Europa: The Last Battle (2017) Poster

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The truth must be heard!
lenkaaaa7 January 2022
I'd recommend that everyone watches this documentary. The things that schools hide from our children regarding history are horrific.

Much of the information given is historically accurate, however, around 10% was either unsourced or untrue, which explains the 8/10.
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History you've never heard before
sybsf25 August 2022
Any fan of WW2 history should watch. Will definitely learn something. Before this I have read ~5 books on WW2 and Nazi Germany and countless shows on WW2.

Like every docu, it does not get everything right. There are some quotes and a few other things which are not entirely accurate, or probably impossible to verify. Given how much content is covered there is no way to be 100% accurate. As I would say with any docu : think for yourself and do your own research. But this is a "must watch".
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The (1 Star) Reviews are Ridiculous. This "Docu" has broken me..
cosmicdebris-8965213 February 2024
Europa: The Last Battle is a documentary that challenges the mainstream narrative surrounding World War II. It presents an alternative perspective on the war and the events leading up to it, including the alleged Jewish influence on the conflict.

While some may find the documentary thought-provoking and informative, others may consider it one-sided and potentially inflammatory.

Regardless of personal opinions, the film serves as a reminder that history is often subject to interpretation and revisionism. It is a testament to the power of free speech and an open exchange of ideas, even if they may be considered unpopular or politically incorrect.

If you have not watched this, be Warned, that your entire life may be flipped completely upside down.

This Documentary should be taught in school curriculum, but it definitively goes against the narrative that we have been (Brainwashed) with.

If you're going to take the time to watch this, do so with an open mind. Make you're own conclusions.
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One of the most important documentaries
willywigger13 February 2024
Watching the lies unravel before my eyes has been a most fascinating thing and I feel like life's taken on a new chapter since then. Since I was a kid I knew that something was off kilter but how could I say anything? I just went along with it and bought into the lies we were told about the world wars, about the Germans, Adolf Hitler, the Jews, etc.

Lying to myself became serious delusion and the conflict was hard to get through but this was one of the last things that finally knocked me loose and now I can see just how terribly we've been lied to.

I can see what faces our race now. I can see every sick, twisted lie used against us. I can see that we need to fight back.

This should be mandatory viewing in schools for all White folks. Should be on the big screens. Should be seen all over!

If you can, get the files for the blu-ray/DVDs (you can buy them on moneytree too, that's what I did) and clone the disks so you can spread the word.

Spread Europa The Last Battle far and wide!
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Very poorly made, biased and historically incorrect
pitworksinfo24 May 2020
"Europa - the last battle" is wrongly categorized as documentary, amateur/fiction/conspiracy would be the right genre. The anonymous maker of the series presents the most revolutionary view at the most important events of mid 20th century and he does it in most amateur way. Victims become aggressors, all known history seems to be complicated, mysteriously plotted conspiracy, tones of evidence such as countless sworn testimonies, documents, photographs, all coming from hundreds of thousands of witnesses of various nationalities, including German, are not addressed here at all. The series is a young man's voice making statements and asking viewers to believe him, plus collage of poor animations, misplaced archival footage and interviews with often anonymous people - once again the viewers have no possibility of confirming and researching anything. Some of these interviews are in fact minutes long outtakes of much longer testimonies, like the lady in blue in part 8 or 9 talking about death camp. The original interview is over 4h long, her name is Dina Gottliebowa-Babbitt. The maker of "Europa - the last battle" took what suits his needs and left out the facts that are in strong opposition to his claims. Did Tobias B. (whoever he is) check his sources or did he simply made up a collage of You Tube videos that serve his bias the best? I agree with the part "do your own research", don't trust blindly what anonymous people tell you. Especially when learning about most crucial topics of history.
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I never saw so interesting film.
opodkaura12 November 2023
I highly recommend watching all the episodes. All historical events are described from a completely different angle. I checked many details and everything seems to be reliably prepared. The worst thing is that such videos are censored and people can't even see them. Someone is very afraid of the knowledge contained here. The film goes through almost the entire 20th century and describes most of the events. I recommend watching while it is present because it is an anti-system film and challenges many currently held truths. I advise you to hurry. Greetings to all people who think independently. 1.
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Everyone needs to watch this movie
homerun-9497130 January 2024
There is nothing else you need to know about history than the truth. But it is being covered up because the media are controlled and so is academia. You will never find out about this in on YouTube or your school. This movie is an excellent summary of what is wrong with the world. I knew most of it but it is full of detailed revelations and images you have never seen before.

"The head of the snake is the financial system." Nobody will tell you about the banking dynasty that runs the world. But this documentary explains what the role of the global central banking cabal has been all along and why two world wars took place.

Watch and weep.

"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." - Henry Ford.
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Both a Must-Watch and Serious Faults
tedserv4 October 2021
Some things in the film are just not true.

