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28 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I knew little about this film and saw it on the strength of its Oscar successes. How did they get it so wrong? I am not, nor have ever been in the Army, but the bizarre behavior of these soldiers appeared totally at variance with reality - particularly for a film which was supposedly portraying "real life". Thinking it was just me, I read some user reviews on this site. After reading 12 pages of reviews, I found only 2 positive reviews - how does a 7.9 rating stand up? I will leave the military inaccuracies to others more experienced to comment. I found the film pointless, lacking a coherent message and worst of all boring. The characters were completely unlikable and disengaging. The scenes were disconnected, lacked explanation or context, and left this viewer frustrated. I kept waiting for a plot or a even a point to emerge but was sadly disappointed. Most of the scenes annoyed me but two in particular grated. The first was when a superior officer (who he was and why he was there were not explained) addressed Sgt James after a mission. He praises James at length in a highly sarcastic fashion. I was waiting for James to be then either hit, arrested , abused, or something - but it was all left up in the air. The officer never appeared again - what was all that about? The second scene involved the Army doctor deciding to go out in the field to experience it for himself. Supposedly a US Army Colonel, he sounded a lot more like Peewee Herman. He then gets blown to bits - what a surprise. This is a cliché-ridden, swiss-cheese "plotted", highly irritating film that achieves precisely nothing on any level.
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Flood (2007)
5 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
On the face of it this film looked like it might be really good - it isn't.

The cast is pretty good, but most of them seemed embarrassed by the whole thing. The real disaster in this film is not the flood, but the script. It attempts to include every cliché in the book, all done incredibly poorly. The ending is very abrupt, but this is a blessing in disguise. Congragulations if you make it that far.

All three main male actors (Carlyle, Courtney and Suchet) would surely agree that this is the low point in their careers. I hope they got paid a lot of cash, because none of their reputations come out in tact.

The special effects are quite good, but the same thing was done to much better effect in The Day After Tomorrow.

In short, a pointless exercise. Don't waste your time.
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Pretty entertaining
18 April 2006
This movie was surprisingly good - plenty of laughs and it rocks along at a great pace. The cast are all pretty good and seem to be having a lot of fun with the material.

I am not too sure about the political messages thrown in along the way regarding the likes of Enron and George Bush - it seemed a bit incongruous in relation to the main action in the film. They should have either made political satire the main thrust, or left it out completely. The result is that the film is neither one thing nor the other.

Having said that, I still really enjoyed it as a fun movie where not too much thought is required.
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The Producers (2005)
Painful viewing
18 April 2006
This movie really annoyed me. The original was a pretty good movie, but why did Broderick and Lane have to so desperately and blatantly plagiarize the work of Wilder and Mostel. It was kind of pathetic. They would have been much better off bringing their own style and interpretation to their roles.

Apart from the consistently miserable over-acting, I found the songs to be the most lame, over-long and boring collection I have ever heard in a musical - without exception.

I am quite stunned to see the number of positive reviews on this site and the relatively high rating this film got. A lot of you must be very easy to please.

My advice - don't waste your money. Life is too short to put yourself through an ordeal like this.
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Maximum Risk (1996)
9 January 2001
This is not a good film.

I can usually sit through a Van Damme movie if I have to, as they are usually a bit of a laugh and don't require much thought. This one has no redeeming features.

It has a distinct lack of plot, humour, acting, direction etc etc. A real stinker on all levels.

I have never walked out of a cinema during a movie, although I came damme close here.

Avoid at all costs.
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Satan's Triangle (1975 TV Movie)
12 November 2000
I first saw this movie many years ago when I was about 12 and it scared me silly. I have seen it several times since and it never fails to give me the creeps.

It has a very sinister atmosphere throughout, which is extremely effective in building a very uneasy feeling in the viewer.

The first time you see this film, the ending will knock you out. I have never forgotten my initial reaction - and it still got me on subsequent viewings.

Well worth having a look at.
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They don't come much better
14 February 2000
Whenever I am asked what my favourite film of all time is, I invariably answer "Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid".

For me, it has everything - action, drama and humour in abundance. It is simply a supremely entertaining movie, which can be enjoyed by all ages.

Redford and Newman are in great form and Katherine Ross is perfect as the long-suffering girlfriend. There are also some memorable cameos from Strother Martin, Ted Cassidy and poor old George Furth as "Woodcock".

Highly recommended for anyone who enjoys good old-fashioned entertainment.
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The Castle (1997)
An absolute riot!
13 February 2000
I thought this film was very funny, very clever and very charming. However, I think it helps to have grown up in Australia to fully appreciate the humour. I can see many of the funniest jokes being totally lost on a non-Aussie audience.

I saw this film on an international flight. My wife said that I was the only one on the plane who was laughing. She said that I was laughing so loudly that she wanted to disown me. For those who get the joke, this movie is a classic. Others will either appreciate it as an enjoyable, low-budget comedy or be totally bewildered how anyone could find this funny.

I highly recommend this film to anyone who is a fan of "The Late Show" and "Frontline". I guarantee you will absolutely love this film.
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Wired (1989)
13 February 2000
"Wired" would have to rate as one of the ten worst films I have ever seen. The writing and direction show a stunning lack of imagination and I'm sure that most of the actors still cringe whenever anyone mentions this film.

It fails to work either as a tribute to Belushi's unique talent, or as an accurate account of his short life.

A pointless mess with no redeeming features.
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