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Carnivàle (2003–2005)
10 August 2004
I 'found' CARNIVALE on the on-demand (see-it-anytime)menu on my cable system. (I was delayed finding the show originally because the title implied to me something else...maybe that's the problem). When finally sampled, I was awed by everything about the show. It is one of the great, undiscovered-by-the-masses shows in the last several years. SLOW ? The lack is in you if you think that. 'Story' at many levels, questions but no answers... only more questions... Extremely well crafted and well written, I couldn't get enough of CARNIVALE. It's a thinking person's cornucopia. It was something to look forward to... When it appeared to be cancelled, I went online searching to see if the series was inspired by books... I HAD TO FIND OUT WHERE THE STORY WAS GOING !!! Everyone in my house, everyone I work with... we all were very, very disappointed to be left hanging... HOORAY FOR THE CONTINUE-ING STORY... AND MAY THE SHOW FIND AN AUDIENCE...
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They (2002)
26 July 2004
THEY wasn't the best movie I've ever seen. I read and can understand some of the 'creative' comments by some of the IMDB contributors, but...BUT... I was home alone, at night, looking for something to watch (on-demand on cable). I had nothing to lose by 'sampling' the movie (as a rule, wes craves doesn't thrill me). I thought THEY suspenseful, in the "6th SENSE" vein. I liked Laura Regan in the lead role (ALOT), the rest of the movie was cast reasonably well too (for a lower budget project). THEY is off to a slow start (purposely?), the suspense builds nicely, by the middle of the movie I was hearing sounds in my empty house. I turned my head more than a few times to make sure I was alone. I DID leave a light on for the remainder of the movie (and I slept with the hall light on that night).

Oscar calibre? NO... Nice spooky movie for a dark night? YES !!!

If your diet needs "over-the-top" gore to scare you, this isn't your movie. But if you can stick-with and appreciate a suspenseful horror film, this is a 'gem' you should not overlook...
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Mystery Woman: Mystery Woman (2003)
Season 1, Episode 1
8 September 2003
I was surprised and pleased to see the 'quality' look and feel of MYSTERY WOMAN. It was no low-budget cable experiment, it was polished. Kellie's a natural, and looked great. Robert Wagner's name in the tv listing and face on the TV screen was a BIG plus. (If it becomes a series, perhaps a celebrity 'victim' each week?) Mystery Woman was definitely left 'open' for further adventures.

To be honest, the story could have been a bit 'tighter'. The mysteries and their solutions should be able to be held up to scientifically accurate scrutiny. For the production monies spent, the 'little' discrepancies should not be there (and there were more than a few). STANDARD OPERATING PROCECDURES for cops, coroners, victims, and family members are not strictly enforced. But, the result is a 'not' overly-complicated story, perfect for an 8pm Sunday-night, network slot.

Now that the main character Samantha Kinsey is established, I would like to see storylines that stick more to 'mystery' and not dwell on her ex-husband, love life, or other personal aspects just to fill out the show to it's 'run time'.

One more thing... I'm sure Kellie is a wonderful photographer in real life and it was a great idea to make her character's profession something that she loves so much. It even gives her an 'excuse' to travel to the locales of 'other' mysteries, but... BUT... please stop mentioning 'PHOTOGRAPHER' (or variations) every 5 minutes !!! It's distracting.

As a fan, I'd be happy to watch Kellie Martin read the phone book. As a critic, I'd have to say (even after my criticisms) that MYSTERY WOMAN is a great 'vehicle' for Kellie, and that I was very entertained and would love to see more installments. GOOD JOB !!!
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Northern Exposure (1990–1995)
2 August 2001
This may be an inappropriate place for a link, but as a loving fan and student of Northern Exposure, I'd like to share a fan's idea of closure. The final show provided by the 'powers' was very unsatisfying.

I've received alot of very nice emails concerning my story. I tried to make it a 'fun' read, something lacking in some of the others I've read. There is NO financial gain for me, it's a labor of love... Check it out... I call it....THE EAGLE HAS LANDED... and it should give you an unexpected original dose of Cicely .....

RetroWeb Classic Television: Northern Exposure

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Merry Andrew (1958)
9 April 2000
This is definitely my favorite Danny Kaye film. When I was a child, I was always amused by his antics. When I got older, his silly-ness was 'over-the-top' and completely lost on me. Except, of course, for MERRY ANDREW. It still shines.

