"It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" Mac Finds His Pride (TV Episode 2018) Poster

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chinbagdeluxe27 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A little backstory: I don't normally cry at movies and tv shows. I don't give LGBTQ plots any extra credit just because they are inclusive. I don't normally feel extreme emotions when listening to music or watching dance sequences. I never expected to cry in a scene in this show, especially one that focuses on Mac or Frank.

This episode goes for 15 minutes of funny and dark Sunny, nothing great. I start to lose interest with the episode, until Mac walks onstage. The dance starts, I almost laugh at how abrupt it is. But it keeps going, and I start to notice how well done and beautifully shot it is. I see Mac's dad leave the audience as Mac starts crying, but still continues his performance. I also see Frank's look of disgust at him for abandoning his son. Frank has been the centre of physical comedy for the entire episode, but Devito's incredible acting makes me completely forget that as he watches it. By now I'm thinking "Wow, this is actually getting to me," but I'm still waiting for a classic IASIP punchline. The dance keeps going, getting more impressive, brilliant and emotional as it goes on before it finally ends. Then there's just silence. I just sit there, until the camera cuts to Frank crying, and then he just says "I finally get it." I have no idea why but this just made me so teary. After a large applause, the credits roll and Jesus, this episode really got to me. Nothing more to say, great season finale.
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Changed My Life
vinylbuisness12 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I came into this episode expecting your average Sunny, and for the most part, episode ten really contains the amazing humor we come to expect from the series.

What I did not expect was the final dance scene.

Oh my god.

I cried uncontrollably for an hour over this scene.

It unlocked something inside of me. It changed me and my view of myself forever.

This single scene has lead to me coming out to my parents, my friends, everyone I know. This is so beautiful.

I have never been impacted so much by a single scene or media in my whole life as I have with this.

This has changed my life forever.
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In awe
ewright-981967 November 2018
This was by far one of the most healing pieces of media I've consumed as a member of the lgbt community. There are movies that are solely about being gay that didn't resonate with me the way this episode did, it's obvious that the people writing those movies don't "get it" the way Rob and Charlie do. Last night I watched my home state elect a man who doesn't even believe in marriage equality and that made me feel hopeless. This morning, I watched a show that is famous for its extreme satire take a moment to reach out and comfort a community that is too often on the receiving end of horrible jokes. I am not exaggerating when I say that I feel like I was given a hug by everyone involved with this episode, and I appreciate how much the cast and crew care about my community. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
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I cried watching an episode of It's Always Sunny...
houstonwade-123 October 2020
Never in a million years, after binging 13 seasons of this show did I expect something like that. I am not a member of the LGBTQ community. I will never know what it is like to struggle with my identity in that way... but, and I can't even explain how, the dance number at the end hit me in the gut in a way I will never be able to describe. Good job, gang. Completely out of nowhere!
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The Biggest Risks Merit the Biggest Rewards
griffinwiebel8 November 2018

For a good 3/4's of this episode, Sunny showcases it's well known black humor, such as the degradation of Frank's infected face and a funny Cricket cameo. It's typical, classy Sunny as the gang tries to get Mac to dance on their pride float.

It's the last quarter of this episode that floored me. Beautiful and emotionally charged, Mac Finds His Pride strikes an unfamiliar, yet powerful tone. One of the best season endings on television. I wish I could talk more, but it's important that viewers watch this scene with a fresh set of eyes.

I created an account just to give this episode a well-deserved 10/10. This isn't "peak Sunny". This is a different Sunny episode. Yet, one of their best.
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binz4516 February 2021
This episode was completely unexpected and incredibly beautiful and breathtaking. Amazing job!
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Incredible episode
dylanrinal28 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Words cannot describe the realization that I just came to after watching this episode. It starts off as your typical sunny episode. Crude humor, people getting hurt and being their typical grungy selves. A few gold jokes rehashed and some good quality laughs.

The ending scene however, left me in jaw dropping awe. After first watch, I felt myself not understanding what had happened. Much like Frank felt when he tried to get Mac to explain what being gay was like. Mac describes his feelings with a dream of god, and a beautiful woman.

