"Fear the Walking Dead" No One's Gone (TV Episode 2018) Poster

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A somehow-mistaken approach
jrarichards8 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This was the episode in which - for me at least - the timeline got so distorted that I no longer knew where I was at all. While past and present storylines indeed continued to converge, it eventually transpired that a further-in-the-past storyline was also added, and that was the tipping point to get me lost. By the way, I bought the DVDs claiming that the product was "in colour", so do I get my money back for this episode, in which I almost forgot what watching in colour means?

The faint hope held out by "No One's Gone" is that we might now have reached the moment where the story can go forward - straight, as it were - since the technique applied in the first 8 instalments gradually came to get up my nose, big time.

And, as consequence of that, I'm remarkably unmoved by the apparently heroic (apparent?) loss of a character we've been with since the outset. Something's wrong if the crescendo moment of the mid-season finale - which bumps off the series's greatest hero - leaves a loyal viewer almost cold.

Part of that is the "tell the story" technique, which - while harking back to humanity's earliest history, it's true - makes the death of Madison look more like a legend than anything we might get moved by.

Was that wise?

And while the character of Laura-Naomi-June was also a bit of annoyance, the character of John Dorie was not, yet the circumstances conspire to leave him basically inactive and out of it for two whole episodes - what kind of waste is that? Even the great Victor was a bit neutered in the context of "No One's Gone", while Alicia simply looks like she's gone gaga. After all, half of the story in this one is about good people fighting good people, with Alicia vs Al at the centre of that. Zombies and bad guys are no longer enough, so now the heroes shoot at each other, albeit in a slightly half-hearted, chatty kind of way?

The only character giving a reasonably good account of him/herself in this one is Morgan, and he's the new boy...

How did we possibly get to that?
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Madison Clark
ZegMaarJus20 May 2020
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Finally an answer on this question, what happened to Madison. She died at the stadium, she saved het family and friends from the death to die alone at the stadium. What a good actress is Kim Dickens. I will miss here.
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the fall of mid season.
Froggys72722 November 2021
Well, the season start falls since episode 4, overexagerated flashbacks that i cant understand and so many mini-historys that i dont care.

I can even guess what the characters are going to say or do so repetitive.
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Very unsatisfied
blakenash13 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Madison Clark is gone. A divisive lead character since the start, she came into a different status when season 3 started getting going, and by the end of the 2017 season, she was an absolute badass. Now, she has been killed after a long-telegraphed half season of split timelines which, at its conclusion, is messy at best. A linear half season set completely at the diamond would have been a far more effective way of getting to the point we are at now. THEN you introduce your crossover character in Morgan, and perhaps still kill off your lead character. Instead, we were set up to believe something, then doubt that fact, then learn that the original, inevitable theory is true. While it may have been done to good effect, here it is a major, major foul. So disappointed. I was starting to love Madison's character, and would have loved to see her become the ruthless semi-villain the original show runners may have written her to become.

Business-wise, it makes sense, since Fear haemorrhaged viewers every year, even during its amazing season 3. Nevertheless, I've watched this show since the start, and I was invested. And now, we have only one character left from the core family, one other season 1 character in play, and 1 last season 1 character lost out there in the wilderness, who has already come back from the dead once. How many times should that narrative event play out?

Ugh. I will continue watching to see what they do, but I already miss the other potential directions this show might have taken.
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I liked it
all_things_salafi13 June 2018
I can't see why there was such hate for this episode. I loved it a lot. As for the timeline shifting, then it was easy for me to follow. I really don't understand why it was so hard for some to follow. Anyway, I just wanted to balance out the hate this episode received because people couldn't follow something that was straight forward of you just had patience. It even made me shed a few tears.
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No One's Gone" challenges the notion of what individuals become in adversity. It poses profound questions about memory and legacy, particularly through Madison's sacrifices
fernandoschiavi19 April 2024
Al clears a path for Morgan and Naomi to get to the infirmary but Alicia's group arrives and exchange gunfire. Alicia makes it to the truck and holds Charlie hostage for a brief moment until she and Al fight once more. Alicia finds boxes of ramen and demands to know where she got it from. She finds a tape where Al interviewed Madison when she thought she lost her family. Madison, in the video, says she will do whatever it takes to preserve her children's humanity.

Morgan digs his way out of the tunnel and comes face to face with Alicia. Alicia aims her gun at Naomi. Morgan convinces Alicia to relinquish the weapon and she breaks down in tears. As both groups come together, they reveal how the stadium and everyone there was destroyed while Madison sacrificed herself so that her family could escape. Naomi reveals to John her real name: June. Al lowers her camera and writes "Madison" on the interview tape. The group eats ramen around the campfire.

