"The Walking Dead" Honor (TV Episode 2018) Poster

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Emotional Episode
claudio_carvalho9 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
While in the sewer with the survivors from Alexandria, Carl recalls the moment when he was bitten by a walker while bringing Siddiq to Alexandria; the time he spent with his sister Judith and the letters he wrote to his father and friends. When the Saviors leave the spot, Daryl leads the survivors to Hilltop while Rick and Michonne stay with Carl during his last moments. Meanwhile Carol meets Morgan outside Hilltop and they break in to save Ezekiel that is imprisoned of Gavin and the Saviors.

"Honor" is an emotional and very sad episode of "The Walking Dead". The loss of Carl may be compared to the death of Glenn and it is hard to understand why it is so easy to the writers to dispose of one important original character every season. The discussion of Morgan, Carol and Ezekiel about the fate of Gavin is absurd and it is necessary that the boy Henry resolves the problem the way they should have done. My vote is eight.

Title (Brazil): "Honor"
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shanekraus31 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was a great episode. This was an excellent episode. Emotional and amazing. This was a tear jerker. Emotional from start to finish. At first I hated the decision to kill off carl. Still, his sendoff was very sad and touching.
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Carl was supposed to make it
augeri2418 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
For starters, this episode was a big step up from what we are used to. Season 8 up until this point has been extremely hard to watch. And this is coming from one of the most loyal TWD fans you'll ever meet. Yet i barely made it to this point.. i legit had to force myself to get through most of these episodes. Hill Top, The Kingdom, the underwhelming Negan.. what a disappointment. I like Jeffrey Dean Morgan but they have not used his character correctly. He doesn't even belong in the same sentence with The Governor.

Now as far as this episode is concerned, they crossed the line! How dare you kill off Carl like that! If you're going to kill off any major character, do it right! that was lazy ass writing. Carl deserved much better. This show is seen through the eyes of Carl. He is not only the moral compass of the show, he is the driving force behind Ricks motivation and will to live! Like he said, "its always been for you Carl, all for you" And while both actors did amazing in this episode, why TF wasn't Shane brought up? Or Lori? she was barely mentioned.

Carl has played more of a side character these last few seasons, but idc. He was supposed to make it till the very end. Now there is only 3 main characters left from the first season. All of them, including Carl, should have made it until the last season. To kill him now, in a mid season finale, how dare you.. its like you are trying to push fans away. I am furious.

The show feels like it just ended. It will never be the same again. And they certainly won't ever be able to come back from this.

They crossed the line!
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Thanks, Chandler.
Jenstarling28 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I won't rehash the episode, because that's been done. Many people are outraged by Carl's death, claiming that it's pointless or strays too far from the comics. I thought it was obvious that Carl would have to exit in some way, simply because Chandler Riggs is aging out of the role. In the show, each season does not cover a year in story. Chandler was aging far too fast for his character. He is a wonderful actor, and at this point, no one could replace him to ensure that his character remains an appropriate age. Obviously, they couldn't maintain the pretense that he was just maturing quickly forever. Since he had to go at some point, I appreciate that he was given a very loving sendoff. I am sorry to see Chandler Riggs go, and wish him the best in his future career. Thank you, Chandler, for giving us all so many years of your youth.
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And the mediocrity continues
TheDonaldofDoom26 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted this episode to be great, but unfortunately it misses the mark once again. The warning sign is that they named the episode Honor, a self-important title that shows Scott Gimple really thinks this show is profound when it really isn't. A sizeable portion of this episode is inevitably dedicated to Carl. For the most part, this is handled okay, with good acting from everyone involved (though it is, like everything in TWD, too drawn out). Sadly, because of the poor character development over the last eight episodes, it was hard for me to feel much. When I compare it to moments like Lori's death it doesn't come close in emotional intensity. That's not because it's clumsily handled but because the poor quality of TWD's recent episodes has made it harder to care about its characters. Putting Carl's death at the end of a disastrous run of episodes is the worst possible thing to do.