The circus provides ample fodder for his comedy. He is a fish out of water, completely lost in this simple world. The story is a down-to-earth, believe-able comedy of errors. A nice love story, an escape from his family's stodgy academic life, lots of music, and a happy ending. To me, less is more. KAYE didn't seem to try as hard for laughs in MERRY ANDREW and the relaxed performance was one of his best.....
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TOM EWELL...not forgotten
9 April 2000
One thing that always surprises, and saddens, me, is how a 'huge' star can lose his place in the all-time hierarchy of Hollywood Stars and our memories. Tom Ewell is such a one. A giant in his day, I don't think he is given his due for great performances in the past. "7 YEAR ITCH" is basically a monologue; are there any scenes without him??? (NOT MANY!)

How can you help someone overcome that 'itch'? Well, throwing a nubile, naive Marilyn Monroe into a married man's (single for the summer) duplex apartment is more torture than help. Ewell fights his demons, nearly surrenders to them (in a Walter Mitty kind of way), and fights some more. All in all, very entertaining and very sexy (for it's day). It's most note-able for the Marilyn Monroe over the subway grate scene, but Tom Ewell is the star of the movie and won't be forgotten for an excellent performance...
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Tony Curtis as a Knight!!! REALLY?????
9 April 2000
Looking back, it seems like they showed this movie every other Sunday afternoon (and I watched it everytime). It's of a time when knights were bold and their women were beautiful. And, a time when you settled your disputes on the 'field of honor'. Tony Curtis looks a bit awkward in the role of 'knight wannabe', but you soon suspend belief and accept him in the part.

The story unfolds in nicely presented vignettes (over the course of years), that are assembled effortlessly and almost seamlessly. Battles and glory await our hero (the girl awaits too). It's an entertaining journey to the climatic finish. Enjoy....
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Fred MacMurray leading man, does it again...
9 April 2000
Looking back to favorite movies, I never realized what a fan I was of Fred MacMurray. This is another film of his I liked alot. Comedy, action, or drama, Fred gets the job done.

It gets 'laid on' pretty thick in this drama, schmaultzy comes to mind, but it's one to see. There were a string of 'miracle' movies made around this time, but 'Miracle of the Bells' lets you decide for yourself about this miracle, and there is more than just the obvious one.

You will get to see a movie in a movie, the reformation of MacMurray's publicist character, and even Frank Sinatra as a priest. I can think of worse ways to spend a lazy afternoon. See it if you can....
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"Another" final voyage.....
9 April 2000
I haven't seen this movie for decades, but I still remember it well. It has a haunting 'twilight zone' twist to it and is very entertaining. I'm surprised, in this in this 'post Titanic megahit' time, that an ocean liner backdrop to an eerie, romantic story has not been recycled as was 'Death Takes a Holiday'. It might even be re-incarnated as a 'Fantasy Island' type TV series with new passengers every week.

You expect justice and good to win out in movies of this era. It's nice they left enough 'wiggle' room to do the right thing. And I think people take a comfort from a good movie showing us going on after death. It's a trip we all hope to take one day....
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To the Manor Born (1979–2007)
One of the Really Great Series....
6 April 2000
I'm usually not a sucker for formula shows like this. They chase, they chase, but they never get together. The comedy and chemistry of Penelope Keith and Peter Bowles overcomes my initial reluctance to shows of this sort. In short, I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT, I LOVE IT... It's worth watching the series in its entirety just to have their history in your memory banks so you can enjoy the final episode of the show. It paints a lovely picture. The show ended complete. There was no more to be said. A truly classy ending to a truly classy show and cast....
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Hawaiian Eye (1959–1963)
a pleasant memory.....
21 March 2000
I was sad to see no one commented on this long ago staple of my television introduction. I saw this show mostly in re-runs, but was always a fan of the genre. This type of detective show was copied alot, only the location changed. There was SURFSIDE 6, 77 SUNSET STRIP, to name 2. The Hawaiian location made this one special. I remember fondly the sexy, young Connie Stevens playing the nightclub singer, Cricket. She was the one to see at the Boom Boom Room. The wise-cracking, local cab driver played by Poncie Ponce helped fill out the show. There was something for everyone. And I still remember the theme song clearly. It would be nice to see again....
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Son of the Beach (2000–2002)
15 March 2000
This show is a comedic 'Baywatch' that is a cross between the antics you would see on POLICE SQUAD and GET SMART. A show meant to be silly, it IS that. Time will only tell if the quality holds up, but, as for now, I can't wait for the next episode.
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BOYS WILL BE BOYS.... and so will grown-ups...
29 September 1999
The idea for this film was brilliant. How do you get a "too" macho, "too" rough and ready, "too" blustery, know-it-all combat Major to understand his men and be a leader they would follow anywhere???

