
23 Reviews
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Space Amoeba (1970)
Actually, quite interesting...
5 February 2000
When I rented this movie I thought this would be a low budget, rubber monster type, bad acting movie you would see on a late late late show. All of that is true, but the movie plot and situation was kind of interesting.

Yog changes into three different giant size monsters, but Yog is more of a blue mist that takes control of the host. The side story with the space mission is very interesting as well and merges well with the rest of the story. This story also has the cutest oriental woman I have ever seen which kept my attention. But without her, I would still be watching the movie finding out how it turns out.

This movie was a surprise to see and I did enjoy the film very much.
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What's the death toll now?
23 September 1999
There's not much I can say about this film. If you have seen the first two Fridays, this one isn't any different. The same teenagers, the same deaths, the same scary music, but lo and behold IT'S IN 3-D!!! Boy that just changes everything. Let's add a few things coming at you and it adds a new twist to the old formula right? Well it may if there was some way this flick could be viewed by that. But the video version just has the regular stuff. Jason gets the hockey mask, and boom... 6 more sequels were born, with part 10 in the works. The only good thing in the movie is beautiful Dana Kimmell as the girl who loses her mind.
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Gee could we get in one more Ramones song?
23 September 1999
This movie is a 90 minute Ramones concert with brief periods of stupidity and absolute boredom. What kind of high school is this anyway?

Unless you are a major Ramones fan, DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT waste your time like I did. This is utterly unwatchable from start to finish. This movie should be called Ramone Fever. Everyone appears to like them in this movie. There is not a plot to be found in this flick. As far as teen comedies go, you are scraping the bottom of the barrel with this one.
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Citizen Kane (1941)
Did I miss something? Maybe I need to watch this again.
12 August 1999
There are those out there who do not like old movies period. I am not one of those people. Some of my favorite films are oldies; Gone With the Wind, Casablanca, etc. I try to give all movies a chance. I do not like to listen to reviews, I don't even read the back of the box because I think it gives too much away in the movie. I heard that AFI gave this the number one spot in the greatest films of all time. That is some title. I had to see this movie.

I rented this film and watched it closely. After the first 45 minutes my mind raced. What in the world made this movie so good? I couldn't put my finger on it. This film, to me, was mediocre at best. It seemed like they tried to bore and confuse you as much as possible, and then they threw in this whole ROSEBUD deal. I wanted to turn this off after an hour, but thought that the movie would take off and it would be well worth it to stick around. It wasn't. I felt dumb. I thought I was the problem. I thought that I had missed something entirely. But then I thought if over and replayed a lot that went on in my head, and I realized that I just didn't like all that much. I do not have the foggiest idea why this movie is so great. I wish someone would tell me.

I am planning on watching it again. There had to be something I missed. I really don't believe that all of these people can be wrong. All of these critics they praise this movie and say it's the best, they cannot all be wrong. I am a film buff and have been for many many years, and I have seen many many movies, but this one just doesn't live up to what everyone says.
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Not as funny as most
17 May 1999
I didn't think this short was as funny as the majority of their shorts. I just found this to be a little dull at points and not too funny overall. Then again, I just might not be an art kind of person. Woo Woo Woo!
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Woman Haters (1934)
One of the best from the Stooges
17 May 1999
This is one of the early ones from the boys and it is excellent. Along with the typical slapstick there is a little something else added, it's a musical. The Stooges join a club called Woman Haters, and all is well until Larry meets "a beautiful girl and fell head over heels in love." After that, it is total chaos in typical stooge fashion. The Stooges do a fine job in their parts as always. A true gem.
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Men in Black (1934)
Another good one from the Stooges
17 May 1999
This is an early one from the boys, but some people may not be satisfied with this one like all the others. I found it to be different somehow than the your average Stooge slapstick. It was more funny for it's jokes rather than the poke in the eye or slap. Watch for a hilarious part when Larry grabs the stethoscope from Moe and sings into it. Moe gives him a good smack. That part made me crack up for a good ten minutes. Another hit for the Stooges.
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What a piece of GARBAGE!
16 May 1999
If anyone can honestly tell me they liked this movie, they obviously have not seen the first three. In fact they probably haven't seen a good movie period. In fact they probably crawled out from underneath some rock. HELLO!!! This was horrible!!!

How can someone destroy the image of one of the greatest horror movies of all time, the original, and add a sequel that sucks so bad? I rented this picture because I wanted to see the last one, I am glad that it is over. The first was excellent, the second was good, the third didn't make any sense, (Who were those people and what did they have to do with Leatherface?), and this one just was a piece of trash.

