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Great big fun!
6 July 1999
First off, understand that anyone who hates this movie is mean and can't have fun. There is nothing wrong with something that's popular. I don't like hearing about how people make careers out of making fun of things that other people like whether it's Will Smith, Ricky Martin, or some other band or movie that a large group of people like. "Wild Wild West" is a fun movie. It has everything an outgoing person could want, action, comedy, great cotumes, sets, special effects, and a good story. The original Jim West was white, but the movie pulled off having a black Jim West. They also put an interesting story behind him since black people weren't respected by stupid white people back in the 1800's. I happen to be a big fan of Will Smith, so of course he was just as great in this movie as he was in "Independance Day," "Men in Black," or "Bad Boys." Kevin Kline as Artemus Gordon was equally good. He was really funny. He and Smith made a great duo. They had great one liners together. I was mad that I was mad that I and a few other people were the only people laughing in the theater full of leeches. I really have to give credit to Kenneth Branaugh for his performance as Dr. Arliss Loveless. I knew him as a serious actor, and this is the first comical thing he's done. He's the third best villain of this year next to Darth Maul in "The Phantom Menace," and Agent Smith in "The Matrix." The scenes of action were exiting.

I wish there were more shootouts, but John Woo didn't direct this. (NOT A FORM OF CRITICISM) I also liked the fight scenes where Will Smith beats up a bunch of guys in a warehouse, saloon, and inside the giant mechanical tarantuala. Anyways, I liked this movie. It was worth it.
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Patch Adams (1998)
A wonderful film. Better than great.
15 June 1999
I always say great. I want to use a different word to describe some of my favorite movies. "Patch Adams" was wonderful. I was really moved by the movie. Robin Williams is always a great actor. I try to have the same attitude Patch Adams did in the movie, but the people in real life act like the people in the movie that were against him. I think that we're in the same boat when it comes to doing things out of the ordinary. I agreed with everything Patch was fighting for. He was right The movie also pointed out how the other people were wrong. I also liked the combination of comedy and drama. The way the movie was made showed that it wasn't too serious or too silly. I thought the humor was great. I laughed at every joke. I'm angered at how other people didn't like this movie at all. I hate them. Especially "Entertainment Weekly" for saying that Robin Williams isn't a good actor anymore. But who cares about those morons of the public and EW. All they talk about is what's wrong with movies. I'm better than anyone else with movies, because I only see what's right about them. Anyways, Robin Williams was really good as Patch Adams. I was sad when he didn't win the Golden Globe for best actor. I thought he should've been nominated at the Acadamy Awards. Him and his movie. THis is my favorite movie of 1998
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2 June 1999
I'm glad I saw "Star Wars." It's the best movie of 1999 and nothing else will be better. Not even the next nominated movies

at "Oscar 2000." To all the hypocrites of the public and movie reviwers who said bad things about this movie:

SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry, but those people are movie haters and don't know anything about movies. They just go to movies for no reason and act like they're smart. They're not smart. Anyways, "Episode 1" was great because it's the first chapter of one of the best stories in the world. It explains everything. Everyone was a great actor. I'm angry that people didn't like Anakin or Jar Jar Binks. THey were great. The people who didn't like them don't know what they talk about. Jar Jar was funny. He was like a creature version of Roberto Begnini. He provided great comedy for the movie. I wish people liked him as much as I did. Jake Lloyd was great as Anakin. The way he was, so energetic and ambitious. It's hard to believe that he's Darth Vader in the future. I don't want him to be Darth Vader. He was so innocent. Liam Neeson is one of our best actors in the world. He has never done a bad performance. He was great as Qui-Gon Jin. Ewan McGreggor was also great as Obi-Wan Kenobi. He acted so much like the later one you see in the later episodes. Darth Maul. He was scary. What's interesting about him is that he's a mystery character. You don't know anything about him other than he's a Sith Lord. His one expression appearence is really scary. You don't need to hear him say much because he already is a big part in the movie. Ray Park who played him of course like everyone else was great.