I also found there is too much focus on the issue of whether or not to show "mercy" to your enemies. Stuff like that has been in the TWD for many seasons and there's nothing more that can be sucked from it, yet the writers keep returning to it because they can't think of any other issues to explore. This problem also ties in with Morgan. Argh, what an infuriating character. Someone who was once one of the best characters in the series is now some bipolar dude who keeps switching between killing everyone and not killing anyone at all. Right now, he's in "kill everyone" mode. No doubt in a few episodes he'll be the complete opposite. His character arc doesn't make sense, then again very little on this show makes sense anymore. The only positive that comes out of Morgan's unpredictability is some excellent gore, when he reaches into a Savior's open wound, pulling out a ribbon of guts.

And look at Ezekiel. He still hasn't got rid of his annoying Shakespearean language and keeps repeating the same words over and over again to one of Negan's goons. Again, he's talking about mercy, the moral issue this show just never lets go. Bizarrely, he seems to suggest that the real reason he never went to war with the Saviors until he met Rick was because he didn't want the scumbags to die. It apparently didn't have anything to do with the fact that he would have lost.

And then we come to the massive problem that everyone else seems to have missed. It's mentioned that the Saviors have failed in their assault. How is that possible? They had managed to magically assemble their forces in one night, somehow with enough ammo and-oh, they've run out of ammo again? And now, even though they've managed to torch much of Alexandria to the ground, they're losing again? Sorry, I'm lost.

So in summary, what could have been a revival for TWD just exhibits the same qualities the show has become known for: nonsensical characters, nonsensical story and no attention to detail.
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An Unnecessary But Honorable Death
armank-9533518 April 2020
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Don't really care about the Kingdom storyline w/Morgan given Carl is literally dying, action was decent enough, Morgan should've begun to change in this episode after seeing what Henry did, no reason to drag it on to the s8 finale and send him off to Fear, but he doesn't change and therefore it doesn't advance his storyline or character much.

Writing was pretty good. (Especially given this is season 8) However Gavin is an exception to that, Gavin is annoying, he always claims, "tHiS iSn'T wHaT i wAnT" but then he does Negan type stuff and when given the opportunity to change by Ezekiel he denies him which in turn seems to deny his whole character. I'm fine with him dying but I feel like maybe it would've been better to see him switch sides and join Ezekiel right before Henry kills him and then we could've seen Morgan realize that the way he's handling things is not humane.

Honestly thought Carl's send off was decent but why on Earth did he have to die again Gimple? Don't have much to say other than this.

The plot didn't advance a crazy amount in this episode but it seems like that's excusable because we are mainly focusing on Carl's death. We had Daryl, Rosita and co leave for the Hilltop, the Kingdom (or just Carol, Morgan and Ezekiel) resist the Saviors and Coral's death. :( EITHER WAY HE SHOULD NOT HAVE DIED!!

I thought those dreams Carl had were pretty cool and we literally see them in season 9 which is kinda awesome.

In hindsight Carl is the reason Negan is alive, but he didn't really need to die for that message of "There's gotta be something after." to get to Rick.

Honor Character Development 7 (how did the characters change from the beginning to the end or how their arc has been developed) Writing 7 (did the writing sound natural, did it fit the characters, was it logical) Action 7 (I don't rate the quantity of action, just the quality of what action was there) Plot Advancement 7 (did the main plot or arc move forward) Was I Entertained? 8 7.2
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I cried my eyes out.
mariamelkott26 May 2020
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Goodbye Carl. His character development was one of the best in this series.
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Mostly better then the rest of the season
reptor1926 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Well, I do feel that this episode is way better then the rest of the season. There are no real plot holes since there no much to tell: Carl dies, Morgan and the gang save the king.

It was executed perfectly in my opinion because we do feel how Morgan is so close to losing his mind but then he is reminded of his actions when the boy kills that gang leader that attacked the Kingdom. I think the show would benefit greatly if Morgan will (finally) find that middle ground where he knows that killing is wrong but in the same times knows when to pull the trigger. I somewhat in fear that Morgan will die or be written off somehow since there isn't much that can't be done with him at this point. Even if he will see the error in his new ways, what next? We will see him once again battling with those demons? C'mon,we already saw it in like all past seasons... So im very curious where he will go next.

Now to Carl...As a comic book reader I think that this death (much like Andrea back in the day) are very important and meaningful to the road ahead of us. I also think that all the hate that is brought on the writers for killing off Carl isn't justified. I mean, if there was a conflict with the show runners and the actor then yeah it is really sad that it had to go down that road. But since this show wants to set it apart from the comics (in a way) - for example explaining why did Rick all of a sudden spares Negan's life - then this episode is a great example of how to execute a MAJOR change perfectly. I don't remember so much hate for the writers when Andrea was killed, and she is such a major character in the comics, so I do believe that some perspective here is needed.