At the beginning, it seemed like this was going to be an okay flick. It started out suspenseful, but 20 minutes into it, the movie turned into garbage. And since when did Leatherface turn into a cross-dresser? I am sure all involved were sorry they made this film.
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Stooges are just not cartoon material.
12 May 1999
I am the biggest Three Stooges fan as my friends know, and I have seen some of these cartoons and they just don't seem to match up to what we have seen before. I don't want to be bias by comparing these to the old shorts, but the shorts are far superior to these. Don't get me wrong, the cartoons are entertaining, but they seem to be a shadow of what the Stooges were. As I have said before in another comment, I don't think Curly Joe has much chemistry with Larry and Moe. By the time they did the little skits and voices for these cartoons, the boys were well into the late 60's, early 70's. But the Stooges will always be the kings of comedy in my opinion.
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"Hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my ragtime gal..."
12 May 1999
This, in my opinion, is the greatest cartoon ever put out by Warner Bros. There is just something about this cartoon that makes you want to get up and sing. M.J. Frog is the most entertaining character in the Looney Tunes bunch, which is a mystery to me why they didn't feature more cartoons with him. He seems to be shadowed by Bugs, Daffy, and the rest of the gang. You will want to watch this again and again.
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The Best 7th sequel ever made.
21 April 1999
This is one of those films where director Rob Hedden wanted to be different. In most of the killings scenes there is no possible way Jason could get to the victim unless he was a magician. Like the character J.J., she sees Jason on the top of the stairs, she drops her guitar, runs down a flight of stairs and there is Jason waiting for her, guitar in hand. If you look at it from that stand point then the movie is going to be dumb. But I believe that Hedden wanted this 7th sequel to not be a typical slasher film like the ones before it. This is why I think it is the best of the series and a decent horror movie. In my opinion this movie has tons of irony and symbolism. If you notice, each character Jason hacks off has something they want to become. This is more of a film about dreams, Jason seems to be everywhere in this movie and he, more or less, represents fate. It is there anytime any place, you can run from it and it will always find you. The dreams of these young people will not happen and that is what Hedden wants you to see. All of this could be coincidence, but let's look at the ending. Jason turns into a child again. That has to be some kind of symbolism otherwise it wouldn't make any sense. Just like all the rest of the people who parished on the Lazurus, this shows Jason as being young and the fate that led him up to that point. Where the other movies have a more serious tone, this movie doesn't really take itself seriously in that way.
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D.C. Cab (1983)
Don't take it seriously!
18 April 1999
This movie is okay if you do not take it seriously. This is one of those movies where you will smile with the occasional laugh and you might forget afterwards. A pretty good cast puts this movie over the mediocre hump. Some very hilarious parts through out, but the movie turns to a serious ending. Just have fun with it. Not for everyone.
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Bio-Dome (1996)
An absolute mess!
17 April 1999
Being a movie buff I have to honestly say that this is one of the WORST movies I have ever seen. I am sorry I sat through an hour and a half of this fest of stupidity. I'm glad I didn't pay to see it at the theater. I am not a big fan of Pauly Shore and this is the kind of movie I would expect from him, but Stephen Baldwin, c'mon man! This movie just put a permanent scar on your career. What a waste of money making this film. There is absolutely nothing good I can say about this. There are no laughs and I was annoyed after 10 minutes. I try to be fair and give all movies a chance, but oh the agony! Never again will I even think about watching this piece of junk. Anyone who actually enjoyed this movie needs to have their head examined for damage. Avoid at all costs.
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Cafe Americain (1993–1994)
Apparently France isn't funny to most
17 April 1999
I don't know why this show did not last long. It was my favorite show when it was on TV. I watched it every week and still have some episodes on tape from when I was out and could not see it when it was on. This show only lasted a season, if less than that, but I thought the show was very amusing. It had its moments where there were side splitting humor, but it was never boring, in my view. The entire cast was a scream. Some of the episodes took a more serious tone, like Fabiana's eating disorder, but most of them were just good fun. There were plenty of sexual innuendos which, I thought, just added to the humor. But, unfortunately it was canceled. I think a lot of people missed out on a good series.
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Touched by Evil (1997 TV Movie)
I didn't think TV movies were this bad!
2 April 1999
Here comes Paula Abdul (who should stick to singing) in her movie debut. The whole movie is centered around her and her boyfriend. Were there any other characters in this cheesefest? I knew from the beginning who the rapist was. There wasn't any other people who it could be, unless you took someone who hadn't been introduced until the end. What a worthless movie. To sum it up, avoid at all costs. A real loser.
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If you've seen one Death Wish you have seen them all.
2 April 1999
Yet another nail in the coffin for Charles Bronson's great acting career. This movie is better than 2, 3, & 4, but that's not the point. After Death Wish 2 was made there seemed to be no way Bronson could escape this vigilante character. And now at 78 he has just made Family of Cops III. Can't he get away from guns? What happened to the Charles Bronson of years past, where he was a serious actor. If you've seen the other Death Wish's then don't waste your time, unless you are like me. I can't stand not seeing a sequel. If I see 1 & 2 & 3 I have to see 4, even if the first 3 were horrible. I don't understand either. To sum it up, this movie is definitely not as good as 1, but better than the next 3.