And, I'd never heard of Moses Hess before, although I thought I'd had a good grasp on history.

So the film is like the rest of life, don't trust anything without verification, then take what's worthwhile.

Today, entire sections of history are false, purged, written by the victors, or are unquestionable. We find again and again we've been lied to- Last week, last month, last year.

With such censorship, comes those who write what they will when given the chance, that's one price of authority not being honest in the first place.

You definitely need to watch the film.

And don't invade Russia on June 22d.
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If I could give this 0 stars...
carimcaskill-511-90809124 August 2022
The problem with the rating of this film is that only the extremely curious or the extremely Nazi-oriented watch this piece of bad pro-Nazi propaganda. The title and the lack of summary made me suspicious and also piqued my curiosity, since "Europa" is a term used by neofascist groups to talk about "European identity"...

and yes, this is basically the amateur "two sides" version of "Greatest Story Never Told," chock-full of misleading snippets, so-called "evidence" either from anonymous "sources" or selectively edited.

Spare yourself the waste of time, I jumped on this grenade and can confirm it's awful. Unless you are actually studying this kind of propaganda and the pro Nazi conspiracy universe, just give it a miss.
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Well, Looks like I'll be taking my children out of school now
cosmicdebris-5012430 January 2024
I just want to begin to say that, the majority of my life I was absolutely in the dark. I am now convinced that everything that has ever been pushed through the News, Schools that I had attended in my youth, and Hollywood film.. It is most certain that we most definitely have been Lied too. I never would have thought in a million years I would ever come across such in depth details of the How's, and Why's, that we have never been taught. This documentary shows all the missing links to a time from ww2 that is so obscured to the public knowledge.

I have shown this to my 92 year old grandmother just recently, and she is the main reason why I had to come back and leave a review. What she had told me, shook my entire existence. She helped fill in the gaps of many missing pieces. And I have never seen a woman cry so passionately after showing her something so crushing. It was a chance for her to see all the missing pieces for her as well. She later thanked me for sharing this beautiful put together Documentary and she encourages me to share this knowledge with all whom has the open mind to watch it.

Thank you to whom this may concern. This is Truly a masterpiece!!!

Highly recommend watching a little bit at a time. Trust me, it helps.
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Must see documentary-Red Pill to the maximum
robertosmith-315479 February 2024
Along with "Adolph Hitler-The Greatest Story Never Told", this Europa series is very informative and goes to great lengths exposing the absolute truth in what really happened during the last 160+ years in regards to both European and World history.

The Deep State controlled mass media would NEVER allow this truthful account of what really happened in the two World Wars as well as both the events leading up to it as well as the fallout which we are living under to this very day nearly 8 decades later.

Close to 75-80 million people perished during WW1 & WW2-most of them people of European descent. This by itself is no coincidence. The International Bankers are the true culprits and they have benefited greatly by this horrible slaughter of mankind worldwide.

If you want the red-pilled truth of how the present world got to be where it is, then I urge you to view these two excellent documentaries. You will be blown away. We have been lied to on so many fronts.
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A Masterpiece of Historical Documentary
cmburnz-552792 March 2024
One of the most commendable aspects of Europa: The Last Battle is its commitment to historical accuracy. The filmmakers leave no stone unturned in their quest to present a balanced and nuanced portrayal of events. Every claim is meticulously researched and supported by primary sources, ensuring that viewers are not only entertained but also educated about the realities of the past.

Moreover, the series sheds light on lesser-known aspects of history, providing fresh perspectives on familiar events. By delving into topics such as the role of international finance in shaping political agendas and the complexities of interwar diplomacy, Europa: The Last Battle challenges viewers to reevaluate their understanding of the past.

Experts in fields ranging from history to political science offer invaluable insights, enriching the narrative with their depth of knowledge. Their commentary serves to contextualize the events depicted on screen, providing viewers with a deeper understanding of the forces at play.

In addition to its educational value, Europa: The Last Battle also serves as a cautionary tale for future generations. By confronting the darkest chapters of Europe's past, the series challenges viewers to confront the underlying ideologies that fueled conflict and division. In doing so, it encourages us to reflect on our own society and consider how we can work to build a more just and peaceful world.

In conclusion, Europa: The Last Battle is nothing short of a masterpiece. With its impeccable research, stunning visuals, and profound storytelling, it sets a new standard for historical documentary filmmaking. This series is not just essential viewing for anyone interested in European history; it is a vital reminder of the importance of understanding the past in order to shape a better future.
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Yeah, Hitler was just a savior
ficorax29 February 2020
Total manipulation. What (for example) about finances from JP Morgan, DuPont, etc:? History is not black and white like this "documentary" shows. Total lack of empathy for victims of "teutonic heroes". Exactly the same propaganda as the communist propaganda only in the opposite direction.
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Why not on main stream!!!!
leons-287228 March 2023
Why not because the winners control the narrative and no way ever the world will see the best documentary ever produced. If everyone can make 100 copies and give it to a friend who then make another 100 copies we soon will get the truth out. After seeing this you will want to share this with the world. I am totally shocked and in despair after these facts. F... the other side. I also salute you for having the balls to make this documentary.

