
18 Reviews
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Gladiator (2000)
The digital special effects were a disappointment.
5 June 2000
I went to this movie to see Russell Crowe and the digital special effects. The digital special effects were a disappointment. The biggest being when Russell Crowe went into the Coliseum in Rome for the first time. I was not impressed by the panning around the Coliseum. A good deal of it looked artificial to me. I could plainly pick out the digital stuff. When they were building the Coliseum and there was a shot going over the under construction building it was obviously digitized. In the movie there was a shot from high up towards the ground of the Coliseum and you saw all these small people and they seemed Sim City like. Any scene that had a flock of birds was disturbingly not realistic and poorly digitally created. I am sure that they could have done a much better job. I liked Russell Crowe in this film and just mused to myself what it would have been like if Dr. Wigand could have gone into a telephone booth and come out Gladiatorman and slaughtered all the CEO's of the tobacco companies at the senate hearings. It would have been neat to see right arms flying and heads rolling. The fight scene at the beginning of the film was truncated and did not seem to be as effective as it could have been. Check out Braveheart. The fight scenes in this film are excellent but Russell Crowe does not look like what I envision a Roman to look like. I think of Kirk Douglas. Russell Crowe has the looks of a bloke in an Aussie pub. One of the best performances in the film was given by Oliver Reed. I really feel this is one of his very best. Richard Harris also does fine work as Marcus Aurelius. I did not even recognize David Hemmings of Blow-Up fame. He obviously doesn't have the Dorian Gray portrait thing going on. The Emperor is a puff and I could not help thinking of the Monty Python film The Life of Brian where the Emperor says "What do they find so amooosing?" I recommend seeing this film for the performances of Russell Crowe, Oliver Reed and Richard Harris but do not expect to be bowled over by the digital special effects.
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The Abyss (1989)
Nuclear sucks!
5 April 2000
I bought the new special edition DVD of "The Abyss". I liked the DVD that showed how this film was made. I particularly liked finding out that it was filmed in an abandoned nuclear power building. The main theme of the movie is the madness surrounding nuclear weapons. All I could think about when I found out about where the film was made was "Wouldn't it have been nice if they had abandoned the quest for the nuclear bomb and all things nuclear?" Nuclear sucks! Even though there have been societies that have lasted 2500 years without a single weapon being unearthed, it most certainly is not us. As much as I like the idea of other worldly life forms being highly actualized as the very benevolent creatures in "The Abyss", I am sure that the odds are they will be just as destructive as us. I found the special effects in this movie to be ground breaking and I appreciated them even more knowing how hard it was to do them. I liked the Director's special edition version the best. I think "The Abyss" is a seminal film and if you are a James Cameron fan then "Under Pressure: Making The Abyss" will show you a very interesting profile.
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Pitch Black (2000)
A very unsatisfactory film
23 February 2000
I have always been afraid of the dark and have always been fascinated by monsters. That is why I went to see this film. I just found the film poorly executed. The washed out colors was particularly annoying to me. The absolute stupidity of some of the characters was beyond belief.The alien like monsters that could fly were acceptably competent as sinister adversaries but the story was extremely plodding and there were not enough scary scenes. The cinematography was not very well done. There was grade B movie dialogue executed poorly and with an accent of some sort. The special effect that you saw when the creatures were viewing the victims was tiresome and cheesy. Before people knew what an eclipse was here on earth they thought the end of the world as they knew it had happened. In this film even though most of the characters died at the hands of the malevolent creatures I still felt it was boring in comparison with other films of this genre. I can say that I found this a very unsatisfactory film on many levels but most of all was that it was not that scary. The only really powerful force in the movie was the character played by Vin Diesel. I believe he will be a force in future movies.
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Kevin Spacey gives an Oscar worthy performance.
