PGS: Intuition Is Your Personal Guidance System (2017) Poster

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Thought provoking
petersmith-2241829 April 2021
I love how Bill Bennett took a life changing experience and made it the catalyst for a metaphysical exploration about consciousness. This is a though provoking movie that asks some subtle but powerful questions about who we are and what are the unseen forces that drive us. If you are a seeker, this offers something to ponder. I loved it. Bill has a message for all of us, though not all viewers will get the gentle way he casts the net, to catch the explorer in us. Its a movie where so much dwells under the surface...if you go there too, much awaits you.
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Intuition is the power we all have within
vgeddes29 April 2021
This is a story that the world needs to hear now. It has arrived at a time when the need for it is greatest. Don't miss your moment.
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PGS is an absorbing and engaging 80 minutes about intuition,
geoff-5059129 April 2021
The opening sequence - a disembodied voice "saves" Bennett by urging him to slow down before reaching an intersection where a large truck runs a red - is persuasive. The next 80 or so minutes traverses a lot of territory worldwide - some of it scientific, some of it spiritual, some of it medical and some of it psychic. The 80 or so minutes gives interested viewers much food for thought. It seemed clear to me that Bennett really had no idea where that voice came from and, as a result, he needed to wander far and wide. He did just that.

On this topic, I'm a cynic and viewed it from that perspective but, objectively, there were several interviews that were powerful. I viewed it twice - it is easy on a single viewing, to miss detail and nuance.

For anybody interested in intuition, PGS is a highly watchable contribution to a topic on which nearly everybody holds a view. I can't know what percentage of people totally believe in tuition and live their lives based on it, but I suspect if you ask 100 people if they believe that intuition is real, many (perhaps most) would say "I think there's something in it" and I think Bill has produced a very interesting 80 minutes to add a useful dimension to any discussion.

Personally, the comments that struck a nerve with me were Dean Radin's remarks on quantum biology or quantum entanglement. It may explain why, having not seen somebody or heard from them in years, you suddenly get an email or 'phone call not long after they pop into your thoughts. Intuition is a not a million miles from that concept.

The movie is dense with information and comment and, as a result, the drone shots in Australia's remote outback, allow you to breathe. They are easy to take in.

All in all, it's a very worthwhile 80 minutes (or so) with a collection of passionate people eager to explain their take on Bill's "voice" and from where it might have come.

I would not be surprised if Bill saw this movie as an initial survey across unfamiliar ground because clearly, the content, screams out for a follow on. I recommend this to anybody who believes intuition is real or even who just think "there is something in it" without being able to be specific.
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Life Changing!!
louonfacebook30 April 2021
Since my marriage breakdown in 2016, my intuition (my inner voice) has risen to the surface and watching 'PGS: Intuition Is Your Personal Guidance System' changed me. Moved me to tears. The interviewees spoke about things that, deep down, I already knew to be true, but logic, fear and doubt blocked them from bubbling up to the surface. I was consequentially stopped from truly 'seeing', and I don't mean with my physical eyes.

The mind is the most powerful creation and we've not even tapped its true potential. Many things spoke to me so deeply and now I can 'relax' my mind and be totally receptive to my inner voice. Trusting it. On occasions, when driving, I've pulled over and messaged a friend a thoughtful positive message or just reached out to them, and they've been stunned saying, "how did you know?"

My friends are quite stunned at how accurate my own PGS is, to the point of being 'creepy'. It's no exaggeration to say that 'PGS: Intuition Is Your Personal Guidance System' changed my life, validated how I had felt for years and, in turn, saved my life. I cannot wait to keep learning about how I can reach a higher state, which ultimately comes from within.

'PGS: Intuition Is Your Personal Guidance System' is fascinating, moving and made with genuine pure Love. Filmmakers Bill Bennett and Jennifer Cluff have respectfully taken this gift, that is inside us all, and presented it in the most caring way that is easy to digest and contemplate.

As I give this gem a 10 out of 10 rating, I'm left wishing I could give it so much more! Brilliant!
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Eye Opening
slchansen30 April 2021
This film has opened my eyes to my own intuition and has been life-changing. A Must See for anyone wanting to make positive changes in their life.
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This movies tries to capitalize on the interest around Intuition but fails to do so !
rohit-6451528 February 2019
Bill Bennett has attempted to create intrigue in this movie by starting with his personal story of hearing a voice inside his head when he was crossing an intersection where he had the right of way, but slowed down anyway. Within seconds, a truck crossed from the other side of the intersection which could have killed him. From there on Bill goes on a world tour interviewing saints, mystics, scientists, mediums and Buddhist monks on the origins of intuition and how to tap into it more effectively. Bill has used the analogy of GPS with PGS (Personal Guidance System) and then built a script around it. The movie starts with his research on keywords "Intuition saved my life" and then queries his subjects on what they thought he experienced.