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The Worst of the Series.
2 April 1999
Charles Bronson once again (yawn) finds himself in a situation where he straps on the old vigilante outfit (yawn) and goes back out to dish out some justice. STOP!!! We are fine. You have made too many already. And when will women learn to stay away from this guy. Every woman he is with ends up dead. Bronson's acting is horrible in this film and it makes you wonder if he was ever a good actor. The answer is yes, but that has all gotten swept under the rug when he agreed to continue these Death Wish movies. The 1st was good, after that it became annoying. So to sum it up, don't waste your time. Check out Bronson's older stuff. Much better.
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Combat High (1986 TV Movie)
A funny film with plenty of laughs
2 April 1999
This 1986 made for TV movie never intended to be a classic, but there are plenty of funny bits. An all star cast (basically old TV show stars) support this film in which 2 misfits are sent off to military school after a prank pulled on city workers. There they are taught discipline and it is funny how these two try to defy authority with their old hi-jinks. Ladies, George Clooney gives a decent performance as an army major, in a subplot with his father. There are many laughs and there are some serious tones as well. Not for everyone, but a good film for a laugh. Underrated in my opinion.
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Death Wish 3 (1985)
I should dislike this movie, but... I don't
2 April 1999
The 3rd in the series finds Paul Kersey (Bronson) turning vigilante to get revenge on the thugs that murdered his old buddy. I don't know why this movie shoved me into it, but somehow it did. I found myself rooting for Bronson to wipe the floor with those punks. Every time he blew one of them away I felt good. This movie does not take itself seriously, but what if it did? There is a good build-up to the fireworks finale in which Bronson goes on a rampage. But as far as acting and plot go, it just doesn't measure up. If I lived in that neighborhood, I would get out as fast as I could, but it seems like the people are asking for trouble. I know there is that mentality that we need to save our streets, but there is a limit here folks. I had to give it a 4. Sure there are good "blow 'em away" scenes but that's about it. At that time, Bronson was 64. I'm sure if those thugs really wanted to they could have their way with Bronson. Bronson takes the place of a Schwarzanegger or Stallone in this movie. This movie gives you a sense of rejoice. The common man can save the neighborhood, save the day. To sum it up, this is far from being the original Death Wish, but it is rather good if you are just looking for an hour and a half of shoot 'em up.
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What's left of the Stooges? Not much
2 April 1999
I am a big Three Stooges fans, been watching them ever since I was a little kid, and I loved each and every short they did. This movie is a terrible adaptation of the Snow White stories and the Stooges don't help any. The final stooge Curly Joe DeRita does not have any chemistry with any of the stooges like Curly and Shemp did. This movie is a bomb and I mean a big bomb. Not one part of this movie is entertaining or funny. In fact it is kind of sad to see this once great comedy team confined to this foolishness of a film. To sum it up, don't waste your time with this film. Go back to the 17 minute shorts with Curly and Shemp and have a good laugh.
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Night Trap (1992 Video Game)
A breakthrough in video games
1 April 1999
This is the game that introduced the ratings system in video games as we know it today. The depiction of blood sucking vampires chasing girls in skimpy outfits, along with the concept of the game, makes this one of the greatest games of all time. It is a great game even though Sega CD was a bomb as a video game system. Night Trap is a live action video game in which you decide what the outcome of the game. If you are good enough, then you can save the girls, otherwise the girls are a feast for the vampires (called Oggers). Plato's performance is nothing to brag about, but the game is very exciting and fun. A true classic in video game technology that spawned other Sega CD games like Ground Zero Texas, Double Switch, and Mad Dog McCree just to name a few, that uses real actors in the game play.
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Psycho (1998)
Hitchcock would be proud if he could see this.
31 March 1999
Being a movie buff, I have watched both the original 1960 version with Anthony Perkins and Janet Leigh, and the 1998 remake with Vince Vaughn and Anne Heche. I am not sure why critics did not like this film. I thought the film was just as good as the original. However... I didn't seem to think Anne Heche fit the part. No one can convince me that Vince Vaughn is better at that role than Anthony Perkins. I believe he defined the "psycho" character. Vince did a good job portraying Norman none the less. The suspense was just as good. I believe people were suspecting something far superior to that of the original and that would be quite a task to say the least. The movie was a success in my view.
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Everyone Sings I Love You
31 March 1999
In my opinion there are two kinds of muscials; Good ones and bad ones. Grease was a good one. This is a bad one. I quit watching this movie with a good 15 minutes left to spare. I have enjoyed other Woody Allen movies like Mighty Aphrodite, but this is a real bomb, in my opinion. Do we really want to hear Woody Allen, Alan Alda, and Edward Norton sing? Dead people coming back as ghosts and singing! Oh please. There are some things like that that are entertaining. This movie just gets down right annoying and I wished it would end as quick as possible. It didn't. The only good thing I can say is that there were some finely acted scenes between Alan Alda, Goldie Hawn, and Woody Allen, but that's about it. I wish someone could tell me why this was such a good film. A waste of a good cast, but again this is only my opinion.
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