
45 Reviews
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Urban Legend (1998)
A '90s B-Movie, not one to watch.
14 March 1999
This movie spoofs just about every other horror film you have seen, unfortunately, it tries to take itself seriously in the process. What transpires is really a classic example of a 90s B-Movie. I shouldn't bother watching this one, you've seen it all before.
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Ronin (1998)
Nominated for best Action Movie - Ronin
14 March 1999
Action from start to finish. DeNiro steals the show, in this movie that could have been written for him. His co-stars support him beautifully though, with Reno at his wonderfully impassive best, and McElhone as the sulky Deirdre. I believe that this movie has one of the longest car chases in movie history (Blues Brothers excepted), although I couldn't help thinking I'd seen a similar backdrop to a car chase in one of the pink panther movies. If you like action, you'll love Ronin, in fact if you like a good movie, then watch Ronin anyway as it is creditable in all areas.
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Lacking a beginning, a middle and an end, but still an entertaining film.
14 March 1999
I don't know where this film was going, and I don't know if it got there, this was a bizarre plot. Despite all that, I quite enjoyed the entertainment, there were some very funny moments that raised this above the average film. So long as you don't expect a beginning, a middle and an end, then you should enjoy this film. If you must have those three components in their logical order, look elsewhere.
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Neither fully a horror, a comedy nor a romance, this film lacks direction
14 March 1999
As a comedy, this film is too serious, as a horror, it's too cheesy, and as a romance, Murphy is too busy being in love with himself. Despite all that, the film is quite enjoyable so long as you have no preconceptions. I'm glad I saw it, but I won't be watching this one again.
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A dark, well directed film, with little compassion.
14 March 1999
A real art-house film. Don't watch this if you're looking for simple entertainment, it isn't here. On the other hand, if you're looking for a film that draws you in and makes you think, then this is a film for you. Cage plays the pathetic drunk extremely well, demanding and receiving no compassion. Shue on the other hand is the prostitute that's trying to improve her lot in life. Why they get together, I still don't understand, but they play nicely off each other. The film is full of despair, and offers very little in the way of hope. A cautious recommendation
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Scorn of the corn, exploitative trash.
14 March 1999
This is a terrible attempt at following on from Children of the corn II, it is so slow for the first 75 minutes, cramming everything into the final 15 minutes. The concept was believable in backwater USA, but to believe that a whole school of urban kids will dress in Amish-like clothing and follow a kid half their age is too far out there to be taken seriously. Not a good film, I won't be watching this one again.
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A sequel that outshines its predecessor.
14 March 1999
This is one of the few sequels that is better than the original. The pace seems faster, and the budget seems to have been higher. If you liked the first Children of the Corn, then this is also recommended.
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A great action film, a must-see in its genre.
14 March 1999
Action all the way, this is Hauer at his best. I first saw this movie about ten years ago, and remembered it only for its final scene; I still remembered the line "**** the bonus!". When watching the film again all these years later, unlike most movies, I actually got more from it than the first time I saw it. For action fans everywhere, put this on your must-see list.
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The Entity (1982)
A good movie adaptation of a true story?
14 March 1999
This is a good horror movie, you begin to really feel for Barbara Hershey, as all around her are either running for the hills, or trying to use her for their own gain. The film is full of tension, and you really dislike some of the characters, which I guess means that the acting is good. If this is truly based on a true story, then you have to feel really sory for the victim. Without knowing the history, I am guessing that this is a good adaptation. Certainly a good horror movie its own right anyway. Recommended
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An old plot with a new angle. Worth a viewing.
28 February 1999
This is a pretty good flick. A town full of brainwashed kids is not the most unique plot-concept in the world, but there are some novel twists in this version. The film has a largeish cast, so there will always be some good and some bad, but on the whole, the acting is above average and quite believable. The pace of the film is reasonable, so you never get bored, and most (but not all) of the plot twists are quite unanticipated. Worth a viewing.
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U.S. Marshals (1998)
Snipes makes a much more believable adversery than Ford did. Sit back and enjoy the film.
28 February 1999
Great film, Snipes makes a much more believable adversery than Ford did, and that helps carry the duration of the film. Fast paced and full of action, this is an entertaining film to watch. The dubious government observer adds quite nicely to the tension of the plot, although the personal relationships, that were hinted at, could have been exploited a little more. Suspend your disbelief of the unlikely escapes that seem to happen far too frequently, sit back and enjoy the film.
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Sleepers (1996)
Depressingly excellent - not for the faint hearted
28 February 1999
What a depressing film, even the ending fails to raise the spirits. This is a very good movie, the subject matter could have been treated very badly, however it wasn't, indeed it was portrayed in a chilling matter-of-fact way that supported the film its whole length. The characters were all played excellently, and the cinematography was first class. Highly recommended, but not for the faint hearted.
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Eraser (1996)
Arnie at his best
28 February 1999
This is the kind of film that Arnie should stick to. He plays the Eraser to perfection, having just the right amount of over the top macho humour to balance with the all action heroics. If you like Arnie and you like action films, then you'll love Eraser.
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Get out the box of kleenex and watch this movie.