The episode interweaves past and present narratives, revealing critical moments that shaped the characters, especially Madison. Her efforts to create a safe haven in the baseball stadium are recounted through flashbacks, juxtaposed with the current dire situation her group faces. This narrative technique not only deepens the emotional resonance of the story but also highlights Madison's unwavering commitment to her ideals of hope and community, even in the face of overwhelming odds. The flashbacks are elegantly used to reveal her motivation and the sacrifices she made, which is a storytelling triumph that enriches the character's arc.

One of the episode's most compelling scenes is the confrontation between Madison and Morgan, which acts as a thematic bridge between their philosophies of survival and morality. Their dialogue about what it means to protect the ones they love while maintaining their humanity in a cruel world is both powerful and thought-provoking. This moment is emblematic of the series' ongoing exploration of whether the essence of humanity can be preserved when civilization has collapsed.

Thematically, "No One's Gone" challenges the notion of what individuals become in the face of relentless adversity. It poses profound questions about memory and legacy, particularly through Madison's sacrifices. The episode's emotional climax, revealing Madison's fate, serves as a haunting reminder of her influence and the ideals she instilled in her children. It is a deeply moving segment that solidifies her legacy within the narrative.
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A turn that I didn't expect
michelfaas11 June 2018
This was the finale I really didn't see coming, but really enjoyed it. Really good character development in this episode and some real answers about what happened in the past.

FTWD found its pace again after the not so good previous episode "The Wrong Side of Where You Are Now." Really looking forward towards next episode!
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Small Improvement But Not that Good
panagiotis19938 January 2023
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The scene at the beginning with the thousands of zombies around the car was really cool. Al still records everything, so dumb, I don't like her character at all. Shooting the zombies at the stadium was epic. Still the whole conflict between Alicia's group and Althea's group doesn't make much sense to me, im glad it's over. I wouldn't like for John to die, he's a character that could be interesting for future episodes. The more screen time Althea has the worse the episode is. In this season if feels a bit like the good guys are the bad guys now. I like that Morgan gets more screen time in this episode. Finally in this episode we get some answers on why Madison is not with the rest of the group. Just stop it with the flashbacks it's so annoying. Is Madison gone? No no no. I really hope im wrong. First Travis, then Nick and now Madison? Come on. She is a great character. This was a small improvement from previous episodes but still I expect more. Things got more interesting in this episode. My rating 6.8/10.
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Best episode so far.
maximovlE14 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm up to date with the real walking dead (march '19) and this season is awesome compared to the last couple, so I thought I'd catch up with fear. I'd given up before, just one episode before this one, and I just realised I should have stayed. I'm so glad Madison is gone. She became so damn annoying. Never a team player, never cared for others opinions. She wanted someone dead they died, she wanted someone to live they lived. Her decisions were ridiculous. She wouldn't have lasted this long at all over at the real WD.

This episode has cleared up all the crazy time hopping and finished this tiring story off. We now, potentially, have a great cast. I'm hoping the writers make the most of it, and don't ruin it again. If TWD can rise from the ashes, then hopefully FTWD can too.

Fingers crossed.
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From bad to worse
markodimi11 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
1. Let's go back for a second. What did The Vultures even want originally. The plan was to wait The Stadion crew out, and when they are hungry and leaving The Vultures would do what? Fighting was not the plan that had been made clear, so what. They would get to look at them as they are leaving the stadion and bringing everything with them. And I don't know what that everything would be as they would not have food. Only guns that could not be taken without a fight. The second plan was to storm the stadion with walkers. To what end? These are major plot holes for me. 2. In the previous episode Alicia, Victor and Luciano are left out of the stadion and they are just waiting, doing literally nothing. Everyone knows what's coming but nobody does anything, they are not shooting at the Vultures before they open the trucks, people from the stadion are not shooting. 3. Back to this episode. Why is Alicia so eager to kill June? She was just running for her life, nothing more. Plot hole or Alicia is the worst person ever. 4. Path from the combat vehicle to the door was bearly cleared when June and Morgan went, yet later Alicia is coming and going as she pleases. When vehicle door are down not one walker tried to enter. 5. At one moment Althea overpowers Alicia but then let her go to go off and kill June??? 6. I'm not fan of Madison and although it is "confirmed" I'm not convinced that she is dead. But the way she "died"! If it was so easy to lead the herd away why wasn't that the plan from the start. If we swallow that there is another major problem, at one moment with the herd still pouring in she just closed the gate. With no problem, she just approached the gate and closed it. Come on!
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Fear the walking dead
doomprodigy2 November 2018
It's true, FTWD should fear TWD. I was always concerned when I learned that TWDs Morgan was coming over due to TWD being so stale and FTWD season 3 being so brilliant.

