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Passion Play (2010)
No great expectations here, and still letdown!
10 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, I went in not expecting too much - but really? This was such a waste of everyone's time. For the life of me I never expected it to be of such poor quality, and the story was just insane and really left gaping holes in what exactly this was going for. It WAS sad- but not for reasons it seemed the director had hoped me to feel sadness for. What I did feel sadness about was first and foremost the bad rap Megan Fox got, to me it was just taking out the easy target (and honestly, she was the only one that I felt at least tried to save this flop). I wanted to see what Mickey Rourke shot his mouth off about - and it ticked me off even as a fan, that he sat and tried to laugh it off as honestly, he was the biggest joke in this farce (and an even bigger joke was the fact that tough guy took it back after he realized he ran his mouth which made me lose even more respect for him!). Don't get me wrong, I wanted to route for Rourke in this one as I typically do, and I have a great deal of fondness for his body of work. But this was a case that he tends to fall into time and time again when he just fizzles out and becomes a stereotype and phones it in. And its just painful to watch him hobble trough this one, his appearance and acting just distracted me instead of making me believe in the story. The Happy character was a take it or leave it for me, sorry Bill, you got sucked into this mess! Even Kelly Lynch is someone who I think is great and she too looked like a sad old version of Diane in Drugstore Cowboy. Overall just a waste of talent and a chance to give Megan Fox some sort of credibility in a more serious role. But when you make the wings and plot so laughable and unbelievable, you make her rely on her beauty alone. Theending is horrific and all you can wonder in the beginning and throughout is wait, there is someone with wings running around and going to doctor's and its just shrugged off? Say what? If she was "an angel" and it was meant to not be so literal or only in the mind's eye, it was no big reveal in the end. I really was lost as to what this was supposed to really mean and or care to understand what it was going for. All I spent time on was thinking who let this be released as is? Just a train wreck. And no, it was not Megan's fault. Watch it only to see her look beautiful and at least try if you are a fan of her. Don't watch it if you are a fan of the other stars, they look and act terrible and make you wonder why they agreed after doing such brilliant picks they did this and make them seem washed up.
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Last Days (2005)
I had a feeling about this one!
21 January 2007
OK, I had a feeling about this one so I am soooo glad I did not put any more effort into seeing it other than Tivo-ing it. It was an utter waste of an afternoon though and I tossed and turned just to make it through this one. Let just say for those of you who have not seen it, its like watching paint dry. A really dingy dark color at that. I don't have a problem with it being a really dismal film, considering the subject matter. However, as someone posted earlier, it becomes a chore after a while when you realize that there is no story or point coming out of this one, no matter how hard you try to squeeze one out. I had to see what I missed by looking at other posts but nobody convinced me or opened my eyes to anything other than the fact that there is a fan base for a film of paint drying if you look hard enough or market it or yourself as a director right.

I can get the vibe that its a film that is trying to capture the essence of the last days before Kurt's death, or shall I say semi-Kurt. I can say I was not expecting a documentary on the exact events of those final days of Cobain. I was prepared beforehand in hearing about the film that it was one of those "loosely based on real events" films. Usually this happens because unless you are Kurt, you will never know what exactly happens so one needs to get creative, or- your hands are legally tied, you become too wrapped up in being artsy, etc.....The list of reasons can go on and on. However, I do have to say that I was surprised and to be honest, a little bothered by just how many direct references to Kurt there were in the film. So to me it became less about watching a really long and drawn out depiction of a decline, and more about me just sitting and wondering just how many people who were too young (or just didn't care) to follow the whole scene are going to think this is more based on reality than fiction and that would be a disservice to a great artist and band? As someone who was and still is a fan of the Seattle music scene, this just confused me. Some things were so obviously Kurt - the striped sweater, the house, the hair, the ending, that it almost seemed exploitive to me. But then some things were obviously not accurate, yet I kept thinking am I missing some sort hidden jab at the band, Courtney, etc.????? Again, maybe you film school types can muster up some sort grand meaning of it all but for the life of me, I could not. I probably could have stomached it more had those obvious references NOT been in there. I know the man was troubled and he probably really bad in his last days but come on, lets not reduce him to what this film does. And this is why I was really shocked Kim Gordon decided to be in it, I would really love to hear her reasons because as much as I love her, it surprises me she would give this the time of day considering she was a friend of Kurt's. I wont judge because I don't know these people. Maybe also a friend or fan of the director?

Again, I found this film used this sad loss of a person and musical icon who had many demons and just whittled him down into a babbling loon wasting away for no apparent reason. Pitt bugs me too, this movie won me over for him not at all and this is just another role to try to impress us all that he is the male Chloe Sevingy or something. The characters were just bizarre to me, I thought hooray, a break in the action or time for the meaning to come clear, no luck, just meaningless voids too.

