Talon Falls (2017) Poster


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I can escape
nogodnomasters13 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Four teens on their way camping stop at a country store not run by Captain Spaulding. For here they are directed to go to a local commercially run haunted house that looked like nearly a 1000 people were trying to get in and something that took dozens of people to operate. From the opening plot spoiler scene, we already know they all die and Jess (Morgan Wiggins) is the final girl who gets rescued by a local driving by. Guess how that works out. They are using non-locals as part of the torture exhibits while they film it on grainy black and white VHS so they can pack the tapes into boxes. Carpentry tools are used mostly. We didn't get to know any of the characters in this 74 minute production. This is a me-too film. The highlight being that Morgan Wiggins can really belt out a scream.

They were at the store during daylight with the haunted house only a couple of miles way. When they arrive it is pitch black outside. A popular Ed Wood device.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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Only cool factor was that I was there last week...
frightliners1 November 2017
Some of the scenes were cool... but I couldn't get over the severe lack of imagination for story. EXTREMELY FLAT!! The haunt was cool, the idea was OK... but the beginning SCREAMED "House of 1000 rip off".

I met the guy at the gas station the other night. Someone even asked "Is there something wrong with that guy?" Kept asking us if we wanted our picture with him. I'm sure he may be a nice guy, but he was annoying Sunday night.

I rated a 3 / 10 and I was feeling generous. Much of the acting was bad... even for a low budget horror film. But the idea of the torture setup etc was pretty neat. We finished the film but we won't be adding it to our shelf.
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Torture porn - but without any redeeming values at all...
mariusar20 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Hostel, this isn't. And sadly yet again, further proof that anyone with a camera can now "create" something and dare to call it a movie.

Gore and torture for gore and torture's sake. A Japanese condom-thin excuse for a story. Irritating, inept "acting" - need I say more? This one gets 1 point higher than my bare minimum 3 solely for the reasonably creepy torture prison set/location.


Worst of all, there is a sequence in the film midway through where a dog is repeatedly shown being restrained in a highly questionable manner, one in which it appears that the animal could have very seriously injured itself. Honestly, the ASPCA should probably investigate the producers and crew for this.

So the only reason to watch this dreck is to see the scene in question for yourself and then decide if an official investigation needs to be initiated.
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m205893031 March 2019
You know a movie is bad when the cast has no profile pics at all.
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Bit of a hostel rip off
kaefab15 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is sort of a cheap hostel rip off with people being tortured in front of an audience, or more like they charge the price of entry like a haunted house and they scare people.

It was not that bad but its been done before i kind of skipped trough the movie to be honest and not sure why i wasted my time with this in the first place.

The gore effects where good but its all been done before so don't bother.
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LaverneandShirleysucks25 March 2021
People being tortured to death in a haunted house while unsuspecting visitors watch through glass thinking it's a show, and all the people being killed can think to scream is "Help me please!" over and over and over. Heck, i'd laugh too if I was peeking through the glass at them. Why not scream "This isn't a show, it's real! Call the police!"---but no---they only scream "Help me please!" lol. It's silly script writing because people wouldn't act like that in that kind of situation. The rest of this film is just as lame and nothing that hasn't been seen before. I don't even think there's a story here---it's just random people being tortured and killed. I miss the days when people made horror films for intelligent viewers, but in today's dumbed down world, this passes as entertainment. I don't mind torture porn flicks, but between gore scenes i'd like to have a story somewhere and maybe toss in some character development and good acting. Mindless teens screaming over and over "Help me please!" can get boring and makes you want to see them slaughtered just to shut them up. Give me someone to root for.
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Talon Falls
a_baron27 July 2018
Oh boy, here we go again, the all so typical mixed group of all American kids on a road trip or a jaunt in the country, the girls with fun on their minds, and the guys with the girls on theirs. And they end up in a house of horrors, except this one is a fake house of horrors that turns out to be a real one.

They are trapped and are doomed to be murdered in gruesome fashion by a group of faceless psychopaths. How many if any will escape? By the end, the house of horrors has become a morgue. How did so many people end up dead there without anyone raising a suspicion? As most of the action takes place in the dark or semi-dark, you won't miss much if you close your eyes and simply listen to the screams. This was 2017, you'd have thought they'd have produced something a bit more watchable by then. One point for the soundtrack.
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Idea was great, but the stupid girls are annoying
Waldhorst23 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the idea of this horror house with real torture. Also the set was cool. Nice look to the house etc. It was a bit to much with the stupid screaming girls. I mean in what hospital do you get a bandaid over your eyes without an eye injury? The ending was so obvious and overused. After all worth a watch if you like saw or such...
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Games that are not at all fun
TheLittleSongbird5 June 2018
'Talon Falls' drew me into seeing it, with a cool poster/cover, an intriguing and quite creative premise and as someone with a general appreciation for horror. That it was low-budget, which from frequent personal experience is rarely a good sign due to that there are so many poor ones out there, made me though apprehensive.