20 January 2000
I think anyone who enjoys an Oscar winning performance should see "American Beauty" because Kevin Spacey gives an Oscar worthy performance. His enigmatic smile and the twinkle in his eyes adds to the impact of the zingers he delivers with such adept verve that you can not help bursting out laughing. There have been many movies made concerning the male mid-life crisis but this movie does it more creatively. If you hate personnel management people (particularly the hired gun short term types) and would love to tell your employer where to shove your job then behold how Spacey's character does it. Who says that blackmail does not pay. It is even more hilarious when he applies for a job flipping burgers. The dinner scene when he explains how his day went to his wife and daughter is a classic. In so many of the films lately (Insider and Any Given Sunday) all the wife is concerned about is their upper middle class status and what the loss of income will do. As part of his mid-life crisis Spacey's character lusts after his daughter's friend. It is really touching how the climax of this relationship is handled. I was confused and disturbed by the ending of this film but there is no doubt in my mind that Kevin Spacey is solidifying his place as one of America's most talented actors.
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Reality is an illusion. Mess with it!
7 January 2000
I loved Andy Kaufmann on taxi. Apparently he was not thrilled doing it. "Man On The Moon" is a must see for anyone serious about comedy. I know something is good when the hair on the back of my neck stands up. It happened while watching this movie. Jim Carrey plays Andy Kaufmann so seamlessly that the character you see is Andy not Jim Carrey playing Andy. A similar experience for me was when Anthony Hopkins played Nixon in "Nixon". Because Andy believes that reality is an illusion he feels compelled to mess with it. Damn the torpedos! Straight ahead. Screw them if they can't take a joke. Silence is humorous. Excruciating dead air silence is even funnier. If you have never seen a lounge lizard then you have to see this movie for more reasons than I am able to mention. I loved how Andy was always bucking the establishment. He was not only marching to a different drummer he was in a totally different band. If rules are made then more often than not they should be broken. Amazingly humor and chaos are often the by-products. If he stirs up extreme antipathy, all the better. I will not spoil the extravaganza part of the movie but it is amazing. Andy has the sensibility of a child at Christmas who leaves Santa milk and cookies. Andy is in bad shape with a rare form of cancer and decides to go to the Philippines for a miracle "cure". After waiting in line for a very long time, it is his turn to be "operated" on. When he is on the table he notices "his tumor" being palmed by the "surgeon". I am sure that the macabre humor of just another reality illusion is not lost on him. It is very sad that Andy dies so young but his funeral is a blast. Andy could honestly say that he did it his way.
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The Insider (1999)
Al Pacino gave a commanding performance
21 December 1999
I remember barking at the tv when all those CEO's of the tobacco companies lied. I remember watching tv and seeing Dr. Wigand on Sixty Minutes and I thought to myself "What a courageous man!". When I heard about"The Insider" I said to myself you have got to see that film. I did just that today. This is not your typical movie showing the latest in computer graphics so it will not appeal to everyone. For those who enjoy a behind the scenes look at events that have occurred in real life then check it out.I really feel that things are far more evil than even this film intimates. I do hope that lawyers can be tried for war crimes against humanity. Gina Gershon played one superbly and she was supposed to be one of the good guys. Dr. Wigand put everything on the line to do the right thing. What gets me in this insane world is that the whistle blowers are given no protection at all. They are expected to do the right thing and then take it in the ear. And guys like Sammy "The Bull" Gravano who has admitted to killing 30 plus people in cold blood gets witness protection, plastic surgery and the right to keep his ill gotten gains. Where the hell is protection for the whistle blowers that are trying to protect us from greedy, amoral and thorughly ruthless b****rds that run corporate America and multi-national corporations. Logic would dictate that we help out the whistle blowers. Luckily for Dr. Wigand things worked out sort of. Unhappily for us the tobacco industry seems to be stronger than ever. This film is really important for the outstanding commanding powerful performance of Al Pacino. If for no other reason Al Pacino's character in this movie stands for a person who is as good as his word. He in short has integrity in a world that has lost even the knowledge of what that word ever meant. If you are discouraged by the state of things then go see this movie because there are still a few good people out there.