You let children teach him, of course!

Take his troops away and assign him to be the commandant of a young boys military school. A rag-tag group, about to lose their ROTC rating (and the Major's way back to grown troops) because of their ineptness, and , well, lack of leadership. (Oh, by the way, the school is run by nuns!) The Major's career is riding on his success, and he hasn't a clue. Methods used on adult combat troops only produce tears and resentment in children, who are afraid enough just living away from home.

The children are delightful and involved in the sort of movie nonsense that is very endearing and entertaining. Major Benson is given a good lesson, by his "men". He eventually becomes their leader and more importantly earns their respect. In the end, Major Benson is doomed to become a human being. Have fun watching it.....
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Ball of Fire (1941)
29 September 1999
A silly farce of a story that works. The elderly academians are stereotypically perfect. Gary Cooper does his "aww, shucks", naive, signature performance in a worthy role. Barbara Stanwyck is (always) "one hot mama". Great chemistry between the street smart Stanwyck character and the shy, bashful Cooper.

A later version with Danny Kaye falls flat. Instead of slang, they are researching music. Great musical cameo's, but the four star (rated 10) version is the original. I always thought Kaye's brand of humor more suited to children.

The original is funny and cute, the re-make seems like leftover pieces squeezed together to fit a pre-established mold. It lacks charm, stick with the real thing...THIS ONE!!!
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Golden Boy (1939)
29 September 1999
A great film. A (very) young William Holden "hits" the bulls-eye on this one. And, I always love to see Barbara Stanwyck's hard, street smart "heart of stone" turn to mush. In a story that won't present you with many surprises as it unfolds, this film is held together by many fine performances. It's from that magical time, long ago, when New York City was inhabited by hustlers and gangsters and boxing was king. It was also inhabited by those of strong family values, the ones fighting that constant battle of the "easy" way or the right way. The mainstay, in that era (in film, anyway), was the ultimate triumph of good. Here, it is a joy to behold. The right choices, by both Stanwyck and Holden, seem very apparent to the viewer, but the right choices are rarely the first ones taken.

Eventually, they can be taken......
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28 September 1999
An enjoyable enough movie for it's particular genre. Teen-age themes were very rampant when "WONDERFUL" was made. In my (humble) opinion, the thing that makes this movie most memorable is, not just the last few minutes, but the closing song. After hearing it, I fell in love with the song and the scene. It gave those last few minutes the "oomph" to put "that smile on yer face and tear in yer eye". It is a very fast, very Irish version of "Can't Help Falling in Love With You" by (not Elvis) but and Irish folk group called "Lick the Tins"(with the singer sounding very much like Melanie). While in the UK, I picked up a copy of their CD and was disappointed that the rest of their didn't live up to my expectations. Some one, working on the movie, had a "good ear" for picking out this gem and it is used to perfection.

One odd note, mostly everyone I introduced to this song, loved it, especially kids. Most of my Irish friends didn't see it as "special", they said it sounded like every other Irish band. (That must make Irish bands a great resource.) Maybe I should get out more, but I consider it their loss.....

One point of view I hadn't seen represented in other comments were those a gay friend mentioned to me. It seems when he watches the movie, he assumes Watts' boyish character to be a male, not a female. He watches it as a "coming out" film and said it was a common interpretation, by gays he knew, in a world where pop films didn't represent them adequately....
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Rollerball (1975)
28 September 1999
A possible future. Corporate executives are the superstars. To them, fame, fortune, and their hearts desire. It is the ultimate achievement. Rollerball is the panacea of the masses. They are "cow-ed" by constant reminders of the futility of individual effort. The sporting arena is used to channel man's animalistic nature. The world is mesmerized by "ROLLERBALL". There are no heroes, ultimately. All that matters is the game (and the "tame" mobs of fans, after the games ("tame"), of course).