Again, just confusing and goes nowhere. I mean really, don't think I am simplifying it, I am serious. I am just amazed that so many people liked this movie and think its so groundbreaking. I gave it one more star over lowest score for its cinematography. It did capture the feel of the location and time for me, but again, I would have rather it stayed much further away from the real life events if it wanted to claim that it was not really about it.
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don't waste your money
2 September 2006
This movie was horrible. What a waste of time. Funny not at all. Just an over-hyped jumble of nonsense. I loved Will in Old School. I had a feeling it would be horrible, just not this horrible. It was just a total mess of filler and forced humor. I really expected more from the 2 leads and figured it would be somewhat funny seeing how well it did. The storyline was just all over the place too. That French guy was terrible too. When he came on is when I really started to squirm. Just bad, bad, bad - it seemed like the best choice out of my options. What a mistake! If you have any other options please go with them. I caudally left early after the race, I really could have cared less if it was over or not.
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Havoc (2005)
OK, but can we please get Bijoux Phillips a new stereotype!!!!
20 June 2006
I thought the film was watchable, not a masterpiece or totally riveting, but interesting that some of these actors would take on a role. I think I can fairly say Anne Hathaway is trying to break out of the pretty little princess roles. Well, in this film she was a pretty little princess thats out of control. Anyway, I give it to her to have the balls to take in on. The gang guys did the best with what they had to work with. Oh well, my TIVO taped it for me or I would have never seen it.

HOWEVER- I cannot help but feel dega-vu every time I see Bijoux Phillips in a role, so much so that I had to come and see if anyone else is thinking the same. Good grief girl, get a new angle!!! She is the go to actress when its a rich kid gone wild movie and they need someone to act all hot until she practically gets raped or something goes wrong. It baffles me that someone would even put her in this movie because she is the same person over and over again in these "controversial" teen gone bad movies. I would love to see her in a role that requires clothing and half a brain. It is just annoying me that she is the posterchild for slutty girl gone wild that always talks a big talk but then gets taken advantage of, as a woman, I find it disappointing, not empowering.
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Fully a waste of time
15 December 2003
Terrible. This director must have ADD or something. Way too much of everything its trying to offer. I know its not supposed to be Hamlet but there was just nothing other than attempts to outdo the first one which was a bit over the top for me. It just jumps around so much you are motion sick and totally lost. The stunts were just insane and hard to digest as well, the old show looked better compared to this nonsense. Too much of a good thing is an understatement here. And we wonder why actresses in the business have a hard time getting respect. Be sexy but dont be just plain stupid. All I could think besides this is so horrible was what is up with Cameron Diaz???!!! The last five films I have seen her in have her jumping around making idiot faces and dancing like a bafoon. Move on woman, have some pride!!!! I guess the moron act is working for her though since she is making all that money, what a sad world we live in today. Again, then we wonder why actresses/women in general get no respect!
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Bongwater (1998)
I liked it
15 December 2003
This is a movie which is just for fun. I think you just have to get it or like this kind of film to enjoy it, as I am sure a ton of you out there will think its a waste. I liked it very much. Alot of familiar faces in this one before they became more well known. Andy Dick is great, so is Jack Black. Some cool songs too which worked great with the scenes. Just a messed up fun escape for an hour and a half, if not just to see some of these stars of today in a smaller indie film. Simple, witty, and a guilty pleasure.
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23 April 2003
I seriously dont get this film. How in the world did this do so well? I did not listen to anyone who told me they were so excited by all of the hype and were really dissappointed by it when they viewed it. I did not see it in the movies, however I did pay to view it on Direct TV, I should have picked another one.

I admit this is by far not my favorite type of movie, but I thought I would just sit and at least be mildly entertained by it. All I could think was "when are the funny parts coming up?" It didn't really even have an interesting storyline, or one at all for that matter that went beyond the title. I just dont get the success at all, even if it was running on the "hype factor". Not really funny, not that cute, even John Corbett could not save it.
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16 October 2002
I saw this movie not anticipating an oscar winning masterpiece, but I at least thought it would be fun and watchable. What I got was a bad attempt at trying to relive There's Something About Mary humor and it just all went wrong. It may have been watchable if they didn't try so damn hard to be funny, which made it so unfunny and contrived. Just a lot of really bad attempts at "gross out" comedy and I can't belive those participating in this movie could not cringe when watching what they did! The "movie montage" scene was the worst, and what was with all of the sad hoochie dancing? What were these girls thinking?!!!! It all came to a head when I saw the epitome of overacting - Parker Posey - come on the screen. Dont expect too much from this one, the only entertaining thing is gasping at how far some writers will go for a laugh at the actors expense, only problem is - ITS NOT FUNNY!!!!!!
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The Smokers (2000)
A Smoking Mess of A film
16 October 2002
What was up with this film? I thought I was in for an edgy, interesting film. What I got was a montage of bad acting and even worse directing/writing. It just baffled me who would watch this movie and think it was good. The acting was so overdone. The camera work looked like the actors themselves shot it, heck - they may have done better! The plot was supposed to be in your face, it was just dumb. The fire scene looked like a skit from Saturday Night Live it was so unbelievably awful. These girls need to take some more acting lessons, or better yet - get a new agent or fire whoever suggested these parts to them. RUN FROM THIS MOVIE!!! RUN FAR, FAR AWAY!!!!!!!
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Dreamlike and thought provoking
16 October 2002
This is a movie that is worth watching. It makes you think and stays with you after seeing it, a very thought provoking piece indeed. Sophia did an amazing job with this one and she captured the time period on film so beautifully. The shots were very dreamy even though the content was not so dreamlike at times. This film used the camera and soundtrack to tell this story perfectly. The actors did a great job, the dance/afterwards was a great scene - it all worked together so well. A very moving film, not your run of the mill 70's teen movie. I cant wait to see what else Sophia does, she nailed this one!
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