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Fight Club (1999)
Schizophrenia rules.
22 October 1999
This is a comedy. Although the audience did not share my sense of humor, I laughed throughout the movie. The opening visuals set the stage for a surrealistic journey. If you were not a schizophrenic when the movie began then you should be a bit schizophrenic when the movie ends. Do the terms withdrawal, hallucinations, delusions of persecution and omnipotence ring a bell? Brad Pitt gives an amazing performance. I particularly like when his face is covered in a cold sweat and he gives the speech "You should not be judged...." with steely conviction. Edward Norton is superb as the main character. He is so convincing that you find the ending mind blowing. In a lot of movies the hero and heroine walk into the sunset. I really liked the ending of this movie because they simply held hands and looked out the window of an office tower. It was one of the most romantic moments in the movies for an anarchist. I think it is about time that we see more movies that attack the establishment. This movie does that just fine thank you. Schizophrenia rules.
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Showgirls (1995)
Elizabeth Berkley is great
27 September 1999
I waited a long, long time before I watched this film. I was a fan of Saved By The Bell and could not imagine the actress who played Jesse Spano doing a role like the one in Showgirls. It seemed unseemly to say the least. I found that I could not take my eyes off the screen. I am not a fan of porno but I did not find the scenes that are close to being porno disturbing. I found the fat emcee at the Cheetah club funny and it was clear she had a good heart. I found myself engrossed in following the story of Elizabeth Berkeley's character. Nomi Malone is a strong willed person. Elizabeth Berkley has ratcheted up the strong willed nature several levels from the very strong willed Jesse Spano in Saved By The Bell. They are in two different worlds. One is comfortable middle class America and the other is the predatory sex trade. She shows that only the tough survive and she is more than up to the task. Amazingly she shows extreme vulnerability at times and at those times she needs support from a good friend. When her friend is brutally raped, Nomi takes matters into her own hands and kicks the crap out of the rapist. If only justice could be dispensed so quickly and correctly.

I liked the full circle that ended the movie. I think this movie will stand up to all the criticism it has received and that Elizabeth Berkley is great in more ways than two.
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Meryl Streep is exceptional
23 September 1999
I saw this film at the Toronto Film Festival. I did not choose to see it but it was chosen by someone else for me to see. I am an ambivalent fan of Meryl Streep. In this film she is absolutely exceptional. It chronicles the trials and tribulations of an individual who is faced with an unhappy marriage break-up, the task of raising two boys and trying to survive financially. She is a violin teacher and a male friend suggests she try for a job in a Harlem school. She cleverly auditions her two boys playing violin to show her teaching expertise just to land a substitute teacher position. Anyone who knows anything about education knows that teaching of the arts is extremely important to building up an individual's self-esteem. It has also been proven scientifically to improve and expand one's mind. In short a person's capacity to think is greatly increased over those not exposed to the arts. The kids in the film are delightful and amazing. These kids intuitively know certain truths. This is a 7 hankie movie. It really tugs at the emotions. I love the climax of the movie and it reminds me of the joke about a chap in New York who asks someone for directions: "How do you get to Carnegie Hall?" His answer is "Practise, practise, practise." Not what the person expected but exactly what the teaching ethos of Meryl Streep's character emphasizes. The glowing look of pride on Meryl Streep's face indicates how proud she is of her pupils and herself. They have climbed the mountain together and arrived at the top safe and sound and proud as you can possibly be.