Lightsaber fights were excellent. They were extremely intense with the music playing in the background. I was at the edge of my seat. I wouldn't want to be touched by those. The story was great. People can't say it wasn't good. You don't go to this movie to see a story made for you. It's not supposed to be like "A New Hope." or "Empire Strikes Back." It's immoral to not like this movie. You have to see it and call it EXCELLENT. No less than EXCELLENT. I love movies.
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The Postman (1997)
A great movie.
2 June 1999
I saw this movie before I heard any bad things about it. All I heard was "Filled with adventure, excitement, and hope." That review was right. There is nothing wrong with this movie at all. It was a great movie. Kevin Costner is a good director. He showed that with "Dances with Wolves." Why does everyone say his direction in this was bad? It wasn't. I think there is something wrong with everybody if they said this was bad. You don't understand this film. It was about a man who just wanted to live whatever life he could even though America was destroyed. When he found out about the terrorists lead by Will Patton, (Who portrayed one of the best villains in film.) He knew they were bad but thought he couldn't do anything about them, so he escapes them after they catch him earlier, and since he knew they would look for him, he disguised himself as a postman just to be safe. The thing was about this movie was it made the people have hope again. There was no more America. The sign of a postman which symbolized America made these people believe again. Kevin Costner realized how he helped people too. I'm not good with words like I try to be, but you should try and look for what I'm saying. You don't have to be dumb to like this.

This is a serious movie. Just as serious as something lik "Braveheart" or "Glory." Kevin Costner and Will Patton were great in their roles, the story was pure epic, and. Well, everything about this movie was great. I liked every moment of it. I think the people who didn't like this movie are dumb. "The Postman" is a movie I support greatly, and I can try
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Air Force One (1997)
Tied with "Face/Off" as the best action movie of '97
2 June 1999
For some reason, people liked "Air Force One" better than the other movies of '97. I finally saw it, and this was a #1 action movie. Harrison Ford was great as the president. He proved to be a great action hero. This was really cool, because the president is least likely to be an action hero. Action heros are usually cops or normal people. This was a change. "Air Force One" is about a terrorist takeover, but it doesn't rip off "Die Hard." It was original in it's own way. It wasn't all about the takeover. There is also a lot of strong drama in this movie. Gary Oldman played a totally vicious man in this movie, but every time he did something bad, he would justify his actions.