It is sadly however yet another film seen recently, hence some reiteration because the exact same strengths and flaws are here present in those films, that to me was incredibly disappointing considering its potential which it doesn't do anywhere near enough with. 'Talon Falls' is very weak, with a plethora of problems (fairly big ones too) and doesn't do enough with its potential, which was hardly small. There are however a couple of decent, even good, qualities in 'Demon Inside'.

Lets start with the positives. The scenery is atmospheric and spooky and there are a few decent shots here (though outweighed by the rest of the production values looking cheap).

Best thing about 'Talon Falls' is the opening, which was attention grabbing and kept me hooked. Which is why it is such a shame that 'Talon Falls' went downhill so drastically.

Going on further to the negatives, the story does feel over-stretched and some of it feels vague, under-explained in the last third where the film especially became duller, more predictable, more senseless and less scary. Too many characters are too sketchy and with nowhere near enough to make one want to endear to them. Their irritating and illogical decision making and behaviours frustrates.

Making the film feel bland and forgettable with not enough heart put into it. The effects are ropy at best, the sound quality is obvious and utilised cheaply (being too loud in the build ups and people's reactions) and it's best not mentioning the histrionic and stiff acting.

Dialogue can be stilted and rambling while the pace goes to a standstill after the promising opening and drags on forever, never recovering. The second half is interminable. Found too many the supposedly shocking moments not surprising or scary and the supposedly creepy atmosphere dreary, due to the excessive obviousness and the lack of tension and suspense.

A lot of 'Talon Falls' has underdeveloped plot elements and often nonsensical, irritating and confusing character motivations, while too many of the things to make you jump or shocked are far from creative or scary and are pretty tame. The ending finishes the film on an incomplete and confused whimper. The whole of 'Talon Falls' felt unfinished but especially so at the end where it just ends with too much left hanging in the air.

There is not enough threat here and what there is of it tends to be used poorly, while the psychological elements are unimaginative and are more odd than scary, completely failing to show the horror of the subject. Not helped by that the gore looks cheap and comes over as gratuitous in placement and the torture elements go well overboard on the shock value and it jars. Some badly sagging momentum too. The direction is pretty leaden, got the sense their heart was not in it, and the music doesn't really fit.

Concluding, very weak. 3/10 Bethany Cox
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Nice Little Movie
lisalj7625 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I like my horror movies with a lot of gore, but this wasn't as extreme as some other movies I have seen. It didn't have overly graphic content like the Saw or Hostel movies have in them. You did see a lot of blood, but not things like heads, legs, and feet being sawed off. It also didn't have nudity in it like most horror movies do in the horror genre. It got straight to the point and then it was over. It didn't drag like some other horror movies do when they are building suspense or a story because there basically was no story in this movie. This movie was a little cliche, but it was nicely done, and I sure did like the haunted house aspect of it. The acting wasn't good, but it wasn't horrible either. When you delve into the bad B grade movies, you expect to see a lot of cheese and bad acting. This one was actually pretty nice. It wasn't the best horror movie, but it certainly wasn't the worst horror movie I have seen.
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Better than you'd expect.
It starts out like a typical horny-teens-take-a-road-trip-to-a-backwater-town horror flick and initially I only stuck around because the guy playing Lance is a hottie but it actually turned out to be a pretty decent movie. What also helps is its relatively short running time of less than an hour and a quarter. The acting is typical of this genre but that's not necessarily a distraction.
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Known recipe...poorly executed
kperakis25 June 2019
So I will rate this movie much like how I rate all movies...for what it is and sells. This is supposed to be a horror / splatter movie. It is not good enough to watch it again...it is not bad enough to watch it for fun...it is just...meh...the story was not origina!,but this is fine for me...the acting was bad...but I could live with that as well...but for a horror/splatter movie,stealing so many elements from other movies of its kind...one could at least expect some more blood,more Gore,more imagination in the tortures,and at least a bit more tension!the "victims" either get caught too easily,or escape too easily!even the "twist" in the end is expected!in a nutshell...I don't regret seeing it,but there definitely are greater movies of this kind,and one can waste his time watching something else.
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Four Kids on a Road Trip That goes wrong
Paulo_Clemente23 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A story many times told, Kids , road trip, passing small town , taking the irony against locals too far and... This is the kind of movie who see a lot, small changes on the plot, but there are a lot like this one. Too bad the plost is not the best in this case, the actors, well they can scream but not much more. On the other hand you have to wonder with a pile of that bodies like you see in this movie , where are the authoroties? Yes is a movie, but have some logical on the movie. And of course the cliches, i believe everybody could guess the last minutes of the movie. Let´s face it, the movie is bad and knowing how it´s going to end make it worst. But it´s an horror movie and i just have to watch it. What can i do, sucker for horror movies, even bad ones.
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Not that bad
ms-7745022 February 2021
After reading some bad reviews, I have to say it wasn't that bad. It was quite decent for a low budget production.
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Torture porn LITE
So, the movie is not poorly made, per se, but I was hoping for a gore flick and very let down.

