
3 Reviews
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22 April 2004
Having seen all the previous Tarantino movies, I of course was excited to see the Kill Bills. After watching Vol. 1 the first time, I was a little disappointed. (I have since watched it 2 more times and appreciate it it a lot more). Thats wasn't the case with Vol 2. It is fantastic from beginning to end. There are even a few surprises along the way and you get to see much more of Bill than in Vol. 1. He is no longer the mysterious man in the shadows, Tarantino really develops his character in part 2. Even non Tarantino fans should make an effort to see this movie. Although I don't think you would get the depth of the story from just watching Vol 2, you certainly could without be lost. It is almost a standalone movie. Another great film by a fantastic writer/director.
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Harlem Nights (1989)
I can't believe this movie is a 4.8!!
25 May 2000
Yeah, yeah this movie is full of profanity and I see other users saying that Eddie couldnt decide if it was a comedy, drama, etc. I personally thought the movie was hilarious and quite clever. I never really thought it was anything other than a comedy. Tell me how a movie this good gets a rating of 4.8, when an awful movie like The Thomas Crown Affair (the remake) gets a 7.0!!! Try this everyone, sit down, relax and don't try to "read" anything into this movie......just enjoy it...
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5 September 1999
Well, I really like Pierce Brosnan, but this movie was absolutely terrible! The opening heist and the closing heist are clever, but the rest of the movie has NO connection with the main plot. I was shocked to see that this movie had a 7.2 on IMDB. Its gets a 4.5 tops!!
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