The first 8 episodes have been confusing but gotten gradually better. It's sad they had to jump ahead so much when FTWD was meant to see the apocalypse happen as it was happening and not be an aftermath.

This episode was brilliant. Another shock death and it was noble and emotional and I am loving the new characters. To see where this show will go is a mystery.

Now the worry is, will these characters wind up freshening up TWD or be the death of the main series.
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Yes, I Fear the Walking Soap Opera! add violins and tears as desired. Zero Rating. What went wrong? Everything.
Bababooe13 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, so last week, best part was the shoot out and all the vultures were killed, spectacularly, except for the backstabber Charlie who killed our beloved Nick. Mel's death was especially great, burned alive, then put down by Alicia. But that episode also had garbage flashbacks and Soap Opera. So, 50/50 rating, 5 stars.

This week our Z Team, Cowboy John with the bullet in the chest, Videographer/SWAT Team Commander Alt, Flaky Nurse with multiple names because she trusts nobody Naomi/Laura/June, Charlie the Backstabber, and Morg the Peacemaker, are at the zombie infested baseball stadium looking for medicine for Cowboy John. All of a sudden the Alicia Trio attack. Ok, Alicia wants to kill Charlie for killing Nick, and maybe killing Naomi for who knows, running out. Makes no sense. During last week's flashbacks we found out that Alicia and Nick were dumb enough to try to save Mel. So, why blame Naomi? Alicia should just kill herself for being too stupid to live.

This show is a mess. When it first started a few years ago I watched a few episodes and decided that it was too boring, another soap opera nonsense. I caught a few episodes from 2nd and 3rd seasons and they were ok. Now, I started watching because The Walking Dead died for me. Impractical stories, characters acting stupid and out of character with kill/no kill, where Morgan is a prime example. Now FTWD seem to be the same thing, but even milder. I was hoping for people acting real within the context of a zombie apocalypse. What we get is nonsense.

Ok, so Z Team at the stadium and Alicia Trio is attacking. Fine. Then we get a brawl with Alicia and Alt, Fine. Then everybody takes a popcorn brake where Alicia views her mom on tape. Alt had bumped into Madison, before Mad had reunited with Alicia and Nick and established the baseball stadium. Ok. As far as stories go, why not. The problem is turning Alicia into a raving maniac killing people, and then checking out a video tape to calm down. Then Alicia takes a gun and goes after Naomi, Morg gets in the way and is willing to die for Naomi. What the hell is going on? Alicia breaks down in front of Morg the Peacemaker. Everybody jumps into the SWAT van and are now buddies. They're now at a camp fire roasting marshmallows telling ghost (dead) stories. More flashbacks. The fall of the stadium and the demise of Mad was bogus and to top it off it was in slow mo. The Z Team is now complete. We have Cowboy John, Nurse June, Video Lady, Morg the Peacmaker, Alicia Trio killers with tears, and Charlie the Backstabber.

Where are they going? What will they do? Why should we keep watching? Will we ever see a Zombified Madison?

Who knows? We have entered the realm of nonsense. Yes, Fear the Walking Soap Opera. Maybe they head east and hook up with Rick the Dick for some more nonsense. Good luck with that.
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my opinion
Ahmedfadil0015 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Very sad .. it reminded me of the death of Rick's character in the original series
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panamenito6 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Welcome back. I was about to leave the show after season 7A but now knowing Madison is back I am eager to see her in her show of the Clark's family not Morgan show THanks for bringing her back Gimple.
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I hate Madison so much
kurt78252 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
And now her and her dumb son are thankfully dead.