It wasn't for Frank to understand, but the cheorgraphed scene for Mac to come out to his dad, was to explain exactly how Mac felt being stuck in the closet. During the dance he tried so hard to love the woman, but just couldn't, he fought and fought until his father walked out, and god showed the light on him crying in her lap. Frank finally got it, and I got what Mac meant after a long series of thought.

It was to represent the struggle of gay human beings coming out to who they see as an influence on their lives. Mac constantly worked for god, and his father's approval. From what I have witnessed among a gay friend who went through the same hardship, it really brought so much emotion out of me. Bravo to the creators of this show. They took a bold step to display such a huge topic in society today. 10/10 episode and I would rate that over and over if I could.
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aidanratesmovies21 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I have been an avid fan of this show since it's humble beginnings. Even with it's slow rise in popularity and success, I still found the earlier episodes to be quite enjoyable, although certainly not the high point of the show. When the 13th season came around I found it very odd how inconsistent the show was becoming, especially with it's lack of quality with the previous two episodes. But just when I seemed to loose hope in some kind of future for this show, this episode really changed everything for me.

I've known for a while that I am Pansexual, and recently I've come out as trans. It's been a hard and long road for me, finding acceptance not just from my peers but from myself as well, and this episode really captures the essence of feeling trapped and the strength it truly takes to be free. The final scene in this episode wasn't only brilliantly choreographed and well shot, but it had me in tears. Never would I have expected the show to go to this kind of point, but I am so glad it did. It's certainly different from what the show usually does, but the fact that it dares to be so different, is also what made the show so bold in the first place. And seeing this, I am proud to say that Sunny still has its spark.

I love this episode, it was honestly one of my favorites, even without Dennis appearing. It may not be for everyone, not everyone may get it, but for me it was really a powerful and well told message, and I just have to say to all those involved, well done.
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Please stop encouraging shows to end
apaskevi-113 December 2020
There are plenty of people out there who LOVE that this show takes big swings. Just because it doesn't work for what YOU came to the show with, doesn't mean it doesn't work period. And encouraging a show to end simply because YOU no longer get something from it, or because it's been a few episodes since you laughed, is the epitome of the Always Sunny narcissism that you once enjoyed. Look at how many lives were touched by this episode.

At its most basic, what is comedy? When you laugh at something, what's happening in your brain? A recognition of something real-The act of laughing releases endorphins that make, just for a moment, all the chaos and noise in your life fade away. It moves you. It touches you. Without hitting you over the head, Mac's dancing had the same cathartic effect as the most well written jokes on the show.

This show isn't The Office without Steve Carrell. It doesn't need to end now, or ever, as long as they're still putting out content that moves people. Beautiful things don't have to be funny. Funny things don't have to be surrounded by beauty. Life is better with Always Sunny on TV, period.
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I dug it
andre-graham-277-89135527 September 2019
I enjoyed the dance. Screw the haters. I thoght it was poignant.
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Just wow....
ZippyGigglebuns27 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I love Sunny it always has me laughing...I can have it playing all day, and just laugh all day long. But this episode has probably become one of my most favorites. As someone who isn't always understood, I feel like it spoke to me...I know this episode was geared towards the LGBT audience but I think it can resonate with anyone who has faced adversity and those who have felt they don't fit.

I was speechless, my husband was sleeping next to me as I watched and I just wanted to wake him up to watch Mac's remarkable dance. The performance filled me with so much emotion I couldn't stop smiling and wanted to cry all at the same time. I've never been good at expressing my feelings out loud so seeing someone express it with dance was one of the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

Bottomline - yea this episode isn't like the others but it's special and beautiful and needed. It should be watched not just because of the story but for the beauty. It stands out and that's just fine, the best things always do!
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axmufc23 August 2020
Jaw dropping, yes very different from the usual stuff but I hope you get it! :)
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Mac expresses inner turmoil through medium of dance
RetroRick1 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Probably the first episode of Sunny that doesn't really aim at being comedy. It's not really drama exactly either, but clearly something very personal for Rob McElhenny, who comes from a family with two gay brothers and two lesbian mums. Insofar as there is comedy & drama in this episode it comes from the prospect of Mac coming out to his father, the remote, emotionally absent father who - as we keep being made to understand - Mac craves the love and attention of. There is some comedy & pathos in this. The piece de resistance is the finale where Mac expresses his true identity & true feelings through the medium of dance, with the help of a very hot and beautiful female dancer. It's not funny but it is compelling, and clearly from the other reviews it resonated with a lot of people both gay and straight. Not quite what I'm looking in a Sunny episode, but it does serve to demonstrate just how talented & versatile the Sunny cast are, at least - in this episode - as far as Rob is concerned. I can appreciate the artistry and the feeling that went into this. I'm not entirely sure I quite got it though, but it's rather fine to watch either way.