What he says obviously doesn't give him an excuse for killing people, but he said it in a strong way. The action scenes were intense. The fight scenes with Harrison Ford and the terrorists were brutal. Every time I heard a punching sound, it was like "Woa! That sounded cool!" The special effects were also great. Especially in a scene where F/A 18s are fighting a group of MIGs. THis is a great movie filled with non-stop action, great acting, drama
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Die Hard (1988)
Bruce Willis Rules!
2 June 1999
I'm glad that people loved this movie as much as I did. Bruce Willis is my favorite actor. This is obviously a classic. Even though this movie did create more movies like it, I liked them too. (The Rock, Air Force One, Sudden Death, etc.) I don't care that this wasn't a John Woo movie. (Hmm. What would it have been like if he directed.) I still think American Action is cool. Besides Bruce, Alan Rickman is also one of the best villains on film, and I also liked the performances of Bonnie Bedellia, Rejinald Veljohnson, and Alexander Godunov was great as Alan Rickman's vicious henchman. He was scary, and the fight scene with Bruce Willis and him was great. You don't need me to tell you how good this movie was. The other loyal action fans already have
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I loved this movie more than the other user commenters!
21 May 1999
I have never seen an animated movie with so much bloody violence. I'm going far enough to say that this was as violent as "Saving Private Ryan." Guys punch each other, and as soon as their blows connect, their heads swell up, and explode with all this blood and stuff spraying everywhere. This movie is about the world after the Third World War. Nuclear weapons finally destroyed it, and the chaos that happened over the time has driven people insane. They all form clans, and they fight each other. One of these people is good though. He and his girlfriend are trying to live peacefully, but then one of these clans finds them. Their leader Shin says since he is more powerful, that he can have his girlfriend. What I mean by powerful, is that some of these people BECAUSE OF THE RADIATION FROM WORLD WAR 3 (None of the other people get that.) have special powers, and can do amazing things with them. So Shin takes the guy's girlfriend, but not before beating him up, and leaving him for dead. The good guy wakes up (I forgot his name.) And he sets out to find Julia. (His girlfriend.) He has many challenges though. His brother Rao thinks that because he is unbelievably powerful, that he takes the good guy's place as "Fist of the North Star," and starts taking over everything. His other brother is also insane, and has kidnapped the sister of another powerful good guy, and he has to help him out too. The story to "Fist of the North Star is cool. There is lots of action, and it ranks up as one of the best anime films. I took it seriously
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Good action
21 May 1999
I'm a positive person when it comes to movies, but I didn't think "Zero Tolerance" ranks up with the best action movies. But to say it was terrible would be dishonest. Robert Patrick was a good actor in this movie. He showed how revenge is easily justified. I didn't like how the authorities say that he was a slaughtering vigilante, but people can be stupid when it comes to being unorthodoxed. Bad guys don't deserve to live. There is no argument saying that they should be allowed to live. If you kill innocent people, you deserve to die. Once the movie got further into the story, things started to get action packed. I was suprised to see John Woo styled action scenes where Robert Patrick is shooting guys with a pistol in each hand. To make it short, this movie was worth watching. I got re-inspired on how to do action scenes. (John Woo is still better than anyone
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The Corruptor (1999)
"The Corruptor" was great. Show some respect.
6 May 1999
I read the production notes before watching this movie. It's obvious that every negative reviewer here didn't bother with the notes, and just watched the movie for no reason. I'm writting because I just read an excellent review by a user here who said "Thrilling Action, and Phylisophical Depth". Chow-Yun Fat is one of my favorite actors. He was great in this movie. He does a great job no matter what movie he's in. (I liked "The Replacement Killers.") The way he acted as Nicholas Chen, he was so animated. He didn't take insults from people, and he was a real stand-up guy. I thought the story was real. It was a real cop story, and it had all the elements to back it up like how everything is gloomy looking, and nobody gets a kick out of their job, and how the only humor comes from Chow Yun-Fat. Mark Wahlberg as a rising actor did a good job in this movie. I thought it would be interesting to see him paired with Chow Yun-Fat. They made a good team. I liked the action scenes even though they weren't John Woo oriented. They came out of nowhere, so every action scene seemed to jump out and suprise you. I mean EVERY action scene. I really don't know what else to say, so I'm ending my review with saying how great this was, and that you all should be more thoughtful. Look for other Terry-32 reviews, and find my E-mail adress under movies like "Drive".
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Speed (1994)
Should be listed as another action classic
6 May 1999
"Speed" is another one of the best action movies ever made. It was original, action packed, and Keanu Reeves made himself the next action hero. People shouldn't hate Keanu Reeves. He's cool. Dennis Hopper was a classic villian. He was so cold as the bad guy. He didn't care about anything. He was totally crazy, and he was actually crazy enough to defend his sanity in this movie. The bus sequence was the one of the best action sequences ever filmed. From how it had to make sharp turns, jump, crash through stuff, it was great. Sandra Bullock provided good relief in this movie. She was sweet. I liked the relationship with her and Keanu Reeves. All the other characters were great too. They weren't dull or anything. (I've never seen dull characters though.) They were all comical. Like the elevator people. They had character. Jan De Bont is a great director. He isn't afraid of anything. I want him to do more movies. (I can't wait to see "Haunting of Hill House.") Add "Speed" to your action movie list.
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Japanese anime classic
5 May 1999
I don't think hitman stories are overused. "Golgo 13" is the reason why I think this now. This movie was cool. It's interesting how people can make an animated movie, and treat it like a movie with real actors. Cartoons were never supposed to be like this. I was impressed. The action scenes were thrilling, it had great characters, and it was well acted too. The drama was actually strong in this movie. We focus on the father of this one person Golgo 13 killed, (It's not the whole movie. We focus on Golgo 13 too.) and it's strong. We see how bent on revenge he is, and it shows that your not just watching this for violence. If you like Japanese anime, then you'll like this one.
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Armageddon (1998)
30 April 1999
In school today, my classmates decided to talk bad stuff about this movie and "Deep Impact." "Armageddon" and "Deep Impact" are two extremely great movies, and nobody gets it. I'm gonna talk about this with "Deep Impact" too on the other page, so look for that review. My classmates don't appreciate movies. They just get mad at movies, act like they know everything about movies, and continue to see them anyway. Here's what's wrong with them:

1. They were in no mood to care about the characters. (I thought they were great! Bruce Willis gives another great performance in his career!. I loved the other cast too.) 2. They are obsessed with realism. They bash all over flames in space, explosions, and screaming, and they don't see how in movies, that you're allowed to do that. Movies were made to help you escape from reality. I wanted to believe there were flames in space, and sound after this movie. 3. They criticize the machineguns. The macineguns were there to shoot at the smaller asteroids. I thought the machineguns were cool. What are they wondering about why they're there for? 4. They make fun of the script, drama, and other meanings in this film. But they mean so much to me. I know I'm not crazy by saying this, because I compared myself with crazy people, and I'm sane. Armageddon was great. You have to see it from my point of view. You can't go and not care about anything. It just shows

how insensitive you all are.
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The Matrix (1999)
Super action, great story, what else do you need?
1 April 1999
I was waiting so long for this movie to come out. When I saw the preview during the Super Bowl, I knew I had to see this film. Finally on Wedsday, March 31st at 4:00 P.M. right after school, I went straight to the movies, and saw it. It was fantastic. The visual effects were amazing. The actors could do all these amazing moves. Keanu Reeves and Lawrence Fishburn do martial arts in this movie, and they were great at it. I've never seen them do such moves, and I was mesmorized. The story was amazing. Even if I was allowed to, and wanted to, I couldn't explain it. You have to see the movie in order to understand. All the actors and actresses were great. Keanu Reeves especially. I liked him before, but he was great in this movie. It's his 2nd best performance since "The Devil's Advocate." I can go on and on about saying how great this movie is, but I'll stop. There is no reason why one shouldn't like this movie. So, See it.
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Maximum Risk (1996)
I knew it would be good!
26 March 1999
Jean-Claude Van-Damme is cool! I still think he's cool! "Maximium Risk" is awesome. I'm a fan of Hong Kong directors, and when I heard Ringo Lam, I knew this would be good. Van-Damme is not a bad actor. Working with a Hong Kong director would give you pointers on acting, and I think Van-Damme got them. Van-Damme did a good job in this movie. I liked the fight scenes for one thing. Van-Damme does that classic moves where he foot sweeps a guy who's standing on a car. Natasha Henstridge is so beautiful. She and Van-Damme made a great pair. I would like to see her in future movies. The story was good too. Sometimes we need movies that don't have very complicated stories. Not that that's bad, but I like my brain.
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Drive (1997)
Man! That was awesome!
11 March 1999
I rent direct to video releases all the time, and even though all my reviews are positive, I didn't like any of the direct to video movies I've rented. I was attracted by the cover of "Drive," and I decided to take a look at it. I'm writing my own action movie, and the way the beginning starts out is the way I wanted to do my future movie. It was cool with the kind of music playing during the credits. Then it opens up to a bridge, and then it goes to the ship where Marc Dacascos is, and he starts beating up all the bad guys. It was sooooooooooooooooooooo cool. Kadeem Hardison was hilarious. I laughed at the jokes he brought up during the movie. Every fight scene was great. These are some of the best fight scenes ever caught on film. Mark Dacascos is a new top action hero now. He should work in big budget action films for theaters. I hope he does.
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11 March 1999
My uncle told me about this movie before I knew who Quentin Tarantino was. I watched it, and it is a totally different movie from other titles. I've never seen violence, swearing, and adult stuff dealt with in this sort of matter. (I'm 16, so I understand it exists.) After that, I'm now in a position where I think that violence and profanity are VERY essential elements. This movie changed the way I write my own movies. My characters talk like these guys do. And I show violence in the same manner. My movie is an action film entitled "Hard Job." Look out for it in the future. All the actors are great! My favorites are Harvey Keitel, Steve Buscemi, Tim Roth, and Michael Madsen. The torture scene, that was so outrageous. I now have a new view towards bad guys. I think all bad guys should be like Mr. Blonde. I liked every part of this movie. (Not when innocent people were killed. I thought those scenes were strong, but that's what happened in the story.) This is one of my personal favorites. I think everybody who can take swearing and violence, and doesn't critisize movies for being "All talk" should go see this movie. All the people who say this is all talk, SHUT UP!!!