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Patch Adams (1998)
Required viewing for all medical professionals
8 July 1999
Patch Adams is a superb film. Robin Williams is excellent in the role of Patch Adams. The reason that I enjoyed the movie so much is that Patch challenges the entire medical system from education to delivery of services. He wants to revolutionize a profession gone woefully wrong. At the beginning of the movie he told the doctor that he sucked as a doctor. He was right and was really understating the situation. I hope that the Geshundheit hospital that the real Patch Adams dreamed of will be realized and that it will spread like wildfire. Did Patch ever talk about unions for doctors? Could he ever conceive of the insanity of HMO's? Would he ever consider being a pusher for the drug companies? Did he consider himself a god? Can you imagine him abusing his position of trust and power? Can you imagine Patch believing that he deserved to be paid whether or not he did a good job? The answers to these questions and many more are plainly obvious in this wonderful movie. Patch is about love. Patch is about caring. A kind of caring that is not money driven but humanity driven. Patch's explanation to the anal retentive warden of the medical school about the positive biological benefits of laughter was delivered with such skill by Williams that it should be patently obvious to the humorless medical profession that laughter is indeed the best medicine. Patch cared enough about people to find out about them. He knew their likes and their dislikes. He understood their fears. He revelled in their joys. He was not a diletante. He was a clown complete with the red nose but with an absolutely amazing intellect. He never hammered people over the head with his superior intellect but chose to gently show them certain basic truths. I hope that the real Patch Adams moons the entire medical profession into behaving more humanely and I believe that this movie should be required viewing by everyone in the medical profession.
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eXistenZ (1999)
Lots of questions
27 May 1999
Do you believe that games are the dynamic force behind everything? Do you want to learn how to kill? Do you want to play the money game? Have you ever felt like biting a skyscraper to see if it is real? Do you know the difference between looping and looped? Do you really dig weapons? Do you like icky creations? Do you like scientists? Do you trust anybody? Would you like to plug into Jennifer? Do you love your gristle gun? Can you comprehend teeth as lethal projectiles? Do you like Chinese food? Would you like to be a Luddite? Is Cronenberg a genius or a weirdo? Do you like sex, drugs and violence? Do you think bio-electro-mechanical is the way to go? Do you like to plug things into sockets? Would you like to share a reality with someone? Can you keep your paranoia in check? Can you control a paranoid? Do you believe in cloning? Do you like assembly lines? How far can they go? Is the real battle ground of commerce between game manufacturers and game players? How do you regulate? Do you know how to spot a programed creation? Do you know how to spot a bad actor? Can you tell the difference? Is it real or is it memorex? Do you get an erection in virtual reality? Are there any guides? How do you know if you are dead? Do you get a headache when you think too much? Are we supposed to do spinal taps? When you wake up are you sure? For the answers to these questions and the generation of a hell of a lot more questions I highly recommend that you see this movie.
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eXistenZ (1999)
Everything is a game.
22 May 1999
Everything is a game. A watershed in human history was when Big Blue 2 beat Kasparov at chess. Machines and software now rule. The worlds that Jaron Lanier (Father of Virtual Reality) have not even been remotely explored to their potential but I am sure they will be. The worlds of wandering amongst holographic realities is getting closer. Digital creations at the movies are improving as fast as the hardware and software and ingenuity of the people who have mastered them. Vicariously watching actual events from the firsthand viewpoint of the person doing it is very popular. 3D IMAX astounds. People have lost their lives playing Dungeons and Dragons. The military is constantly playing war games. It is very hard to fathom the construct called `reality'. Nothing is as it seems. Cronenberg realizes that people love games, sex and violence. He has no doubt that the people who already abuse their bodies and minds will not hesitate to add a game port to their bodies so that they may explore other realities. They haven't got a clue about the reality they are in but want to be immersed in another reality created by someone else's vision. I always find the creatures in Cronenberg's movies extremely interesting and creative. I believe David Cronenberg has seen the very near future and has displayed it with uncommon acuity. It is a mind altering film. David Cronenberg has created a cult classic.
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We will never understand serial killers.