Overall - good episode but could have been better. To many cl0ose ups on Rick's eyes. It is getting tiresome. The times wasted on silly shots and reruns of Carl's visions could have been put toward showing how the rest of the group says goodbye to Carl. For me this was the biggest disappointment here.

The editing is just bad this season. Too many close ups, really long episodes without any major consequences/character development. This must be improved going forward. However, Carl's death and the King's save missions were performed very well.
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I Get That...
williamrbabcock16 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Most people are ignorant, uneducated, and just plain stupid. Especially here in the United States. And most people have the attention span of a goldfish...squirrel...so that's why people are hating on this show this season.

To start, this show was NEVER about zombies. From the start, it has always been amount the human drama that plays out during the course of the zombie apocalypse, this season being no different.

As far as this episode, it is played out in away with the intercutting stories of Morgan and Carl dying because the two characters have a similar but opposite arcs. Morgan was a monster, then vowed never to kill again, then returned to being a monster. Carl started innocent, ended up being a killer, then found his serenity.

As Carl was dying, the two story lines were intercut because it reflected each arc and how they were the opposites. I thought it was very poignant and well done.

I'm not surprised a lot of people gave this bad reviews because they have no real understanding as to what this show is REALLY about.
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They crossed the line!
augeri2417 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
For starters, this episode was a big step up from what we are used to. Season 8 up until this point has been extremely hard to watch. And this is coming from one of the most loyal TWD fans you'll ever meet. Yet i barely made it to this point.. i legit had to force myself to get through most of these episodes. Hill Top, The Kingdom, the underwhelming Negan.. what a disappointment. I like Jeffrey Dean Morgan but they have not used his character correctly. He doesn't even belong in the same sentence with The Governor.

Now as far as this episode is concerned, they crossed the line! How fk'in dare you kill off Carl like that! If you're going to kill off any major character, do it right! that was lazy ass writing. Carl deserved much better. This show is seen through the eyes of Carl. He is not only the moral compass of the show, he is the driving force behind Ricks motivation and will to live! Like he said, "its always been for you Carl, all for you" And while both actors did amazing in this episode, why TF wasn't Shane brought up? Or Lori? she was barely mentioned.

Carl has played more of a side character these last few seasons, but idc. He was supposed to make it till the very end. Now there is only 3 main characters left from the first season. All of them, including Carl, should have made it until the last season. To kill him now, in a mid season finale, how dare you.. its like you are trying to push fans away. I am furious.

The show feels like it just ended. It will never be the same again. And they certainly won't ever be able to come back from this.
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Goodbye carl grimes, we are going to miss you.
MomentIMDB8 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The episode shows us the farewell of Carl and the Kingdom. good points: the direction of the fie episode quite solid as that of the previous episode. Everything that has to do with the farewell of Carl I liked and it was emotional. the performances were very good and chandler riggs wore. Gavin's death was pretty good and shocking. The action sequences were well managed and met their objective. bad points: although the bottle episodes are not liked by the public, in this case and others from previous seasons (the grove, after) the episode needed to focus on the death of Carl, since the plot of the kingdom felt out of place And it was quite distracting. and something I miss, was a more personal farewell with all the characters, something that would depress us a lot and affect the characters, the result was good but it could be excellent. The explanation of how the saviors escaped seemed absurd and very forced.

bye carl grimes, you will be missed. a character that had a great development throughout the seasons, we saw his growth, that he lost, what he had to do, we grew up with him. My favorite episode of Carl was After (4 × 9), Chandler Riggs acted amazing and I thought it was his best performance.
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made me cry
tobyisaac4 April 2020
Don't listen to the other reviews, this episode is awesome and it made me cry mad tears.
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Everyone Calm Down!
dylansandhu-125924 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
We need to understand that Gimple had a view of this show lasting years of years of similar content everyone enjoying it and him receiving a nice pay check. Wrong it hasn't worked out for him and he has payed the price. We have a new show runner who we will see in the next episode.