Sorry about that.

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What else can I say other than how excellent this movie was?
10 March 1999
I really, really, really, thought this was a great movie. Other people do too, but I don't think the ones I know like this movie the right way. My psychiatrist didn't think it held up too well, and my sick friends thought the gut-wretching violence was funny. I am very offended by their views and anybody else's views if they disagree with me. I want to see this movie in theater before I miss my chance. I will never watch this on video. You couldn't pay me. Back to the movie, Steven Spielberg is one of the world's greatest directors. Tom Hanks is also one of the best actors. All the actors were excellent in their roles. I also liked Jeremy Davies. He was a really good character. I think he should have gotten nominated for an Acadamy Award. The direction, every conceivable detail, the wonderful cinematography, the editing, the fact that humor could be fit in to a movie like this, the battle sequences from Omaha Beach to the final one in the destroyed German town, this is just some of the things I can mention. I don't have anything bad to say about this movie. I only have good things to say.
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Knock Off (1998)
Seriously. This was a great movie.
10 March 1999
I don't mean to offend the few people out there who enjoyed this movie, but when I first saw this film, I didn't like it. But I was at my video store, and I was still attracted by the cover of the movie so I decided to rent it again. And this is after I read the positive comments. I felt so different from the last time I watched this movie. I was enjoying it. I thought "Man! I was stupid!" This movie was funny. I didn't like Rob Shnieder at the beginning, but I liked him this time. He was playing his role as the comic relief guy right this time. I like Jean-Claude Van-Damme. I think he's a cool actor. The only reason why the movie haters don't like him is because of his accent. I think his accent's cool, After this, I'm gonna start sending my comments to Van Damme movies. The action sequences were awesome. The chases, fight scenes, gun battles, all great. I loved the direction by Tsui Hark. His camera angles, the zoom-ins, the stobes, tracers, slow-motion, it was so cool. I was like: "Woa! That was cool that zoom in on the inside of electronics and stuff!" This movie was so much fun. This is the kind of action movie I wanted to see. I loved it. I've totally forgotten how I didn't like this movie in the past. I like a good movie. I like movies such as "Titanic," Schindler's List," L.A. Confidential," "Citizen Kane," and "The Godfather."
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Hugo Pool (1997)
This was a nice movie.
10 March 1999
I rented this movie because I saw everything else at the movie store 30 times each. This was a special treat for me. Alyssa Milano is a wonderful young actress. She's so sweet and she's tough at the same time. I really loved her character. I also liked the love story with her and Partick Dempsey. Malcolm MacDowel was hilarious. I like his relationship with Sean Penn. They were funny together. I loved that thing with the shoes. Cathy Moriarty was great as the gambling mother of Alyssa Milano. I enjoyed this movie a lot. I think very highly of it.
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Great Kung-Fu movie
10 March 1999
I bought this movie because I realized that renting movies is a waste of money when you watch something more than once. I thought this was very interesting. The fight scenes were great. They did a great job on the choreography. Wilson Tong is a great director. I also liked the jokes. There's a scene where this guy is trying to trick these two guys. That scene was very funny. Make sure you see the Cantonese version. Never get a dubbed movie.
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Broken Arrow (1996)
This is an action classic
9 March 1999
I love John Woo. I know this movie looks different from his other films, but my story is this is the first John Woo movie I saw. Anyway, I had no idea what kind of director John Woo was, so that's why I didn't complain like every other movie hater here. But after I got to know John Woo, I noticed the action in "The Killer" and "Face/Off" was different. I don't care though. I thought "Broken Arrow" was an action packed, thrilling, fun filled movie. John Travolta was a great bad guy. Cristian Slater was cool as Riely Hale. I liked the kind of character he was. This movie was fast paced, so it never held up. It only stopped to give us a rest from every amazing action sequence. The whole train scene was the best part of the whole movie. This movie was one of the best action films ever made which means it ranks up with "Die Hard," "Speed," and "The Last Boy Scout." Watch this as a fast action movie and don't go crazy over your expectations or sophisticated brain. I have a sophisticated brain, but I know how to watch a movie.
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Heat (1995)
This was a great movie.
9 March 1999
I saw this movie with my uncle and his friend. Three hours means nothing to me. What did mean a lot to me was the fact that this movie had a great cast of actors and actresses, the writing, directing, and cinematography was great, and… well, yeah. Al Pacino and Robert DiNiro are obviously great actors. I knew this before I saw this movie, and I wanted to see these two guys pair up against each other. I loved the diologue. The way every character talks to each other is so great to hear. Diologue is one of my favorite things in movies. I thought that whole bank heist scene that lead to one of the best gun battles in movie history… I just said it. I gave this movie a ten in the voting booth. Don't be surprised to see it changed.
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29 October 1998
I thought the "Batman and Robin" was great! I think George