Jonathan E. changes all that. He is the best of the best. To put him in his place the game degenerates from ritual combat to gladitorial warfare (to the death). Jonathan E. has enemies in "high" places, but in the Rollerball arena, he rules.

An interesting tale of "A" man against "the machine". I very much enjoyed this on the big screen (small screen doesn't do it). It's a believe-able sport created for this movie. I never understood why it never caught on. Not only would I have attended games, I would have gladly played.

Even if the story doesn't "grab" you, the game scenes are "electric" and worth the cost of a rental.

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28 September 1999
I would NEVER consider myself to be a Woody Allen fan. I'm not sure why I got the urge to see this one again, but I always loved it. I hadn't seen it since it's cable debut all those years ago, but had great memories of it. So, off to the rental store. It's ripe to be re-discovered. It's wonderfully fresh and pithy (<--I've always wanted to use that word!) According to the dictionary definition, "pithy" is "having substance and point", "tersely cogent", and "concise". "Play it again, Sam" is all that and more. The "imagined" conversations with Woody Allen's mind's eye view of Humphrey Bogart (or Rick) and the weaving of references and movie clips of the original "Casablanca", take a story that could be flat and merely a run of the mill "Tale of 2 Cities", romantic triangle clone and elevate it to brilliance. (And God, everyone was so young!) On my copy, I taped the opening "Casablanca" sequence (Rick and Ilsa at the airport) and the later sequence of Allen and Keaton (also at an airport) consecutively. I love to compare the two.

The movie "plays" as fresh as it did when released. I believe it was also a very long-running, successful play. One silly note, my memory had the Bogey part played by (a much younger) Jerry Ohrbach. My mistake. The expertly done impersonation was done by Jerry Lacy, who, I believe, was also the "Bogey" in the play version.....
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23 September 1999
I saw this movie for the first time on late nite TV when I couldn't sleep. It must have been the early 70's..... I was glad for the sleeplessness afterwards for introducing me to one of my favorite movies of all time. The New York Times reviewed this movie as "a harmless piece of fluff", looking back, I can't see why the reviewer wasn't as "charmed" as I was by this brilliant farce (that I never tire of). I have it on my short list and watch it several times a year. It offers a wonderful look at the "beautiful people", Donald and Ivana Trump type characters, with Jack Lemmon playing the (already married) henpecked (to the n-th degree), improbable love interest of Catherine Deneuve. She plays the lonely, trophy wife, of the tycoon. Peter Lawford skillfully plays the tycoon, Jack Lemmon's lofty, swinging boss.

Jack Lemmon, known throughout the movie mostly as just "Brubaker" has a mid-life crisis, the likes of which have never been seen before. The supporting cast really isn't big enough for the "big" screen, but offer major silliness and lots of laughs. It was great to see Charles Boyer and Myrna Loy playing fanciful characters, that could only exist for the sake of this film. You can guess that the film comes to its logical conclusion...You'll be cheering for them...

So for some good laughs, a touching love story, a well constructed cast, and a real retro look at the wild late 60's (the way the well-to-do beautiful people supposedly lived it), give the APRIL FOOLS a try....

and PS... I always get a kick out of the way Peter Lawford can wink with absolutely no movement from any other facial muscle but the eyelid...

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23 September 1999
The first time I saw this movie, I was floored by this funny, sexy romp. My God, Jack Lemmon even used the word "hell!". Oh, did I mention that I was 9 years old at the time! Upon seeing it again, many years later, I was glad to see it "held up" better than I thought it would. It's "plenty" dated (so what???). The silliness and familiar faces make it worthwhile.

The theme song is memorable (you'll know it when you hear it). Jack Lemmon's eccentricity at home, is in great contrast to his constant fight to appear normal in his advertising agency persona. The advertising "game" was used as the backdrop of many movies of the 1960's, whether comedy or drama. There is a running gag througout this movie, spoofing the filming of a popular Hertz Car Rental commercial. It's very funny. I was also pleased to see Edward G. Robinson make an appearance in a "light" role.