When I started this journey I could not believe that we have swallowed the lies for so long. We need to send this on to as many people as possible. NO MORE LIES.
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Jaw dropping
nashdisney13 February 2024
I knew history was full of lies BUT I didn't know an ounce of what I learned from this movie! This movie is not made from someone's opinion. Every detail is based upon fact and facts alone. Everybody needs to see this because I guarantee nobody knows about this since it was purposely buried in history. Possibly the best movie ever made because it Pierces through every lie that has been taught in history. Truly the victors will never be asked if they told the truth. Anyway I'm still pretty shocked of what I learned especially how innocent civilians were getting bombed and burned alive! JUST WOW! But I guess I'll wrap it up here.

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I watched this movie 2 years ago and it changed my life.
rtrhvvqh12 February 2024
I have never had a movie set me down a path of what I would call awakening like this before. The movie set me on a quest to uncover lies in our history, to fact check the stories I had been told. I even went to far as to learn German so that I could read correspondence and understand speeches I was told were horrible. There is a reason German speeches from the 40s never have subtitles.

I am not going to tell you you have to buy everything, I will just so research everything, fact check everything, look at the statistics, the truth about ballistics, gas, lidar of grounds, who runs various governments, it is all verifiable. Once you have done this, you will be changed.

This is the most important film ever. It is a must watch for all.
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frighteningly accurate
j_olooney7 February 2024
There has never been a more important time in history for humanity than the current time.

Darkness controls this earth, and it plunders rapes and kills humanity and poisons them within injections.

People need to wake up and they need to wake up now, or there will be left to save.

My hope as a funeral director, who saw very early on through the lies that were told on MSM is that there is more good in the world than evil, and that the good will prevail I have also felt the urge to turn to God in the face of this evil, and perhaps that is the mistake. Man has made, as we have been stared away from God, for many decades by the Satanist that run this earth.

This is an account of that, and I can tell you as a funeral director, placing record numbers of people in coffins that are killed off after taking the protection.

This is a very very real situation we are all facing right now.
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Union Banking Corporation Prescott Bush The Guardian
philv-3101531 October 2022
"And than one day for no reason people voted for Hitler". This is untrue. Fritz Thyssen who invested on Hitler in 1923 had met W. Averel Harriman in Geneva in 1924. He told him the plan yo make big profit in a new world war. Back to NYC Averel talked to Roland his older brother and the UBC was created, run by Prescott Bush, son of Samuel Bush, first CEO on Remington Arms, owned by John D. Rockefeller, which has made huge profit with War Effort... in wold war one. UBC paid Hitler from 1924 to 1943. People involved in the plot are four families Rockefeller Harriman Bush and JPMorgan. Everything was staged. Propaganda in German newspapers owned by them too. Hitler was elected chancellor in 1933 and in US it was a "New Deal". They just printed the money bills, with THEIR Federal Reserve and dollar was worth only 50 cents by then. Gold price had doubled... By end of 1942 they busuness was blasted as well as their deal with Fritz Thyssen, who was a shareholder in UBC. Then followed Trading With Enemy act and Harriman's Bush's UBC Trial along with Rockefeller's Standard Oil trial.

Other: Harriman and Rockefeller were rivals in railways business but their busuness partners in Europe were Thyssen and Krupp, from whom they were buying steel. It was Fritz Thyssen's father who blew the Wold War One plan to John D. Rockefeller. Because Thyssen and Krupp were manufacturing arms for Austria and Germany since 1908, as a preparation for the war. That's why John D. Rockefeller acquired Remington Arms just before the war. Samuel Bush by 1917 then went to work on the government and it was he who was ordering arms from Remington... Wold War One has made them rich by stealing taxpayer money but also created the 1929 crisis and... a New Deal.

Harriman and Rockefeller after ww2 decided to become partners. Dresser Industries was their joint venture with Prescott Bush running the company. Prescott's lawyers on UBC were set, Allen Dulles on by Prescott Bush created CIA, while his brother John Foster Dulles was set on Secretary of State office to, by Prescott Bush's hired, Ike Eisenhower and Dick Nixon as VP. Clearly John Foster was telling to Ike what to do and what Bish Rockefeller Harriman and JPMorgan need.

Just Google "Prescott Bush Richard Nixon" and "Prescott Bush Eisenhower" and click on Images... you'll understand... the man in the middle... in the picture in which CT Senator Prescott Bush holds the hat of Vice president Richard Nixon, is Jack Ruby.
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Neo nazi propaganda film
simon_hasselberg3 June 2023
Full of problematic and false claims.