Clooney was great as the new Batman. He naturally played the

part. Chris O'Donnel was also great as his partner. There were

great performances throughout the whole cast. This movie also

had more action than the last 3 movies too. I remember a lot of

fight scenes that take place. My only problem was that the

Batman story was changed. But that didn't get to me. I had a lot

of fun watching this. I thought this movie was great, and I

don't care what anyone else thinks.
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Deep Impact (1998)
Armageddon and Deep Impact are equally great movies.
28 October 1998
I'm one of the few people out in the world who thinks Deep

Impact and Armageddon are equally good. Everyone only likes one

and hates the other. Or they hate both. Deep Impact was a great

movie. I loved it. I loved it because it was very dramatic. The

acting was great from everyone. This can't be classified as the

same as Armageddon because the two movies have different themes.

This movie showed that even if the comet hits, life will go on.

I liked that. I wish everyone would like this movie as much as I

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One of Bruce Willis's best performances.
20 October 1998
I thought that this was a very meaningful movie. I loved it.

Seeing Bruce Willis perform his role made me believe that this

is a real person and not an action hero. What made me care about

this movie is how Bruce cared so much about the boy he was

protecting, that he would do anything to save him. He had the

same carisma as in his "Die Hard" movies. ("I don't like to

lose.") Except it wasn't about winning or losing. Just doing a

good thing. Bruce Willis is a great actor because he takes

roles, and makes them into real people instead of regular action

heroes. Alec Baldwin also gave a great performance as a bad

person willing to kill a kid. Even though he wasn't a huge

character in the movie, he was still great. Miko Hughs was

excellent. His role as Simon was very difficult. It was a great

accomplishment to pull it off. The movie was also very intense.

Bruce helped with that in his acting. His relationship with

Simon was very touching too. All in all, this was a great movie.
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