance in the episode in my opinion his lines were pretty good and compelling as a fallen angel who became and understood humanity and convinced God to give them a second chance after all.

Don't think too much peopel enjoy life.
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lukacukeric14 January 2022
I cannot say why I love this episode. Really. It somehow hit me, even made me cry.

I agree with people here - you will either love this episode or not. You will either find this episode's dialog between G-d and Metatron amazing,or trivial.
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brandirclark14 August 2021
This episode hit so many plot points that I've been craving. With each one I grinned. Awesome episode!
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andyodom-275712 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The contrast of chaos within the human world and the utter peace in God's safe place. Beautiful. Metatron finally hitting rock bottom is what I've been waiting and praying for but by the end of the episode I gained a new respect for him. It's one of those things where you have to tattle to your parents for your sibling to stop being a bully. Having been at the top and the bottom of the pyramid, Metatron isn't there for Chuck's BS response of letting humans suffer at the hands of Amara. His speech on how humanity is sometimes horrible but in return we also give and create...beautiful. In just a short 2 minutes he changed my own view of the world and answered questions I haven't thought about in a while. A+++ to the writers. Nothing so complicated has ever been put so eloquently in Supernatural thus far.
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Good...for the most part
Dariush724 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This one was interesting, tackling the subject of God is a big deal and requires extra carefulness

Where to start, I gave this a 8, just took out 2 points and here's why

(Beware heavy spoilers)

-It was too much meta, specially at the beginning, unfortunately the SPN writers (when I say Writers I mean Robbie Thomson and those two idiots) have a tendency to meta up even the most serious plots and stories, truth to be told, this episode needed to be "less meta" and more serious if you know what I mean

-With utmost respect for the LGBT community, I feel like recently episodes are becoming too much LGBT oriented lately and while it "shouldn't" be a problem, tackling this subject specially (GOD) with that sort of mindset damages the seriousness and credibility of the show, I'm fine with characters like the hunters from the previous episode but when you're talking God, you're talking about people's beliefs and people's beliefs are not a stage to prove a point and further an agenda

It was just a tiny little half line but this one could have destroyed this episode if it wasn't for the stuff that followed

Now on to positives, I liked the way GOD at the end fixed everything through music and despite the belief of a certain part of fandom about God looking like a douche, he actually had a point

People are equipped with all the necessary requirements to make choices and decisions about themselves, what would be the point if God were to intervene every time someone screws something up?

In the end I would appreciate if writers wrote more seriously and more careful about the material they wrote, this is a good show it would be a shame for it to go downhill because of unnecessary meta or agenda writing

The End
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Thank god, finally
nightshiftee17 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I was complaining on a couple of occasions about withholding god, wondering if they ever going to reveal him.

Well they finally did!

Yes, I was expecting more, especially since they have a habit to introduce various characters in a sloppy way. All I'm saying is, it would have been nice if they gave him a show like they did with the darkness for example, would have fitted. But it was okey and acceptable. Humorous and serious at the same time.

The dialogues are very interesting too.

To the rest I won't say much. Season 11 certainly is one of the best so far. The last few monster of the week episodes are a little boring but they usually are anyway :D the first half of the season had better such episodes.
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Worst pour of a draft beer I've ever seen
micky_furlong21 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I was dying laughing at the 95% foam beer pour by Metatron. I don't know why but I thought it was really amusing as they acted like it was normal.

Amazing episode all around beside that, one of the best of the series.

I just came to add that tidbit about the beer, but it says I need to talk more.. I had heard supernatural fell off a lot for a couple seasons 8-10 range but I did read it came back around season 11. Boy were they right. I loved this season and felt like whoever wrote this season just said screw it, use every great character we have had and throw them together. Almost like they were.writing like they didn't have a chance for another season. Sure there were a couple filler episodes in there but definitely my favourite season so far!
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nobody mentions...
lory_angelito30 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The blasphemy and contradiction, like when Chuck says he had a few girlfriends and a few boyfriends (barf)... and later Metatron mentions Sodom and Gomorrah "the greatest hits". The same thing happened when Castiel was god and he killed a priest because he said in a funny way "Lady Gaga won't shut up about it" then GodCastiel says that god doesn't care about sexual orientation... ugh... why... just why, did the screenwriters speak personally with God and they know God's views on gays? this makes me give the episode one star but i won't, because is good episode but the g-mafia pandering irks me.
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Worst episode of season
sahvannabest6 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If they had brought in a new actor to play God, or even just had him in Chuck's meatsuit, then the episode would have been okay. By deciding that Chuck had been God the entire time creates plot holes and unnecessary deception/drama. I really enjoyed the Chuck episodes in past seasons, but now on replay they will be less enjoyable because of this decision.
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Chuck and fog
shwetafabm25 July 2020
I like metatron and i liked the metaness that comes from Chuck. I found most of it fine in regard to God and his motivations but the whole fog thing was just repeated and boring. Also really does Sam actually think Dean would choose Amara. The problem is Amara and Dean's thing here, i quite liked it in the starting but its fake tension.
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