Most facets of the actual movie are decent. I mean, we're not talking Oscar worthy acting, but it's certainly passable in that regard.

This is mostly a review for those hoping to find a bit of gore to brighten their days. You will be sadly disappointed. All the setups were there; decent enough body horror and other such intrinsic qualities, but aside from a little bit of blood there is really nothing here. I'm assuming the director did not set out to make a gore flick as all possible aspects of that quality were passed over for some light blood and lots of screaming.

As mentioned, if you're just in the mood for another retelling, with some dark light, screaming, and a decently made movie (at best), then go for it. If you're looking for serious horror gore, there is virtually none, if any here.
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Not scary
tannerbug-4816319 October 2020
Was fun getting out for a night during covid_19 but needs to upgrade was very disappointing for the 150$ i pd so disappointed
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Average Crazy Nutjobs
timothygartin10 October 2022
This was a solid, if not unremarkable, crazy backwoods people horror movie. I liked the set, which I understand is a real haunted house attraction in Kentucky. The setting had a lot of great atmosphere. I also liked the choice of music that played a significant role in the story.

Where I think this movie struggles in the acting by the leads and the story. The two main actresses don't do much more than scream throughout most of the story. Neither really does much to make her character different or memorable. In fact, the screaming was so annoying by the time we arrived at the climax of the story, that I did not feel bad for their disposition. The supportive acting wasn't so much acting as walking and swinging an axe. The bad guys had no development whatsoever.

This leads to the bigger issue - the story. It borrows heavily from the "House of 1000 Corpses" which itself borrowed from "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and other slasher movies. The scheme is so complex that it makes the puzzles in "Saw" seem practical. If you think about why this haunted house exists or how it can sustain itself or how the killers could have video tapes of victims going back for years without anyone figuring this out, the story falls apart.

I watched the whole movie and it was kind of fun, but it is dumb as a box of hammers.
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Decent Horror Film
tim-88611 January 2019
It's a rip off of Funhouse Massacre, but it's still enjoyable. The music definitely elevates it significantly. If you haven't checked out Mr. Strange yet, you definitely need to give them a listen. This movie is free on Prime right now, so if your options are watching a repeat or this, give Talon Falls a try.
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Absolutely loved it
ceejaystylish13 December 2018
Don't understand why rating for this film is so low. What criteria is used for such ratings. It seems horror films suffer from this most. I feel many otherwise brilliant horror movies are unfairly rated low. Some people, I feel treat movies as rocket science. It just has to be perfect and thick just about every box. Not every film is a "godfather" or "Dog day afternoon". Love this movie. Kept me at the edge of my seat at least 80% of the time.
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Solid if flawed torture slasher effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder26 October 2019
Heading out for a road-trip together, a group of friends out for a camping trip get detoured to a local amusement park along the way, where they are captured by the organizers of the carnival and kept to be used as unwitting and unnoticed victims in the event, forcing them to try to escape the group.