Not a GREAT movie, but if you enjoy Jack Lemmon versus the world type comedies, you'll enjoy this one too.....
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11 September 1999
I happened to tune into the Norm McDonald TV show for the first time last week (9-99). In it someone made a passing reference to Sgt. Preston. (It's how I ended up on the IMDb reading about it and writing this.) A comment I'm sure was not noticed by many. It hit home with me. I used to love catching the re-runs of Sgt. Preston and his dog, Yukon King. I couldn't have been more than 6 or 7 but I loved the show. My memories aren't as clear as BOOKWUS (another commenter), but I would like to compliment BOOKWUS on wonderful and complete comments that really bring the show back into view for us Sgt. Preston fans. Great job and I can't add anything else. I would love to see the show again to see what passed for entertainment to me as a child. The simplicity of old TV is lost now, but man, we were "living".
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2 September 1999
This series of vignettes contains too much gore for young children. This type of movie has been done much worse. However, these stories, sometimes slow, were very entertaining. By the way, the gore didn't bother me and I enjoyed this movie (on cable not paying at the theater).

I would recommend to parents who have younger children (or even some (supposedly) grown-ups, who are online (or soon to be) to get a taped copy of "Campfire Tales" and to play a portion of the second vignette for them. Pictures can be better than repeated parental warnings! The children will get a good lesson (and scare) about their anonymous "friends" online. Who are you really talking to? See how easy it is to say too much?

If possible, this one story, should be mandatory viewing in all junior high schools. It entertains and teaches pul-lenty....
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2 September 1999
This was a movie I first saw when too young to appreciate fully. I seem to remember it "not" being strong enough material for the Saturday Night Creature Feature, so it was relegated to the secondary, late Sunday morning Sci-Fi/Horror slot. I don't think this movie makes anyone's top 10 list, but it's a goodie, even with scenery that makes Dr.Who look state of the art. Money just wasn't as lavishly thrown around in those days.

It's not glitzy and special effects aren't necessary to the story. The concept,however, is solid. It presents a near future(?) scenario where radiation is up and births are down. Man's creation, the humanoids, get more human with each upgrade. This is more than some "flesh and blood-ers" can take. They see the humanoids taking over for the superior "living" men. Man is dying out (gradually) and some of those left focus their hate and anger at the "clickers" (a derogatory term for humanoids). Humanity is eventually doomed or is it?

I guess you'll have to watch the movie to know for sure.....
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2 September 1999
This low budget (and I do mean LOW budget) horror classic is worth a look. You should be able to rent it (I did). It's very stark, the sound and film quality aren't the best. Don't expect Lord Olivier acting or slow-motion spirits. If it wasn't made so long ago, I would have suspected it was made with a camcorder.

It's a very different kind of movie, eerie in different ways than most. It's really "out there". It's not a dialog driven movie, but it gets the message across loud and clear. I would recommend NOT watching it on a stormy night, alone in an empty house. You'll have the lights on the rest of the night.

It's very difficult to rate "Carnival of Souls". I gave it a 9 out of 10, but that's me. Don't expect alot and be entertained (and scared). Expect too much and you may be disappointed. I've often run into people who rate movies by appearance or in comparison to state of the art today, instead of a film's own worth in it's own day....
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2 September 1999
This is one of those movies they showed alot on local television in the 1960's. The Million Dollar Movie in NYC let you see favorites ALOT in those days before there was adequate, cheap programming. I never tired of this one. Why tire? It's the state of the are science-fiction movie, pre-2001 and Star Wars. This movie was elegant in a time when "Ed Norton" was parodying Captain Video. It's wonderfully done, terrific sets and in COLOR too. "Robby the Robot" in all his splendor cost the studio $1 million to create (unheard of in that day). Robbie was famous and went on to make numerous TV and movie appearances, but this was his most memorable role.

On a recent Monstervision on TNT (a late night saturday movie show), a still gorgeous Anne Francis (now 69 years old) was interviewed at length between movie segments and gave alot of insight into the movie. I recommend looking for the re-run.

The intereraction of the crew is a little too "South Pacific" but considering the film's age, it fits. I find any comments looking at something with today's eyes and no "feel" for the time of filming naive and unfair (you had to be there). The stars do a fine job in a genre usually done cheaply and regularly assigned "B" movie status.

For the fans.... I was recently, pleasantly surprised to see, on a "Star Trek:Deep Space 9" episode, a tribute to the movie "Forbidden Planet" (not the first one they've done). Dr. Bashir had to travel to a conference where he was giving a lecture (and spying), he was transported on a ship called "The Belerefon", the same as one of the ships in "Forbidden Planet". It was not wasted on me. Thanks guys....
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