I used to like them until they murdered otto and destroyed his people and joined those Indian scumbags I'm so happy that they are gone I can hardly contain myself you're next Alycia. I hope you die soon.
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Difficult to understand...
CinemaSlant11 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This season is visually stunning and I like the introduction of Jenna Elfman, Garrett Dillahunt and Maggie Grace. But that aside...the worst part of this season is all the storyline jumping from today to flashbacks. Its really poorly done and overused making the show difficult to comprehend. I'm also not sure the reasoning of killing off 2 main stars while bringing in tired characters like Morgan from The Walking Dead and reviving Strand when he should have died last season. Give me Kim Dickens any day over the worn-out storyline of Morgan. I understand there are new show runners...but they need to clean up their story telling abilities and dont kill off characters that started the show. Handing the torch to inferior characters or characters from another show will kill this show for sure.
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Huge Letdown
AdamTamez13 June 2018
The Walking Dead's downfall over the past few seasons has been due to sappy dialogue, slow-moving episodes and lame storytelling. It seems that has infected this episode of Fear the Walking Dead. With Scott Gimple coming on to "assist" the new showrunners this season, maybe it shouldn't be a surprise, but given that this season by and large has been pretty good, what else can I attribute this missed opportunity of an episode to? We've been getting teases here and there leading up to this episode about what exactly happened at the ballpark and why are protagonists are the way they are now, as well as why they harbor so much hatred towards Laura aka whoever. Well now we know what happened and I still don't know why they hate her so much. We also find out what happened to Madison, albeit from lame storytelling(literally the characters telling the story into a camera) accompanied by corny slow motion sequences with little to no action. What should have been an emotional reveal and an impactful scene was boring and empty. Nothing really happened this episode aside from that. I thought Season 3 was surprisingly good. The first several episodes of Season 4 were good and seamlessly introduced new characters well. Which is why I'm baffled things went so wrong here.
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New showrunners suck
heroes_200812 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
There's no point in watching this series anymore. It's just the Walking Dead now and only two characters are left from season one. Who even asked for Morgan? He's so obnoxious. Then they kill Madison for no reason??? This reboot sucks.
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I don't even care any more
thivai-111 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I could follow the jumping timeline, but it took away from enjoying the story because I had to constantly put together the pieces in the back of my mind. It felt forced and clumsy the way they edited the different parts. My main problem with the whole last episodes is the plausibility of character development, or the lack thereof. Now that we know what happened to Madison, I don't feel that Alicia's persistence to kill June/Naomi/Laura and letting John die/shooting him in the first place is warranted at all. I was waiting for a good explanation why Alicia and the others have suddently become the bad guys. I'm not buying their explanation at all. Another thing that bugs me: El had overpowered Alicia and let her watch the video, then allows her to go to Morgan/June with a gun, knowing she was probably wanting to kill at least June? Why would El allow that? The whole scene with Morgan and Alicia that came after that was cheesy and silly. I didn't feel touched at all and right now I stopped caring for any of the characters at all. The show seems dead at this point.
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Fear of the Walking Dead - Review
wolfdog-3485112 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILER: I give up. They killed off the best two characters in a pile of crap storytelling. I'm done with this series
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Sarah-l-Lapham11 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The timeline is all over the place. I just can't believe even this show went this way. I understand flashbacks and flash forwards, but I needed a Phenergan by the end of this episode. I didn't even feel the least bit saddened by the loss of Madison. I dare say this is a total bore.
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Complete destruction
lettremode-6855426 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It's generous giving this episode 1 star. I'll let it pass for a credit to Kim Dickens. This was the episode that killed the soul of the show, a character we've been following from day one who had depth and humanity to it. Not only did they kill this very character meaning throughout the season - they went so far to actually assassinate her in the worst possible way. Very badly written, out of purpose and unjustified. We all know they only did it to make Morgan the lead - another character I just couldn't stand for years in The Walking Dead. I knew it would go downhill from here, and so it was.

Madison could be hated by many, but she had nuance and passion, she was real as she acted like a crazy mother in the end of the world who would go so far to do anything for her children - but first of all, anything to favor herself and her views. That's who she was. This show had a very great run in Season 3 and it amazes me that those episodes aren't even on par by rating here at IMDb seeing how this atrocious Season 4 have more or less acceptable ratings when it sucked really bad to begin with.

This was the end for me, it's disrespectful to a whole fandom to send the original show to hell and make a new (freaking bad) one out of its ashes. It's sad, unnecessary and pitiful really! Kim deserves better.
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An endurance test
Rob-O-Cop12 June 2018
Wow, talk about squandering your progress. Just senseless WTF??? logic, weak ideas and none of the good the first few episodes of this series managed to claw back. I don't know who could sit through this and go, "ah, yeah, now that all makes sense and has meaning", it's like a script written by a computer that doesn't understand anything about humans. It was physically difficult to sit still and let this waffling nonsensical dribble run its course. I just wanted it to stop,
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Marco-di-marzio12 June 2018
Why all the time the flashback it is terrible!! The first seasons were great, but this season is terrible. The girl whit the camera why???? All these interviews in the episodes are not interesting!! It is a shame that this serie is going from bad to worse.
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From 9/10 to 1/10 in eight episodes
myllret8 August 2018
Seasons 1 through 3, this was among the best series on television, and certainly the best zombie story. In comes new showrunners - and out goes all logical actions, all the clever dialogue, understated philosophy and touching relationships. Instead we get a mess. Cheesy dialogue, Instagram filters and non-existant motivations for conflicts and downright evil actions by the main characters.

Fire the people responsible, because this is probably the worst downfall of any series on television.
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