For the most part, this one was a solid enough effort. The initial start here comes from them arriving at the funhouse attraction in the amusement park which is rather fun and chilling. Starting off with the usual carnival attractions as they tour the maze filled with ghouls and deformities popping out of the darkness to scare people, messing with the lights going out constantly and featuring plenty of blaring noises constantly around them, there's some cheesy fun with the setup that allows for their shock at the scenes of the kidnapped victims they see being tortured along the way which they don't realize are real people being tortured. The nature of it is effective and gives this a strong introduction to the later scenes inside the park. Once they get kidnapped and held captive, there's a strong sense of brutality that comes about here due to the torture that's inflicted. The scenes of them being held down in the steel cages with the guard dog and then taken out to be put on display in the carnival attraction adds a wholly disturbing tension to the scenes as they try to wait out a plan of action to move forward and escape. The plan is a logical enough endeavor with the general idea of distraction and ambush providing this with plenty of action and logical enough twists to showcase the organization to be right there on their tails and delivering several solid and outright thrilling scenes of them chasing each other through the back-alleys of the carnival. With some great gore as well, these here make for a lot to like here. There are several big flaws with this one. One of the main issues is the fact that the entire operation makes no sense how it's operating as long as it has been going through victims the way they are. The idea here is that every one of the shows they put on within the community has been done with the group torturing and killing victims they've grabbed along the way from the pile of corpses left in the woods nearby which makes no sense how they've dumped bodies in the area with little regard to their discovery. That also dives into the cliched nature of the film as there are so many scenes and setups that emerge here taking its cues from other efforts that it diminishes the suspense heavily, especially the ending twist which doesn't come off as any kind of shocking action at all. These here are what hold this one down.

Rated R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language.
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Was wanting to hate it, but actually liked it
phouka-2071327 September 2021
As a local, I was wanting to hate this movie. I live within 3 miles of this haunted house, and have been to the new one as well as the old one they had in Paducah, Ky. From the very beginning I had a good laugh with the country store. A store my boys went to at least once a month from pre-k to 6th grade with the elementary school across the street. Then the drive from the store to the haunted house, with it getting dark on the 3 1/2 minute drive from one place to the other. But, as I said i was expecting to hate it, but it was redeeming. It has a decent story line. Much more then I was expecting. The acting was not horrible. Again as a local and running across abandoned trailer parks out in the middle of no where, missing people that haven't been found in years, it makes you wonder what may be going on in the area....... It makes you stop and think about some of these rural haunted houses you go to out in the middle of no where. Some of them credit cards are not excepted. Hmmmm i wonder why. Can't trace you back if no name involved. Your in the country, you think they don't have connections with the local tow company, just around the corner from the country store. Cell phones, what service?????? You're not within reach of a tower. Some haunted houses are scary. Sometimes the area around you is scarier.
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Solid Horror Film! Loved it!
Delia_D16 October 2017
A Solid Indie Horror Film! I was entertained, horrified (like had to look away quite a few times) and enjoyed every minute of it! First of all, the production value is incredible. Based on look & sound this feels like a film that came from a Lionsgate or Blumhouse... when in fact it's the real indie deal. The performances were good and I have to give a shout to this creepy Gas station attendant who killed it.. sometimes the small roles stand out and his was a definite favorite. "Are you looking for something to Doooo???" Just go in for the fun and gore of it.. and you will be entertained!
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High Quality Indie Horror Film
Hajimoto06257 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I usually watch the trailer for an Indie film first, as it usually gives me an overview as to the visual quality and acting quality This movie passed both so I gave it a watch...

While the formula is one that has been done before (a group of young people on a back roads road trip), the idea of a Haunted House Horror Attraction with the victims as the actual stars of the show (unbeknownst to the audience) was a bit different. From the start it was a fast paced adrenaline rush, and the running time is short enough to keep you engaged. The acting was pretty good, better than many of these types of movies. But what I really liked was that the film was visually excellent. The Horror House was as creepy as it could be, the cinematography was excellent, as was the sound. The 4 main characters were hot (especially Morgan Wiggins), the girls made excellent scream queens, the backwoods dudes were creepy, and the film tied itself up nicely at the end. Well done!
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A pretty standard torture horror movie
JRWLWTF30 December 2020
This was like if Haunt met Hostile. It's not great but it is far from terrible and it features some cool gore and kills. If you're into this type of thing, there are far worse options out there.
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Having Your Snuff and Selling It, Too!
spoken14 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
What a setup! This is a bit like "having your cake and eating it, too", but with snuff sales. Collect money at the door, use "outsider" patrons for free labor/victims then sell the tapes on the black market. Wow!!!

My eyeballs feasted on sets, costumes and "horror colors". It felt made by one of the Big Film companies.

I had no problem with the acting except for the gas station dude; I thought he was a bit overcooked and I needed subtitles for his lines. But his place in the flick was a necessary part of the organization's business model.

Alas, I can't handle non-stop screaming, so at the halfway mark I started "skipping stones" to the ending which was pretty good.

I didn't see the dog scene, but I respect the others' statements and support the idea of investigation.
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