But why would you even go trough the torture of watching this thing anyways. Go do something else, yoga for example is really healthy and a good way to spend some quality time for yourself. Going for a walk in nature is also good for your mental health. Or invite friends over for dinner. Hopefully you have a good relationship to your mom, you should probably call her or visit if you can. If you're reading this after watching the the movie I hope you take some time to critically think about what you've just been trough and remember that it's a propaganda film full of lies.
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Best WWII Documentary So Far
nbfpatriot5 November 2018
This is the best WWII documentary produced so far. Before this, I didn't think that anything could measure up to "The Greatest Story Never Told." Apparently, I was wrong. I truly hope that more of these brutally honest documentaries are produced.
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Gives so much information
freddysmith-1456719 February 2024
This documentary really explains the why and how to world war 1 & 2. Nothing comes from nothing. Where did it come from? Why did it start? How did it start? Who were the good guys? This documentary fills all the gaping holes in what you were taught in school. It is A LOT of information. Might require 2 or 3 views to soak it all in...but, it really changes your view. You watch and realize nothing is as simple as history book tell you. Theres a reason its so damn long. Everything really is that complicated. This documentary was phenomenally done. Ive tried to find out more about the creator, but there is not much out there.
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Tin foiler.
lolagoddamnit7 January 2024
Basically just a conspiracy theorist sat in his mum's basement making all sorts of weird assumptions, editing stuff together to make it look real. The only reason this movie has such a high rating om imdb, is because it's only the tin foil hatters who watch it, since 98% of the world's population already know it's utter nonsense. Denying history and actual fact doesn't make you cool, it literally just makes you insistently stupid. Like, there IS actually valid information to be had, but you're literally refusing to take any in, so you remain unintelligent by choice. Please waste your time on better things than this compilation of nuttery.
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Do not trust those who have only dropped 1 Star. A Must See!!!
rouxger7 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is a documentary that provides an alternative perspective on World War II and its aftermath. It challenges the mainstream narrative by presenting evidence and testimonies that question the widely accepted version of events. The film runs for approximately 6 hours and is divided into two parts. The documentary starts by examining the origins of the conflict, highlighting the role of communism and the Soviet Union in the events leading up to the war. It argues that the Western Allies, including the United States and the United Kingdom, were aligned with the Soviet Union, which was responsible for numerous atrocities during the war. The second part of the documentary focuses on the aftermath of the war and the consequences of the Allied victory. It covers topics such as the Nuremberg Trials, the occupation of Germany, and the establishment of the state of Israel. The film argues that the Allies were more interested in punishing Germany than in rebuilding it, which led to the division of the country and the rise of the Iron Curtain. Throughout the documentary, "Europa: The Last Battle" presents interviews with historians, researchers, and witnesses, who offer alternative viewpoints on key events and figures. The film also uses archival footage and photographs to support its arguments. One of the strengths of this documentary is its thorough and comprehensive approach to the subject matter. It covers a wide range of topics and provides ample evidence to support its claims. However, some viewers may find the length of the film to be overwhelming, and the presentation of certain ideas may be challenging for those who are not familiar with the alternative history movement. In conclusion, "Europa: The Last Battle" is a thought-provoking and comprehensive documentary that challenges the mainstream narrative of World War II and its aftermath. It offers alternative viewpoints and evidence that may be eye-opening for those who are willing to consider different perspectives on this complex and important period in history.
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The Hidden Face Of The World's Most Famous Modern Coin
eternalt2 January 2019
Astonishing, breath-taking! Every single person (and in every single educational institution) must watch this marvelous and brave documentary. The first steps to do a very tiny little bit of justice to the "first victim of the war: the Truth". Makes me wonder if some day (maybe at the 100th anniversary of WW II) all these victor's horrendous lies will be unmasked to the wide public opinion. And if the son, of the son, of the son, will ever get a minute of regretful lucidity to recognize his great-grand-father's unfathomable crimes, errors and lies. Sickened to the world we inherited...
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Wake up NOW!
Pazic17 January 2024
It is time! Wake up, and watch Europa: The Last Battle right now!

This film will wake you up from the propaganda installed into you from birth, you have been baptised, but this is a different form of it. The world is waking up so don't be left behind, it's only a matter of time. This is a great introduction film that will enlighten you and might be your first step to taking the red pill from this blue agenda. You will be able to see through lies and manipulation tactics like never before, comparable to Neo-dodging bullets in the Matrix. You will not regret it. Watch now, and recommend it to all. The fate of the world is in your hands soldier. Now what are you going to do? You're needed on the field son. Good luck and godbless you, you're gonna need it, trust me. 07.
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