8 May 1999
Watching this movie gives you the feeling that a documentary crew is following Henry around and we are the voyeurs. The gritty quality adds to the impact of the film. We see Henry kill to obtain material possessions, for fun, for the purpose of having a video to view and enjoy afterwards, to tie up loose ends, for the sport of killing prostitutes and self preservation. He is an omnivorous killer and follows the cardinal rule of not having the same modus operandi. For a person with a relatively low I.Q. this is a chilling fact that makes Henry so very dangerous. He is not focused on killing a certain type of girl like Ted Bundy. He does not focus on young men like John Wayne Gacy. Both of these men were executed. I believe that we will never understand serial killers unless we study them seriously. If certain frustrations trigger these people then I believe it would be prudent to know the warning signs and head them off at the pass before they start their rampages. This obviously is not happening. The people they kill may have someone who loves them. When Ted Bundy was executed a lot of the victims families received no closure because Bundy did not tell where they were buried. The real threat is that I believe that Henry represents the fact that there are a lot of men like him wandering around killing with impunity.
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Roberto Benigni is magnificent
24 April 1999
The reason I went to see Life Is Beautiful was to see the performance of Roberto Benigni and also to see if humour and the holocaust could be blended in a movie. I also wanted to see if the happy manic energy that Roberto displayed at the Oscars was apparent in his work. I feel that Roberto Benigni was absolutely charming, disarming, beguiling, supremely inventive and hugely compassionate in his desire to win the heart of his loved one and then to shield his child from the horrors of the holocaust by game playing. I believe that the use of humour in the holocaust setting was extremely well done. Everyone should have some one like Roberto Benigni to shield them by caring enough to divert their attention through humour and unconditional love from the never ending harsh realities that beset the world.
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Juliette Lewis is an amazing actress
25 March 1999
I saw the trailers for this movie on TV. I decided to go and see it because I wanted to see the performance of Juliette Lewis. I have seen a number of the films that she has been in and would say that her role as Mallory in Natural Born Killers was mind searing. I have worked around retarded adults and I know how the experience affected me. Juliette Lewis did an amazing job of capturing the feeling of a vibrant human being trying to assert herself and claim her rightful place in society.Not one of us enjoys being laughed at in a mean spirited way and her anger was justified.I watched this movie in a huge theatre and I was the only one in the theatre. There was no one to see the genuine tears of joy and sadness that this movie evoked from me. Their definition of love was a delight as they expressed their wedding vows. We can only hope that they live happily ever after. It is a hope we all strive for but not too many achieve.
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Brando ruins a superb movie
12 March 1999
This film could have been one of the best films ever made but Brando ruins it and is largely responsible for the weak ending. The film is a superbly photographed, surrealistic and dream-like odyssey of Captain Willard. Martin Sheen is outstanding. The bizarre, weird, horrible and morbidly funny intertwine themselves so skillfully that you almost feel like you are there. One of the quotes always remembered about this movie is "I love the smell of napalm in the morning". But when Duval says "Charlie can't surf!" That does it for me. When Willard gets to where Kurtz is it feels like one of those extremely bad dreams where you have been on a long search and you are dog tired and scared to death.But when we get to Kurtz he seems inadequate and not even close to what you are led to expect. The last words he utters are "The horror....The horror". The horror is Brando's weak personna and lacklustre performance. The ending is less than satisfactory even with Kurtz "terminated with extreme prejudice."
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I believe the film deserves a better rating than 5.2.
3 February 1999
I would give this film a 7.0.

This is the kind of film you watch with a big bowl of popcorn.

Stockard Channing is always great and the role of Sally Applegate is played extremely well.

This film should be required viewing for Ed Bundy.

I love the surreal and outrageous humour.

We all seem to be afraid of being invaded by aliens but I do believe that not many of us considered cockroaches even though they may among the few species that survive.
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Citizen Kane (1941)
The simplest things in life are the best.
17 December 1998
It is one of the best films that I have ever seen. I have viewed it about 10 times and always get something from each viewing. The overwhelming feeling I have is why do people who become so powerful collect so many things. Things do not make a person happy and in the end they just get crated up and carted off. It can be the simplest things in life that give you the most pleasure. When the words "Rosebud" are uttered at the end I always feel a profound sense of regret that we can not seem to hold on to the items that gave us great joy in our lives.
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