So, there you have it, IASIP tackles gay sexuality through the medium of dance, and it's meant as something serious rather funny & p*ss taking. I've seen everything now.
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All good things must come to an end...
SecularSurfer19 November 2018
Unfortunately, the end was apparently season 12.

This is by far the worst episode, in the worst season of the greatest show of all time.

I've watched every episode of IASIP multiple times. Most of them 30+ times. I've never not laughed until this one. The closest thing to humor in the episode is Frank and his bloody nose, but everything else is the episode is so half-assed it loses it's impact.
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Where did that come from?
dougmacdonaldburr8 November 2018
I just finished watching the episode, and right now I would give this an 11 if I could. I will not give any spoilers. It is a very unusual episode, I didn't know where it was going at first, but, then it morphed into this strange and beautiful art film. In an odd way, if this turned out to be the last episode of the show, I would almost be okay with it. This is certainly not the funniest episode that the show has ever done, but, it is definitely one of the most creative. The ending is beautiful.
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Absolutely Breathtaking
devilbitez13 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode absolutely slaughtered my soul. Rob McElhenney did a stunning job in the scene at the end and it is something that will stick with me for the rest of my life. As a queer person, I understood it all. Every last bit of it. The raw, heartfelt emotion that poured out of the entire scene was enough to break my heart in half and then put it back together as soon as that woman whispered "its okay." I will never forget this and my never-ending thanks go out to Rob and the entire Sunny crew for delivering this masterpiece of a finale.
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brandonhart-4100229 September 2019
I get it . Personally I think you can tell from the start of the episode it's going to have that heartfelt soft touch that's Sunny sometimes decides to give us. Everything about this episode is what makes sunny special , they somehow manage to do something they do all of the time but also what they've never done. The dance , the music , the reaction from Frank especially was just perfect . My favourite always sunny moment , breaking of the barriers... I get it , I finally get it!!
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I cried.
Otter_18 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly the only reason this doesn't get 10/10 is because Dennis's absence wasn't addressed and I find that odd. If he wasn't in it and they'd have called attention to that, it would have had 10/10, but the fact they were acting as if he was there on that day was... just weird.

Anyway, it was amazing. Not to sugar coat or anything, but the very low ratings just smell of homophobia to me - one of the reviews here is literally titled "you'd have to be gay to enjoy this" so, y'know. Some people seem disappointed that Mac is actually gay, they much preferred it when it was laughed at. I understand that this is a comedy show, but throughout this season (not exclusively) it's been proven that humour can come from a gay character's sexuality ("I can do much better than Charlie" "Really, then why don't you Mac?") without it being homophobic. I guess some people are disappointed by that.

Also, everyone complaining about the show "all of a sudden" turning "PC" and left-wing? Hilarious and depressing at the same time that people who claim they're such hardcore fans have been completely missing the point of the show all this time. All the awful bigotry the gang have displayed in the past haven't been to portray them as good - it's literally the complete opposite. Every episode we're reminded that they're all terrible people. It's satire.

I also find it odd people complain about the lack of the other characters as if that's never been done in an episode before. It honestly didn't even strike me. In all honesty, Frank is my least favourite character, if you'd told me this episode was going to mostly feature him and Mac, I would have groaned - but in this episode I actually didn't mind him. I thought he was funny and it was a nice counter to the seriousness going on!

Throughout the episode there were times I laughed out loud! A fantastic way to show that you can be hilarious and hard-hitting at the same time. As a bisexual person, and admittedly, someone with daddy issues... Mac's journey was incredibly moving. The dance absolutely blew me away, and it was such a nice touch to have Frank "get it" at the end.

It was a very unexpected end to the series!
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Huge sunny fan! Even bigger Rob fan.
ben-kelly9312 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I've never written a review after having and IMDB account for 5 years. But as soon as I finished watching I had to write this.