28 February 1999
Touching and sad movie. Portrays the trials and tribulations of a writer trying to come to terms with paralysis caused by a cycling accident. The film centers on his relationship with his married lover, whom he is often very hostile towards, and his interactions with other accident victims, particularly a black down-and-out and a white-supremacist biker. The film is often humorous, often sad, and always believable. Get out the box of kleenex and watch this on a cosy Sunday afternoon with your partner.
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Don't expect a nice story, and you won't be disappointed.
28 February 1999
Nasty Film, shows the downward spiral of a dirty cop as his drug and gambling addictions take him deeper and deeper into despair. There is no compassion for this man, and indeed, he asks for none. The conclusion to the film is really the only ending that could have been believable, but still no compassion. While this film is not one to watch for entertainment value, it is a good one to watch for plot and character acting value. Don't expect a nice story, and you won't be disappointed.
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Eternal Evil (1985)
Good plot concept, terrible film.
28 February 1999
This is a good plot concept, so why-o-why is it such a poor film. The acting is terrible and every shock is signposted so far in advance that it is almost laughable by the time it reaches you. Spend your time and money elsewhere, this is not worth watching.
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Low budget entertaining tosh.
28 February 1999
Like most Stephen King novels, this has been translated very badly to the screen. It comes across as a low-budget B-movie. The plot is unlikely, the acting is poor and the special effects are questionable. Having said all that, I still found it entertaining, and I would watch it again.
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A moving tale of infatuated love, betrayal and jealousy.
28 February 1999
A moving tale of infatuated love, betrayal and jealousy. Sex is shown as an everyday fact of life in this often moving, often funny tale, of the relationship between a master and his servant. Their relationship grows at a startling pace. The climax is enough to stop any man straying from their jealous wives. Highly recommended, but not for the kids.
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Walkabout (1971)
The Australian outback comes alive.
28 February 1999
Superb cinematography, the Australian outback comes alive in this film of self discovery and regret. Agutter plays the English girl brilliantly, incapable of comprehending anybody or anything that doesn't conform to her middle-class values and upbringing. Roeg is also excellent as her brother, adapting to each and every change in circumstance as only children can. I have watched this movie many times, and always get something new from it. Highly recommended to anyone, although parents might want to watch it before letting their kids see it.
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Lord of the Dance (1997 Video)
Flatley at his best, showing the maturity gained since Riverdance
17 February 1999
This is Flatley at his best. I guess you either love this kind of thing or you hate it. Personally, I love it and have been lucky enough to have seen it live. The video isn't quite up to the live performance but it is the next best thing, particularly now that Flatley has retired. You can definitely see where Michael has matured since Riverdance, which was Raw Talent, this is controlled talent. Just to re-affirm, if you have been dithering about watching this video, then get off the fence and watch it tonight. Once again, Excellent.
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Boogie Nights (1997)
This life isn't all strawberries and champagne, in fact, at times it really sucks!
17 February 1999
Thought provoking docu-drama, this could have been a really cheap sexploitation movie, but it just manages to avoid falling into that trap; emerging instead as quite a good movie. The story claims to be based on true people, I can only assume this to be true, and as such, you have to feel sorry for them as the life portrayed here is far from glamorous. I began to feel real pity for Rollergirl and Horner during the stretch-limo 'live' sequence, and Diggler had it far from easy towards the end. Would I watch it again?...probably. The quality of actors and acting was superb, even Reynolds put in a very straigt part, without any tongue-in-cheek at all. Yes, definitely on the re-run list.
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Who do you turn to when everybody is out to get you?
15 February 1999
Generally a good film, with an interesting plot. Kevin Spacey is excellent as always; he has that rare ability to make you take him seriously while being very understated. Jackson on the other hand is a little over the top to make his character totally believable. This is one of the best "they're out to get me" type films I've seen, highly recommended.
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Light entertainment at its best...And where did Poison Ivy get that hairdo?
14 February 1999
Great, light entertainment. A fun film recommended to all. Batman and Robin is no better nor no worse than I would expect from this kind of film. The plot acts as a thin web to hold together all the special effects and action scenes. If you want a deep meaningful movie, this isn't in the same league as the original Batman movie, however if you want pure and simple entertainment, then this film is for you. Each of the over-costumed main characters is trying to out-star all of the others, and that is fun in itself. Ignore the critics of this film and watch it with an open mind; do so and you'll have a fun time.
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A movie that stands tall on its own merits, rent it today.
14 February 1999
Oops, I got this film by accident, I thought it was the 1998 version. After almost taking it back, I decided to watch it and was glad I did. This is really a very good film working on the characters and situations without having to rely on the star appeal or visual effects as modern films. Do yourselves a favour and repeat my mistake.
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Lost in Space (1998)
A Jolly Yarn of a screwed-up family is space
13 February 1999
This is a jolly yarn, John Hurt is initially wooden as John Robinson, but comes good later in the film; and Gary Oldman's Dr Smith comes across as a vile, horrible little man that you wouldn't trust under any circumstancess. The female leads are all great, particularly Lacey Chabert as Penny, who reminds me of Winona Ryder for some reason. Matt LeBlanc is perfect as the Gun-Ho Major Don West; West and Robinson seemed to have a great love-hate relationship going. Altogether a pretty Good film and the soundtrack is excellent. A little predictable at times, but then again, this is aimed at kids. All comments are based on the film alone, I have never seen the TV series.
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