This movie has a spiritual/religious slant versus a more scientific slant as it seems that Bill wants to believe that his guardian angel saved him or Indian monks reinforce that opening the third eye somehow activated his intuition and saved his life. The better interviews are held with Dean Radin who has done a lot of research into quantum entanglement and its possible connection with psi research or Extra-Sensory powers. However, beyond a very basic discussion on the subject, nothing is discussed with Dean. As an intuition researcher who has created a repeatable framework for understanding and improving intuition, I felt that this movie barely touched on the subject of intuition and only amplified the popularized voices in the intuition domain who have create a self-help pop psychology movement around it.
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Open the door!
elisa-alaniz73 May 2021
This film helped open that door to my own intuition I had been ignoring. I realized the answers I sought could only come if I asked the questions! Through this film I was able to go deeper in my quest to find answers. It is not enough to know intuition exists. That is only the beginning! I recommend this film to anyone curious about the unseen existence within our reach.
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You don't want to miss this!
trixiesandshoe2 May 2021
A must for everyone who has ever asked the question "Who Am I?" In this film Bill Bennet has very skillfully explored this question, taking the viewer down the pathway of science, spirituality, and consciousness. Can science explain spirituality and consciousness? What is this 'gut feel' that lives within each of us? If you are a seeker, I invite you to watch this film.

Grace O'Brien.
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In depth interviews after life altering event
pennyl-298324 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
After an audible voice telling filmmaker Bill Bennett to "slow down" saved his life, it sent him on a search around the world interviewing experts in science, religion, metaphysics and more to find out what that voice was. Created from a non spiritual, non religious perspective...the multi-year documented journey for answers has changed his life forever.
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A Must-See Film!
judith-5698230 April 2021
This is a Fabulous film - I've watched it several times and with each viewing I've taken something more away with me. It has inspired me to change how I operate - to slow down and 'listen'... Bill's curiosity and multi award-winning film making and reporter's skills come together to create a film of great importance at this challenging time.
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Very well done film, informative and inspiring!
johnburgess1083 May 2021
I had the opportunity to view bill Bennett's film PGS Intuition a few years ago. I walked away being very impressed with many aspects of this film.

First I thought this was a really refreshing and very accessible material.

Secondly, I thought is was a very well done documentary, that flowed very smoothly with the various interviews of people that many people are very familiar with to guide the viewer into deeper understandings of a basic aspect of the human experience many tend to overlook!

At a time when the world has been struggling with knowing what to trust, it's refreshing to be reminded that we all possess a basic internal quality that can actually become a life preserving personal skill, and these reminders that this is second nature to all humans is very inspiring!

This film has the potential to be a great teaching tool for all people, all ages and various backgrounds to take a close look at the one element in our lives that seems to be the most important. Learning how to trust our gut instincts, those little hunches that have always been there.

This film helps to answer a lot of questions for millions about one of our most basic gifts of human experience, that really is and can be one of our most valuable human resources and a vital life skill we should all learn to trust!

To be able to wake up and have that ray of trust growing inside that says, " I do have a way of knowing, of being able to discern which choice of action might be in my highest good! And I think I can trust this experience more!" In a way, this may be more valuable than teaching people how to invest in the stock market !

Plus, learning to trust our intuition can certainly make our lives more economical in terms of all the time, energy and resources we normally might waste running around like a bunch of headless chickens trying to navigate our lives!

If we can teach our children to trust their gut instincts more, we will be creating a much more conscious society, and will be like a gift of gold to them!

Well done Bill Bennett and much success in making this work even more accessible worldwide!

John Burgess Austin, Texas.
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This is a film we've been waiting for - it explains so much!
cwalker-174112 May 2021
I was immediately drawn to watch this film (perhaps it was intuition), the title intrigued me and I had to see what it was about. I had not heard of any of the people interviewed but they explained with such clarity the reasons and feelings behind why I have done some of the things I've done, it was amazing. I had not heard of Bill either but I enjoyed being a part of his 'journey' which on reflection, was in part, my 'journey'. I will be watching this film again and again - there is so much to absorb, one viewing is not enough. I highly recommend this film.
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This is a fascinating journey - one viewing is not enough
ianjbrown-7403719 May 2021
From the dramatic opening sequence, when Bill's intuition led him to avoid a possibly fatal collision with a truck, I was hooked. I also knew that I was in the hands of an expert and highly experienced film-maker who, incidentally, knows how to show a magnificent landscape to best advantage.

I settled down to join Bill on his stimulating journey across the globe, as he interviewed many experts in his quest for the Holy Grail viz: the identification of the source of intuition (defined as the perception of 'truths', independent of any reasoning process).