Also it seems to be that every time we get a new storyline we like it for a few episodes and then we want the next one. It doesn't work like this

Overall I thought that this episode was an excellent one had this had been a few years back it would have been praised
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Here come the tears
Jemae7 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Yep they killed Carl off. This is so silly to do, now there's only 4 original cast members from the first season. How can the writers of the show say they want the tv show to be more like the comics yet kill Carl off!? It doesn't make sense.

Overall its a very sad and emotional episode, it really pulls on the heart strings.

I would have liked to see Carl live longer than Rick.
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I Love You Dad. I Love You Carl.
wandernn1-81-6832746 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
After 8 seasons, a main character leaves us. It's very sad and touching. This is going to be the shining defining moment in what's his name's career, similar to Wil Wheaton and Star Trek Next Gen.

But what an exit. A great episode really. And Morgan....my favorite character by far....reaching a breaking point. I really enjoyed this episode. 9/10.
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I Enjoyed It
erikoldland26 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Personally, I thought that this was The Walking Dead's best episode of season 8. To start off, I liked how they quickly explained what needed explaining at the beginning of the episode. They showed how Carl got bit and they showed how The Saviours escaped. This was great because it cleared everything up before they got into the important stuff. Carl's last episode was beautifully done. The quick montage of him before the attack on Alexandria was great. It really embodied Carl's selflessness, as he puts others needs in front of his. He continues to be productive until the end. I enjoyed how the montage showed us how horrifying knowing that death is near is. Honestly, The Walking Dead hasn't scared me this much for a while. That was something I thought about all throughout the episode. I felt miserable watching Carl slowly degrade. I thought Carl's death felt more and more depressing throughout the episode. Carl's storyline I would rate separately, and give it a 9.5. (Just my opinion). Now, onto Carol and Morgan's story. I thought that this was a good storyline. Not amazing. Just good. There were some interesting quotes and exciting action scenes. One thing that brought up questions was when Carol and Morgan took down 5 people on their own, without any cover to hide behind. But other than that, it was good. The ending of this little side story was good. How Benjamin (I think that's his name) killed the Saviour instead of Morgan. All and all, I thought this was a really good episode that showed The Walking Dead can still make us feel after some mediocre episodes.
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Not that bad
gianniconti17 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Now, we all know it, love him or hate him, Carl dying was one the dumbest things the show could've done and the dumbest thing the show did do. BUT, the execution of this episode and even the one before it was extremely well done. This was a very emotional episode with tremendous acting from, of course, Andrew Lincoln, Danai Gurira, and Chandler Riggs. Yes, killing Carl was stupid but if you do it, this is how a major character death should be done. Especially on a scale of a Carl Grimes. Even though, I would've liked to see him do a bit more since from the beginning of the season the writers definitely knew what they were doing. We barely saw Carl up until the mid-season finale, and that I don't care for.
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Emotional one
usama_salim4 June 2018
I liked it For people seeking action all the season Or seeking rapid development it is not good for them But for great character like carl we need this one
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riserichard30 January 2022
Thank you for this episode. It was touching, thought provoking and a real tear jerker. As a father, I appreciated the relationship between Rick and Carl and how they brought out the best in each other. That's what real love does.
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This is the episode that made me stop watching TWD
fmetzke22 December 2021
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The long sappy goodbye and preachy morality with kids killing was one thing albeit tolerable, but Carole and Morgan taking over the whole kingdom without so much as a scratch. Just too unbelievable.
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Painful, brilliant
samtimoney-7975820 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Well written and designed to choke you up, especially if your a son or father. Horrible, bleak and beautiful. What a brilliant episode. Unexpected and a honourable end for Carl. Loved it.
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Is this series based on comic by Robert Kirkman ?:)
dark-indigo-kun28 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This has nothing to do with comics :/

This is not Game of Thrones guys, Carl is not just random guy, omg, bad, bad, bad :)
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OMG !!
titoqashar-5207013 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Rick made me cry OMG ! , CARL , CARL CARL , Goodbye , it was very touching , bye carl
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mulhern-8450513 February 2021
Honestly this episode is brilliant. It's emotional from start to finish and i was gripped every second of it. Easily the best episode of season 8 imo
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This is a very good episode people need to chill
Matt-lezemore2 March 2018
I think the walking dead still has it and this episode proves that and they don't always follow the comic book Judith is dead in the comic and alive in the show same with carol the future is Judith Maggie and her baby and baby Gracie people saying where's the future that's the future
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