This is coming from a straight male with not a lot to do at all with the LGBTQ community, not because I don't want to it's just I have a small group of friends and none happen to be homosexual. I have nothing against anyone in the LGBTQ I say live and let live. Just thought I would State that first because this episode sunk me to my very core, I was moved in ways I never knew. Frank at the end saying "oh my god I get it, I get it" shook me, I teared up and it was so brave of the guys to do this knowing there will be a backlash about the show "changing" but to that I say who needs them. People change and grow and this is the first time in 13 seasons they've decided to go deep, they've earned it they deserve it and I thank them for it. What an episode. What a man rob is. What a writing staff. What a show.
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I Get It
Songs-About-Music8 November 2018
I'm not an artsy person. I hate interpretive dance. I prefer a happy ending. By & large I've been disappointed in this show for a couple seasons now. I like it better when it's the whole gang mixed up in shenanigans riffing off of each other and the world at large. Cricket repulses me. I always thought the whole gay thing was just being played for laughs. I came here expecting to see the usual slew of negative feedback and complaining about the season. I figured that the average fan would have hated it; even by the relaxed standard of what the show has become, this is far from your typical fare. I don't really give out "perfect" reviews. I barely give out reviews at all (seriously, who in this empty void cares one whit about what I think about any of this?) .... Having said all that, I honestly cannot think of a single thing I don't love about this episode. I'm stunned -blown away, really- at the quality displayed tonight. I truly believe that this episode transcends everything. The fact that I had to say anything at all speaks volumes, but the fact that I can't find anything negative to say about it says worlds more. Anyone who thinks this is a one-note crew is seriously missing out (I'm not above admitting that I was wrong in thinking so a mere half hour ago).
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broe-mark21 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The creators of the show reserve their right to present ideas in a different way. This is not a traditional episode of Sunny, but shows can evolve over time. The show knew this episode would be lost on many (like Mac's father), but in the end it is a plea for understanding and the result is stunning and beautiful.
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Not a typical episode but definitely worth the watch
kurtismichaelgibbs7 November 2018
It didn't feel very funny at first and I was kind of annoyed. But the ending was 100% unexpected and movingly beautiful. To the point where I had drops rolling down my cheek. This wasn't political or sanctimonious at all, as lots of media centered around the LGBT community is. It was compelling and meaningful in a much deeper and more human centered way.
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I'll watch the end scene over and over 👌🏻
oldirty_oo49 November 2018
I've not been a huge fan of this season on the whole, but this episode may well be my favourite of them all. I can understand the low ratings people are giving it because I understand that some people just aren't ready for what happened here. The ending was epic, stunning and truly unexpected. I won't go into details but be ready for something you could never be ready for 👌🏻
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Good Episode... for a Different Show
Samuel-Shovel30 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
In "Mac Finds His Pride" Frank helps Mac come out of the closet to his father and embrace himself as a homosexual male.

This is a very odd entry into IASIP. I don't think they've ever done such a sincere, heartfelt episode. Known for their pessimism and terrible behavior as characters, this episode comes across as touching. Rob really tones down the character of Mac here, making sure he doesn't come off as his usual cartoonish self. The dance number at the end is very, very beautiful.

That being said... does this belong on the show? It's a beautiful moment but in a show known for poop jokes and blackface, does this really fit well? I don't think so. Removed from context it's rather touching but maybe this was better for another project?

Now if IASIP shifts gears next season and becomes more of a dramedy then maybe this is just foreshadowing a change in the show. But something tells me that that won't be happening.

I do appreciate then trying something new though. When a show runs this long, you almost have to. This season has been up and down a bit but I do think it's an improvement over last season. It gives me hope that a level of quality can be sustained for the foreseeable future.
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Awful. Just felt completely off.
mroriginalabides8 November 2018
Really didnt belong in the show, feels like its completely ruined macs character now. The episode was just...completely weird. Massive mistep.

I find the only people really loving this episode are folk who are super keen on showing their support of gay pride. Thats all well and good, it may have been beautifully shot, but it did not belong in this show. Easily the worst episode I have seen.

If this is what we can expect in the future...maybe its time for a sad end to this show :(
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