I enjoyed Bill's lack of 'preachiness'. He is not didactic and allows his audience to form their own views as to whether intuition has scientific, spiritual or religious causes. PGS interviewees pose various answers to the riddle - but in the end the audience is free to draw its own conclusions.

A timely and fascinating exploration of a fascinating subject - and one worth more than one viewing.
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Don't Miss Seeing This!
mqfcbsc2 May 2021
This is a wonderful film made by a truly great filmmaker. The topic is timely and the way in which the topic is addressed couldn't be better. I have seen this work once and am looking forward to seeing it again to catch things I might have missed the first go round. Excellent job!!!!!
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Richly rewarding
vidasobott23 May 2021
One of those rare, cleansing the lense of perception movies that stays with you, calling you back to delve deeper into it's, and your own layers of knowledge.
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A Privilege To Watch
shivantha19 May 2021
"I was privileged to watch 'PGS - A Journey by Bill Bennett' when the movie first screened in Melbourne. It is a thought provoking movie told by a brilliant film-maker - and deserves to be made available to a wider audience. From his initial life changing (?life-saving) experience, Bennett cleverly and engagingly weaves a story and a convincing hypothesis : that each of us has our own Personal Guidance System. Whether we refer to it as our Gut Feeling, our own Intuition, the "Voice of God" or whatever, this Guidance System is built into each one of us and can guide us and protect us if only we are aware of It - and we listen to It.

Highly recommended!" (Dr. Sanjiva Wijesinha)
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The best intuition resouce out there! Film + book = 100%
rob-baard7 May 2021
The stuff the Western World needs to hear. An essential life skill. Produced by a credible reporting source. Brilliant!
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Turn up the volume to your PGS, your life depends on it!
jennyottaway1 May 2021
Watching the movie, "PGS - Intuition Is Your Personal Guidance System" not just once-I loved it so much I viewed it twice- I was fascinated by the different expert interviews and viewpoints on intuition and how to tap into it for ourselves.

So much goodness and useful practices came from these reflections on what living a life free of the usual constraints we put on ourselves and how to trust in ourselves and in the Higher Being, Source, Universe, God or whatever you call it as we are guided every day to live the life of our destiny blueprint. Of course there is always free will. But when we listen to that voice in our head like Bill did, it could literally save our life and head us in a new direction and path on our life's journey.

The movie is visually rich and beautiful to watch; the scenery shots are magnificent and the narration and interview questions by Bill Bennett, a soothing guide along the way.

I definitely recommend this movie if you want to gain better insights into what trusting ourselves and our purpose for being here in this moment and lifetime is all about.
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Learn to trust yourself
acpapallo2 May 2021
Excellent film that has a message for all of us, especially at the moment when conspiracy theories reign supreme, and people are looking for others to be their guiding light. In a world of unlimited information, we must recognize our consciousness and learn to be honest, especially to ourselves because that sows the seeds of internal knowledge and trust. We must use this ability to selectively learn from others and the world around us. Bill Bennet does an excellent job to illustrate this with his interviews of many advocates of this philosophy, and help us to get the confidence to trust our intuition because as he found it saved his life.
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Every human needs to watch this!
livingtothemax23 May 2021
This film had a profound impact on me. I realised that I have spent decades suppressing my intuition and making decisions that, not surprisingly, did not work out as I had hoped. I applaud Bill Bennett for scouring the globe to bring us the wisest practitioners and experts who explain the science and the spiritually behind that inner voice that we all must listen to more. A must watch film.
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We all have intuition
isobelredmond3 May 2021
Whenever I speak to someone about the opening sequence in which Bill Bennett "saves his own life" by listening to his intuition, their immediate response is to tell a story about themselves or someone close to them who had a similar experience of being saved from some disaster by responding to an inner voice.

I think everyone has that inner voice but this is the first time I've seen a documentary which really explores the topic. We all understand what he's talking about yet no-one can explain why it is that we can "sense" things.

This film explores many possibilities- and I think wisely leaves it to each person to consider the various options (so far) suggested, but acknowledges that our best path is probably by learning to hear & trust our intuition. It is thought provoking without demanding that any one explanation be followed.
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Just what we need!
debramcphedran1 May 2021
I was immediately drawn to this movie, and quickly decided to run a local showing so that I could see it! Bill's story provided a great introduction to the concept of intuition. The interviews all provided different perspectives which made it really interesting. Knowing that we all have intuition is empowering, and something that we can all benefit from.
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Comfort in a time of chao!
christine_brown-8801313 August 2021
At a time when we are living in an uncertain world it was very comforting to sit back and watch a movie which brings one within oneself. There was a sense of peace felt, another way to navigate life's challenges. When one's intuition is acknowledged it paves the way for a contented life. This movie highlights an aspect of oneself so valuable in bringing comfort when surrounded with a troubled world.
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